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 We have previously illustrated the importance of B7-2 expression for the enhanced generation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity by stimulation cultures of tumor bearer splenic cells to which tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) has been added. Here we show that the B7-1 molecule is also important for CTL generation by such stimulation cultures, although to a much lesser extent than the B7-2 molecule. In addition, we show the importance of CD40/CD40L interaction for the expression of the B7-2 molecule, but not the B7-1 molecule, by tumor bearer splenic cells stimulated in vitro in the presence of TNF. The CD40/CD40L interaction is also shown to be important for the generation of CTL activity by tumor bearer splenic cells stimulated in vitro in the presence of exogenous TNF. However, the CD40/CD40L interaction is less important for the generation of enhanced CTL activity than for the expression of an elevated level of B7-2. Specifically, blockade of CD40/CD40L interaction, which reduced the level of B7-2 expressed by tumor bearer splenic cells stimulated in vitro in the presence of TNF to the level of B7-2 expressed by tumor bearer splenic cells stimulated in vitro in the absence of exogenous TNF, failed to reduce the level of CTL generated to the level generated by tumor bearer splenic cells stimulated in the absence of exogenous TNF. Finally, blockade of CD40/CD40L interaction was inferior to blockade of B7-2/CD28 interaction in inhibiting the generation of CTL activity by tumor bearer splenic cells stimulated in the presence of exogenous TNF. Thus, although CD40/CD40L interaction is important for the generation of enhanced CTL activity by stimulation cultures of tumor bearer splenic cells to which TNF has been added, TNF also mediates its potentiating effect for CTL generation by such stimulation cultures via other mechanisms that are independent of CD40/CD40L interaction but dependent on B7-2 expression. Received: 31 December 1997 / Accepted: 27 March 1998  相似文献   

Absence of CD4+ T cell help has been suggested as a mechanism for failed anti-tumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) response. We examined the requirement for CD4+ T cells to eliminate an immunogenic murine fibrosarcoma (6132A) inoculated into the peritoneal cavity. Immunocompetent C3H mice eliminated both single and repeat intraperitoneal (IP) inoculums, and developed high frequency of 6132A-specific interferon-γ (IFNγ)-producing CTL in the peritoneal cavity. Adoptive transfer of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) isolated from control mice, protected SCID mice from challenge with 6132A. In contrast, CD4 depleted mice had diminished ability to eliminate tumor and succumbed to repeat IP challenges. Mice depleted of CD4+ T cells lacked tumor-specific IFNγ producing CTL in the peritoneal cavity. Adoptive transfer of PEC from CD4 depleted mice failed to protect SCID mice from 6132A. However, splenocytes isolated from same CD4 depleted mice prevented tumor growth in SCID mice, suggesting that 6132A-specific CTL response was generated, but was not sustained in the peritoneum. Treating CD4 depleted mice with agonist anti-CD40 antibody, starting on days 3 or 8 after initiating tumor challenge, led to persistence of 6132A-specific IFNγ producing CTL in the peritoneum, and eliminated 6132A tumor. The findings suggest that CTL can be activated in the absence of CD4+ T cells, but CD4+ T cells are required for a persistent CTL response at the tumor site. Exogenous stimulation through CD40 can restore tumor-specific CTL activity to the peritoneum and promote tumor clearance in the absence of CD4+ T cells.Supported in part by grants from Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation, Society of University Surgeons Foundation, Florence and Marshall Schwid Foundation, Elsa Pardee Foundation, Kathy Duffy Fogarty Fund of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation (JS) and NIH grant RO1-CA-37156 (HS); Andrew Lodge and Ping Yu have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

 We have previously shown that B7-2 (CD86) and, to a lesser extent, B7-1 (CD80) contribute to the curative effectiveness of low-dose melphalan (l-phenylalanine mustard) for mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor under conditions that lead to the acquisition of potent cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity at the tumor site. Since B7-1 and B7-2 are expressed on both tumor cells and host antigen-presenting cells (APC), the current studies were undertaken to examine the relative importance of each costimulatory molecule on tumor cells and on host APC for the acquisition of anti-MOPC-315 CTL activity. Utilizing an in vitro system for the acquisition of CTL activity, we found that B7 expression on host APC is important for the development of CTL activity in stimulation cultures of spleen cells from low-dose-melphalan-treated MOPC-315 tumor bearers, although the expression of either B7-1 or B7-2 is sufficient. In addition, we found that B7-2, which is expressed at high levels on stimulator tumor cells, but not B7-1, which is expressed at much lower levels, is also important for the acquisition of CTL activity. However, the vast majority of the CTL activity acquired in vitro in response to stimulation with the B7-2-expressing MOPC-315 tumor cells was found to depend on B7-expressing host APC. Thus, it is likely that B7-2, which is expressed at high levels on MOPC-315 tumor cells, promotes the rapid lysis of MOPC-315 stimulator tumor cells, thereby making tumor-associated antigens more readily available for efficient presentation by B7-expressing host APC which, in turn, stimulate the acquisition of CTL activity by spleen cells from low-dose-melphalan-treated MOPC-315 tumor bearers. Received: 2 September 1999 / Accepted: 19 November 1999  相似文献   

We previously showed that murine Langerhans cells (LC) express CD40 ligand (CD40L). In this study, we further investigated the function of CD40L on LC using agonistic antibodies and CD40L knockout (KO) mice. Signaling through CD40L decreased CD80 expression on LC 48 h after stimulation and the decrease was more remarkable in the presence of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Signaling through CD40 enhanced the production of IL-12 p40 from LC, and simultaneous signaling through CD40L slightly augmented this effect. Addition of IFN-gamma further enhanced IL-12 p40 production. LC from CD40L KO mice expressed similar levels of surface molecules such as CD40, CD80, CD86, and MHC class II, compared with those from wild-type mice. However, they produced less amount of IL-12 p40 during 48 h after purification. These results suggest that signaling through CD40L on LC is important in regulating IL-12 production, which is critical for Th1 type immune responses.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that after stimulation immature DCs turn into mature DCs, which present exogenous antigens together with their MHC class I molecules and then activate the antigen-specific CTLs. Although both TLR and CD40 stimulation appeared to provide the same effects on DC maturation, CD40-dependent CTL activation is much more potent than CTL activation through LPS stimulation. Despite their different outcomes, the factors that lead mature DCs to different functions remain largely undefined. In this study, we defined the transient maturation and subsequent deactivation of DCs by TLR stimuli, including those by LPS and CpG-ODN. In contrast, CD40 stimulation induced stable mature DCs that elicited sufficient CTL proliferation. The deactivated DCs, which we defined as "expired DCs," were phenotypically similar to immature DCs, except for their phenotype stability, MHC class I expression level and IL-10 production. Moreover, the functions of expired DCs were comparable to those of immature DCs in terms of CTL induction and tolerogenicity. These results may provide an explanation for the role of CD40 stimulation in antigen-specific CTL induction.  相似文献   

Interactions between CD40 and CD40L play a central role in the regulation of both humoral and cellular immunity. Recently, interactions between these molecules have also been implicated in the generation of protective cell-mediated tumor immunity. We have generated a tumor model in which a well-understood and clearly immunostimulatory antigen, influenza hemagglutinin has been transfected into the BALB/c-derived, MHC-class-I-positive, B7-deficient murine mammary carcinoma, MT901. In this model, expression of the influenza hemagglutinin antigen does not alter tumorigenicity in naïve but serves as a tumor-rejection target in immunized mice. T-cell-depletion experiments indicate that successful tumor protection can occur following immunization in mice depleted of CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells, suggesting that tumor protection is largely CD8-mediated and CD4-independent. Interestingly, despite the ability of tumor protection to be generated in the absence of CD4+ T cells, effective immunization was clearly dependent on CD40/CD40L as well as CD28/B7 interactions.  相似文献   

随着HIV感染者及各类医疗措施导致的免疫受损者的增多,探讨一种适合免疫缺陷人群的预防机会感染的策略越来越受到重视。研究表明,CD4^+T细胞是抵抗肺孢子菌等机会感染的最主要因素,但不是唯一的因素。其中CD40配体(CD40L)被认为是一种可以启动B细胞和CD8^+T细胞反应的关键因子。为探讨CD4^+L是否能在缺乏CD4^+T细胞的小鼠体内启动免疫反应,本文研究了用卵白蛋白(OVA)作为模型抗原,联合应用CD40L引起的免疫反应。结果显示,同时应用OVA和CD40L,可使CD4^+T细胞耗竭小鼠体内抗OVA IgG抗体和抗原特异性IFN明显增多,提示在CD4^+T细胞缺乏的宿主体内,CIMOL可以启动B细胞和CD8^+T细胞类免疫反应。该结果为抗肺孢子菌等机会性感染的免疫预防研究提供可贵的资料。  相似文献   

CD40 ligand is an important immunoregulatory protein expressed by T cells. This protein exists as two isoforms, a membrane glycoprotein and a truncated soluble form. Here we demonstrate that membrane and soluble CD40L (sCD40L) are differentially regulated depending upon the activation stimulus. In T cell receptor activated cells, both membrane and sCD40L proteins are expressed and CD28 costimulation further increases their expression. The dissection of TCR generated signals into calcium and PKC-dependent pathways demonstrates that calcium is sufficient to induce membrane CD40L yet insufficient for sCD40L. In contrast, sCD40L is preferentially induced by PKC. Moreover, sCD40L production is blocked by Zn(2+)-dependent metalloproteinase inhibitors while membrane CD40L is concurrently increased. This profile suggests the potential involvement of the ADAM-10 protease which was subsequently shown to cleave membrane CD40L to generate sCD40L. Given the role of sCD40L in numerous disease pathologies and its ability to activate proximal and distal immune responses, the regulated cleavage of CD40L may likely contribute to disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

p53 mutations are frequently found in human cancers and are often associated with the overexpression of wild-type (WT) protein or peptide sequences, supporting the notion that WT p53 epitopes may serve as potential targets for tumor immunotherapy. We have developed a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)/p53 tumor-associated antigen (TAA) model, based on immune recognition of a WT p53 determinant. WT p53-peptide-specific, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) classI-restricted CTL were produced from immunocompetent C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice after immunization with a previously defined WT p53 peptide (p53(232-240)) Epitope-specific CTL were then employed to identify syngeneic tumor cell populations expressing that antigenic determinant. Two syngeneic tumor cell lines, MC38 colon carcinoma and MC57G fibrosarcoma, were demonstrated to express the endogenous WT p53(232-240) determinant naturally, as defined by CD8 + CTL recognition. Cold-target inhibition assays confirmed that CTL-mediated lysis was due to immune recognition of the p53(232-240) peptide epitope. The p53(232-240)-specific CTL line did not lyse syngeneic normal cells (i.e., mitogen-activated splenocytes) in the absence of exogenous peptide, suggesting that the WT-p53-specific CTL could distinguish between tumor cells expressing self-TAA and normal host cells. We have demonstrated, for the first time, that the adoptive transfer of WT-p53-specific CTL to mice with established pulmonary metastasis resulted in antitumor activity in vivo. The ability to generate MHC-class-I-restricted CD8- CTL lines specific for a non-mutated p53 determinant from normal, immunocompetent mice, which display antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo (by adoptive transfer), may have implications for the immunotherapy of certain p53-expressing malignancies.  相似文献   

The function of T cell subsets in tumor-bearing mice was examined using an in vitro culture system of anti-(sheep red blood cell) antibody production, which is known to be dependent on T cells. The helper function of T cells of fibrosarcoma-MethA-bearing mice in antibody production decreased with the tumor stage of the mice. T cells were separated into CD4+ and CD8+ cells for further analysis of T cell subsets by the panning method using monoclonal antibodies. The helper function of CD4+ T cells in antibody production began to decrease significantly in tumor-bearing mice 1 week after the tumor transplantation. On the other hand, the suppressive function of CD8+ T cells was retained and had not decreased in the mice even 3 weeks after the transplantation. The same changes in function of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were also observed in Methl-bearing mice. These results suggested that this tumor-associated immunosuppression in antibody production is attributable to the decrease in helper activity of CD4+ T cells and the maintenance of the suppressive activity of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

CD40, a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, is expressed on B cells, dendritic cells, and some tumor cells, including melanoma and bladder carcinoma. In this study, we report that both mouse and human renal carcinoma cells (RCC) also constitutively express functional CD40. Treatment of mouse RCC with CD40L induced strong expression of genes and proteins for ICAM-1 and Fas, and this expression was further enhanced by combining CD40L with IFN-gamma. Similar effects were demonstrated using an agonist anti-CD40 antibody. The increased levels of Fas expression on RCC after treatment with CD40L plus IFN-gamma resulted in potent killing by either FasL-positive effector cells or agonistic anti-Fas antibody. The combination of CD40L plus IFN-gamma also significantly enhanced killing of RCC by tumor-specific CTL lines. Our results demonstrate that constitutively expressed CD40 is functionally active and may provide a molecular target for the development of new approaches to the treatment of RCC.  相似文献   

Since 4-1BB plays a predominant role in CD8+ T cell responses, we investigated the effects of 4-1BB triggering on the primary and memory CD8+ T responses to HSV-1 infection. 4-1BB was detected on 10-15% of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells following the infection. 4-1BB-positive T cells were in the proliferative mode and showed the enhanced expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. Agonistic anti-4-1BB treatment exerted preferential expansion of CD8+ T cells and gB/H-2Kb-positive CD8+ T cells, and enhanced cytotoxicity against HSV-1 that was mainly mediated by CD11c+CD8+ T cells. CD11c+CD8+ T cells were re-expanded following re-challenge with HSV-1 at post-infection day 50, indicating that CD11c+CD8+ phenotype was maintained in memory CD8+ T cell pool. Our studies demonstrated that 4-1BB stimulation enhanced both primary and memory anti-HSV-1 CD8+ T cell responses, which was mediated by a massive expansion of antigen-specific CD11c+CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although previous studies have reported important roles of CD4(+) type 1-helper T cells and regulatory T cells in Helicobacter-associated gastritis, the significance of CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells remains unknown. To study the roles of CD8(+) T cells, we examined the immune response in the gastric mucosa of Helicobacter felis-infected major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-deficient (II(-/-)) mice, which lack CD4(+) T cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Stomachs from H. felis-infected wild-type and infected MHC II(-/-) mice were examined histologically and immunohistochemically. Gastric acidity and serum levels of anti-H. felis antibodies were measured. The expression of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine, Fas-ligand, perforin, and Foxp3 genes in the gastric mucosa was investigated. RESULTS: H. felis-infected MHC II(-/-) mice developed severe gastritis, accompanied by marked infiltration of CD8(+) cells. At 1 and 2 months after inoculation, mucosal inflammation and atrophy were more severe in MHC II(-/-) mice, although gastritis had reached similar advanced stages at 3 months after inoculation. There was little infiltration of CD4(+) cells, and no Foxp3-positive cells were detected in the gastric mucosa of the infected MHC II(-/-) mice. The expression of the interleukin-1beta and Fas-ligand genes was up regulated, but that of Foxp3 was down regulated in the infected MHC II(-/-) mice. Serum levels of anti-H. felis antibodies were lower in the infected MHC II(-/-) mice, despite severe gastritis. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that cross-primed CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells can induce severe H.-associated gastritis in the absence of CD4(+) helper T cells and that Foxp3-positive cells may have an important role in the control of gastric inflammation.  相似文献   

We previously established a model to study CD8+ T cell (TCD8)-based adoptive immunotherapy of cancer using line SV11 mice that develop choroid plexus tumors in the brain due to transgenic expression of Simian Virus 40 large T antigen (Tag). These mice are tolerant to the three dominant TCD8-recognized Tag epitopes I, II/III and IV. However, adoptive transfer of spleen cells from naïve C57BL/6 (B6) mice prolongs SV11 survival following TCD8 priming against the endogenous Tag epitope IV. In addition, survival of SV11 mice is dramatically increased following transfer of lymphocytes from Tag-immune B6 mice. In the current study, we compared the kinetics and magnitude of Tag-specific TCD8 accumulation at the tumor site following adoptive transfer with a high dose of either Tag-immune or naïve donor cells or decreasing doses of Tag-immune lymphocytes. Following adoptive transfer of Tag-immune cells, epitope I- and IV-specific TCD8 accumulated to high levels in the brain of SV11 mice, peaking at 5–7 days, while epitope IV-specific TCD8 derived from naïve donors required three weeks to achieve peak levels. A similar delay in the peak of epitope IV-specific TCD8 accumulation was observed when tenfold fewer Tag-immune donor cells were administered, reducing control of tumor progression. These results suggest that efficient and prolonged control of established autochthonous tumors is associated with high-level early accumulation of adoptively transferred T cells. We also provide evidence that although multiple specificities are represented in the Tag immune donor lymphocytes, epitope IV-specific donor TCD8 play a predominant role in control of tumor growth.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells can express NK-associated receptors (NKRs) that may regulate their cytolytic function. We have characterized the expression of several NKRs on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients and compared them to age-matched healthy donors. The analysis performed includes HLA class I specific receptors (KIRs, LILRB1 and CD94/NKG2) and other NK receptors like CD57, CD56 and CD16. Melanoma patients showed a higher variability in the expression of NKRs on circulating CD8+ T cells than age-matched healthy donors. NKR expression on CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients showed a significant increase of KIR2DL2/L3/S2 (mAb gl183), CD244, CD57, CD56 and CD16. We have also found an increase of CD8+ CD28 CD27 T cells in melanoma patients. This subset represents terminally differentiated effector cells expressing CD244 and high levels of perforin. The expression of NKRs was also mainly restricted to this T cell subset. Altogether, circulating CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients display a distinct phenotype characterized by downregulation of costimulatory molecules and higher expression of NKRs. We suggest that the increased expression of NKRs on T cells may contribute to the final outcome of the immune response against melanoma both stimulating or inhibiting activation and differentiation to effector cells. Blocking inhibitory receptor function and enhancing activating receptors may represent new strategies with therapeutic potential against melanoma.  相似文献   

The majority of melanoma cells express detectable levels of HLA class II proteins, and an increased threshold of cell surface class II is crucial for the stimulation of CD4+ T cells. Bryostatin-1, a protein kinase C (PKC) activator, has been considered as a potent chemotherapeutic agent in a variety of in vitro tumor models. Little is known about the role of bryostatin-1 in HLA class II Ag presentation and immune activation in malignant tumors, especially in melanoma. In this study, we show that bryostatin-1 treatment enhances CD4+ T cell recognition of melanoma cells in the context of HLA class II molecules. We also show that bryostatin-1 treatment of melanoma cells increases class II protein levels by upregulating the class II transactivator (CIITA) gene. Flow cytometry and confocal microscopic analyses revealed that bryostatin-1 treatment upregulated the expression of costimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86) in melanoma cells, which could prolong the interaction of immune cells and tumors. Bryostatin-1 also induced cellular differentiation in melanoma cells, and reduced tumorigenic factors such as pro-cathepsins and matrix-metalloproteinase-9. These data suggest that bryostatin-1 could be used as a chemo-immunotherapeutic agent for reducing tumorigenic potential of melanoma cells while enhancing CD4+ T cell recognition to prevent tumor recurrence.  相似文献   

The subpopulations of CD8+ T cells defined by CD45RA Ag expression have been hypothesized to represent cells varying in their relative maturation along a common, activation-dependent differentiation pathway. Previous studies have shown that both the CD8+CD45RA+ and CD8+CD45RA- subsets contain precursor cells capable of developing into alloreactive CTL. In the current study, we have examined the mechanisms involved in the generation of CTL effector cells from these two CD8+ subsets. Purified CD8+CD45RA+ or CD8+CD45RA- cells were stimulated with allogeneic non-T cells, either alone or in the presence of CD4+ Th cells. Although the generation of CTL from CD8+CD45RA- precursor cells consistently required the presence of CD4+ Th cells, cytotoxic effector cells could be generated from CD8+CD45RA+ precursor cells in the absence of CD4+ cells. Several lines of evidence indicated that the helper cell-independent generation of cytotoxic effector cells from CD8+CD45RA+ precursors resulted from the unique ability of this subset to produce and use IL-2 in an autocrine fashion: 1) exogenous IL-2 could replace the effects of CD4+ helper cells for either CD8+ subset; 2) the helper cell-independent functional maturation of CD8+CD45RA+ cells could be blocked by anti-CD25 or anti-IL-2 antibodies; and 3) CD8+CD45RA+ cells produced IL-2 after activation with allogeneic cells. The finding that precursors for helper cell-independent CTL generation are restricted to the CD8+CD45RA+ subset suggests that this capability may vary as a function of the maturation of CD8+ cells.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the result of an inadequate antiviral immune response to the virus. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the soluble CD40 ligand-activated B (CD40-B) cells could present antigen and induce specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in patients with chronic HBV infection. We observed that after activated by sCD40L, the expression of CD80, CD86, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and II molecules on the CD40-B cells was significantly increased. Cytometry and fluorescence microscopy showed that more than 41.34% CD40-B cells were loaded by the HBcAg peptide. Furthermore, after been activated and HBcAg18–27 antigen peptide pulsed, B cells obtained from patients with chronic HBV infection could induce HBcAg18–27 specific CTLs in vitro. Taken together, our results show that B cells from patients with chronic HBV infection can be activated by sCD40L and may function as antigen presenting cells and induce HBV-specific CTLs.  相似文献   

TNFα-matured dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with tumor antigens are being evaluated as cancer vaccines. It has been shown that DCs produce IL12 during a limited time span and subsequently enter a stage of IL12 exhaustion. If DCs are generated ex vivo, the patient could receive IL12-exhausted DCs which may be detrimental for stimulating anti-tumor Th1 responses. Furthermore, many cancer patients exhibit a cytokine profile skewed toward IL10 and TGFβ. This immunological profile, called the Tr1/Th3 response, is associated with the presence of regulatory T-cells. Tr1/Th3 responses potently inhibit DC maturation, thereby regulating Th1 responses. In the present study, we produced genetically engineered DCs that continuously express Th1-related cytokines such as IL12, and resist negative signals from Tr1/Th3-dominated bladder carcinoma cells. Human immature DCs were genetically engineered by adenoviral vectors to express CD40L, or were treated with TNFα as a positive control for maturation. The expression of different Th1/Th3 and inflammatory cytokines was monitored. IL12 and IFNγ were expressed by CD40L-engineered DCs, while TNFα-matured DCs lacked IFNγ and exhibited low IL12 expression. The addition of recombinant IL10 to genetically engineered DCs did not abolish their Th1 profile. Likewise, coculture with tumor cell lines expressing TGFβ with or without recombinant IL10 did not revert to the engineered DCs. We further demonstrate that the resistance of CD40L-expressing DCs to TGFβ and IL10 may be due to decreased levels of TGFβ and IL10 receptors. Thus, CD40L-engineered DCs are robust Th1-promoting ones that are resistant to Tr1/Th3-signaling via IL10 and TGFβ.  相似文献   

A variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to the altered efficiency of CTLs in elderly organisms. In particular, the efficacy of antiviral CD8+ T cells responses in the elderly has come back into focus since the COVID‐19 pandemic outbreak. However, the exact molecular mechanisms leading to alterations in T cell function and the origin of the observed impairments have not been fully explored. Therefore, we investigated whether intrinsic changes affect the cytotoxic ability of CD8+ T cells in aging. We focused on the different subpopulations and time‐resolved quantification of cytotoxicity during tumor cell elimination. We report a surprising result: Killing kinetics of CD8+ T cells from elderly mice are much faster than those of CD8+ T cells from adult mice. This is true not only in the total CD8+ T cell population but also for their effector (TEM) and central memory (TCM) T cell subpopulations. TIRF experiments reveal that CD8+ T cells from elderly mice possess comparable numbers of fusion events per cell, but significantly increased numbers of cells with granule fusion. Analysis of the cytotoxic granule (CG) content shows significantly increased perforin and granzyme levels and turns CD8+ T cells of elderly mice into very efficient killers. This highlights the importance of distinguishing between cell‐intrinsic alterations and microenvironmental changes in elderly individuals. Our results also stress the importance of analyzing the dynamics of CTL cytotoxicity against cancer cells because, with a simple endpoint lysis analysis, cytotoxic differences could have easily been overlooked.  相似文献   

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