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Epstein JS 《Biologicals》2012,40(3):200-204
The need for blood regulation arises from the inherent risks of blood transfusion, which are minimized through implementation of standards. Regulatory oversight is advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an essential element of any blood system to ensure such standards are met. The WHO Blood Regulators Network has developed "Assessment Criteria for National Blood Regulatory Systems" that describe the legal authority and functions of a fully competent blood regulator. The core functions include licensing and/or registration of blood establishments, marketing approval of blood products, oversight of all associated substances and devices, control of clinical trials, access to an independent laboratory for product assessments, lot release, and hemovigilance systems. Regulatory policy-making for blood safety is needed to address emerging threats, to consider the risks and benefits of new products and technologies, and to respond to adverse events. Structured policy-making processes are essential to ensure that decisions are science-based, with appropriate consideration of relevant economic and social factors. Decision making is especially challenging in situations of scientific uncertainty, where prudent precautionary measures may be appropriate based on assessments of risk and feasibility of meaningful interventions. There is international interest in finding a common framework for addressing blood safety decisions.  相似文献   

Common origins of blood and blood vessels in adults?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
After embryonic development, the vast majority of cells are differentiated and all organs are in place. Growth of the organism then ensues and continues until adulthood, whereupon cell division largely ceases. In some tissues, notably the bone marrow, skin, and gut, cell proliferation continues throughout life to replace cells lost by attrition. This regeneration is fueled by rare, long-lived, and largely quiescent stem cells that give rise to committed progenitors, which in turn generate large numbers of fully differentiated cells. Mounting evidence suggests that such cells can significantly contribute to tissue repair and regeneration in adults and may therefore prove beneficial for autologous cell and gene therapies. This review focuses on the potential of adult stem cells to give rise to hematopoietic and vascular cells. We discuss evidence that a highly purified population of adult stem cells, termed SP cells, serves as a hematopoietic progenitor and can contribute to vascular regeneration after injury. We also discuss the potential relationship of these cells to the embryonic hemangioblast.  相似文献   

Unlike sodium, potassium is vasoactive; for example, when infused into the arterial supply of a vascular bed, blood flow increases. The vasodilation results from hyperpolarization of the vascular smooth muscle cell subsequent to potassium stimulation by the ion of the electrogenic Na+-K+ pump and/or activating the inwardly rectifying Kir channels. In the case of skeletal muscle and brain, the increased flow sustains the augmented metabolic needs of the tissues. Potassium ions are also released by the endothelial cells in response to neurohumoral mediators and physical forces (such as shear stress) and contribute to the endothelium-dependent relaxations, being a component of endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factor-mediated responses. Dietary supplementation of potassium can lower blood pressure in normal and some hypertensive patients. Again, in contrast to NaCl restriction, the response to potassium supplementation is slow to appear, taking approximately 4 wk. Such supplementation reduces the need for antihypertensive medication. "Salt-sensitive" hypertension responds particularly well, perhaps, in part, because supplementation with potassium increases the urinary excretion of sodium chloride. Potassium supplementation may even reduce organ system complications (e.g., stroke).  相似文献   

A total of 625 adolescents from three general practices participated in a cross-sectional study of cardiovascular disease risk factors. The girls had higher serum total and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations than the boys, while the boys had higher serum triglyceride concentrations. Smoking (equally prevalent in both sexes) was associated with lower HDL cholesterol concentrations, particularly in boys, while in girls use of oral contraceptives was associated with higher total cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol concentrations showed striking associations with age, height, and sexual maturation in boys, but not in girls. Triglyceride concentrations were associated with age in boys. Systolic blood pressure and serum urate concentrations were higher in boys and rose steeply with age, but no age association was seen for urate concentrations or systolic blood pressure in girls or for diastolic pressures in either sex. Girls, however, had higher diastolic pressures. There was a strong association between urate concentration and the other cardiovascular disease risk factors, especially HDL cholesterol. Adolescence is associated with considerable changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors, and there are striking sex differences in these changes.  相似文献   

An analysis is described which deals with the relation existing between those amounts of stored blood which are demanded and used in serological cross tests on the one hand and that transfused stored blood used in operations which can be planned in selected clinics on the other hand by accounting for the demanding parameters of 3 stored blood items and less and 4 stored blood items and more.  相似文献   

Abnormal blood flow and red blood cell deformability in severe malaria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Obstruction of the microcirculation plays a central role in the pathophysiology of severe malaria. Here, Arjen Dondorp and colleagues describe the various contributors to impaired microcirculatory flow in falciparum malaria: sequestration, rosetting and recent findings regarding impaired red blood cell deformability. The correlation with clinical findings and possible therapeutic consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

Increased blood pressure (BP) and heart rate during exercise characterizes the exercise pressor reflex. When evoked by static handgrip, mechanoreceptors and metaboreceptors produce regional changes in blood volume and blood flow, which are incompletely characterized in humans. We studied 16 healthy subjects aged 20-27 yr using segmental impedance plethysmography validated against dye dilution and venous occlusion plethysmography to noninvasively measure changes in regional blood volumes and blood flows. Static handgrip while in supine position was performed for 2 min without postexercise ischemia. Measurements of heart rate and BP variability and coherence analyses were used to examine baroreflex-mediated autonomic effects. During handgrip exercise, systolic BP increased from 120 +/- 10 to 148 +/- 14 mmHg, whereas heart rate increased from 60 +/- 8 to 82 +/- 12 beats/min. Heart rate variability decreased, whereas BP variability increased, and transfer function amplitude was reduced from 18 +/- 2 to 8 +/- 2 ms/mmHg at low frequencies of approximately 0.1 Hz. This was associated with marked reduction of coherence between BP and heart rate (from 0.76 +/- 0.10 to 0.26 +/- 0.05) indicative of uncoupling of heart rate regulation by the baroreflex. Cardiac output increased by approximately 18% with a 4.5% increase in central blood volume and an 8.5% increase in total peripheral resistance, suggesting increased cardiac preload and contractility. Splanchnic blood volume decreased reciprocally with smaller decreases in pelvic and leg volumes, increased splanchnic, pelvic and calf peripheral resistance, and evidence for splanchnic venoconstriction. We conclude that the exercise pressor reflex is associated with reduced baroreflex cardiovagal regulation and driven by increased cardiac output related to enhanced preload, cardiac contractility, and splanchnic blood mobilization.  相似文献   

The circulatory system is the first organ system that develops during embryogenesis, and is essential for embryo viability and survival. Crucial for developing a functional vasculature are the specification of arterial-venous identity in vessels and the formation of a hierarchical branched vascular network. Sprouting angiogenesis, intussusception, and flow driven remodeling events collectively contribute to establishing the vascular architecture. At the molecular level, arterial-venous identity and branching are regulated by genetically hardwired mechanisms involving Notch, vascular endothelial growth factor and neural guidance molecule signaling pathways, modulated by hemodynamic factors. MicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNAs that act as silencers to fine-tune the gene expression profile. MicroRNAs are known to influence cell fate decisions, and microRNA expression can be controlled by blood flow, thus placing microRNAs potentially at the center of the genetic cascades regulating vascular differentiation. In the present review, we summarize current progress regarding microRNA functions in blood vessel development with an emphasis on studies performed in zebrafish and mouse models.  相似文献   

脐带血移植的应用进展及脐带血库建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脐带血(umbilical cord blood)作为公认的造血干细胞重要来源之一,已经被广泛地用于治疗儿童和成人的良恶性血液系统疾病以及中枢神经系统疾病、实体瘤、缺血性下肢血管病和组织再生等。相对于骨髓移植和外周血来源的造血干细胞移植,脐带血移植(UCBT)在细胞收集使用、干细胞增殖能力以及移植物抗宿主反应等方面都具有明显的优势。目前的数据显示,因为HLA配型等原因而无法进行骨髓移植的患者应该尽早进行UCBT。此外,UCBT的增多促进了脐带血库的快速建设。本文针对UCBT和脐带血库的最新进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Variants of postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) are associated with increased ["high-flow" POTS (HFP)], decreased ["low-flow" POTS (LFP)], and normal ["normal-flow" POTS (NFP)] blood flow measured in the lower extremities while subjects were in the supine position. We propose that postural tachycardia is related to thoracic hypovolemia during orthostasis but that the patterns of peripheral blood flow relate to different mechanisms for thoracic hypovolemia. We studied 37 POTS patients aged 14-21 yr: 14 LFP, 15 NFP, and 8 HFP patients and 12 healthy control subjects. Peripheral blood flow was measured in the supine position by venous occlusion strain-gauge plethysmography of the forearm and calf to subgroup patients. Using indocyanine green techniques, we showed decreased cardiac index (CI) and increased total peripheral resistance (TPR) in LFP, increased CI and decreased TPR in HFP, and unchanged CI and TPR in NFP while subjects were supine compared with control subjects. Blood volume tended to be decreased in LFP compared with control subjects. We used impedance plethysmography to assess regional blood volume redistribution during upright tilt. Thoracic blood volume decreased, whereas splanchnic, pelvic, and leg blood volumes increased, for all subjects during orthostasis but were markedly lower than control for all POTS groups. Splanchnic volume was increased in NFP and LFP. Pelvic blood volume was increased in HFP only. Calf volume was increased above control in HFP and LFP. The results support the hypothesis of (at least) three pathophysiologic variants of POTS distinguished by peripheral blood flow related to characteristic changes in regional circulations. The data demonstrate enhanced thoracic hypovolemia during upright tilt and confirm that POTS is related to inadequate cardiac venous return during orthostasis.  相似文献   

Maintaining pH and blood gases in a narrow range is essential to sustain normal biochemical reactions. Decreased oxygenation, poor tissue perfusion, disturbance to CO2 expiration, and shortage of HCO3 can lead to metabolic acidosis. This is a common situation in swine, and originates from a broad range of medical conditions. pH and blood gases appear to be under genetic control, and populations with physiological traits closer to the pathological thresholds may be more susceptible to developing pathological conditions. However, little is known about the genetic basis of such traits. We have therefore estimated phenotypic and genetic variability and identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for pH and blood gases in blood samples from 139 F2 pigs from the Meishan/Pietrain family. Samples were taken before and after challenge with Sarcocystis miescheriana , a protozoan parasite of muscle. Twenty-seven QTL influencing pH and blood gases were identified on nine chromosomes. Five of the QTL were significant on a genome-wide level; 22 QTL were significant on a chromosome-wide level. QTL for pH-associated traits have been mapped to SSC3, 18 and X. QTL associated with CO2 have been detected on SSC6, 7, 8 and 9, and QTL associated with O2 on SSC2 and SSC8. QTL showed specific health/disease patterns that were related to the physiological state of the pigs from day 0, to acute disease (day 14), convalescence (day 28) and chronic disease (day 42). The results demonstrate that pH and blood gases are influenced by multiple chromosomal areas, each with relatively small effects.  相似文献   

The goal of modern transfusion therapy is to provide appropriate replacement therapy with blood components as opposed to whole blood for patients with specific hematologic deficiencies. A prerequisite of component therapy is, therefore, correct identification of the deficiency. Appropriate use of components avoids many of the hazards associated with the use of whole blood, and at the same time makes maximal use of this valuable resource. Blood components separated from whole blood soon after collection and appropriately stored can, in combination, provide all the factors present in fresh whole blood. Red cell concentrates prepared from multiple packs have a hematocrit of approximately 70%. They may be stored for up to 3 weeks at 4 degrees C and are recommended for most situations requiring red cell transfusions. Platelet concentrates, which can be stored for up to 72 hours at 22 degrees C, may be used for thrombocytopenic patients. Fresh frozen plasma, stored plasma, cryoprecipitated factor VIII, factor VIII concentrate and factor IX complex concentrate are available for the proper treatment of patients with hemorrhagic disorders due to coagulation factor deficiencies. Similarly, albumin and immune serum globulin are available for their oncotic and antibody properties respectively. Thus, the availability and appropriate use of the various blood products allows not only optimal transfusion therapy for each patient, but also fuller utilization of national blood resources.  相似文献   

Although the vascular volume response of hypertensive men during exercise has been rather well characterized, the effect of resting heat exposure in this patient population has not been examined. This was done in the present report in seven men with high blood pressure (BP) (i.e., diastolic pressure greater than 12 kPa (90 mmHg) upon initial interview) and 5 normotensive control subjects. 50 min after each subject had consumed an amount of water equal to 1% of his body weight, he reclined on a cot. 10 min later the subject was carried into an environmental chamber equilibrated at Tdb = 45 degrees C, Twb = 28 degrees C. Free-flowing venous blood samples were obtained from a cubital vein, and BP and heart rate were measured, before the heat exposure and at 15 min intervals during the experiment. Within 30 min systolic, diastolic and mean BP of the high BP subjects had decreased to normal levels; no BP changes were detected in normotensive subjects. Accompanying this depressor response was an exaggerated elevation in plasma glucose concentration. No alterations were found with haematocrit, plasma osmolality or electrolytes, or total protein and albumin. The data suggest that heat exposure may have been more stressful for the subjects with high BP than for their controls. This finding implies that phasic depressor responses may be as important as phasic pressor episodes in the aetiology of established essential hypertension.  相似文献   

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