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Specificity of avian leukosis virus-induced hyperlipidemia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Rous-associated virus 7 (RAV-7) is a subgroup C avian leukosis virus which does not transform cells in vitro or carry an oncogene. When injected into 1-day-old hatched chicks, RAV-7 causes a low incidence of lymphoid leukosis after a latent period of several months. In contrast, infection of 10-day-old chicken embryos with RAV-7 leads to a disease syndrome characterized by stunting, obesity, atrophy of the bursa and the thymus, high triglyceride and cholesterol levels, reduced thyroxine levels, and increased insulin levels (Carter et al., Infect. Immun. 39:410-422, 1983; J.K. Carter and R.E. Smith, Infect. Immun. 40:795-805, 1983). Histopathological examination of tissues from affected chicks revealed an accumulation of lipid in the liver and an extensive infiltration of the thyroid and pancreas by lymphoblastoid cells. In the present investigation, the subgroup specificity of this syndrome was investigated. Other subgroup C avian leukosis viruses (transformation-defective B77, transformation-defective Prague C strain of Rous sarcoma virus, and RAV-49) caused stunting, infiltration of the thyroid and pancreas, increased liver weights, decreased thyroxine levels, and increased insulin levels, but they did not cause a uniform, profound increase in triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Avian leukosis viruses of subgroup A [myeloblastosis-associated virus 1 causing osteopetrosis [MAV-1(O)] and RAV-1], subgroup B [MAV-2(O), MAV-2 causing nephroblastoma [MAV-2(N)], and RAV-2], subgroup D (RAV-50), and subgroup F (ring-necked pheasant virus and RAV-61) did not cause a syndrome identical to that induced by RAV-7. All of the viruses examined induced some stunting and a reduction in thyroxine levels which correlated with the stunting. The two subgroup F viruses caused an infiltration of the thyroid which may have been secondary to severe lung involvement. We conclude that the RAV-7 syndrome is unique, particularly in the induction of a hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequences of two independent DNA clones which contained the activated c-myc genes from avian leukosis virus-induced B-cell lymphomas. Neither of these c-myc genes contained missense mutations. This strongly supports the notion that the c-myc proto-oncogene in avian leukosis virus-induced B-cell lymphomas can be oncogenically activated by altered expression of the gene without a change in the primary structure of the gene product.  相似文献   

We have examined avian leukosis virus-induced B-cell lymphomas for multiple, stage-specific oncogene activations. Three targets for viral integration were identified: c-myb, c-myc, and a newly identified locus termed c-bic. The c-myb and c-myc genes were associated with different lymphoma phenotypes. The c-bic locus was a target for integration in one class of lymphomas, usually in conjunction with c-myc activation. The data indicate that c-myc and c-bic may act synergistically during lymphomagenesis and that c-bic is involved in late stages of tumor progression.  相似文献   

Chicken erythroblastosis caused by avian leukosis virus (ALV) is thought to be mediated by activation of the c-erbB/EGF receptor oncogene by a promoter-insertion mechanism. Here we study the proteins expressed by two ALV-induced leukemias and compare them with the avian EGF receptor and with the oncogene product of avian erythroblastosis virus (v-erbB) which was shown to be a truncated EGF receptor. It appears that the two leukemias express truncated EGF receptors of slightly different sizes with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. Hence, acute and chronic retroviruses utilize a common pathway for transformation. Moreover, the proteins expressed in the leukemias are similar to the avian EGF receptor with respect to their phosphopeptide maps, suggesting that they do not carry the C-terminal deletion characteristic of v-erbB.  相似文献   

Cell killing by avian leukosis viruses.   总被引:16,自引:13,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Infection of chicken cells with a cytopathic avian leukosis virus resulted in the detachment of killed cells from the culture dish. The detached, dead cells contained more unintegrated viral DNA than the attached cells. These results confirm the hypothesis that cell killing after infection with a cytopathic avian leukosis virus is associated with accumulation of large amounts of unintegrated viral DNA. No accumulation of large amounts of integrated viral DNA was found in cells infected with cytopathic avian leukosis viruses.  相似文献   

We inoculated susceptible chicken embryos with the endogenous avian leukosis virus Rous-associated virus-0 (RAV-0) on day 6 of incubation. At 1 week after hatching, RAV-0-infected and control chickens were inoculated with either RAV-1 or RAV-2, exogenous viruses belonging to subgroups A and B, respectively. The chickens injected with RAV-0 as embryos remained viremic with exogenous virus longer and either failed to develop type-specific humoral immunity to exogenous virus or developed it later than the control chickens not inoculated with RAV-0. The RAV-0-injected chickens also developed neoplasms at a much higher frequency than did the control chickens. We suggest that the lower immune responses of the RAV-0-injected chickens were due to an immunological tolerance to envelope group-specific glycoproteins shared among endogenous and exogenous viruses.  相似文献   

The production of immunoglobulin by six cell lines derived from bursal tumors induced by avian leukosis virus follows two general patterns: (i) three cell lines that have been extensively passaged in culture synthesize and secrete light chains only; (ii) three cell lines that are recently isolated produce and secrete monomeric immunoglobulin M in addition to free light chains. All six cell lines synthesize and secrete both glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of light chain. We conclude that the cell lines established from lymphomas induced by avian leukosis virus represent relatively mature, but possibly abnormal, stages in the development of chicken B-lymphocytes. The immunoglobulin M produced by the cell lines failed to form detectable immune complexes with avian leukosis virus. It therefore appears that the immunoglobulin M is not directed against viral antigens and that autogenous antigenic stimulus cannot account for the sustained growth of the neoplastic B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Viral DNA in bursal lymphomas induced by avian leukosis viruses.   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Avian leukosis viruses (ALV) induce malignant lymphoma of the bursa of Fabricius. Viral DNA in tumors and normal tissues from infected birds were analyzed by using restriction endonucleases. Viral DNA fragments diagnostic of the exogenous ALV were easily detected in tumors, uninvolved bursal tissue, kidney, and erythrocyte nuclei. Exogenous viral DNA was more difficult to detect in liver. Using a restriction endonuclease (SacI) which cleaves linear unintegrated ALV DNA in a single site to define integration sites in DNA from the various tissues, we were able to detect ALV DNA only in tumor tissue. We concluded that the proviral DNA detected in the various nontumor tissue must be integrated in multiple sites. The appearance of ALV integration sites uniquely in tumors suggests that they are clonal growths. Furthermore, the data suggested the presence of a single exogenous integration site for the ALV provirus in each of six early neoplastic bursal nodules. This provirus appeared to retain the organization of EcoRI and BamHI recognition sequences present in the genome of virus used to infect the birds. The ALV integration site appeared different in each of the tumors studied. In a widespread metastatic lymphoma, multiple ALV integration sites were found as well as structural alterations in at least some copies of the ALV provirus.  相似文献   

Significantly elevated (2- to 5-fold higher than controls) serum levels of IgG were found in chickens congenitally infected with F42 strain of avian leukosis (ALV-F42) a subgroup A avian leukosis virus (ALV). A further increase in IgG levels in congenitally infected birds was found to be induced by injection of influenza virus in complete Freund's adjuvant(CFA). Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM) levels were not significantly elevated in ALV congenitally infected chickens except in those animals that had been injected with influenza virus in CFA. Hypergammaglobulinemia in ALV infected birds resulted only after congenital infection and not after infection of immunologically competent birds. Therefore this phenomenon appeared to have striking parallels with other persistent or chronic viral infections that have been previously described in mammals.  相似文献   

We have constructed an avian leukosis virus derivative with a 5' deletion extending from within the tRNA primer binding site to a SacI site in the leader region. Our aim was to remove cis-acting replicative and/or encapsidation sequences and to use this derivative, RAV-1 psi-, to develop vector-packaging cell lines. We show that RAV-1 psi- can be stably expressed in the quail cell line QT6 and chicken embryo fibroblasts and that it is completely replication deficient in both cell types. Moreover, we have demonstrated that QT6-derived lines expressing RAV-1 psi- can efficiently package four structurally different replication-defective v-src expression vectors into infectious virus, with very low or undetectable helper virus release. These RAV-1 psi--expressing cell lines comprise the first prototype avian sarcoma and leukosis virus-based vector-packaging system. The construction of our vectors has also shown us that a sequence present within gag, thought to facilitate virus packaging, is not necessary for efficient vector expression and high virus production. We show that quantitation and characterization of replication-defective viruses can be achieved with a sensitive immunocytochemical procedure, presenting an alternative to internal selectable vector markers.  相似文献   

Infection of 10 day-old chicken embryos with the recombinant avian leukosis virus (ALV) EU-8 induces a high incidence of rapid-onset B-cell lymphoma by insertional activation of the c-myb gene. LR-9, a related ALV with differences from EU-8 in the gag and pol genes, induces rapid-onset lymphoma at only a low incidence. To localize the viral determinant(s) responsible for this biologic difference, we constructed and tested a series of reciprocal chimeras between EU-8 and LR-9 ALVs. The ability to induce rapid-onset lymphoma efficiently was localized to a 925-nucleotide (nt) region of the EU-8 gag gene. Sequence analysis of the region revealed a 42-nt deletion in EU-8 relative to LR-9, as well as some single-nucleotide changes. A mutant virus, delta LR-9, constructed by deleting these 42 nt from LR-9, also induced rapid-onset lymphoma at a high frequency, confirming the biologic significance of this deletion. This deletion removed nt 735 to 776, which lies within a cis-acting RNA element that negatively regulates splicing (NRS). The deletion was shown to cause an increase in splicing efficiency, which may lead to increased production of a truncated myb gene product from an ALV-myb readthrough RNA.  相似文献   

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