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A decrease in whole plant dry weight was observed when Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC. was treated with saline irrigation water for 24 days which was partially alleviated by the addition of 0.47 mM SiO2 to the irrigation water. The plants treated with high salinity and SiO2 showed a greater distribution of dry material to the leaves at the expense of the stems and roots compared to control plants. The possible use of SiO2 to grow plants may be beneficial in areas of high soil salinities.  相似文献   

宦智群  徐小蓉  耿兴敏  唐明 《广西植物》2022,42(11):1980-1993
我国木兰科(Magnoliaceae)植物栽培历史悠久且种类丰富,具有很高的科研价值、观赏价值、生态价值与经济价值。但是,生境的破坏和自身繁殖能力的限制,使木兰科许多种的生存受到威胁。由于传统繁殖方式繁殖效率低下,而组织培养技术是推进木兰科种质资源保存及开发利用的有效途径,因此组织培养技术可以应用于濒危资源保护、育种和无性系苗木的商业化生产。木兰科植物的组织培养中无菌短枝扦插途径研究较多,体系已相对完善,一些种类的木兰科植物可以通过此途径得到生根苗;而关于器官发生途径的研究相对较少,愈伤组织诱导困难及不定芽分化困难的问题仍没有得到有效解决,并且体细胞胚发生途径在国内鲜有研究。该文从无菌短枝扦插、器官发生、体细胞胚发生等不同再生途径出发,分析了外植体类型、培养基类型、生长调节剂浓度、培养条件等方面对离体生长的影响,归纳了组培过程中生根困难与褐化等技术问题与解决措施,展望了木兰科植物组织培养技术未来的研究方向,以期为木兰科植物的组培快繁技术研究提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

红树植物杯萼海桑是最耐盐的红树植物之一。S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶(S-adenosylmethionine synthetase,SAMS)是S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(S-adenosylmethionine,SAM)生物合成途径的关键酶。SAMS作为一个逆境胁迫响应蛋白在植物的耐盐调控中发挥着极其重要的作用。本文结合杯萼海桑根的转录组注释,根据编码区序列设计引物,通过PCR克隆杯萼海桑SAMS基因的编码区cDNA,并对其进行生物信息分析,为研究杯萼海桑适应逆境的机制奠定理论基础。结果显示PCR扩增了一个长1 182 bp的基因片段,该片段编码由393个氨基酸组成的S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶。同源性比对及进化树分析显示杯萼海桑的SAMS氨基酸序列进化上相对保守。本研究首次从红树林植物杯萼海桑中克隆S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶基因,并获得其编码区序列,为进一步研究杯萼海桑应对逆境胁迫的分子生物学机制与胁迫相关基因调控网络奠定基础。  相似文献   

Beggiatoa alba strain B18LD was grown in continuous culture under heterotrophic conditions on acetate or acetate and asparagine and under mixotrophic conditions on acetate plus either 1 mM sodium sulfide or 1 mM sodium thiosulfate. Considerable differences were observed between the yields and the cell compositions of heterotrophic and mixotrophic cultures at all dilution rates tested. The dry weight yield per gram acetate utilized was approximately three times higher in the acetate-sulfide mixotrophic culture than in the acetate heterotrophic culture, whereas the poly--hydroxybutyric acid and carbohydrate contents were much higher in the heterotrophic cultures. The high yields (0.52–0.75, corrected for the weight of the sulfur) obtained with the mixotrophic cultures imply that the acetate was utilized mainly for biosynthesis. Thus, the oxidation of sulfide supplied energy. The addition of catalase to the chemostat cultures increased yields slightly, but it was insufficient to explain the differences between the heterotrophic and the mixotrophic cultures.  相似文献   

A system was devised for the in vitro culture of soybean fruits. The culture system consisted of a single fruit attached to a short piece of stem through which the nutrients were supplied. The fruit explants were taken when pods were fully expanded and the seeds at initial stages of growth. During a 7-day culture period, the seeds accumulated dry matter and protein in quantities comparable to those in situ. Omission of the C source (sucrose) from the medium resulted in no dry matter accumulation in the seeds, but omission of the N source (glutamine) still led to some protein accumulation, indicating mobilization of N from other parts of the fruit explant. Optimum protein accumulation occurred when glutamine was supplied at 1.2 mg N ml-1. Protein accumulation in the seeds was highly dependent on the nature of the N source. Glutamine, asparagine and the ureide, allantoin, were equally the most efficient sources, whereas several other amino acids tested showed lower degrees of efficiency. The data indicate a high metabolic capacity of the fruit tissues for principal N transport compounds of soybean, namely allantoin, asparagine and glutamine. The culture system described should prove useful for developmental and metabolic studies where the complex influence of the rest of the plant is to be avoided.Abbreviations ALN allantoin - ALC allantoic acid Preliminary report presented at the IV World Soybean Research Conference, Buenos Aires, Arggentina, March 1989.  相似文献   

Multiple bud formation was induced from shoot apices of Matteuccia struthiopteris cultured on semi-solid Knudson's medium supplemented with 10-5 and 10-6 M kinetin. The effect of kinetin, naphthaleneacetic acid and gibberellic acid on shoot and root development is discussed and a three-part tissue culture system was devised for micropropagation and rooting.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba were isolated from leaves of in vitro grown plants. The yield of the protoplasts, their viability and subsequent divisions were greatly influenced by the pH of the media used for isolation and culture of protoplasts. Sustained divisions of the cultured protoplasts were best supported by a modified Kao and Michayluk (1975) nutrient medium containing glucose (0.4 M), NAA (4 mgl–1), 2,4-D (1 mgl–1) and KIN (2 mgl–1 ). The protoplast derived cells developed calli on transfer to Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with 1 mgl–1 each of 2,4-D, NAA and KIN.  相似文献   

Callus-, root-, shoot-, and rooted shoot cultures of Geigeria aspera were established on Murashige and Skoog's nutrient medium. Organogenesis of roots and shoots was induced with treatments containing BA or KN in combination with NAA, IAA, IBA or 2, 4-D. Rooted plantlets were successfully transplanted into soil.  相似文献   

Several isolates were obtained from sporocarps of Amanita caesarea (Scop.: Fr.) Pers. associated with Quercus suber and Castanea sativa coming from the southwest of Spain. Culture conditions were optimized for these isolates. The largest radial growth was obtained at pH 6–7, and optimal growth temperature was 24–28°C depending on the isolate. Albumin bovine and nitrate produced the largest patch size diameters, but the greatest mycelium dry weight yields were obtained with ammonium. Mannitol produced the largest radial growth, and mannitol and glucose yielded the biggest mycelium dry weights. Although variations in growth behaviour between isolates were observed, only one internal spacer sequence–restriction fragment length polymorphism type was obtained.  相似文献   

Plastid transformation offers several unique advantages compared with nuclear genome transformation, such as high level of transgene expression within plastids, expressing multiple transgenes as operons, lack of position effect due to site-specific transgene integration, and reducing risks of gene flow via pollen due to maternal inheritance of the plastid genome. Plastid transformation has been applied to several herbal species, but as yet there are no applications to tree species. We report here the first successful plastid transformation in a tree species, Populus alba. A vector for plastid transformation of poplar (Populus alba) was constructed, which carried the spectinomycin resistance gene and the green fluorescence protein gene as marker genes. In the regenerated shoots, the site-specific integration of foreign genes and the establishment of a high homoplastomic state were confirmed. Immunoblot analysis and histological observations corroborated the accumulation of green fluorescence protein in chloroplasts. The establishment of a plastid transformation system in poplar provides a novel tool for tree biotechnology.  相似文献   

Differences in endogenous levels of abscisic acid and gibberellinsbetween Betula platyphylla and Populusalba leaf protoplasts were determined using micro-scale extractionand purification steps, including thin layer chromatography ormicro-high-performance-liquid-chromatography and quantification by enzymelinkedimmunosorbent assay or micro-bioassay. The content of abscisic acid was tentimes higher in B. platyphylla than in P.alba on the basis of both cell number and dry weight; in contrast,levels of gibberellins were lower in the former. Leaf protoplasts of bothspecies are competent for plant regeneration through the exogenous supply ofauxins and cytokinins. The function of abscisic acid in these protoplastcultures is discussed in relation to the need for a strong cytokinin,N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea (4-CPPU) for colony proliferation inB. platyphylla, in contrast to a weak cytokininrequirementin P. alba.  相似文献   

Summary It was established that anAlnus glutinosa isolate (LDAgp 1) is able to utilize mono- and disaccharides and shows a limited growth ability on arabinose and starch. This contrasts with an isolate fromAlnus viridis (AvcI 1) andComptonia peregrina (CpI1), which apparently lack glycolytic pathway activity. These latter isolates can utilize some tricarboxylic acids in contrast to LDAgp1. Volatile fatty acids or their salts, such as propionic acid and acetate, were utilized by all three isolates. Besides a general ability to utilize inorganic nitrogen sources, some amino acids and urea, selected isolates showed a limitedability to utilize adenine and uracil. A simple, synthetic medium based on propionic acid as the energy source was developed. On this medium some isolates showed growth stimulation in the presence of biotin. The metabolic aspects of the utilization of carbon and nitrogen sources, as well as some ecological consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Scientific photography is an important facet of plant tissue culture. The aim of photography in plant tissue culture should be to illustrate clearly the developmental stages occurring in vitro. However, the photographic results presented in publications are often poor, and morphogenetic responses are often not clearly documented. Plant tissue culture is a very visual science, and the valuable tool of photography is often not used properly. If the morphogenetic responses are not well documented, an important part of the reserch is missed, and the report ends up having limited scientific value. Simple methods for improving the results of photography in plant tissue culture are discussed, along with photographic equipment, photomacrography, stereophotomicrography, suitable backgrounds for photography, use of a digital scanner, and the construction of photographic plates.  相似文献   

The response to tissue culture of a series of related, agronomically useful, dihaploid (2n=2x=24) and tetraploid (2n=4x=48) S. tuberosum genotypes was assessed by regenerating shoots from leaf explants. Dihaploid genotypes that showed superior responses to their tetraploid parents were identified. Large differences in tissue culture response were also found between dihaploid genotypes derived from the same tetraploid parents. These results indicate that it should be possible to select agronomically useful dihaploid genotypes with good tissue culture responses for use in genetic manipulation experiments. Possible factors determining tissue culture response in S. tuberosum are discussed.  相似文献   

Nodal expiants ofSpilanthes acmella produced normal multiple shoots when cultured vertically on Murashige and Skoog medium (1962) supplemented with 0.5 mg IT1 BA. The number of shoots formed from each expiant was doubled after first 5-week subculture. The nodal expiants placed vertically in Erlenmeyer flask (250, 500, or 1000 mL) produced more multiple shoots than those cultured in 350 mL jam bottles and 500 mL tex-Z flask. Temperature above 28C caused abnormalities of in vitro plantlets. All in vitro plantlets survived after acclimatized and transferred to the outside environment The survived plantlets did not show any morphological abnormalities in the field condition.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic analysis of plants and tissue cultures of Gentiana lutea, G. punctata, and G. acaulis is performed. It is discovered that in vitro culturing leads to changes in the chromosome number in the calli of the species. The species specificity of the variability of the genomes of the cultured cells is demonstrated. It is established that the cytogenetic structure of a tissue culture depends on the genotype of the initial plants. It is explained that in callus tissue of Gentiana (other than an in vitro culture of G. punctata, derived from a plant of the Breskul population), diploid cells and cells with near-diploid chromosome complements constitute the modal class.  相似文献   

Summary Cultures ofDigitalis obscura L. were established from axillary buds of mature plants or leaves of seedlings obtained under aseptic conditions. Explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium containing benzyladenine and/or naphthaleneacetic acid. Shoot proliferation from axillary buds was not affected by seasonal fluctuations in the stock plants and increased relative to the cytokinin concentration, but auxin reduced the multiplication rate. Differentiation of somatic embryos and adventitious buds from cultured leaves required naphthaleneacetic acid alone or combined with benzyladenine, respectively. Cardenolide pattern and content of the regenerated plants were determined by high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay, respectively. Several cardenolides of series A and C were identified in the regenerants; no significant differences were found in the cardenolide patterns. Digoxigenin derivatives were found in all clonally propagated plants, but the amount of these glycosides was much higher in those obtained from axillary buds. This is the first report on micropropagation ofD. obscura from mature plants. The financial support of CICYT, Madrid, Spain (project no. PB89-0419) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary A simple procedure is described for the in vitro production of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) pollen from microspores isolated just before entering mitosis. During a 3-day culture period in a liquid medium containing pyrimidine nucleosides these microspores develop into young pollen grains to the stage of starch deposition. Pollen maturation and transition to dormancy is achieved during a further 2- to 3-day culture period in the same medium stepwise supplemented by a concentrated solution of sucrose and l-proline. Upon transfer of the pollen to a simple germination medium containing sucrose and boric acid, up to 40% of the grains were observed to produce relatively long tubes. The in vitro-matured pollen grains can be stored at-20° C either suspended in 1.17 M sucrose and 100 mM l-proline or separated from the medium on filter paper discs. The stored pollen germinated both in vitro and on the stigma, the pollen tubes grew through the style into the ovary and pollination produced up to 300 viable seeds per pod. The procedure is of interest for pollen developmental studies and various fields of pollen manipulation, such as in vitro pollen selection.  相似文献   

A tissue culture procedure was developed for the establishment and propagation of a colchi-autotetraploid of Rauvolfia serpentina for possible commercial exploitation. Multiplication of autotetraploid shoots was obtained either through axillary bud elongation on Murashige and Skoog [1] medium (MS) containing 2.65 M (0.5 mgl–1) -naphthaleneacetic acid and 0.33 M (0.05 mgl–1) kinetin, or via multiple shoot formation on MS medium supplemented with 4.44 M (1.0 mgl–1) 6-benzylaminopurine and 0.53 M (0.1 mgl–1) -naphthaleneacetic acid. Rooting could be induced by transferring the shoots to MS medium containing 7.95 M (1.5 mgl–1) -naphthaleneacetic acid alone. The plantlets, thus formed, were tetraploid in nature by cytological observations of the root tips. They exhibited 80–90% success in establishment under glass house and field conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A high efficiency of Hordeum bulbosum-mediated haploid production in barley has been achieved using a floret culture technique in which florets pollinated with Hordeum bulbosum are cultured on modified N6 media containing 0.5 mg/l kinetin and 1.2 mg/l2,4-D. Cultures were maintained at 25 °C with a 16 h photoperiod for 9 days before embryo rescue. In a comparison of haploid production efficiency using five F1 hybrids from winter x winter and winter x spring barley crosses, 41.6 haploid plants/100 florets pollinated were produced using floret culture. Using detached tiller culture, 13.5 haploid plants/100 florets pollinated were produced. Higher efficiencies achieved with floret culture are attributed to the formation of larger, differentiated embryos. Such embryos lead to higher frequencies of plant regeneration. The F1 from a winter x winter cross was inferior in haploid production compared to F1s from winter x spring crosses. No genotype x technique interaction was observed.Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 8653  相似文献   

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