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The oldest annelid fossils are polychaetes from the Cambrian Period. They are representatives of the annelid stem group and thus vital in any discussion of how we polarize the evolution of the crown group. Here, we describe a fossil polychaete from the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet fauna, Pygocirrus butyricampum gen. et sp. nov., with structures identified as pygidial cirri, which are recorded for the first time from Cambrian annelids. The body is slender and has biramous parapodia with chaetae organized in laterally oriented bundles. The presence of pygidial cirri is one of the characters that hitherto has defined the annelid crown group, which diversified during the Cambrian-Ordovician transition. The newly described fossil shows that this character had already developed within the total group by the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

The musculature of adult specimens of Cossura pygodactylata was studied by means of F-actin labelling and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Their body wall is comprised of five longitudinal muscle bands: two dorsal, two ventral and one ventromedial. Complete circular fibres are found only in the abdominal region, and they are developed only on the border of the segments. Thoracic and posterior body regions contain only transverse fibres ending near the ventral longitudinal bands. Almost-complete rings of transverse muscles, with gaps on the dorsal and ventral sides, surround the terminal part of the pygidium. Four longitudinal bands go to the middle of the prostomium and 5–14 paired dorso-ventral muscle fibres arise in its distal part. Each buccal tentacle contains one thick and two thin longitudinal muscle filaments; thick muscle fibres from all tentacles merge, forming left and right tentacle protractors rooted in the dorsal longitudinal bands of the body wall. The circumbuccal complex includes well-developed upper and lower lips. These lips contain an outer layer of transverse fibres, and the lower lip also contains inner oblique muscles going to the dorsal longitudinal bands. The branchial filament contains two longitudinal muscle fibres that do not connect with the body musculature. The parapodial complex includes strong intersegmental and segmental oblique muscles in the thoracic region only; chaetal retractors, protractors and muscles of the body wall are present in all body regions. Muscle fibres are developed in the dorsal and ventral mesenteries. One semi-circular fibre is developed on the border of each segment and is most likely embedded in the dissepiment. The intestine has thin circular fibres along its full length. The dorsal blood vessel has strong muscle fibres that cover its anterior part, which is called the heart. It consists of short longitudinal elements forming regular rings and inner partitions. The musculature of C. pygodactylata includes some elements that are homologous with similar muscular components in other polychaetes (i.e., the body wall and most parapodial muscles) and several unique features, mostly at the anterior end.  相似文献   

The structure of the polychaete muscular system is reviewed. The muscular system comprises the muscles of the body wall, the musculature of the parapodial complex and the muscle system of the dissepiments and mesenteries. Various types of organisation of the longitudinal and circular components of the muscular body wall are distinguished. In Opheliidae, Polygordiidae, Protodrilidae, Spionidae, Oweniidae, Aphroditidae, Acoetidae (=Polyodontidae), Polynoidae, Sigalonidae, Phyllodocidae, Nephtyidae, Pisionidae, and Nerillidae circular muscles are lacking. It is hypothesised that the absence of circular muscles represents the plesiomorphic state in Annelida. This view contradicts the widely accepted idea of an earthworm-like musculature of the body wall comprising an outer layer of circular and an inner layer of longitudinal fibres. A classification of the various types of parapodial muscle construction has been developed. Massive and less manoeuvrable parapodia composed of many components like those of Aphrodita are regarded to represent the plesiomorphic state in recent polychaetes. An analysis of the diversity of the muscular structure supports the hypothesis that the primary mode of life in polychaetes was epibenthic and the parapodial chaetae had a protective function.  相似文献   

R. B. Clark    Colin O.  Hermans 《Journal of Zoology》1976,178(2):147-159
The opheliids Amniotrypane and Armundiu have very small parapodia bearing few chaetae, and these are pressed back against the body when the animals swim; the archiannelid Polygordius lacks parapodia and chaetae. All three worms have smooth bodies and swim by retrograde sinusoidal movements in the same way as other long, narrow, smooth-bodied animals, unlike nereidiform polychaetes in which the parapodial beat provides the driving force and the body undulations travelin the same direction as that of locomotion.
The wavelength of the undulations is comparable to the body length of these smooth polychaetes and this generally results in pronounced yaw. The kinetics of swimming are similar to those observed in nematodes and the amphioxus, and these polychaetes have comparable structural and mechanical features. A thick cuticle containing a spiral fibre system and lacking circular body-wall muscles is comparable to the situation in some nematodes, but in these polychaetes transverse muscles antagonize the longitudinal muscles and may allow adjustment of the internal hydrostatic pressure-and hence the stiffness of the body-as in the notochord of amphioxus which has similar swimming characteristics.
Like amphioxus, these polychaetes leave and re-enter the substratum in which they live. The small archiannelid Protodrilus has a similar muscular anatomy to that in Polygordius , but has a thin cuticle without spiral fibres. Prorodrilus has not with certainty been observed to swim.  相似文献   

The oldest fossil annelids come from the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet and Guanshan biotas and Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. While these are among the best preserved polychaete fossils, their relationship to living taxa is contentious, having been interpreted either as members of extant clades or as a grade outside the crown group. New morphological observations from five Cambrian species include the oldest polychaete with head appendages, a new specimen of Pygocirrus from Sirius Passet, and an undescribed form from the Burgess Shale. We propose that the palps of Canadia are on an anterior segment bearing neuropodia and that the head of Phragmochaeta is formed of a segment bearing biramous parapodia and chaetae. The unusual anatomy of these taxa suggests that the head is not differentiated into a prostomium and peristomium, that palps are derived from a modified parapodium and that the annelid head was originally a parapodium-bearing segment. Canadia, Phragmochaeta and the Marble Canyon annelid share the presence of protective notochaetae, interpreted as a primitive character state subsequently lost in Pygocirrus and Burgessochaeta, in which the head is clearly differentiated from the trunk.  相似文献   

Phalloidin fluorescence technique, enzyme cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy were used for the first time to describe the nervous and muscle systems of the viviparous monogenean parasite, Gyrodactylus rysavyi inhabiting the gills and skin of the Nile catfish Clarias gariepinus. The body wall muscles are composed of an outer layer of circular fibres, an intermediate layer of paired longitudinal fibres and an inner layer of well-spaced bands of diagonal fibres arranged in two crossed directions. The musculature of the pharynx, intestine, reproductive tract and the most prominent muscles of the haptor were also described. Two characteristic muscular pads were found lying in the anterior region of the haptor in close contact with the hamuli. To each one of these pads, a group of ventral extrinsic muscles was connected. The role of this ventral extrinsic muscle in the body movement was discussed. The mechanism operating the marginal hooklets was also discussed. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of paired cerebral ganglia from which three pairs of longitudinal ventral, lateral and dorsal nerve cords arise. The nerve cords are connected at intervals by many transverse connectives. The CNS is better developed ventrally than dorsally or laterally and it has the highest reactivity for all neuroactive substances examined. Both the central and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are bilaterally symmetrical. Structural and functional correlates of the neuromusculature of the pharynx, haptor and reproductive tracts were explained. The results implicated acetylcholine, FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) and serotonin in sensory and motor function. The results were compared with those of the monogeneans Macrogyrodactylus clarii and M. congolensis inhabiting the gills and skin respectively of the same host fish C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

A phosphatized bilaterally symmetrical, spirally coiled conch from the Lower Cambrian phosphates of the Meishucunian Stage of eastern Yunnan, China, is composed of two well-preserved layers. The outer one is built of longitudinal mineralized fibres not strictly parallel to each other, but may anastomose or branch. The fibres form comarginal ribs with transversal grooves between them, corresponding to growth stages. In the ribs, the fibres are arranged closely and are steeply inclined towards the apex, while in the grooves the fibres are subparallel to the conch surface and more loosely packed. Small elliptic and triangular holes are situated within and between the fibres of the outer layer. The inner layer consists of transversal fibres running around the conch. They are almost parallel to each other but partly separated by narrow discontinuous slits. Despite overall morphological similarity of the conch to shells of some early Cambrian molluscs, the observed orthogonal configuration of longitudinally oriented fibrous structures of the outer layer and transversal fibres of the inner layer is found in orthothecid hyoliths, phosphatized microstuctures of which have been described from the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. The new material from the Yangtze Platform supports a conclusion of a distinctive type of microstructure available in hyoliths different from molluscan microstructures available from the Lower Cambrian.  相似文献   

The organisation of the praesoma in the parasite Acanthocephalus anguillae was studied on the light and electron microscopic level, with emphasis on the morphology of the musculature. The study was compiled to add new data to the ground pattern of the Acanthocephala for analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within the Gnathifera. In A. anguillae the praesomal epidermis and lemnisci form a coherent syncytium, separated from the epidermis of the trunk. Hooks are seen to be derivatives of the subepidermal basal lamina and are covered by the praesomal epidermis. The praesomal circular body wall musculature forms a network of anastomosing muscle fibres that lines the proboscis; a praesomal longitudinal body wall musculature does not exist. The truncal circular and longitudinal body wall musculature rise up to the praesomal proboscis. The unpaired proboscis retractor, consisting of longitudinal circomyar fibres, forms an outer and an inner concentric tube; the latter extends through the entire praesoma and penetrates the receptacle wall. The sack-like receptacle is surrounded by a receptacle constrictor. The nervous system of the praesoma consists of a prominent cerebral ganglion, three nerves which extend anteriorly, ramify and end within the praesomal musculature, and two strong lateral posterior nerves. A. anguillae lacks an apical organ, lateral organs and a support cell. Many of the features present in the praesoma of A. anguillae can be assumed as ground-pattern characteristics of the Acanthocephala. Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

The annelid body wall generally comprises an outer layer of circular muscle fibres and an inner layer of longitudinal muscle fibres as well as parapodial and chaetal muscles. An investigation of Dysponetuspygmaeus (Chrysopetalidae) with confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that circular muscles are entirely absent. Further studies indicate that this feature is characteristic for all Chrysopetalidae. A scrutiny of the literature showed a similar situation in many other polychaetes. This lack of circular muscle fibres may either be due to convergence or represent a plesiomorphic character. Since circular muscles are very likely important for burrowing forms but not necessary for animals which proceed by movements of their parapodial appendages or cilia, this problem is also related to the question of whether the ancestral polychaete was epi‐ or endobenthic.  相似文献   

The lateral fins of cuttlefish and squid consist of a tightly packed three-dimensional array of musculature that lacks bony skeletal support or fluid-filled cavities for hydrostatic skeletal support. During swimming and manoeuvring, the fins are bent upward and downward in undulatory waves. The fin musculature is arranged in three mutually perpendicular planes. Transverse muscle bundles extend parallel to the fin surface from the base of the fin to the fin margin. Dorso-ventral muscle bundles extend from dorsal and ventral connective tissue fasciae to a median connective tissue fascia. A layer of longitudinal muscle bundles is situated adjacent to both the dorsal and ventral surface of the median fascia. The muscle fibres are obliquely striated and include a core of mitochondria. A zone of muscle fibres with a more extensive core of mitochondria is present in both the dorsal and the ventral transverse muscle bundles. It is hypothesized that these muscle masses include two fibre types with different aerobic capacity. A network of connective tissue fibres is present in the transverse and dorso-ventral muscle masses. These fibres, probably collagen, are oriented at 45 to the long axes of the transverse and dorsoventral muscle fibres in transverse planes.
A biomechanicayl analysis of the morphology suggests that support for fin movements is provided by simultaneous contractile activity of muscles of specific orientations in a manner similar to that proposed for other 'muscular-hydrostats'. The musculature therefore provides both the force and support for movement. Connective tissue fibres may aid in providing support and may also serve for elastic energy storage.  相似文献   

Thick fibres mainly located in longitudinal and parallel arrays were observed on the outer surface of vegetative mycelial walls of Agaricus bisporus treated to remove the polysaccharide mucilage. When thick fibres were removed from the cell wall, by alkali treatment, thin fibres with predominantly transverse orientation were observed. The former have been identified to be composed of α-glucan and the latter of chitin. Both different types of fibres constitute the skeletal components of the wall in which matrix materials are embedded.  相似文献   

Visual organs are widely distributed throughout the animal kingdom and exhibit a great diversity of morphologies. Compound eyes consisting of numerous visual units (ommatidia) are the oldest preserved visual systems of arthropods, but their origins are obscure and hypothetical models for their evolution have been difficult to test in the absence of unequivocal fossil evidence. Here we reveal the detailed eye structures of well-preserved Early Cambrian lobopodians Luolishania longicruris and Hallucigenia fortis from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte, China. These animals possess a pair of eyes composed of at least two visual units, interpreted as pigment cups. Contrary to previous suggestions that Cambrian lobopodians possessed ocellus-like eyes comparable to those of extant onychophorans, this multi-component structure is more similar to the lateral eyes of arthropods. Morphological comparison and phylogenetic analyses indicate that these lobopodian eyes may represent an early stage in the evolution of the ancestral visual system of euarthropods.  相似文献   

Results of trials using chemical and enzymatic wall extractants for the removal of matrix materials for in situ observations of newly deposited microfibrils are described. Observations were then made of the orientation of microfibrils on the inner walls of differentiating and maturing fibres and parenchyma cells under the FESEM. Orientation changes were similar in both cell types. During very early primary wall development, deposition of microfibrils was in more or less axial alignment, which was later superseded by microfibrils in transverse orientation (90o to the long axis). A transverse orientation of microfibrils remained throughout much of primary wall synthesis, until an abrupt shift occurred to a sloped orientation during late primary wall synthesis. Microfibrils of the first secondary wall layer were in axial alignment or steeply sloped. In subsequent secondary wall deposition there was an alternation between a transverse and a sloped or axial alignment in maturing fibres and parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

The systematic position of Orbiniidae within Polychaeta is still uncertain. In order to provide additional comparative data, we investigated the chaetal arrangement in this family, which is considered valuable for polychaete systematics. Specimens of Scoloplos armiger, Orbinia latreillii, and Pettibonella multiuncinata were examined by SEM and serial sections analysed by computer aided 3D-reconstructions. The obtained data suggest that the chaetal arrangement of Orbiniidae resembles that of other sedentary polychaetes in only a few respects. Transverse rows are only present in the main, anterior part of the chaetal patches of thoracic neuropods. The position of the formative site indicates homology with the transverse rows of several sedentary polychaete taxa. The chaetal patches thus differ significantly from those known in Apistobranchidae. Independent rows with an own caudal formative site, which run along the caudoventral edge of the chaetal patches, resemble the neuropodial ventral longitudinal rows known in Spionidae and related taxa. The abdominal neuropodia of S. armiger and O. latreillii bear longitudinal rows of chaetae. These are reorientated during ontogenetic chaetiger transformation and become the transverse rows of the thoracic chaetal patches. 3D reconstruction of S. armiger revealed that the notopodial chaetal bundles are organized in rows as well. Notopodia and abdominal neuropodia bear deep reaching supportive chaetae. They are the first chaetae formed during neuropodial development and reside dorsally to the longitudinal row of capillary chaetae. Neither position nor structure indicates homology with the supportive chaetae of other sedentary polychaetes. Spionidae and related taxa are thus the only sedentary polychaetes, which specifically resemble Orbiniidae in certain aspects of their chaetal arrangement. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wilfried Westheide on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Transverse viscoelastic extensibility was measured directly in isolated walls of Nitella internode cells. Cell walls extended transversely exhibit a yield point which is approximately twice the yield point in the longitudinal direction. Walls from young, growing cells are four to seven times more extensible longitudinally than transversely, while walls from mature, nongrowing cells are only two times more extensible longitudinally. Although longitudinal extensibility decreases drastically with the decrease in the growth rate, lateral extensibility is constant through development. There is a discrepancy between the lateral growth rate and transverse creep, since the lateral growth rate is not constant. However, the degree of wall anisotropy observed is consistent with the view that the transversely oriented cellulose microfibrils act as a “reinforcing filler” in Nitella cell walls.  相似文献   

The genital region of seven species of Tubificidae has been studied by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). The form and the position of penial and spermathecal chaetae, male and spermathecal pores and other special structures have been examined. Peristodrilus montanus shows a special system to hold the partner: the penial chaetae anchor in an elaborated structure of the body wall formed between the spermathecal pores, the `anchorage bridge'. Protuberodrilus tourenqui has a long glandular porophore with the male pores at the tip, allowing contact with the spermathecal pores which are located in deep, close to the mid-ventral line of the body. The grooved and strongly curved penial chaetae of Rhyacodrilus falciformis seem to be used both for attachment and for sperm transfer, entering into the lateral spermathecal pores. The embrace of the partners, as suggested by observations on Psammoryctides barbatus, Potamothrix bavaricus, Potamothrix hammoniensis and Potamothrix heuscheri, seems to be another important mechanism to fix contact between male and spermathecal pores and allow sperm transfer. The spermathecal chaetae could be interpreted as piercing chaetae with a chemical or mechanical stimulating role. Sensitive cilia near the penial chaetae seem to be used by the three rhyacodrilines studied to find the correct anchorage place. There is a great variety of structures which appear to be used for attachment and sperm transfer in tubificids, and consequently their role in the evolution of the whole family may be profound.  相似文献   

Summary The muscle organization of the body wall in two species of Haplotaxida is described.Haplotaxis gordioides andPelodrilus leruthi show significant differences in the longitudinal muscle layer. The observations suggest that inH. gordioides, the muscle fibres could foreshadow the flat circomyarian organization of microdrile muscles, while theP. leruthi organization recalls the pinnate arrangement of megadrile body wall.  相似文献   

Internal moulds of the laterally compressed monoplacophoran Anabarella plana Vostokova, 1962, and likely earliest rostroconch Watsonella Grabau, 1900, from the Early Cambrian of the Siberian Platform, show similar microstructures. The moulds are covered with a thin phosphatic crust replicating the inner morphology and microstructure of the shells. The shells were completely removed during etching of the samples in 10% acetic acid, except for some moulds of Watsonella sp., which retained an incompletely preserved and recrystallized wall. Three types of microtexture were found in moulds of Anabarella and Watsonella : polygonal, spiny and step-wise. The polygonal texture is well exposed in the apical area and dorsal margin and is interpreted to represent a prismatic outer layer. The polygons can be partially overlapped by spiny and stepwise textures that may represent a crossed-lamellar inner layer. Prisms and lamellae were first-order structural units, probably consisting of fibers. The similar shell microstructures of Anabarella and Watsonella , especially at the dorsal margins, support the hypothesis that a laterally compressed monoplacophoran such as Anabarella plana was the first evolutionary step from monoplacophorans towards Early Cambrian bivalves via the earliest rostroconch-like Watsonella.  相似文献   

The nereidiform polychaete taxa Chrysopetalidae, Hesionidae and Nereididae are characterized by the presence of chambered chaetae. The medullae (inner part) of all examined annelid chaetae are provided with internal longitudinal canals, but in these taxa there are additional thin, transverse walls (diaphragms), giving the chaetae a barred or chambered appearance in light microscopy. We investigate this structure in chrysopetalids, hesionids, nereidids, with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and compare it to phyllodocids and syllids, which are outside this clade. We conclude that chambered chaetae likely constitute an synapomorphy for chrysopetalids, hesionids and nereidids, although further study are required of some aphroditids and nephtyids.  相似文献   

本文对采自陕西洛南上湾剖面下寒武统辛集组疑难管状化石Cupitheca进行了研究,系统厘定和描述了两个种,分别为Cupitheca holocyclata和Cupitheca costellata,并对Cupithecidae科进行了重新修订。本文所描述标本的壳体多为次生磷酸盐化保存,壳体表面纹饰保存较好;C.holocyclata管体表面为横向纹饰,C.costellata管体表面为纵向纹饰。C.holocyclata全球广布,如南澳大利亚、南极乔治王岛、格陵兰东北部、加拿大纽芬兰等地皆有报道,产出于下寒武统中上部地层,具有一定的洲际地层对比意义。本文为C.holocyclata在中国首次发现。C.costellata仅发现于华北,即本文所研究的洛南辛集组及其同期地层安徽淮南与霍邱的雨台山组。  相似文献   

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