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We investigated the floral characteristics, floral biology and floral visitors of the six Bornean Tacca species: T. bibracteata (only floral characteristics), T. borneensis, T. havilandii, T. leontopetaloides, T. palmata and T. reducta, and T. cristata from Peninsular Malaysia. All species are protogynous with pollen strings extruded post flower opening. Blooming of all species started from dawn except for T. leontopetaloides which flowered from dusk. While T. borneensis, T. cristata, T. havilandii, T. leontopetaloides and T. reducta are facultatively autogamic as the pollen/ovule ratios (P/O ratios) were low, T. bibracteata is facultatively xenogamic as its P/O ratio was higher. Four species (T. borneensis, T. cristata, T. havilandii and T. reducta) were tested for autonomous self-pollination but all failed to set fruit. Manual self- and cross-pollination treatments of T. borneensis, T. cristata and T. havilandii showed reduced fruit set and seed set. In contrast, T. reducta was highly self-compatible. The showy bracts and bracteoles of T. borneensis are needed to guarantee pollination success but is not so in the other species investigated. Tacca are pollinated by two pollination guilds of female midges: two species of Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea) and Culicoides hinnoi. The floral biology and mating system of Tacca species indicate that most fruits and seeds were produced in samples resulting from natural pollination.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Li QJ  Li HT  Chen J  Li DZ 《Annals of botany》2006,98(2):449-457
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Despite considerable investment in elaborate floral displays, Tacca chantrieri populations are predominantly selfing. It is hypothesized that this species might possess considerable spatial or temporal variation in outcrossing rates among populations. To test this hypothesis, genetic variability and genetic differentiation within and among T. chantrieri populations were investigated to find out if they are in agreement with expectations based on a predominantly inbred mating system. METHODS: Genetic diversity was quantified using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) in 303 individuals from 13 populations taken from known locations of T. chantrieri in China, and from one population in Thailand. KEY RESULTS: Of the 113 primers screened, 24 produced highly reproducible ISSR bands. Using these primers, 160 discernible DNA fragments were generated, of which 145 (90.62 %) were polymorphic. This indicated considerable genetic variation at the species level. However, there were relatively low levels of polymorphism at population levels, with percentages of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranging from 8.75 % to 55 %. A high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on different measures (Nei's genetic diversity analysis: G(ST) = 0.5835; AMOVA analysis: F(ST) = 0.6989). Furthermore, based on levels of genetic differentiation, the 14 populations clustered into two distinct groups separated by the Tanaka Line. CONCLUSIONS: High levels of differentiation among populations and low levels of diversity within populations at large spatial scales are consistent with earlier small-scale studies of mating patterns detected by allozymes which showed that T. chantrieri populations are predominantly selfing. However, it appears that T. chantrieri has a mixed-mating system in which self-fertilization predominates, but there is occasional outcrossing. Significant genetic differences between the two distinct regions might be attributed to vicariance along the Tanaka Line. Finally, possible mechanisms of geographic patterns based on genetic differentiation of T. chantrieri are discussed.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江河谷丝须蒟蒻薯遗传多样性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分布于雅鲁藏布江河谷的丝须蒟蒻薯(Taccaintegrifolia)与其在东南亚的主要分布区具有明显的间断分布格局。为了探讨地理隔离对其居群遗传结构和遗传多样性的影响,我们应用ISSR分子标记方法对采自西藏墨脱的3个丝须蒟蒻薯居群共65个个体进行了遗传多样性和居群遗传结构分析,并与马来西亚Seremban的1个居群(19个个体)进行了比较。19个ISSR引物共扩增到165个位点,其中111个为多态位点,占67.68%。丝须蒟蒻薯在物种水平上的遗传多样性虽然不低(PPB=67.68%,HT=0.185,Hsp=0.292),但在居群内的遗传多样性却非常低(PPB=12.81%,HE=0.065,Hpop=0.044)。与马来西亚居群(Ma)(PPB=31.71%)相比,墨脱的3个居群遗传多样性极低(PPB分别为3.66%,8.54%,7.32%)。Ma居群与墨脱居群相隔2000km以上,两个地区间的遗传分化程度很大(GST=0.777,FST=0.9206),而墨脱的3个居群间(0.28%)及居群内(7.94%)的遗传分化却非常低(P<0.001)。居群间极其有限的基因流(Nm=0.1435)可能是由于该物种是以自交为主的种类、种子散布很困难、居群间的隔离、生境的破碎化等原因所致。总之,雅鲁藏布江河谷地区特殊的地形和地貌以及与其他热带地区的地理隔离是造成丝须蒟蒻薯在这一地区遗传多样性极低的可能原因。  相似文献   

Yokosuka A  Mimaki Y  Sakuma C  Sashida Y 《Steroids》2005,70(4):257-265
Seven new glycosides of the campesterol derivative (24R,25S)-ergost-5-ene-3beta,26-diol (1-7) were isolated from the rhizomes of Tacca chantrieri (Taccaceae). Their structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic analysis, including 2D NMR data, and a few chemical transformations.  相似文献   

The rhizomes of Tacca chantrieri have been analysed for steroidal saponin constituents, resulting in the isolation of four new spirostanol saponins (1-4), along with one known saponin (5); their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis, including 2D NMR, and the results of hydrolytic cleavage. The isolated compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxic activity against HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells.  相似文献   

The geological and climatic oscillations influenced the geographic distribution and demography of most present-day species, but few studies have investigated evolutionary history of species adapted to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Here, using sequence datasets obtained from three chloroplast DNA fragments (trnH-psbA, trnS-trnG, and trnL-F) from 320 individuals belonging to 24 natural populations, we investigated the phylogeographical history of Tacca chantrieri, which inhabits Southeast Asian tropical forests. Although relatively high level of differentiation among the populations were observed, mismatch distribution and neutrality tests showed no evidence of recent demographic population expansion. Phylogenetic inference exhibited two identified population groups showing a disjunctive distribution of dominant haplotypes. The split in cpDNA was largely consistent with the Tanaka line and Red River geographically. Molecular clock estimations revealed that the two lineages diverged during Pleistocene approximately 1.16 Ma. Therefore, the disjunct distribution of T.chantrieri could be explained by both the vicariance caused by Red River as well as ecological barriers caused by the different monsoon climates (Southwest monsoon vs. Southeast monsoon) that developed during the Pleistocene. The Tanaka line can be considered as a climatically driven barrier that influenced present-day plant dispersal.  相似文献   

Self-fertilization is classically thought to be associated with propagule dispersal because self-fertilization is a boon to colonizers entering environments devoid of pollinators or potential mates. Yet, it has been theoretically shown that random fluctuations in pollination conditions select for the opposite association of traits. In nature, however, various ecological factors may deviate from random variations, and thus create temporal correlation in pollination conditions. Here, we develop a model to assess the effects of pollination condition autocorrelation on the joint evolution of dispersal and self-fertilization. Basically, two syndromes are found: dispersing outcrossers and nondispersing (partial) selfers. Importantly, (1) selfers are never associated with dispersal, whereas complete outcrossers are, and (2) the disperser/outcrosser syndrome is favored (resp. disfavored) by negative (resp. positive) autocorrelation in pollination conditions. Our results suggest that observed dispersal/mating system syndromes may depend heavily on the regime of pollination condition fluctuations. We also point out potential negative evolutionary effects of anthropic management of the environment on outcrossing species.  相似文献   

Hybridization in flowering plants is determined in part by the rate at which animal pollinators move between species and by the effectiveness of such movements in transferring pollen. Pollinator behavior can also influence hybrid fitness by determining receipt and export of pollen. We incorporated information on pollinator effectiveness and visitation behavior into a simulation model that predicts pollen transfer between Ipomopsis aggregata, Ipomopsis tenuituba, and hybrids. These predictions were compared with estimates of pollen transfer derived from movement of fluorescent dyes in experimental plant arrays. Interspecific pollen transfer was relatively uncommon in these arrays, whereas transfer between hybrids and the parental species was at least as common as conspecific transfer. Backcrossing was asymmetrical; I. aggregata flowers frequently received mixed loads of hybrid and conspecific pollen. The simulation suggests that these patterns of pollen transfer are largely explained by the visitation sequences of hummingbird and insect pollinators, with little contribution from mechanical isolation. Pollen receipt by hybrids exceeded that of both parental species in a year when pollinators preferred to visit F(1) and F(2) hybrids and was intermediate in another year when they preferred to visit I. aggregata. This suggests that natural variation in pollination may produce spatiotemporal variation in hybridization and hybrid fitness.  相似文献   

The floral traits of plants with specialized pollination systems both facilitate the primary pollinator and restrict other potential pollinators. To explore interactions between pollinators and floral traits of the genus Burmeistera, I filmed floral visitors and measured pollen deposition for 10 species in six cloud forest sites throughout northern Ecuador. Nine species were primarily bat-pollinated (84-100% of pollen transfer); another (B. rubrosepala) was exclusively hummingbird-pollinated. According to a principal components analysis of 11 floral measurements, flowers of B. rubrosepala were morphologically distinct. Floral traits of all species closely matched traditional ornithophilous and chiropterophilous pollination syndromes; flowers of B. rubrosepala were bright red, lacked odor, opened in the afternoon, and had narrow corolla apertures and flexible pedicels, which positioned them below the foliage. Flowers of the bat-pollinated species were dull-colored, emitted odor, opened in the evening, and had wide apertures and rigid pedicels, which positioned them beyond the foliage. Aperture width appeared most critical to restricting pollination; hummingbirds visited wide flowers without contacting the reproductive parts, and bats did not visit the narrow flowers of B. rubrosepala. Aperture width may impose an adaptive trade-off that favors the high degree of specialization in the genus. Other floral measurements were highly variable amongst bat-pollinated species, including stigma exsertion, calyx lobe morphology, and pedicel length. Because multiple species of Burmeistera often coexist, such morphological diversity may reduce pollen competition by encouraging pollinator fidelity and/or spatially partitioning pollinator's bodies.  相似文献   

The cloud forest species Meriania macrophylla (Benth.) Triana has pseudocampanulate flowers with bulbous stamen appendages, typical for the passerine pollination syndrome found in the Melastomataceae tribe Merianieae. The species is further characterized by strong stamen dimorphism (heteranthery), a condition otherwise associated with pollen‐rewarding bee‐pollinated species (both in Melastomataceae and beyond). In passerine‐pollinated Merianieae, however, flowers usually only show weak stamen dimorphism. Here, we conducted field and laboratory investigations to determine the pollinators of M. macrophylla and assess the potential role of strong heteranthery in this species. Our field observations in Costa Rica confirmed syndrome predictions and indeed proved pollination by passerine birds in M. macrophylla. The large bulbous set of stamens functions as a food‐body reward to the pollinating birds, and as trigger for pollen release (bellows mechanism) as typical for the passerine syndrome in Merianieae. In contrast to other passerine‐pollinated Merianieae, the second set of stamens has seemingly lost its rewarding and pollination function, however. Our results demonstrate the utility of the pollination syndrome concept even in light of potentially misleading traits such as strong heteranthery.  相似文献   

Erythrina L. (Leguminosae: Phaseoleae) is a pantropical genus of over 100 species, all of which are either hummingbird or passerine pollinated. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological and chloroplast DNA restriction site characters suggest that shifts from passerine to hummingbird pollination have occurred a minimum of four times in the genus. In hummingbird-pollinated species the inflorescences are held upright, the flowers are arranged radially along the axis, and the narrow standard petal is conduplicately folded to form a pseudotube. In most of the passerine-pollinated species, the inflorescences are held horizontally, the flowers are secund, and the standard petal is open so that the nectar and androecium are easily visible and accessible. Nectar amino acid concentrations and sucrose to hexose ratios are closely associated with pollination mode. Despite the general resemblance in flower and inflorescence morphology among species with the same pollination type, homology assessment reveals that petal morphology and size, and calyx and pollen morphology differ. Morphological characters, even if comprising modifications associated with adaptive pollination systems, therefore provide useful phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

The transition from biotic to abiotic pollination was investigated using Schiedea, a genus exhibiting a remarkable diversity of inflorescence architecture associated with pollination biology. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of inflorescence traits were estimated in gynodioecious Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae), a species that has likely undergone a recent transition to wind-pollination. Using a partial diallel crossing design, significant narrow-sense heritabilities were detected for inflorescence condensation (h2 = 0.56 to 0.68 in the two sexes) and other traits related to the extent of wind pollination in Schiedea species. Heritabilities were generally higher in hermaphrodites than in females. Strong genetic correlations may constrain the evolution of some inflorescence traits that facilitate wind pollination, such as simultaneous shortening of inflorescence length and elongation of the subtending internode. The presence of significant narrow-sense heritabilities for traits associated with wind pollination suggests, however, that selection for more effective wind pollination in the windy, pollinator-limited environments where S. salicaria grows could lead to the evolution of the highly condensed inflorescences characteristic of other wind-pollinated species of Schiedea.  相似文献   

Floral diversification in the genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) is remarkable among flowering plants. In this genus, floral morphology and pollinator behavior are closely co-adaptive. In the current paper, pollen grains of 23 representative species of Pedicularis mainly from North America, with two species from Japan and two species from China, whose pollination ecology was previously studied, were examined using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Two pollen aperture types and three kinds of exine ornamentation were recognized among these species. In addition, pollen data from previous and the current studies of Pedicularis were integrated and analyzed, together with some pollination characters. There was a significant association between pollen aperture types and corolla types, as well as between pollination syndromes and corolla types. However, there was no association of exine ornamentations with corolla types. The relationships and evolution of this genus were discussed with regards to pollen morphology, corolla types and pollination syndromes.  相似文献   

Hermaphrodite plants commonly practice self‐fertilization (selfing), but the mechanisms responsible vary depending on the mode of self‐pollination, pollinator behavior, and degree of clonality. Whether selfing occurs within (autogamy) or between flowers (geitonogamy) is of evolutionary significance because their fitness consequences differ. We used floral manipulations and genetic markers to determine the relative contribution of autogamy and within‐ versus between‐ramet geitonogamy to the selfing rate of the bumblebee‐pollinated, clonal herb Aconitum kusnezoffii. Data on flowering phenology and bumblebee foraging were also collected to determine opportunities for different modes of self‐pollination. Autogamy accounted for only 12% of the selfing rate with the remainder resulting from geitonogamy. Whole‐ramet emasculation of clones with multiple ramets reduced selfing by 78%, indicating that within‐ramet geitonogamy contributed significantly (68%) to total selfing. Selfing of single‐ramet plants was 44% less than multiple‐ramet plants, indicating that the contribution of between‐ramet geitonogamy was substantially less (20%) than within‐ramet geitonogamy, probably because of bumblebee foraging behavior. Our results demonstrate for the first time in a clonal plant that within‐ramet geitonogamy is substantially greater than between‐ramet geitonogamy and highlight the importance of considering the influence of clonal architecture and pollinator foraging on modes of self‐pollination.  相似文献   

Plant mating systems are known to vary within species and some immediate ecological factors have been found to be associated with the geographic distribution of selfing. The environmental condition of the maternal plant may influence the production of selfed seed relative to outcrossed seed. This study investigated the effect of late pollination on the mating system of Kalmia latifolia, a long-lived perennial shrub. A 2 × 2 experimental design was used to determine whether reproductive success declines over the course of the flowering season and whether there was an interaction between pollination time (early vs. late in the season) and pollen type (self-fertilized vs. outcrossed). An interaction of this sort would indicate context-dependent fitness of selfed seeds compared to outcrossed seeds and, thus, show an ecological influence over a plant's mating system. Relative fitness was assessed in terms of female reproductive success. Timing of pollination did not affect abortion of outcrossed seeds; however, delay in pollination increased abortion of selfed seeds by 34.7%. Thus, it appears that plants selectively aborted selfed seeds rather than outcrossed seeds and this selection was more intense at the end of the season. An ecological factor such as time of pollination may affect the mating system of K. latifolia.  相似文献   

蒟蒻薯属(薯蓣科)植物DNA条形码研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒟蒻薯属(Tacca)植物种间在形态上差别不大,导致分类上存在一定的困难.DNA条形码是一种利用短的DNA标准片段来鉴别和发现物种的方法.本研究利用核基因ITS片段和叶绿体基因trn H-psbA,rbcL,matK片段对蒟蒻薯属6个种的DNA条形码进行研究,对4个DNA片段可用性,种内种间变异,barcode gap进行了分析,采用Tree-based和BBA两种方法比较不同序列的鉴定能力.结果显示:单片段ITS正确鉴定率最高,片段组合rbcL+matK正确鉴定率最高.支持CBOL植物工作组推荐的条码组合rbcL+matK可作为蒟蒻薯属物种鉴定的标准条码,建议ITS片段作为候选条码.丝须蒟蒻薯Tacca integrifolia采自西藏的居群与马来西亚居群形成了2个不同的遗传分支,且两者在形态上也存在一定的差异,很可能是一个新种.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Vigna caracalla has the most complex flower among asymmetrical Papilionoideae. The objective of this study was to understand the relationships among floral characteristics, specialization, mating system and the role of floral visitors under different ecological contexts.


Five populations were studied in north-western Argentina, from 700 to 1570 m a.s.l. Anthesis, colour and odour patterns, stigmatic receptivity, visitors and pollination mechanism were examined and mating-system experiments were performed.

Key Results

The petals are highly modified and the keel shows 3·75–5·25 revolutions. The sense of asymmetry was always left-handed. Hand-crosses showed that V. caracalla is self-compatible, but depends on pollinators to set seeds. Hand-crossed fruits were more successful than hand-selfed ones, with the exception of the site at the highest elevation. Bombus morio (queens and workers), Centris bicolor, Eufriesea mariana and Xylocopa eximia trigger the pollination mechanism (a ‘brush type’). The greatest level of self-compatibility and autonomous self-pollination were found at the highest elevation, together with the lowest reproductive success and number of pollinators (B. morio workers only).


Self-fertilization may have evolved in the peripheral population at the highest site of V. caracalla because of the benefits of reproductive assurance under reduced pollinator diversity.Key words: Fabaceae, Vigna caracalla, asymmetry, breeding system, complex flowers, elevational gradient, pollination  相似文献   

  • Reproductive success of a plant species is largely influenced by the outcome of mating pattern in a population. It is believed that a significantly larger proportion of animal‐pollinated plants have evolved a mixed‐mating strategy, the extent of which may vary among species. It is thus pertinent to investigate the key contributors to mating success, especially to identify the reproductive constraints in depauperate populations of threatened plant species.
  • We examined the contribution of floral architecture, pollination mechanism and breeding system on the extent of outcrossing rate in a near‐threatened tree species, Wrightia tomentosa. The breeding system was ascertained from controlled pollination experiments. In order to determine outcrossing rate, 60 open‐pollinated progeny were analysed using an AFLP markers.
  • Although the trees are self‐compatible, herkogamy and compartmentalisation of pollen and nectar in different chambers of the floral tube effectively prevent spontaneous autogamy. Pollination is achieved through specialised interaction with moths. Differential foraging behaviour of settling moths and hawkmoths leads to different proportions of geitonogamous and xenogamous pollen on the stigma. However, most open‐pollinated progeny were the result of xenogamy (outcrossing rate, tm = 0.68).
  • The study shows that floral contrivances and pollination system have a strong influence on mating pattern. The differential foraging behaviour of the pollinators causes deposition of a mixture of self‐ and cross‐pollen to produce a mixed brood. Inbreeding depression and geitonogamy appear to play a significant role in sustaining mixed mating in this species.

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