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Differential display (DD) is one of the most commonly used approaches for identifying differentially expressed genes. However, there has been lack of an accurate guidance on how many DD polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer combinations are needed to display most of the genes expressed in a eukaryotic cell. This study critically evaluated the gene coverage by DD as a function of the number of arbitrary primers, the number of 3′ bases of an arbitrary primer required to completely match an mRNA target sequence, the additional 5′ base match(s) of arbitrary primers in first-strand cDNA recognition, and the length of mRNA tails being analyzed. The resulting new DD mathematical model predicts that 80 to 160 arbitrary 13mers, when used in combinations with 3 one-base anchored oligo-dT primers, would allow any given mRNA within a eukaryotic cell to be detected with a 74% to 93% probability, respectively. The prediction was supported by both computer simulation of the DD process and experimental data from a comprehensive fluorescent DD screening for target genes of tumor-suppressor p53. Thus, this work provides a theoretical foundation upon which global analysis of gene expression by DD can be pursued.  相似文献   

A membrane-associated lipoxygenase from breaker-stage fruit of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was purified and partially sequenced. Using degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to portions of this sequence, a cDNA was amplified by PCR and used to screen a breaker fruit cDNA library. Two clones, tomloxA and tomloxB, were isolated and one of these (tomloxA) corresponded to the isolated protein. Genomic clones were isolated and sequence data from these were used to obtain the 5' ends of the cDNAs. The 2.8-kb cDNAs encode proteins that are similar in size and sequence to each other and to other plant lipoxygenases. DNA blot analysis indicated that tomato contains three or more genes that encode lipoxygenase. RNA blot analysis showed that tomloxA is expressed in germinating seeds as well as in ripening fruit, where it reached its peak during breaker stage. tomloxB appears to be fruit specific and is at its highest level in ripe fruit.  相似文献   

We propose a novel alternative approach, an advanced method for recently developed strategies, for identifying differentially expressed genes. Firstly, double-stranded cDNAs were digested using Sau3AI and the 3'-end restriction fragments of the cDNA were ligated to a double-stranded adapter. Next, the restriction fragments were directly amplified using several combinations of adapter-specific primers and FITC-labeled oligo dT primers. The selected cDNA fragments were displayed on a polyacrylamide gel. Neither nested PCR nor purification of 3'-end fragments are necessary. We examined the validity of this approach by evaluating gene expression changes during granulocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells. This method can theoretically detect almost all gene expression changes more rapidly and through simpler manipulations than by any other approach.  相似文献   

The invasion of the cardiac neural crest (CNC) into the outflow tract (OFT) and subsequent outflow tract septation are critical events during vertebrate heart development. We have performed four modified differential display screens in the chick embryo to identify genes that may be involved in CNC, OFT, secondary heart field, and heart development. The screens included differential display of RNA isolated from three different axial segments containing premigratory cranial neural crest cells; of RNA from distal outflow tract, proximal outflow tract, and atrioventricular tissue of embryonic chick hearts; and of RNA isolated from left and right cranial tissues, including the early heart fields. These screens have resulted in the identification of the five cDNA clones presented here, which are expressed in the cardiac neural crest, outflow tract and developing heart in patterns that are unique in heart development.  相似文献   

To characterize the phenomenon of natural parthenocarpy in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) two different approaches have been followed. At a developmental level, the ovary weights of three non-parthenocarpic lines and three near-isogenic parthenocarpic ( pat-2 ) lines were compared. Four developmental stages were considered: flower bud, preanthesis, anthesis and 4 days after anthesis. The parthenocarpic lines displayed ovary weights higher than their respective non-parthenocarpic lines from preanthesis to 4 days after anthesis. A molecular approach involved comparison of in vitro translation products from flower RNAs taken from the same developmental stages of non-parthenocarpic and near-isogenic parthenocarpic ( pat-2 and pat-3/pat-4 ) lines. Analysis by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed the differential expression of a 30-kDa product in parthenocarpic materials from preanthesis to anthesis. These results suggest that the physiological and molecular events responsible for parthenocarpy begin at the preanthesis stage, before the flower is completely mature and receptive to pollination. The differential expression of this in vitro translation product in pat-2 and pat-3/pat-4 genotypes also suggests a common or confluent molecular basis in genetically controlled parthenocarpy.  相似文献   

A cell-free system derived from carrot cell cytosol extract has been developed for reassembling nuclear structure around the added demembranated sperm chromatin of Xenopus. Morphological evidence suggests that reassembled nuclei display the typical characteristics of normal eukaryotic nuclei, such as double-layered nuclear membrane and nuclear pores. Micrococcal nuclease treatment indicates that remodeling of the demembranated sperm chromatin has occurred and the structure of nucleosome is formed during nuclear reconstitution. These data indicate that the nuclear reconstitution can be induced in cell-free systems from plants, and the self-assembly of the nucleus is ubiquitous in both animal and plant cells.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Genomic imprinting plays an important role in both normal development and diseases. Abnormal imprinting is strongly associated with several human diseases including cancers. Most of the imprinted genes were discovered in the neighborhood of the known imprinted genes. This approach is difficult to extend to analyze the whole genome. We have decided to take a computational approach to systematically search the whole genome for the presence of mono-allelic expressed genes and imprinted genes in human genome. RESULTS: A computational method was developed to identify novel imprinted or mono-allelic genes. Individuals represented in human cDNA libraries were genotyped using Bayesian statistics, and differential expression of polymorphic alleles was identified. A significant reduction in the number of libraries that expressed both alleles, measured by Z-statistics, is a strong indicator for an imprinted or a mono-allelic gene. AVAILABILITY: The data sets are available at http://leelab.nci.nih.gov/leelab/jsp/IGDM/IGDM.html  相似文献   

Since the level of platinum in the environment is destined to increase, because of its use in vehicle catalytic converters, the toxicity of platinum needs further investigation. In this study, the frog embryo teratogenesis assay-Xenopus (FETAX) was used to compare the embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of two common platinum species, (NH4)2PtCl4 and (NH4)2PtCl6. The uptake rates of the two platinum species were studied, and also their effects on the expression of genes encoding metallothionein and heat-shock protein 70, which are known to be induced by several stress factors. In addition, the differential display technique was used to search for genes that were specifically induced by platinum. A gene for the type I collagen alpha-chain and a novel gene were identified.  相似文献   

Control and manipulation of gene expression during tomato fruit ripening   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ripening is a complex developmental process involving changes in the biochemistry, physiology and gene expression of the fruit. It is an active process characterised by changes in all cellular compartments. cDNA cloning has been used as an approach to analyse changes in gene expression during fruit ripening. This has revealed that several genes are switched on specifically during fruit ripening, including one encoding polygalacturonase (PG), a major cell wall protein. These cDNA clones have been used to study the expression of the genes in normal and ripening mutant fruits, and under environmental stress conditions.The PG gene has been isolated and it has been demonstrated that 1450 bases 5 of the coding region are sufficient for the tissue- and development-specific expression of a bacterial marker gene in transgenic tomatoes. Antisense RNA techniques have been developed to generate novel mutant tomatoes in which the biochemical function of this enzyme and its involvement in fruit softening has been tested.  相似文献   

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