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Ionizing radiation-induced bystander effects have been documented for a multitude of endpoints such as mutations, chromosome aberrations and cell death, which arise in nonirradiated bystander cells having received signals from directly irradiated cells; however, energetic heavy ion-induced bystander response is incompletely characterized. To address this, we employed precise microbeams of carbon and neon ions for targeting only a very small fraction of cells in confluent fibroblast cultures. Conventional broadfield irradiation was conducted in parallel to see the effects in irradiated cells. Exposure of 0.00026% of cells led to nearly 10% reductions in the clonogenic survival and twofold rises in the apoptotic incidence regardless of ion species. Whilst apoptotic frequency increased with time up to 72 h postirradiation in irradiated cells, its frequency escalated up to 24h postirradiation but declined at 48 h postirradiation in bystander cells, indicating that bystander cells exhibit transient commitment to apoptosis. Carbon- and neon-ion microbeam irradiation similarly caused almost twofold increments in the levels of serine 15-phosphorylated p53 proteins, irrespective of whether 0.00026, 0.0013 or 0.0066% of cells were targeted. Whereas the levels of phosphorylated p53 were elevated and remained unchanged at 2h and 6h postirradiation in irradiated cells, its levels rose at 6h postirradiation but not at 2h postirradiation in bystander cells, suggesting that bystander cells manifest delayed p53 phosphorylation. Collectively, our results indicate that heavy ions inactivate clonogenic potential of bystander cells, and that the time course of the response to heavy ions differs between irradiated and bystander cells. These induced bystander responses could be a defensive mechanism that minimizes further expansion of aberrant cells.  相似文献   

Studies over the last several years have revealed the existence of a biological phenomenon known as "bystander effect", wherein cells that are not exposed to radiation elicit a similar response to that of irradiated cells. Understanding the mechanism(s) underlying the bystander effect is important not only for radiation risk assessment but also for evaluation of protocols for cancer radiotherapy. Evaluation of signaling pathways in bystander cells may provide an insight to understand the molecular mechanisms(s) responsible for this complex phenomenon. With this objective, the time course kinetics of intracellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC isoforms PKC-betaII, PKC-alpha/beta, PKC-theta) was investigated in total and subcellular (cytosolic and nuclear) fractions of human lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cells. MRC-5 cells were either irradiated or treated with the irradiated conditioned medium collected 1h after 1 or 10 Gy of gamma-irradiation. The radiation dose selected was in the range of therapeutic usage of radiation for the human cancer treatment. Unexpectedly, bystander cells showed higher activation of protein kinase C isoforms as compared to irradiated and sham-treated control cells. Protein kinase C isoforms were more enriched in the nuclear fraction than the cytosolic fraction proteins. Induction of PKC isoforms in bystander cells are due to post-translational modifications as shown by the non-phosphorylated protein kinase C level in both irradiated and bystander cells did not differ from the sham-treated control cells. The specific activation of protein kinase C isoforms in bystander cells as demonstrated for the first time in this study may help to identify the effect of therapeutically used radiation exposure for the tumor destructions along with its implications for adjacent non-irradiated cells and organs.  相似文献   

Numerous investigators have reported that direct exposure of cells to a low dose of ionizing radiation can induce a condition of enhanced radioresistance, i.e. a "radioadaptive" response. In this report, we investigated the hypothesis that a radioadaptive bystander effect may be induced in unirradiated cells by a transmissible factor(s) present in the supernatants of cells exposed to a low dose of alpha particles. Normal human lung fibroblasts (HFL-1) were irradiated with 1 cGy of alpha particles and their supernatants were transferred to unirradiated HFL-1 cells as a bystander cell model. Compared to directly irradiated cells that were not treated with supernatants from HFL-1 cells exposed to low-dose radiation, such treatment resulted in increased clonogenic survival after subsequent exposure to 10 and 19 cGy of alpha particles. Increases in protein levels of AP-endonuclease, a redox and DNA base excision repair protein, were found in the bystander cells, but not in directly irradiated cells. Supernatants from alpha-particle-irradiated cells were also found to increase the clonogenicity of unirradiated cells. These results, in conjunction with our earlier findings that supernatants from cells exposed to a low dose of alpha particles contain growth-promoting activity, suggest that this new bystander effect may be related to an increase in DNA repair and cell growth/cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Although bystander effects have been shown for some high-LET radiations, few studies have been done on bystander effects induced by heavy-ion radiation. In this study, using a Transwell insert co-culture system, we have demonstrated that irradiation with 1 GeV/nucleon iron ions can induce medium-mediated bystander effects in normal AG01522 human fibroblasts. When irradiated and unirradiated bystander cells were combined in shared medium immediately after irradiation, a two- to threefold increase in the percentage of bystander cells with gamma-H2AX foci occurred as early as 1 h after irradiation and lasted at least 24 h. There was a twofold increase in the formation of micronuclei in bystander cells when they were co-cultured with irradiated cells immediately or 1 or 3 h after irradiation, but there was no bystander effect when the cells were co-cultured 6 h or later after irradiation. In addition, bystander micronucleus formation was observed even when the bystander cells were co-cultured with irradiated cells for only 1 h. This indicates that the crucial signaling to bystander cells from irradiated cells occurs shortly after irradiation. Moreover, both gamma-H2AX focus formation and micronucleus formation in bystander cells were inhibited by the ROS scavengers SOD or catalase or the NO scavenger PTIO. This suggests that ROS and NO play important roles in the initiation of bystander effects. The results with iron ions were similar to those with X rays, suggesting that the bystander responses in this system are independent of LET.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence biological responses to ionizing radiation are not confined to those cells that are directly hit, but may be seen in the progeny at subsequent generations (genomic instability) and in non-irradiated neighbors of irradiated cells (bystander effects). These so called non-targeted phenomena would have significant contributions to radiation-induced carcinogenesis, especially at low doses where only a limited number of cells in a population are directed hit. Here we present data using a co-culturing protocol examining chromosomal instability in alpha-irradiated and bystander human fibroblasts BJ1-htert. At the first cell division following exposure to 0.1 and 1Gy alpha-particles, irradiated populations demonstrated a dose dependent increase in chromosome-type aberrations. At this time bystander BJ1-htert populations demonstrated elevated chromatid-type aberrations when compared to controls. Irradiated and bystander populations were also analyzed for chromosomal aberrations as a function of time post-irradiation. When considered over 25 doublings, all irradiated and bystander populations had significantly higher frequencies of chromatid aberrations when compared to controls (2-3-fold over controls) and were not dependent on dose. The results presented here support the link between the radiation-induced phenomena of genomic instability and the bystander effect.  相似文献   

Mammalian genomes are replicated under a flexible program, with random use of origins and variable fork rates, and many details of the process must be still unraveled. Molecular combing provides a set of direct data regarding the replication profile of eukaryotic cells: fork rates; organization of the replication clusters; proportion of unidirectional forks; and fork dynamics. In this study the replication profiles of different primary and immortalized non-cancer human cells (lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid cells, fibroblasts) were evaluated at the whole-genome level or within reference genomic regions harboring coding genes. It emerged that these different cell types are characterized by specific replication profiles. In primary fibroblasts, a remarkable fraction of the mammalian genome was found to be replicated by unidirectional forks, and interestingly, the proportion of unidirectional forks further increased in the replicating genome along the population divisions. A second difference concerned in the proportion of paused replication forks, again more frequent in primary fibroblasts than in PBL/lymphoblastoid cells. We concluded that these patterns, whose relevance could escape when genomic methods are applied, represent normal replication features. In single-locus analyses, unidirectional and paused replication forks were highly represented in all genomic regions considered with respect to the average estimates referring to the whole-genome. In addition, fork rates were significantly lower than whole-genome estimates. Instead, when considering the specificities of each genomic region investigated (early to late replication, normal or fragile site) no further differentiating features of replication profiles were detected. These data, representing the integration of genome-wide and single-locus analyses, highlight a large heterogeneity of replication profiles among cell types and within the genome, which should be considered for the correct use of replication datasets.  相似文献   

By adding a step of immunoaffinity to the method we had previously developed for analysing erythropoietin (EPO) in urine, we were able to study the isoelectric profiles of this hormone in human serum samples. This method was sensitive enough to investigate samples presenting physiological levels of this hormone. Comparison with the corresponding profiles in urine showed that natural EPO was systematically more acidic in urine. The acidification process, which was not patent in the non-human primate Cynomolgus macaque, clearly also affected recombinant EPO when injected into humans. This process was unrelated to any enzymatic activity in urine since the incubation of natural or recombinant EPO in urine induced no transformation of their isoelectric profiles. The nature and mechanism of the structural modifications occurring during the renal handling of this hormone remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed a quantitative difference in a series of polypeptides ranging in MW from 45 000 to 51 000 and of lower isoelectric pH than vimentin, when comparing normal human fibroblasts with a virally transformed subline and with HeLa cells. Re-extraction of purified [35S]vimentin with cold whole cell homogenates and peptide mapping showed that these polypeptides are derivatives of vimentin. They may be natural components of a normal fibroblast's architecture or they may arise from a pool of vimentin that is not structured within intermediate filaments at the time of extraction. Furthermore, we show that vimentin from the two transformed cell types is more resistant to proteolysis by whole cell homogenates than vimentin from normal fibroblasts. Structural alteration of vimentin may play an important role in the expression of transformation.  相似文献   

Our previous study suggested that the DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by very low X-ray doses are largely due to bystander effects. The aim of this study was to verify whether DSBs created by radiation-induced bystander effects are likely to be repaired. We examined the generation of DSBs in cells by enumeration of phosphorylated ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) foci, which are correlated with DSB repair, in normal human fibroblast cells (MRC-5) after X irradiation at doses ranging from 1 to 1000 mGy. At 24 h after irradiation, 100% (1.2 mGy), 58% (20 mGy), 12% (200 mGy) and 8.5% (1000 mGy) of the initial number of phosphorylated ATM foci were detected. The number of phosphorylated ATM foci in MRC-5 cells treated with lindane, an inhibitor of radiation-induced bystander effects, prior to X irradiation was assessed; phosphorylated ATM foci were not observed at 5 h (20 mGy) or 24 h (200 mGy) postirradiation. We also counted the number of phosphorylated ATM foci in MRC-5 cells cocultured with MRC-5 cells irradiated with 20 mGy. After 48 h of coculture, 81% of the initial numbers of phosphorylated ATM foci remained. These findings suggest that DSBs induced by the radiation-induced bystander effect persist for long periods, whereas DSBs induced by direct radiation effects are repaired relatively quickly.  相似文献   

Recent genome-wide association studies suggest distinct roles for 12 human interferon-alpha (IFN-α) and 3 IFN-λ subtypes that may be elucidated by defining the expression patterns of these sets of genes. To overcome the impediment of high homology among each of the sets, we designed a quantitative real-time PCR assay that incorporates the use of molecular beacon and locked nucleic acid (LNA) probes, and in some instances, LNA oligonucleotide inhibitors. We then measured IFN subtype expression by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and by purified monocytes, myeloid dendritic cells (mDC), plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), and monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM), and -dendritic cells (MDDC) in response to poly I:C, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), imiquimod and CpG oligonucleotides. We found that in response to poly I:C and LPS, monocytes, MDM and MDDC express a subtype pattern restricted primarily to IFN-β and IFN-λ1. In addition, while CpG elicited expression of all type I IFN subtypes by pDC, imiquimod did not. Furthermore, MDM and mDC highly express IFN-λ, and the subtypes of IFN-λ are expressed hierarchically in the order IFN-λ1 followed by IFN-λ2, and then IFN-λ3. These data support a model of coordinated cell- and ligand-specific expression of types I and III IFN. Defining IFN subtype expression profiles in a variety of contexts may elucidate specific roles for IFN subtypes as protective, therapeutic or pathogenic mediators.  相似文献   

Platelet derived growth factors (PDGF) are known to be associated with vitreoretinal disorders such as proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). We have studied the expression of PDGF and their receptors in human retinal pigment epithelial cells (HRPE) and choroid fibroblasts (HCHF), and the regulation of PDGF and its receptors by various cytokines and growth factors. RT-PCR analyses showed enhanced expression of PDGF-A and PDGF-B mRNA in HRPE treated with TGF-beta, but not with other cytokines. A minimal increase was observed in PDGF-A mRNA in TGF-beta treated HCHF cells. PDGF-R alpha mRNA, which was expressed prominently in HCHF and at very low levels in HRPE, was not affected by any of the agents. PDGF-R beta was not detectable in either HRPE or HCHF. HRPE secreted PDGF-AA and AB constitutively, and this secretion was significantly enhanced by TGF-beta. In contrast, HCHF cultures did not secrete detectable levels of any of the three isoforms of PDGF (AA, AB, BB). All three human recombinant PDGF isoforms enhanced HCHF cell proliferation significantly, while only a minimal increase was observed in HRPE. PDGF isoforms also induced HCHF cell elongation and promoted migration of HCHF in an in vitro wound assay. The results presented in this study demonstrate that TGF-beta activated RPE cells produce PDGF that may act on fibroblasts and other mesenchyme derived cells which express PDGF receptors. These studies indicate that the promotion of the proliferation and migration of mesenchymal cells by RPE cell derived PDGF may facilitate the formation of fibrovascular tissues associated with PVR.  相似文献   



Numerous gene lists or "classifiers" have been derived from global gene expression data that assign breast cancers to good and poor prognosis groups. A remarkable feature of these molecular signatures is that they have few genes in common, prompting speculation that they may use distinct genes to measure the same pathophysiological process(es), such as proliferation. However, this supposition has not been rigorously tested. If gene-based classifiers function by measuring a minimal number of cellular processes, we hypothesized that the informative genes for these processes could be identified and the data sets could be adjusted for the predictive contributions of those genes. Such adjustment would then attenuate the predictive function of any signature measuring that same process.


We tested this hypothesis directly using a novel iterative-subtractive approach. We evaluated five gene expression data sets that sample a broad range of breast cancer subtypes. In all data sets, the dominant cluster capable of predicting metastasis was heavily populated by genes that fluctuate in concert with the cell cycle. When six well-characterized classifiers were examined, all contained a higher than expected proportion of genes that correlate with this cluster. Furthermore, when the data sets were globally adjusted for the cell cycle cluster, each classifier lost its ability to assign tumors to appropriate high and low risk groups. In contrast, adjusting for other predictive gene clusters did not impact their performance.


These data indicate that the discriminative ability of breast cancer classifiers is dependent upon genes that correlate with cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Shao C  Prise KM  Folkard M 《Mutation research》2008,638(1-2):139-145
The aim of this study was to investigate the signaling factor and its pathway involved in the targeted irradiation-induced bystander response from glioblastoma cells to primary fibroblasts. After co-culturing with a glioblastoma T98G population where a fraction of cells had been individually irradiated with a precise number of helium particles, additional micronucleus (MN) were induced in the non-irradiated human fibroblasts AG01522 cells and its yield was independent of irradiation dose. This bystander MN induction was eliminated by treating the cells with either aminoguanidine (AG), an iNOS inhibitor, or anti-transforming growth factor-beta1 (anti-TGF-beta1). In addition, TGF-beta1 could be released from irradiated T98G cells but this release was inhibited by AG. In consistent, TGF-beta1 could also be induced from T98G cells treated with diethylamine nitric oxide (DEANO), a donor of nitric oxide (NO). Moreover, the effect of TGF-beta1 on bystander AG01522 cells was investigated. It was found that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and MN were induced in AG01522 cells after TGF-beta1 treatment. Our results indicate that, downstream of NO, TGF-beta1 plays an important role in the targeted T98G cells induced bystander response to AG0 cells by further causing DNA damage in vicinal fibroblasts through a ROS related pathway. This study may have implications for properly evaluating the secondary effects of radiotherapy.  相似文献   

N Oliver  R F Newby  L T Furcht  S Bourgeois 《Cell》1983,33(1):287-296
When treated with the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone, HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells show changes in morphology, adhesion, and the extracellular matrix. Dexamethasone treatment results in a tenfold increase in the rate of fibronectin biosynthesis in HT1080 cells and a twofold increase in untransformed, normal human fibroblasts. Maximal induction levels are attained within one cell generation, while decay of the response requires several cell cycles. Pulse-chase studies showed that most of the newly synthesized fibronectin is secreted into the medium. The glucocorticoid antagonist, RU-486, blocks the dexamethasone-induced changes but does not alter the basal rate of fibronectin production. Therefore, fibronectin biosynthesis appears to be controlled by two distinct mechanisms--one, regulating basal rates of fibronectin production, which is transformation-sensitive and glucocorticoid-independent; and another, which is mediated by the glucocorticoid receptor, resulting in elevated rates of fibronectin biosynthesis upon dexamethasone treatment both in normal fibroblasts and in HT1080 cells.  相似文献   

Human thyroid follicular cells in culture expressed the mRNAs for the receptors for vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFRs). The relative expression was neuropilin1 = neuropilin2 = VEGFR2 > VEGFR1 > VEGFR3. Western blotting for VEGFR2 showed labeling of proteins ~200-230 kDa. Clonal follicular thyroid cell lines (FRTL5 and FTC133) also expressed mRNAs for the VEGFR1 and 2 obviating concerns of endothelial cell contamination. In the primary cultures, TSH, which is essential for expression of differentiated function, reduced VEGFR2 mRNA levels by 60%. Immunostaining for VEGFRs and neuropilin2 (NRP2), showed expression on the plasma membrane but with the exception of neuropilin1 (NRP1), all VEGFRs were also found in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Antibody specific for phosphotyrosine 1214 in VEGFR2 showed that the receptor was phosphorylated in the primary cultures and the cell lines. When VEGFR signaling was blocked with a specific inhibitor, follicle formation in the primary cultures was enhanced suggesting that VEGFR activation was detrimental to follicle formation. Immunostaining of sections of normal thyroids and various pathologies showed staining for VEGFR2 and pVEGFR2. We conclude that normal thyroid follicular cell express VEGFRs. For VEGFR2 its subcellular localization suggests functions additional to that of a cell surface receptor and a role in follicular integrity.  相似文献   

Sokolov MV  Neumann RD 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e14195


The radiation-induced “bystander effect” (RIBE) was shown to occur in a number of experimental systems both in vitro and in vivo as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation (IR). RIBE manifests itself by intercellular communication from irradiated cells to non-irradiated cells which may cause DNA damage and eventual death in these bystander cells. It is known that human stem cells (hSC) are ultimately involved in numerous crucial biological processes such as embryologic development; maintenance of normal homeostasis; aging; and aging-related pathologies such as cancerogenesis and other diseases. However, very little is known about radiation-induced bystander effect in hSC. To mechanistically interrogate RIBE responses and to gain novel insights into RIBE specifically in hSC compartment, both medium transfer and cell co-culture bystander protocols were employed.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Human bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) and embryonic stem cells (hESC) were irradiated with doses 0.2 Gy, 2 Gy and 10 Gy of X-rays, allowed to recover either for 1 hr or 24 hr. Then conditioned medium was collected and transferred to non-irradiated hSC for time course studies. In addition, irradiated hMSC were labeled with a vital CMRA dye and co-cultured with non-irradiated bystander hMSC. The medium transfer data showed no evidence for RIBE either in hMSC and hESC by the criteria of induction of DNA damage and for apoptotic cell death compared to non-irradiated cells (p>0.05). A lack of robust RIBE was also demonstrated in hMSC co-cultured with irradiated cells (p>0.05).


These data indicate that hSC might not be susceptible to damaging effects of RIBE signaling compared to differentiated adult human somatic cells as shown previously. This finding could have profound implications in a field of radiation biology/oncology, in evaluating radiation risk of IR exposures, and for the safety and efficacy of hSC regenerative-based therapies.  相似文献   

Microtubules play an important role in several cellular functions including cellular architecture and chromosome movement in cell division. Tubulin which polymerizes to form mictobules can be purified to homogeneity and used to raised antisera. Antisera prepared against porcine or chicken tubulin reacts well with mammalian tubulin. We have examined normal and transformed cells of mouse and human origin for microtubules by indirect immunofluorescence methods. Extensive networks of microtubules (MN) are easily detectable in normal and some transformed cells. The fixation procedure employed and the morphology and the cellular attachment properties seem to determine the ease of detection of MN in these cells. Cells derived from tumors and exhibiting several transformed phenotypes contained MN comparable to those of normal cells. Hybrids between transformed mouse cells and normal human cells were examined. They showed a variability in morphology, but all contained MN. These hybrids exhibited several transformed phenotypes. We conclude that in the cell lines we have examined there is no correlation between the transformed phenotypes and the organization of tubulin.  相似文献   

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have potent immunosuppressive properties and have been advocated for therapeutic use in humans. The nature of their suppressive capacity is poorly understood but is said to be a primitive stem cell function. Demonstration that adult stromal cells such as fibroblasts (Fb) can modulate T cells would have important implications for immunoregulation and cellular therapy. In this report, we show that dermal Fb inhibit allogeneic T cell activation by autologously derived cutaneous APCs and other stimulators. Fb mediate suppression through soluble factors, but this is critically dependent on IFN-gamma from activated T cells. IFN-gamma induces IDO in Fb, and accelerated tryptophan metabolism is at least partly responsible for suppression of T cell proliferation. T cell suppression is reversible, and transient exposure to Fb during activation reprograms T cells, increasing IL-4 and IL-10 secretion upon restimulation. Increased Th2 polarization by stromal cells is associated with amelioration of pathological changes in a human model of graft-vs-host disease. Dermal Fb are highly clonogenic in vitro, suggesting that Fb-mediated immunosuppression is not due to outgrowth of rare MSC, although dermal Fb remain difficult to distinguish from MSC by phenotype or transdifferentiation capacity. These results suggest that immunosuppression is a general property of stromal cells and that dermal Fb may provide an alternative and accessible source of cellular therapy.  相似文献   

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