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Liang S  Lin Y  Li C  Ye Y 《Biotechnology letters》2012,34(5):957-964
The imitation of translation, as mediated by internal ribosome entry sites, has not yet been reported in Pichia pastoris. An IRES element from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was demonstrated to direct the translation of a dicistronic mRNA in P. pastoris. The 5′-untranslated region of GPR1 mRNA, termed GPR, was cloned into a dual reporter construct containing an upstream Rhizomucor miehei lipase (RML) and a downstream β-galactosidase gene (lacZ) from Escherichia coli BL21. After being transformed into P. pastoris, the RML gene and lacZ were simultaneously expressed. The possibility of DNA rearrangement, spurious splicing, or cryptic promoter in the GPR sequence were eliminated, indicating that expression of a second ORF was IRES-dependent. These findings strongly suggested that the IRES-dependent translation initiation mechanism is conserved in P. pastoris and provides a useful means to express multiple genes simultaneously.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C viral mRNA initiates translation using an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located in the 5' noncoding region of the viral genome. At physiological magnesium ion concentrations, the HCV IRES forms a binary complex with the 40S ribosomal subunit, recruits initiation factor eIF3 and the ternary eIF2/GTP/Met-tRNA(i)Met complex, and joins 60S subunits to assemble translation-competent 80S ribosomes. Here we show that in the presence of 5 mM MgCl2, the HCV IRES can initiate translation by an alternative mechanism that does not require known initiation factors. Specifically, the HCV IRES was shown to initiate translation in a reconstituted system consisting only of purified 40S and 60S subunits, elongation factors, and aminoacylated tRNAs at high magnesium concentration. Analyses of assembled complexes supported a mechanism by which preformed 80S ribosomes can assemble directly on the HCV IRES at high cation concentrations. This mechanism is reminiscent of that employed by the divergent IRES elements in the Dicistroviridae, exemplified by the cricket paralysis virus, which mediates initiation of protein synthesis without initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

The ribosome, an integral component of the protein synthetic apparatus, plays a role in mediating the fidelity of the translation of genetic information. It is proposed here that ribosome fidelity modulation can be achieved in part through ribosomal RNA interactions with messenger RNA. These nucleic acid interactions generate alterations in the configuration of the ribosome which enhance the particles affinity for classes on specific transfer RNAs. These changes are directly related to the information content of a given messenger RNA which is being translated and yield an increase in the fidelity of translation. The molecular mechanism for effecting the ribosomal structural changes in response to the genetic code is described and correlated with the properties of ribosomal proteins and transfer RNAs.  相似文献   

C U Hellen  T V Pestova    E Wimmer 《Journal of virology》1994,68(10):6312-6322
Initiation of poliovirus translation is mediated by a large, structured segment of the 5' nontranslated region known as the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) and normally occurs 155 nucleotides (nt) downstream of the IRES at AUG743 (the AUG at nucleotide 743). Functional AUG codons introduced at nt 611 or 614 reduced initiation at AUG743 by 10 to 40% in vitro but had no effect on virus phenotype. To investigate the role of the nt 586-743 spacer in greater detail, four intervening termination codons were removed, and an additional AUG triplet at nt 683 was introduced by nucleotide substitution. Initiation at AUG743 was reduced by only 50 to 80%, depending on the number of upstream initiation codons. Initiation at AUG743 was also reduced following insertion of a stable hairpin at nt 630, but the reduction was modest in an ascites carcinoma cell extract. Initiation was more frequent at AUG743 than at AUG683 if mRNAs contained either an upstream initiation codon or the stable hairpin. These results suggested that not all initiation events at AUG743 can be accounted for by a scanning-dependent mechanism. Translation of bicistronic mRNAs in which the intercistronic spacer contained nt 630 to 742 of the poliovirus 5' nontranslated region indicated that these residues are not able to act as an entry point for ribosomes independently of the IRES. Insertion of increasingly longer sequences immediately downstream of the stable hairpin progressively reduced initiation at AUG743 without affecting initiation at AUG683. These results are discussed in terms of a model for initiation of poliovirus translation in which a complex RNA superstructure upstream of nt 586 promotes ribosome binding at an entry point determined by specific downstream cis-acting elements.  相似文献   

The study of the regulation of initiation of protein synthesis has recently gained momentum because of the established relationship between translation initiation, cell growth and tumorigenesis. Therefore much effort is devoted to the role of protein kinases which are activated in signal transduction cascades and which are responsible for the phosphorylation of a number of initiation factors. These specific factors are mainly involved in the binding of messenger RNA to the 40S ribosome, a process that makes the unwinding of the 5 untranslated region necessary. It appears that the phosphorylation of these factors increases their ability for cap recognition and helicase activity. The enhanced phosphorylation of the messenger binding factors results not only in an overall stimulation of translation, but especially weak messengers are positively discriminated. The above mechanisms mainly deal with qualitative control of translation, i.e., messenger selection, but phosphorylation also plays a role in quantitative regulation of protein synthesis. The generation of active eIF-2, the initiation factor that binds the Met-tRNA i and GTP, is dependent on a factor involved in the GDP-GTP exchange. Phosphorylation of eIF-2 results in sequestration of the exchange factor and a slowing down of the rate of initiation.Abbreviations eIF eukaryotic initiation factor - 5 UTR 5 untranslated region  相似文献   



In red blood cells, protein 4.1 (4.1R) is an 80 kDa protein that stabilizes the spectrin-actin network and anchors it to the plasma membrane through its FERM domain. While the expression pattern of 4.1R in mature red cells is relatively simple, a rather complex array of 4.1R protein isoforms varying in N-terminal extensions, internal sequences and subcellular locations has been identified in nucleated cells. Among these, 135 kDa and 80 kDa isoforms have different N-terminal extensions and are expressed either from AUG1- or AUG2-containing mRNAs, respectively. These two types of mRNAs, varying solely by presence/absence of 17 nucleotides (nt) which contain the AUG1 codon, are produced by alternative splicing of the 4.1R pre-mRNA. It is unknown whether the 699 nt region comprised between AUG1 and AUG2, kept as a 5' untranslated region in AUG2-containing mRNAs, plays a role on 4.1R mRNA translation.  相似文献   

A highly efficient mammalian system was developed for the in vitro translation of exogenous rabbit globin messenger RNA. The system consists of purified ribosome subunits from mouse liver, rabbit reticulocytes, or guinea pig brain, partially purified initiation factors from rabbit reticulocytes, and elongation factors, termination factors, aminoacyl-tRNA synthethases and tRNA from rat liver in the form of pH 5-enzymes. (1) Emphasis was put on well-defined, structurally and functionally intact ribosomes, which we found to be the most difficult component of the system in terms of stability of activity. (2) An improved method for extraction of initiation factors from crude reticulocyte ribosomes was developed. Factor preparations of high specific activity were obtained by a simple, partial purification procedure. The crucial point was not to damage the ribosome structure during extraction of the initiation factors and to eliminate inhibitory components during extraction and purification. (3) The efficiency of the system was demonstrated quantitatively by showing that between 34 and one mRNA molecule per ribosome saturates the system and that each ribosome recycles over the mRNA several times. (4) Major uncertainties and ambiguities in the search for and identification of true initiation factors, as opposed to structural ribosome proteins needed for the reconstitution of damaged ribosomes, can be reduced by using this system.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that during apoptosis protein synthesis is inhibited and that this is in part due to the proteolytic cleavage of eukaryotic initiation factor 4G (eIF4G). Initiation of translation can occur either by a cap-dependent mechanism or by internal ribosome entry. The latter mechanism is dependent on a complex structural element located in the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA which is termed an internal ribosome entry segment (IRES). In general, IRES-mediated translation does not require eIF4E or full-length eIF4G. In order to investigate whether cap-dependent and cap-independent translation are reduced during apoptosis, we examined the expression of c-Myc during this process, since we have shown previously that the 5' untranslated region of the c-myc proto-oncogene contains an IRES. c-Myc expression was determined in HeLa cells during apoptosis induced by tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand. We have demonstrated that the c-Myc protein is still expressed when more than 90% of the cells are apoptotic. The presence of the protein in apoptotic cells does not result from either an increase in protein stability or an increase in expression of c-myc mRNA. Furthermore, we show that during apoptosis initiation of c-myc translation occurs by internal ribosome entry. We have investigated the signaling pathways that are involved in this response, and cotransfection with plasmids which harbor either wild-type or constitutively active MKK6, a specific immediate upstream activator of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), increases IRES-mediated translation. In addition, the c-myc IRES is inhibited by SB203580, a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK. Our data, therefore, strongly suggest that the initiation of translation via the c-myc IRES during apoptosis is mediated by the p38 MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

A cell cycle-dependent internal ribosome entry site   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The eukaryotic mRNA 5' cap structure facilitates translation. However, cap-dependent translation is impaired at mitosis, suggesting a cap-independent mechanism for mRNAs translated during mitosis. Translation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyamines, peaks twice during the cell cycle, at the G1/S transition and at G2/M. Here, we describe a cap-independent internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in the ODC mRNA that functions exclusively at G2/M. This ensures elevated levels of polyamines, which are implicated in mitotic spindle formation and chromatin condensation. c-myc mRNA also contains an IRES that functions during mitosis. Thus, IRES-dependent translation is likely to be a general mechanism to synthesize short-lived proteins even at mitosis, when cap-dependent translation is interdicted.  相似文献   

The protein covalent modification state of eucaryotic initiation factors eIF-2 and eIF-4B in HeLa cells was examined after they were exposed to a variety of conditions or treatments that regulate protein synthesis. A few factors (e.g., variant pH and sodium fluoride) altered the phosphorylation state of the initiation factor proteins, but the majority (hypertonic medium, ethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide sodium selenite, sodium azide, and colchicine) had no effect on either protein. While initiation factor phosphorylation may regulate protein synthesis in response to many physiological situations, other pathways can regulate protein synthesis under nonphysiological circumstances.  相似文献   

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