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P E Saris  L Paulin 《BioTechniques》1990,9(6):694, 696-694, 697
We have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based procedure to facilitate the selection of recombinant clones. The insert to be cloned is ligated to an antibiotic resistance marker. The ligation product is amplified by PCR, followed by standard cloning procedure into a bacterial vector. The selection for the antibiotic resistance coded by the PCR product ensures 100% insertion frequency, eliminating the screening of the transformants.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is a major protein component of low density and very low density lipoproteins. Because of its large size and heterogeneity, molecular studies of apoB have been difficult, and its structure and regulation remain poorly understood. We now report the identification of human apoB cDNA clones by antibody screening of hepatoma libraries in the expression vector lambda gt11. Both oligo(dT) primed and random primed libraries were constructed and screened with polyclonal antibodies to intact apoB, as well as with antibodies raised against a synthetic peptide based on the limited amino acid sequence available for apoB. The identity of the clones was unambiguously established by comparisons of the cloned cDNA sequences with apoB amino acid sequences. The clones hybridize to an exceptionally large 20 kb mRNA that is present in liver and intestine but not other tissues examined, consistent with the distribution expected from protein biosynthetic studies. The properties of the mRNA have implications for the biogenesis of the multiple apoB molecular weight forms secreted by liver and intestine.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding bovine gamma-crystallins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of two bovine lens gamma-crystallin cDNA clones, pBL gamma II-1 and pBL gamma III-1. The 644 bp cDNA insert of pBL gamma II-1 contains coding information for the entire amino acid sequence of bovine gamma II-crystallin. The 497 bp cDNA insert of pBL gamma III-1 encodes a homologous but different gamma-crystallin polypeptide, and appears to lack the coding information for the C-terminal 17 amino acid residues. While the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences of the coding regions of the clones show a high degree of homology, the untranslated leader sequences are relatively dissimilar. The leader sequence of pBL gamma III-1 is strikingly homologous to a portion of a rabbit immunoglobulin alpha-heavy chain mRNA.  相似文献   

K Nakamura  Y Iwasaki  T Hattori 《Gene》1986,44(2-3):347-351
An Escherichia coli expression vector designed for the efficient synthesis and identification of a full-length cDNA clone is constructed. The vector allows the synthesis of double-stranded cDNAs downstream from the tandem lac control regions employing the vector-primer and linker procedure of Okayama and Berg [Mol. Cell Biol. 2 (1982) 161-170]. Full-length cDNA clones carrying the 5'-noncoding region in addition to the entire coding and 3'-noncoding regions can be expressed in E. coli cells without fusing their coding region to that of E. coli proteins; these clones are identified by colony immunoassay. The entire cDNA insert can be easily excised from the plasmid, since the multiple cloning sites in the vector are duplicated at both ends of the cDNA insert during its synthesis.  相似文献   

We have accumulated information on protein-coding sequences of uncharacterized human genes, which are known as KIAA genes, through cDNA sequencing. For comprehensive functional analysis of the KIAA genes, it is necessary to prepare a set of cDNA clones which direct the synthesis of functional KIAA gene products. However, since the KIAA cDNAs were derived from long mRNAs (> 4 kb), it was not expected that all of them were full-length. Thus, as the first step toward preparing these clones, we evaluated the integrity of protein-coding sequences of KIAA cDNA clones through comparison with homologous protein entries in the public database. As a result, 1141 KIAA cDNAs had at least one homologous entry in the database, and 619 of them (54%) were found to be truncated at the 5' and/or 3' ends. In this study, 290 KIAA cDNA clones were tailored to be full-length or have considerably longer sequences than the original clones by isolating additional cDNA clones and/or connected parts of additional cDNAs or PCR products of the missing portion to the original cDNA clone. Consequently, 265, 8, and 17 predicted CDSs of KIAA cDNA clones were increased in the amino-, carboxy-, and both terminal sequences, respectively. In addition, 40 cDNA clones were modified to remove spurious interruption of protein-coding sequences. The total length of the resultant extensions at amino- and carboxy-terminals of KIAA gene products reached 97,000 and 7,216 amino acid residues, respectively, and various protein domains were found in these extended portions.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 21-encoded cDNA clones   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We have employed two strategies to isolate random cDNA clones encoded by chromosome 21. In the first approach, a cDNA library representing expressed genes of WA17, a mouse-human somatic cell hybrid carrying chromosome 21 as its sole human chromosome, was screened with total human DNA to identify human chromosome 21-specific cDNAs. The second approach utilized previously characterized single-copy genomic fragments from chromosome 21 as probes to retrieve homologous coding sequences from a human fetal brain cDNA library. Six cDNA clones on chromosome 21 were obtained in this manner. Two were localized to the proximal long arm of chromosome 21, two to the distal portion of the long arm, and one to the region of 21q22 implicated in the pathology of Down syndrome.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of peptides isolated from murine endoplasmin showed significant homology (approximately 50%) with sequences in the heat-shock proteins 90 and 83 of yeast and Drosophila, respectively, indicating that they are related proteins. Mixed oligonucleotide probes, deduced from the peptide sequences, were used to isolate cDNAs from a murine liver cDNA library. DNA sequencing confirmed the presence of a coding sequence for one of the endoplasmin peptides, formally establishing the authenticity of the cDNA. The identity of the murine and hamster endoplasmin sequences suggests a level of sequence conservation associated with proteins that perform a structural role in cells.  相似文献   

To accumulate information on the coding sequences (CDSs) of unidentified genes, we have conducted a sequencing project of human long cDNA clones. Both the end sequences of approximately 10,000 cDNA clones from two size-fractionated human spleen cDNA libraries (average sizes of 4.5 kb and 5.6 kb) were determined by single-pass sequencing to select cDNAs with unidentified sequences. We herein present the entire sequences of 81 cDNA clones, most of which were selected by two approaches based on their protein-coding potentialities in silico: Fifty-eight cDNA clones were selected as those having protein-coding potentialities at the 5'-end of single-pass sequences by applying the GeneMark analysis; and 20 cDNA clones were selected as those expected to encode proteins larger than 100 amino acid residues by analysis of the human genome sequences flanked by both the end sequences of cDNAs using the GENSCAN gene prediction program. In addition to these newly identified cDNAs, three cDNA clones were isolated by colony hybridization experiments using probes corresponding to known gene sequences since these cDNAs are likely to contain considerable amounts of new information regarding the genes already annotated. The sequence data indicated that the average sizes of the inserts and corresponding CDSs of cDNA clones analyzed here were 5.0 kb and 2.0 kb (670 amino acid residues), respectively. From the results of homology and motif searches against the public databases, functional categories of the 29 predicted gene products could be assigned; 86% of these predicted gene products (25 gene products) were classified into proteins relating to cell signaling/communication, nucleic acid management, and cell structure/motility.  相似文献   

HuLy-m3 is an M r 47 000 pan-leukocyte antigen detected by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) 5-4.8. This report describes the isolation and analysis of a cDNA clone encoding HuLy-m3. Serological analysis demonstrated that antibodies of the CD48 cluster also reacted with transfected cells expressing HuLy-m3. The DNA sequence of the clone suggests linkage to the cell membrane through a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol tail and this was verified experimentally. Sequence similarity with the human B-cell activation antigen Blast-1 was noted.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M 59904.  相似文献   

Method enabling fast partial sequencing of cDNA clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyrosequencing is a nonelectrophoretic single-tube DNA sequencing method that takes advantage of cooperativity between four enzymes to monitor DNA synthesis. To investigate the feasibility of the recently developed technique for tag sequencing, 64 colonies of a selected cDNA library from human were sequenced by both pyrosequencing and Sanger DNA sequencing. To determine the needed length for finding a unique DNA sequence, 100 sequence tags from human were retrieved from the database and different lengths from each sequence were randomly analyzed. An homology search based on 20 and 30 nucleotides produced 97 and 98% unique hits, respectively. An homology search based on 100 nucleotides could identify all searched genes. Pyrosequencing was employed to produce sequence data for 30 nucleotides. A similar search using BLAST revealed 16 different genes. Forty-six percent of the sequences shared homology with one gene at different positions. Two of the 64 clones had unique sequences. The search results from pyrosequencing were in 100% agreement with conventional DNA sequencing methods. The possibility of using a fully automated pyrosequencer machine for future high-throughput tag sequencing is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolation of cDNA clones for human adenosine deaminase   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Clones encoding human adenosine deaminase (ADA) were isolated from a cDNA library made from the lymphoblastoid cell line MOLT-4. The isolation procedure was based on the selection of clones hybridizing with a radioactive probe complementary to an RNA preparation, which had been highly enriched in ADA-specific mRNA. The latter RNA preparation was obtained by size-fractionating MOLT-4 RNA and selecting fractions that were translatable into ADA. The assay for the presence of ADA in the in vitro translation products, was based on immunoprecipitation with a specific anti-ADA serum. The antiserum used was shown to precipitate a 42-kDal protein with the properties of ADA. Positive clones were further screened by means of hybrid-released in vitro translation assays. Two clones were obtained which were able to select mRNA that could be translated into a 42-kDal protein immunoprecipitable with the ADA-antiserum. By use of Southern blots containing DNA from somatic cell hybrids, one of these ADA cDNA clones was assigned to the human chromosome 20 known to contain the ADA gene.  相似文献   

By immunological screening of a cDNA library constructed from potato tuber poly(A)+ RNA and Escherichia coli expression vector pUC8 by the vector-primer and linker procedure of Okayama and Berg [(1982) Mol. Cell Biol. 2, 161-170], nearly full-length cDNA clones for patatin, a major protein of potato tuber, were identified. The cDNA carrying part of the 5'-noncoding region of the patatin mRNA, in addition to entire coding and 3'-noncoding regions, expressed prepatatin in E. coli cells by translational initiation inside cDNA. These results suggest that nearly full-length cDNA clones with entire coding region can be identified directly by immunological screening without gene fusion to E. coli proteins at least for some plant mRNAs.  相似文献   

A fraction enriched in interferon (IFN) mRNA was prepared from mouse C243-3 induced cells and was used for the construction of a cDNA library. Two plasmids were obtained after screening by differential colony hybridization and IFN mRNA hybridization-selection and translation. The nucleotide sequences of the cDNA inserts revealed that both were partial copies of IFN-beta mRNA. The cDNA 861 corresponds to the entire 3' nontranslated region of the mRNA while the cDNA 2939 consists of rearranged translated regions of IFN mRNA. A mechanism for the rearrangement events during cDNA synthesis is proposed. A chromosomal DNA fragment hybridizing to cDNA 2939 was identified by screening a mouse genomic library.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding bovine interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have isolated a cDNA clone (lambda IRBP-1) for bovine interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) by immunological screening of a bovine retinal lambda gt11 cDNA expression library. This clone contained a cDNA insert 325 bp in length. A 250 bp fragment of this cDNA was used to screen a bovine retina lambda gt10 cDNA library, resulting in the isolation of two larger cDNA clones containing inserts of 2.5 kb (lambda IRBP-2) and 1.5 kb (lambda IRBP-3). Restriction endonuclease mapping revealed all three clones to have an EcoR I restriction site. The 250 bp fragment of lambda IRBP-1 and the 2000 bp fragment of lambda IRBP-2 both hybridized to a single bovine retinal mRNA species approximately 8 kb in length; there was no hybridization with either chicken lens or liver RNA. The amino acid sequence of a tryptic peptide from authentic IRBP has been obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence from the cDNA nucleotide sequence is the same as this authentic peptide. This definitively establishes the identity of the cDNA clones as encoding bovine IRBP.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced four pollen-specific cDNAs. None of the clones are complete at their 5' ends. One of the clones shows significant homology to the tomato fruit-ripening polygalacturonase and to a pollen-specific polygalacturonase from Oenothera. The other three clones have no significant homologies to any reported sequence.  相似文献   

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