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Monoclonal antibodies that bind a large molecular weight plasma membrane protein of Acanthamoeba castellanii cause the cells to differentiate. A different monoclonal antibody that binds specifically to the major plasma membrane protein has no effect upon cell division or differentiation. The induction of differentiation by the monoclonal antibodies requires a bivalent attachment, more than a single binding cycle of the antibody to the plasma membrane protein, does not require cell-cell contact, and appears to be mediated by an inhibition of pinocytosis. These results suggest one of two alternatives: either this free living amoeba possesses a cell surface receptor that serves to initiate the differentiation process when stimulated, or the specific plasma membrane antigen for the differentiation-inducing monoclonal antibodies is an essential component of the pinocytotic mechanism. While it seems more likely on the basis of available evidence that we are observing the biological effects of a cell surface receptor, either of the two alternative circumstances open up investigative areas of large significance.  相似文献   

Proliferation of Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff strain) in either a broth medium or a defined medium was arrested by α-monofluoromethyldehydroornithine (Δ-MFMOme), α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), and (R, R')-δ-methyl-α-acetylenic putrescine (MAP), three specific inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase. Although all three inhibited the ameba enzyme, Δ-MFMOme was the most effective inhibitor of multiplication. Growth inhibition was reversed by the addition of polyamines. The inhibitors did not induce differentiation by themselves although DFMO caused encystment when supplemented with CaC12 or MgSO4.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of Acanthamoeba castellanii in the presence of Gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia varied with the densities and species of bacteria. All species of bacteria suspended in a buffered saline at densities of 105 to 106/ml supported the growth and survival of 106/ml trophozoites of Acanthamoeba castellanii in a buffered saline solution. At densities of bacteria to amoebae of 100:1 or greater, growth and survival of A. castellanii were suppressed, particularly by P. aeruginosa. In an enrichment medium, the rapid growth of most co-inoculated bacteria inhibited the growth and survival of the amoeba. Received: 12 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba spp. are free-living amoebae that cause amoebic granulomatous encephalitis, skin lesions, and ocular amoebic keratitis in humans. Several authors have suggested that proteases could play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. In the present work, we performed a partial biochemical characterization of proteases in crude extracts of Acanthamoeba spp. and in conditioned medium using 7.5% SDS-PAGE copolymerized with 0.1% m/v gelatin as substrate. We distinguished a total of 17 bands with proteolytic activity distributed in two species of Acanthamoeba. The bands ranged from 30 to 188 kDa in A. castellanii and from 34 to 144 kDa in A. polyphaga. Additionally, we showed that the pattern of protease activity differed in the two species of Acanthamoeba when pH was altered. By using protease inhibitors, we found that the proteolytic activities belonged mostly to the serine protease family and secondly to cysteine proteases and that the proteolytic activities from A. castellanii were higher than those in A. polyphaga. Furthermore, aprotinin was found to inhibit crude extract protease activity on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) monolayers. These data suggest that protease patterns could be more complex than previously reported.  相似文献   

Survival and distribution of legionellae in the environment are assumed to be associated with their multiplication in amoebae, whereas the ability to multiply in macrophages is usually regarded to correspond to pathogenicity. Since most investigations focused on Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, we examined the intracellular multiplication of different Legionella species in Mono Mac 6 cells, which express phenotypic and functional features of mature monocytes, and in Acanthamoeba castellanii, an environmental host of Legionella spp. According to the bacterial doubling time in Mono Mac 6 cells and in A. castellanii, seven clusters of legionellae could be defined which could be split further with regard to finer differences. L. longbeachae serogroup 1, L. jordanis, and L. anisa were not able to multiply in either A. castellanii or Mono Mac 6 cells and are members of the first cluster. L. dumoffi did not multiply in Mono Mac 6 cells but showed a delayed multiplication in A. castellanii 72 h after infection and is the only member of the second cluster. L. steigerwaltii, L. gormanii, L. pneumophila serogroup 6 ATCC 33215, L. bozemanii, and L. micdadei showed a stable bacterial count in Mono Mac 6 cells after infection but a decreasing count in amoebae. They can be regarded as members of the third cluster. As the only member of the fourth cluster, L. oakridgensis was able to multiply slight in Mono Mac 6 cells but was killed within amoebae. A strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Philadelphia obtained after 30 passages on SMH agar and a strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Philadelphia obtained after intraperitoneal growth in guinea pigs are members of the fifth cluster, which showed multiplication in Mono Mac 6 cells but a decrease of bacterial counts in A. castellanii. The sixth cluster is characterized by intracellular multiplication in both host cell systems and consists of several strains of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Philadelphia, a strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 2, and a fresh clinical isolate of L. pneumophila serogroup 6. Members of the seventh cluster are a strain of agar-adapted L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Bellingham and a strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Bellingham which was passaged fewer than three times on BCYE alpha agar after inoculation and intraperitoneal growth in guinea pigs. In comparison to members of the sixth cluster, both strains showed a slightly enhanced multiplication in Mono Mac 6 cells but a reduced multiplication in amoebae. From our investigations, we could demonstrate a correlation between prevalence of a given Legionella species and their intracellular multiplication in Mono Mac 6 cells. Multiplication of members of the genus Legionella in A. castellanii seems to be dependent on mechanisms different from those in monocytes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Acanthamoeba castellanii grows in a minimal medium (AMLIV) containing only arginine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine as sole nitrogen sources, other than vitamins, when glucose is the carbon source. With acetate as the carbon source, glycine must be added to AMLIV. Doubling time in AMLIV varies according to the ratio of amino acids concentrations. Several combinations yield Td values of ~ 70 hr.  相似文献   

We have investigated ferrocytochrome c-induced proton ejection from reconstituted cytochrome c oxidase-containing vesicles using careful control of the number of enzyme turnovers. Ferrocytochrome c caused the appearance of protons at the vesicle exterior, and this could be abolished by using a protonophore. In addition, its decay was dependent on the permeability of the vesicle membranes to protons and the number of turnovers of the oxidase. These observations indicate that the ejection of protons was the result of genuine translocation. The possibility of this translocation occurring via a Mitchellian loop as a result of the presence of a reduced hydrogen carrier contaminating the enzyme was considered and excluded. Proton-translocating activity in this reconstituted system depended critically on the ratio of enzyme to lipid used in the reconstitution process and we propose a rationale to account for this. We conclude that our data provide strong support for the proposal that cytochrome c oxidase acts as a proton pump and that approx. 0.9 H+ is excluded per ferrocytochrome c molecule oxidized.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba castellanii is a free living amoeba ubiquitous in soil and also commonly found in aquatic environments. In waterlogged soils, anoxia is quickly established as the dissolved oxygen is consumed by the organisms present. We were interested in the effects of anoxic conditions upon this organism. Batch cultures degassed with N2 during mid-exponential growth, induced encystation within 12 h of anoxia, and mature cysts were formed within 2–3 days. Excystation (99%) was achieved by subsequent aeration of these cultures after 3–6 days. Anoxia-induced cysts, maintained in anoxic conditions for up to four months, remained viable. Difference spectra, during anaerobiosis, revealed that cytochromes were not lost, suggesting that the organism retains its respiratory components. The growth rate of trophozoites, grown in a chemostat, was dependent on the concentration of O2 in the head space and glucose uptake increased at lower dissolved O2 tensions. The results obtained suggest that A. castellanii has a complex adaptive strategy enabling it to cope with microaerobic and anoxic conditions which may be experienced in the environment.  相似文献   

Growth and encystation of Acanthamoeba castellanii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A simple method for stable transfection of Acanthamoeba castellanii using plasmids which confer resistance to neomycin G418 is described. Expression of neomycin phosphotransferase is driven by the Acanthamoeba TBP gene promoter, and can be monitored by cell growth in the presence of neomycin G418 or by Western blot analysis. Transfected cells can be passaged in the same manner as control cells and can be induced to differentiate into cysts, in which form they maintain resistance to neomycin G418 for at least several weeks, although expression of neomycin phosphotransferase is repressed during encystment. Expression of EGFP or an HA-tagged EGFP-TBP fusion can be driven from the same plasmid, using an additional copy of the Acanthamoeba TBP gene promoter or a deletion mutant. The TBP-EGFP fusion is localized to the nucleus, except in a small proportion of presumptive pre-mitotic cells. EGFP expression can also be driven by the cyst-specific CSP21 gene promoter, which is completely repressed in growing cells but strongly induced in differentiating cells. Transfected cells maintain their phenotype for several weeks, even in the absence of neomycin G418, suggesting that transfected genes are stably integrated within the genome. These results demonstrate the utility of the neomycin resistance based plasmids for stable transfection of Acanthamoeba, and may assist a number of investigations.  相似文献   

Extracts of Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff) contain alpha- and beta-glucosidase, beta-galactosidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, amylase, and peptidase. All of these activities are optimal between pH 3 and 4. These extracts also were found to clarify suspensions of cell walls from nine different gram-positive bacteria, including Micrococcus lysodeikticus. The pH optimum for the lytic activity was between 3 and 4. The extent of lysis of the various cell walls did not correlate with the release of free amino groups and of free N-acetylated sugars from the walls during digestion with these extracts. Suspensions of cell walls of Escherichia coli (a gram-negative bacterium), Cordiceps militaris (a fungus), and Acanthamoeba cysts, as well as of colloidal chitin, were not clarified by incubation with these extracts, although reducing sugars were released from each of these materials. Exhaustive digestion of M. lysodeikticus walls by lysozyme released no free N-acetylglucosamine. The products of exhaustive digestion of this cell wall with Acanthamoeba extracts were free N-acetylglucosamine, free N-acetylmuramic acid, glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, lysine, and N-acetylmuramic acid peptide fragments. These results suggest that the amoeba extracts contain endo- and exo-hexosaminidases, in addition to beta-hexosaminidase and peptide hydrolases.  相似文献   

The effect of ribosome-inactivating proteins type 1 (single-chain) and type 2 (two-chain, toxins) on polyphenylalanine polymerization by Tetrahymena pyriformis and Acanthamoeba castellanii ribosomes has been studied. The reaction catalysed by tetrahymena ribosomes was inhibited by two ribosome-inactivating proteins type 1 (dianthin 32 and, less effectively, momordin) whereas the reaction catalysed by amoeba ribosomes was inhibited, in a decreasing order of activity, by three ribosome-inactivating proteins type 1 (dianthin 32, saporin 6 and bryodin) and by two toxins (abrin and volkensin).  相似文献   

The cytochromes of Acanthamoeba castellanii.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. Low-temperature difference spectra of gradient-purified mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellanii reveal the presence of cytochromes b-555, b-562 and c-549, with a-type cytochromes having a broad asymmetrical maximum at 602 nm; these components were also observed in specta of whole cells. 2. The a-type cytochromes are unusual in that they have split Soret absorption maxima (at 442 and 449 nm) and an uncharacteristic CO difference spectrum. 3. CO difference spectra of whole cells and 'microsomal' membranes show large amounts of cytochrome P-420 compared with cytochrome P-450. 4. Difference spectra in the presence of cyanide indicate the presence of an a-type cytochrome and two cyanide-reacting components, one of which may be cytochrome a3. 5. Whole-cell respiration in a N2/O2 (19:1) atmosphere was decreased by 50%, suggesting the presence of a low-affinity oxidase. This lowered respiration is inhibited by 50% by CO, and the inhibition is partially light-reversible; photochemical action spectra suggest that cytochrome a3 contributes to this release of inhibition. Other CO-reacting oxidases are also present. 6. The results are discussed with the view that cytochrome a3 is present in A. castellanii, but its identification in CO difference spectra is obscured by other component(s).  相似文献   

We have developed a new technique for the permeabilization of the membrane of Acanthamoeba castellanii. This technique involves the use of digitonin which alters neither the morphology nor the motility of the cell, but favours the penetration of phalloidin and viroisin. Treatment of permeabilized cells with phalloidin or viroisin induces, in the cortex of the cell, an intensive proliferation of filaments which have been identified as actin. This cortical filamentous layer detaches from the membrane and slowly contracts, acting as a fine mesh sieve which concentrates the organelles in the middle of the cell, causing therefore the formation of a central granuloplasm and a cortical hyaloplasm. During this process, cell motility is irreversibly lost. The results indicate that extensive proliferation and reorganization of actin filaments cannot support cell motility and they are discussed in terms of a general understanding of amoeboid movement.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba spp. are single-celled protozoan organisms that are widely distributed in the environment. In this study, to understand functional roles of a mannose-binding protein (MBP), Acanthamoeba castellanii was treated with methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside (mannose), and adhesion and cytotoxicity of the amoeba were analyzed. In addition, to understand the association of MBP for amoeba phagocytosis, phagocytosis assay was analyzed using non-pathogenic bacterium, Escherichia coli K12. Amoebae treated with mannose for 20 cycles exhibited larger vacuoles occupying the most area of the amoebic cytoplasm in comparison with the control group amoebae and glucose-treated amoebae. Mannose-selected amoebae exhibited lower levels of binding to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Exogenous mannose inhibited >50% inhibition of amoebae (control group) binding to CHO cells. Moreover, exogenous mannose inhibited amoebae (i.e., man-treated) binding to CHO cells by <15%. Mannose-selected amoebae exhibited significantly decreased cytotoxicity to CHO cells compared with the control group amoebae, 25.1% vs 92.1%. In phagocytic assay, mannose-selected amoebae exhibited significant decreases in bacterial uptake in comparison with the control group, 0.019% vs 0.03% (P<0.05). Taken together, it is suggested that mannose-selected A. castellanii trophozoites should be severely damaged and do not well interact with a target cell via a lectin of MBP.  相似文献   

Endocytotic activity of Acanthamoeba trophozoites attenuates once the cells enter stationary phase in liquid culture. Phagocytosis, monitored by the ingestion of polystyrene latex beads, essentially ceases and the uptake of [3H]inulin, known to be mediated by pinocytosis, is reduced by about half. The reduced pinocytotic activity of stationary-phase cells remains sensitive to respiratory inhibitors. Preincubation of stationary-phase cells in fresh growth medium for 1-5 h before the initiation of endocytosis has no effect on phagocytosis and only marginally increases pinocytosis. This impairment of ingestion, particularly of pinocytosis, may account for the reduced contractile vacuole activity known to characterize stationary-phase cells of this organism. The unequal responses of phagocytosis and pinocytosis to the onset of stationary-phase growth suggest that they are independent processes subject to different controls.  相似文献   

During development of Acanthamoeba castellanii in a non-nutrient medium, the pattern of synthesis of proteins changes. Comparison of in vivo and in vitro patterns of protein synthesis reveals concomitant relative increases of five proteins, indicating a control of synthesis of these proteins at the level of the RNA content. The decrease in the overall rate of protein synthesis and relative decreases in the synthesis of actin and ribosomal proteins during development, not accompanied by equivalent changes in the content of mRNA, suggest control mechanisms also at the level of translation. Patterns of ribosomal proteins do not change qualitatively during encystation, indicating that the inhibition in the overall rate of protein synthesis and the formation of inactive monosomes is not controlled by this mechanism; however, phosphorylation of one ribosomal protein, S 3, is observed occasionally during encystation. Phosphorylation of S 3 is also detected after transfer of stationary phase cells into fresh nutrient medium. It was found that only such cells having RNA of aberrant properties are able to phosphorylate S 3 after transfer into fresh nutrient medium. Since these changes in the property of RNA are never observed in cysts, in which phosphorylation of S 3 sometimes occurs, it is concluded that either other alterations in the properties of RNA than those detected or other parameters are responsible for changes in phosphorylation of S 3.  相似文献   

Purification of plasma membrane from Acanthamoeba castellanii   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A simple method for isolation of plasma membrane from Acanthamoeba using self-generating gradients of Percoll is described. To obtain a membrane marker, intact amoebae were radioiodinated and the distribution of the radiolabel was followed through the plasma membrane isolation procedure. The purity of isolated plasma membrane was assessed by enrichment of radiolabel, by electron microscopy, and by enzymatic assays for contaminating membranes. As judged from enrichment of radiolabel, a 37-fold purification of plasma membrane was obtained. We estimate that 80% of the total protein was from plasma membrane and 10% from membrane-associated actin.  相似文献   

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