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Growing evidence indicates that syntax and semantics are basic aspects of music. After the onset of a chord, initial music-syntactic processing can be observed at about 150-400 ms and processing of musical semantics at about 300-500 ms. Processing of musical syntax activates inferior frontolateral cortex, ventrolateral premotor cortex and presumably the anterior part of the superior temporal gyrus. These brain structures have been implicated in sequencing of complex auditory information, identification of structural relationships, and serial prediction. Processing of musical semantics appears to activate posterior temporal regions. The processes and brain structures involved in the perception of syntax and semantics in music have considerable overlap with those involved in language perception, underlining intimate links between music and language in the human brain.  相似文献   

The early history of the experimental work leading to the discovery that long-term potentiation (LTP) embodies Hebb's principle of association is described. In addition, the fallacy underlying the sometimes presumed distinction between 'cooperativity' and 'associativity' in the induction of LTP is pointed out.  相似文献   

Neural assemblies and laminar interactions in the cerebral cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Neural assemblies are assumed to become organized and to operate within the cerebral cortex, and so must be constrained by the cytological and physiological properties of this laminated structure. A hypothesis of such assemblies is presented, based on important details of neuronal architecture and physiology in different cortical laminae. Laminae II, III and VI, which are the origin and termination of most cortico-cortical projections, are regarded as the site of storage of most of the information encoded by assemblies – a neuronal ‘library’. Laminae II and III are the most sensitive coincidence detectors, and therefore probably initiate the process of assembly formation. However, these three laminae have very low levels of spontaneous activity in the waking state, and so active cell assemblies cannot base their functioning on these laminae alone. Lamina V pyramidal cells have a much higher level of spontaneous activity. Thus, indirect pathways between ‘library’ cells, via lamina V pyramidal cells, are likely to be more secure than direct ones. It is proposed that direct links between ‘library’ cells become stabilized by Hebbian strengthening, once the recipient ‘library’ cell has been ‘primed’ by neural activity transmitted indirectly via lamina V neurones. Thus lamina V neurones could catalyse the process of assembly formation. Given this proposal, lamina V cells, in their interaction with ‘library’ cells, would code information in terms of precisely timed individual impulses, but would employ a code based on slower frequency changes in their descending influences upon neural centres in the brainstem and spinal cord. Predictions for single unit and electrographic experiments are discussed. Received: 30 November 1995/Accepted in revised form: 3 June 1996  相似文献   

A simple model is presented for the formation of functional groups in a random neural net. They show the following characteristics: 1. They can maintain autonomous activity which might serve as temporary memory traces. 2. Early in the process of formation they become resistant to contraction. 3. Later they become resistant to expansion. 4. Nearby groups inhibit one another. 5. Two groups may contain some cells in common.  相似文献   

Since the cell assembly (CA) was hypothesised, it has gained substantial support and is believed to be the neural basis of psychological concepts. A CA is a relatively small set of connected neurons, that through neural firing can sustain activation without stimulus from outside the CA, and is formed by learning. Extensive evidence from multiple single unit recording and other techniques provides support for the existence of CAs that have these properties, and that their neurons also spike with some degree of synchrony. Since the evidence is so broad and deep, the review concludes that CAs are all but certain. A model of CAs is introduced that is informal, but is broad enough to include, e.g. synfire chains, without including, e.g. holographic reduced representation. CAs are found in most cortical areas and in some sub-cortical areas, they are involved in psychological tasks including categorisation, short-term memory and long-term memory, and are central to other tasks including working memory. There is currently insufficient evidence to conclude that CAs are the neural basis of all concepts. A range of models have been used to simulate CA behaviour including associative memory and more process- oriented tasks such as natural language parsing. Questions involving CAs, e.g. memory persistence, CAs’ complex interactions with brain waves and learning, remain unanswered. CA research involves a wide range of disciplines including biology and psychology, and this paper reviews literature directly related to the CA, providing a basis of discussion for this interdisciplinary community on this important topic. Hopefully, this discussion will lead to more formal and accurate models of CAs that are better linked to neuropsychological data.  相似文献   

The evolution of human speech and syntax, which appear to be the defining characteristics of modern human beings, is discussed. Speech depends on the morphology of the mouth, tongue, and larynx which yield the human «vocal tract», and neural mechanisms that facilitate the perception of speech and make possible the control of the articulatory gestures that underly speech. The neural mechanisms that underly human syntax may have derived by means of the Darwinian process of preadaption from the structures of the brain that first evolved to facilitate speech motor control. Recent data consistent with this theory are presented; deficits in the comprehension of syntax of normal aged people are correlated with a slowdown in speech rate.  相似文献   

Hebbian cell assemblies provide a theoretical framework for the modeling of cognitive processes that grounds them in the underlying physiological neural circuits. Recently we have presented an extension of cell assemblies by operational components which allows to model aspects of language, rules, and complex behaviour. In the present work we study the generation of syntactic sequences using operational cell assemblies timed by unspecific trigger signals. Syntactic patterns are implemented in terms of hetero-associative transition graphs in attractor networks which cause a directed flow of activity through the neural state space. We provide regimes for parameters that enable an unspecific excitatory control signal to switch reliably between attractors in accordance with the implemented syntactic rules. If several target attractors are possible in a given state, noise in the system in conjunction with a winner-takes-all mechanism can randomly choose a target. Disambiguation can also be guided by context signals or specific additional external signals. Given a permanently elevated level of external excitation the model can enter an autonomous mode, where it generates temporal grammatical patterns continuously.  相似文献   

Protein machines and lipid bilayers both play central roles in cell membrane fusion, a process crucial to life. Recent results provide clues to how both components function in fusion. Recent observations suggest a common mechanism by which very different fusion machines (from lipid-enveloped viruses and synaptic vesicles) may function to produce compartment-joining pores. This mechanism presumes that fusion proteins act as machines that use stored conformational energy to assemble closely juxtaposed lipid bilayers, bend these to form fusion-competent structures, stabilize unfavorable lipid structures and destabilize a committed intermediate to drive fusion pore formation.  相似文献   

Protein folding: local structures, domains, subunits, and assemblies   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
R Jaenicke 《Biochemistry》1991,30(13):3147-3161

We extend the theory of weakly coupled oscillators to incorporate slowly varying inputs and parameters. We employ a combination of regular perturbation and an adiabatic approximation to derive equations for the phase-difference between a pair of oscillators. We apply this to the simple Hopf oscillator and then to a biophysical model. The latter represents the behavior of a neuron that is subject to slow modulation of a muscarinic current such as would occur during transient attention through cholinergic activation. Our method extends and simplifies the recent work of Kurebayashi (Physical Review Letters, 111, 214101, 2013) to include coupling. We apply the method to an all-to-all network and show that there is a waxing and waning of synchrony of modulated neurons.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how associative neural networks as standard models for Hebbian cell assemblies can be extended to implement language processes in large-scale brain simulations. To this end the classical auto- and hetero-associative paradigms of attractor nets and synfire chains (SFCs) are combined and complemented by conditioned associations as a third principle which allows for the implementation of complex graph-like transition structures between assemblies. We show example simulations of a multiple area network for object-naming, which categorises objects in a visual hierarchy and generates different specific syntactic motor sequences ("words") in response. The formation of cell assemblies due to ongoing plasticity in a multiple area network for word learning is studied afterwards. Simulations show how assemblies can form by means of percolating activity across auditory and motor-related language areas, a process supported by rhythmic, synchronized propagating waves through the network. Simulations further reproduce differences in own EEG&MEG experiments between responses to word- versus non-word stimuli in human subjects.  相似文献   

The adhesion of cells to their surrounding extracellular matrix has vital roles in embryonic development, inflammatory responses, wound healing and adult tissue homeostasis. Cells attach to extracellular matrix by specific cell-surface receptors, of which the integrins and transmembrane proteoglycans are major representatives. The engagement of adhesion receptors triggers assembly of functional matrix contacts, in which bound matrix components, adhesion receptors and associated intracellular cytoskeletal and signalling molecules form large, localised multiprotein complexes. This review discusses the functional categories of matrix contacts, examples of the biological roles of matrix contacts in normal physiology, and examples of the ways in which abnormalities of matrix contacts are associated with major human diseases.  相似文献   

We explore the diachronic development of verbal reduplication in Ancient Egyptian (Afro-Asiatic) by systematically comparing reduplicative stem formations in Old Egyptian (2500–2000 BC) and in Coptic Egyptian (3rd–12th c. AD). Old Egyptian is a language with a rich inventory of reduplication patterns, which have been reduced in the course of almost four thousand years of uninterrupted language history. Coptic retains only a limited number of reduplicative stem formations, frequently with concomitant loss of the simple stem. We show that the decreasing productivity of verbal reduplication in the language correlates with broad morphological and syntactic changes in the verbal domain.  相似文献   

Rosaria L  D'urso A  Mammana A  Purrello R 《Chirality》2008,20(3-4):411-419
The interaction between the tetra-anionic porphyrin H2TPPS and its copper derivative, CuTPPS, with the tetra-cationic porphyrin H2T4 and its copper derivative, CuT4, leads, in aqueous solution, to the formation of remarkably stable and kinetically inert heteroaggregates. The aggregation process is under hierarchic control and, in the presence of a suitable chiral mold, leads to the formation of chiral porphyrin heteroassemblies as stable and inert as the achiral ones. Because of these properties, the chirality of the porphyrin "imprinted" heteroaggregates not only survives the disruption of the template, but also to its complete removal from the solution. Notably, the template-free chiral porphyrin system is an excellent mold for its own self-replication. The relevant characteristics of these chiral heteroaggregates together with the knowledge of the forces that guide the aggregation processes permitted us to design a new but similar system. This system not only is able to store chiral information, but also is capable to release and restore it reversibly, in a cyclic manner. This has been achieved by modulating the charges carried by one of the two coupled porphyrins through protonation under various pH conditions. The role of the central metal ion and the template-free chiral structure of the CuT4-H2TPPS heteroaggregate, determined through EDXD analysis, are also presented.  相似文献   

Two methods were derived to estimate the probability of recording cell assemblies using multiple simultaneous electrode recordings. The derivations are independent of the definition of a cell assembly, and require only a statistic for evaluating cell assembly membership from spike train data. The resulting equations are functions of 1) the size of the search area, 2) the smallest expected assembly size, 3) the number of recorded neurons, and 4) the predicted spatial distribution of assembly neurons. The equations can be used to estimate the following three quantities. First, the equations directly calculate the probability of detecting i or more cells of an hypothesized assembly. Second, by making several such calculations, one can estimate when sufficient sampling has been performed to claim, at any desired confidence level, that a posited type of cell assembly does not exist. Third, the probability of detecting one out of several active assemblies can be calculated, given assumptions about assembly-assembly interactions.  相似文献   

Kutateladze TG 《Cell》2011,146(5):842-842

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