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A single determinant dominates the rate of yeast protein evolution   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A gene's rate of sequence evolution is among the most fundamental evolutionary quantities in common use, but what determines evolutionary rates has remained unclear. Here, we carry out the first combined analysis of seven predictors (gene expression level, dispensability, protein abundance, codon adaptation index, gene length, number of protein-protein interactions, and the gene's centrality in the interaction network) previously reported to have independent influences on protein evolutionary rates. Strikingly, our analysis reveals a single dominant variable linked to the number of translation events which explains 40-fold more variation in evolutionary rate than any other, suggesting that protein evolutionary rate has a single major determinant among the seven predictors. The dominant variable explains nearly half the variation in the rate of synonymous and protein evolution. We show that the two most commonly used methods to disentangle the determinants of evolutionary rate, partial correlation analysis and ordinary multivariate regression, produce misleading or spurious results when applied to noisy biological data. We overcome these difficulties by employing principal component regression, a multivariate regression of evolutionary rate against the principal components of the predictor variables. Our results support the hypothesis that translational selection governs the rate of synonymous and protein sequence evolution in yeast.  相似文献   

Translational selection, including gene expression, protein abundance, and codon usage bias, has been suggested as the single dominant determinant of protein evolutionary rate in yeast. Here, we show that protein structure is also an important determinant. Buried residues, which are responsible for maintaining protein structure or are located on a stable interaction surface between 2 subunits, are usually under stronger evolutionary constraints than solvent-exposed residues. Our partial correlation analysis shows that, when whole proteins are included, the variance of evolutionary rate explained by the proportion of solvent-exposed residues (P(exposed)) can reach two-thirds of that explained by translational selection, indicating that P(exposed) is the most important determinant of protein evolutionary rate next only to translational selection. Our result suggests that proteins with many residues under selective constraint (e.g., maintaining structure or intermolecular interaction) tend to evolve slowly, supporting the "fitness (functional) density" hypothesis.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous rate of protein evolution in serotonin genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a neurotransmitter crucial for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and brain function. It is also involved in several aspects of behavior and associated with a variety of personality disorders in humans. Its dual role as a crucial element in vital physiological functions (strictly evolutionary conserved) and in traits that differ substantially across species makes the evolution of serotonin function particularly interesting. We studied the evolution of serotonin function through the identification of the selective forces shaping the evolution of genes in its functional pathway in primates and rodents. Serotonin genes are highly conserved and show no signals of positive selection, suggesting functional constraint as the main force driving their evolution. They show, nevertheless, considerable differences in constraint between primates and rodents, with some genes showing dramatic differences between the 2 groups. These genes most likely represent cases of functional divergence between primates and rodents and point out to the relevance of using closely related species in gene-based evolutionary studies to avoid the effect of unrecognized functional differences between distant species. Within each group (rodents or primates), genes also show heterogeneity in evolution. Genes from the same gene family (with structure and function alike) tend to evolve at a similar rate, but this is not always the case. A few serotonin genes show substantial differences in constraint with the rest of members of their family, suggesting the presence of important and unrecognized functional differences among the genes, which may be involved in species-specific evolution.  相似文献   

Rate of protein evolution versus fitness effect of gene deletion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Whether nonessential genes evolve faster than essential genes has been a controversial issue. To resolve this issue, we use the data from a nearly complete set of single-gene deletions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to assess protein dispensability. Also, instead of the nematode, which was used previously but is only distantly related to S. cerevisiae, we use another yeast, Candida albicans, as a second species to estimate the evolutionary distances between orthologous genes in two species. Our analysis reveals only a weak correlation between protein dispensability and evolutionary rate. More important, the correlation disappears when duplicate genes are removed from the analysis. And surprisingly, the average rate of nonsynonymous substitution is considerably lower than that for single-copy genes in the yeast genome. This observation suggests that structural constraints are more important in determining the rate of evolution of a protein than dispensability because duplicate genes are on average more dispensable than single-copy genes. For duplicate genes, those with only a weak effect or no effect of deletion on fitness evolve on average faster than those with a moderate or strong effect of deletion on fitness, which in turn evolve on average faster than those with a lethal effect of deletion.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of the rate of protein sequenceevolution is of fundamental importance in evolutionary biology.Many recent studies have focused on the yeast because of theavailability of many genome-wide expressional and functionaldata. Yeast studies revealed a predominant role of gene expressionlevel and a minor role of gene essentiality in determining therate of protein sequence evolution. Whether these rules applyto complex organisms such as mammals is unclear. Here we assemblea list of 1,138 essential and 2,341 nonessential mouse genesbased on targeted gene deletion experiments and report a significantimpact of gene essentiality on the rate of mammalian proteinevolution. Gene expression level has virtually no effect, althoughtissue specificity in expression pattern has a strong influence.Unexpectedly, gene compactness, measured by average intron sizeand untranslated region length, has the greatest influence.Hence, the relative importance of the various factors in determiningthe rate of mammalian protein evolution is gene compactness> gene essentiality tissue specificity > expression level.Our results suggest a considerable variation in rate determinantsbetween unicellular organisms such as the yeast and multicellularorganisms such as mammals.  相似文献   

Rates of trait evolution are known to vary across phylogenies; however, standard evolutionary models assume a homogeneous process of trait change. These simple methods are widely applied in small‐scale phylogenetic studies, whereas models of rate heterogeneity are not, so the prevalence and patterns of potential rate variation in groups up to hundreds of species remain unclear. The extent to which trait evolution is modelled accurately on a given phylogeny is also largely unknown because studies typically lack absolute model fit tests. We investigated these issues by applying both rate‐static and variable‐rates methods on (i) body mass data for 88 avian clades of 10–318 species, and (ii) data simulated under a range of rate‐heterogeneity scenarios. Our results show that rate heterogeneity is present across small‐scaled avian clades, and consequently applying only standard single‐process models prompts inaccurate inferences about the generating evolutionary process. Specifically, these approaches underestimate rate variation, and systematically mislabel temporal trends in trait evolution. Conversely, variable‐rates approaches have superior relative fit (they are the best model) and absolute fit (they describe the data well). We show that rate changes such as single internal branch variations, rate decreases and early bursts are hard to detect, even by variable‐rates models. We also use recently developed absolute adequacy tests to highlight misleading conclusions based on relative fit alone (e.g. a consistent preference for constrained evolution when isolated terminal branch rate increases are present). This work highlights the potential for robust inferences about trait evolution when fitting flexible models in conjunction with tests for absolute model fit.  相似文献   

Multifunctional genes are expected to evolve at lower rates because mutations in such genes that improve one function might often have deleterious effects on other functions. Here we tested for an association between multifunctionality and evolutionary rates in genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and we find a highly significant negative correlation between the number of biological processes in which a gene is involved in and its rate of evolution. However, the magnitude of this effect is small, and the results do not support the notion that multifunctionality limits a gene's rate of evolution.  相似文献   

Wine yeast deals with many stress conditions during its biotechnological use. Biomass production and its dehydration produce major oxidative stress, while hyperosmotic shock, ethanol toxicity and starvation are relevant during grape juice fermentation. Most stress response mechanisms described in laboratory strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are useful for understanding the molecular machinery devoted to deal with harsh conditions during industrial wine yeast uses. However, the particularities of these strains themselves, and the media and conditions employed, need to be specifically looked at when studying protection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Gene duplication plays an important role in evolution because it is the primary source of new genes. Many recent studies showed that gene duplicability varies considerably among genes. Several considerations led us to hypothesize that less important genes have higher rates of successful duplications, where gene importance is measured by the fitness reduction caused by the deletion of the gene. Here, we test this hypothesis by comparing the importance of two groups of singleton genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sce). Group S genes did not duplicate in four other yeast species examined, whereas group D experienced duplication in these species. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found group D genes to be less important than group S genes. Specifically, 17% of group D genes are essential in Sce, compared to 28% for group S. Furthermore, deleting a group D gene in Sce reduces the fitness by 24% on average, compared to 38% for group S. Our subsequent analysis showed that less important genes have more cis-regulatory motifs, which could lead to a higher chance of subfunctionalization of duplicate genes and result in an enhanced rate of gene retention. Less important genes may also have weaker dosage imbalance effects and cause fewer genetic perturbations when duplicated. Regardless of the cause, our observation indicates that the previous finding of a less severe fitness consequence of deleting a duplicate gene than deleting a singleton gene is at least in part due to the fact that duplicate genes are intrinsically less important than singleton genes and suggests that the contribution of duplicate genes to genetic robustness has been overestimated.  相似文献   

The rate of environmental niche evolution describes the capability of species to explore the available environmental space and is known to vary among species owing to lineage-specific factors. Trophic specialization is a main force driving species evolution and is responsible for classical examples of adaptive radiations in fishes. We investigate the effect of trophic specialization on the rate of environmental niche evolution in the damselfish, Pomacentridae, which is an important family of tropical reef fishes. First, phylogenetic niche conservatism is not detected in the family using a standard test of phylogenetic signal, and we demonstrate that the environmental niches of damselfishes that differ in trophic specialization are not equivalent while they still overlap at their mean values. Second, we estimate the relative rates of niche evolution on the phylogenetic tree and show the heterogeneity among rates of environmental niche evolution of the three trophic groups. We suggest that behavioural characteristics related to trophic specialization can constrain the evolution of the environmental niche and lead to conserved niches in specialist lineages. Our results show the extent of influence of several traits on the evolution of the environmental niche and shed new light on the evolution of damselfishes, which is a key lineage in current efforts to conserve biodiversity in coral reefs.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the concealment of ovulation and the extension of sexual receptivity of the hominid female is a fitness maximizing adaptation resulting in limiting the number of offspring. To support this hypothesis a probability model is introduced. For a specific set of parameter values (including maternal mortality during delivery) through a formal deduction, it is shown that keeping the number of offspring below the physiological limit is a fitness maximizing strategy.  相似文献   

In the absence of recombination, a mutator allele can spread through a population by hitchhiking with beneficial mutations that appear in its genetic background. Theoretical studies over the past decade have shown that the survival and fixation probability of beneficial mutations can be severely reduced by population size bottlenecks. Here, we use computational modelling and evolution experiments with the yeast S. cerevisiae to examine whether population bottlenecks can affect mutator dynamics in adapting asexual populations. In simulation, we show that population bottlenecks can inhibit mutator hitchhiking with beneficial mutations and are most effective at lower beneficial mutation supply rates. We then subjected experimental populations of yeast propagated at the same effective population size to three different bottleneck regimes and observed that the speed of mutator hitchhiking was significantly slower at smaller bottlenecks, consistent with our theoretical expectations. Our results, thus, suggest that bottlenecks can be an important factor in mutation rate evolution and can in certain circumstances act to stabilize or, at least, delay the progressive elevation of mutation rates in asexual populations. Additionally, our findings provide the first experimental support for the theoretically postulated effect of population bottlenecks on beneficial mutations and demonstrate the usefulness of studying mutator frequency dynamics for understanding the underlying dynamics of fitness‐affecting mutations.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of gene function is a primary challenge of modern evolutionary biology. Despite an expanding database from genomic and developmental studies, we are lacking quantitative methods for analyzing the evolution of some important measures of gene function, such as gene-expression patterns. Here, we introduce phylogenetic comparative methods to compare different models of gene-expression evolution in a maximum-likelihood framework. We find that expression of duplicated genes has evolved according to a nonphylogenetic model, where closely related genes are no more likely than more distantly related genes to share common expression patterns. These results are consistent with previous studies that found rapid evolution of gene expression during the history of yeast. The comparative methods presented here are general enough to test a wide range of evolutionary hypotheses using genomic-scale data from any organism.  相似文献   

Evolutionary rates provide important information about the pattern and mechanism of evolution. Although the rate of gene sequence evolution has been well studied, the rate of gene expression evolution is poorly understood. In particular, it is unclear whether the gene expression level and tissue specificity influence the divergence of expression profiles between orthologous genes. Here we address this question using a microarray data set comprising the expression signals of 10,607 pairs of orthologous human and mouse genes from over 60 tissues per species. We show that the level of gene expression and the degree of tissue specificity are generally conserved between the human and mouse orthologs. The rate of gene expression profile change during evolution is negatively correlated with the level of gene expression, measured by either the average or the highest level among all tissues examined. This is analogous to the observation that the rate of gene (or protein) sequence evolution is negatively correlated with the gene expression level. The impacts of the degree of tissue specificity on the evolutionary rate of gene sequence and that of expression profile, however, are opposite. Highly tissue-specific genes tend to evolve rapidly at the gene sequence level but slowly at the expression profile level. Thus, different forces and selective constraints must underlie the evolution of gene sequence and that of gene expression.  相似文献   

Abstract The interface of protein structural biology, protein biophysics, molecular evolution, and molecular population genetics forms the foundations for a mechanistic understanding of many aspects of protein biochemistry. Current efforts in interdisciplinary protein modeling are in their infancy and the state-of-the art of such models is described. Beyond the relationship between amino acid substitution and static protein structure, protein function, and corresponding organismal fitness, other considerations are also discussed. More complex mutational processes such as insertion and deletion and domain rearrangements and even circular permutations should be evaluated. The role of intrinsically disordered proteins is still controversial, but may be increasingly important to consider. Protein geometry and protein dynamics as a deviation from static considerations of protein structure are also important. Protein expression level is known to be a major determinant of evolutionary rate and several considerations including selection at the mRNA level and the role of interaction specificity are discussed. Lastly, the relationship between modeling and needed high-throughput experimental data as well as experimental examination of protein evolution using ancestral sequence resurrection and in vitro biochemistry are presented, towards an aim of ultimately generating better models for biological inference and prediction.  相似文献   

鉴于蛋白质折叠速率预测对研究其蛋白质功能的重要性,许多的科研工作者都开始对影响蛋白质折叠速率的因素进行研究。各种预测参数和方法被提出。利用蛋白质编码序列的不同特征参数,不同的二级结构及不同的折叠类的蛋白质对折叠速率的不同影响,我们选取蛋白质编码序列的新的特征值,即选取蛋白质序列的LZ复杂度,等电点等特征值。然后把这些特征值与20种氨基酸的属性αc、Cα、K0、Pβ、Ra、ΔASA、PI、ΔGhD、Nm、LZ、Mu、El融合,建立多元线性回归模型,并利用回归模型计算了13个全α类蛋白质、18个全β类蛋白质、13个混合类蛋白质和39个未分类蛋白质的ln(kf)与预测值之间的相关系数分别达到0.89、0.93、0.98、0.86。在Jack-knife方法的验证下发现在不同的结构中混合特征值与相应折叠速率有很好的相关性。结果表明,在蛋白质折叠过程中,蛋白质序列的LZ复杂度、等电点等特征值可能影响蛋白质的折叠速率及其结构。  相似文献   

中国是世界上最大的也是唯一的阿维菌素原料生产国,但在工业规模生产中与同类型大环内酯类抗生素相比其产量相对偏低。文中通过研究不同氮源对阿维链霉菌生长、代谢的影响,发现氮源在发酵中后期对菌丝活性、菌丝浓度以及阿维菌素B1a的合成都有较为显著的影响。在100 L生物反应器中,于发酵中后期基于二氧化碳释放速率(CER)控制补入酵母粉,效价达到8697mg/L,与原工艺相比,提高了26.9%。这一结论若在实际工业生产中应用,有望带来实际的经济效益。  相似文献   

There are a number of ways in which a host can respond in evolutionary time to reductions in survival and reproduction due to a virulent parasite. These include evolving physiological morphological, or behavioural mechanisms of resistance to infection (or to proliferation, once infection has occurred). But a more unexpected tactic is also possible. This is for hosts to reproduce (slightly) sooner when in the presence of a virulent parasite as compared to when the parasite is less virulent or absent. As such, hosts which reproduce younger may be at a selective advantage, since they can both evade parasitism in time and, even when parasitised, can reduce the likely impact of the parasite on survival and reproductive success. We employ a simple mathematical model to propose that parasites and pathogens can act as important agents in the evolution of the timing of reproduction and associated life-history characters (e.g. body size). Once established in a semelparous host population, evolutionary increases in parasite virulence should result in the evolution of shorter lived hosts; whereas the evolution of less virulent forms of the parasite should be accompanied by the evolution of longer lived hosts. We argue that in the presence of a sufficiently virulent parasite the evolution of longer pre-reproductive life-spans should require the previous or concomitant evolution of morphological, behavioural or physiological resistance to parasitic infection and proliferation.  相似文献   

Gene-expression variation in natural populations is widespread, and its phenotypic effects can be acted upon by natural selection. Only a few naturally segregating genetic differences associated with expression variation have been identified at the molecular level. We have identified a single nucleotide insertion in a vineyard isolate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that has cascading effects through the gene-expression network. This allele is responsible for about 45% (103/230) of the genes that show differential gene expression among the homozygous diploid progeny produced by a vineyard isolate. Using isogenic laboratory strains, we confirm that this allele causes dramatic differences in gene-expression levels of key genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis. The mutation is a frameshift mutation in a mononucleotide run of eight consecutive T's in the coding region of the gene SSY1 , which encodes a key component of a plasma-membrane sensor of extracellular amino acids. The potentially high rate of replication slippage of this mononucleotide repeat, combined with its relatively mild effects on growth rate in heterozygous genotypes, is sufficient to account for the persistence of this phenotype at low frequencies in natural populations.  相似文献   

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