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The transfer of protons in water wires was studied in native gramicidin A (gA), and in the SS- and RR-diastereoisomers of dioxolane-linked gA channels (SS and RR channels). These peptides were incorporated into membranes comprised of distinct combinations of phospholipid headgroups and acyl chains. Quantitative relationships between single channel conductances to H+ (g(H)) and [H+] were determined in distinct phospholipid membranes, and are in remarkable contrast with results previously obtained in monoglyceride membranes. In particular: 1), g(H)-[H+] relationships for the various gA channels in distinct phospholipid membranes are well fitted by single adsorption isotherms. A simple kinetic model assuming mono-occupancy of channels by protons fits said relationships. This does not occur with monoglyceride membranes. 2), Under nonsaturating [H+], g(H) is approximately 1 order of magnitude larger in phospholipid than in monoglyceride membranes. 3), Differences between rates of H+ transfer in various gA channels are still present but considerably attenuated in phospholipid relative to monoglyceride membranes. 4), Charged phospholipid headgroups affect g(H) via changes in [H+] at the membrane/solution interfaces. 5), Phosphoethanolamine groups caused a marked attenuation of g(H) relative to membranes with other phospholipid headgroups. This attenuation is voltage-dependent and tends to saturate H+ currents at voltages larger than 250 mV. This effect is likely to occur by limiting the access and exit of H+ in and out of the channel due to relatively strong oriented H-bonds between waters and phosphoethanolamine groups at channel interfaces. The differential effects of phospholipids on proton transfer could be reasoned by considering solvation effects of side chain residues of gramicidin channels by double acyl chains and by the presence of polar headgroups facilitating the entrance/exit of protons through the channel mouths.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that peptide tryptophan groups can control the ionic conductance of transmembrane channels. We report here that single gramicidin A channels change conductance state when the peptide tryptophans are flash photolyzed with ultraviolet light. The current flow through planar lipid bilayers containing multiple gramicidin A channels decreases irreversibly when exposed to ultraviolet light. The current-loss action spectrum peaks sharply at the 280 nm absorption maximum of the gramicidin A tryptophans. Gramicidin channel sensitivity to ultraviolet light is found to be about 20-fold higher than that of frog node sodium channels which is even more than expected based on the high tryptophan content of gramicidin. Channels which survive an ultraviolet light exposure exist in a wide variety of different low-conductance forms. The broad distribution of the single channel conductance of these partially photolyzed channels is attributable to the loss of different combinations of the dimer's normal complement of eight tryptophans per channel. Flash photolysis of single channels results in discrete conductance state changes. Partially photolyzed single channels manifest a further conductance cascade when exposed to a second flash of ultraviolet light. Analysis of the photolysis conductance turn-off process indicates that gramicidin A is a multistate electrochemical unit where the peptide tryptophan groups can modulate the flow of ions through the transmembrane channel.  相似文献   

The formation kinetics of gramicidin A channels in lipid bilayer membranes has been characterized as a function of voltage for different solution conditions and membrane composition. The frequency of channel events was measured during the application of voltage ramps and counted in given intervals, a procedure that eliminated the effects of drift in gramicidin concentration. The formation rate was found to increase strongly with voltages up to approximately 50 mV and then to level off slightly. The shape of the voltage dependence was independent of lipid solvent and ramp speed but differed for different ions and different solution concentrations. This suggested an ion occupancy effect on the formation rate that was further supported by the fact that the minimum of the formation rate was shifted toward the equilibrium potential in asymmetric solution concentrations. The effects are explained in terms of a model that contains two contributions to the voltage dependence, a voltage-dependent ion binding to the monomers and a polarization of monomers by the applied electric field and by the occupied ions. The theory is found to give a good fit to experimental data.  相似文献   

The lifetimes of channels formed by natural gramicidin and its dimeric analog in monoglyceride lipid bilayers of various compositions were investigated. The bilayer surface tension was altered by changing the length of the monoglycerides' fatty acid chain or the chain length of hydrocarbon solvent by isomerization or saturation of the lipid, by varying the amount of solvent in the bilayer, and by changing the salt composition of the aqueous solutions. The logarithms of mean channel lifetimes were found to be proportional to the surface tension of the membrane irrespective of how the surface tension was changed. In contrast, no simple relationship between channel conductance and surface tension or bilayer thickness was found.  相似文献   

The transfer of protons in membrane proteins is an essential phenomenon in biology. However, the basic rules by which H(+) transfer occurs in water wires inside proteins are not well characterized. In particular, the effects of specific atoms and small groups of atoms on the rate of H(+) transfer in water wires are not known. In this study, new covalently linked gramicidin-A (gA) peptides were synthesized, and the effects of specific atoms and peptide constraints on the rate of H(+) transfer were measured in single molecules. The N-termini of two gA peptides were linked to various molecules: S,S-cyclopentane diacid, R,R-cyclopentane diacid, and succinic acid. Single-channel proton conductances (g(H)) were measured at various proton concentrations ([H(+)]) and compared to previous measurements obtained in the S,S- and R,R-dioxolane-linked as well as in native gA channels. Replacing the S,S-dioxolane by an S,S-cyclopentane had no effects on the g(H)-[H(+)] relationships, suggesting that the constrained and continuous transition between the two gA peptides via these S,S linkers is ultimately responsible for the two- to fourfold increase in g(H) relative to native gA channels. It is likely that constraining a continuous transition between the two gA peptides enhances the rate of H(+) transfer in water wires by decreasing the number of water wire configurations that do not transfer H(+) at higher rates as in native gA channels (a decrease in the activation entropy of the system). On the other hand, g(H) values in the R,R-cyclopentane are considerably larger than those in R,R-dioxolane-linked gA channels. One explanation would be that the electrostatic interactions between the oxygens in the dioxolane and adjacent carbonyls in the R,R-dioxolane-linked gA channel attenuate the rate of H(+) transfer in the middle of the pore. Interestingly, g(H)-[H(+)] relationships in the R,R-cyclopentane-linked gA channel are quite similar to those in native gA channels. g(H) values in succinyl-linked gA channels display a wide distribution of values that is well represented by a bigaussian. The larger peaks of these distributions are similar to g(H) values measured in native gA channel. This observation is also consistent with the notion that constraining the transition between the two beta-helical gA peptides enhances the rate of H(+) transfer in water wires by decreasing the activation entropy of the system.  相似文献   

Guanidinium and acetamidinium, when added to the bathing solution in concentrations of approximately 0.1M, cause brief blocks in the single channel potassium currents from channels formed in planar lipid bilayers by gramicidin A. Single channel lifetimes are not affected indicating that the channel structure is not modified by the blockers. Guanidinium block durations and interblock times are approximately exponential in distribution. Block frequencies increase with guanidinium concentration whereas block durations are unaffected. Increases in membrane potential cause an increase in block frequency as expected for a positively charged blocker but a decrease in block duration suggesting that the block is relieved when the blocker passes through the channel. At low pH, urea, formamide, and acetamide cause similar blocks suggesting that the protonated species of these molecules also block. Arginine and several amines do not block. This indicates that only iminium ions which are small enough to enter the channel can cause blocks in gramicidin channels.  相似文献   

Gramicidin A (gA) molecules were covalently linked with a dioxolane ring. Dioxolane-linked gA dimers formed ion channels, selective for monovalent cations, in planar lipid bilayers. The main goal of this study was to compare the functional single ion channel properties of natural gA and its covalently linked dimer in two different lipid bilayers and HCl concentrations (10-8000 mM). Two ion channels with different gating and conductance properties were identified in bilayers from the product of dimerization reaction. The most commonly observed and most stable gramicidin A dimer is the main object of this study. This gramicidin dimer remained in the open state most of the time, with brief closing flickers (tau(closed) approximately 30 micros). The frequency of closing flickers increased with transmembrane potential, making the mean open time moderately voltage dependent (tau(open) changed approximately 1.43-fold/100 mV). Such gating behavior is markedly different from what is seen in natural gA channels. In PEPC (phosphatidylethanolamine-phosphatidylcholine) bilayers, single-channel current-voltage relationships had an ohmic behavior at low voltages, and a marked sublinearity at relatively higher voltages. This behavior contrasts with what was previously described in GMO (glycerylmonooleate) bilayers. In PEPC bilayers, the linear conductance of single-channel proton currents at different proton concentrations was essentially the same for both natural and gA dimers. g(max) and K(D), obtained from fitting experimental points to a Langmuir adsorption isotherm, were approximately 1500 pS and 300 mM, respectively, for both the natural gA and its dimer. In GMO bilayers, however, proton affinities of gA and the dioxolane-dimer were significantly lower (K(D) of approximately 1 and 1.5 M, respectively), and the g(max) higher (approximately 1750 and 2150 pS, respectively) than in PEPC bilayers. Furthermore, the relationship between single-channel conductance and proton concentration was linear at low bulk concentrations of H+ (0.01-2 M) and saturated at concentrations of more than 3 M. It is concluded that 1) The mobility of protons in gramicidin A channels in different lipid bilayers is remarkably similar to proton mobilities in aqueous solutions. In particular, at high concentrations of HCl, proton mobilities in gramicidin A channel and in solution differ by only 25%. 2) Differences between proton conductances in gramicidin A channels in GMO and PEPC cannot be explained by surface charge effects on PEPC membranes. It is proposed that protonated phospholipids adjacent to the mouth of the pore act as an additional source of protons for conduction through gA channels in relation to GMO bilayers. 3) Some experimental results cannot be reconciled with simple alterations in access resistance to proton flow in gA channels. Said differences could be explained if the structure and/or dynamics of water molecules inside gramicidin A channels is modulated by the lipid environment and by modifications in the structure of gA channels. 4) The dioxolane ring is probably responsible for the closing flickers seen in the dimer channel. However, other factors can also influence closing flickers.  相似文献   

Proton conductance (g(H)) in single SS stereoisomers of dioxolane-linked gramicidin A (gA) channels were measured in different phospholipid bilayers at different HCl concentrations. In particular, measurements were obtained in bilayers made of 1,2-diphytanoyl 3-phosphocholine (DiPhPC) or its ethylated derivative 1,2-diphytanoyl 3-ethyl-phosphocholine (et-DiPhPC,). The difference between these phospholipids is that in et-DiPhPC one of the phosphate oxygens is covalently linked to an ethyl group and cannot be protonated. In relatively dilute acid solutions, g(H) in DiPhPC is significantly higher than in et-DiPhPC. At high acid concentrations, g(H) is the same in both diphytanoyl bilayers. Such differences in g(H) can be accounted for by surface charge effects at the membrane/solution interfaces. In the linear portion of the log g(H)-log [H] relationship, g(H) values in diphytanoyl bilayers were significantly larger (approximately 10-fold) than in neutral glyceryl monooleate (GMO) membranes. The slopes of the linear log-log relationships between g(H) and [H] in diphytanoyl and GMO bilayers are essentially the same (approximately 0.76). This slope is significantly lower than the slope of the log-log plot of proton conductivity versus proton concentration in aqueous solutions (approximately 1.00). Because the chemical composition of the membrane-channel/solution interface is strikingly different in GMO and diphytanoyl bilayers, the reduced slope in g(H)-[HCl] relationships may be a characteristic of proton transfer in the water wire inside the SS channel. Values of g(H) in diphytanoyl bilayers were also significantly larger than in membranes made of the more common biological phospholipids 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl phosphocholine (POPC) or 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl phosphoethanolamine (POPE). These differences, however, cannot be accounted for by different surface charge effects or by different internal dipole potentials. On the other hand, maximum g(H) measured in the SS channel does not depend on the composition of the bilayer and is determined essentially by the reduced mobility of protons in concentrated acid solutions. Finally, no experimental evidence was found in support of a lateral proton movement at the phospholipid/solution interface contributing to g(H) in single SS channels. Protein-lipid interactions are likely to modulate g(H) in the SS channel.  相似文献   

Proton conductivities in bulk solution (lambda(H)) and single-channel proton conductances (g(H)) in two different stereoisomers of the dioxolane-linked gramicidin A channel (the SS and RR dimers) were measured in a wide range of bulk proton concentrations ([H], 0.1-8000 mM). Proton mobilities (micro(H)) in water as well as in the SS and RR dimers were calculated from the conductivity data. In the concentration range of 0.1-2000 mM, a straight line with a slope of 0.75 describes the log (g(H))-log ([H]) relationship in the SS dimer. At [H] > 2000 mM, saturation is followed by a decline in g(H). The g(H)-[H] relationship in the SS dimer is qualitatively similar to the [H] dependence of lambda(H). However, the slope of the straight line in the log(lambda(H))-log([H]) plot is 0.96, indicating that the rate-limiting step for proton conduction through the SS dimer is not the diffusion of protons in bulk solution. The significant difference between the slopes of those linear relationships accounts for the faster decline of micro(H) as a function of [H] in the SS dimer in relation to bulk solution. In the high range of [H], saturation and decline of g(H) in the SS dimer can be accounted for by the significant decrease of micro(H) in bulk solution. At any given [H], g(H) in the RR dimer is significantly smaller than in the SS. Moreover, the g(H)-[H] relationship in the RR stereoisomer is qualitatively different from that in the SS. Between 1 and 50 mM [H], g(H) can be fitted with an adsorption isotherm, suggesting the presence of a proton-binding site inside the pore (pK(a) approximately 2), which limits proton exit from the channel. At 100 mM < [H] < 3000 mM, g(H) increases linearly with [H]. The distinctive shape of the g(H)-[H] relationship in the RR dimer suggests that the channel can be occupied simultaneously by more than one proton. At higher [H], the saturation and decline of g(H) in the RR dimer reflect the properties of micro(H) in bulk solution. In the entire range of [H], protons seem to cross the SS and RR channels via a Grotthuss-like mechanism. The rate-limiting step for proton transfer in the SS dimer is probably the membrane-channel/bulk solution interface. It is also proposed that the smaller g(H) in the RR dimer is the consequence of a different organization and dynamics of the H-bonded network of water molecules inside the pore of the channel, resulting in a slower proton transfer and multiple pore occupancy by protons.  相似文献   

Changes in the viscoelastic properties of glycerol monooleate bilayers resulting from the incorporation of cholesterol into the membranes have been measured. The interface tension increases with the cholesterol concentration, reaching saturation for a 4.2:1 mole ratio of cholesterol:lipid in the film-forming solution. Incorporation of cholesterol in the membrane causes the appearance of a large intrinsic viscosity; this also increases with the sterol content of the membrane. Molecular models of lipid-sterol interactions and packing are considered to explain both the observed changes in membrane properties and similarities with comparable lipid systems.  相似文献   

The interaction of biotin-binding proteins with biotinylated gramicidin (gA5XB) was studied by monitoring single-channel activity and sensitized photoinactivation kinetics. It was discovered that the addition of streptavidin or avidin to the bathing solutions of a bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) with incorporated gA5XB induced the opening of a channel characterized by approximately doubled single-channel conductance and extremely long open-state duration. We believe that the deceleration of the photoinactivation kinetics observed here with streptavidin and previously (Rokitskaya, T.I., Y.N. Antonenko, E.A. Kotova, A. Anastasiadis, and F. Separovic. 2000. Biochemistry. 39:13053-13058) with avidin reflects the formation of long-lived channels of this type. Both opening and closing of the double-conductance channels occurred via a transient sub-state of the conductance coinciding with that of the usual single-channel transition. The appearance of the double-conductance channels after the addition of streptavidin was preceded by bursts of fast fluctuations of the current with the open state duration of the individual events of 60 ms. The streptavidin-induced double-conductance channels appeared to be inherent only to the gramicidin analogue with a biotin group linked to the COOH terminus through a long linker arm. Including biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine into the BLM prevented the formation of the double-conductance channels even with the excess streptavidin. In view of the results obtained here, it is suggested that the double-conductance channel represents a tandem of two neighboring gA5XB channels with their COOH termini being cross-linked by the bound streptavidin at both sides of the BLM. The finding that streptavidin induces the formation of the tandem gramicidin channel comprising two channels functioning in concert is considered to be relevant to the physiologically important phenomenon of ligand-induced receptor oligomerization.  相似文献   

Two distinct forms of desensitization have been characterized for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. One form results from a weakening of agonist affinity when channels are activated whereas the other form of desensitization results when channels enter a long-lived nonconducting state. A weakening of glycine affinity upon NMDA receptor activation has been reported. Cyclic reaction schemes for NMDA receptor activation require that a concomitant affinity shift should be observed for glutamate agonists. In this study, measurements of peak and steady-state NMDA receptor currents yielded EC50 values for glutamate that differed by 1.9-fold, but no differences were found for another agonist, L-cysteine-S-sulfate (LCSS). Simulations show that shifts in EC50 values may be masked by significant degrees of desensitization resulting from channels entering a long-lived nonconducting state. Simulations also show that a decrease in the degree of desensitization with increasing agonist concentration is a good indicator for the existence of desensitization resulting from a weakening of agonist affinity. Both glutamate and LCSS exhibited this trend. An affinity difference of three- to eightfold between high-and low-affinity agonist-binding states was estimated from fitting of dose-response data with models containing both types of desensitization. This indicates that activation of NMDA receptors causes a reduction in both glutamate and glycine affinities.  相似文献   

The mean lifetime of gramicidin A channels in bilayers formed from monoolein and squalane was sharply reduced by the absorption of a range of n-alkanols and cholesterol. Results are shown for n-hexanol, n-octanol, n-decanol, n-dodecanol, n-tetradecanol, n-hexadecanol, n-octadecanol and cholesterol. The longer chain n-alkanols were apparently more effective than the shorter members and cholesterol was the most effective of the substances examined. The single channel conductance was also affected, though to a much lesser extent than the mean channel lifetime, the n-alkanols producing increases and cholesterol a decrease. It is suggested that membrane fluidity changes are not likely to be primarily responsible for the reductions in channel lifetimes but that the bilayer tension, which is known to be increased by n-octanol, could be significant.  相似文献   

The interaction between beta-lactoglobulin and sonicated aqueous dispersions of the gel phase forming monoglyceride monostearoylglycerol were studied using isothermal titration calorimetry, direct binding experiments, differential scanning calorimetry, leakage of a fluorescent dye and solid-state (31)P- and (2)H-NMR. In the absence of a charged amphiphile, monostearoylglycerol forms a precipitate. Under these conditions, no interaction with beta-lactoglobulin was observed. In the presence of the negatively charged amphiphile dicetylphosphate, the gel phase monostearoylglycerol formed stable and closed, probably unilamellar, vesicles with an average diameter of 465 nm. beta-Lactoglobulin interacts with these bilayer structures at pH 4, where the protein is positively charged, as well as at pH 7 where the protein is negatively charged. Under both conditions of pH, the binding affinity of beta-lactoglobulin is in the micromolar range as observed with ITC and the direct binding assay. At pH 4, two binding modes were found, one of which is determined with ITC while the direct binding assay determines the net result of both. The first binding mode is observed with ITC and is characterized by a large binding enthalpy, a decreased enthalpy of the MSG L(beta) to L(alpha) phase transition and leakage of a fluorescent dye. These characteristics are explained by a beta-lactoglobulin induced partial L(beta) to coagel phase transition that results from a specific electrostatic interaction between the protein and the charged amphiphile. This explanation is confirmed by solid-state (2)H-NMR using 1-monostearoylglycerol with a fully deuterated acyl chain. Upon interaction with beta-lactoglobulin, the isotropic signal in the (2)H-NMR spectrum of the monostearoylglycerol-dicetylphosphate mixture partially transforms into a broad anisotropic signal which could be assigned to coagel formation. The second binding mode probably results from an aspecific electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged bilayer and the positively charged protein and causes the precipitation of the dispersion. At pH 7, only the first binding mode is observed.  相似文献   

Calcium is an important second messenger in the rat pineal gland, as well as cAMP. They both contribute to melatonin synthesis mediated by the three main enzymes of the melatonin synthesis pathway: tryptophan hydroxylase, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase. The cytosolic calcium is elevated in pinealocytes following alpha(1)-adrenergic stimulation, through IP(3)-and membrane calcium channels activation. Nifedipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker, reduces melatonin synthesis in rat pineal glands in vitro. With the purpose of investigating the mechanisms involved in melatonin synthesis regulation by the L-type calcium channel, we studied the effects of nifedipine on noradrenergic stimulated cultured rat pineal glands. Tryptophan hydroxylase, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activities were quantified by radiometric assays and 5-hydroxytryptophan, serotonin, N-acetylserotonin and melatonin contents were quantified by HPLC with electrochemical detection. The data showed that calcium influx blockaded by nifedipine caused a decrease in tryptophan hydroxylase activity, but did not change either arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase or hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activities. Moreover, there was a reduction of 5-hydroxytryptophan, serotonin, N-acetylserotonin and melatonin intracellular content, as well as a reduction of serotonin and melatonin secretion. Thus, it seems that the calcium influx through L-type high voltage-activated calcium channels is essential for the full activation of tryptophan hydroxylase leading to melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland.  相似文献   

A model based on the solution of the electrostatic potential for a geometry of three dielectric regions associated with a gramicidin A channel (GA) is presented. The model includes a cylindrical dielectric layer to represent the peptide backbone and dipole rings to account for dipolar side chains. Image potential and dipolar contributions for different orientations and positions along the channel are analyzed. The conductance of GA and two analogues obtained by substituting the amino acid at position 1 are studied. The numerical simulation reproduces experimental results (Barrett et al. 1986, Biophys J 49, 673–686) and supports the idea that electrostatic dipole-ion interactions are of primary importance in gramicidin channel function. Correspondence to: G. Martinez  相似文献   

The competition of ion and water fluxes across gramicidin channels was assessed from the concentration distributions of both pore-impermeable and -permeable cations that were simultaneously measured by double-barreled microelectrodes in the immediate vicinity of a planar bilayer. Because water movement across the membrane led to accumulation of solutes on one side of the membrane and depletion on the other, the permeable cation was not only pushed by water across the channel (true solvent drag); it also flowed along its concentration gradient (pseudo-solvent drag). For the demonstration of true solvent drag, a difference between the bulk concentrations on the hypertonic and the hypotonic sides of the membrane was established. It was adjusted to get equal cation concentrations at both membrane/water interfaces. From the sodium and potassium fluxes measured along with membrane conductivity under these conditions, approximately five water molecules were found to be transported simultaneously with one ion through the channel. In diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes, a single-channel hydraulic permeability coefficient of 1.6 x 10(-14) cm(3) s(-1) was obtained.  相似文献   

Proton permeation of the lipid bilayer barrier has two unique features. First, permeability coefficients measured at neutral pH ranges are six to seven orders of magnitude greater than expected from knowledge of other monovalent cations. Second, proton conductance across planar lipid bilayers varies at most by a factor of 10 when pH is varied from near 1 to near 11. Two mechanisms have been proposed to account for this anomalous behavior: proton conductance related to contaminants of lipid bilayers, and proton translocation along transient hydrogen-bonded chains (tHBC) of associated water molecules in the membrane. The weight of evidence suggests that trace contaminants may contribute to proton conductance across planar lipid membranes at certain pH ranges, but cannot account for the anomalous proton flux in liposome systems.Two new results will be reported here which were designed to test the tHBC model. These include measurements of relative proton/potassium permeability in the gramicidin channel, and plots of proton flux against the magnitude of pH gradients. (1) The relative permeabilities of protons and potassium through the gramicidin channel, which contains a single strand of hydrogenbonded water molecules, were found to differ by at least four orders of magnitude when measured at neutral pH ranges. This result demonstrates that a hydrogen-bonded chain of water molecules can provide substantial discrimination between protons and other cations. It was also possible to calculate that if approximately 7% of bilayer water was present in a transient configuration similar to that of the gramicidin channel, it could account for the measured proton flux. (2) The plot of proton conductance against pH gradient across liposome membranes was superlinear, a result that is consistent with one of three alternative tHBC models for proton conductance described by Nagle elsewhere in this volume.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction has been applied in measuring the helical pitch of the gramicidin channel in oriented bilayers of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) at a polypeptide concentration of 9.1 mol %. The diffraction data show the helical pitch of gramicidin to be 4.7 +/- 0.2 A in both gel and liquid-crystalline phase bilayers, with and without monovalent cations. In addition, the width of the reflection due to the pitch of the helical gramicidin channel is consistent with a five turn helix.  相似文献   

Thermotropic phase transitions in single planar bilayers of glycerol mono-oleate have been investigated using quasi-elastic light scattering from thermally excited membrane fluctuations. In certain cases both spectroscopic and intensity information were derived from the observations. For solvent-free bilayers transitional changes were observed in several membrane parameters: in tension, viscosity and thickness, in a combination of lipid orientational order parameter and dielectric anisotropy, and in the lateral compression modulus. These changes, particularly those in membrane thickness and in the anisotropy/order combination, were clearly indicative of a chain-melting transition in the lipid molecules. The chain-melting transition temperature was identified as 16.6 +/- 0.03 degrees C (delta T 1/2 = 1.5 degrees C). The other changes tended to cluster around 12.5 and 16.6 degrees C, suggesting that a two-stage transition was involved. Analysis of pretransitional fluctuations in membrane viscosity, based on a Landau approach, suggested that at the transition the membrane was close to a critical point (T = 12.7 degrees C). Less information was accessible for membranes containing n-decane within their structure. In this case, the change in membrane tension was much smaller than in the solvent-free case and the transition was considerably broadened. These effects accord with an increase in 'interactive volume' within the bilayer due to solvent inclusion.  相似文献   

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