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To test for the presence of polarizing mesoderm in an amphibian, Xenopus laevis hindlimb bud tips were rotated 180° on the proximodistal axis and returned to the stump. Supernumerary outgrowths were induced in the preaxial stump and preaxial tip tissues, and the most postaxial digit always formed next to the grafted postaxial tissue. The occurrence of polarized supernumerary outgrowths indicated that the posterior limb border contained a polarizing zone. When the limb tip was cut at varying known lengths from the body wall, rotated, and grafted to the limb stump, the incidence of twinning along the proximodistal axis permitted insight into the distribution of the polarizing zone along the posterior border. The location of polarizing tissues was found to be similar to that in the chick wing bud at comparable stages. To confirm the posterior border stump influence on the rotated preaxial limb tip tissues, 180° tip rotations were made at the proximodistal level with the highest incidence of twinning. In these cases, the adjacent stump posterior border tissues (polarizing zone) were removed, leaving a substantial amount of the deeper postaxial stump tissue, however. The frequency of twinning from tip tissues was greatly reduced in these larvae compared to those with rotated limb tips on intact stumps. Cytological examination of supernumerary outgrowths resulting from grafts of two-nucleolate tips onto one-nucleolate stumps confirmed the preaxial source of the supernumerary outgrowths.  相似文献   

The distribution of motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord (spinal segments 8-10) of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, was studied with the horseradish peroxidase technique. In a total of 13 different hind limb muscles this tracer was applied in a slow-release gel. Motoneurons innervating a particular hind limb muscle were clustered in longitudinally arranged motor pools. Motor pools of different muscles did show considerable overlap both in the rostrocaudal and transverse plane. But, the various motor pools clearly show a somatotopic organization of motoneurons even in such a condensed lumbar spinal cord as in Xenopus laevis. Motoneurons innervating more distally positioned muscles are generally found in more caudal segments, while proximal muscles (with the exception of the m. adductor magnus) are supplied by motoneurons more or less throughout the lumbar enlargement. Flexor muscles usually are innervated by motoneurons situated ventrolaterally in the ventral horn, extensor muscles by dorsomedially found motoneurons. This pattern is particularly apparent for proximal (thigh) muscles, less so for more distal (shank and foot) muscles. The present data are in keeping with those obtained with the retrograde cell degeneration technique in ranid frogs and are consistent with observations in other tetrapods, although a more clear separation of motor pools is evident in "higher" vertebrates such as birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The mechanisms for directing axons to their targets in developing limbs remain largely unknown though recent studies in mice have demonstrated the importance of neurotrophins in this process. We now report that in co-cultures of larval Xenopus laevis limb buds with spinal cords and dorsal root ganglia of Xenopus and axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) axons grow directly to the limb buds over distances of up to 800 microm and in particular to sheets of epidermal cells which migrate away from the limb buds and also tail segments in culture. This directed axonal growth persists in the presence of trk-IgG chimeras, which sequester neurotrophins, and k252a, which blocks their actions mediated via trk receptors. These findings indicate that developing limb buds in Xenopus release diffusible factors other than neurotrophins, able to attract growth of sensory and motor axons over long distances.  相似文献   

Three quarters of the eye anlage in Xenopus embryos of stage 33/34 were eliminated in three different sets of experiments. The remaining quadrant originated from the nasoventral part of the retina, from its ventral portion, or from the temporo-ventral area of the retina. All the fragments developed into small eyes of normal shape. The retinotectal connections did not deviate from those found in the control groups, even though mirror-image duplication was fairly frequent. For all fragments the tectal projection fields were rather limited. There was some indication of fragments retaining their original specificity. Irrespective, however, of their different origins, the optic projections always occupied the rostrolateral area of the tectum.  相似文献   

To examine the possibility of a difference in cell adhesiveness along the developing Xenopus hind limb bud axes, single mesenchymal cells from developing hind limb buds were cultured, allowing them to form an aggregate in a gyratory culture system. By observing the distribution of cells within aggregates, it was found that sorting-out occurred between cells from different positions and different stages. Cells derived from more distal positions tended to be situated interiorly in the aggregates. According to Steinberg's differential adhesion hypothesis, these results support the idea that there is a graded difference in cell adhesiveness along the proximo-distal axis of the developing limb, with adhesiveness increasing distally. Although similar sorting-out was observed between anterior and posterior cell populations, it could not be determined which cell populations were definitely more cohesive. These properties may be correlated with the experimentally demonstrated 'positional value', which should be different among cells located at different positions along the axes of the developing vertebrate limb bud.  相似文献   

Procedures are now available to experimentally manipulate postimplantation mouse embryos in situ and allow development to continue into postnatal life (Muneoka, K., N. Wanek, and S.V. Bryant (1986) J. Exp. Zool., 239:289-293). We have investigated the ability of the well-formed hindlimb bud to regulate following two experimental operations: amputation and wedge grafts designed to confront anterior and posterior cells. After comparing the resultant limbs with the fate maps of the relevant stages, we conclude that the developing hindlimb bud at stage 7/8 (equivalent to stage 27/28 of the chick) is capable of partial regeneration of the peripheral digits following amputation and capable of supernumerary digit tip formation after grafting of a wedge of anterior tissue to a posterior position.  相似文献   

Early development of the hind limb of Xenopus (stages 44–48) has been analyzed at the level of ultrastructure with emphasis on differentiation of extracellular matrix components and intercellular contacts. By stages 44–45, mesenchyme is separated from prospective bud epithelium by numerous adepidermal granules in a subepithelial compartment (the lamina lucida), a continuous basal lamina and several layers of collagen (the basement lamella). Tricomplex stabilization of amphoteric phospholipid demonstrates that each adepidermal granule consists of several membranelike layers (electron-lucent band 25–30 Å; electron-dense band 20–40 Å), which are usually parallel to the basal surface of adjacent epithelial cells. Collagen fibrils are interconnected by filaments (35 Å in diameter) which stain with ruthenium red. Epithelial cells possess junctional complexes at their superficial borders, numerous desmosomes at apposing cell membranes and hemidesmosomes at their basal surface. Mesenchymal cells predominantly exhibit close contacts (100–150 Å separation) with few focal tight junctions at various areas of their surface. By stages 47–48, adepidermal granules are absent beneath bud epithelium and layers of collagen in the basement lamella lose filamentous cross-linking elements. Filopodia of mesenchymal cells penetrate the disorganized matrix and abut the basal lamina. Hemidesmosomes disappear at the basal surface of the epidermis and mesenchymal cells immediately subjacent to epithelium exhibit focal tight junctions and gap junctions at their lateral borders. These structural changes may be instrumental in the epitheliomesenchymal interactions of early limb development. Degradation of oriented collagenous lamellae permits direct association of mesenchymal cell surfaces (filopodia) with surface-associated products of epithelial cells (organized into the basal lamina). Development of structural pathways for intercellular ion and metabolite transport in mesenchyme may coordinate events specific to limb morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The developmental history of accessory cells in the thymus was studied by grafting hemopoietic stem cells into cytogenetically distinct frog embryos (diploid-2N or triploid-3N) before the establishment of circulation and overt differentiation and colonization of the thymus. The DNA content of cortical thymocytes and circulating erythrocytes was quantified by staining with propidium iodide and measuring the amount of red fluorescence emitted by individual nuclei with the use of flow cytometry. Accessory cells from thymic medulla were separated by incubating for 2 hr on glass slides. For comparison, the developmental history of peritoneal macrophages was examined as representative, myeloid-derived phagocytic cells. DNA content of adherent cells was quantified by staining with the DNA-specific Feulgen reaction and measuring light absorption of individual nuclei by microdensitometry. Thymic accessory cells were subdivided into phagocytic and nonphagocytic phenotypes on the basis of latex bead ingestion. Phagocytic cells in the thymus were usually nonspecific esterase positive and phenotypically resembled peritoneal macrophages. Nonphagocytic cells from the thymus were usually esterase negative and had a dendritic morphology characterized by branched cytoplasmic extensions. Nonphagocytic cells were positive for cytoplasmic RNA based on staining with methyl green-pyronin Y. Phagocytic cells from both the thymus and the peritoneal cavity had no levels of cytoplasmic RNA detectable by this method. Analysis of the embryonic derivation of thymic accessory cells, based on the proportion of cells carrying the cytogenetic marker, demonstrated that thymic lymphocytes and thymic accessory cells were a concordant pair of cells, distinct from myeloid-derived erythrocytes and possibly macrophages. These experiments provide circumstantial evidence suggesting thymocytes and thymic accessory cells could arise from a bipotential precursor that diverges into these separate lineages after colonization of the epithelial thymic rudiment during early development.  相似文献   

In the developing chick leg bud, massive programmed cell death occurs in the interdigital region. Previously, we reported the inhibition of cell death by separation of the interdigital region from neighboring digit cartilage. In this study, we examined the relationship between cell death and cartilaginous tissue in vitro. First, cell fate was observed with DiI that was used to examine cell movement in the distal tip of leg bud. Labeled cells in the prospective digital region were distributed only in the distal region as a narrow band, while cells in the prospective interdigital region expanded widely in the interdigit. In coculture of monolayer cells and a cell pellet tending to differentiate into cartilage, monolayer cells migrated into the cell pellet. These results suggested that digit cartilage tends to recruit neighboring cells into the cartilage during limb development. Next, we observed the relationship between cell death and chondrogenesis in monolayer culture. Apoptotic cell death that could be detected by TUNEL occurred in regions between cartilaginous nodules in mesenchymal cell culture. More apoptotic cell death was detected in the cell culture of leg bud mesenchyme of stage 25/26 than that of leg bud mesenchyme of stage 22 or that of stage 28. The most developed cartilaginous nodules were observed in the cell culture of stage 25/26. Finally, we observed Bmp expression in vitro and in vivo. Bmp-2, Bmp-4 and Bmp-7 were detected around the cartilage nodules. When the interdigit was separated from neighboring digit cartilage, Bmp-4 expression disappeared near the cut region but remained near the digit cartilage. This correlation between cell death and cartilaginous region suggests that cartilage tissue can induce apoptotic cell death in the developing chick limb bud due to cell migration accompanying chondrogenesis and Bmp expression.  相似文献   

The developing vertebrate retina produces appropriate ratios of seven phenotypically and functionally distinct cell types. Retinal progenitors remain multipotent up until the last cell division, favoring the idea that extrinsic cues direct cell fate. We demonstrated previously that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors are necessary for transduction of signals in the developing Xenopus retina that bias cell fate decisions (S. McFarlane et al., 1998, Development 125, 3967-3975). However, the precise identity of the signal remains unknown. To test whether an FGF signal is sufficient to influence cell fate choices in the developing retina, FGF-2 was overexpressed in Xenopus retinal precursors by injecting, at the embryonic 16-cell stage, a cDNA plasmid encoding FGF-2 into cells fated to form the retina. We found that FGF-2 overexpression in retinal precursors altered the relative numbers of transgene-expressing retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and Müller glia; RGCs were increased by 35% and Müller glia decreased by 50%. In contrast, the proportion of retinal precursors that became photoreceptors was unchanged. Within the photoreceptor population, however, we found a twofold increase in rod photoreceptors at the expense of cone photoreceptors. These data are consistent with an endogenous FGF signal influencing cell fate decisions in the developing vertebrate retina.  相似文献   

In Xenopus neurula cells, "30S" RNA was found to be labeled with 3H-uridine after a relatively short labeling period. Results obtained from cumulative labeling and pulse-labeling and chase experiments with cells from late gastrulae, yolk plug-stage embryos, and neurulae showed that the 30S RNA is an intermediate in rRNA processing and is derived from 40S pre-rRNA and processed to 28S rRNA. The half-life of the 30S rRNA intermediate was about 7.5 min or less at the three stages examined.  相似文献   

Vegetal pole cells and commitment to form endoderm in Xenopus laevis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to compare their states of commitment with their normal developmental fate, single vegetal pole cells from early Xenopus embryos were labeled and transplanted into the blastocoels of host embryos. In a previous study we showed, using this single cell transplantation assay, that vegetal pole cells become committed to endoderm by the early gastrula stage. In this paper we examine some properties of the commitment process. First, we show that it is gradual. When vegetal blastomeres are taken from progressively older embryos an increasing number of them enter only the endoderm, until by the early gastrula stage they all do. Second, we show that commitment can continue in vitro when an appropriate tissue mass is present. We suggest that commitment to form endoderm may be, in the right conditions, a cell autonomous process.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-homozygous Xenopus laevis were rendered tolerant to semi-allogeneic antigens by grafting skins of adult frogs during larval stages (larvally induced tolerance), and this tolerant state was compared with the tolerance induced in early thymectomized frogs by the grafting of semi-allogeneic nonlymphoid thymuses (thymus-reconstituted tolerance). In contrast to a total inability of thymus-reconstituted frogs both to reject skins and to exhibit a mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) against the semi-allogeneic donor, larvally induced tolerant frogs showed a strong MLR against leukocytes of the tolerizing skin donor (split tolerance). Breakdown of the tolerant state in thymus-reconstituted frogs were easily accomplished by inoculation with syngeneic splenocytes, but this breakdown was extremely difficult to achieve in frogs with larvally induced tolerance. The injection of splenocytes from larvally induced tolerant frogs into normal frogs significantly suppressed semi-allogeneic graft rejection in the latter group; no suppression was obtained when splenocytes from thymus-reconstituted frogs were used. In addition, in the thymectomized frogs, recovery of allograft rejection capacity against the pertinent semi-allogeneic antigens were suppressed by the injection of splenocytes from larvally induced tolerant frogs, with the degree of suppression depending on the splenocyte dose. These results indicate that the larvally induced tolerant state is maintained by specifically induced suppressor cells affecting the in vivo allograft response but not the MLR.  相似文献   

To analyze the ontogenic emergence of leukocytes during early development, a mouse monoclonal antibody (IgG1), designated as XL-1, was produced against the peritoneal macrophages of adult Xenopus laevis. The XL-1 determinant was expressed on all types of leukocytes, including lymphocytes, granulocytes, thrombocytes and macrophages, but not on erythrocytes of either larvae or adults. Immunohistochemical observations of the hemopoietic organs revealed that the XL-1+ cells with granulocyte and/or macrophage morphology appeared at st.36-37 in the liver, at st.44-45 in the mesonephric and the thymus rudiments, and at st.47 in the spleen. The XL-1 determinant was expressed on the precursor cells of T lymphocytes in the thymus rudiments at st.46-47, on the pre-B cells in the liver rudiments at st.47, and on lymphocytes in the spleen at st.48-49. A few XL-1+ cells were present in the ventral blood island of the st.35/36 embryos, where differentiating erythrocytes had predominated since st.28. XL-1+ cells with a macrophage-like morphology were found in several locations of the mesenchyme in the st.32 embryos, before the establishment of vascularization at st.33/34 and far earlier than the emergence of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Regeneration in hindlimbs of Xenopus laevis larvae which were amputated at stage 53 and 55 through the tarsalia region is promoted by thyroxine (T4), while propyl-thiouracil (PTU) inhibits regeneration when compared to controls. In this paper, by in vivo and in vitro experiments, we demonstrate that the promoting effect of T4 on the regenerative processes of larval X. laevis hindlimbs is a direct effect of this hormone on the blastemal cells. By contrast, the inhibitory effect of PTU on the regenerative process is not due to a direct effect on blastemal cells or to a general toxic effect on the treated larvae, but is related to hypothyroidism induced by the drug. We find that: (i) an increase in blastemal cell proliferation is observed not only in blastemata of T4-treated larvae, but also in blastemata cultured in vitro in a medium supplemented with T4; (ii) the renegerative process is accelerated not only in larvae reared in T4 but also in larvae submitted to a combined treatment of T4 and PTU; (iii) inhibition of cell proliferation is observed in blastemata of PTU-reared larvae but not in blastemata cultured in vitro in a medium supplemented with PTU. Experiments on thyroidless larvae (which were submitted to transplantation of hindlimbs from larvae at stages 53 and 55 followed by amputation of their own right hindlimb and the transplanted limbs) have shown that without thyroid hormone the regenerative process is arrested at cone stage and the promoting effect of T4 treatment is dependent on limb stage and amputation level.  相似文献   

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