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Dark septate endophytic fungi (DSE) may have an important functional relationship with host plants, but these functions and the colonization process remain unknown. We made microscopic observations of the growth of an endophytic hyphomycete in Chinese cabbage roots to understand its colonization process. This hyphomycete was Heteroconium chaetospira, a suspected DSE. Three weeks post inoculation, some hyphae became irregularly lobed and formed microsclerotia within host epidermal cells of healthy plants. In stunted plants, hyphae formed closely packed masses of fungal cells within host epidermal cells, but conidiophores rarely broke through the cell walls to produce conidia. Received: December 7, 2000 / Accepted: November 20, 2001  相似文献   

Chinese cabbage roots colonized by the dematiaceous fungal taxon Heteroconium chaetospira were previously found to become highly resistant to clubroot and Verticillium yellows. The dematiaceous fungus possesses an endophytic nature, but no detailed anatomical studies on endophyte–host plant interactions have so far been provided. Light and electron microscopy revealed that hyphae of H. chaetospira were abundant on and inside the root epidermal cells by 3 weeks following inoculation. The penetration pegs easily breached into epidermal cells, and the infection hyphae penetrated into cortical cells. Some appressorium-like swollen structures formed from intracellular hyphae, but no visible degradation of the host cell walls was evident where the hyphae contacted. No visible signs of host reactions and no invagination of the host plasma membrane around the hyphae were seen in the host cells. By 8 weeks following inoculation, masses of closely packed fungal cells had been formed in some cells of the epidermis and cortical layers, but further hyphal ingress was halted, mostly in the inner cortical cell layer. Thus, root vascular cylinders remained intact.  相似文献   

F. Usuki  J. P. Abe  M. Kakishima 《Mycoscience》2003,44(2):0097-0102
 The diversity of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi of Rhododendron obtusum var. kaempferi was examined in a stand of Pinus densiflora at Tsukuba, Japan. In total, 153 slow-growing fungal isolates were obtained from roots of R. obtusum var. kaempferi, in which 113 isolates formed an ericoid mycorrhizal structure in vitro. Among them, 53 isolates were morphologically identified as Oidiodendron maius, but the others were not identified due to their sterilities. PCR-RFLP analysis in the rDNA-ITS region divided them into four different RFLP types. Phylogenetic analysis from sequence data of the region suggested that the four RFLP types belonging to distinct taxa and one sterile type are considered to be Hymenoscyphus ericae. This study is the first report of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in a natural habitat in Japan. Received: August 23, 2002 / Accepted: December 11, 2002 Acknowledgments We thank Dr. K. Narisawa, Plant Biotechnology Institute, Ibaraki Agricultural Center, and Dr. R.S. Currah, Department of Biological Science, University of Alberta, for their helpful advice. Contribution no. 176, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan Correspondence to:M. Kakishima  相似文献   

Summary The mycorrhizal associations of Rhododendron maximum in the southern Appalachian mountains were studied in relation to the supply and demand of phosphate at three altitudes. A variety of mycorrhizal associations are described together with the ability of the differing mycorrhizal types to produce phosphatase enzyme, which was inversely related to the availability of inorganic phosphate determined by a root bioassay, as Ectomycorrhizal associations were shown to have a higher phosphatase production potential than other mycorrhizas. The availability of inorganic phosphate at different altitudes is related to turnover of organic matter and fixation capacity of the mineral soil. It is speculated that the ability of R. maximum to associate with a range of mycorrhizal associates is likely to improve species' fitness and enhance its competitive ability.  相似文献   

The abilities of six genotypes of two putative Helotiales ascomycete ericoid mycorrhizal fungal taxa from Woollsia pungens and Leucopogon parviflorus (Ericaceae) to utilise glucose, galactose, mannose, cellobiose, carboxymethylcellulose, crystalline cellulose, starch and xylan as sole carbon sources were tested in axenic liquid culture. With the exception of all taxon II isolates on carboxymethylcellulose, all genotypes of both taxa produced measurable biomass on all substrates. Significant intraspecific variation was observed in biomass production on all substrates. While pooled data for all genotypes of each taxon revealed significant interspecific differences in biomass production on carboxymethylcellulose, glucose, cellobiose, and starch, mean biomass production for each taxon on the latter three substrates differed less than threefold, suggesting that the saprotrophic abilities of the two taxa are broadly similar.  相似文献   

Artemisinin content in hairy roots of Artemisia annua was increased from 0.8 mg g–1 dry wt to 1 mg g–1 dry wt by using elicitor treatment of mycelial extracts from the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum sp. The increase of artemisinin was dependent on the growth stage of hairy roots as well as on the dose of the elicitor applied. When hairy roots of 23-day-old cultures (later growth phase) were exposed to the elicitor at 0.4 mg total sugar ml–1 for 4 days, the maximum production of artemisinin reached to 13 mg l–1, a 44% increase over the control. This is the first report on the stimulation of artemisinin production in hairy roots by the elicitor from an endophytic fungus of A. annua.  相似文献   

[背景]华重楼(Paris polyphylla var.chinensis)是我国一种名贵稀缺中药材,有多种药效,由于过度采挖等原因,其野生资源现已极度匮乏.华重楼的人工栽培技术尚未成熟,生长缓慢、病害频繁发生是主要的制约因素.[目的]植物益生菌的开发是一种环保且有效的解决途径,符合生态种植的要求.[方法]通过常规方...  相似文献   

Structures resembling Metallogenium spp. were observed in agar and in liquid cultures of a Mn-oxidizing basidiomycetous fungus only when Mn2+ was oxidized. Fungal viability was necessary for formation of the structures; Mn2+ concentration and the presence or absence of agar in the medium were important factors determining their morphology. Slide cultures revealed no identifiable cells in any stage of development. Fluorescent dyes that stained nucleic acids and polysaccharides in the fungal hyphae did not stain the Metallogenium-like structures. Likewise, Rhodamine 123, a fluorescent probe for membrane potential, stained fungal mitochondria, but did not stain the structures. Thin sections through the structures showed no biological membranes or other cellular features. Only the characteristic ultrastructure of biological Mn oxides were observed in serial thin sections. In agar, unfixed structures disappeared permanently during reduction of Mn oxides with hydroxylamine. Glutaraldehyde fixation stabilized these structures. Fixed structures lost most of their original phase density during reduction with hydroxylamine, but continuous microscopic observations showed that their phase density could be restored by staining with Coomassie blue. Structures that formed in liquid medium did not require stabilization with glutaraldehyde during reduction of Mn oxides. They, too, lost their original phase density during reduction with hydroxylamine; phase density could be restored by staining with cationic colloidal iron or Coomassie blue. The results suggest that the Metallogenium-like structures were formed as a result of Mn oxidation associated with exopolymers produced by the fungus.Non-standard abbreviations HEPES (N-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid) - DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) - PIPES (piperazine-N,N-bis[2-ethane sulfonic acid])  相似文献   

The present work underlined the negative effects of increasing CaCO3 concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mM) both on the chicory root growth and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus irregulare development in monoxenic system. CaCO3 was found to reduce drastically the main stages of G. irregulare life cycle (spore germination, germinative hyphae elongation, root colonization, extraradical hyphae development and sporulation) but not to inhibit it completely. The root colonization drop was confirmed by the decrease in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal marker C16:1ω5 amounts in the mycorrhizal chicory roots grown in the presence of CaCO3. Oxidative damage evaluated by lipid peroxidation increase measured by (i) malondialdehyde (MDA) production and (ii) the antioxidant enzyme peroxidase (POD) activities, was highlighted in chicory roots grown in the presence of CaCO3. However, MDA formation was significantly higher in non-mycorrhizal roots as compared to mycorrhizal ones. This study pointed out the ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis to enhance plant tolerance to high levels of CaCO3 by preventing lipid peroxidation and so less cell membrane damage.  相似文献   

This paper presents information about the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from dying grass roots and the capture of phosphorus by other, living plants. We have paid particular attention to the part played by mycorrhizas in this phosphorus capture, and the possible importance of mycorrhizal links between dying and living roots.WhenLolium perenne plants were grown with ample nutrients and their roots then detached and buried in soil, about half the nitrogen and two-thirds of the phosphorus was lost in three weeks, but only one-fifth of the dry weight. The C:N and C:P ratios suggest that microbial growth in the roots would at first be C-limited but would become N- and P-limited within three weeks.Rapid transfer of32P can occur from dying roots to those of a living plant if the two root systems are intermingled. The amount transferred was substantially increased in two species-combinations that are known to form mycorrhizal links between their root systems. In contrast, in a species-combination where only the living (receiver) plant could become mycorrhizal no significant increase of32P transfer occurred. This evidence, although far from conclusive, suggests that mycorrhizal links between dying and living roots can contribute to nutrient cycling. This research indicates a major difference in nutrient cycling processes between perennial and annual crops.  相似文献   

Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae and plant growth promoting fungus Phoma sp. was studied for its effect on their root colonization and plant growth of cucumber. Two isolates of Phoma sp. (GS8-2 and GS8-3) were tested with G. mosseae. The percent root length colonized by G. mosseae was not adversely affected by the presence of Phoma isolates. In contrast, the root colonization of both isolates GS8-2 and GS8-3 in 4-week-old plants was significantly reduced (80.7% and 84.3%, respectively) by added G. mosseae. Inoculating plants with each Phoma isolate significantly increased the shoot dry weight. However, dual inoculation of each Phoma isolate with G. mosseae had no significant effect on growth enhancement.  相似文献   

The ability of fluorescent pseudomonads and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to promote plant growth is well documented but knowledge of the impact of pseudomonad-mycorrhiza mixed inocula on root architecture is scanty. In the present work, growth and root architecture of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Guadalete), inoculated or not with Pseudomonas fluorescens 92rk and P190r and/or the AMF Glomus mosseae BEG12, were evaluated by measuring shoot and root fresh weight and by analysing morphometric parameters of the root system. The influence of the microorganisms on phosphorus (P) acquisition was assayed as total P accumulated in leaves of plants inoculated or not with the three microorganisms. The two bacterial strains and the AMF, alone or in combination, promoted plant growth. P. fluorescens 92rk and G. mosseae BEG12 when co-inoculated had a synergistic effect on root fresh weight. Moreover, co-inoculation of the three microorganisms synergistically increased plant growth compared with singly inoculated plants. Both the fluorescent pseudomonads and the myco-symbiont, depending on the inoculum combination, strongly affected root architecture. P. fluorescens 92rk increased mycorrhizal colonization, suggesting that this strain is a mycorrhization helper bacterium. Finally, the bacterial strains and the AMF, alone or in combination, improved plant mineral nutrition by increasing leaf P content. These results support the potential use of fluorescent pseudomonads and AMF as mixed inoculants for tomato and suggest that improved tomato growth could be related to the increase in P acquisition.  相似文献   

Imhof S 《Mycorrhiza》2003,13(6):327-332
The star-like root system of the achlorophyllous Sciaphila polygyna (Triuridaceae) consists of roots up to 1.4 mm thick and 1 cm long seemingly radiating from a single origin. Internally, the roots show a bilateral symmetry when viewed in cross-section: the third root cell layer contains rather loose coils of the aseptate mycorrhizal fungus from the dorsal to the lateral sides, in contrast to the extremely dense coils of thin hyphae in its ventral part. Additionally, the hyphae develop vesicle-like swellings mainly in the central part of the dorsal side as well as the lateral parts of the third layer. The fourth root layer is anatomically heteromorphic, having exceptionally large cells, reaching up to 320×130 m in size (giant cells), in the lower lateral parts. The root-colonizing hyphae only degenerate in the fourth layer, most readily in the giant cells, where they may swell to 24 m in diameter, collapse and end as amorphous clumps. Hyphae in the third layer keep their definite structure. The structures are interpreted to be the result of a dynamic reaction of the root to the actual fungal penetration points in order to maximize the benefit from the subsequent colonization by compartmentation of the root tissue. The function of the third layer is to host the fungus and keep it alive within its cells, while mainly the giant cells serve for its digestion. Many indications suggest an arbuscular mycorrhiza for this association. Similarities and differences to other myco-heterotrophic species are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing root nodules of the Alnus crispa var. mollis Fern. were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The critical point drying of glutaraldehyde-osmium fixed nodular tissue permitted an excellent morphological preservation of the three-dimensional structures of the host and endophyte cells. The nodule endophyte was observed as two forms: the hypha which can be branched, and the vesicle which developed at the parental hypha tip. The actinomycetal endophyte penetrated through the host cortical cell wall and became enveloped by a membrane. This enclosing membrane is suggested to be the invaginated host plasmalemma. Perforations of the cell wall of the host infected cell were observed. These perforations are suggested to be the result of an enzymatic degradation process, probably regulated by the penetrating endophyte hyphae. In addition to the polymorphic endophyte, endogenous bacterial contaminants were observed in the nodular tissue. The present SEM study confirms previous light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy studies of the same species of root nodule symbiosis.  相似文献   

Endophytic actinobacteria isolated from healthy cereal plants were assessed for their ability to control fungal root pathogens of cereal crops both in vitro and in planta. Thirty eight strains belonging to the genera Streptomyces, Microbispora, Micromonospora, and Nocardioidies were assayed for their ability to produce antifungal compounds in vitro against Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), the causal agent of take-all disease in wheat, Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. Spores of these strains were applied as coatings to wheat seed, with five replicates (25 plants), and assayed for the control of take-all disease in planta in steamed soil. The biocontrol activity of the 17 most active actinobacterial strains was tested further in a field soil naturally infested with take-all and Rhizoctonia. Sixty-four percent of this group of microorganisms exhibited antifungal activity in vitro, which is not unexpected as actinobacteria are recognized as prolific producers of bioactive secondary metabolites. Seventeen of the actinobacteria displayed statistically significant activity in planta against Ggt in the steamed soil bioassay. The active endophytes included a number of Streptomyces, as well as Microbispora and Nocardioides spp. and were also able to control the development of disease symptoms in treated plants exposed to Ggt and Rhizoctonia in the field soil. The results of this study indicate that endophytic actinobacteria may provide an advantage as biological control agents for use in the field, where others have failed, due to their ability to colonize the internal tissues of the host plant.  相似文献   

Roots of the agravitropic pea (Pisum sativum L.) mutant, ageotropum, responded to a gradient in water potential as small as 0.5 MPa by growing toward the higher water potential. This positive response occurred when a sorbitol-containing agar block was unilaterally applied to the root cap but not when applied to the elongation region. Unilateral application of higher concentrations of sorbitol to the elongation region caused root curvature toward the sorbitol source, presumably because of growth reduction on the water-stressed side. The control blocks of plain agar applied to either the root cap or the elongation region did not cause significant curvature of the roots. These results demonstrate that hydrotropism in roots occurs following perception of a gradient in water potential by the root cap.  相似文献   

Summary In glasshouse experiments,Microdochium bolleyi (Mb) significantly reduced infection of wheat roots by the take-all fungus,Gaeumannomyces graminis vartritici (Ggt), when inocula were dispersed in soil at ratios of 10∶1 (Mb:Ggt) or more. Spread of take-all lesions up roots from a layer of inoculum also was reduced when Mb was inoculated immediately below the crown. In contrast,Periconia macrospinosa did not control take-all even at an inoculum ratio of 100∶1. M. bolleyi interfered with growth on roots byPhialophora graminicola, a known biocontrol agent of take-all. It is suggested that this phenomenon and control of take-all by these fungi occur by competition for cortical cells that senesce in the normal course of root development.  相似文献   

曾秀丽  王志  罗利  王旭  陈宣钦  周育 《微生物学报》2020,60(10):2198-2210
【目的】以紫娟茶树分离的内生菌水生草螺菌ZXN111为研究对象,通过分子遗传学方法证实该菌株植物生长素吲哚3-乙酸(IAA)合成的主要分子途径。【方法】参考草螺菌基因组信息中IAA合成基因簇,选取与IAA合成密切相关的候选基因,即芳香族氨基酸转氨酶基因(tyrb),通过基因插入突变与基因互补方法,结合茶树组培苗体内促生能力分析,初步验证水生草螺菌生长素合成的主要机制。【结果】植物生长素IAA合成候选基因tyrb突变后,突变株tyrb::pK19mobΩ2HMB 48 h的IAA合成量显著低于野生型菌株ZXN111,且tyrb基因互补后,互补株tyrb::pK19mobΩ2HMB(+)的IAA合成能力得到了显著恢复。茶树促生实验发现,突变株tyrb::pK19mobΩ2HMB接种组的茶树组培苗根长、根重及植株鲜重指标上均显著低于野生菌处理组。【结论】水生草螺菌ZXN111有多条IAA合成途径,其中的吲哚-3-丙酮酸(IPA)是最主要途径,其生长素合成对寄主茶树具有显著的促生功能。  相似文献   

【目的】研究植物内生菌Wickerhamomyces sp.KLBMP0506对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的促生作用及潜在的促生机制。【方法】本研究以野生型拟南芥为试验材料,将其与菌株KLBMP0506进行平板共培养及盆栽接种试验,并测定拟南芥鲜重、干重、主根长、侧根数、叶绿素含量和可溶性糖含量等生长、生理指标,同时对筛选的与拟南芥侧根、主根形成及生长素合成和运输相关的11个基因进行实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,qRT-PCR)分析。【结果】接种目的菌株KLBMP0506后,平板试验的拟南芥鲜重及侧根、盆栽试验的拟南芥鲜重、干重、茎长、叶绿素含量和可溶性糖含量均有一定程度的增加;分隔平板试验及菌株KLBMP0506发酵液中促生活性物质分析显示,该菌株产生的挥发性有机物质及其发酵液中的正丁醇和乙酸乙酯提取物均对拟南芥有明显的促生作用;此外,qRT-PCR分析显示KLBMP0506处理后,拟南芥中与侧根形成相关基因ABI4FLA1的表达出现不同程度的下调,与生长素合成、运输相关基因AUX1EIR1YUC4的表达整体呈上调趋势,表明菌株KLBMP0506可能通过调控拟南芥中与侧根形成以及与生长素合成和运输相关基因的表达,而实现对拟南芥的促生作用。【结论】本研究明确了菌株KLBMP0506对模式植物拟南芥的促生作用,为其开发成为微生物菌肥提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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