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HPr, a central component of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system, can exist in Escherichia coli in a phosphorylated (PHPr) and a nonphosphorylated form. We show that, beside the normal transfer of the phosphoryl group from PHPr to enzymes II and III, PHPr can phosphorylate other HPr molecules in an autocatalytic exchange reaction. The reaction is very fast but is inhibited by labeling the protein with Bolton-Hunter reagent. We demonstrate that the exchange reaction can be used to determine the delta G degree of the phosphoryl group of mutant forms of PHPr relative to wild-type PHPr. Two HPr mutants were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, HPr P11E and HPr E68A. Both show altered phosphoryl group potentials but show no significantly altered KM or Vmax values compared to wild-type HPr, illustrating the sensitivity of the exchange process. The exchange reaction does not occur between HPr from E. coli and HPr from Staphylococcus carnosus.  相似文献   

The amino acyl sequences of eight permeases (enzymes II and enzyme II-III pairs) of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) have been analyzed. All systems show similar sizes, and six of these systems exhibit the same molecular weight +/- 2%. Several exhibit sequence homology. Characteristic NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal sequences were found. The NH2-terminal leader sequences are believed to function in targeting of the permeases to the membrane, whereas the characteristic COOH-terminal sequences are postulated to mediate interaction with the energy-coupling protein phospho HPr. One of the systems, the one specific for mannose, exhibits distinctive characteristics. A pair of probable phosphorylation sites was detected in each of the five most similar systems, those specific for beta-glucosides, sucrose, glucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and mannitol. One of the two equivalent phosphorylation sites (proposed phosphorylation site 1) was located approximately 80 residues from the COOH terminus of each system. The other site (proposed phosphorylation site 2) was located approximately 440 residues from the COOH termini of the glucose and N-acetylglucosamine systems, approximately 320 residues from the COOH termini of the beta-glucoside and sucrose systems, and 381 residues from the COOH terminus of the mannitol system. Intragenic rearrangement during evolutionary history may account for the different positions of phosphorylation sites 2 in the different PTS permeases. More extensive intragenic rearrangements may have given rise to entirely different positions of phosphorylation in the glucitol, mannose, and lactose systems. A single, internal amphipathic alpha-helix with characteristic features was found in each of seven of the eight enzymes II. The lactose-specific enzyme III of Staphylococcus aureus was unique in possessing a COOH-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix rich in basic amino acyl residues. Possible functions for these amphipathic segments are discussed.  相似文献   

Energy coupling to fructose transport in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides is achieved by phosphorylation of the membrane-spanning fructose-specific carrier protein, EFruII. The phosphoryl group of phosphoenolpyruvate is transferred to EFruII via the cytoplasmic component SF (soluble factor). The standard free enthalpy of hydrolysis of the two phosphorylated proteins has been estimated from isotope exchange measurements in chemical equilibrium. The delta G degrees for SF-P is -60.5 kJ/mol. The standard free enthalpy for hydrolysis of EII-P is -37.9 kJ/mol, but -45.2 kJ/mol when SF is still complexed to it, as in the overall reaction. Therefore the standard free enthalpy of hydrolysis of SF X EII-P is 70% of the standard free enthalpy of hydrolysis of P-enolpyruvate. The measurements reveal two regulation sites in the system. First, the phosphorylation of SF is inhibited by pyruvate when the concentration ratio of pyruvate/P-enolpyruvate becomes too high. Second, a low concentration of internal fructose prevents the phosphorylation of the carrier by the internal fructose-1-P pool when the concentration of the latter becomes too high or the phosphorylation rate by P-enolpyruvate too slow. Furthermore comparison of the isotope exchange and the overall phosphotransferase reaction kinetics leads to the conclusion that binding of fructose to the carrier is a slow step relative to the phosphoryl group transfer from EFruII to fructose.  相似文献   

Resonances of the aromatic protons of tyrosine have been observed in the proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectrum of purified HPr from Escherichia coli. Analysis of the NMR spectrum of native HPr suggests that the tyrosine is located in a single position in the secondary structure and that this position is on the interior of the molecule inaccessible to solvent. Previous reports suggested that E. coli HPr contained no tyrosine [Anderson, B., Weigel, N., Kundig, W., & Roseman, S. (1971) J. Biol. Chem. 246, 7023--7033]. In contrast, we find, by amino acid analysis and ultraviolet and NMR spectroscopy, that E. coli HPr does contain tyrosine but at a subintegral level of 0.5 +/- 0.1 mol of tyrosine per mol of HPr.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Many biochemical networks involve reactions localized on the cell membrane. This can give rise to spatial gradients of the concentration of cytosolic species. Moreover, the number of membrane molecules can be small and stochastic effects can become relevant. Pathways usually consist of a complex interaction network and are characterized by a large set of parameters. The inclusion of spatial and stochastic effects is a major challenge in developing quantitative and dynamic models of pathways. RESULTS: We have developed a particle-based spatial stochastic method (GMP) to simulate biochemical networks in space, including fluctuations from the diffusion of particles and reactions. Gradients emerging from membrane reactions can be resolved. As case studies for the GMP method we used a simple gene expression system and the phosphoenolpyruvate:glucose phosphotransferase system pathway. AVAILABILITY: The source code for the GMP method is available at http://www.science.uva.nl/research/scs/CellMath/GMP.  相似文献   

We recently described the ABC transporter Ngc (encoded by the ncgEFG operon) from Streptomyces olivaceoviridis, the first of its kind to be shown to transport N-acetylglucosamine and N,N'-diacetylchitobiose (chitobiose). A chromosomal mutant carrying a disruption of the ngcE gene, which encodes the sugar binding protein, was still able to transport N-acetylglucosamine. This phenotype can now be attributed to a functional phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS). Two adjacent homologous genes, ptsC1 and ptsC2, were identified, and deduced to encode proteins which are 56% identical and can be predicted to contain eight transmembrane regions. PtsC1 (432 amino acids) and PtsC2 (403 residues) each correspond to a single EIIC domain; such domains are otherwise known only in several bacterial multidomain permeases for glucose/mannose or N-acetylglucosamine. The C-terminal sequences of PtsC1 and PtsC2 correspond to the motifs LKTPGREP and LPTRGRES, respectively. The ptsB gene located upstream of ptsC1 is predicted to encode a homologue of the EIIB domains usually found in bacterial multidomain permeases. Physiological and biochemical analyses of ngcE mutants carrying disruptive insertions in ptsC1 or ptsC2 or both revealed that, when grown on N-acetylglucosamine, the membrane component PtsC2, unlike PtsC1, mediates PEP-dependent, specific (K(m)=5 micro M) transport of N-acetylglucosamine, but not of other hexoses. Cross-complementation of membrane and cytoplasmic fractions from the various mutants led to the conclusion that S. olivaceoviridis also expresses the functional soluble components HPr, EI and EIIA of the PTS system. During growth on xylose, uptake of this pentose occurred if ptsC1 or ptsC2 was intact, but not in a mutant containing disrupted forms of both genes.  相似文献   

The mannitol specific Enzyme II of the phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system of Escherichia coli catalyzes an exchange reaction in which a phosphoryl moiety is transferred from one molecule of the heat stable phosphocarrier protein HPr to another. An assay was developed for measuring this reaction. Unlabeled phospho-HPr and 125I-labeled free HPr were incubated together in the presence of Enzyme IImtl, and production of 125I-labeled phospho-HPr was measured. The reaction was concentration-dependent with respect to Enzyme IImtl and did not occur in its absence. The reaction occurred in the absence of Mg2+ in the presence of 10 mM EDTA. Treatment of Enzyme IImtl with the histidyl reagent diethylpyrocarbonate inactivated it with respect to the exchange reaction. Levels of N-ethylmaleimide which inactivate Enzyme IImtl with respect to both P-enolpyruvate-dependent phosphorylation of mannitol and mannitol/mannitol-1-P transphosphorylation did not affect its activity in the exchange reaction; however, treatment with another sulfhydryl reagent, p-chloromercuribenzoate, resulted in partial inactivation. The pH optimum for the Enzyme IImtl-catalyzed exchange reaction was about 7.5. Enzyme I and the glucose specific Enzyme III, two other E. coli phosphotransferase system proteins which, like Enzyme IImtl, interact directly with HPr, were also shown to catalyze 125I-HPr/HPr-P phosphoryl exchange.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the complex between the cytoplasmic A domain (IIA(Mtl)) of the mannitol transporter II(Mannitol) and the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr) of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system has been solved by NMR, including the use of conjoined rigid body/torsion angle dynamics, and residual dipolar couplings, coupled with cross-validation, to permit accurate orientation of the two proteins. A convex surface on HPr, formed by helices 1 and 2, interacts with a complementary concave depression on the surface of IIA(Mtl) formed by helix 3, portions of helices 2 and 4, and beta-strands 2 and 3. The majority of intermolecular contacts are hydrophobic, with a small number of electrostatic interactions at the periphery of the interface. The active site histidines, His-15 of HPr and His-65 of IIA(Mtl), are in close spatial proximity, and a pentacoordinate phosphoryl transition state can be readily accommodated with no change in protein-protein orientation and only minimal perturbations of the backbone immediately adjacent to the histidines. Comparison with two previously solved structures of complexes of HPr with partner proteins of the phosphotransferase system, the N-terminal domain of enzyme I (EIN) and enzyme IIA(Glucose) (IIA(Glc)), reveals a number of common features despite the fact that EIN, IIA(Glc), and IIA(Mtl) bear no structural resemblance to one another. Thus, entirely different underlying structural elements can form binding surfaces for HPr that are similar in terms of both shape and residue composition. These structural comparisons illustrate the roles of surface and residue complementarity, redundancy, incremental build-up of specificity and conformational side chain plasticity in the formation of transient specific protein-protein complexes in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The Mycoplasma phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system consists of three components: a membrane-bound enzyme II, a soluble enzyme I, and a soluble phosphocarrier protein, HPr. The HPr has been purified to homogeneity by a combination of ammonium sulfate precipitations, gel filtration and diethylaminoethyl, carboxymethyl Bio-Gel A, and hydroxylapatite column chromatography. The purified protein is relatively heat stable (ca. 50% activity survives 30 min of boiling) and has a molecular weight of ca. 10,000 (determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and amino acid analysis). It contains a single histidine residue per molecule and can be totally inactivated by photooxidation with Rose Bengal dye. Although the mycoplasma HPr is very similar to that of Escherichia coli, it shows no significant association with antiserum produced against E. coli HPr.  相似文献   

Abstract The Escherichia coli ptsI and ptsH genes code for the synthesis of two proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS), namely enzyme I and protein HPr. A number of ptsI + ptsH +/F' ptsI + ptsH merodiploids was obtained. It was shown in experiments in vivo that ptsH mutations in the transposition are dominant. Bacterial extracts from these merodiploids supported [14C]methyl glucoside (MG) phosphorylation at the expense of phosphoenolpyruvate only half as much as extracts from the pts + cells. ptsI + ptsH /F' ptsI + ptsH + merodiploids appeared to be non-viable; the reason for this lack of viability is discussed.  相似文献   

Upon nitration of the phosphocarrier protein HPr three nitrated derivatives of the protein were isolated: mononitrated HPr, dinitrated HPr and trinitrated HPr. Tryptic digestion of the derivatives leads to nitrotyrosine-containing peptides which were isolated and characterized by amino acid analysis. This resulted in the determination of the positions of the nitrated tyrosyl residues in the amino acid sequence. In mononitrated HPr only Tyr-56 was modified, in dinitrated HPr both Tyr-56 and Tyr-37 had reacted with the nitrating agent; modification of all three tyrosyl residues in trinitrated HPr required more drastic reaction conditions. The nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the three derivatives allowed the assignments of the tyrosine resonances as follows: Tyr-A and Tyr-B with pK values of 10.5 and 11.5 were designated Tyr-56 and Tyr-37 whereas Tyr-C, whose protons are not titratable before denaturation of the protein, was assigned to Tyr-6 in the amino acid sequence. The nitration studies, together with the titration behaviour of the three tyrosines, indicate the topology of the tyrosyl residues to be as follows: Tyr-56 is located at the surface, Tyr-37 is slightly buried, Tyr-6 is deeply buried. The nitrotyrosyl derivatives retain their biological activity.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the second protein-protein complex of the Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system, that between histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr) and glucose-specific enzyme IIA(Glucose) (IIA(Glc)), has been determined by NMR spectroscopy, including the use of dipolar couplings to provide long-range orientational information and newly developed rigid body minimization and constrained/restrained simulated annealing methods. A protruding convex surface on HPr interacts with a complementary concave depression on IIA(Glc). Both binding surfaces comprise a central hydrophobic core region surrounded by a ring of polar and charged residues, positive for HPr and negative for IIA(Glc). Formation of the unphosphorylated complex, as well as the phosphorylated transition state, involves little or no change in the protein backbones, but there are conformational rearrangements of the interfacial side chains. Both HPr and IIA(Glc) recognize a variety of structurally diverse proteins. Comparisons with the structures of the enzyme I-HPr and IIA(Glc)-glycerol kinase complexes reveal how similar binding surfaces can be formed with underlying backbone scaffolds that are structurally dissimilar and highlight the role of redundancy and side chain conformational plasticity.  相似文献   

Using a polyclonal antibody against glycerol kinase from Enterococcus faecalis, we could demonstrate that glycerol kinase is inducible by growth on glycerol-containing medium and that during growth on glycerol the enzyme is mainly phosphorylated. Glucose and other sugars metabolized via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway strongly repressed the synthesis of glycerol kinase, while if glycerol was also present during growth, low activity, reflecting partial induction and the presence of mainly unphosphorylated, less active enzyme, was found. With gluconate, which is also a substrate of the phosphotransferase system, repression of glycerol kinase was less severe, but the enzyme was mainly present in the less active, unphosphorylated form. Effects of growth on different carbon sources on glycerol uptake are also reported.  相似文献   

Greene SR  Stamm LV 《Gene》2000,253(2):259-269
The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the Treponema denticola (Td) DNA gyrase beta-subunit gene (gyrB) has been determined. Southern blot analysis of Td chromosomal DNA indicated that gyrB is present as a single copy. Approximately 3.2kb of the nt sequence 5' and 0.7kb of nucleotide sequence 3' of gyrB were obtained. Analysis of the deduced amino acid (aa) sequence revealed two complete open reading frames (ORFs) (ORF1 and ORF3) and a truncated ORF (ORF4'). ORF1 has no homology to sequences in the databases, whereas ORF3 and ORF4' have significant homology to several bacterial DnaA (replication initiator) and DnaE (DNA polymerase III) proteins respectively. RT-PCR data showed that orf1-gyrB are co-transcribed, while dnaA-dnaE are co-transcribed but in the opposite direction. These data indicated that the gene organization of the Td gyrB region is unique compared with that of other bacteria. Eighteen putative DnaA boxes with several AT-rich regions were identified in the dnaA-dnaE intergenic region, and three putative DnaA boxes were identified in the gyrB-dnaA intergenic region. Spontaneous coumermycin A(1)-resistant Td mutants were isolated and characterized. The mutants have a >20-fold higher resistance to coumermycin A(1) than wild-type Td. A single point mutation in gyrB that changed GyrB Lys(136) to Glu or Thr appears to be responsible for the coumermycin A(1) resistance.  相似文献   

Recently we reported the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphorylation of a 55-kilodalton protein of Streptococcus faecalis catalyzed by enzyme I and histidine-containing protein (HPr) of the phosphotransferase system (J. Deutscher, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 29:237-243, 1985). The purified 55-kilodalton protein was found to exhibit dihydroxyacetone kinase activity. Glycerol was six times more slowly phosphorylated than dihydroxyacetone. The Kms were found to be 0.7 mM for ATP, 0.45 mM for dihydroxyacetone, and 0.9 mM for glycerol. PEP-dependent phosphorylation of dihydroxyacetone kinase stimulated phosphorylation of both substrates about 10-fold. Fructose 1,6-diphosphate at concentrations higher than 2 mM inhibited the activity of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated dihydroxyacetone kinase in a noncompetitive manner. The rate of PEP-dependent phosphorylation of dihydroxyacetone kinase was about 200-fold slower than the phosphorylation rate of III proteins (also called enzyme III or factor III), which so far have been considered the only phosphoryl acceptors of histidyl-phosphorylated HPr. P-Dihydroxyacetone kinase was found to be able to transfer its phosphoryl group in a backward reaction to HPr. Following [32P]PEP-dependent phosphorylation and tryptic digestion of dihydroxyacetone kinase, we isolated a labeled peptide composed of 37 amino acids, as determined by amino acid analysis. The single histidyl residue of this peptide most likely carries the phosphoryl group in phosphorylated dihydroxyacetone kinase.  相似文献   

The structure and function of regulators and anti-terminators is under discussion in gram-positive bacteria. The regulators of lichen and levan operons (LiR and LevR) as well as the implementation of both gram-positive and negative regulations of operons by them are in the focus of attention. Po-independent termination is regarded by the example of the regulatory activity for the utilization systems of glucose (GlcT) beta-glucosides (LicT), sucrose (low-efficiency system SacY-SacX) and of glycerin (GlcP). Changes in the functional activity of the above systems, which are dependent on a condition of anti-terminators (phosphorylated or dephosphorylated forms and an ability to demirelize etc.) are regarded from the viewpoint of a possibility of occurrence of catabolic repression.  相似文献   

The permeases of the Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS), the sugar-specific enzymes II, are energized by sequential phosphoryl transfer from phosphoenolpyruvate to (i) enzyme I, (ii) the phosphocarrier protein HPr, (iii) the enzyme IIA domains of the permeases, and (iv) the enzyme IIBC domains of the permeases which transport and phosphorylate their sugar substrates. A number of site-specific mutants of HPr were examined by using kinetic approaches. Most of the mutations exerted minimal effects on the kinetic parameters characterizing reactions involving phosphoryl transfer from phospho-HPr to various sugars. However, when the well-conserved aspartyl 69 residue in HPr was changed to a glutamyl residue, the affinities for phospho-HPr of the enzymes II specific for mannitol, N-acetylglucosamine, and beta-glucosides decreased markedly without changing the maximal reaction rates. The same mutation reduced the spontaneous rate of phosphohistidyl HPr hydrolysis but did not appear to alter the rate of phosphoryl transfer from phospho-enzyme I to HPr. When the adjacent glutamyl residue 70 in HPr was changed to a lysyl residue, the Vmax values of the reactions catalyzed by the enzymes II were reduced, but the Km values remained unaltered. Changing this residue to alanine exerted little effect. Site-specific alterations in the C terminus of the beta-glucoside enzyme II which reduced the maximal reaction rate of phosphoryl transfer about 20-fold did not alter the relative kinetic parameters because of the aforementioned mutations in HPr. Published three-dimensional structural analyses of HPr and the complex of HPr with the glucose-specific enzyme IIA (IIAGlc) (homologous to the beta-glucoside and N-acetylglucosamine enzyme IIA domains) have revealed that residues 69 and 70 in HPr are distant from the active phosphorylation site and the IIAGlc binding interface in HPr. The results reported therefore suggest that residues D-69 and E-70 in HPr play important roles in controlling conformational aspects of HPr that influence (i) autophosphohydrolysis, (ii) the interaction of this protein with the sugar permeases of the bacterial phosphotransferase system, and (iii) catalysis of phosphoryl transfer to the IIA domains in these permeases.  相似文献   

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