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The Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment (USEPA, 1996) identify five criteria for determining ecological adversity: nature and intensity of effects, temporal and spatial scale, and potential for recovery. Assessing changes in the assessment endpoints and reaching conclusions on ecological adversity or significance is ultimately founded on information obtained through monitoring and measurements on ecological systems. Although some monitoring programs have previously been criticized for lack of scientific rigor, answers to questions related to ecological and societal significance must come from assessments founded on ecological monitoring efforts. Identifying the appropriate questions and assessment endpoints for monitoring are critical steps in the design and implementation of the monitoring program. However, the process must be completed. This monitoring information subsequently must form the foundation for assessments that interpret and present the ecological and societal signficance of observed status and trends in resource condition.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(3):679-691
We examined the use of data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) for assessments of ecological condition using an avian community-based indicator, the Bird Community Index (BCI). In previous research, the BCI was developed and applied to a random sample of sites in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands. The goal of providing national scale assessments with bird community indicators hinges on a demonstration that existing monitoring programs, like the BBS, can be tapped as source data for the indicators. Our goal was to compare a BBS-based assessment of the Mid-Atlantic Highlands to our original assessment based on random sampling locations. We subsampled three iterations of BBS route data from the study area to account for spatial and temporal scale differences between 40 km BBS routes and the original 1 km transects sampled to develop the BCI. All three iterations of BBS subsamples provided lower overall assessments of ecological condition for the Mid-Atlantic Highlands relative to our original research. Land cover analysis, however, revealed that BBS routes sampled land cover types in proportion to their actual prevalence in the region. Thus, we conclude that BBS data are appropriate as source data for broad scale ecological assessments with indicators such as the BCI. For numerous analytical and logistical reasons, we recommend 10-stop subsamples of BBS data as the preferred scale at which to apply bird community indicators of ecological condition.  相似文献   

Despite the growing awareness of the important ecological functions and values provided by coastal and estuarine wetlands, wetland degradation continues worldwide due to increasing anthropogenic disturbances. Chongming Dongtan wetlands, adjacent to Shanghai, the largest city and industrial and trading port in China in rapid urban expansion and socioeconomic development are currently threatened with biodiversity reduction, wetland loss, contamination, and invasion of exotic plant. Sustainable protection and management of Dongtan Nature Reserve necessitate research to develop diagnostic tools and indicators for a comprehensive and objective assessment of wetland ecosystem health condition. Based on the pressure-state-response framework and ecological and environmental surveys at the Dongtan wetlands, an indicator system was established for evaluating the coastal wetlands ecosystem health, using indicators detected from satellite imagery and current field surveys. Through the establishment of health assessment units and spatial quantification of the indicators, the spatial clustering analysis, integrated with remote sensing and geographic information system technique was applied to make an accurate diagnosis of ecosystem health for Chongming Dongtan wetlands and highlight the areas in subhealthy and unhealthy condition and urgent need of conservation and management. The results from this research indicated that the ecosystem health condition at the Dongtan wetlands showed spatial variation, to a certain extent, corresponding to the distributions of elevation and land cover types. More than 75 % of the total study area was at a relatively healthy level, with 34.19 km2 for the very healthy zone and 41.08 km2 for the healthy zone, while the subhealthy and unhealthy zones covered 18.23 and 4.76 km2, respectively. This study demonstrated the potential for this integrated approach to give objective and effective evaluation of ecosystem health for the dynamic coastal and estuarine wetlands and provide up-to-date information to assist with early warning for ecological security and management decisions for Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial and temporal dynamics of Chironomidae larvae assemblages in a subtropical mountain river basin of northwestern Argentina. We hypothesized that they would respond to (1) environmental changes along the altitudinal gradient in the Yungas forests; (2) environmental changes caused by spates (e.g., increased discharge or sediment transportation). We sampled five sites along an altitudinal gradient of ca. 1,500 m (from 680 to 2,170 m) during low-water and high-water period for 2 years. The Chironomidae larvae assemblages varied along the altitudinal gradient and between sampling periods based on an indicator species analyses and an ordination analyses (NMDS). The best indicator for high altitude sites was “Genus X” followed by Onconeura sp.2, “Genus 9”, “Genus 10”, and Rheotanytarsus sp.2; while Rheotanytarsus lamellatus, Oliveiriella sanjavieri, and Thienemanniella sp. were good indicators for low altitude sites. O. sanjavieri and R. lamellatus were the best indicators for high-water period. The most relevant environmental variables influencing their spatial and temporal distribution were altitude, water temperature, conductivity, and pH. This study is the first to analyze and describe in detail the spatial and temporal distribution of Chironomidae larvae assemblages in northwestern Argentina, and most of the taxa reported here are new records for the region.  相似文献   

Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is a remotely sensed optical signal emitted during the light reactions of photosynthesis. The past two decades have witnessed an explosion in availability of SIF data at increasingly higher spatial and temporal resolutions, sparking applications in diverse research sectors (e.g., ecology, agriculture, hydrology, climate, and socioeconomics). These applications must deal with complexities caused by tremendous variations in scale and the impacts of interacting and superimposing plant physiology and three-dimensional vegetation structure on the emission and scattering of SIF. At present, these complexities have not been overcome. To advance future research, the two companion reviews aim to (1) develop an analytical framework for inferring terrestrial vegetation structures and function that are tied to SIF emission, (2) synthesize progress and identify challenges in SIF research via the lens of multi-sector applications, and (3) map out actionable solutions to tackle these challenges and offer our vision for research priorities over the next 5–10 years based on the proposed analytical framework. This paper is the first of the two companion reviews, and theory oriented. It introduces a theoretically rigorous yet practically applicable analytical framework. Guided by this framework, we offer theoretical perspectives on three overarching questions: (1) The forward (mechanism) question—How are the dynamics of SIF affected by terrestrial ecosystem structure and function? (2) The inference question: What aspects of terrestrial ecosystem structure, function, and service can be reliably inferred from remotely sensed SIF and how? (3) The innovation question: What innovations are needed to realize the full potential of SIF remote sensing for real-world applications under climate change? The analytical framework elucidates that process complexity must be appreciated in inferring ecosystem structure and function from the observed SIF; this framework can serve as a diagnosis and inference tool for versatile applications across diverse spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Using a network framework to quantitatively select ecological indicators   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological indicators are often constructed as an integrated set to represent key information and characteristics of the ecosystem which are tightly linked to management objectives. As an effective tool, ecological indicators play an increasingly important role in ecosystem monitoring, assessment and management. Reasonable selection of an indicator is a prerequisite for effectively using it. A defined protocol with scientific rigor to select ecological indicators is imperative to solve the challenges in ecological indicator selection. This paper compares the Causal Network (CN) with the Ecological Hierarchy Network (EHN) as a framework to select ecological indicators. These frameworks are not exclusive but interdependent in constructing a network framework. Based on the network framework, a quantitative ecological indicator selection method is demonstrated through a theoretical example. In the selection process, the criteria and requirements considering the balance of science and utility are proposed and translated into quantitative constraints of a selection model. By resolving the model under a mathematical operation, the human arbitrary disturbance will be reduced and random selection minimized.  相似文献   

  • 1 This paper develops a framework of spatial and temporal variability for a habitat typology of the Upper Rhône River (France) and its alluvial floodplain that is based on about 17 years of data collection and analysis. The aim was to provide a scale of spatial-temporal variability for river habitat templet predictions on trends in species traits and species richness.
  • 2 In developing this framework, eight physical-chemical variables were available and could be considered for twenty-two habitat types: seventeen superficial (surface) and five interstitial (0.5 m below the substrate surface). These habitat types were selected in two areas (Jons and Brégnier-Cordon) after geomorphological considerations and because of differences in their biological characteristics.
  • 3 The data sets used were processed by a ‘fuzzy coding’ method using, for each variable, the frequency distribution (by modalities = categories) of all measurements and monthly means over an annual scale. Two tables were produced; the first corresponded to an expression of the total variability, and the second represented an evaluation of the temporal variability.
  • 4 Each of these tables was analysed by correspondence analysis, which provided factorial scores that were used to calculate, by habitat type and by variable, a total variability and a temporal variability in terms of cumulated variability of factorial scores for the eight physical–chemical variables. The rationale in describing variability from these two tables is that total variability equals temporal variability plus spatial variability. The spatial variability was then determined by the difference between total and temporal variability. From this procedure, a positioning of the twenty-two habitat types on the spatial and temporal variability axes was obtained.
  • 5 The estimate of spatial variability did not consider any error term that may have occurred in the above model; it was then tested by an independent assessment of the spatial variability using thirteen variables in nine major habitat types. A high correlation between the two ways of assessing spatial variability (r = 0.85, P < 0.004) underscored the reliability of the spatial variability that was calculated previously.
  • 6 The river habitat templet obtained for the Upper Rhône and its alluvial floodplain appears to be appropriate to test the predictions on patterns of species traits and species richness in the framework of spatial and temporal variability.

Using indicator species to assess the state of macrobenthic communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental impact assessments are often followed by the continuous monitoring needed to determine community change. This long-term monitoring can be time-consuming and expensive. The concept of indicator species attempts to use their presence in a sample or area to characterise a certain degree of community change or pollution effects. This approach has been widely applied to benthic monitoring studies. However, many studies develop their own list of `indicators' in cases without having a prior knowledge of the area or any long-term data. This can result in the production of circular arguments. We carry out a meta-analysis on data sets from 5 of the 20 designated United Kingdom's sewage sludge dumping grounds and the data set from the classic study of Pearson & Rosenberg (1978). We construct a number of indices to examine this robustness across studies. Having refined our criteria for an `indicator taxa' we examine the spatial and temporal changes in macrobenthic communities occurring at the Tyne sewage sludge dumpsite to examine the utility of this approach. Of the total pool of 123 taxa, 81 taxa responded in one study only. While Spio filicornis(O. F. Müller), Spiophanes bombyx(Claparède), Lagis koreni (Malmgren) and Nephtys cirrosa (Ehlers) showed directly contradictory patterns in different locations. The Spearman's rank correlation test showed a significant negative relationship between the density of macro-litter per station found at the Tyne dumping ground and the abundance of Abra alba(Wood) (r s=0.462, n= 6, P=0.1) and Amphiura filiformis(O. F. Müller)(r s=0.493, n= 6, P=0.1). These were the only indicator taxa, which showed a strong relationship to sewage contamination. We therefore conclude that while the concept of indicators may be widely applicable, the actual indicator taxa are not. This demonstrate that the used of indicators must be continually developed providing prior information of the study area.  相似文献   

Adult Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha navigate in river systems using olfactory cues that may be influenced by hydrologic factors such as flow and the number, size and spatial distribution of tributaries. Thus, river hydrology may influence both homing success and the level of straying (gene flow), which in turn influences population structure. In this study, two methods of multivariate analysis were used to examine the extent to which four indicators of hydrology and waterway distance explained population structure of O. tshawytscha in the Yukon River. A partial Mantel test showed that the indicators of hydrology were positively associated with broad‐scale (Yukon basin) population structure, when controlling for the influence of waterway distance. Multivariate multiple regression showed that waterway distance, supplemented with the number and flow of major drainage basins, explained more variation in broad‐scale population structure than any single indicator. At an intermediate spatial scale, indicators of hydrology did not appear to influence population structure after accounting for waterway distance. These results suggest that habitat changes in the Yukon River, which alter hydrology, may influence the basin‐wide pattern of population structure in O. tshawytscha. Further research is warranted on the role of hydrology in concert with waterway distance in influencing population structure in Pacific salmon.  相似文献   

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) has prepared technical guidelines to evaluate the suitability of ecological indicators for monitoring programs. The guidelines were adopted by ORD to provide a consistent framework for indicator review, comparison and selection, and to provide direction for research on indicator development. The guidelines were organized within four evaluation phases: (1) conceptual relevance; (2) feasibility of implementation; (3) response variability; (4) interpretation and utility. Three example indicators were analyzed to illustrate the use of the guidelines in an evaluation. The examples included a direct chemical measurement (dissolved oxygen concentration), an estuarine benthic community index, and a stream fish community index of biotic integrity. Comparison of the three examples revealed differences in approach, style and types of information used to address each guideline. The Evaluation Guidelines were intended to be flexible within a consistent framework and the various strategies used in the examples demonstrate that the process can be useful for a wide variety of indicators and program objectives.  相似文献   


Currently, social, environmental, and economic risks and chances of bioeconomy are becoming increasingly a subject of applied sustainability assessments. Based on life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) aims to combine or integrate social, environmental, and economic assessments. In order to contribute to the current early stage of LCSA development, this study seeks to identify a practical framework for integrated LCSA implementation.


We select possible indicators from existing suitable LCA and LCSA approaches as well as from the literature, and allocate them to a sustainability concept for holistic and integrated LCSA (HILCSA), based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to conduct a practical implementation of HILCSA, we choose openLCA, because it offers the best current state and most future potential for application of LCSA. Therefore, not only the capabilities of the software and databases, but also the supported methods of life cycle impact assessments (LCIA) are evaluated regarding the requirements of the indicator set and goal and scope of future case studies.

Results and discussion

This study presents an overview of available indicators and LCIAs for bioeconomy sustainability assessments as well as their link to the SDGs. We provide a practical framework for HILCSA of regional bioeconomy, which includes an indicator set for regional (product and territorial) bioeconomy assessment, applicable with current software and databases, LCIA methods and methods of normalization, weighting, and aggregation. The implementation of HILCSA in openLCA allows an integrative LCSA by conducting all steps in a single framework with harmonized, aggregated, and coherent results. HILCSA is capable of a sustainability assessment in terms of planetary boundaries, provisioning system and societal needs, as well as communication of results to different stakeholders.


Our framework is capable of compensating some deficits of S-LCA, E-LCA, and economic assessments by integration, and shows main advantages compared to additive LCSA. HILCSA is capable of addressing 15 out of 17 SDGs. It addresses open questions and significant problems of LCSAs in terms of goal and scope, LCI, LCIA, and interpretation. Furthermore, HILCSA is the first of its kind actually applicable in an existing software environment. Regional bioeconomy sustainability assessment is bridging scales of global and regional effects and can inform stakeholders comprehensively on various impacts, hotspots, trade-offs, and synergies of regional bioeconomy. However, significant research needs in LCIAs, software, and indicator development remain.


《Ecological Indicators》2007,7(2):339-361
Indicators of riparian ecosystem condition for headwater coastal plain streams were identified from data obtained from a reference population of reaches ranging widely in ecological condition. Each indicator was associated with some facet of hydrologic, biogeochemical, and/or habitat functioning and to channel condition, riparian zone condition, or both. Variation in the condition of the indicators among reference reaches provided a framework for developing narratives that could be used to partition and score the condition of the indicators from 0 (severely altered) to 100 (relatively unaltered). The developed narratives were the basis for creating a scoring approach for assessing stream condition at the reach scale (100-m long × 60-m wide segment). This approach was designed to be a rapid, field-based assessment method (<1 h/site) that could be applied by resource professionals with several days of training in the method. Although most alterations to riparian reaches usually affect both channels and riparian zones together, the ability to score channel and riparian zone condition separately is useful for diagnosing problems and suggesting viable restoration options at the reach scale. The assessment method is also useful for comparing the condition of reaches relative to one another, thus offering guidance for prioritizing restoration efforts at a watershed scale.  相似文献   

This review critically evaluates indicators of tidal wetland condition based on 36 indicator development studies and indicators developed as part of U.S. state tidal wetland monitoring programs. Individual metrics were evaluated based on relative scores on two sets of evaluation factors. A rigor score evaluated metric development based on conceptual relevance, indicator development method, degree of independent validation, and temporal and spatial extent tested. An applicability score evaluated metrics based on cost of data collection, probable spatial extent of applicability, technical complexity, and indicator responsiveness. The majority of indicators could be classified as biotic condition indicators (81%), with vegetation (37%) and macroinvertebrate (28%) metrics composing the largest proportion. Most metrics provided a conceptual model or scientific justification (97%), were developed by correlation to environmental gradients (46%), were tested over multiple seasons or years (49%) and at multiple sites (88%). Few were independently validated (18%). Average rigor score was 10 (on a scale of 0–25) and ranged between 1 and 21. Highest rigor scores were for trematode community metrics (community similarity index, species richness) and metrics of grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) individuals (gene expression, relative fecundity, embryo hatching success, larval survival). Most metrics had a high cost of data collection (63%), required field and laboratory processing (84%), would be applicable across the U.S. (72%), and were responsive to the variable of interest (44%). Mean applicability score was 4.9 (range: 2–8). Highest scores were found for metrics that only required field collection of data using simple or no instrumentation. Lowest scoring metrics required expensive equipment, specialized taxonomic knowledge, complex laboratory analysis, and/or culturing of organisms. Scores for individual metrics were grouped by indicator, then averaged and rescaled between 0 and 100 to provide a composite evaluation of the indicator they measured. Among major indicator types, biotic indicators had the highest rigor scores (mean = 44, range 20–79), followed by indicators of chemical/physical characteristics (mean = 36, range 16–56), landscape condition (mean = 31, range 24–37), and hydrology/geomorphology indicators (mean = 21, range 4–52). In contrast, biotic indicators scored lowest for applicability (mean = 58, range 25–100) and indicators of landscape condition scored highest. The results of this review suggest that the development and selection of tidal wetland indicators could be vastly improved by employing a standardized development methodology that provides uniform information about each indicator. In addition, tidal wetland indicator research should focus on the development of indicators of ecological processes and disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

The selection, testing and application of terrestrial insects as bioindicators   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Although the uses and merits of terrestrial insects as indicators have been extensively discussed, there is a lack of clear definition, goal directedness and hypothesis testing in studies in the field. In an attempt to redress some of these issues and outline an approach for further studies, three categories of terrestrial insect indicators, corresponding to differences in their application, are proposed, i.e. environmental, ecological and biodiversity indicators. The procedures in terrestrial insect bioindicator studies should start with a clear definition of the study objectives and proposed use of the bioindicator, as well as with a consideration of the scale at which the study is to be carried out. Bioindication studies are conducted at a variety of spatial and temporal scales within the context of earth-system processes, but the objectives of the study will largely determine the scale at which it would be optimally conducted. There is a tendency for studies to be conducted below their space-time scaling functions, giving them apparent predictability. The selection of potential indicator taxa or groups is then based on a priori suitability criteria, the identification of predictive relationships between the indicator and environmental variables and, most importantly, the development and testing of hypotheses according to the correlative patterns found. Finally, recommendations for the use of the indicator in monitoring should be made. Although advocating rigorous, long-term protocols to identify indicators may presently be questionable in the face of the urgency with which conservation decisions have to be made, this approach is critical if bioindicators are to be used with any measurable degree of confidence.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of the epiphytic diatom flora on Thalassia testudinum was described within the Florida Bay estuary and at one Atlantic site east of the Florida Keys over a 1-year period. Species of the genus Mastogloia dominated the epiphytic diatom flora (82 out of 332 total species). Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) and Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) revealed four distinct spatial assemblages and two temporal assemblages. Eastern and western Florida Bay assemblages were identified within the estuary. The eastern diatom assemblage was characterized by high relative abundances of Brachysira aponina and Nitzschia liebetruthii, while the western assemblage was characterized by the abundance of Reimerothrix floridensis, particularly during summer. Two diverse and distinct marine assemblages, one located in the Gulf of Mexico along the western edge of Florida Bay and the other behind the Florida reef tract in the Atlantic Ocean, were also identified. Analysis of the spatial distribution of diatoms and water quality characteristics within Florida Bay suggest that these assemblages may be structured by salinity and nutrient availability, particularly P. The Gulf of Mexico and the western Florida Bay assemblages were associated with higher water column salinities and TP concentrations and lower DIN concentrations and TN:TP ratios relative to the eastern Florida Bay assemblage. The temporal variation in diatom assemblages was associated with water temperature, though temporal indicator species were few relative to the number of spatial indicators. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Wildlife models focused solely on a single strong influence (e.g., habitat components, wildlife harvest) are limited in their ability to detect key mechanisms influencing population change. Instead, we propose integrated modeling in the context of cumulative effects assessment using multispecies population dynamics models linked to landscape-climate simulation at large spatial and temporal scales. We developed an integrated landscape and population simulation model using ALCES Online as the model-building platform, and the model accounted for key ecological components and relationships among moose (Alces alces), grey wolves (Canis lupus nubilus), and woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in northern Ontario, Canada. We simulated multiple scenarios over 5 decades (beginning 2020) to explore sensitivity to climate change and land use and assessed effects at multiple scales. The magnitude of effect and the relative importance of key factors (climate change, roads, and habitat) differed depending on the scale of assessment. Across the full extent of the study area (654,311km2 [ecozonal scale]), the caribou population declined by 26% largely because of climate change and associated predator-prey response, which led to caribou range recession in the southern part of the study area. At the caribou range scale (108,378 km2), which focused on 2 herds in the northern part of the study area, climate change led to a 10% decline in the population and development led to an additional 7% decline. At the project scale (8,331 km2), which was focused more narrowly on the landscape surrounding 4 proposed mines, the caribou population declined by 29% largely in response to simulated development. Given that observed caribou population dynamics were sensitive to the cumulative effects of climate change, land use, interspecific interactions, and scale, insights from the analysis might not emerge under a less complex model. Our integrated modeling framework provides valuable support for broader regional assessments, including estimation of risk to caribou and Indigenous food security, and for developing and evaluating potential caribou recovery strategies. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

监测分析森林生物灾害时空变化特征对了解森林生物灾害的动态演变和综合治理具有重要意义。基于1998—2019年森林有害生物灾害面积及同期森林面积增长统计数据,计算衍生了森林有害生物发生指数(FPOI)、灾害发生率(FPOAR)两个系列指标集,分别采用Sen′s斜率估计(Sen+Mann-Kendall)和曼-肯德尔(Mann Kendall, M-K)突变检验、滑动T检验、变异系数和赫斯特指数(Hurst exponent)指数方法分析中国森林生物灾害的时空分异特征。研究表明:(1)FPOI、FPOAR指标用于森林生物灾害不同尺度分析具备可操作与适用性,两指标均可分析有害生物发生趋势与突变,但表现程度有所差别。(2)历史变化特征,全国尺度FPOI森林生物灾害总体表现为下降趋势,FPOAR表现为上升趋势,省区尺度,新疆、西藏、天津等局部省区森林生物灾害呈上升趋势,而华北、东北、华东、西北等大部分省区表现为下降态势。(3)突变特征,全国尺度上趋势突变仅在2001年发生,其它年度趋势未变。在省区尺度则大部分区域并未展现突变,局部省区多展现一次趋势改变,且不同省区突变时间有一致性。(4)稳定性特...  相似文献   

黄洁  吝涛  胡灯进 《生态学报》2015,35(3):686-695
科学有效的指标体系是开展区域生态建设评估以及规划、管理的重要技术手段。然而目前在生态指标体系构建中仍缺乏对指标内涵的系统研究,同时指标的选取过程不够透明,掺杂诸多主观臆断,损害了生态指标体系构建的科学性和有效性。针对福建省生态建设实践,将网络分析与量化指标选择过程相结合,(1)根据福建省生态建设规划和目标,建立主题导向的生态省建设评估网状指标体系;(2)从因果联系、生态过程和管理需求三方面分析各个备选指标之间的相互联系,形成基于主题导向的生态指标网络;(3)根据生态指标应用的科学性和实用性标准,基于网络分析原理,建立生态建设评估指标选择标准矩阵和备选指标矩阵;(4)构建面向经济社会成本和生态完整性的指标选取模型,定量化选取符合福建省实际发展特征的生态建设评估操作指标体系。将有助于深入理解生态建设评估指标体系的内涵,提高指标体系构建的科学性和系统性,提升生态指标体系在实际生态建设评估、规划和管理应用中的效用。  相似文献   

定量区分导致草地生态系统植被变化的自然和人为因素,是生态系统科学管理和保育的关键。因此,综述当前应用较为广泛的定量区分方法,包括主成分分析法、层次分析法、残差趋势法和模型差值法等,比较不同方法的计算原理、优势及误差来源,进而结合典型区域或典型生态系统,对不同方法进行对比和分析。总体而言,每种方法各有其优势和缺点,当前采用同一方法在不同区域或生态系统类型应用的研究较多,但针对方法本身改进或优化的研究较少。此外,针对同一区域开展的不同区分方法间的结果也存在差异。定量区分的结果除受方法本身算法的局限外,也受数据源的时空连续性及分辨率的影响。未来定量区分方法将强调:(1)在指标的选取上,要兼顾全面、多角度、不冗余等原则;(2)进行多源数据与多时空尺度融合,在更高时空分辨率定量区分自然与人为因素,从单一因子的贡献率区分到更多综合性指标的贡献率区分;(3)对定量区分方法本身的改进,这是当前的重点与难点。以期为生态系统适应性管理与关键生态功能的针对性保育提供科学依据和政策导向。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) was studied within a field of winter wheat during the summer of 1996. Sampling was done using four nested grids comprising 133 locations. Analysis by Taylor's power law gave results typical for insect populations. Analysis by SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distance Indices) showed spatial pattern due to edge effects and sampling scale, and positive but mild spatial association, although spatial patterns were ephemeral. Reasons for these findings and the implications for integrated crop management are discussed.  相似文献   

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