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The potential effects of radiofrequency (RF) exposure on the genetic material of cells are very important to determine since genome instability of somatic cells may be linked to cancer development. In response to genetic damage, the p53 protein is activated and can induce cell cycle arrest allowing more time for DNA repair or elimination of damaged cells through apoptosis. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the exposure to RF electromagnetic fields, similar to those emitted by mobile phones of the second generation standard, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), may induce expression of the p53 protein and its activation by post‐translational modifications in cultured human cells. The potential induction of p53 expression and activation by GSM‐900 was investigated after in vitro exposure of human amniotic cells for 24 h to average specific absorption rates (SARs) of 0.25, 1, 2, and 4 W/kg in the temperature range of 36.3–39.7 °C. The exposures were carried out using a wire‐patch cell (WPC) under strictly controlled conditions of temperature. Expression and activation of p53 by phosphorylation at serine 15 and 37 were studied using Western blot assay immediately after three independent exposures of cell cultures provided from three different donors. Bleomycin‐exposed cells were used as a positive control. According to our results, no significant changes in the expression and activation of the p53 protein by phosphorylation at serine 15 and 37 were found following exposure to GSM‐900 for 24 h at average SARs up to 4 W/kg in human embryonic cells. Bioelectromagnetics 34:52–60, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Wild‐type p53 functions as a tumour suppressor while mutant p53 possesses oncogenic potential. Until now it remains unclear how a single mutation can transform p53 into a functionally distinct gene harbouring a new set of original cellular roles. Here we show that the most common p53 cancer mutants express a larger number and higher levels of shorter p53 protein isoforms that are translated from the mutated full‐length p53 mRNA. Cells expressing mutant p53 exhibit “gain‐of‐function” cancer phenotypes, such as enhanced cell survival, proliferation, invasion and adhesion, altered mammary tissue architecture and invasive cell structures. Interestingly, Δ160p53‐overexpressing cells behave in a similar manner. In contrast, an exogenous or endogenous mutant p53 that fails to express Δ160p53 due to specific mutations or antisense knock‐down loses pro‐oncogenic potential. Our data support a model in which “gain‐of‐function” phenotypes induced by p53 mutations depend on the shorter p53 isoforms. As a conserved wild‐type isoform, Δ160p53 has evolved during millions of years. We thus provide a rational explanation for the origin of the tumour‐promoting functions of p53 mutations.  相似文献   

SIRT1, a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)‐dependent histone/protein deacetylase, has been extensively studied recently for its critical role in the regulation of physiology, calorie restriction and aging. Studies on laboratory mice showed that expression of SIRT1 can be induced by starvation in a p53‐dependent manner and requires the p53‐binding sites present in the Sirt1 promoter. However, it remains to be determined whether these findings based on rodents apply to human beings. In this paper, we characterized a putative p53‐binding element in the human SIRT1 promoter that might be required for the up‐regulation of SIRT1 in response to nutritional stress. The p53‐binding site in the promoter of human SIRT1 is more deviant from the consensus sequence than the corresponding sequence in the mouse Sirt1. There is a C to A change at the second half site in human SIRT1, thus disrupting the core‐binding element CWWG in the canonical RRRCWWGYYY. To test whether such sequence change would affect its binding with p53 and the SIRT1 expression under stress, we studied various human cell lines with different p53 status and cells with ectopic expression of functionally distinct p53. We found that serum withdrawal also up‐regulates human SIRT1 gene expression in a p53‐dependent manner and that the p53‐binding element in SIRT1 is required for the up‐regulation. Thus, the mechanism responsible for the regulation of SIRT1 expression by p53 is conserved between mice and human beings.  相似文献   

The formation and progression of mudulloblastoma (MB) is poorly understood. However, somatic inactivation of pRb/p105, in combination with a somatic or a germ‐line TP53 inactivation, leads to MB in a mouse model. Presently, there is no specific evidence of pathway/s alterations for the other two members of the retinoblastoma family, pRb2/p130 and/or p107 in MB. JC virus (JCV) is a human polyomavirus. Although there is no firm evidence that this virus plays a causal role in human neoplasia, it has been clearly proven that JCV is highly oncogenic when injected into the brain of experimental animals. The mechanism of JCV‐induced tumorigenesis is not entirely clear. However, several studies relate the oncogenic properties of JCV mainly to its early protein large T‐antigen (T‐Ag), which is able to bind and inactivate both TP53 and Rb family proteins. Here, we compared the protein expression profiles of p53, p73, pRb family proteins, and PCNA, as main regulators of cell proliferation and death, in different cell lines of mouse primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET), either T‐Ag‐positive or ‐negative, and in human MB cell lines. Our goal was to determine if changes in the relative expression of these regulators could trigger molecular perturbations underlying MB pathogenesis in mouse and human cells. Our results support that the presence of JCV T‐Ag may interfere with the expression of pRb family proteins, specific p73 isoforms, and p53. In turn, this “perturbation” may trigger a network of signals strictly connected with survival and apoptosis. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 182–190, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a permanent proliferative arrest triggered by genome instability or aberrant growth stresses, acting as a protective or even tumor‐suppressive mechanism. While several key aspects of gene regulation have been known to program this cessation of cell growth, the involvement of the epigenetic regulation has just emerged but remains largely unresolved. Using a systems approach that is based on targeted gene profiling, we uncovered known and novel chromatin modifiers with putative link to the senescent state of the cells. Among these, we identified SETD8 as a new target as well as a key regulator of the cellular senescence signaling. Knockdown of SETD8 triggered senescence induction in proliferative culture, irrespectively of the p53 status of the cells; ectopic expression of this epigenetic writer alleviated the extent doxorubicin‐induced cellular senescence. This repressive effect of SETD8 in senescence was mediated by directly maintaining the silencing mark H4K20me1 at the locus of the senescence switch gene p21. Further in support of this regulatory link, depletion of p21 reversed this SETD8‐mediated cellular senescence. Additionally, we found that PPARγ acts upstream and regulates SETD8 expression in proliferating cells. Downregulation of PPARγ coincided with the senescence induction, while its activation inhibited the progression of this process. Viewed together, our findings delineated a new epigenetic pathway through which the PPARγ‐SETD8 axis directly silences p21 expression and consequently impinges on its senescence‐inducing function. This implies that SETD8 may be part of a cell proliferation checkpoint mechanism and has important implications in antitumor therapeutics.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that in cells ectopically expressing temperature‐sensitive p53135val mutant, p53 formed tight complexes with poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase (PARP). At elevated temperatures, p53135val protein, adopting the mutant phenotype, was localized in the cytoplasm and sequestered the endogenous PARP. To prove whether an excess of p53135val protein led to this unusual intracellular distribution of PARP, we have established cell lines overexpressing p53135val + c‐Ha‐ras alone or in combination with PARP. Interestingly, immunostaining revealed that PARP is sequestered in the cytoplasm by mutant p53 in cells overexpressing both proteins. Simultaneous overexpression of PARP had no effect on temperature‐dependent cell proliferation and only negligibly affected the kinetics of p53‐mediated G1 arrest. However, if the cells were completely growth arrested at 32°C and then shifted up to 37°C, coexpressed PARP dramatically delayed the reentry of transformed cells into the cell cycle. Even after 72 h at 37°C the proportion of S‐phase cells was reduced to 20% compared to those expressing only p53135val + c‐Ha‐ras. The coexpressed PARP stabilized wt p53 protein and its enzymatic activity was necessary for stabilization. J. Cell. Biochem. 80:85–103, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During tail regeneration in lizards, the epidermis forms new scales comprising a hard beta‐layer and a softer alpha‐layer. Regenerated scales derive from a controlled folding process of the wound epidermis that gives rise to epidermal pegs where keratinocytes do not invade the dermis. Basal keratinocytes of pegs give rise to suprabasal cells that initially differentiate into a corneous wound epidermis and later in corneous layers of the regenerated scales. The immunodetection of a putative p53/63 protein in the regenerating tail of lizards shows that immunoreactivity is present in the nuclei of basal cells of the epidermis but becomes mainly cytoplasmic in suprabasal and in differentiating keratinocytes. Sparse labelled cells are present in the regenerating blastema, muscles, cartilage, ependyma and nerves of the growing tail. Ultrastructural observations on basal and suprabasal keratinocytes show that the labelling is mainly present in the euchromatin and nucleolus while labelling is more diffuse in the cytoplasm. These observations indicate that the nuclear protein in basal keratinocytes might control their proliferation avoiding an uncontrolled spreading into other tissues of the regenerating tail but that in suprabasal keratinocytes the protein moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, a process that might be associated to keratinocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence, which is known to halt proliferation of aged and stressed cells, plays a key role against cancer development and is also closely associated with organismal aging. While increased insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) signaling induces cell proliferation, survival and cancer progression, disrupted IGF signaling is known to enhance longevity concomitantly with delay in aging processes. The molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of aging by IGF signaling and whether IGF regulates cellular senescence are still poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that IGF‐1 exerts a dual function in promoting cell proliferation as well as cellular senescence. While acute IGF‐1 exposure promotes cell proliferation and is opposed by p53, prolonged IGF‐1 treatment induces premature cellular senescence in a p53‐dependent manner. We show that prolonged IGF‐1 treatment inhibits SIRT1 deacetylase activity, resulting in increased p53 acetylation as well as p53 stabilization and activation, thus leading to premature cellular senescence. In addition, either expression of SIRT1 or inhibition of p53 prevented IGF‐1‐induced premature cellular senescence. Together, these findings suggest that p53 acts as a molecular switch in monitoring IGF‐1‐induced proliferation and premature senescence, and suggest a possible molecular connection involving IGF‐1‐SIRT1‐p53 signaling in cellular senescence and aging.  相似文献   

The administration of pan histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors reduces ischemic damage to the CNS, both in vitro and in animal models of stroke, via mechanisms which we are beginning to understand. The acetylation of p53 is regulated by Class I HDACs and, because p53 appears to play a role in ischemic pathology, the purpose of this study was to discover, using an in vitro white matter ischemia model and an in vivo cerebral ischemia model, if neuroprotection mediated by HDAC inhibition depended on p53 expression. Optic nerves were excised from wild‐type and p53‐deficient mice, and then subjected to oxygen–glucose deprivation in the presence and absence of a specific inhibitor of Class I HDACs (MS‐275, entinostat) while compound action potentials were recorded. Furthermore, transient focal ischemia was imposed on wild‐type and p53‐deficient mice, which were subsequently treated with MS‐275. Interestingly, and in both scenarios, the beneficial effects of MS‐275 were most pronounced when p53 was absent. These results suggest that modulation of p53 activity is not responsible for MS‐275‐mediated neuroprotection, and further illustrate how HDAC inhibitors variably influence p53 and associated apoptotic pathways.


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