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The application of physical stimuli to cell populations in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine may facilitate significant scientific and clinical advances. However, for the most part, these stimuli are evaluated in isolation, rather than in combination. This study was designed to combine two physical stimuli. The first being a microstructured tissue culture polystyrene substrate, known to produce changes in cell shape and orientation, and the second being laminar shear stress in a parallel plate flow chamber. The combined effects of these stimuli on endothelial cell monolayers cells were evaluated in a parallel plate flow chamber and using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The topography of the cell monolayers cultured on different microstructured surfaces was determined using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and this topographic information was used to construct the CFD model. This research found that while the specific underlying structures were effectively planarized by the cell monolayer, significant differences in cell shape and orientation were observed on the different microstructured surfaces. Cells cultured on grooved substrates aligned in the direction of the grooves and showed higher retention after 1-h LSS conditioning than those cultured on pillars. The modeled shear stress distributions also showed differences. While minor differences in the magnitude of shear stress were noted, aligned cell monolayers experienced significantly lower spatial gradients of shear stress when compared with cells that were not pre-aligned by surface features. The results presented here provide an analysis of how one form of physical stimulus can be moderated by another and also provide a methodology by which the understanding of cell responses to topographic and mechanical stimuli can be further advanced.  相似文献   

Hydraulic permeability is an important material property of cartilaginous tissues, governing the rate of fluid flow, which is crucial to tissue biomechanics and cellular nutrition. The effects of strain, anisotropy, and region on the hydraulic permeability in meniscus tissue have not been fully elucidated. Using a one-dimensional direct permeation test, we measured the hydraulic permeability within statically compressed porcine meniscus specimens, prepared such that the explants were in either the axial or circumferential direction of either the central or horn (axial direction only) region of the medial and lateral menisci. A constant flow was applied and the pressure difference was measured using pressure transducers. Specimens were tested under 10–20% compressive strain. Permeability values were in the range of 1.53–1.87 × 10−15 m4/Ns, which is comparable to values found in the literature. Permeability was significantly anisotropic, being higher in the circumferential direction than in the axial direction. Additionally, there was a significant negative correlation between strain level and permeability for all groups. Lastly, no statistically significant difference was found between permeability coefficients from different regional locations. This study provides important information regarding structure-function relationships in meniscal tissues that helps to elucidate biomechanics and transport in the tissue, and can aid in the understanding of the tissue’s role in the function of the knee joint and onset of osteoarthritis.  相似文献   



The bacterial cell surface is a crucial factor in cell-cell and cell-host interactions. Lactobacillus johnsonii FI9785 produces an exopolysaccharide (EPS) layer whose quantity and composition is altered in mutants that harbour genetic changes in their eps gene clusters. We have assessed the effect of changes in EPS production on cell surface characteristics that may affect the ability of L. johnsonii to colonise the poultry host and exclude pathogens.


Analysis of physicochemical cell surface characteristics reflected by Zeta potential and adhesion to hexadecane showed that an increase in EPS gave a less negative, more hydrophilic surface and reduced autoaggregation. Autoaggregation was significantly higher in mutants that have reduced EPS, indicating that EPS can mask surface structures responsible for cell-cell interactions. EPS also affected biofilm formation, but here the quantity of EPS produced was not the only determinant. A reduction in EPS production increased bacterial adhesion to chicken gut explants, but made the bacteria less able to survive some stresses.


This study showed that manipulation of EPS production in L. johnsonii FI9785 can affect properties which may improve its performance as a competitive exclusion agent, but that positive changes in adhesion may be compromised by a reduction in the ability to survive stress.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-015-0347-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Callister AN  Adams MA 《Planta》2006,224(3):680-691
In previous studies, water stress has induced variable and sometimes contradictory changes in respiration. We used isothermal calorimetry to measure the response of foliar respiration to water deficit in nine eucalypt genotypes. Specific growth rates (R SG) of shoots and leaves of variable age were measured independently, and the data were applied to both the growth-maintenance and enthalpy balance models. We calculated the oxidation state of respiratory substrate and the enthalpy change for the conversion of substrate carbon to biomass (ΔH B). Moderate water stress reduced the R SG of shoots by 38% (P<0.01) and carbon conversion efficiency by 15% (P<0.05). The relationship between carbon conversion efficiency and R SG was not affected by water deficit for shoots, but was significantly altered for leaves. Water deficit increased maintenance respiration by about 23% (P<0.001). The growth coefficient of respiration was not significantly altered. However, changes in oxidation states of substrate and biomass suggest that the energy requirements of biosynthesis were increased under water stress. Our results confirm that carbohydrates are the major respiratory substrates in growing tissues, though mature leaves utilized a substantial component of more reduced substrate. Mature leaves had variable oxidation states for respiration substrate, which indicates a variable relationship between CO2 evolution and ATP production. Measured ΔH B in shoots and leaves were too small for reliable estimation of R SG by the enthalpy balance model. We also found significant effects of water stress on the oxidation state of substrate and ΔH B.  相似文献   

Nymphs of the Yamato cockroach, Periplaneta japonica, showed a seasonal change in the ability to move at low temperature. Laboratory-reared nymphs buried in ice for 15 min-3 h took about 600 s to get up at 25 °C after being placed with their dorsal surface on the floor of a Petri dish. The mean time to get up at 25 °C (recovering time) after 15 or 60-min burial in ice was relatively long in early autumn, decreased rapidly in autumn, reached a minimal level in winter (<100 s) and increased in spring. Temperature was responsible for this seasonal change in physiology, and neither photoperiod nor diapause status was important. Recovering time depended on the acclimation temperature and its duration. For a 10-day exposure in a range of 0-25 °C, the lower the temperature the shorter the recovering. Longer periods of acclimation at these temperatures tended to shorten recovering time. The acquisition of the ability to move on ice is a seasonal phenomenon unique to P. japonica. No comparable response was found in three other cockroaches including two sub-tropical species (Periplaneta americana and Opisthoplatia orientalis) and a temperate species (Blattela nipponica).  相似文献   

Although primarily terrestrial, cane toads (Rhinella marina) sometimes climb near‐vertical surfaces (tree‐trunks, cliffs, fences) during foraging or dispersal activities. We scored climbing ability (in laboratory trials) of 288 cane toads from four regions in Australia, plus two sites on the island of Hawai'i. We found strong divergence in climbing ability associated not only with sex and relative limb length, but also population of origin. Within each population, longer‐limbed individuals (and hence, males rather than females) were better climbers, although the geographical divergence in climbing ability remained significant even when sex and limb length were included in multivariate regression models. The geographical difference in climbing ability (but not morphology) disappeared when the progeny were raised in captivity under identical conditions, without climbing opportunities. Although influenced by morphology, climbing ability in wild‐caught cane toads appears to be driven primarily by local environmental conditions that facilitate and/or reward arboreal activity.  相似文献   

In Expt 1, plants of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and their F1 hybrid were grown in soil-based compost in a controlled environment, and subjected to full or partial irrigation for 20 d. In Expt 2, plants of the parent species were grown in nutrient solution in the same environment and subjected to osmotic stress (0.76 MPa) for 2 d. In both experiments, distribution of growth in the leaf growing zone (at the base of the growing leaf) was determined, and elastic and plastic compliances were measured on methanol-killed samples of growing zone and of mature lamina using an extensiometer. In Expt 2 plastic compliance coefficient of extension, extensibility, and hydraulic conductance were calculated from changes in leaf extension rate occasioned by imposing linear stress. 'Plastic and elastic compliances of growing zones were 10-20 times greater than those of mature laminae. In both species, drought reduced (a) leaf extension rate, (b) the length of the growing zone, the height of maximum growth, (d) the plastic compliance of whole bases (Expt 1), and (e) hydraulic conductance. The elastic compliance of whole leaf bases was unaffected by drought, but when expressed per unit length of growing zone was increased by drought. Killing with methanol reduced the plastic compliance of leaf bases in control plants, but not in droughted plants.F. arundinacea differed from L. multiflorum in having (a) a lower leaf extension rate (although drought reduced extension by the same proportion in both species), (b) a longer growing zone in droughted plants in Expt 2, a lower elastic and plastic compliance of whole killed leaf bases and laminae, (d) slightly higher plastic compliance in attached growing leaves, and (e) lower plastic compliance per unit length of growing zone in attached leaves. The hybrid was generally intermediate between the parents. the results are discussed in relation to methodology and to crop improvement.Key words: Extensibility, extension coefficient, hydraulic conductance, elastic compliance, plastic compliance, leaf growth, leaf extension rate.   相似文献   

Regulation of endothelial cell (EC) permeability by bioactive molecules is associated with specific patterns of cytoskeletal and cell contact remodeling. A role for mechanical factors such as shear stress (SS) and cyclic stretch (CS) in cytoskeletal rearrangements and regulation of EC permeability becomes increasingly recognized. This paper examined redistribution of focal adhesion (FA) proteins, site-specific focal adhesion kinase (FAK) phosphorylation, small GTPase activation and barrier regulation in human pulmonary EC exposed to laminar shear stress (15 dyn/cm2) or cyclic stretch (18% elongation) in vitro. SS caused peripheral accumulation of FAs, whereas CS induced randomly distributed FAs attached to the ends of newly formed stress fibers. SS activated small GTPase Rac without effects on Rho, whereas 18% CS activated without effect on Rac. SS increased transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) in EC monolayers, which was further elevated by barrier-protective phospholipid sphingosine 1-phosphate. Finally, SS induced FAK phosphorylation at Y576, whereas CS induced FAK phosphorylation at Y397 and Y576. These results demonstrate for the first time differential effects of SS and CS on Rho and Rac activation, FA redistribution, site-specific FAK phosphorylation, and link them with SS-mediated barrier enhancement. Thus, our results suggest common signaling and cytoskeletal mechanisms shared by mechanical and chemical factors involved in EC barrier regulation.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical analysis of fluid flow and particle interactions in the cone-plate viscometer under conditions typically applied in biological studies. The analysis demonstrates that at higher shear rates, besides linear primary flow in the rotational direction, prominent non-linear secondary flow causes additional fluid circulation in the radial direction. Two parameters, the cone angle and Reynolds number, characterize flow in the viscometer over all ranges of shear rate. Our results indicate that secondary flow causes positional variations in: (i) the velocity gradient, (ii) the direction and magnitude of the wall shear stress at the plate surface, (iii) inter-particle collision frequency, (iv) magnitude and periodicity of normal and shear forces applied during particle-particle interactions, and (v) inter-particle attachment times. Thus, secondary flow may significantly influence cellular aggregation, platelet activation and endothelial cell mechanotransduction measurements. Besides cone-plate viscometers, this analysis methodology can also be extended to other experimental systems with complex non-linear flows.  相似文献   

Shear stress is an important biomechanical parameter in regulating human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) construct development. In this study, the biomechanical characteristics of hMSCs within highly porous 3-D poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) matrices in a perfusion bioreactor system were analyzed for two flow rates of 0.1 and 1.5 mL/min, respectively over a 20-day culture period. A 1.4 times higher proliferation rate, higher CFU-F formation, and more fibronectin and HSP-47 secretion at day 20 were observed at the flow rate of 0.1 mL/min compared to those at the flow rate of 1.5 mL/min. The higher flow rate of 1.5 mL/min upregulated osteogenic differentiation potential at day 20 as measured by the expression of alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium deposition in the matrix after 14 days osteogenic induction, consistent with those reported in literatures. Mathematical modeling indicated that shear stress existed in the range of 1 x 10(-5) to 1 x 10(-4) Pa in the constructs up to a depth of 70 microm due to flow penetration in the porous constructs. Analysis of oxygen transport in the constructs for the two flow rates yielded oxygen levels significantly higher than those at which cell growth and metabolism are affected (Jiang et al., 1996). This indicates that differences in convective transport have no significant influence on cell growth and metabolism for the range of flow rates studied. These results demonstrate that shear stress is an important microenvironment parameter that regulates hMSC construct development at a range significantly lower than those reported previously in the perfusion system.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of resources in patchy habitats influences the distribution of individuals and their ability to acquire resources. We used Chironomus riparius, a ubiquitous aquatic insect that uses leaf particles as an important resource, to ask how the dispersion of resource patches influences the distribution and resource acquisition of mobile individuals in patchy landscapes. Two experiments were conducted in replicated laboratory landscapes (38×38 cm) created by arranging sand and leaf patches in a 5×5 grid so that the leaf patches were either aggregated or uniformly dispersed in the grid. One-day-old C. riparius larvae were introduced into the landscapes in one of three densities (low, medium, high). In experiment 1, we sampled larvae and pupae by coring each patch in each landscape 3, 6, 12, or 24 days after adding larvae. In experiment 2, emerging adults were collected daily for 42 days from each patch in each landscape. In aggregated landscapes, individuals were aggregated in one patch type or the other during a particular developmental stage, but the ”preferred” type changed depending on developmental stage and initial density. Adult emergence was lower by about 30% in all aggregated landscapes. In dispersed landscapes, individuals used both types of patch throughout their life cycles at all initial densities. Thus, patch arrangement influences the distribution of mobile individuals in landscapes, and it influences resource acquisition even when average resource abundance is identical among landscapes. Regardless of patch arrangement, high initial density caused accumulation of early instars in edge patches, 75% mortality of early instars, a 25% increase in development time, and a 60% reduction in adult emergence. Because mortality was extremely high among early-instar larvae in high-density treatments, we do not have direct evidence that the mechanism by which patch arrangement operates is density dependent. However, the results of our experiments strongly suggest that dispersion of resource patches across a landscape reduces local densities by making non-resource patches available for use, thereby reducing intraspecific competition. Received: 20 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 January 2000  相似文献   

Summary The properties of the choline transport system are fundamentally altered in saline solution containing 5mm imidazole buffer instead of 5mm phosphate: (i) The system no longer exhibits accelerated exchange. (ii) Choline in the external compartment fails to increase the rate of inactivation of the carrier by N-ethylmaleimide. (iii) Depending on the relative concentrations of choline and imidazole, transport may be activated or inhibited. The maximum rates are increased more than fivefold by imidazole, but at moderate substrate concentrations activation is observed with low concentrations of imidazole and inhibition with high concentrations. (iv) The imidazole effect is asymmetric, there being a greater tendency to activate exit than entry. All this behavior is predicted by the carrier model if imidazole is a substrate of the choline carrier having a high maximum transport rate but a relatively low affinity, and if imidazole rapidly enters the cell by simple diffusion, so that it can add to carrier sites on both sides of the membrane. Addition at thecis side inhibits, and at thetrans side activates. According to the carrier model, asymmetry is a necessary consequence of the potassium ion gradient in red cells, potassium ion being another substrate of the choline system.  相似文献   

王瑞兰  梁宋平 《昆虫学报》2009,52(2):126-132
HWTX-III是从中国虎纹捕鸟蛛Ornithoctonus huwena粗毒中分离纯化到的一种昆虫神经多肽。通过应用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了HWTX-III对美洲蜚蠊Periplaneta americana神经细胞电压门控离子通道的影响。发现HWTX-III特异性地抑制美洲蜚蠊背侧不成对中间(dorsal unpaired median, DUM)神经细胞的电压门控钠通道(IC50≈1.106 μmol/L),而对电压门控钾通道没有明显的影响。HWTX-III通过一种新型的不同于其他蜘蛛毒素的机制抑制昆虫电压门控钠通道,它不影响通道的激活与失活动力学,也不明显地漂移稳态失活曲线。HWTX-III对昆虫神经细胞电压门控钠通道的特异性与新型作用机制为研究电压门控钠通道分子结构的多样性以及开发新的安全的杀虫剂提供有用的工具。  相似文献   

E-selectin has a "multi-recognition" capability in terms of epitope binding specificity, depending on adhesion conditions (static vs. low- or high-shear stress dynamic systems). Specifically, (i) adhesion based on expression of alpha 2-->3 sialylated Le(x) (SLe(x)) is prominent under static or low shear stress dynamic conditions; (ii) adhesion under high shear stress dynamic conditions does not depend on the known SLe(x) species, but rather on Lex with an adjacent unidentified sialosyl substitution, which shows different susceptibility to sialidases and antibodies compared to known SLe(x).  相似文献   

The intracellular pH of the halotolerant green algae Dunaliella tertiolecta, was determined by the distribution of 5,5-dimethyl-2(14C)-oxalolidine-2,5-dione (DMO) between the cell and the surrounding medium. 5,5-dimethyl-2(14C)oxalolidine-2,4-dione was not metabolized by the algal cells. The intracellular pH of Dunaliella tertiolecta was 6.8 in the dark and 7.4 in the light. During a salt stress, after two hours, the intracellular pH was increased by 0.2 pH units in both light and dark. The salt stressed cells maintained a constant pH of about 7.5 over the pH range of 6.5 to 8.5. Because of the relatively low permeability coefficient of the plasma membrane for DMO, this technique does not permit rapid pH determinations during the induction period after a salt stress. The magnitude of the salt induced pH changes measured 2 h after the salt stress implies a minor importance of this alkalization in this time range, but does not exclude a larger importance of pH changes for osmoregulation during the induction period.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DMO 5,5-dimethyl-2(14C)oxalolidine-2,4-dione - PCV packed cell volume - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Many of the deleterious effects of chronic stress in vertebrates are caused by the long-term elevation of stress hormones. These negative effects are thought to be unavoidable by-products of sustained activation of the stress response, but the details remain unclear. A comparative perspective may help in understanding chronic stress. We exposed crickets (Gryllus texensis) to a mock predator. A single exposure to a mock predator induced a transient increase in the hemolymph (blood) concentration of the insect stress neurohormone, octopamine. Repeated exposure to the mock predator increased basal levels of octopamine, similar to the effects of chronic stress on the basal levels of vertebrate stress hormones. This study is the first to report an increase in the basal levels of an invertebrate stress hormone in response to repeated flight-or-fight stress. Chronic stress reduced weight gain, and decreased feeding and enhanced weight loss after food deprivation in adult female crickets. However, chronic stress also increased the tendency of crickets to produce sustained flight. Therefore, this study supports the hypothesis that increasing basal levels of stress hormones may be a phylogenetically common response to chronically stressful conditions. It also demonstrates that chronic stress has both positive and negative effects in insects.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a frequent and chronic illness in young women which could be defined by the existence of endometrial stroma and glands outside of the normal site of the lining of the uterus. It has painful symptoms. The advanced stage of endometriosis may lead to gynecological malignancies, such as ovarian cancer, and other complications, including infertility. However, its exact physiopathology is not well known. Recent studies have shown the possible roles of inflammation along with oxidative stress. Additionally, angiogenesis and apoptosis dysregulation contribute to endometriosis pathophysiology. Therapeutic strategies and continuing attempts, to conquer endometriosis should be done regarding molecular signaling pathways. Thus, the present review summarizes current studies and focuses on molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Eighteen hours of immobilization stress, accompanied by food and water deprivation, increased liver metallothionein (MT) but decreased kidney MT levels. Food and water deprivation alone had a significant effect only on liver MT levels. In contrast, stress and food and water deprivation increased both liver and kidney lipid peroxidation levels, indicating that the relationship between MT and lipid peroxidation levels (an index of free radical production) is unclear. Adrenalectomy increased both liver and kidney MT levels in basal conditions, whereas the administration of corticosterone in the drinking water completely reversed the effect of adrenalectomy, indicating an inhibitory role of glucocorticoids on MT regulation in both tissues. Changes in glutathione (GSH) metabolism produced significant effects on kidney MT levels. Thus, the administration of buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GSH synthesis, decreased kidney GSH and increased kidney MT content, suggesting that increased cysteine pools because of decreased GSH synthesis might increase kidney MT levels through an undetermined mechanism as it appears to be the case in the liver. However, attempts to increase kidney MT levels by the administration of cysteine or GSH were unsuccesful, in contrast to what is known for the liver. The present results suggest that there are similarities but also substantial differences between liver and kidney MT regulation in these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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