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A new species of Haplosporidium Caullery & Mesnil, 1899 parasitising the pulmonate gastropod Siphonaria lessonii Blainville in Patagonia, Argentina, is described based on morphological (scanning and transmission electron microscopy) and sequence (small subunit ribosomal RNA gene) data. Different stages of sporulation were observed as infections disseminated in the digestive gland. Haplosporidium patagon n. sp. is characterised by oval or slightly subquadrate spores with an operculum that is ornamented with numerous short digitiform projections of regular height, perpendicular to and covering its outer surface. The operculum diameter is slightly larger than the apical diameter of the spore. Neither the immature nor mature spores showed any kind of projections of the exosporoplasm or of the spore wall. Regarding phylogenetic affinities, the new species was recovered as sister to an undescribed species of Haplosporidium Caullery & Mesnil, 1899 from the polychaete family Syllidae Grube from Japanese waters. The morphological characters (ornamentation of the operculum, spore wall structure, shape and size of spores, and the lack of spore wall projections) corroborate it as an as yet undescribed species of Haplosporidium and the first for the phylum in marine gastropods of South America. Siphonaria lessonii is the only known host to date.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two new families of amphiboloid gastropods were recently erected, largely due to the very distinct structural and functional configurations of their distal reproductive systems. The spermovipositors in monaulic Salinator spp. (Amphibolidae) are functionally unique in Gastropoda, and it is suggested that they perform both oviposition and sperm transfer/receipt during non-reciprocal copulation. In contrast, the remarkably complex penises in syntremous diaulic Phallomedusa spp. (Phallomedusidae) are used exclusively for sperm transfer during reciprocal copulation. The phallomedusid penis is structurally unique among gastropods because it is protruded by pivoting around a fixed point rather than extending by eversion, and bears elaborate appendages to improve traction during copulation. The complex and functionally ambiguous distal reproductive structures of Maningrida (Maningrididae) differ from other amphibolids in the arrangement and structure of their prostate and copulatory structures. Genital armature of varying complexity occurs in all amphiboloidean families. There may be a correlation between the absence of a long-term sperm storage structure (spermatheca) and the evolutionary diversification of copulatory structures in these gastropods.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the top shell Turbo cornutus from Jeju Island was investigated in two populations using histology. In the northern population, gametogenesis commenced in January as the surface water temperature reached 14?°C, while in the southern population gametogenesis began a month earlier, as the water temperature remained at 17?°C. Ripe top shells first appeared in June and spawning continued from June to October when water temperatures were between 20 and 24?°C. Histology indicated that the spawning period of the southern population was a month earlier and lasted longer (June–October) than in the northern population (July–September). The percentage gonad area of animals in the southern population in March and April was significantly higher than in the northern population (p?相似文献   


Hermaphroditism of the erpobdellid leach Nephelopsis obscura is described on the basis of macroscopic and histological studies of the gonads. Perivitellogenic cells (female primordial germ cells) proliferate from the septa of segments XII and XIII in individuals of 26–30 mg and spermatogenic cells from segments XII to XIII of 20–25 mg specimens. The majority of hatch- lings develop functional testisacs when they reach 170 mg and functional ovisacs when they reach 250 mg. Oocytes proliferate only after the formation of stage 5–6 spermatozoa. Thus, N. obscura is a sequential cosexual hermaphrodite with spermatogenesis and mature spermatozoa development commencing before oogenesis. During the second cycle of gametogenesis observed in larger animals, both mature spermatozoa and ova co-occur and N. obscura exhibits simultaneous hermaphroditism.  相似文献   

The gonad condition of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermediuscollected in August 1997 at two stations in Peter the Great Bay was examined. One of the stations was located in a polluted area (Alekseev Bight, Popov Island) and the other, in a relatively clean area (the Verkhovskii Islands). The results were compared with analogous data for 1984, 1985, and 1989. In 1997, the gonad condition of sea urchins inhabiting the two areas differed significantly. The mean value of the gonad index (GI) for sea urchins from Alekseev Bight was less than half and the maturity index was about twice that of sea urchins from the Verkhovskii Islands. The GI of sea urchins from Alekseev Bight decreased by a factor of 1.5 between 1984 and 1997. Pronounced histopathological changes were found in sea urchin gonads at this station: granular and hydropic dystrophy of oocytes, resorption and a sharp decrease in the number of gametes (in about 20% of the sea urchins, hardly any gametes were found in the gonads), changes in the morphology of accessory cells (hypertrophy, atrophy, and necrosis), and accumulation of lipofuscin in the cytoplasm of accessory cells and oocytes, in the hemal sinuses and mesentery. The suppressed gonad condition of the sea urchin S. intermediusin Alekseev Bight may be a consequence of the unfavorable environmental situation that formed in the bight in the 1980s–1990s. The main negative factor is anthropogenic pollution of Amurskii Bay.  相似文献   

Abstract. Freshwater crayfishes of the genus Parastacus are intersex, i.e., show characteristics of both sexes in the same individual; also, intersexuality has been documented in hermaphroditic species. The aim of this study was to analyze the gonads of Parastacus varicosus , characterizing its sexual pattern. The animals were collected at Cova do Touro, Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Three sexual forms were identified: intersex females, intersex males, and transitional specimens showing an ovotestes gonad that could only be identified by means of histological analysis. All specimens had two pairs of gonopores and gonoducts. The oviduct had a wider diameter in females, whereas in males the vasa deferentia were more developed. Gonads were composed of two parallel structures located in the cephalothorax. Female gonads were classified into three stages. The presence of transitional specimens may indicate that sex change occurs, with protandric hermaphroditism, as observed in other species of Parastacus . Because previous studies had demonstrated that P. varicosus is a gonochoristic species in a population from Uruguay, the present study addressed the possibility that the sexual pattern depends on differences in environmental factors among populations. To improve understanding of evolution of hermaphroditism in these crustaceans, their reproductive dynamics should be studied, including identification of the factors stimulating male and female functions.  相似文献   



A number of shelled and shell-less gastropods are known to use multiple defensive mechanisms, including internally generated or externally obtained biochemically active compounds and structures. Within Nudipleura, nudibranchs within Cladobranchia possess such a special defense: the ability to sequester cnidarian nematocysts – small capsules that can inject venom into the tissues of other organisms. This ability is distributed across roughly 600 species within Cladobranchia, and many questions still remain in regard to the comparative morphology and evolution of the cnidosac – the structure that houses sequestered nematocysts (called kleptocnides). In this paper, we describe cnidosac morphology across the main groups of Cladobranchia in which it occurs, and place variation in its structure in a phylogenetic context to better understand the evolution of nematocyst sequestration.


Overall, we find that the length, size and structure of the entrance to the cnidosac varies more than expected based on previous work, as does the structure of the exit, the musculature surrounding the cnidosac, and the position and orientation of the kleptocnides. The sequestration of nematocysts has originated at least twice within Cladobranchia based on the phylogeny presented here using 94 taxa and 409 genes.


The cnidosac is not homologous to cnidosac-like structures found in Hancockiidae. Additionally, the presence of a sac at the distal end of the digestive gland may have originated prior to the sequestration of nematocysts. This study provides a more complete picture of variation in, and evolution of, morphological characters associated with nematocyst sequestration in Cladobranchia.

Aspects of the morphology of II species of Triviidae are described, including the living animal, shell, radula, mantle complex, central nervous system and reproductive system. Interspecific differences in radular morphology are important in distinguishing closely allied species. Trivia aperta, T. costata and T. verhoeft are protandric hermaphrodites while T. caluariola, T. neglccta, T. pellucidula, T. rubra, T. solandri and T. suavis are gonochoric. The elaboration of the receptaculum seminis varies between species. In T. aperta, T. calvariola, T. neglecta and T. who& the receptaculum is undivided while in T. costafa, T. pellucidula, T. solandri and T. suavis there are two or more lobes of the receptaculum.  相似文献   


The gametogenic cycle of the clam Ruditapes decussatus was investigated during one year. Samples were collected each month in two different sites located at the gulf of Gabès area. Gametogenic activity was characterized on the basis of histological analysis of the gonads. A classification and a scoring system were then proposed. According to our study, Ruditapes decussatus gametogenesis can be divided in four major steps: (1) a sexual rest (December- February), (2) starting of gametogenesis (February-March), (3) development (March-May), (4) ripe (from April onwards). This study revealed that the gonad of the clam Ruditapes decussatus was surrounded by muscular tissue which could represent the principal storage tissue. Two kinds of hermaphroditism appeared since maturity of gonads: simultaneous one showing gonadal tubules of both males and females in regionally distinct and separate zones and a “superposed” one showing a gonad consisting essentially of mature male gametes and few residual oocytes.  相似文献   


The respiratory pigments myoglobin and haemocyanin were characterised in the marine pulmonate Siphonaria zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard) and their roles in an oxygen transfer system were postulated. In air, when the animals were active, oxygen was transported from a simple diffusion lung by haemocyanin in the blood which had a half-saturation value of 12.7 mm Hg at pH 7.2 and 25°c. At pH 7.6 the oxygen affinity decreased to 17.3 mm Hg, indicating a reverse Bohr effect which might be expected to facilitate oxygen uptake in the lung during bursts of activity at low tide. A high oxygen-combining capacity of buccal mass myoglobin (21.2 vols %) indicated a role of oxygen storage during bursts of feeding activity. The distribution of carbonic anhydrase in various tissues was consistent with a transfer system facilitating the release of metabolic carbon dioxide from the buccal mass.  相似文献   

The egg capsules, eggs and embryos of the muricid gastropodCoronium coronatum are described for the first time. Capsulesare sessile, bulliform, semi-circular, with a plug in the dorsalcenter. Sutures split the capsule into two asymmetrical halves.Recently laid capsules showed the presence of 3639 (n = 2) uncleavednurse eggs with a diameter of 180–210 µm (mean= 197.4 ± 8.9). The number of early embryos was 9–11.The size of the embryos was 320 x 320 to 820–880 µm.Nine pre-hatching embryos of 3.94 mm (n = 8, SD = 0.32)were found inside the older capsule. SEM illustrations of embryosand radulae are provided. Comparison of shell and radula ofembryos with the protoconch and radulae of adults of C. coronatumrevealed that the capsule belongs to this species. (Received 18 March 2006; accepted 10 October 2006)  相似文献   

The following chaetognaths were found in the Atlantic Ocean between 34 to 40 degrees S and 52 degrees 20' to 62 degrees 00' W: Sagitta friderici, S. tasmanica, S. minima, S. gazellae, and S. enflata (in order of abundance). Of these, only S. friderici was parasitised by unencysted metacercariae of the families Derogenidae (Derogenes sp.), Hemiuridae (Ectenurus sp.) and Fellodistomidae (Monascus filiformis), and encysted metacercariae of Lepocreadiidae. The percentage of infection for each sampling station varied from 0.033 to 0.001 in August and from 0.02 to 0.001 in October 1996, with the highest values occurring at stations closer to the coast. The intensity of infection (worms per host) varied from 1 to 3 for Ectenurus sp. and was 1 for Derogenes sp., Monascus filiformis and Lepocreadiidae. Unencysted metacercariae were found in mature developmental stages of chaetognaths, whereas encysted ones occurred mainly in juveniles. The size and length of the ovaries of parasitised and unparasitised chaetognaths did not differ significantly. This is the first report of encysted Lepocreadiidae metacercariae and a progenetic metacercaria of Ectenurus sp. in Chaetognatha from the SW Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ultrastructural features of the ovary and oogenesis have been described in 6 species of patellid limpets from South Africa. The ovary is a complex organ that is divided radially into numerous compartments or lacunae by plate-like, blind-ended, hollow trabeculae that extend from the outer wall of the ovary to its central lumen. Trabeculae are composed of outer epithelial cells, intermittent smooth muscle bands, and extensive connective tissue. Oocytes arise within the walls of the trabeculae and progressively bulge outward into the ovarian lumen during growth while partially surrounded by squamous follicle cells. During early vitellogenesis, the follicle cells lift from the surface of the underlying oocytes and microvilli appear in the perivitelline space. Follicle cells restrict their contact with the oocytes to digitate foot processes that form desmosomes with the oolamina. When vitellogenesis is initiated, the trabecular epithelial cells hypertrophy and become proteosynthetically active. Yolk synthesis involves the direct incorporation of extraoocytic precursors from the lumen of the trabeculae (hemocoel) into yolk granules via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Lipid droplets arise de novo and Golgi complexes synthesize cortical granules that form a thin band beneath the oolamina. A fibrous jelly coat forms between the vitelline envelope and the overlying follicle cells in all species.  相似文献   

The life history of Oxychilus (Drouetia) brincki (Riedel, 1964), an endemic species from Santa Maria island (Azores), is addressed here for the first time. One population was analyzed for 1 year, to study the reproductive cycle and to assess the validity of three morphometric parameters as maturation diagnostic characters. The positive correlation between morphometric parameters (maximum diameter and number of whorls) can be useful to define the reproductive maturation status particularly during the active reproductive season. Oxychilus brincki is reproductively active between May and October/November; the residual values of mature oocytes between February and April allow reproduction to occur throughout the year. Our observations on gonadal maturation show that there is a functional protandric tendency and that photoperiod probably triggers the maturation process, whereas temperature acts mainly as a regulatory factor. Contrary to other terrestrial pulmonate snails that have a well demarcated reproductive cycle, Azorean species are gametogenically active throughout almost all the year.  相似文献   

A comparative study of some aspects of the reproductive biologyof Siphonaria pectinata was carried out at Gibraltar. Maturationoccurred at 5-6 mm shell length corresponding to an age of 6-12months. At the more sheltered Atlantic site spawning was evidentfrom March to June 1992 with peak spawning occurring in May-June1992. The patterns of spawning activity for the following twoyears were very similar. Egg ribbons were very scarce at themore exposed Mediterranean site and were found in considerablyless quantities than at the Atlantic site. Individuals at bothsites contained mature eggs in their gonads at the onset, andthen throughout the duration of the spawning season, but exhibitedspent gonads by October. The spawn of S. pectinata consistedof small oval ribbons filled with numerous egg-shaped capsulesspaced irregularly in a jelly-like matrix. Spawn was depositedmainly away from the home scar in shallow depressions, cracksand crevices and between barnacles and mussels. S. pectinataexhibited planktonic development. The fertilised eggs took between14 and 21 days to develop at ambient temperature (14-19°),and hatched as free-swimming planktotrophic veligers. The timingof spawning activity and the placement of egg masses in protectivemicrohabitats on the shore are discussed in terms of adaptationsto reduce desiccation stress, predation and possible food shortages.The mode of development in S. pectinata is placed in contextwith current theories regarding siphonariid ancestry and evolution. (Received 6 January 1998; accepted 25 June 1998)  相似文献   

The present work describes the reproductive biology of the white marlin (Kajikia albida) caught in the southwestern and equatorial Atlantic Ocean. The gonads of 924 fish were collected by observers on board Brazilian tuna longliners, between November 2004 and December 2006. The spawning season was assessed by the monthly frequency distribution of distinct stages of maturity and monthly mean female gonadosomatic index GSI. Sixty-one percent (n = 656) of the fish examined were female, with a Lower Jaw Fork Length (LJFL) between 83 and 236 cm (mean = 155.5 ± 16.63). The 268 males had a LJFL between 90 and 220 cm (mean = 152.3 ± 34.62). Although the northeastern region of Brazil does not appear to be a significant spawning area for the species, the results suggest a higher reproductive activity in the third quarter of the year. Using a Bayesian logistic model approach, length at 50% maturity was estimated at 145.04 cm (credibility interval of 95%, 143.94–146.09 cm), for females, and at 140.03 cm (credibility interval of 95%, 137.28–142.52 cm), for males.  相似文献   

Landouria omphalostoma n. sp. is described from northern Yunnan, China. The new species is placed in the genus Landouria Godwin-Austen, 1918 based on the presence of tuberculated flagellum and swollen basal part in the bursa copulatrix, and on the absence of dart sacs and mucous glands. L. omphalostoma n. sp. is characterized by a horizontal aperture of the shell which is unique in the genus. This feature resembles those of only two other camaenid/bradybaenid taxa, species of the Chinese genus Pseudaspasita Möllendorff, 1902 and species of the Japanese genus Coelorus Pilsbry, 1900. This is the first verified record of the genus in China and the easternmost record of Landouria. This paper provides the taxonomic ground work for further studies of the repeated evolution of a horizontal aperture.  相似文献   

Digenean are important endoparasites of fish with complex life cycles; some genera include medusae as secondary hosts. Their transmission to fish occurs when fish prey on these jelly hosts. Fish predation on jellyfish is a widespread phenomenon, even though predation by fish on jellyfish has not been determined through parasitism yet. We hypothesized that medusae with high prevalences of digeneans could be important for their transmission to fish. A total of 48,900 specimens of 50 medusa species were analyzed; 2,181 harbored digeneans. Opechona sp. and Monascus filiformis were the most frequent and abundant parasites with the widest range of hosts. Hemiuridae gen. sp. and Bacciger sp. were found in few specimens of some medusa species. Prevalences were unevenly distributed in the region. Three groups with high prevalence values were identified mainly related to frontal areas: Río de la Plata, Bahía Blanca, and North Patagonian tidal front. Eucheilota ventricularis, Clytia hemisphaerica, Proboscidactyla mutabilis, Liriope tetraphylla, and Aequoerea spp. were the medusae that contributed the most as secondary hosts to M. filiformis and Opechona sp. The high prevalences found in these medusae suggest that may be a fundamental part of the life cycles of both parasites in these areas.  相似文献   

Three species of Trivia were collected from subtidal habitats in the Cape of Good Hope Peninsula, South Africa. The morphology of T. ovulata (Lamarck, 1811), T. millardi (Cate, 1979) and T. verhoefi sp. nov. is described. Each species can be distinguished by a unique pattern of mande coloration, conchological characters of the fossula and shape of the radular teeth. The central nervous system was examined and found to be of the same configuration in die diree South African spe Trivia ovulata and T. verhoefi appear to be gonochoric while T. millardi is a protandric hermaphrodite. Trivia ovulata and T. millardi also differ in the position of the receptaculum seminis. Differences in internal morphology reported in previous work and the present study are discussed. The fact that the central nervous system of Trivia is euthyneurous is reconfirmed. Trivia ovulata and T. millardi were associated with colonial tunicates as previously recorded for other members of the genus.  相似文献   

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