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By fusing primed murine lymphocytes with a syngeneic T cell lymphoma, we have been able to select for H-2-restricted, virus-specific cytotoxic T cell hybridomas (CTH). These T cell hybrids, which replicate in ordinary tissue culture medium or in ascites, are capable of lysing virally infected target cells, and their activity is facilitated by the presence of lectins in the assay medium. Unlike cells mediating lectin nonspecific lysis, these hybridomas are H-2 restricted and specific for single viral proteins. The ability to maintain these cells in culture for over 18 mo and to pass them in vivo without loss of activity or specificity indicates that they will provide sufficient material for the analysis of surface proteins and genetic information required for the recognition and lysis of virally infected cells by killer T cells.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide was given i.p. to male and female mice in order to study the dose--and the time--response relationship for structural chromosome aberrations induced in bone marrow cells. The results were compared to previous observations made with busulfan. After injection of cyclophosphamide the frequency of abnormal cells is maximal after 24 hours and decreases rapidly at longer intervals At comparable doses, the percentage of damaged cells is higher after treatment with busulfan and, due probably to the low solubility of the compound, reaches a maximum only after 48 hours. These results confirm that the most obvious potential drawback of this short term test is the transient nature of such anomalies.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence is presented for a modification of the structure of cyclophosphamide by blood plasma, which results in the formation of a compound with cytotoxic activity towards Walker tumour cells accompanied by a concomitant loss of alkylating ability.  相似文献   

Effect of selenium on virally induced and transplantable tumor models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Se is effective in inhibiting both virally induced and transplantable tumors. Continued intake of Se at quantities greater than those required to optimize growth and glutathione peroxidase (EC activities appear to be needed to achieve maximal tumor inhibition. Differences in the sensitivity to Se of various tumor cell lines are evident. The efficacy of Se depends on the form and mode of administration of this trace element. Total tumor mass also appears to affect the efficacy of Se. Evidence now suggests that selenodiglutathione or some other intermediate in Se metabolism is responsible for the antitumorigenic properties of this trace element.  相似文献   

Summary Augmented tumor-specific T cell responses were observed against the high metastatic murine lymphoma variant ESb when using as immunogen ESb tumor cells that had been modified by infection with a low dose of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Such virus-modified inactivated tumor cells (ESb-NDV) were potent tumor vaccines when applied postoperatively for active specific immunotherapy of ESb metastases. We demonstrate here that immune spleen cells from mice immunized with ESb-NDV contain enhanced immune capacity in both the CD4+, CD8 and the CD4, CD8+ T cell compartments to mount a secondary-tumor-specific cytotoxic T cell response in comparison with immune cells from mice immunized with ESb. ESb-NDV immune CD4+, CD8 helper T cells also produced more interleukin 2 after antigen stimulation than the corresponding ESb immune cells. There was no participation of either CD4+ or CD8+ virus-specific cells in the augmented response. The specificity of the T cells for the tumor-associated antigen remaind unchanged. Thus, there is the paradox that the virus-mediated augmentation of the tumor-specific T cell response in this system involves increased T helper activity but does not involve the recognition of viral epitopes as potential new helper determinants.Abbreviations CTL cytolytic T lymphocytes - IL-2 interleukin 2 - rIL-2 recombinant IL-2 - mAb monoclonal antibody - NDV Newcastle disease virus - SSC syngeneic spleen cell  相似文献   

Since the administration of cyclophosphamide and busulfan can cause hemorrhagic cystitis and changes in urothelial cells, an investigation was carried out to see whether patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT) who were treated with these drugs showed such urothelial changes and whether exfoliative urinary cytology can contribute to the early diagnosis and monitoring of such changes. Morphologic and morphometric analyses were performed on cytocentrifuged, Papanicolaou-stained preparations of 700 samples from 107 patients. Various degrees of urothelial cell changes were found in 30.8% of the cases. These changes consisted mainly of a considerable increase in the size of the nucleus and of a cytoplasm that was often bizarrely shaped. Even the structures of the nucleus and the cytoplasm changed. The results of this study showed that exfoliative urinary cytology permits an early diagnosis and monitoring of urothelial cell changes related to the administration of busulfan and cyclophosphamide in connection with BMT.  相似文献   

Membrane components and enzymes in virally transformed cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Virus-immune effector T cells generated in vivo are specific for both the virus used and theH-2 type of the infected mouse. Genes mapping at H-2K or H-2D apparently serve as self markers. The mechanism underlying this function is, however, not understood. This paper summarizes models that seem, at present, to be feasible explanations for this phenomenon, and considers possible implications of the hypothesis that self-recognition may be mediated by way of the same V gene subset that codes for alloreactivity.  相似文献   

Tumor-draining lymph node (TDLN) ablation is routinely performed in the management of cancer; nevertheless, its usefulness is at present a matter of debate. TDLN are central sites where T cell priming to tumor antigens and onset of the antitumor immune response occur. However, tumor-induced immunosuppression has been demonstrated at TDLN, leading to downregulation of antitumor reaction and tolerance induction. Tolerance in turn is a main impairment for immunotherapy trials. We used a murine immunogenic fibrosarcoma that evolves to a tolerogenic state, to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying tolerance induction at the level of TDLN and to design an appropriate immunotherapy. We determined that following a transient activation, the established tumor induces signs of immunosuppression at TDLN that coexist with local and systemic evidences of antitumor response. Therefore, we evaluated the feasibility of removing TDLN in order to eliminate a focus of immunosuppression and favor tumor rejection; but instead, a marked exacerbation of tumor growth was induced. Combining TDLN ablation with the in vivo depletion of regulatory cells by low-dose cyclophosphamide and the restoring of the TDLN-derived cells into the donor mouse by adoptive transference, resulted in lowered tumor growth, enhanced survival and a considerable degree of tumor regression. Our results demonstrate that important antitumor elements can be eliminated by lymphadenectomy and proved that the concurrent administration of low-dose chemotherapy along with the reinoculation of autologous cytotoxic cells provides protection. We suggest that this protocol may be useful, especially in the cases where lymphadenectomy is mandatory.  相似文献   

Sensitized T lymphocytes can mediate potent antitumor effects when transferred to tumor-bearing animals. Employing the MCA 105 and MCA 106 sarcomas, we were able to generate antitumor effector cells by immunization of syngeneic mice with tumor cells admixed with Corynebacterium parvum. These immune splenocytes could be further sensitized and expanded in culture by the in vitro sensitization (IVS) method utilizing tumor stimulator cells and IL-2. Adoptive immunotherapy of pulmonary metastases mediated by noncultured splenocytes from immunized mice or immune IVS cells showed exquisite specificity between the two sarcomas. These results demonstrate the presence of tumor-specific antigens on MCA 105 and MCA 106 tumor cells which can serve as target molecules for immunotherapy. Recently, we have generated therapeutic T lymphocytes from mice bearing progressively growing tumors by the IVS method. However, IVS cells from tumor-bearing mice showed cross-reactivity between the MCA 105 and 106 sarcomas in adoptive immunotherapy experiments. Since these IVS cells did not affect other control tumors, the limited cross-reactivity suggests the presence of common tumor-associated antigens on MCA 105 and MCA 106 tumor cells which can also serve as the target for tumor rejection. Therefore, immune responses to progressive tumor growth and to immunization are distinct with respect to antigen recognition by T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Increment of DNA topoisomerases in chemically and virally transformed cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activities of topoisomerases I and II were assayed in subcellular extracts obtained from nontumorigenic BALB/c 3T3 A31 and normal rat kidney (NRK) cell lines and from the same cells transformed by benzo[a]pyrene (BP-A31), Moloney (M-MSV-A31) and Kirsten (K-A31) sarcoma viruses, and simian virus 40 (SV-NRK). The enzymatic activity of topoisomerase I was monitored by the relaxation of negatively supercoiled pBR322 DNA and by the formation of covalent complexes between 32P-labeled DNA and topoisomerase I. Topoisomerase II activity was determined by decatenation of kinetoplast DNA (k-DNA). It was found that nuclear and cytoplasmic type I topoisomerase specific activities were higher in every transformed cell line than in the normal counterparts. These differences cannot be attributed to an inhibitory factor present in A31 cells. When chromatin was treated at increasing ionic strengths, the 0.4 M NaCl extract showed the highest topoisomerase I specific activity. Moreover, in this fraction the transformed cells exhibited the most significant increment in the enzymatic activity as compared with nontransformed cultures. Spontaneously transformed A31 cells showed topoisomerase I activity similar to that of extracts of cells transformed by benzo[a]pyrene. Topoisomerase II specific activity was also increased in SV-NRK cells, as judged by the assay for decatenation of k-DNA to yield minicircle DNA.  相似文献   

The gangliosides of control rat embryo cells, 3-methylcholanthrene, Rauscher leukemia virus, and combined 3-methylcholanthrene-Rauscher leukemia virus transformants were examined using [14 C]glucosamine as a tracer. All four cell lines exhibited a complex pattern of gangliosides. While N-acetylgalactosaminyl-(N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosyl-glucosyl-ceramide was the major ganglioside in the control cell line, N-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl-glucosyl-ceramide was the major ganglioside in the three transformants. The 3-methylcholanthrene transformant possessed a ganglioside pattern different from that of the Rauscher leukemia virus transformant. Hydrolysis of the gangliosides indicated that galactosamine, N-acetyl-and N-glycolylneuraminic acid were the labeled components in all cell lines.  相似文献   

To determine whether antigen-presenting ability might be involved in the superior immunogenicity of chemically xenogenized tumors over that of parental cells, we tested a murine lymphoma line xenogenized by a triazene derivative for expression of Ia antigens, ability to present soluble antigen in vitro, and production of factor(s) active in a mouse thymocyte assay. Results showed that Ia antigens, absent on nonimmunogenic parental L5178Y cells, were expressed on a xenogenized, highly immunogenic tumor variant (clone D), as detected by immunofluorescence. While the ability of parental cells to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation in vitro was lost on removal of Ia+ cells from the responder population, considerable augmentation of reactivity was observed upon depletion of Ia+ cells from the population of splenocytes responding to the xenogenized cells. Under these conditions, stimulation was blocked by anti-Ia antibodies, or an anti-L3T4 reagent or antibodies to the novel antigenic determinants induced by xenogenization. In addition, no stimulating activity was observed following exposure of clone D cells to glutaraldehyde or lysosomotropic agents such as chloroquine and ammonia. When the ability of clone D cells to present ovalbumin in vitro was assayed, it was found that the xenogenized cells could present the soluble antigen to specifically primed lymphocytes. Moreover, clone D cells could substitute for splenic adherent cells in the proliferative reaction of splenocytes to concanavalin A. Finally, when the supernate from clone D-cell culture pulsed with phorbol myristic acetate was tested in a mouse thymocyte assay, considerable IL-1-like activity was disclosed.  相似文献   

In the time period from November 1984 to January 1987 eight allogeneic bone marrow transplantation were performed from HLA-identical siblings. The theoretical chance of success in this group was between 21 and 50%, according to the recent data of the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, depending on the diagnosis and clinical condition. The average chance was 37.5%. Haemopoietic reconstitution was achieved in 6 recipients, while 2 died of early complications (cytostatic induced hepatocellular damage and fungal sepsis). Another 3 patients died of complications of the intermediate period (pulmonary bleeding, virus hepatitis, graft rejection). The remaining 3 recipients are alive, in excellent clinical condition, including one girl surviving more than 2 years after the transplantation.  相似文献   

Using [(1)H,(15)N] heteronuclear single quantum coherance (HSQC) NMR and (15)N-labeled carboplatin, 1, we show that Jurkat cells affect the rate of disappearance of the HSQC NMR peak in culture medium for this Pt(2+) anticancer drug. The decay or disappearance rate constant for 1 in culture medium containing cells is k(1)=k(c)[CO(3)(2-)]+k(m)+k(u)N, where k(c) is the rate constant for reaction of 1 with carbonate in the medium, k(m) is the rate constant for reaction of 1 with all other components of the medium, and k(u) is the rate constant for reaction of 1 with cells having a number density N in the medium. Since Jurkat cells only take up a small amount of the platinum present in the medium (<1%), the observed disappearance of the HSQC NMR peak for 1 cannot be due to uptake of carboplatin by the cells.  相似文献   

Using TLR agonists in cancer treatment can have either beneficial or detrimental effects. Therefore, it is important to determine their effect on the tumor growth and understand the underlying mechanisms in animal tumor models. In this study, we report a general immunotherapeutic activity of a synthetic bacterial lipoprotein (BLP), a TLR1/TLR2 agonist, on established lung carcinoma, leukemia, and melanoma in mice. Systemic treatment of 3LL tumor-bearing mice with BLP, but not LPS, led to a dose-dependent tumor regression and a long-lasting protective response against tumor rechallenge. The BLP-mediated tumor remission was neither mediated by a direct tumoricidal activity nor by innate immune cells, because it lacked therapeutic effect in immunodeficient SCID mice. Instead, BLP treatment reduced the suppressive function of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) and enhanced the cytotoxicity of tumor-specific CTL in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, adoptive cotransfer of BLP-pretreated but not untreated CTL and Tregs from wild-type but not from TLR2(-/-) mice was sufficient to restore antitumor immunity in SCID mice by reciprocally modulating Treg and CTL function. These results demonstrate that the TLR1/TLR2 agonist BLP may have a general tumor therapeutic property involving reciprocal downregulation of Treg and upregulation of CTL function. This property may play an important role in the development of novel antitumor strategies.  相似文献   

Effects of cyclophosphamide (CY) on the antibody titer level and incidence and severity of swine serum (SS)-induced bile duct lesion (BDL) were examined. BDL induced by 0.2 ml of SS per head twice a week for 2 weeks was characterized by hyperplasia of biliary epithelial cells, proliferation of mucous glands, and periductal infiltration of eosinophils with mild fibrosis. CY showed no significant influence on the above-mentioned parameters at the dose levels of 140 and 210 mg/kg. On the other hand, CY lowered the antibody titer level and decreased the severity of BDL at the dose level of 280 mg/kg, and it suppressed the antibody response and BDL at the dose level of 280 x 2 mg/kg. Thus the antibody titer level and the severity of BDL were closely related each other.  相似文献   

Splenocytes from A mice injected with YAC-1 or RBL5 could generate, after in vitro culture with or without stimulation, a genetically nonrestricted cytotoxic response against the allogenic tumor RBL5. YAC-1 tumor is an in vitro carried tumor induced in A mice (H-2a) by Moloney virus. RBL5 tumor is a Rauscher virus-induced tumor of C57BL/6 mice (H-2b). These tumors cross-react serologically. The effector cells that were generated after the in vitro cultivation recognized tumor-associated antigens on the target cells. H-2 alloantigens were not recognized by the effector cells. The effector cells that killed RBL5 tumor in a genetically nonrestricted manner were identified as T cells. The in vivo carried tumor YAC, in contrast to the in vitro carried tumor YAC-1, could not induce anti-RBL5 reactive cells in A mice. Instead, YAC tumor induced suppressor cells in A mice, which could abrogate the anti-RBL5 cytotoxic response of RBL5-primed splenocytes, but not that of YAC-1 primed splenocytes.  相似文献   

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