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The vertebrate primary cilium is a sensory organelle   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The primary cilium is a generally non-motile cilium that occurs singly on most cells in the vertebrate body. The function of this organelle, which has been the subject of much speculation but little experimentation, has been unknown. Recent findings reveal that the primary cilium is an antenna displaying specific receptors and relaying signals from these receptors to the cell body. For example, kidney primary cilia display polycystin-2, which forms part of a Ca2+ channel that initiates a signal that controls cell differentiation and proliferation. Kidney primary cilia also are mechanosensors that, when bent, initiate a Ca2+ signal that spreads throughout the cell and to neighboring cells. Primary cilia on other cell types specifically display different receptors, including those for somatostatin and serotonin.  相似文献   

The photoreceptor connecting cilium bears a unique transmembrane assemblage which stably links cell surface glycoconjugates with the underlying axonemal cytoskeleton. Structural similarities between the photoreceptor connecting cilium and the transition zone of motile cilia suggests that this assemblage may also be present in motile cilia. Using a subcellular fraction enriched in detergent-extracted photoreceptor axonemes, three high molecular mass glycoconjugates (425, 600, and 700 kD) were previously identified as potential components of the assemblage. Through oligosaccharide characterization and binding of a specific monoclonal antibody, we have verified the localization of the 425 kD glycoconjugate to the transmembrane assemblage. Binding of the lectin peanut agglutinin (PNA) to the 425 kD glycoconjugate on nitrocellulose blots, and to isolated detergent-extracted axonemes, was assessed following treatment with the enzymes neuraminidase and O-glycanase. Changes in binding to the 425 kD glycoconjugate precisely paralleled changes in binding to intact axonemes, supporting the hypothesis that the 425 kD glycoconjugate is a component of the transmembrane assemblage. Furthermore, the results suggest that the 425 kD glycoconjugate contains sialated galactose-N-acetylgalactosamine oligosaccharides which are O-linked to the protein backbone. To directly assess the distribution of the 425 kD glycoconjugate, we produced a monoclonal antibody directed against this glycoconjugate. The antibody, K26, recognizes only the 425 kD on transblots of the axoneme fraction. K26 immunoreactivity of intact axonemes is identical to that seen by PNA staining. K26 staining of isolated photoreceptors and whole retina is uniquely localized to the region of the connecting cilium. Thus, in the photoreceptor, the 425 kD is not only a component of the transmembrane assemblage but is also completely restricted to the connecting cilium. Based on morphological similarities, the photoreceptor connecting cilium is thought to be homologous to the transition zone of the motile cilium. As such, we have stained oviduct epithelium with the K26 monoclonal antibody. Immunoreactivity is restricted to the region of the transition zone at the base of motile cilia.  相似文献   

The cordon-bleu (Cobl) gene is widely conserved in vertebrates, with developmentally regulated axial and epithelial expression in mouse and chick embryos. In vitro, Cobl can bind monomeric actin and nucleate formation of unbranched actin filaments, while in cultured cells it can modulate the actin cytoskeleton. However, an essential role for Cobl in vivo has yet to be determined. We have used zebrafish as a model to assess the requirements for Cobl in embryogenesis. We find that cobl shows enriched expression in ciliated epithelial tissues during zebrafish organogenesis. Cobl protein is enriched in the apical domain of ciliated cells, in close proximity to the apical actin cap. Reduction of Cobl by antisense morpholinos reveals an essential role in development of motile cilia in organs such as Kupffer's vesicle and the pronephros. In Kupffer's vesicle, the reduction in Cobl coincides with a reduction in the amount of apical F-actin. Thus, Cobl represents a molecular activity that couples developmental patterning signals with local intracellular cytoskeletal dynamics to support morphogenesis of motile cilia.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism thought to be required for the assembly and maintenance of all eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Although IFT proteins are present in cells with sensory cilia, the organization of IFT protein complexes in those cells has not been analyzed. To determine whether the IFT complex is conserved in the sensory cilia of photo-receptors, we investigated protein interactions among four mammalian IFT proteins: IFT88/Polaris, IFT57/Hippi, IFT52/NGD5, and IFT20. We demonstrate that IFT proteins extracted from bovine photoreceptor outer segments, a modified sensory cilium, co-fractionate at approximately 17 S, similar to IFT proteins extracted from mouse testis. Using antibodies to IFT88 and IFT57, we demonstrate that all four IFT proteins co-immunoprecipitate from lysates of mouse testis, kidney, and retina. We also extended our analysis to interactions outside of the IFT complex and demonstrate an ATP-regulated co-immunoprecipitation of heterotrimeric kinesin II with the IFT complex. The internal architecture of the IFT complex was investigated using the yeast two-hybrid system. IFT20 exhibited a strong interaction with IFT57/Hippi and the kinesin II subunit, KIF3B. Our data indicate that all four mammalian IFT proteins are part of a highly conserved complex in multiple ciliated cell types. Furthermore, IFT20 appears to bridge kinesin II with the IFT complex.  相似文献   

The proteome of the mouse photoreceptor sensory cilium complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Primary cilia play critical roles in many aspects of biology. Specialized versions of primary cilia are involved in many aspects of sensation. The single photoreceptor sensory cilium (PSC) or outer segment elaborated by each rod and cone photoreceptor cell of the retina is a classic example. Mutations in genes that encode cilia components are common causes of disease, including retinal degenerations. The protein components of mammalian primary and sensory cilia have not been defined previously. Here we report a detailed proteomics analysis of the mouse PSC complex. The PSC complex comprises the outer segment and its cytoskeleton, including the axoneme, basal body, and ciliary rootlet, which extends into the inner segment of photoreceptor cells. The PSC complex proteome contains 1968 proteins represented by three or more unique peptides, including approximately 1500 proteins not detected in cilia from lower organisms. This includes 105 hypothetical proteins and 60 proteins encoded by genes that map within the critical intervals for 23 inherited cilia-related disorders, increasing their priority as candidate genes. The PSC complex proteome also contains many cilia proteins not identified previously in photoreceptors, including 13 proteins produced by genes that harbor mutations that cause cilia disease and seven intraflagellar transport proteins. Analyses of PSC complexes from rootletin knock-out mice, which lack ciliary rootlets, confirmed that 1185 of the identified PSC complex proteins are derived from the outer segment. The mass spectrometry data, benchmarked by 15 well characterized outer segment proteins, were used to quantify the copy number of each protein in a mouse rod outer segment. These results reveal mammalian cilia to be several times more complex than the cilia of unicellular organisms and open novel avenues for studies of how cilia are built and maintained and how these processes are disrupted in human disease.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensory neurons expose to the inhaled air chemosensory cilia which bind odorants and operate as transduction organelles. Odorant receptors in the ciliary membrane activate a transduction cascade which uses cAMP and Ca2+ for sensory signaling in the ciliary lumen. Although the canonical transduction pathway is well established, molecular components for more complex aspects of sensory transduction, like adaptation, regulation, and termination of the receptor response have not been systematically identified. Moreover, open questions in olfactory physiology include how the cilia exchange solutes with the surrounding mucus, assemble their highly polarized set of proteins, and cope with noxious substances in the ambient air. A specific ciliary proteome would promote research efforts in all of these fields. We have improved a method to detach cilia from rat olfactory sensory neurons and have isolated a preparation specifically enriched in ciliary membrane proteins. Using LC‐ESI‐MS/MS analysis, we identified 377 proteins which constitute the olfactory cilia proteome. These proteins represent a comprehensive data set for olfactory research since more than 80% can be attributed to the characteristic functions of olfactory sensory neurons and their cilia: signal processing, protein targeting, neurogenesis, solute transport, and cytoprotection. Organellar proteomics thus yielded decisive information about the diverse physiological functions of a sensory organelle.  相似文献   

Han YG  Kwok BH  Kernan MJ 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(19):1679-1686
BACKGROUND: Intraflagellar transport (IFT) uses kinesin II to carry a multiprotein particle to the tips of eukaryotic cilia and flagella and a nonaxonemal dynein to return it to the cell body. IFT particle proteins and motors are conserved in ciliated eukaryotes, and IFT-deficient mutants in algae, nematodes, and mammals fail to extend or maintain cilia and flagella, including sensory cilia. In Drosophila, the only ciliated cells are sensory neurons and sperm. no mechanoreceptor potential (nomp) mutations have been isolated that affect the differentiation and function of ciliated sense organs. The nompB gene is here shown to encode an IFT protein. Its mutant phenotypes reveal the consequences of an IFT defect in an insect. RESULTS: Mechanosensory and olfactory neurons in nompB mutants have missing or defective cilia. nompB encodes the Drosophila homolog of the IFT complex B protein IFT88/Polaris/OSM-5. nompB is expressed in the ciliated sensory neurons, and a functional, tagged NOMPB protein is located in sensory cilia and around basal bodies. Surprisingly, nompB mutant males produce normally elongated, motile sperm. Neuronally restricted expression and male germline mosaic experiments show that nompB-deficient sperm are fully functional in transfer, competition, and fertilization. CONCLUSIONS: NOMPB, the Drosophila homolog of IFT88, is required for the assembly of sensory cilia but not for the extension or function of the sperm flagellum. Assembly of this extremely long axoneme is therefore independent of IFT.  相似文献   

To study the effect of the intensity, duration, spectral composition, and diameter of the light spot on the amplitude and shape of the response of single rods of the frog retina, potentials were recorded intracellularly. The rods tested could be divided into two groups on the basis of their responses to light spots of different spectral composition: those with maxima of sensitivity at 507 ± 8 nm and 442 ± 8 nm. With an increase in the intensity of light the response amplitude rose gradually and the time for the response to rise to its maximum was shortened. A bright flash temporarily inhibited the sensitivity of the cell to subsequent test flashes. If light spots of larger diameter (1000–1500 µ) were presented a delayed depolarization wave, due to illumination of the distant surroundings of the receptor, was observed in the course of recovery of the photic response; this effect was maximal for stimulation with red light and it was evidently induced by horizontal cell activity. The possible functional role of the depolarizing effect of illumination of the distant surroundings of the receptor is discussed.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 84–92, January–February, 1975.  相似文献   

The ciliary rootlet maintains long-term stability of sensory cilia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The striated ciliary rootlet is a prominent cytoskeleton originating from basal bodies of ciliated cells. Although a familiar structure in cell biology, its function has remained unresolved. In this study, we carried out targeted disruption in mice of the gene for rootletin, a component of the rootlet. In the mutant, ciliated cells are devoid of rootlets. Phototransduction and ciliary beating in sensory and motile cilia initially exhibit no apparent functional deficits. However, photoreceptors degenerate over time, and mutant lungs appear prone to pathological changes consistent with insufficient mucociliary clearance. Further analyses revealed a striking fragility at the ciliary base in photoreceptors lacking rootlets. In vitro assays suggest that the rootlet is among the least dynamic of all cytoskeletons and interacts with actin filaments. Thus, a primary function of the rootlet is to provide structural support for the cilium. Inasmuch as photoreceptors elaborate an exceptionally enlarged sensory cilium, they are especially dependent on the rootlet for structural integrity and long-term survival.  相似文献   

Olfactory masking has been used to erase the unpleasant sensation in human cultures for a long period of history. Here, we show a positive correlation between the human masking and the odorant suppression of the transduction current through the cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNG) and Ca2+-activated Cl (Cl(Ca)) channels. Channels in the olfactory cilia were activated with the cytoplasmic photolysis of caged compounds, and their sensitiveness to odorant suppression was measured with the whole cell patch clamp. When 16 different types of chemicals were applied to cells, cyclic AMP (cAMP)-induced responses (a mixture of CNG and Cl(Ca) currents) were suppressed widely with these substances, but with different sensitivities. Using the same chemicals, in parallel, we measured human olfactory masking with 6-rate scoring tests and saw a correlation coefficient of 0.81 with the channel block. Ringer''s solution that was just preexposed to the odorant-containing air affected the cAMP-induced current of the single cell, suggesting that odorant suppression occurs after the evaporation and air/water partition of the odorant chemicals at the olfactory mucus. To investigate the contribution of Cl(Ca), the current was exclusively activated by using the ultraviolet photolysis of caged Ca, DM-nitrophen. With chemical stimuli, it was confirmed that Cl(Ca) channels were less sensitive to the odorant suppression. It is interpreted, however, that in the natural odorant response the Cl(Ca) is affected by the reduction of Ca2+ influx through the CNG channels as a secondary effect. Because the signal transmission between CNG and Cl(Ca) channels includes nonlinear signal-boosting process, CNG channel blockage leads to an amplified reduction in the net current. In addition, we mapped the distribution of the Cl(Ca) channel in living olfactory single cilium using a submicron local [Ca2+]i elevation with the laser photolysis. Cl(Ca) channels are expressed broadly along the cilia. We conclude that odorants regulate CNG level to express masking, and Cl(Ca) in the cilia carries out the signal amplification and reduction evenly spanning the entire cilia. The present findings may serve possible molecular architectures to design effective masking agents, targeting olfactory manipulation at the nano-scale ciliary membrane.  相似文献   

We have used the truncated outer segment preparation to measure rod cGMP-phosphodiesterase activity, as well as its modulation by Ca2+, in darkness and in light. The basal enzyme activity in darkness was approximately 0-3 s-1, and was largely independent of Ca2+ concentration from 10 nM to 10 microM. The steady state activity elicited by a step of light (lambda = 520 nm) was strongly enhanced by Ca2+, increasing from approximately 0.005 s-1/(h nu micron-2 s-1) at 10 nM Ca2+ to approximately 0.16 s-1/h nu micron-2 s-1) at 10 microM Ca2+. Based on these measurements, as well as previous measurements on the effects of Ca2+ on rod guanylate cyclase and the cGMP-gated channel, we have calculated the step response-intensity relation for the rod cell in steady state. This relation agrees reasonably well with the relation directly measured from intact rods. We have also evaluated the relative contributions from the three Ca2+ effects to rod sensitivity. At low background light intensities, the Ca2+ modulation of the guanylate cyclase appears to be the most important for sensitivity regulation. At higher light intensities, especially above half-saturation of the response, the Ca2+ modulation of the light-stimulated phosphodiesterase shows a progressively important influence on the light response; it also extends the Weber-Fechner behavior of the cell to higher intensities. The contribution of the Ca2+ modulation of the cGMP-gated channel is slight throughout.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the cilium was examined by freeze-fracture-etch studies. In the interior of the transitional region, three types of plate structures were clearly observed. While the terminal plate contained fine fibrillar linkers suspending the central core plates from its peripheral doublet microtubules, two other types of plates had no suspending linkers. At the upper level of transitional region, one of the central microtubules elongated deeper than the other in the space surrounded by ring structure. Axosome-like structure was not observed in our replicas. Central vesicle of the basal body was also suspended by fine fibrillar linkers from peripheral triplets. Though membrane particles of ciliary necklace were recognized on protoplasmic and external fracture faces, and the external surface, particle arrays were not observed on protoplasmic surface. Instead, Y-shaped, cross bridges, one end of which attached to the doublet microtubules, merged in the circular ridge structure at opposite ends. This circular ridge structure at the necklace region may play a role as an anchoring site of both membrane particles of the necklace and cross bridges from peripheral doublet microtubules.  相似文献   

The renewal of protein in retinal rods and cones   总被引:8,自引:24,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The renewal of protein in retinal rods and cones has been analyzed by quantitative electron microscope radioautography in adult frogs injected with a mixture of radioactive amino acids. Protein synthesis occurs predominantly in the ergastoplasm, localized in the myoid region of the photoreceptor cells. Much of the newly formed protein next flows through the Golgi complex. In rods, a large proportion of the protein then moves past the mitochondria of the ellipsoid segment, passes through the connecting cilium into the outer segment, and is there assembled into membranous discs at the base of that structure. Discs are formed at the rate of 36 per day in red rods and 25 per day in green rods at 22.5° C ambient temperature. In cones, a small proportion of the protein is similarly displaced to the outer segment. However, no new discs are formed. Instead, the protein becomes diffusely distributed throughout the cone outer segment. Low levels of radioactivity have been detected, shortly after injection, in the mitochondria, nucleus, and synaptic bodies of rods and cones. Nevertheless, in these organelles, the renewal process also appears to involve the utilization of protein formed in the ergastoplasm of the myoid.  相似文献   

Mutations in RPGRIP1L result in severe human diseases called ciliopathies. To unravel the molecular function of RPGRIP1L, we analyzed Rpgrip1l−/− mouse embryos, which display a ciliopathy phenotype and die, at the latest, around birth. In these embryos, cilia-mediated signaling was severely disturbed. Defects in Shh signaling suggested that the Rpgrip1l deficiency causes an impairment of protein degradation and protein processing. Indeed, we detected a cilia-dependent decreased proteasomal activity in the absence of Rpgrip1l. We found different proteasomal components localized to cilia and identified Psmd2, a component of the regulatory proteasomal 19S subunit, as an interaction partner for Rpgrip1l. Quantifications of proteasomal substrates demonstrated that Rpgrip1l regulates proteasomal activity specifically at the basal body. Our study suggests that Rpgrip1l controls ciliary signaling by regulating the activity of the ciliary proteasome via Psmd2.  相似文献   

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