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Merkel cells are specialized cells in the skin that are important for proper neural encoding of light touch stimuli. Conflicting evidence suggests that these cells are lineally descended from either the skin or the neural crest. To address this question, we used epidermal (Krt14Cre) and neural crest (Wnt1Cre) Cre-driver lines to conditionally delete Atoh1 specifically from the skin or neural crest lineages, respectively, of mice. Deletion of Atoh1 from the skin lineage resulted in loss of Merkel cells from all regions of the skin, while deletion from the neural crest lineage had no effect on this cell population. Thus, mammalian Merkel cells are derived from the skin lineage.  相似文献   

The oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte progenitor cells (precursors of oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes) are an excellent system in which to study differentiation as they can be manipulated in vitro. Maintenance of oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte progenitor cells requires basic fibroblast growth factor, a growth factor whose action normally depends on a heparan sulfate coreceptor. Biochemical analysis revealed a most surprising result: that the oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte progenitors did not synthesize heparan sulfate, the near ubiquitous N-sulfated cell surface polysaccharide, but the chemically related heparin in a form that was almost completely N- and O-sulfated. The heparin was detected in the pericellular fraction of the cells and the culture medium. In contrast the differentiated glial subpopulations (oligodendrocytes and type-2 astrocytes) synthesized typical heparan sulfate but with distinctive fine structural features for each cell type. Thus heparin is a unique differentiation marker in the glial lineage. Previously heparin has been found only in a subset of mature mast cells called the connective tissue mast cells. Its presence within the developing nervous system on a precise population of progenitors may confer specific and essential recognition properties on those cells in relation to binding soluble growth and/or differentiation factors and the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Lineage formation in the lung mesenchyme is poorly understood. Using a transgenic mouse line expressing LacZ under the control of Fgf10 regulatory sequences, we show that the pool of Fgf10-positive cells in the distal lung mesenchyme contains progenitors of the parabronchial smooth muscle cells. Fgf10 gene expression is slightly repressed in this transgenic line. This allowed us to create a hypomorphic Fgf10 phenotype by expressing the LacZ transgene in a heterozygous Fgf10 background. Hypomorphic Fgf10 mutant lungs display a decrease in beta-galactosidase-positive cells around the bronchial epithelium associated with an accumulation of beta-galactosidase-expressing cells in the distal mesenchyme. This correlates with a marked reduction of alpha smooth muscle actin expression, thereby demonstrating that FGF10 is mostly required for the entry of mesenchymal cells into the parabronchial smooth muscle cell lineage. The failure of exogenous FGF10 to phosphorylate its known downstream targets ERK and AKT in lung mesenchymal cultures strongly suggests that FGF10 acts indirectly on the progenitor population via an epithelial intermediate. We provide support for a role of epithelial BMP4 in mediating the formation of parabronchial smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms that establish and maintain the proliferation and differentiation programs of the gastric epithelium. This is largely due to the complexity of the gastric epithelial units and the presence of the different epithelial lineage progenitors among heterogeneous populations of various mature cell types. This study is undertaken to establish an in vitro system highly enriched for gastric epithelial lineage progenitors. By using adult male rabbits, a simple method of isolating gastric epithelial cell fractions enriched in lineage progenitors was applied. Cultured cells labeled with bromodeoxyuridine were characterized by using lectin and immunohistochemical studies at light- and electronmicroscopical levels. Analysis of primary cultures derived from the progenitor cell region of the epithelial units revealed that this system can support the proliferation and some of the differentiation programs of the progenitor cells. Cultured cells can be maintained for up to 5 days, while retaining most of the morphological features, molecular markers, and dynamic behavior of gastric epithelial progenitors. Differential cell counts at 1-day culture revealed that, while the undifferentiated progenitors formed about 30% of all attached cells, pre-pit, pit, and preparietal cells represented about 30%, 10%, and 2%, respectively. By 3 days, the increase in the percentage of pit and preparietal cells up to 25% and 9%, respectively, reflected their production in vitro. In conclusion, we have established a culture system enriched for gastric epithelial lineage progenitors that would hopefully allow the identification of factors and mechanisms involved in controlling their proliferative activity and differentiation pathways.  相似文献   



Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an unusual primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin. MCC is a fatal disease, and patients have a poor chance of survival. Moreover, MCC lacks distinguishing clinical features, and thus by the time the diagnosis is made, the tumour usually have metastasized. MCC mainly affects sun-exposed areas of elderly persons. Half of the tumours are located in the head and neck region.


MCC was first described in 1972. Since then, most of the cases reported, have been in small series of patients. Most of the reports concern single cases or epidemiological studies. The present study reviews the world literature on MCC. The purpose of this article is to shed light on this unknown neuroendocrine carcinoma and provide the latest information on prognostic markers and treatment options.


The epidemiological studies have revealed that large tumour size, male sex, truncal site, nodal/distant disease at presentation, and duration of disease before presentation, are poor prognostic factors. The recommended initial treatment is extensive local excision. Adjuvant radiation therapy has recently been shown to improve survival. Thus far, no chemotherapy protocol have achieved the same objective.


Although rare, the fatality of this malignancy makes is important to understand the etiology and pathophysiology. During the last few years, the research on MCC has produced prognostic markers, which can be translated into clinical patient care.  相似文献   

Lymphatic mapping for Merkel cell carcinoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Merkel cell trabecular carcinoma of the skin has a prognosis poorer than expected for a small skin lesion. An early diagnosis and prompt treatment can contribute to improve survival in cases of this aggressive skin tumor. A wide local excision is indicated for localized disease. Elective lymph node dissection is controversial. The authors report a rare case of Merkel cell tumor treated with wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy.  相似文献   

The location and lineage of cells that give rise to endocrine islets during embryogenesis has not been established nor has the origin or identity of adult islet stem cells. We have employed an inducible Cre-ER(TM)-LoxP system to indelibly mark the progeny of cells expressing either Ngn3 or Pdx1 at different stages of development. The results provide direct evidence that NGN3+ cells are islet progenitors during embryogenesis and in adult mice. In addition, we find that cells expressing Pdx1 give rise to all three types of pancreatic tissue: exocrine, endocrine and duct. Furthermore, exocrine and endocrine cells are derived from Pdx1-expressing progenitors throughout embryogenesis. By contrast, the pancreatic duct arises from PDX1+ progenitors that are set aside around embryonic day 10.5 (E9.5-E11.5). These findings suggest that lineages for exocrine, endocrine islet and duct progenitors are committed at mid-gestation.  相似文献   

Glial cells are derived from stem cells that mature through specific stages of development to generate fully differentiated astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Several types of intermediate precursors have been described and in some cases lineage relationships identified although this remains a subject of controversy. We review recent findings and discuss some possibilities. Motoneuron-oligodendrocyte precursors (MNOPs), white matter progenitor cells (WMPCs), polydendrocytes, glial restricted precursors (GRPs), astrocyte precursor cells (APCs), and oligodendroblasts are likely all derived from earlier appearing stem cells but segregate at different stages in development. Some of these precursors persist in the adult, and it is these glial progenitors rather than stem cells that respond after injury and participate in the repair process. Although which specific glial progenitor responds remains unclear, the availability of new markers will likely resolve this issue. We believe that the development of consensus sets of markers and an improvement in our ability to define stages of glial maturation will lead to a clearer appreciation of the importance of glia in the etiopathology of disease.  相似文献   

Stomatal development in Arabidopsis thaliana has been linked to photoreceptor-perceived light through several components of the photomorphogenic switch, whose lack of function is often seedling-lethal. CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 10 (COP10) is an important component of this switch, its loss of function producing stomatal clusters. Exploiting the reduced lethality of the cop10-1 mutant we characterized the developmental basis of its stomatal phenotype. Constitutive, light-independent stomata overproduction accounts for half of cop10-1 stomatal abundance and appears very early in development. Clusters are responsible for the remaining stomata excess and build-up progressively at later stages. Serial impressions of living cotyledon epidermis allowed a dynamic, quantitative analysis of stomatal lineage types by reconstructing their division histories. We found that COP10 adjusts the initiation frequency and extension of stomatal lineages (entry and amplifying asymmetric divisions) and represses stomatal fate in lineage cells; COP10 also supervises the orientation of spacing divisions in satellite lineages, preventing the appearance of stomata in contact. Aberrant accumulation of the proliferating stomatal lineage cell marker TMMpro::TMM-GFP showed that the abundant cop10-1 stomatal lineages maintained extended and ectopic competence for stomatal fate. Expression of stomatal development master genes suggests that the mutant does not bypass major molecular actors in this process. cop10-1 first leaf produces trichomes and apparently normal pavement cells, but functionally and morphologically aberrant stomata; COP10 operates genetically in parallel to the stomatal repressor SDD1 and does not generally affect epidermal cell differentiation, but seems to operate on stomatal lineages where it controls specific cell-lineage and cell-signaling developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cytoplasm from muscle lineage blastomeres of an ascidian embryo can cause cells of a nonmuscle lineage to produce larval tail muscle acetylcholinesterase. Muscle cytoplasm was partitioned microsurgically into epidermal lineage blastomeres at the eight-cell stage. Posterior half-embryos (the two B3 cells) of Ascidia nigra were obtained first by separating the anterior and posterior blastomere pairs at the four-cell stage. At third cleavage, the two B3 cells divide into an ectodermal cell pair that gives rise solely to epidermal tissues, and a mesodermal-endodermal blastomere pair from which the tail muscle cells are derived. When the ectodermal and mesendodermal blastomere pairs were isolated from one another by microsurgery and reared as partial embryos, only cells originating from the mesendodermal blastomeres produced a histochemical acetylcholinesterase reaction. Immediately after cleavage of the isolated B3 cells into ectodermal and mesendodermal cell pairs, the cleavage furrows could be made to disappear by pressing firmly on the mesendodermal cells with a microneedle. Repeated up and down pressure with the microneedle at a new position across the mesendodermal cells caused furrows to reestablish in the new position, thereby incorporating mesodermal cytoplasm and increasing the size of the ectodermal cells. The cytoplasmically altered ectodermal blastomere pairs, which became detached from the mesendodermal cells by this microsurgical procedure, continued to divide and were reared to “larval” stages. One-third of these epidermal partial larvae produced patches of cells containing acetylcholinesterase. These results lend further support to the theory that choice of particular differentiation pathways (embryonic determination) in ascidian embryos is mediated by segregation of specific egg cytoplasmic determinants.  相似文献   

Neural crest-derived melanoblasts are the progenitors of melanocytes, the pigment cells of the skin, hair and choroid. Previous studies of adult chimaeric mice carrying different coat colour markers have suggested that the total melanocyte population is derived from a small number of melanoblast progenitors, each of which generates a discrete unilateral transverse band of colour. This work also suggested minimal mixing of cells between clones. We have used two complementary approaches to assess the behaviour of migrating clones of melanoblasts directly in the developing embryo. First, we made aggregation chimaeras between transgenic Dct-lacZ and non-transgenic embryos, in which lacZ is a marker for melanoblasts. Second, we generated transgenic mice carrying a modified lacZ reporter construct containing a 289 base pair duplication (laacZ) under the control of the Dct promoter. The laacZ transgene is normally inactive, but reverts to wild-type lacZ at low frequency, labelling a cell and all of its progeny at random. Mosaic embryos containing labelled melanoblast clones were generated. In contrast to previous data, chimaeric and mosaic embryonic melanoblast patterns suggest that: (1) there is a large number of melanoblast progenitors; (2) there is a pool of melanoblasts in the cervical region; (3) different cell dispersion mechanisms may operate in the head and trunk regions; and (4) there is extensive axial mixing between clones.  相似文献   

Merkel cells, the neurosecretory cells of skin, are essential for light-touch responses and may probably fulfill additional functions. Whether these cells derive from an epidermal or a neural lineage has been a matter of dispute for a long time. In mice, recent studies have clearly demonstrated an epidermal origin of Merkel cells. Given the differences in Merkel cell distribution between human and murine skin, it is, however, unclear whether the same holds true for human Merkel cells. We therefore attempted to gain insight into the human Merkel cell lineage by co-immunodetection of the Merkel cell marker protein cytokeratin 20 (CK20) with various proteins known to be expressed either in epidermal or in neural stem cells of the skin. Neither Sox10 nor Pax3, both established markers of the neural crest lineage, exhibited any cell co-labeling with CK20. By contrast, β1 integrin, known to be enriched in epidermal stem cells, was found in nearly 70 % of interfollicular epidermal and 25 % of follicular Merkel cells. Moreover, LRIG1, also enriched in epidermal stem cells, displayed significant co-immunolabeling with CK20 as well (approximately 20 % in the interfollicular epidermis and 7 % in the hair follicle, respectively). Further epidermal markers were detected in sporadic Merkel cells. Cells co-expressing CK20 with epidermal markers may represent a transitory state between stem cells and differentiated cells. β1 integrin is probably also synthesized by a large subset of mature Merkel cells. Summarizing, our data suggest that human Merkel cells may originate from epidermal rather than neural progenitors.  相似文献   

Specific, high affinity receptors for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) have been identified on a human pre-B cell line, Nalm 6, and on a human plasma cell line, Dakiki. The single class of high affinity sites exhibited a KD of 12.6 +/- 2.9 nM for VIP in Nalm 6 cells and 9.1 +/- 2.7 nM in Dakiki plasma cells. The homologous peptides, peptide histidine methionine (PHM), growth hormone releasing factor (GHRF), and secretin were all less effective than VIP in competitively inhibiting binding of 125I-VIP to Nalm 6 and Dakiki plasma membranes. The putative receptor was characterized as a 47-kDa protein using covalent cross-linking techniques and VIP stimulated adenylate cyclase in pre-B cells. Human lymphocytes of B cell lineage thus appear to express functional VIP receptors homologous to the receptor identified in T lymphoblasts, brain, pituitary, and intestine.  相似文献   

Determination of the yeast cell lineage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A J Klar 《Cell》1987,49(4):433-435

Improved fluorescent compounds for tracing cell lineage   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In this note simple methods for the synthesis of several new fluorescent cell lineage tracers are described. These are fluorescent dextrans with average molecular weights of approximately 11 X 10(3), and with one or more fluorophore molecules covalently coupled to each dextran chain. These fluorescent dextrans are brighter than commercially obtainable products, and can be microinjected using either air-pressure injection or iontophoresis. They are long-lasting and have a uniform distribution in the cytoplasm of embryonic cells, clearly revealing very fine cell extensions such as cilia, axons, and filipodia. A method is also described for covalently attaching free amino groups to fluorescent dextran to make the tracers cofixable with cellular constituents by aldehyde treatment. Fluorescent dextran-amine tracers allow embryonic cell lineages to be studied in fixed, permeabilized, or sectioned embryos.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cells can in principle be used as a source of any differentiated cell type for disease modelling, drug screening, toxicology testing or cell replacement therapy. Type I diabetes is considered a major target for stem cell applications due to the shortage of primary human beta cells. Several protocols have been reported for generating pancreatic progenitors by in vitro differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells. Here we first assessed one of these protocols on a panel of pluripotent stem cell lines for capacity to engender glucose sensitive insulin-producing cells after engraftment in immunocompromised mice. We observed variable outcomes with only one cell line showing a low level of glucose response. We, therefore, undertook a systematic comparison of different methods for inducing definitive endoderm and subsequently pancreatic differentiation. Of several protocols tested, we identified a combined approach that robustly generated pancreatic progenitors in vitro from both embryo-derived and induced pluripotent stem cells. These findings suggest that, although there are intrinsic differences in lineage specification propensity between pluripotent stem cell lines, optimal differentiation procedures may consistently direct a substantial fraction of cells into pancreatic specification.  相似文献   

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