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Understanding the molecular basis of plant performance under water-limiting conditions will help to breed crop plants with a lower water demand. We investigated the physiological and gene expression response of drought-tolerant (IR57311 and LC-93-4) and drought-sensitive (Nipponbare and Taipei 309) rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to 18 days of drought stress in climate chamber experiments. Drought stressed plants grew significantly slower than the controls. Gene expression profiles were measured in leaf samples with the 20 K NSF oligonucleotide microarray. A linear model was fitted to the data to identify genes that were significantly regulated under drought stress. In all drought stressed cultivars, 245 genes were significantly repressed and 413 genes induced. Genes differing in their expression pattern under drought stress between tolerant and sensitive cultivars were identified by the genotype x environment (G x E) interaction term. More genes were significantly drought regulated in the sensitive than in the tolerant cultivars. Localizing all expressed genes on the rice genome map, we checked which genes with a significant G x E interaction co-localized with published quantitative trait loci regions for drought tolerance. These genes are more likely to be important for drought tolerance in an agricultural environment. To identify the metabolic processes with a significant G x E effect, we adapted the analysis software MapMan for rice. We found a drought stress induced shift toward senescence related degradation processes that was more pronounced in the sensitive than in the tolerant cultivars. In spite of higher growth rates and water use, more photosynthesis related genes were down-regulated in the tolerant than in the sensitive cultivars.  相似文献   

Effects of the antioxidant system and chlorophyll fluorescence on drought tolerance of four common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars were studied. The cultivars were positioned in the order of a decrease in their drought tolerance: Yakutiye, Pinto Villa, Ozayse, and Zulbiye on the basis of changes in the water potential, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic pigment content, and lipid peroxidation. Under drought conditions, the level of H2O2 was not changed in cv. Pinto Villa but decreased in other cultivars. Antioxidant enzymes (superothide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione reductase (GR)) were generally activated in all cultivars. Interestingly, CAT, APX, and GR activities were not changed in cv. Pinto Villa, APX activity decreased in cv. Yakutiye, and CAT activity was not changed in cv. Zulbiye. The increases in SOD and GPX activities in cv. Ozayse were higher than in other cultivars. Drought stress reduced the effective quantum yield of PS2 (ΦPS2) and the photochemical quenching (qp), while it increased nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) in all cultivars. The reduction or increase was more pronounced in cv. Zulbiye. There were generally significant correlations between qp, NPQ, and ROS scavenging by SOD and APX. Also, there were significant correlations between SOD and qp in tolerant cultivars and APX and qp in sensitive ones. The results indicate that activation of SOD and APX was closely related to the efficiency of PS2 in common bean cultivars. This interaction was essential for protection of photosystems and plant survival under drought.  相似文献   

The causes of reproductive failure under drought stress (DS) are poorly understood. We hypothesized that reproductive failure was related to drought-induced changes in pistil biochemistry. To address this hypothesis, a water deficit-induced experiment was conducted with two cotton cultivars (Dexiamian 1, drought tolerant; Yuzaomian 9110, drought sensitive). Results showed that DS decreased the photosynthesis of subtending leaf and downregulated sucrose transporter gene (GhSUT-1) expression in pistil for both cultivars, resulting in lower pistil carbon accumulation which was reflected in the decreased starch accumulation. Lower starch, as potential energy, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), as direct energy, in droughted pistils suggested less energy for pollen tube entrance into ovules, reducing the fertilized ovule number and fertilization efficiency. Further, although pistil peroxidase activity increased under DS, a higher hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) level still was measured in droughted pistils than well-watered pistils, damaging reproductive activities. Moreover, larger decreases in photosynthesis, pistil GhSUT-1 expression, carbon accumulation, starch and ATP contents caused by DS for Yuzaomian 9110 than Dexiamian 1, and different responses of superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, and ascorbic acid and H2O2 contents to DS between the two cultivars might be the reasons causing a greater decrease in fertilization efficiency for Yuzaomian 9110 than Dexiamian 1 under DS. Thus, we suggest that decreased ovule fertilization under DS was related to the disorganized carbohydrate metabolism and inefficient antioxidant defense in droughted pistils, and the effects of DS on pistil carbohydrate metabolism and antioxidant defense were more significant for drought-sensitive cultivars than drought-tolerant cultivars.  相似文献   

The changing pattern, of WSD and concomitant protein changes were scanned in twoZea mays cultivars, with differential sensitivity to water stress. Increasing protein values were recorded in resistant cv. Ageti-76 with decreasing osmotic potentials of substrate (on 3rd day of stress), although the values in susceptible cv. Vijay remained almost on a par with the controls. In another experiment both the cultivars revealed initial increase of protein on 2nd day at osmotic potentials of - 2 and -4 × 106 Pa, however, values declined up to day 7 of stress. WSD showed an increasing trend in both the experiments, although slightly higher values of WSD were registered in cv. Ageti-76 in comparison with cv. Vijay. The significance of protein changes in reference to drought is discussed.  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - To study the possibility of increasing the drought tolerance of common bean with the exogenous application of 24-epibrassinolide (EBL), an experiment...  相似文献   

Direct effects and after-effects of soil drought for 7 and 14 d were examined on seedling dry matter, leaf water potential (ψ), leaf injury index (LI), and chlorophyll (Chl) content of drought (D) resistant and sensitive triticale and maize genotypes. D caused higher decrease in number of developed leaves and dry matter of shoots and roots in the sensitive genotypes than in the resistant ones. Soil D caused lower decrease of ψ in the triticale than maize leaves. Influence of D on the Chl b content was considerably lower than on the Chl a content. In triticale the most harmful D impact was observed for physiologically younger leaves, in maize for the older ones. A period of 7-d-long recovery was too short for a complete removal of an adverse influence of D.  相似文献   


Key message

Cowpea cultivars differing in salt tolerance reveal differences in protein profiles and adopt different strategies to overcome salt stress. Salt-tolerant cultivar shows induction of proteins related to photosynthesis and energy metabolism.


Salinity is a major abiotic stress affecting plant cultivation and productivity. The objective of this study was to examine differential proteomic responses to salt stress in leaves of the cowpea cultivars Pitiúba (salt tolerant) and TVu 2331 (salt sensitive). Plants of both cultivars were subjected to salt stress (75 mM NaCl) followed by a recovery period of 5 days. Proteins extracted from leaves of both cultivars were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) under salt stress and after recovery. In total, 22 proteins differentially regulated by both salt and recovery were identified by LC–ESI–MS/MS. Our current proteome data revealed that cowpea cultivars adopted different strategies to overcome salt stress. For the salt-tolerant cultivar (Pitiúba), increase in abundance of proteins involved in photosynthesis and energy metabolism, such as rubisco activase, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase (Ru5PK) (EC, glycine decarboxylase (EC and oxygen-evolving enhancer (OEE) protein 2, was observed. However, these vital metabolic processes were more profoundly affected in salt-sensitive cultivar (TVu), as indicated by the down-regulation of OEE protein 1, Mn-stabilizing protein-II, carbonic anhydrase (EC and Rubisco (EC, leading to energy reduction and a decline in plant growth. Other proteins differentially regulated in both cultivars corresponded to different physiological responses. Overall, our results provide information that could lead to a better understanding of the molecular basis of salt tolerance and sensitivity in cowpea plants.  相似文献   

Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and salt stress on nutrient acquisition and growth of two tomato cultivars exhibiting differences in salt tolerance were investigated. Plants were grown in a sterilized, low-P (silty clay) soil-sand mix. Salt was applied at saturation extract (ECe) values of 1.4 (control), 4.9 (medium) and 7.1 dS m–1 (high salt stress). Mycorrhizal colonization occurred irrespective of salt stress in both cultivars, but AMF colonization was higher under control than under saline soil conditions. The salt-tolerant cultivar Pello showed higher mycorrhizal colonization than the salt-sensitive cultivar Marriha. Shoot dry matter (DM) yield and leaf area were higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants of both cultivars. Shoot DM and leaf area but not root DM were higher in Pello than Marriha. The enhancement in shoot DM due to AMF inoculation was 22% and 21% under control, 31% and 58% under medium, and 18% and 59% under high salinity for Pello and Marriha, respectively. For both cultivars, the contents of P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe were higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants under control and medium saline soil conditions. The enhancement in P, K, Zn, Cu, and Fe acquisition due to AMF inoculation was more pronounced in Marriha than in the Pello cultivar under saline conditions. The results suggest that Marriha benefited more from AMF colonization than Pello under saline soil conditions, despite the fact that Pello roots were highly infected with the AMF. Thus, it appears that Marriha is more dependent on AMF symbiosis than Pello. Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

Two wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars, C306 (drought tolerant) and PBW343 (drought susceptible) were compared for their response to exogenous ABA, water stress (WS) and combined (ABA plus WS) during their seedlings growth. Their responses were studied in the form of seedlings growth, antioxidant potential of roots and shoots and expression levels of LEA genes in shoots. ABA treatment led to increase in levels of ascorbate, ascorbate to dehydroascorbate ratio, antioxidant enzymes and decreases in levels of dehydroascorbate, malondialdehyde (MDA). Decrease in biomass, ascorbate contents, ascorbate to dehydroascorbate ratios and antioxidant enzymes was more in PBW343 than in C306 under WS. Dehydroascorbate and MDA levels were higher in PBW343 than in C306 under WS. ABA plus WS improved some of these features from their levels under WS in PBW343. Proline contents were not increased significantly under ABA in both cultivars. Out of ten LEA genes studied, six LEA genes were induced more under WS than under ABA in C306 but equally induced in PBW343. Four LEA genes were induced earlier in PBW343 but later in C306. Wdhn13 was induced more under ABA than under WS in C306 while it was non-responsive to both stresses in PBW343.  相似文献   

The influence of water deprivation on potted apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) was investigated. Biochemical responses including ascorbic acid, glutathione (GSH), tocopherols, chlorophylls, carotenoids, free amino acids, and soluble carbohydrates were measured in leaves of diploid ‘Elstar’ and triploid ‘Jonagold Wilmuta’ subjected to progressive drought. Leaf water potential was chosen to be the primary indicator of water stress in tested plants. Time courses of measured biochemical parameters showed that mild drought did not significantly affect the chosen stress indicators. Moderate drought increased the concentrations of ascorbic acid, total GSH, β-carotene, zeaxanthin and -tocopherol, indicating the adaptation to oxidative stress in apple trees. Moderate drought also increased concentration of soluble carbohydrates, mostly due to increased sorbitol concentration. Severe drought negatively affected vitality of apple trees, and caused a decrease in sorbitol concentration. Severe drought also caused decreases in ascorbic acid, total GSH, β-carotene, -tocopherol and chlorophyll concentrations, which, together with the increase in oxidised GSH concentration, indicated severe damage due to oxidative stress. Severe drought increased free amino acid concentration, which was probably the result of increased proteolysis. Zeaxanthin concentration remained high even in leaves of apple trees subjected to severe drought stress. The results were similar for both tested apple cultivars.  相似文献   

不同抗旱性花生品种的根系形态发育及其对干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
丁红  张智猛  戴良香  宋文武  康涛  慈敦伟 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5169-5176
为明确不同抗旱性花生品种的根系形态发育特征,探讨其根系形态发育特征对不同土壤水分状况的响应机制,在防雨棚旱池内进行土柱栽培试验,研究抗旱型品种“花育22号”、“唐科8号”和干旱敏感型品种“花育23号”3个不同抗旱性花生品种根系形态发育特征及其对干旱胁迫的响应.结果表明:抗旱型品种根系较发达,具有较大的根系生物量、总根长、总根系表面积.干旱胁迫使抗旱型品种根系总表面积和体积增加,而干旱敏感型品种则相反.干旱胁迫显著增加抗旱型品种“花育22号”20 cm以下土层内根长密度分布比例及根系表面积和体积,但“唐科8号”相应根系性状仅在20-40 cm土层内增加;干旱胁迫使干旱敏感型品种“花育23号”40 cm以下土层内各根系性状升高,但未达显著水平且其深层土壤内各根系性状增加幅度小于“花育22号”.花生根系总长、总表面积及0-20 cm土层内根系性状与产量间呈显著或极显著正相关.土壤水分亏缺条件下,花生主要通过增加深层土壤内根长、根系表面积和体积等形态特性,优化空间分布构型,以调节植株对水分的利用.  相似文献   

Responses to waterlogging of a tolerant chrysanthemum cultivar (‘53-4’) were compared with those of a susceptible one (‘13-13’). Just 4 days of waterlogging were enough to induce wilting and leaf chlorosis in ‘13-13’, but there was no visual damage to the leaves of ‘53-4’ after 8 days of treatment. After 20 days, only a small number of adventitious roots had emerged from ‘13-13’ stems, but many vigorous adventitious roots had formed in ‘53-4’. Waterlogging induced increases in the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (EC, pyruvate decarboxylase (EC and lactate dehydrogenase (EC in both cultivars, but the increases in ‘13-13’ were more pronounced than in ‘53-4’. On the other hand, the activity of superoxide dismutase (EC, ascorbate peroxidase (EC and catalase (EC was higher in ‘53-4’ than in ‘13-13’. Leaves of ‘13-13’ had a higher content of malondialdehyde, and the amount of this stress indicator in ‘53-4’ was stable throughout the waterlogging period. Ethylene production was enhanced by waterlogging in both cultivars, but peak ethylene production occurred 2 days earlier in the tolerant cultivar, and was 3-fold higher than in the susceptible one.  相似文献   

The response to the osmotic effects of drought may largely vary not only between species but even cultivars of the same species. Gaining knowledge of the reasons underlying these differential responses can be critical in breeding programs to obtain lines with enhanced performance under drought or salinity. In this work, the responses to osmotic stress of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars with contrasting tolerance (Coco blanc, sensitive, and Flamingo, tolerant) have been assessed by analyzing a full array of nodule parameters (enzyme activities, carbohydrate and organic acids content and antioxidant activity). The aim of this work was to study the likely involvement of carbon flux shortage in the decline of N2 fixation under osmotic stress. The maintenance of sucrolytic activities, particularly sucrose synthase, to keep an adequate glycolytic flux, together with isocitrate dehydrogenase, to balance C/N interactions, associated with a suitable antioxidant defense may be relevant for osmotic tolerance in common bean nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important subsistence and cash crop in the semi-arid tropics where it often suffers from drought stress. Although its ecophysiological responses are studied, little is known about the molecular events involved in its adaptive responses to drought. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of membrane phospholipid and protein degrading enzymes as well as protective proteins such as "late embryogenesis-abundant" (LEA) protein in peanut adaptive responses to drought. Partial cDNAs encoding putative phospholipase D alpha, cysteine protease, serine protease and a full-length cDNA encoding a LEA protein were cloned. Their expression in response to progressive water deficit and rehydration was compared between cultivars differing in their tolerance to drought. Differential gene expression pattern according to either water deficit intensity and cultivar's tolerance to drought were observed. A good correspondence between the molecular responses of the studied cultivars and their physiological responses previously defined in greenhouse and field experiments was found. Molecular characters, as they were detectable at an early stage, could therefore be efficiently integrated in groundnut breeding programmes for drought adaptation. Thus, the relevance of the target genes as drought tolerance indicators is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate regulation of anaerobic carbohydrate catabolism in anoxia-tolerant plant tissue, rate of alcoholic fermentation and maximum catalytic activities of four key enzymes were assessed in coleoptiles of two rice cultivars that differ in tolerance to anoxia. The enzymes were ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PFP), pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC), and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). During anoxia, rates of coleoptile elongation and ethanol synthesis were faster in the more tolerant variety Calrose than in IR22. Calrose coleoptiles, in contrast to IR22, also showed a sustained Pasteur effect, with the estimated rate of glycolysis during anoxia being 1.4-1.7-fold faster than that of aerobic coleoptiles. In Calrose after 5 d anoxia, maximum catalytic activities of crude enzyme extracts were (in mumol substrate g-1 fresh weight min.-1) 170-240 for ADH, 4-6 for PDC and PFP and 0.4-0.7 for PFK. During anoxia, activity per coleoptile of all four enzymes increased 3-5.5-fold, suggesting that PFK, and PFP, like PDC and ADH, are synthesised in anoxic rice coleoptiles. Enzyme activities, on a fresh weight basis, were lower in IR22 than in Calrose. In vivo activities of PDC and PFK in anoxic coleoptiles from both cultivars were calculated using in vitro activities, estimated substrate levels, cytoplasmic pH, and S0.5 (the substrate level at which 0.5Vmax is reached, without inferring Michaelis-Menten kinetics). Data indicated that potential carbon flux through PFK, rather than through PDC, more closely approximated rates of alcoholic fermentation. That PFK is an important site of regulation was supported further for Calrose coleoptiles by a decrease in the concentration of its substrate pool (F-6-P + G-6-P) following the onset of anoxia. By contrast, in IR22, there was little evidence for control by PFK, consistent with recent evidence that suggests substrate supply limits alcoholic fermentation in this cultivar.  相似文献   

In order to provide information for the development of molecular selection markers for drought tolerance improvement, the methods of prometric analysis, quantitative real-time PCR and field evaluation were employed for the identification of the differential expression of candidate genes under drought stress in maize. At seventeen, twenty-four and forty-eight hours of polyethylene glycol-simulated drought stress at the seventh leaf stage, leaf samples were collected from two drought-tolerant inbred lines for prometric analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis and peptide mass fingerprinting. Fifty-eight proteins out of more than 500 were found in response to drought stress. Three drought-induced spots 2506, 3507 and 4506 showed sequence similarity with cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, cytochrome protein 96A8 and S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthase, respectively. The expression of two key enzymes to lignin biosynthesis was quantified by quantitative real-time PCR among three drought-tolerant and one drought-sensitive inbred lines under drought stress and well-watered control conditions. After a decrease at the beginning of drought stress, the expression of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and caffeateO-methyltransferase recovered at twenty-four hours of the drought stress in the three drought-tolerant lines, but not in the drought-sensitive lines. Leaf lignin content, anthesis-silking interval and grain weight per plant were investigated with six inbred lines of varying drought tolerance under drought stress and well-watered control. Drought tolerance coefficients of these three characters were calculated and the correlation coefficients among these drought tolerance coefficients were estimated. Significant difference in leaf lignin content was found among the inbred lines and in response to drought stress. Close correlations were observed between the drought tolerant coefficients for leaf lignin content and grain weight per plant, and between the drought tolerant coefficients for leaf lignin content and anthesis-silking interval. These results indicate that leaf lignin content is a useful index for evaluation of drought tolerance in maize. Molecular selection markers can be developed on the basis of differential expression of the candidate genes and applied to maize improvement for drought tolerance.  相似文献   

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