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Protein Kinase Activities in Neurospora crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several protein kinase activities have been found in 105,000g supernatant of Neurospora crassa mycelia grown up to the logarithmic phase. By chromatography on DEAE-cellulose the following enzyme activities have been resolved: (i) a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (peak I kinase) eluting at 0.20 m NaCl, more active with histone than with phosvitin (it was inhibited by both a thermolabile fraction having cyclic AMP-binding activity and a thermostable inhibitor isolated from 105,0005g mycelial supernates), (ii) a cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinase (peak II kinase) eluting at 0.35 m NaCl, also more active with histone than with phosvitin (this kinase was not inhibited by the fraction having cyclic AMP-binding activity but it was sensitive to the thermostable inhibitor); and finally, (iii) a protein kinase eluting at 0.43 m NaCl (peak II kinase), with similar activity toward histone and phosvitin, insensitive to cyclic nucleotides and to fractions carrying cyclic AMP-binding capacity (this kinase activity also resulted insensitive to the thermostable inhibiting factor).  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase (adenosine aminohydrolase, EC has been purified from human erythrocytes using a simple chromatographic procedure. Purified enzyme was obtained from individuals who were homozygous for the principal isozyme (ADA 1) as well as from individuals who were heterogyzous for the major variant (ADA 2-1). Although ADA 1 and ADA 2-1 are electrophoretically distinguishable, they have many common physical and catalytic properties. No significant differences between the two isozymic forms were found in measurements of molecular weight, catalytic activity in the presence of various substrates and inhibitors, pH optimum, turnover number, and stability in conditions of both high and low pH. ADA 2-1 was, however, substantially less stable than ADA 1 with respect to thermal denaturation. These studies support the idea that adenosine deaminase activity in erythrocytes is lower in those individuals who possess the variant form of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Rapidly growing Neurospora crassa does not produce laccase (p-diphenol:oxygen oxidoreductase; EC Low concentrations of cycloheximide induce the production of this enzyme, most of which is secreted into the media. In general, limited inhibition of protein synthesis seems to derepress laccase synthesis since actinomycin D and, to a limited extent, puromycin also induce laccase production. Similarities in the conditions of laccase and tyrosinase induction, plus investigations with two tyrosinase regulatory mutants, suggest that the production of these two phenol oxidases is controlled by the same mechanism. As shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, most of the 10 to 12 proteins normally present in the medium virtually disappear during cycloheximide treatment. In contrast, the amounts of two proteins that are present in only very minor quantities, if at all, in normal culture filtrates increase dramatically. One of these proteins co-migrates with laccase, whereas the other has not been identified.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of mitochondria requires import of several hundreds of different nuclear-encoded preproteins needed for mitochondrial structure and function. Import and sorting of these preproteins is a multistep process facilitated by complex proteinaceous machineries located in the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. The translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane, the TOM complex, comprises receptors which specifically recognize mitochondrial preproteins and a protein conducting channel formed by TOM40. The TOM complex is able to insert resident proteins into the outer membrane and to translocate proteins into the intermembrane space. For import of inner membrane or matrix proteins, the TOM complex cooperates with translocases of the inner membrane, the TIM complexes. During the past 30 years, intense research on fungi enabled the identification and mechanistic characterization of a number of different proteins involved in protein translocation. This review focuses on the contributions of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa to our current understanding of mitochondrial protein import, with special emphasis on the structure and function of the TOM complex.  相似文献   

Two mutants of Neurospora crassa that grow well in a mediumin which the concentration of calcium ions is lower than thatin the medium used for the culture of the wild-type strain havebeen isolated. One mutant strain, ca-101, must be allelic ortightly linked to co-1(19) which was isolated previously. Recombinationfrequencies for ca-1 and cys-9 and for ca-1 and un-1 in linkagegroup I were about 10%, in each case. The other strain, ca-3(105),carried a mutation in another gene, ca-3, which appeared tobe closely linked to ca-1 since the frequency of recombinationbetween these two genes was about 5%. All strains were comparedin terms of period length and phase of the circadian conidiationrhythm with the wild-type strain. One of the mutants, ca-101,had a shorter period length than that of the wild-type strain. (Received June 19, 1992; Accepted November 24, 1992)  相似文献   

To investigate the functional significance of a cytoskeletal spectrin-like protein, we studied its localization pattern in Neurospora crassa and sought the answer to whether it is a substrate for another apically localized protein, the calcium-dependent protease (CDP II). Immunoblots of crude extracts from exponentially growing mycelia, separated by one- and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using antichicken α/β-spectrin antibodies, revealed a single band of approximately relative mass (Mr) 100 kDa with an isoeletric point (pI) in the range of 6.5 to 7.0. Despite rigorous efforts, we could not confirm the presence of an Mr 240- to 220-kDa spectrin-like protein in N. crassa. The immunofluorescence- and immunogold-labeling Mr 100-kDa protein showed its predominance along the plasma membrane of the conidia during the swelling phase of germination. In contrast, in the germ tubes and the growing hyphae, the localization was polarized and concentrated mainly in the apical region. The in vitro proteolysis experiments showed that indeed this protein is a preferred substrate of CDP II which is, as mentioned previously, also localized in the apical regions of the hyphae. These results indicate a putative functional relationship between these two proteins (spectrin-like protein and CDP II) in the dynamics of tip growth.  相似文献   

Protein changes during the asexual cycle of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A method for synchronizing conidiation and isolating large numbers of cells at discrete stages of conidia development is described. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we analyzed the protein profiles of mycelia, aerial hyphae, and conidia and observed that the concentration of 14 polypeptides increase and 38 decrease during the asexual cycle. Twelve polypeptides were present in extracts of aerial hyphae or conidia, but not mycelia, suggesting that they may be conidiation specific. The protein profiles of mutants defective in conidiation were also analyzed. Differences were detected in the two-dimensional profiles of protein extracts from fluffy and wild-type aerial hyphae. Polyadenylated RNA isolated from wild-type mycelia and conidiating cultures was translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Differences were detected in the polypeptide products specified by the two RNA populations, suggesting that changes in steady-state levels of polyadenylated RNAs also occur during conidiation.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic karyotype of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
A molecular karyotype of Neurospora crassa was obtained by using an alternating-field gel electrophoresis system which employs contour-clamped homogeneous electric fields. The migration of all seven N. crassa chromosomal DNAs was defined, and five of the seven molecules were separated from one another. The estimated sizes of these molecules, based on their migration relative to Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosomal DNA molecules, are 4 to 12.6 megabases. The seven linkage groups were correlated with specific chromosomal DNA bands by hybridizing transfers of contour-clamped homogeneous electric field gels with radioactive probes specific to each linkage group. The mobilities of minichromosomal DNAs generated from translocation strains were also examined. The methods used for preparation of chromosomal DNA molecules and the conditions for their separation should be applicable to other filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

An endonuclease from mitochondria of Neurospora crassa   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Protein chemistry of the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A highly effective procedure for fragmenting the Neurospora crassa plasma membrane H+-ATPase and purifying the resulting peptides is described. The enzyme is cleaved with trypsin to form a limit digest containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides, and the hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides are then separated by extraction with an aqueous ammonium bicarbonate solution. The hydrophilic peptides are fractionated by Sephadex G-25 column chromatography into three pools, and the individual peptides in each pool are purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. The hydrophobic peptides are dissolved in neat trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), diluted with chloroform-methanol (1:1), and the hydrophobic peptide solution thus obtained is then fractionated by Sephadex LH-60 column chromatography in chloroform-methanol (1:1) containing 0.1% TFA. The recoveries in all of the above procedures are greater than 90%. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of three of the hydrophobic H+-ATPase peptides purified by this methodology have been determined, which establishes the position of these peptides in the 100,000 Da polypeptide chain by reference to the published gene sequence, and documents the sequencability of the hydrophobic peptides purified in this way. This methodology should facilitate the identification of a variety of amino acid residues important for the structure and function of the H+-ATPase molecule. Moreover, the overall strategy for working with the protein chemistry of the H+-ATPase should be applicable to other amphiphilic integral membrane proteins as well.  相似文献   

Plants and animals use day or night length for seasonal control of reproduction and other biological functions. Overwhelming evidence suggests that this photoperiodic mechanism relies on a functional circadian system. Recent progress has defined how flowering time in plants is regulated by photoperiodic control of output pathways, but the underlying mechanisms of photoperiodism remain to be described. The authors investigate photoperiodism in a genetic model system for circadian rhythms research, Neurospora crassa. They find that both propagation and reproduction respond systematically to photoperiod. Furthermore, a nonreproductive light-regulated function is also enhanced under certain photoperiodic conditions. All of these photoperiodic responses require a functional circadian clock, in that they are absent in a clock mutant. Night break experiments show that measuring night length is one of the mechanisms used for photoperiod assessment. This represents the first formal report of photoperiodism in the fungi.  相似文献   

Summary Conidiation in Neurospora crassa has been studied in vivo by time-lapse microphotography and shown to be most generally (in aerial, dry conditions) a budding-fission process. Such a two-phase process is characterized by an initial basifugal budding of proconidial elements which are then secondarily separated as maturing conidia by interconidial septa. Dry macroconidia of Neurospora are thus blasto-arthrospores, i.e. blastospores basifugally budded on conidiophores and secondarily disarticulated from the proconidial chain as arthrosporal elements. Inception and median splitting of the interconidial septum have been electron microphotographed.In the vegetative hyphae, ethanol dehydrogenase has been cytochemically detected by oxidative assay and demonstrates a dense, uniform distribution of activity except at the hyphal tips. In the conidiating hyphae, the ethanol dehydro-genase becomes less dense in distribution, especially in the budding apices. Cytochrome oxidase activity, localized in the mitochondria, is confined in the subapical zone of vegetative hyphae while at the initiation of conidiation it becomes dispersed throughout the proconidial buds.  相似文献   

The frequency with which transforming DNA undergoes homologous recombination at a chromosomal site can be quite low in some fungal systems. In such cases, strategies for gene disruption or gene replacement must either select against ectopic integration events or provide easy screening to identify homologous site, double-crossover insertion events. A protocol is presented for efficient isolation of Neurospora crassa strains carrying a definitive null allele in a target gene. The protocol relies on the presence of a selectable marker flanking a disrupted plasmid-borne copy of the gene, and in the case presented led to a seven-fold enrichment for putative homologous site replacement events. In addition, a polymerase chain reaction assay is utilized for rapid identification of homologous recombinants among the remaining candidates. This protocol was used to identify 3 isolates, out of 129 primary transformants, which have a disruption in the Neurospora ccg-1 gene. The method should be applicable to a variety of fungal systems in which two selectable markers can be expressed, including those in which homologous recombination rates are too low to allow easy identification of homologous site insertions by the more traditional molecular method of Southern analysis. In addition to disrupting target genes for the purpose of generating null mutations, this method is useful for the targeting of reporter gene fusions to a native chromosomal site for the purpose of studying gene regulation.  相似文献   

Osmotic shock treatment of germinated conidia of Neurospora reduced the capacity for tryptophan transport in these cells approximately 90% without an appreciable loss of cell viability. Tryptophan-binding proteins and alkaline phosphatase were consistently released into the osmotic shock fluid by this treatment. Four lines of evidence suggest that the binding protein may be related to the tryptophan transport system. (i) It appears to be located on or near the cell surface. (ii) a decreased capacity for binding tryptophan was observed in shock fluids from cells repressed for tryptophan uptake; reduced or altered binding capacity was released from a transport-negative mutant. (iii) The specificity of tryptophan binding was similar to that observed in the in vivo transport system. (iv) The dissociation constant for binding, as measured by equilibrium dialysis, was approximately the same as the K(m) for tryptophan transport.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA rearrangements and deletions are a prevailing feature of filamentous fungal cultures that undergo senescence. In Neurospora spp., strains containing the Mauriceville and Varkud mitochondrial retroplasmids routinely senesce at elevated temperatures, a process that is initiated by the integration of variant forms of the plasmids into the mitochondrial genome. Here, we describe a strain that is phenotypically distinguishable from previously characterized senescent strains and show that senescence can occur in the absence of plasmid integration and associated alterations in mitochondrial DNA. The MS4416 strain contains a unique variant of the Mauriceville retroplasmid, and undergoes senescence at highly predictable frequencies at 37°, 25° and 18 °C. Decline in vegetative growth rate correlates with increased levels of the variant plasmid and alterations in the synthesis of mitochondrially encoded proteins, suggesting that plasmid over-replication interferes with mitochondrial translation. We also report the isolation of a mutant strain that escapes senescence yet still maintains high levels of the variant plasmid. Its ability to tolerate a growth-suppressive retroplasmid suggests that there are mechanisms in Neurospora which compensate for the deleterious effects that plasmid over-replication has on mitochondrial function. Received: 12 July 1999 / Accepted: 17 December 1999  相似文献   

Regulation of a Sulfur-Controlled Protease in Neurospora crassa   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
Wild-type Neurospora crassa produces and secretes extracellular protease(s) when grown on a medium containing a protein as its principle sulfur source. Readily available sulfur sources, such as sulfate or methionine, repress the synthesis of the proteolytic activity. Preliminary characterization of the proteolytic enzyme shows it to have a molecular weight of about 31,000, a pH optimum of 6 to 9 with casein as substrate, and esterolytic activity against acetyl-tyrosine ethyl ester with a pH optimum of 8.5. The enzyme activity is completely inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, partially inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetate, but unaffected by iodoacetate. The proteolytic activity is temperature labile and is reduced by 75% within 15 min at 60 C. Synthesis of the protease activity is induced by proteins, and to a lesser extent by large-molecular-weight polyamino acids, but not at all by small peptides or amino acid mixtures. During conidial out-growth, the protease(s) first appears at about 8 h and continues to increase while the cells are in an active growth phase. When a low concentration of sulfate is present, the protease(s) is not produced until about 18 h, suggesting that the sulfate must first be used by the cells before the protease is either synthesized or released.  相似文献   

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