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The DNA integration step in the replication cycle of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been recognized as an important target in antiviral strategies. There are two main reasons for this. First, integration of HIV DNA into the human genome is required for replication of this retrovirus. Second, since the integration reaction does not have an obvious cellular counterpart, drugs that specifically inhibit integration may not be toxic for the cell. Here, we focus on the only protein known to be required for retroviral integration, the integrase (IN) protein.  相似文献   

Recombinant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN) produced in Escherichia coli efficiently cleaves two nucleotides from the 3' end of synthetic oligonucleotide substrates which mimic the termini of HIV-1 proviral DNA. Efficient cleavage was restricted to HIV-1 substrates and did not occur with substrates derived from other retroviruses. Mutagenesis of the U5 long terminal repeat (LTR) terminus revealed only moderate effects of mutations outside the terminal four bases of the U5 LTR and highlighted the critical nature of the conserved CA dinucleotide motif shared by all retroviral termini. Integration of the endonuclease cleavage products occurs subsequent to cleavage, and evidence that the cleavage and integration reactions may be uncoupled is presented. Competition cleavage reactions demonstrated that IN-mediated processing of an LTR substrate could be inhibited by competition with LTR and non-LTR oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Single-amino-acid changes in a highly conserved central region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase protein were analyzed for their effects on viral protein synthesis, virion morphogenesis, and viral replication. Alteration of two amino acids that are invariant among retroviral integrases, D116 and E152 of HIV-1, as well as a mutation of the highly conserved amino acid S147 blocked viral replication in two CD4+ human T-cell lines. Mutations of four other highly conserved amino acids in the region had no detectable effect on viral replication, whereas mutations at two positions, N117 and Y143, resulted in viruses with a delayed-replication phenotype. Defects in virion precursor polypeptide processing, virion morphology, or viral DNA synthesis were observed for all of the replication-defective mutants, indicating that changes in integrase can have pleiotropic effects on viral replication.  相似文献   

We tested whether the selection of target sites can be manipulated by fusing retroviral integrase with a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. A hybrid protein that has the Escherichia coli LexA protein fused to the C terminus of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrase was constructed. The fusion protein, IN1-288/LA, retained the catalytic activities in vitro of the wild-type human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrase (WT IN). Using an in vitro integration assay that included multiple DNA fragment as the target DNA, we found that IN1-288/LA preferentially integrated viral DNA into the fragment containing a DNA sequence specifically bound by LexA protein. No bias was observed when the LexA-binding sequence was absent, when the fusion protein was replaced by WT IN, or when LexA protein was added in the reaction containing IN1-288/LA. A majority of the integration events mediated by IN1-288/LA occurred within 30 bp of DNA flanking the LexA-binding sequence. The specificity toward the LexA-binding sequence and the distribution and frequency of target site usage were unchanged when the integrase component of the fusion protein was replaced with a variant containing a truncation at the N or C terminus or both, suggesting that the domain involved in target site selection resides in the central core region of integrase. The integration bias observed with the integrase-LexA hybrid shows that one effective means of altering the selection of DNA sites for integration is by fusing integrase to a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

Replication of a retroviral genome depends upon integration of the viral DNA into a chromosome of the host cell. The integration reaction is mediated by integrase, a viral enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrase was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. Optimum conditions for the integration and 3'-end-processing activities of integrase were characterized by using an in vitro assay with short, double-stranded oligonucleotide substrates. Mutants containing amino acid substitutions within the HHCC region, defined by phylogenetically conserved pairs of histidine and cysteine residues near the N terminus, were constructed and characterized by using three assays: 3'-end processing, integration, and the reverse of the integration reaction (or disintegration). Mutations in the conserved histidine and cysteine residues abolished both integration and processing activities. Weak activity in both assays was retained by two other mutants containing substitutions for less highly conserved amino acids in this region. All mutants retained activity in the disintegration assay, implying that the active site for DNA cleavage-ligation is not located in this domain and that the HHCC region is not the sole DNA-binding domain in the protein. However, the preferential impairment of processing and integration rather than disintegration by mutations in the HHCC region is consistent with a role for this domain in recognizing features of the viral DNA. This hypothesis is supported by the results of disintegration assays performed with altered substrates. The results support a model involving separate viral and target DNA-binding sites on integrase.  相似文献   

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), like other members of the lentivirus subfamily, such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), can infect nondividing and terminally differentiated cells. The transport of the preintegration complex into the nucleus is cell cycle-independent, but the mechanism is not well understood. Integrase is a key component of the complex and has been suggested to play a role in nuclear import during HIV-1 replication. To determine its karyophilic property, FIV integrase fused with glutathione S-transferase and enhanced green fluorescent protein was expressed in various feline and human cells and the subcellular localization was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Wild-type FIV integrase was karyophilic in all cell lines tested and capable of targeting the fusion protein to the nuclei of transfected cells. Analysis of deletion and point mutation variants of FIV integrase failed to reveal any canonical nuclear localization signal, and the karyophilic determinant was mapped to the highly conserved N-terminal zinc-binding HHCC motif. A region near the C-terminal domain enriched with basic amino acid residues also affected the nuclear import of integrase. However, the role of this region is only modulatory in comparison to that of the zinc-binding domain. The N-terminal zinc-binding domain does not bind DNA and instead is essential in integrase multimerization. We therefore postulate that the karyophilic property of FIV integrase requires subunit multimerization promoted by the HHCC motif. Alternatively, the HHCC motif may directly promote interaction between FIV integrase and cellular proteins involved in nuclear import.  相似文献   

C F Lai  S C Gong    M Esteban 《Journal of virology》1991,65(10):5631-5635
Vaccinia virus (VV) was successfully used as a live vaccine to eradicate smallpox, but the nature of viral proteins involved in eliciting viral immunity has not yet been identified. A potential candidate is a 14-kDa VV envelope protein that is involved in virus penetration at the level of virus-cell fusion, in cell-cell fusion late in infection, and in virus dissemination. The 14-kDa envelope protein has been produced in Escherichia coli, with properties similar to those of the native protein found in the virus particle and in infected cells (C. Lai, S. Gong, and M. Esteban, J. Biol. Chem. 256:22174-22180, 1990). In this investigation, we showed that mice immunized with purified VV 14-kDa protein synthesized in E. coli in the form of a monomer or a trimer develop high-titer neutralizing antibodies and are protected when challenged with lethal doses of wild-type VV. Our findings demonstrate that it is possible to confer protection against VV through immunization with the 14-kDa envelope protein.  相似文献   

In E. coli cells transformed by an expression vector for the production of the protease (PR) integrase (IN) of HIV-1, three vitally encoded proteins were produced: an 11-kDa protein and a 32-kDa protein identified by immunoassays as the mature PR and IN protein, respectively, and an additional protein 15-kDa in size that reacted strongly with an antiserum recognizing a region in the carboxyl half of the IN protein. The kinetics of its synthesis indicated that it was not a degradation product of p32-IN, rather it probably arose from internal initiation at an AUG codon in the middle of the IN gene. Amino terminal sequence analysis of the first 70 residues demonstrated a perfect match with those predicted from the nucleotide sequence, beginning with the methionine codon at position 154 of the integrase gene.  相似文献   

Retroviral serologic profiles were generated for 506 random-source cats (Felis catus) that were received by our facility during a twenty-month period. Feline leukemia virus antigens were detected in plasma samples from 26 (5.1%) of the cats. Antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus were present in 24 (4.7%) of the samples tested. A single cat (0.2%) was positive for both viruses. Neither gender nor vendor correlation with retroviral seropositivity could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Protein folding conditions were established for human immunodeficiency virus integrase (IN) obtained from purified bacterial inclusion bodies. IN was denatured by 6 M guanidine.HCl-5 mM dithiothreitol, purified by gel filtration, and precipitated by ammonium sulfate. The reversible solvation of precipitated IN by 6 M guanidine.HCl allowed for wide variation of protein concentration in the folding reaction. A 6-fold dilution of denatured IN by 1 M NaCl buffer followed by dialysis produced enzymatically active IN capable of 3' OH end processing, strand transfer, and disintegration using various human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) long terminal repeat DNA substrates. The specific activities of folded IN preparations for these enzymatic reactions were comparable to those of soluble IN purified directly from bacteria. The subunit composition and enzymatic activities of IN were affected by the folding conditions. Standard folding conditions were defined in which monomers and protein aggregates sedimenting as dimers and tetramers wree produced. These protein aggregates were enzymatically active, whereas monomers had reduced strand transfer activity. Temperature modifications of the folding conditions permitted formation of mainly monomers. Upon assaying, these monomers were efficient for strand transfer and disintegration, but the oligomeric state of IN under the conditions of the assay is determinate. Our results suggest that monomers of the multidomain HIV-1 IN are folded correctly for various catalytic activities, but the conditions for specific oligomerization in the absence of catalytic activity are undefined.  相似文献   

目的了解肠致病性大肠埃希菌(EPEC)多重耐药菌株中整合酶基因的携带情况,研究整合子与抗生素多重耐药的相关性。方法使用血清学的方法对EPEC进行初筛,用PCR扩增EPEC毒力基因(eae,EAF,bfpA)进行确证。对确证为EPEC的细菌DNA进行提取,使用PCR方法对整合酶基因及在整合子中插入的基因盒进行扩增。EPEC药敏试验采用K-B琼脂扩散法。结果在34株EPEC中,ESBL为14株,其中在lI株ESBL阳性细菌中扩增出整合子I整合酶片段,在20株ESBL阴性细菌中,有7株扩增出相应的片段。在这所有的34株细菌中未检出整合子Ⅱ和Ⅲ。结论I类整合子在肠致病性大肠埃希菌多重耐药菌株中最常见,是导致细菌多重耐药的一个重要因素,合理用药,控制耐药基因的传播是当前医学面临的一个重要问题  相似文献   

The integrase (IN) protein of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is required for specific cleavage of the viral DNA termini, and subsequent integration of the viral DNA into target DNA. To identify the various domains of the IN protein we generated a series of IN deletion mutants as fusions to maltose-binding protein (MBP). The deletion mutants were tested for their ability to bind DNA, to mediate site-specific cleavage of the viral DNA ends, and to carry out integration and disintegration reactions. We found that the DNA-binding region resides between amino acids 200 and 270 of the 288-residues HIV-1 IN protein. The catalytic domain of the protein was mapped between amino acids 50 and 194. For the specific activities of IN, cleavage of the viral DNA and integration, both the DNA-binding domain and the conserved amino-terminal region of IN are required. These regions are dispensable however, for disintegration activity.  相似文献   

The integrase protein (IN) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 removes two nucleotides from both 3' ends of the viral DNA (donor cleavage) and subsequently couples the newly generated 3' OH groups to phosphates in the target DNA (integration). The sequence requirements of IN for cleavage as well as for integration of viral DNA substrates have previously been studied by mutational analyses and by adduct interference assays. We extended these studies by analysis of heteroduplex oligonucleotide substrates and by missing-base analysis. We found for some base pairs that mutation of only one of the two bases and not the other affected IN activity. These base pairs center around the cleavage site. Besides donor cleavage and integration, IN can also perform "intermolecular disintegration," which has been described as the reversal of the integration reaction. We found that this reaction is independent of viral DNA sequences. In addition, the optimum spacing between the integration sites in intermolecular disintegration does not reflect the spacing found in vivo. These results indicate that this reaction is not the exact reversal of integration but rather is a sequence-independent phosphoryl transfer reaction between gapped DNA duplex molecules.  相似文献   

The integrase (IN) protein of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) mediates two distinct reactions: (i) specific removal of two nucleotides from the 3' ends of the viral DNA and (ii) integration of the viral DNA into target DNA. Although IN discriminates between specific (viral) DNA and nonspecific DNA in physical in vitro assays, a sequence-specific DNA-binding domain could not be identified in the protein. A nonspecific DNA-binding domain, however, was found at the C terminus of the protein. We examined the DNA-binding characteristics of HIV-1 IN, and found that a stable complex of IN and viral DNA is formed in the presence of Mn2+. The IN-viral DNA complex is resistant to challenge by an excess of competitor DNA. Stable binding of IN to the viral DNA requires that the protein contains an intact N-terminal domain and active site (in the central region of the protein), in addition to the C-terminal DNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

Sequences coding for the nonstructural protein NS1 of the autonomous parvovirus feline panleukopenia virus were expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins. The fusion proteins were specifically bound by antisera from canine parvovirus-infected dogs. Antisera against one of the fusion proteins bound to several proteins found only in feline panleukopenia virus-infected feline cells.  相似文献   

Integration of retroviral DNA into the host cell genome requires the interaction of retroviral integrase (IN) protein with the outer ends of both viral long terminal repeats (LTRs) to remove two nucleotides from the 3' ends (3' processing) and to join the 3' ends to newly created 5' ends in target DNA (strand transfer). We have purified the IN protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) after production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found it to have many of the properties described for retroviral IN proteins. The protein performs both 3' processing and strand transfer reactions by using HIV-1 or HIV-2 attachment (att) site oligonucleotides. A highly conserved CA dinucleotide adjacent to the 3' processing site of HIV-1 is important for both the 3' processing and strand transfer reactions; however, it is not sufficient for full IN activity, since alteration of nucleotide sequences internal to the HIV-1 U5 CA also impairs IN function, and Moloney murine leukemia virus att site oligonucleotides are poor substrates for HIV-1 IN. When HIV-1 att sequences are positioned internally in an LTR-LTR circle junction substrate, HIV-1 IN fails to cleave the substrate preferentially at positions coinciding with correct 3' processing, implying a requirement for positioning att sites near DNA ends. The 2 bp normally located beyond the 3' CA in linear DNA are not essential for in vitro integration, since mutant oligonucleotides with single-stranded 3' or 5' extensions or with no residues beyond the CA dinucleotide are efficiently used. Selection of target sites is nonrandom when att site oligonucleotides are joined to each other in vitro. We modified an in vitro assay to distinguish oligonucleotides serving as the substrate for 3' processing and as the target for strand transfer. The modified assay demonstrates that nonrandom usage of target sites is dependent on the target oligonucleotide sequence and independent of the oligonucleotide used as the substrate for 3' processing.  相似文献   

In vivo lymphocyte tropism of feline immunodeficiency virus.   总被引:25,自引:21,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

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