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The aim of these investigations was the study of the effect of different antimicrobial preparations on the survival rate and intestinal microflora of mice with experimental acute radiation sickness. These investigations revealed that the survival rate of the animals increased 3.1 times with the use of Supramycin, 2.4 times with the use of Tacef and 1.6 times with the use of Spizef and Pen-bristol. The study of the influence of these preparations on the intestinal microflora revealed that Spizef not only decreased the number of opportunistic microorganisms, but also led to a sharp drop in the level of lactobacteria. The use of Pen-bristol and Tacef led to practically complete elimination of enterobacteria enterococci, staphylococci, as well as lactobacteria. Supramycin essentially suppressed the number of opportunistic microorganisms and did not affect the level of lactobacteria. This was probably the cause of the highest effectiveness of Supramycin in comparison with Tacef, Spizef and Pen-bristol.  相似文献   

The study of the intestinal microflora in 119 young adults was carried out. A high content of anaerobic representatives of the intestinal microflora (bifido- and lactobacteria) and extremely wide fluctuations in the number of E. coli (1-5 million to 700-800 million cells per g of feces) were shown. The species composition of the facultative group was found to be variegated. Staphylococci, yeast, fungi, opportunistic enterobacteria, as well as Escherichia and cocci with changed characteristics were detected. 23.5% of the subjects showed a high content of E. coli (greater than 200 million cells per g of feces) accompanied by the increased occurrence of Klebsiella and Escherichia with changed properties. These persons can be regarded as a high risk group with a higher incidence of acute intestinal diseases with unknown etiology.  相似文献   

The composition of the fecal microflora in somatic patients and patients with enteric infections under the conditions of surpluscolonization by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida was analyzed. The study revealed that the high level of fungal contamination was linked with decreased colonization resistance of the intestine (deficiency in bifidoflora) and with the presence of opportunistic microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic and lactose-negative Escherichia coli, as well as nonfermenting Gram negative bacteria. The antilysozyme activity of enterobacteria was found to increase in the course of their joint cultivation with fungi of the genus Candida, that may be regarded as one of the mechanisms of the formation and maintenance of pathobiocenosis.  相似文献   

Ulceronecrotic colitis in premature children is accompanied by the development of pronounced intestinal dysbacteriosis characterized by a sharp increase in the number of Escherichia, enterococci, staphylococci and the appearance of opportunistic enterobacteria (Klebsiella, Serratia, Citrobacter, Proteus) in large amounts. Clinical convalescence was observed in 2 weeks in children receiving antibiotic-resistant bifidobacteria with antibiotics and in 3-4 weeks in children receiving commercial bifidobacteria with antibiotics, while children treated only with antibiotics showed no signs of clinical convalescence during the whole course of treatment. After the course of treatment the most effective recovery of the intestinal microflora was observed in the group of patients who had received antibiotics in combination with antibiotic-resistant bifidobacteria. It was manifested by a decrease in the number of Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus, Serratia, staphylococci and enterococci simultaneously with an increase in the number of endogenous lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. In those children who had received commercial bifidobacteria in combination with antibiotics or had been treated only with antibiotics the process of the recovery of the intestinal microflora was considerably less pronounced than in the patients of the first group; a decrease in the number of Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus and Serratia occurred to a lesser extent, and at the same time an essential increase in the number of enterococci and staphylococci was observed. The level of endogenous lactobacilli and bifidobacteria was considerably reduced. Antibiotic-resistant bifidobacteria actively took in the intestine of the patients. On day 5 after the course of treatment was over their level was (4.3 +/- 0.4) X 10(4) cells/g feces.  相似文献   

The oral administration of kanamycin (40 mg/kg) or ampiox (500 mg/kg) to guinea pigs for 5 days led to disturbances in their normal intestinal microflora, manifested by a sharp decrease in the levels of lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, as well as by the appearance of large amounts of enterobacteria and enterococci, normally not detected in the proximal and distal sections of the intestinal tract. In adult volunteers receiving kanamycin orally in a dose of 40 mg/kg for 5 days disturbances in microbiocenosis also occurred: the amount of enterococci, staphylococci, lactobacteria and bifidobacteria considerably decreased, enterobacteria becoming the dominating microorganisms. Three oral administrations of bifidobacterial and lactobacterial autostrains immediately after the abolition of the antibiotic facilitated the rapid and effective restoration of the intestinal microflora.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a new bacterial preparation obtained from highly adhesive lactobacteria and intended for the correction of dysbiotic disturbances of vaginal microflora was studied in the treatment of 60 pregnant women with dysbacteriosis of the maternal passages. 30 pregnant women were simultaneously treated by the vaginal application of Lactobacterin. The study showed that the use of the preparation of highly adhesive lactobacteria caused the pronounced and stable correction of the microflora of the maternal passages. This correction was manifested by the domination of lactic acid bacterial flora and a decrease in the number of opportunistic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Bacteriological study of the biopsies taken from gastric and duodenal mucosa of 10 healthy volunteers and 74 patients with duodenal ulcer, was carried out. In the gastroduodenal zone of healthy subjects microorganisms of 6 genera (Streptococcus, Candida, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Helicobacter and Lactobacillus) were detected. H. pylori was isolated in 20% of cases only in biopsy specimens taken from the antral section of the stomach of healthy as monoculture or in combination with C. albicans. In patients with duodenal ulcer activation of opportunistic microflora was observed in the periulcerous zone. More often H. pylori occurred in associations with fungi of the genus Candida, streptococci, staphylococci, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas and other microorganisms (of more than 30 genera). Quantitatively the dominating microorganisms (3.8-5.7 lg CFU/g) were H. pylori, fungi of the genus Candida, bacteria of the genera Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides, Gemella, Prevotella, Veillonella, Peptococcus, Bacillus, different species of opportunistic enterobacteria, as well as bacteria of the genera Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Corynebacterium, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, etc. Opportunistic bacteria detected in the ulcerous zone, as a rule, expressed hemolytic, lecithinase, RNAase, caseinolytic, catalase and urease activity. Sonicated filtrates of such cultures produced a cytotoxic effect on cells HEp-2. Ulcer is an infected wound that needs sanitation.  相似文献   

Intestinal microbiocenosis in children with intestinal enzymopathy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
141 children with different kinds of intestinal enzymopathy were examined; of these, 33 had celiac disease, 39--the syndrome of celiac disease, 12--congenital lactase deficiency and 57--the syndrome of disaccharidase insufficiency. In these patients a significant decrease in the average characteristics of the main protective flora and the growth of hemolytic and lactose-negative enterobacteria were established. In all groups of patients increased amounts of Proteus were detected, which was indicative of profound dysbiosis. The content of bifidobacteria was found to be decreased in 89.5-97% of the patients and the content of lactic acid bacteria, in 15.8-33.3%. The decreased content of Escherichia coli with normal enzymatic activity (less than 10(7) colony-forming units) was noted in one-third of the patients with the syndrome of celiac disease and congenital lactase deficiency, in about a half of the patients with the syndrome of disaccharidase insufficiency and least of all in patients with celiac disease (9.1%). The association of opportunistic microbes was detected in 15.6% of the patients, more often in those with celiac disease, the syndrome of celiac disease and congenital lactase deficiency. The severity of disturbances in intestinal eubiosis was found to depend on the gravity of the patients' state.  相似文献   

The presence of a number of conditioned-pathogenic enterobacteria (Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter) in patients with intestinal dysbacteriosis, and also their detection in derangement of normal intestinal biocenosis in patients with chronic intestinal disturbances with clinical manifestations of this condition, even in the absence of known bacteriological indications of dysbacteriosis was revealed. Results of investigations led the authors to the conclusion on the participation of a number of conditioned pathogenic enterobacteria in intestinal dysbacteriosis, and permit a suggestion on the necessity of proper assessment of the fact of presence of these bacteria as a possible dysbacteriosis indication.  相似文献   

The use of commercial preparations of human immunoglobulin for the treatment of ulcerous colitis produces a positive effect on the microflora of the large intestine, contributing to the disappearance of Proteus, the lactose-negative forms of enterobacteria and the hemolytic variants of staphylococci, as well as to the increase of the amount of useful indigenous microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacteria). The quantitative and qualitative improvement of the microflora leads, possibly, to the decrease of the intoxication of the body, improvement in the activity of the intestine and increased vitamin formation, thus giving a pronounced clinical effect and improvement in the endoscopic picture of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, peculiar for this disease.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in experiments on 2160 CBA mice and mice of mixed breed, irradiated by LD90/30, that therapeutical administration (subcutaneous or intraperitoneal) of immunoglobulins - homologous (polyglobulin, IgG, IgM) or heterologous - polyglobulin, IgG (from human, equine, canine blood) repeated three times, i.e., 2, 24 and 48 hours after irradiation, not only induces longer survival, but also shows a normalizing effect on the commonly developing dysbacteriosis and increased amount of intestinal microflora and, in addition, leads to suppression of postirradiation endogenous infection. Enterobacteria, enterococci, staphylococci, yeasts, disappear from the small intestine or their quantity decreases substantially in treated irradiated mice in contrast to untreated irradiated mice. In the large intestine, the amount of these organisms decreases considerably while the content of lactobacteria increases; no microbes can be found in the internal organs and in blood (or their content is small). Other conditions being equal, homologous immunoglobulins are more efficient in comparison with heterologous, this applying also to preparations containing normal antibodies to tissues.  相似文献   

The results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the microflora of the large intestine in 45 healthy children aged 6, 8, 10 months and 1 year, living in Moscow, are presented. During the first year of life high concentrations and detection rate of not only bifidobacteria, enterococci, nonpathogenic Escherichia, but also bacteria, commonly regarded as opportunistic were typical. The latter include lecithinase positive Clostridium, citrate assimilating enterobacteria, as well as Escherichia with low biochemical activity and capacity for hemolysin production. In addition, this group also includes coagulase-positive staphylococci. Later on, as these children become older, opportunistic bacteria are partially or completely eliminated under normal conditions. Suggestion is made that the composition of intestinal microflora depends on protective and other systems of the host at different periods of life, as well as on the character of nutrition and the microbial contamination of the environment.  相似文献   

The study revealed the most profound changes in the composition of intestinal microflora in patients with polyposis of the large intestine. In these patients anaerobic microflora (bifidobacteria, lactic acid bacteria) was more often suppressed than in other examined groups, in particular, patients with cholelithic disease. The associations of hemolytic Escherichia with Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Citrobacter freundii were often observed as well as the increased content of enterococci and fungi of the genus Candida. The determination of frequency and degree of manifestations showed that dysbacteriosis was registered in the absolute majority of patients (97.4%) with polyposis of the large intestine. Among patients with cholelithic disease disturbances in microbiocenosis were detected in 60.0% of cases, the profundity and character of the microflora composition changes being less pronounced.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine a composition of gut microflora during salmonellosis and to study the modification of persistent characteristics (antilysozyme activity, ALA) of symbiotic microorganisms in associations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Bacteriologic study of feces was performed in 90 patients aged 18-39 years, which were divided to three groups: patients with salmonellosis in acute phase, reconvalescent patients, and conditionally healthy persons. Condition of gut microflorawas determined; microorganisms associated with Salmonella infection were isolated, and their influence on ALA of Salmonella was studied. RESULTS: Gut microbiocenosis was more diverse in patients compared with healthy persons. Significant reduction of bifidobacteria quantity (to 10(7) CFU/g of feces and less), especially in reconvalescent period, was noted. Association between bifidoflora deficiency and excessive increase of quantity of yeast fungi was revealed. It was determined that exometabolites of indigenous anaerobic microflora (bifidobacteria) promoted decrease of ALA of Salmonella, whereas opportunistic facultatively anaerobic microorganisms (enterobacteria, staphylococci) rendered mainly stimulating effect on the ALA of Salmonella. CONCLUSION: Obtained data reveal characteristics of bacterial interactions in associative symbiosis and provide insights about mechanisms of formation of pathobiocenosis and state of bacterial carriage.  相似文献   

The comparative study of the incidence of the pathogenicity markers (DNAase, RNAase, phosphatase and hemolytic activity) in shigellae and salmonellae, acknowledged as the causative agents of intestinal infections, and in opportunistic bacteria isolated from the feces of patients with acute intestinal diseases and healthy persons has been made. The study has revealed that DNAase and RNAase activity occurs most frequently in Shigella flexneri, in salmonellae and in opportunistic enterobacteria isolated from the intestinal contents of patients with acute intestinal diseases. In this respect they essentially differ from the same species of opportunistic enterobacteria isolated from healthy persons.  相似文献   

The study of the qualitative and quantitative composition of intestinal microflora in 15 anthropoid apes, 60 lower primates and 72 monkeys with clinically pronounced dysbacteriosis was made, which revealed the prevalence of microorganisms belonging to the genus Proteus, a decrease in the biological activity of normal Escherichia coli and in the content of bifido- and lactobacteria. The treatment of 39 rhesus and pig-tailed macaques with the preparations of live bacteria occurring in normal human microflora led to clinical convalescence and the normalization of the bacteriocenosis, while in 33 control animals no positive shifts in clinical and bacteriological data were observed. The essential similarity of the composition of intestinal microflora in higher and lower primates and in man makes it possible to use these animals as models for testing the effectiveness of new biological preparations and determines the expediency of using bacterial therapy for the treatment of monkeys at the period of acclimatization.  相似文献   

The influence of the oral administration of killed bifidobacteria, lactobacteria, bacteroids and fusobacteria on the anti- Salmonella resistance of mice, infected orally with S. dublin, was studied. Bifidobacteria and lactobacteria were shown to produce a dose-dependent immunostimulating effect. The oral administration of killed bifidobacteria and lactobacteria led to the enhanced resistance of mice to Salmonella infection. The oral administration of killed bifidobacteria was conductive to the normalization of the intestinal microflora in dysbacteriosis developing in cases of Salmonella infection. Bacteroids and fusobacteria were found to possess no such effect.  相似文献   

Conditionally pathogenic enterobacteria were isolated in 34.2% of the patients with acute intestinal diseases (1559 cases examined in all). Such representatives of enterobacteria as Klebsiella, Hafnia, Citrobacter of 4, 8, and 22 serological groups. Proteus mirabilis of 6, 10, 13, 26, and 28 serological groups, and Proteus morganii mostly played the etiological role. In some of the patients conditionally pathogenic microbes only aggravated the main disease, taking part in the development of dysbacteriosis. In healthy individuals these microbes were much more rare and were encountered inconstantly.  相似文献   

The species composition of the most common enterobacteria isolated from the intestine of 825 patients with intestinal dysbacteriosis and 292 small mammals of different species is compared.  相似文献   

In 75 female residents of Vladikavkaz, aged 18-45 years, who had applied to the gynecological department with complaints of vaginal discharge, the qualitative and quantitative composition of vaginal microflora was studied. All these women were divided into 2 groups: group 1 including 38 women living in ecologically unfavorable districts of the city and group 2 including 37 women living under ecologically favorable conditions. The relationship between the ecological situation of the districts of residence and vaginal microflora in women of the reproductive age was established. Unfavorable exogenous factors were found to lead to the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis: a sharp decrease in the amount of lactoflora or its complete absence accompanied by increased amount of staphylococci, enterococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.  相似文献   

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