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Very small eukaryotic organisms (picoeukaryotes) are fundamental components of marine planktonic systems, often accounting for a significant fraction of the biomass and activity in a system. Their identity, however, has remained elusive, since the small cells lack morphological features for identification. We determined the diversity of marine picoeukaryotes by sequencing cloned 18S rRNA genes in five genetic libraries from North Atlantic, Southern Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea surface waters. Picoplankton were obtained by filter size fractionation, a step that excluded most large eukaryotes and recovered most picoeukaryotes. Genetic libraries of eukaryotic ribosomal DNA were screened by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and at least one clone of each operational taxonomic unit (OTU) was partially sequenced. In general, the phylogenetic diversity in each library was rather great, and each library included many different OTUs and members of very distantly related phylogenetic groups. Of 225 eukaryotic clones, 126 were affiliated with algal classes, especially the Prasinophyceae, the Prymnesiophyceae, the Bacillariophyceae, and the Dinophyceae. A minor fraction (27 clones) was affiliated with clearly heterotrophic organisms, such as ciliates, the chrysomonad Paraphysomonas, cercomonads, and fungi. There were two relatively abundant novel lineages, novel stramenopiles (53 clones) and novel alveolates (19 clones). These lineages are very different from any organism that has been isolated, suggesting that there are previously unknown picoeukaryotes. Prasinophytes and novel stramenopile clones were very abundant in all of the libraries analyzed. These findings underscore the importance of attempts to grow the small eukaryotic plankton in pure culture.  相似文献   

We compared the species composition in phytobenthic communities at different sampling sites in a small French river presenting polluted and unpolluted areas. For each sampling point, the total DNA was extracted and used to construct an 18S rRNA gene clone library after PCR amplification of a ca 400 bp fragment. Phytobenthic community composition was estimated by random sequencing of several clones per library. Most of the sequences corresponded to the Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae groups. By combining phylogenetic and correspondence analyses, we showed that our molecular approach is able to estimate and compare the species composition at different sampling sites in order to assess the environmental impact of xenobiotics on phytobenthic communities. Changes in species composition of these communities were found, but no evident decrease in the diversity. We discuss the significance of these changes with regard to the existing level of pollution and their impact on the functionality of the ecosystem. Our findings suggest that it is now possible to use faster molecular methods (DGGE, ARISA...) to test large numbers of samples in the context of ecotoxicological studies, and thus to assess the impact of pollution in an aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

【背景】太岁在我国的记载由来已久,《神农本草经》记载其具有扶正固本、轻身不老的功效。但是,太岁作为一种生物体,它的组成分类尚不明确,因而其药用价值得不到有效的科学验证。因此,利用各种生物技术和手段来客观地分析太岁的成分,为利用和开发太岁提供科学依据。【目的】检测太岁(编号D15112285)中所含细菌的种类,探究太岁中可能存在的原核微生物的种类及其之间的关系。【方法】采用Illumina MiSeq 2×250系统对黄河太岁的细菌16S rRNA基因(V4区)进行研究,利用FLASH等软件对数据进行分析。【结果】共获得OTU(Operational taxonomical unit)626条,涉及19门49纲80目107科112属。在属的水平上前十的优势菌群有Bacteroides、Coprococcus、Escherichia、Ruminococcus、Lactobacillus、[Ruminococcus]、Oscillospira、Faecalibacterium、Shewanella和Halomonas。【结论】黄河太岁中存在多种不同种类的细菌。  相似文献   

This study characterizes the colonization and composition of bacterial flora in dwarf Asian honeybee (Apis florea) larvae and compares bacterial diversity and distribution among different sampling locations. A. florea larvae were collected from 3 locations in Chiang Mai province, Thailand. Bacterial DNA was extracted from each larva using the phenol–chloroform method. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was performed, and the dominant bands were excised from the gels, cloned, and sequenced for bacterial species identification. The result revealed similarities of bacterial community profiles in each individual colony, but differences between colonies from the same and different locations. A. florea larvae harbor bacteria belonging to 2 phyla (Firmicutes and Proteobacteria), 5 classes (Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Bacilli, and Clostridia), 6 genera (Clostridium, Gilliamella, Melissococcus, Lactobacillus, Saccharibacter, and Snodgrassella), and an unknown genus from uncultured bacterial species. The classes with the highest abundance of bacteria were Alphaproteobacteria (34%), Bacilli (25%), Betaproteobacteria (11%), Gammaproteobacteria (10%), and Clostridia (8%), respectively. Similarly, uncultured bacterial species were identified (12%). Environmental bacterial species, such as Saccharibacter floricola, were also found. This is the first study in which sequences closely related to Melissococcus plutonius, the causal pathogen responsible for European foulbrood, have been identified in Thai A. florea larvae.  相似文献   

【目的】随着中国奶牛业的发展,干草需求量与日俱增。作为天然牧草,干草可以成为家畜传播病原体的载体。以干草表面附着物为研究对象,了解干草中细菌群落结构以及致病菌属特征。【方法】对来自6个不同奶牛场饲草舍的干草样本,应用Illumina Mi Seq高通量测序技术测定干草表面附着物细菌的16S r RNA基因V3-V4变异区序列,分析不同干草样本细菌群落组成。【结果】干草样本中的细菌在97%的相似水平下共得到OTU个数为15 416,涵盖了29门87纲144目219科323属的细菌。微生物多样性分析表明,干草样本具有很高的细菌多样性,不同样本多样性存在差异。对干草样本菌群中丰度较高的14种病原菌属进行分析,发现相较于人工种植牧草制备的干草,天然牧草制备的干草中病原菌属丰度较高。【结论】研究解析了干草样本中微生物的多样性、丰度及主要病原菌属的特征,对奶牛场疾病防控有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

To allow rapid identification of bacteria in pure cultures and blood culture bottles, an assay was developed which is based on real-time amplification and sequencing of bacterial 16 S rRNA genes. In principle, this assay allows identification of bacteria from pure cultures within 6.5 h, and from blood cultures within approximately 7 h.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize bacteria from the compost of fruit and vegetable waste (FVW) for plant growth-promoting (PGP) activities and investigate the pro-active influence of bacterial isolates on wheat growth. Fourteen bacterial strains (RHC-1 to RHC-14) were isolated and purified in tryptic soya agar (TSA). In addition to being biochemically characterized, these bacterial strains were also tested for their PGP traits, such as phosphate (P)-solubilization, nifH gene amplification, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) quantification and the production of ammonia, oxidase and catalase. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing, these bacterial strains were identified as belonging to species of Bacillus, Lysinibacillus, Lysobacter, Staphylococcus, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas and Serratia. All bacterial strains solubilized tri-calcium phosphate and produced IAA. Two bacterial strains RHC-8 (Enterobacter sp.) and RHC-13 (Pseudomonas sp.) solubilized the maximum amount of tri-calcium phosphate, i.e. 486 and 464 μg/ml, respectively. P-solubilization was associated with a significant drop in the pH of the broth culture from an initial pH of 7 to pH 4.43. In addition to P-solubilization and IAA production, six bacterial strains also carried the nifH gene and were further evaluated for their effect on wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth under controlled conditions. All six bacterial strains enhanced wheat growth as compared to uninoculated control plants. Two of the bacterial strains, RHC-8 and RHC-13, identified as Enterobacter aerogenes and Pseudomonas brenneri, respectively, were assessed as potential PGP rhizobacteria due to exhibiting characteristics of four or more PGP traits and enhancing wheat growth though their specific mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus BB255, a derivative of NCTC8325, had six rRNA operons, and each operon contained two SmaI sites about 3 kb apart. By molecular cloning and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, all operons were mapped at the junctions of SmaI fragments in the published map of NCTC8325 except one, which was connected to a previously unidentified 23-kb SmaI fragment.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in a seawater recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) was investigated using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing to understand the roles of bacterial communities in the system. The RAS was operated at nine different combinations of temperature (15°C, 20°C, and 25°C) and salinity (20‰, 25‰, and 32.5‰). Samples were collected from five or six RAS tanks (biofilters) for each condition. Fifty samples were analyzed. Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were most common (sum of both phyla: 67.2% to 99.4%) and were inversely proportional to each other. Bacteria that were present at an average of ≥ 1% included Actinobacteria (2.9%) Planctomycetes (2.0%), Nitrospirae (1.5%), and Acidobacteria (1.0%); they were preferentially present in packed bed biofilters, mesh biofilters, and maturation biofilters. The three biofilters showed higher diversity than other RAS tanks (aerated biofilters, floating bed biofilters, and fish tanks) from phylum to operational taxonomic unit (OTU) level. Samples were clustered into several groups based on the bacterial communities. Major taxonomic groups related to family Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae were distributed widely in the samples. Several taxonomic groups like [Saprospiraceae], Cytophagaceae, Octadecabacter, and Marivita showed a cluster-oriented distribution. Phaeobacter and Sediminicola-related reads were detected frequently and abundantly at low temperature. Nitrifying bacteria were detected frequently and abundantly in the three biofilters. Phylogenetic analysis of the nitrifying bacteria showed several similar OTUs were observed widely through the biofilters. The diverse bacterial communities and the minor taxonomic groups, except for Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, seemed to play important roles and seemed necessary for nitrifying activity in the RAS, especially in packed bed biofilters, mesh biofilters, and maturation biofilters.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity of the mucosal biopsies from human jejunum, distal ileum, ascending colon and rectum were compared by analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA clone libraries. A total of 347 clones from the mucosal biopsies were partially sequenced and assigned to six phylogenetic phyla of the domain Bacteria: Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Actinobacteria. The jejunum sample had least microbial diversity compared to the other samples and a trend towards highest diversity in ascending colon was observed. The clone libraries of distal ileum, ascending colon and rectum were not significantly different from each other (P>0.0043), but they differed significantly from the jejunum library (P=0.001). The population of sequences retrieved from jejunal biopsies was dominated by sequences closely related to Streptococcus (67%), while the population of sequences derived from distal ileum, ascending colon and rectum were dominated by sequences affiliated with Bacteroidetes (27-49%), and Clostridium clusters XIVa (20-34%) and IV (7-13%). The results indicate that the microbial community in jejunum is different from those in distal ileum, ascending colon and rectum, and that the major phylogenetic groups are similar from distal ileum to rectum.  相似文献   


16S核糖体RNA(16S rRNA)基因测序是微生物分析的重要手段。16S rRNA基因测序的原始数据复杂,存在许多误差,分析前一般需要先进行序列质量控制,即对数据进行去噪、去冗余和去嵌合,最终将质量控制后的数据分为可操作分类单元(OTU)或ASV,在OTU或ASV基础上再进行菌群的各种分析。经过多年改进,聚类方法逐渐以UPARSE、DADA2、Deblur和UNOISE3等为主流,OTU聚类已经不能满足研究的需求,而ASV聚类使得菌群分析更加准确。本文除了综述聚类方法的研究进展外,还介绍了USEARCH、MOTHUR和QIIME等多种16S基因测序分析工具软件的相关研究进展。


La Scola B  Fournier PE  Raoult D 《Anaerobe》2011,17(3):106-112
The isolation of anaerobes from patients has declined in recent years, whereas their detection by molecular techniques has increased. In the present work, we analyzed the application of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing to routine identification of anaerobes in clinical microbiology laboratory. We identified 544 isolates of 79 species by routine culture from deep samples in our hospital. MALDI-TOF MS allowed identification of 332 isolates (61%). The remaining 212 (39%) were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, allowing identification of 202 at the species level. The most common anaerobes were Propionibacterium spp. (12%), Finegoldia magna (4%), Fusobacterium spp. (6%) and Bacteroides spp. (6%). However, among the 79 identified species, seven were new species or genera, including two Prevotella conceptionensis, a species previously detected by our team by amplification and sequencing, five Anaerococcus sp. and one Prevotella sp. Beyond the identification of these new species, we also identified several uncommon or previously not described associations between species and specific pathologic conditions. MALDI-TOF MS-based identification, which will become more effective with future spectra database improvement, will be likely responsible of a burden of emerging anaerobes in clinical microbiology.  相似文献   

Sharma  Ruchi  Kumar  Ajay  Singh  Neetu  Sharma  Kritika 《Molecular biology reports》2021,48(5):4055-4064
Molecular Biology Reports - The rhizosphere of a plant is an important interface for the plant-microbe interaction that plays a significant role in the uptake and removal of heavy metal from...  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the species belonging to the genus Myxococcus were elucidated based on the sequences of 16S rRNA genes and 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The Myxococcus species were consequently classified into four distinct groups. The type strain of Myxococcus coralloides occupied an independent position (Group 1); it has been recently reclassified as Corallococcus coralloides. Group 2 comprised the type strains of both Myxococcus virescens and Myxococcus xanthus, and some strains assigned to Myxococcus flavescens. The type strain of M. flavescens was contained in Group 3 along with the strains of Myxococcus fulvus. Group 4 included the strains belonging to C. coralloides, M. fulvus, and M. stipitatus. The type strain of M. fulvus that was allocated outside Group 4 in the 16S rRNA gene tree belonged to Group 3 in the ITS tree. These results strongly suggest that the morphological characteristics of Myxococcus species are not consistent with the phylogenetic relationships. The Myxococcus species must therefore be redefined according to the phylogenetic relationships revealed in this study.  相似文献   

An ecological study on distribution of Antarctic bacterial communities was determined by 16S-based phylogenetic analyses of clone libraries derived from RNA and DNA extracted from two different marine areas and compared between each other. Superficial seawater samples were collected from four stations in Ross Sea, three of them located in Rod Bay and one in Evans Cove; for each station two clone libraries (16S rDNA and 16S rRNA) were prepared and evident divergences between DNA and RNA libraries of each site were obtained. Of all phylotypes 93.6% were found in RNA libraries; in contrast, only 31 phylotypes (70.5%) were retrieved from total microbial community (DNA libraries). DNA and RNA sequences related to gamma-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes groups, typical for Antarctic sea-ice bacterial communities, were detected in analysed sites. 16S rDNA and rRNA libraries derived from the two different areas were enriched by picophytoplanktonic 16S sequences of plastid and mitochondrion origins, reflecting that the algal blooms occurred during sampling (Antarctic summer 2003). The finding in Rod Bay libraries of high percentage of DNA clones apparently affiliated with beta-Proteobacteria typical for activated sludges and well water could be explained by the presence of a sewage depuration system at this site. Obtained results clearly demonstrate that combination of 16S rDNA and 16S rRNA gene sequencing is preferred approach to have a more reliable vision on the composition of microbial communities.  相似文献   

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