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A recent United States patent covering an improvement to the naturally-occurring pesticide in neem tree seed oil might have been rejected as 'obvious' if United States patent law recognized certain forms of prior inventive activity on a par with similar activity occurring within the United States' borders. But the US only recognizes prior 'knowledge, use or invention' as blocking a claim to a patent when those activities take place within US borders, or are evidenced by publications accessible in the US, or, more commonly, by foreign patents. Neither of these last forms of tangible 'prior art' is likely to be available to block patents on biodiversity inventions – most notably because of the fact that most developing nations do not allow patents on pharmaceutical or agricultural inventions, categories subsuming most biodiversity-related advances. Although the United States patent only has direct force within the United States, it is nonetheless highly significant to this global dispute, since the United States and other developed nations stand to be the major markets for the end-products of neem. This paper argues that the border-drawing distinctions in US patent law are archaic, counter to stated policy directives and are disproportionately influencing the developing world's stance towards GATT and its intellectual property rights provisions.  相似文献   

Aim Substantial overlap in the climate characteristics of the United States and China results in similar land‐cover types and weather conditions, especially in the eastern half of the two countries. These parallels suggest similarities in fire regimes as well, yet relatively little is known about the historical role of fire in Chinese ecosystems. Consequently, we aimed to infer fire regime characteristics for China based on our understanding of climate–fire relationships in the United States. Location The conterminous United States and the People's Republic of China. Methods We used generalized additive models to quantify the relationship between reference fire regime classes adopted by the LANDFIRE initiative in the United States, and a global climate data set. With the models, we determined which climate variables best described the distribution of fire regimes in the United States then used these models to predict the spatial distribution of fire regimes in China. The fitted models were validated quantitatively using receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (AUC). We validated the predicted fire regimes in China by comparison with palaeoecological fire data and satellite‐derived estimates of current fire activity. Results Quantitative validation using the AUC indicated good discrimination of the distribution of fire regimes by models for the United States. Overall, fire regimes with more frequent return intervals were more likely in the east than in the west. The resolution of available historical and prehistorical fire data for China, including sediment cores, allowed only coarse, qualitative validation, but provided supporting evidence that fire has long been a part of ecosystem function in eastern China. MODIS satellite data illustrated that fire frequency within the last decade supported the classification of much of western China as relatively fire‐free; however, much of south‐eastern China experiences more fire activity than predicted with our models, probably as a function of the extensive use of fire by people. Conclusions While acknowledging there are many cultural, environmental and historical differences between the United States and China, our fire regime models based on climate data demonstrate potential historical fire regimes for China, and propose that large areas of China share historical fire–vegetation–climate complexes with the United States.  相似文献   

Health insurance in the United States is failing patients and physicians alike. In this country 37 million uninsured face economic barriers to care, and the health of many suffers as a result. The "corporatization" of medical care threatens professional values with an unprecedented administrative and commercial intrusion into the daily practice of medicine. Competitive strategies have also failed their most ostensible goal--cost control. In contrast, Canada offers a model of a national health insurance plan that provides universal and comprehensive coverage, succeeds at restraining health care inflation, and does little to abrogate the clinical autonomy of physicians in private practice. I propose that American physicians relent in their historical opposition to national health insurance and participate in the development of a universal, public insurance plan responsive to the needs of both patients and physicians.  相似文献   

The process of quantitatively predicting the likelihood of an adverse response in humans or wildlife due to exposure to one or more chemicals is collectively known as environmental risk assessment. Quantitative risk assessment has been practiced in the United States and Canada for nearly 20 years and is the basis for most environmental and many occupational health regulations in North America. However, only since 1990 has it begun to receive serious consideration in Europe, Australia, Asia, and other regions. This paper reviews the historical evolution of health risk assessment in the United States and the scientific shortcomings in the process that have been introduced due to various regulatory policies. Despite these limitations and the reluctance of some countries to implement risk‐based policies, risk assessment will undoubtedly grow in importance within the international arena as other countries search for an ideal balance between cost and risk reduction. With the emergence of risk analysis as an international tool for understanding environmental issues, several improvements to the risk assessment process are recommended here that the United States and other countries could immediately incorporate into hazard identification, dose‐response and exposure assessments, and risk characterization. Examples of these improvements include use of a weight‐of‐evidence approach, physiologically‐based pharmacokinetic (PB‐PK) modelling, Monte Carlo techniques, and uncertainty analyses. These recommendations could, if coupled with an understanding of the historical experience in the United States, lead to superior environmental risk assessment policies for all countries as they enter the 21st century.  相似文献   

Large-scale milk production and consumption historically have been localized to Europe and countries with large European-derived populations. However, global patterns have now shifted, with dramatic increases in milk consumption in Asian countries and flat or declining consumption in European and European-derived countries. Efforts to market it around the world emphasize milk's positive effects on child growth, and, by extension, the individual and national benefits that derive from that growth. At the same time, milk has newly emerged in milk promotions in the United States as food that facilitates weight loss. Milk has been able to achieve a global presence and continuing relevance in populations in which its consumption has been declining by continually transforming and repositioning itself as a "special" food with properties able to alleviate the health concerns seen as most salient at the time.  相似文献   


Streptococcus pyogenes is a Gram-positive human bacterial pathogen that causes pharyngitis, tonsillitis, skin infections (impetigo, erysipelis, and other forms of pyoderma), acute rheumatic fever (ARF), scarlet fever (SF), poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN), a streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), and necrotizing fasciitis. These infections are some of the most economically and medically important conditions that affect humans. For example, globally, ARF is the most common cause of pediatric heart disease. It is estimated that in India more than six million school-aged children suffer from rheumatic heart disease (1). In the United States, “sore throat” is the third most common reason for physician office visits and S. pyogenes is recovered from about 30% of children with this complaint (2). It has been estimated that there are 25–35 million cases of streptococcal pharyngitis per year in the United States, and these infections cause 1–2 billion dollars per year in direct health care costs (3,4). Although the continued great morbidity and mortality caused by S. pyogenes in developing nations, the significant health care financial burden attributable to group A streptococci in the United States, and increasing levels of antibiotic resistance (5), have highlighted the need for a fuller understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of streptococcal infection, it has been the relatively recent intercontinental increase in streptococcal disease frequency and severity (6,7) that has resulted in renewed interest in S. pyogenes virulence factors and host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

This essay examines the spaces across societies in which persons with severe mental illness lose meaningful social roles and are reduced to "bare life." Comparing ethnographic and interview data from the United States and India, we suggest that these processes of exclusion take place differently: on the street in the United States, and in the family household in India. We argue that cultural, historical, and economic factors determine which spaces become zones of social abandonment across societies. We compare strategies for managing and treating persons with psychosis across the United States and India, and demonstrate that the relative efficiency of state surveillance of populations and availability of public social and psychiatric services, the relative importance of family honor, the extent to which a culture of psychopharmaceutical use has penetrated social life, and other historical features, contribute to circumstances in which disordered Indian persons are more likely to be forcefully "hidden" in domestic space, whereas mentally ill persons in the United States are more likely to be expelled to the street. However, in all locations, social marginalization takes place by stripping away the subject's efficacy in social communication. That is, the socially "dead" lose communicative efficacy, a predicament, following Agamben, we describe as "bare voice."  相似文献   

This study explores rural, suburban and urban differences in coronary heart disease (CHD) using the 2005 Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Survey conducted in the United States. Although areal context is not often considered in morbidity studies, this study evaluates the importance of place of residence given that areas offer differential access to health infrastructures and different contextual factors that could affect health. Also examined is the role of geographic heterogeneity on the recent racial divergence in CHD in the United States. Results indicate that area of residence is associated with CHD diagnosis, net of health and demographic variables. The area-stratified analysis documents that rural residents are most impacted by exercise and smoking, while being male or above age 50 are most detrimental for suburban residents. In addition, the racial divergence in CHD is driven by differences in rural locales. These findings indicate a disparate impact of geography on CHD and highlight the need for health research to take into account areal context.  相似文献   

Salmonellosis is a major contributor to the global public health burden. Salmonella enterica serotype Newport has ranked among three Salmonella serotypes most commonly associated with food-borne outbreaks in the United States. It was thought to be polyphyletic and composed of independent lineages. Here we report draft genomes of eight strains of S. Newport from diverse hosts and locations.  相似文献   

The steady rise in the prevalence of obesity has had a negative impact for people living with obesity. This includes health care and social disparities that lead to diminished quality of life and social prosperity. Even though discrimination based on weight has a negative impact on people’s health and wellness, there is only one state in the United States, Michigan, that has an antiweight discrimination law. Massachusetts and some cities in the United States have been working to ensure that weight is added as a civil protection over the years. This perspective describes the importance of a weight discrimination law in the United States as well as summarizes the currently existing protections in the country.  相似文献   

Environmental protection and public health agencies in the United States and elsewhere label radioactive radon gas a toxic environmental hazard and a major cause of lung cancer. Paradoxically, in Europe and Japan radon gas is also used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, as one choice in the spectrum of conventional medical care. Although it is possible to find radon therapy in the United States, it exists only as an unconventional practice in Montana "radon health mines." In this article, I examine the use of radon therapy by Americans despite intensive public health education media campaigns. Using the notion of explanatory models as an analytical framework, I argue that American health mine clients adjust or replace "toxic models" of radon with new kinds of explanatory models that allow radon to be redefined as a healing substance. The manner of this adjustment varies according to peoples' individual needs, their own preexisting cultural models and experiences, and their individual personalities; the source of authoritative knowledge accepted by each person is a strong influence. Through these altered explanatory models, mine clients are able to view their use of radon therapy as a rational course of action.  相似文献   

In this commentary on a clinical ethics case pertaining to a same-sex couple that does not have explicit surrogate decision-making or hospital-visitation rights (in the face of objections from the family-of-origin of one of the queer partners), the authors invoke contemporary legal and policy standards on LGBTQ health care in the United States and abroad. Given this historical moment in which some clinical rights are guaranteed for LGBTQ families whilst others are in transition, the authors advocate for the implementation of clinical ethics mediation as the soundest and most humane form of resolution in matters where there is a dispute between family members about an incapacitated loved one. They argue that clinical ethics mediation is an ideal alternative solution because it works toward consensus about outcome, even where consensus about values is not achievable.  相似文献   

Our job as intellectuals, this article argues, is to struggle to understand the crisis presented by terrorism in all its forms. This can center on a theoretical account of militarization and its relationship to broader social changes, from the emergence of nationstates to the course of racialization and other inequalities to the convergence of interests in military spending. The article gives a terse historical account of the 20th-century history of the militarization process and of the distinct modes of warfare that have developed over that time. To account for the growth of militarization over the last half of the century requires a focus on the growth of U.S. hegemony and the naming of the empire that dominated the global scene as the most recent crisis opened on September 11, 2001. This account suggests how we can connect these global and national histories with specific ethnographically understood places and people, giving some examples from ethnographic and historical research in a military city, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Finally, this review of militarization suggests that the attacks on the United States, and the war that followed, represent a continuation and acceleration of ongoing developments, rather than sharp openings in history. These new developments include reasons for hope that the legitimacy of violence and empire may also be under challenge. [Keywords: militarization, modes of warfare, United States, ethnography of empire]  相似文献   

肿瘤目前成为人类健康和生命的重要危胁,肿瘤基因诊断是对肿瘤的各种原癌基因、抑癌基因进行检测,聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)技术是目前临床基因诊断应用最广泛的诊断技术,具有普及率高、特异性好、简便快捷等特点。肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术可以用于已知基因突变的检测,快速了解突变状态,有效制定治疗方案,为肿瘤患者带来福音。本研究主要基于专利数据,对肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术进行分析,探讨了全球与中国在肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术领域的发展现状与趋势。在Innography数据库共检索到PCR技术相关专利16,939件,专利家族6,285件。在肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术领域中,荧光定量PCR技术占比较大,约占肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术总量的三分之一。从技术技术生命周期来看,肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术目前仍处在高速发展阶段。美国是肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术的发展领先国家。该技术的主要来源国为美国,全球42.09%的专利来自美国,同时美国也是同族专利的主要分布地区。在肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术领域,排名前15位的顶尖机构中,来自美国的机构有7所。中国在肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术领域起步较晚,但发展迅速,在该技术领域申请的专利数量仅次于美国。中国申请的肿瘤基因PCR诊断技术的专利绝大多数都只在中国进行专利保护,并没有布局全球市场的意愿。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the most commonly used stress biomarkers is cortisol, a glucocorticoid hormone released by the adrenal glands that is central to the physiological stress response. Free cortisol can be measured in saliva and has been the biomarker of choice in stress studies measuring the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Chronic psychosocial stress can lead to dysregulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and result in an abnormal diurnal cortisol profile. Little is known about objectively measured stress and health in Latino populations in the United States, yet this is likely an important factor in understanding health disparities that exist between Latinos and whites. The present study was designed to measure cortisol profiles among Latino immigrant farmworkers in Oregon (USA), and to compare quantitative and qualitative measures of stress in this population. Our results indicate that there were no sex differences in average cortisol AUCg (area under the curve with respect to the ground) over two days (AvgAUCg; males = 1.38, females = 1.60; p = 0.415). AUCg1 (Day 1 AUCg) and AvgAUCg were significantly negatively associated with age in men (p < 0.05). AUCg1 was negatively associated with weight (p < 0.05), waist circumference (p < 0.01) and waist-to-stature ratio (p < 0.05) in women, which is opposite to the expected relationship between cortisol and waist-to-stature ratio, possibly indicating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation. Among men, more time in the United States and immigration to the United States at older ages predicted greater AvgAUCg. Among women, higher lifestyle incongruity was significantly related to greater AvgAUCg. Although preliminary, these results suggest that chronic psychosocial stress plays an important role in health risk in this population. (271 words).  相似文献   



The growth and acceptance of osteopathic physicians as conventional medical practitioners in the United States has also raised questions about the distinctive aspects of osteopathic medicine. Although the use of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) and a focus on primary care are most often cited as rationales for the uniqueness of osteopathic medicine, an osteopathic professional identity remains enigmatic.


The fledgling basic osteopathic research efforts of the early and mid-twentieth century have not been sustained and expanded over time. Thus, there is presently a scarcity of basic mechanistic and translational research that can be considered to be uniquely osteopathic. To be sure, there have been advances in osteopathic clinical trials, particularly those involving OMT for low back pain. Meta-analysis of these low back pain trials has provided evidence that: (1) OMT affords greater pain reduction than active or placebo control treatments; (2) the effects of OMT are comparable regardless of whether treatment is provided by fully-licensed osteopathic physicians in the United States or by osteopaths in the United Kingdom; and (3) the effects of OMT increase over time. However, much more clinical research remains to be done. The planning and implementation of a large longitudinal study of the natural history and epidemiology of somatic dysfunction, including an OMT component, represents a much-needed step forward. Osteopathic medicine's use of OMT and its focus on primary care are not mutually exclusive aspects of its uniqueness. The intersection of these fundamental aspects of osteopathic medicine suggests that the profession may successfully adopt a generic strategy of "focused differentiation" to attain a competitive advantage in the health care arena. While there are both requisite demands and risks for the osteopathic profession in adopting such a strategy, these are reasonable in relation to the potential rewards to be attained. To help promote an osteopathic identity, "omtology" and its derivative terms are recommended in referring to the study of OMT.


The osteopathic profession should adopt a coherent strategy for developing and promoting its identity. Failure to do so will likely ensure that osteopathic medicine remains "stuck in the middle."  相似文献   

Although much newsprint is devoted to the subject of reducing the United States and other major developed countries dependence on their respective foreign energy sources; the most challenging issues for society is to provide long-term, sustainable energy sources to accommodate the global population as a whole. The projected population of planet Earth for the year 2050 is estimated to be in excess of 9 billion. With hydrocarbon-based energy becoming limiting it is unlikely that one type of energy will alone replace our dependence on this source. So-called "green" technologies that include solar, wind and wave powers are now being explored to reduce on traditional hydrocarbon-based fuel sources. The diverse and functional properties of microbes, and in particular anaerobes, are now being utilized in the production of biofuels and may provide one piece of the jigsaw for future energy requirements. Here we present some results of a screening program to identify and characterize a number of carbon monoxide oxidizing, ethanol-producing acetogenic anaerobes phylogenetically located within the Clostridiales.  相似文献   

There are several air pollution issues that concern the international community at the regional and global level, including acid deposition, heavy metals, persistent organic pollutants, stratospheric ozone depletion, and climate change. Governments at the regional and global levels have entered into various agreements in an effort to deal with these problems. This paper deals with two major global atmospheric change issues: stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change. The focus is on the policy responses of the United States to these global issues. The United States has signed and ratified international agreements to deal with both problems. The Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer have led to an effort in both developed and developing countries to phase out ozone depleting substances. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been signed and ratified by over 180 countries. The UNFCC contained no binding targets and timetables for emissions reductions. The Kyoto Protocol (1997) to the UNFCCC did contain targets and timetables for reductions of greenhouse gases on the part of developed countries. The United States has signed but not ratified the Kyoto Protocol. The United States has experienced some movement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the part of various levels of government as well as the private sector. The policy process is constantly informed by scientific research. In the case of stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change, much of this work is carried out under the auspices of international scientific panels. From a policy perspective, there is a great deal of interest in the use of indicators for assessing the scope and magnitude of these problems, both for fashioning policy responses as well as assessing the impact of adopted programs to reduce ozone depleting substances, and potentially, greenhouse gases. This paper will discuss some of the indicators used for stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a widespread and significant component of human-caused global environmental change. The extent of invasions of oceanic islands, and their consequences for native biological diversity, have long been recognized. However, invasions of continental regions also are substantial. For example, more than 2,000 species of alien plants are established in the continental United States. These invasions represent a human-caused breakdown of the regional distinctiveness of Earth's flora and fauna—a substantial global change in and of itself. Moreover, there are well- documented examples of invading species that degrade human health and wealth, alter the structure and functioning of otherwise undisturbed ecosystems, and/or threaten native biological diversity. Invasions also interact synergistically with other components of global change. notably land use change. People and institutions working to understand, prevent, and control invasions are carrying out some of the most important—and potentially most effective—work on global environmental change.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine West African foods sold mainly in specialty grocery stores, focusing on how technologies used in food production in West Africa are referenced in the brand names and packaging of processed African foods sold in the United States. Through their association with "timeless" West African food-processing techniques, such foods evoke memories of childhood and home. Yet the transformation of West African foods through new technologies of processing, packaging, and branding reflects different time and health concerns of West African immigrants living in the United States. Through their purchase of time-saving, mass-produced, and hygienically packaged foodstuffs, which are ideologically similar to but technologically very different from the production processes and cooking in Africa, West Africans in the United States use food to maintain social relations with their particular families, hometown associations, and religious groups, while also constituting national, regional, and global connections through the reinvention of food traditions.  相似文献   

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