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The simian virus 40 agnoprotein is a 61-amino-acid, highly basic polypeptide that is coded within the 5' leader of late 16S mRNAs. To better understand agnoprotein function and to more effectively differentiate cis-from trans-acting effects of an agnogene mutation, we constructed a mutant virus that carries a single-base-pair substitution and fails to produce agnoprotein. pm 1493 contains a T/A to A/T transversion at sequence position 335. This mutation converts the agnoprotein initiation codon from ATG to TTG, preventing synthesis of the protein. The mutant displays only a modest growth defect in CV-1P and AGMK cells and no defect in BSC-1 cells. Early-gene expression, DNA replication, synthesis of late viral products, and the kinetics of virion assembly all appear normal in pm 1493-infected CV-1P cells. Immunofluorescent studies, however, indicate that localization of the major capsid polypeptide VP1 is different in mutant- than wild-type virus-infected cells. Furthermore, the lack of agnoprotein led to inefficient release of mature virus from the infected cell. Agnogene mutants could be severely compromised in their ability to propagate in monkeys given their reduced capacity for cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   

SV40 is a small, non enveloped DNA virus with an icosahedral capsid of 45 nm. The outer shell is composed of pentamers of the major capsid protein, VP1, linked via their flexible carboxy-terminal arms. Its morphogenesis occurs by assembly of capsomers around the viral minichromosome. However the steps leading to the formation of mature virus are poorly understood. Intermediates of the assembly reaction could not be isolated from cells infected with wt SV40. Here we have used recombinant VP1 produced in insect cells for in vitro assembly studies around supercoiled heterologous plasmid DNA carrying a reporter gene. This strategy yields infective nanoparticles, affording a simple quantitative transduction assay. We show that VP1 assembles under physiological conditions into uniform nanoparticles of the same shape, size and CsCl density as the wild type virus. The stoichiometry is one DNA molecule per capsid. VP1 deleted in the C-arm, which is unable to assemble but can bind DNA, was inactive indicating genuine assembly rather than non-specific DNA-binding. The reaction requires host enzymatic activities, consistent with the participation of chaperones, as recently shown. Our results demonstrate dramatic cooperativity of VP1, with a Hill coefficient of approximately 6. These findings suggest that assembly may be a concerted reaction. We propose that concerted assembly is facilitated by simultaneous binding of multiple capsomers to a single DNA molecule, as we have recently reported, thus increasing their local concentration. Emerging principles of SV40 assembly may help understanding assembly of other complex systems. In addition, the SV40-based nanoparticles described here are potential gene therapy vectors that combine efficient gene delivery with safety and flexibility.  相似文献   

The SV40 capsid is composed primarily of 72 pentamers of the VP1 major capsid protein. Although the capsid also contains the minor capsid protein VP2 and its amino-terminally truncated form VP3, their roles in capsid assembly remain unknown. An in vitro assembly system was used to investigate the role of VP2 in the assembly of recombinant VP1 pentamers. Under physiological salt and pH conditions, VP1 alone remained dissociated, and at pH 5.0, it assembled into tubular structures. A stoichiometric amount of VP2 allowed the assembly of VP1 pentamers into spherical particles in a pH range of 7.0 to 4.0. Electron microscopy observation, sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis, and antibody accessibility tests showed that VP2 is incorporated into VP1 particles. The functional domains of VP2 important for VP1 binding and for enhancing VP1 assembly were further explored with a series of VP2 deletion mutants. VP3 also enhanced VP1 assembly, and a region common to VP2 and VP3 (amino acids 119-272) was required to promote VP1 pentamer assembly. These results are relevant for controlling recombinant capsid formation in vitro, which is potentially useful for the in vitro development of SV40 virus vectors.  相似文献   

The structural proteins of the budgerigar fledgling disease virus, the first known nonmammalian polyomavirus, were analyzed by isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The major capsid protein VP1 was found to be composed of at least five distinct species having isoelectric points ranging from pH 6.45 to 5.85. By analogy with the murine polyomavirus, these species apparently result from different modifications of an initial translation product. Primary chicken embryo cells were infected in the presence of 32Pi to determine whether the virus structural proteins were modified by phosphorylation. SDS-PAGE of the purified virus structural proteins demonstrated that VP1 (along with both minor capsid proteins) was phosphorylated. Two-dimensional analysis of the radiolabeled virus showed phosphorylation of only the two most acidic isoelectric species of VP1, indicating that this posttranslational modification contributes to VP1 species heterogeneity. Phosphoamino acid analysis of 32P-labeled VP1 revealed that phosphoserine is the only phosphoamino acid present in the VP1 protein.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of the simian virus 40 agnoprotein   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4  
The intracellular distribution of the simian virus 40 agnoprotein in infected cells was determined by indirect immunofluorescence and biochemical fractionation followed by indirect immunoprecipitation. The specific antibodies used in these studies were directed against either purified agnoprotein or a synthetic oligopeptide homologous to the N-terminus of the processed protein. Both procedures showed predominant localization of the agnoprotein to the cytosol and to the perinuclear region in association with the outer nuclear membrane. A minor but detectable fraction of the protein was also found in the nucleus. The definition of its subcellular distribution, as well as its high lability in vivo and affinity for nucleic acid, provide a basis for speculation on the function of this gene product.  相似文献   

The nuclear localization signal of the major structural protein, Vp1, of simian virus 40 was further defined by mutagenesis. The targeting activity was examined in cells microinjected with SV-Vp1 variant viral DNAs bearing either an initiation codon mutation of the agnoprotein or mutations in the Vp1 coding sequence or microinjected with pSG5-Vp1 and pSG5-Vp1 mutant DNAs in which Vp1 or mutant Vp1 is expressed from simian virus 40 early promoter. The Vp1 nuclear localization signal functioned autonomously without agno-protein once the Vp1 protein was synthesized in the cytoplasm. The targeting activity was localized to the amino-terminal 19 residues. While replacement of cysteine 10 with glycine, alanine, or serine did not affect the activity, replacement of arginine 6 with glycine caused the cytoplasmic phenotype. When multiple mutations were introduced among residue 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, or 19, the targeting activity was found to reside in two clusters of basic residues, a cluster of lysine 5, arginine 6, and lysine 7 and a cluster of lysine 16, lysine 17, and lysine 19. The clusters are independently important for nuclear localization activity.  相似文献   

Hydroxyproline in the major capsid protein VP1 of polyomavirus.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Amino acid analysis of [3H]proline-labeled polyomavirus major capsid protein VP1 by two-dimensional paper chromatography of the acid-hydrolyzed protein revealed the presence of 3H-labeled hydroxyproline. Addition of the proline analog L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid to infected mouse kidney cell cultures prevented or greatly reduced hydroxylation of proline in VP1. Immunofluorescence analysis performed on infected cells over a time course of analog addition revealed that virus proteins were synthesized but that transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus was impeded. A reduction in the assembly of progeny virions demonstrated by CsCl gradient purification of virus from [35S]methionine-labeled infected cell cultures was found to correlate with the time of analog addition. These results suggest that incorporation of this proline analog into VP1, accompanied by reduction of the hydroxyproline content of the protein, influences the amount of virus progeny produced by affecting transport of VP1 to the cell nucleus for assembly into virus particles.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles (VLPs), a promising next-generation drug delivery vehicle, can be formed in vitro using a recombinant viral capsid protein VP1 from SV40. Seventy-two VP1 pentamers interconnect to form the T = 7d lattice of SV40 capsids, through three types of C-terminal interactions, alpha-alpha'-alpha', beta-beta' and gamma-gamma. These appear to require VP1 conformational switch, which involve in particular the region from amino acids 301-312 (herein Region I). Here we show that progressive deletions from the C-terminus of VP1, up to 34 amino acids, cause size and shape variations in the resulting VLPs, including tubular formation, whereas deletions beyond 34 amino acids simply blocked VP1 self-assembly. Mutants carrying in Region I point mutations predicted to disrupt alpha-alpha'-alpha'-type and/or beta-beta'-type interactions formed small VLPs resembling T = 1 symmetry. Chimeric VP1, in which Region I of SV40 VP1 was substituted with the homologous region from VP1 of other polyomaviruses, assembled only into small VLPs. Together, our results show the importance of the integrity of VP1 C-terminal region and the specific amino acid sequences within Region I in the assembly of normal VLPs. By understanding how to alter VLP sizes and shapes contributes to the development of drug delivery systems using VLPs.  相似文献   

We have expression-cloned in Escherichia coli the major polyoma virus capsid protein, VP1. Under the inducible control of the hybrid tac promoter, VP1 constituted between 2 and 3% of the total host cell protein. The expressed VP1 was purified to near homogeneity with initial yields to 10%. Optimal expression was temperature-dependent, and significant intracellular degradation could be demonstrated. The final product was obtained as one predominant isoelectric focusing species, without the pattern of post-translational modification seen in virus-infected eukaryotic cells. The purified VP1 from E. coli will be useful as a substrate for the purification of VP1 modification enzymes and in the study of inter-VP1 oligomerization.  相似文献   

Epitopes on the major capsid protein of simian virus 40   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen monoclonal antibodies which react with the major capsid protein (VP1) of simian virus 40 (SV40) have been isolated. Of these, five neutralized viral infectivity when added in sufficient concentration. Seven of the antibodies reacted with denatured VP1 and also recognized fragments generated by protease or cyanogen bromide cleavage. The region of VP1 recognized by all seven antibodies was mapped within a nine-amino-acid segment located in the carboxyl portion of the protein (from amino acid positions 312 to 321). This region is likely to protrude from the surface of the protein as judged by high hydrophilicity and low hydropathy predicted from the amino acid sequence and lack of secondary structure by contrast with the rest of the protein for which predominantly beta-sheet structure is predicted. Competition between these antibodies and synthetic peptides for binding to virus particles confirmed that the continuous epitope is contained within the nine-amino-acid sequence. Competition between the different monoclonal antibodies suggested that the continuous epitope was also part of more complex discontinuous epitopes recognized by some of the other antibodies. These results support a model in which a segment of the carboxyl-terminal portion of VP1 protrudes from the surface of the virus to form an antigenic structure.  相似文献   

Full-length VP22 is necessary for efficient spread of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) from cell to cell during the course of productive infection. VP22 is a virion phosphoprotein, and its nuclear localization initiates between 5 and 7 h postinfection (hpi) during the course of synchronized infection. The goal of this study was to determine which features of HSV-1 infection function to regulate the translocation of VP22 into the nucleus. We report the following. (i) HSV-1(F)-induced microtubule rearrangement occurred in infected Vero cells by 13 hpi and was characterized by the loss of obvious microtubule organizing centers (MtOCs). Reformed MtOCs were detected at 25 hpi. (ii) VP22 was observed in the cytoplasm of cells prior to microtubule rearrangement and localized in the nucleus following the process. (iii) Stabilization of microtubules by the addition of taxol increased the accumulation of VP22 in the cytoplasm either during infection or in cells expressing VP22 in the absence of other viral proteins. (iv) While VP22 localized to the nuclei of cells treated with the microtubule depolymerizing agent nocodazole, either taxol or nocodazole treatment prevented optimal HSV-1(F) replication in Vero cells. (v) VP22 migration to the nucleus occurred in the presence of phosphonoacetic acid, indicating that viral DNA and true late protein synthesis were not required for its translocation. Based on these results, we conclude that (iv) microtubule reorganization during HSV-1 infection facilitates the nuclear localization of VP22.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the genome RNA encoding capsid protein VP1 (918 nucleotides) of 18 enterovirus 70 (EV70) isolates collected from various parts of the world in 1971 to 1981 were determined, and nucleotide substitutions among them were studied. The genetic distances between isolates were calculated by the pairwise comparison of nucleotide difference. Regression analysis of the genetic distances against time of isolation of the strains showed that the synonymous substitution rate was very high at 21.53 x 10(-3) substitution per nucleotide per year, while the nonsynonymous rate was extremely low at 0.32 x 10(-3) substitution per nucleotide per year. The rate estimated by the average value of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions (W.-H. Li, C.-C. Wu, and C.-C. Luo, Mol. Biol. Evol. 2:150-174, 1985) was 5.00 x 10(-3) substitution per nucleotide per year. Taking the average value of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions as genetic distances between isolates, the phylogenetic tree was inferred by the unweighted pairwise grouping method of arithmetic average and by the neighbor-joining method. The tree indicated that the virus had evolved from one focal place, and the time of emergence was estimated to be August 1967 +/- 15 months, 2 years before first recognition of the pandemic of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. By superimposing every nucleotide substitution on the branches of the phylogenetic tree, we analyzed nucleotide substitution patterns of EV70 genome RNA. In synonymous substitutions, the proportion of transitions, i.e., C<==>U and G<==>A, was found to be extremely frequent in comparison with that reported on other viruses or pseudogenes. In addition, parallel substitutions (independent substitutions at the same nucleotide position on different branches, i.e., different isolates, of the tree) were frequently found in both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions. These frequent parallel substitutions and the low nonsynonymous substitution rate despite the very high synonymous substitution rate described above imply a strong restriction on nonsynonymous substitution sites of VP1, probably due to the requirement for maintaining the rigid icosahedral conformation of the virus.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 chromatin interaction with the capsid proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has been established that both in virions and in infected cells, the cellular core histones fold the SV40 DNA into nucleosomes to form the SV40 chromosome or chromatin. We and others have begun to examine how the capsid proteins assemble the SV40 chromatin into virions and to investigate whether these proteins interact with the encapsidated chromatin. To follow the pathway of virus assembly, we have analyzed the nucleoproteins which accumulate in cells infected with the SV40 mutants temperature-sensitive in assembly: tsC, tsBC, and tsB. (The temperature-sensitivity of these mutants result from alterations in the amino acid sequence of the major capsid protein VP1). We have found that mutants belonging to the same class accumulate similar types of nucleoproteins at the nonpermissive temperature (40 degrees C) and thus, share characteristics in common. For example, the tsC mutants accumulate only the 75 S chromatin. Both tsBC and tsB mutants produce in addition to chromatin, nucleoprotein complexes which sediment broadly from 100-160 S and contain all the three capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3. These nucleoproteins can be distinguished morphologically, however. Under the electron microscope, the tsBC 100-160 S nucleoproteins appear as chromatin to which a small cluster of the capsid proteins is attached; the tsB nucleoproteins appear as partially assembled virions. In addition, we find that the 220 S virions are assembled in cells coinfected with tsB and tsC mutants at 40 degrees C, in agreement with genetic analysis. Our observations favor the hypothesis that the VP1 protein contains three discrete domains. We speculate that each domain may play a specific function in SV40 assembly. To gain more insight into VP1-VP1 interactions, we have examined the nucleoproteins which result from treatment of the mature wild-type virions with increasing concentrations of the reducing agent DTT. In the presence of as low a concentration of DTT as 0.1 mM, the virion shell can be penetrated by micrococcal nuclease, which then cleaves the viral DNA. This result indicates that some of the disulfide bonds bridging the VP1 proteins are on the virion surface.  相似文献   

Treatment of purified polyoma virions with 6 M guanidine-hydrochloride and 0.01 M beta-mercaptoethanol resulted in the immediate loss of both hemagglutinating and plaque-forming ability. Gel filtration through Sepharose CL-6B beads allowed separation of the dimer, VP1, VP2, VP3, and histone proteins VP4-7 in highly purified form. Renaturation of the purified VP1 protein resulted in the formation of subunits that were morphologically, biophysically, and immunologically similar to native virion capsomeres.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus was propagated in primary mouse kidney cell monolayers and 35S-sulfate labeled by maintaining the infected cells in serum-free Eagle medium supplemented with 35S-labeled sodium sulfate. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of CsCI gradient-purified 35S-sulfate-labeled virions followed by fluorography indicated that the polyomavirus-coded major capsid protein VP1 incorporated this radiolabel. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography revealed 35S-sulfate incorporation into only two of the six VP1 isoelectric species (E and F). Amino acid analysis of 35S-sulfate labeled VP1 by enzymatic hydrolysis followed by two-dimensional thin-layer electrophoresis revealed the presence of 35S-sulfate-labeled tyrosine-O-sulfate.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 mutant with transposed T-antigen and VP1 genes   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Polyomavirus major capsid protein VP1 synthesis was studied in infected primary baby mouse kidney cells. A standard curve of VP1 protein was used to quantitate VP1 in the cytoplasm and nucleus of infected cells during the time course of infection. Polyomavirus VP1 continued to be accumulated in the cytoplasm of the cells until 27 h postinfection, at which time the synthesis of VP1 leveled off. VP1 continued to accumulate in the nucleus of the infected cells throughout the course of infection. The presence of the six isospecies, A to F, of polyomavirus VP1 was also studied to determine the relative quantity of each species during the time course of infection. All six species were found in the cytoplasm and nucleus of infected cells at various times postinfection. However, the relative quantity of each species was different at early as compared with later times of infection. In addition, phosphorylated VP1 was found in isolated polyribosomes of infected cells, suggesting that phosphorylation of VP1 is a cotranslational modification. Examination of the effect of macromolecular synthesis on the transport of VP1 into the nucleus of infected baby mouse kidney cells as well as the rate of its nuclear accumulation during and after protein synthesis inhibition revealed that the continual transport and accumulation of VP1 in the nucleus required protein synthesis.  相似文献   

C Wychowski  S van der Werf  M Girard 《Gene》1985,37(1-3):63-71
The poliovirus cDNA fragment coding for capsid polypeptide VP1 was inserted between the EcoRI and BamHI sites of SV40 DNA, generating a chimaeric gene in which the sequence of the 302 amino acids (aa) of poliovirus capsid polypeptide VP1 was placed downstream from that of the 94 N-terminal aa of SV40 capsid polypeptide VP1. The resulting defective, hybrid virus, SV40-delta 1 polio, was propagated in CV1 cells using an early SV40 mutant, am404, as a helper. Cells doubly infected by SV40-delta 1 polio and am404 expressed a 50-kDal fusion protein which was specifically immunoprecipitated by polyclonal and/or monoclonal antibodies raised against poliovirus capsids or against poliovirus polypeptide VP1. Examination of the infected cells by immunofluorescence after staining with anti-poliovirus VP1 immune sera revealed that the fusion protein was mostly located in the intra- and perinuclear space of the cells, in contrast to the exclusively intracytoplasmic location of genuine poliovirus VP1 polypeptide that was observed in poliovirus-infected cells. This suggests that the N-terminal part of the SV40-VP1 polypeptide could contain an important sequence element acting as a migration signal for the transport of proteins from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Four hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies against intact polyoma virions were produced and characterized. These antibodies were selected for their ability to react with polyoma virions in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The antibodies immunoprecipitated polyoma virions and specifically recognized the major capsid protein VP1 on an immunoblot. Distinct VP1 isoelectric species were immunoprecipitated from dissociated virion capsomere preparations. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated antibody reactivity with specific VP1 species. Monoclonal antibodies E7 and G9 recognized capsomeres containing VP1 species D, E, and F, while monoclonal antibodies C10 and D3 recognized capsomeres containing species B and C. Two of the monoclonal antibodies, E7 and G9, were capable of neutralizing viral infection and inhibiting hemagglutination. The biological activity of the monoclonal antibodies correlated well with the biological function of the species with which they reacted.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus serotype 10 (BTV-10) VP7, expressed by insect cells infected with the recombinant baculovirus, has been purified and crystallized. Two crystal forms suitable for X-ray analysis have been obtained. Type I crystals belong to space group P6(3)22 with a = b = 95.2 A, c = 181.0 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees gamma = 120.0 degrees, and contain a single subunit in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. They diffract to dmin = 3.0 A. Type II crystals belong to space group P2(1) with a = 69.4 A, b = 97.1 A, c = 71.4 A, beta = 109.0 degrees, and contain a trimer in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. They diffract to dmin = 2.1 A. These results, together with solution studies, show that the molecule is a trimer.  相似文献   

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