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Martina Hartová-Nentvichová Miloš Anděra Vlastimil Hart 《Central European Journal of Biology》2010,5(6):894-907
Describing the sex ratio, age structure of the population and ontogenetic variability of Red fox, Vulpes vulpes (Canidae, Carnivora) skull parameters, this study is based on 416 male and 289 female skulls collected in the Czech Republic.
The skulls analysed came from feral individuals, that were shot by hunters. The male to female ratio was 1:0.69 regarding
the whole population. Individuals younger than one year prevailed in the population (54% males, 48% females were in their
first year of life). Four growth patterns of skull dimensions were described. The first group included mainly skull length
dimensions (e.g. condylobasal length). They grew rapidly until the sixth month of life, becoming stabilised afterwards. The second group comprised
parameters that were stable throughout the life (e.g. cheek tooth rows). Measurements representing the third growth pattern showed continual growth (mainly width dimensions, e.g. zygomatic breadth). Conversely, smaller dimensions of postorbital breadth were observed after the sixth month of life. Postorbital
breadth represented the fourth growth pattern. It was concluded, that male and female Red foxes had similar ontogenetic skull
development, even though there were some differences, e.g. in jugular breadth, which increased after the age of six months in males unlike in females. 相似文献
R H Post 《American journal of physical anthropology》1969,30(1):85-88
Measurements of the external opening of the tear duct (naso-lachrymal canal) of skulls of American colored males and white males indicate larger apertures among the former at corresponding ages. Duct length is somewhat shorter among colored males. In both racial samples the older skulls have slightly larger apertures than those under 40. A sample of white female skulls corroborates this, and manifests smaller average size than the white male skulls at ages below 50 whereas older skulls reveal no sex difference. The race difference in aperture size among male skulls is highly significant statistically and may reflect ecological adaptation. 相似文献
Males and females of many organisms differ in important life-history and behavioral characters. Following a recent optimization analysis of sexually dimorphic life histories, we employed an odonate-like parameter set to identify patterns of life history and behavior to be expected in an odonate population. The default parameter magnitudes generated a smaller body size and shorter development time for males than for females, which resulted in a male-biased sex ratio. Whether population growth was density dependent or density independent, and whether development time was fixed or flexible had major impacts on life-history features. The model generated five general predictions for odonate systems. (1) For species with fixed development times, males and females should differ more in activity level, growth and mortality rates than for species with flexible life cycles. (2) In species with fixed development times, populations at high latitude or high altitude should be more active, emerge and reproduce at smaller size and have a more male-biased sex ratio than low latitude and low altitude populations. (3) In density-dependent populations, with density dependence mediated by activity-dependent mortality, higher predation rates should increase activity levels and reduce development time in species with flexible development times. (4) For species with flexible development times, in strongly density-dependent populations with density dependence mediated by mortality, activity levels should decrease and development times should increase at high prey abundance. (5) Males should be larger at emergence relative to females, and the sex ratio at emergence should be more female-biased in territorial than in non-territorial species. Existing empirical evidence concerning these predictions is generally sparse and equivocal; focused tests are clearly needed. 相似文献
Urinary concentrations of immunoreactive human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) were determined by specific homologous radioimmunoassay in 169 healthy men (aged 20-69 years), 275 healthy women (20-8 years). healthy women (20-68 years) and 413 pregnant women (20-39 years). Relative hEGF concentrations in urine (micrograms/g creatinine) decreased significantly in both sexes between 24 and 64 years of age. The relative concentrations of hEGF in urine were significantly higher in women than in men at ages 20-69 years. The mean values of relative urinary hEGF concentrations in pregnant women in their twenties and thirties (30.0 +/- 0.7 micrograms/g creatinine and 29.6 +/- 1.2 micrograms/g creatinine) were significantly higher than those in age-matched nonpregnant women (27.3 +/- 1.8 micrograms/g creatinine and 22.8 +/- 0.7 micrograms/g creatinine). Among the trimesters, it was highest in the 2nd trimester of women in the twenties and thirties (33.4 +/- 1.3 micrograms/g creatinine and 31.7 +/- 1.9 micrograms/g creatinine). The significance of the increased urinary excretion of hEGF (micrograms/g creatinine) in pregnancy is not known. Further studies are required to find a source of hEGF in urine and a possible relation between increased hEGF excretion and fetoplacental growth and development. 相似文献
This paper presents time series data on spouse selection in Canada for the period 1921-1978. Homogamous and endogamous trends are examined by age, sex, and religion. In the case of religious endogamy, most groups have shown decreasing proportions of marriages. There are also considerable differences in rates of endogamy among religious groups, and these differences have largely persisted over time. Until 1971, the proportions of brides marrying older and younger grooms decreased, while the proportion marrying the same age increased, after which these trends reversed. Younger males increasingly tended to select brides of their own age group until the 1960s, while older males have been increasingly heterogamous since World War II. While these changes in spouse selection have been examined with respect to changes in the unmarried population, the relation between the 2 trends is not clear, and it is difficult to account fully for the observed trends in spouse selection with respect to age. 相似文献
Gallagher Dympna; Visser Marjolein; De Meersman Ronald E.; Sepulveda Dennis; Baumgartner Richard N.; Pierson Richard N.; Harris Tamara; Heymsfield Steven B. 《Journal of applied physiology》1997,83(1):229-239
Gallagher, Dympna, Marjolein Visser, Ronald E. De Meersman,Dennis Sepúlveda, Richard N. Baumgartner, Richard N. Pierson, Tamara Harris, and Steven B. Heymsfield. Appendicular skeletal muscle mass: effects of age, gender, and ethnicity. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 229-239, 1997.This studytested the hypothesis that skeletal muscle mass is reduced in elderlywomen and men after adjustment first for stature and body weight. Thehypothesis was evaluated by estimating appendicular skeletal musclemass with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in a healthy adult cohort. Asecond purpose was to test the hypothesis that whole body40K counting-derived total bodypotassium (TBK) is a reliable indirect measure of skeletal muscle mass.The independent effects on both appendicular skeletal muscle and TBK ofgender (n = 148 women and 136 men) andethnicity (n = 152 African-Americans and 132 Caucasians) were also explored. Main findingswere 1) for both appendicularskeletal muscle mass (total, leg, and arm) and TBK, age was anindependent determinant after adjustment first by stepwise multipleregression for stature and weight (multiple regression modelr2 = ~0.60);absolute decrease with greater age in men was almost double that inwomen; significantly larger absolute amounts were observed in men andAfrican-Americans after adjustment first for stature, weight, and age;and >80% of within-gender or -ethnic group between-individualcomponent variation was explained by stature, weight, age, gender, andethnicity differences; and 2) mostof between-individual TBK variation could be explained by totalappendicular skeletal muscle(r2 = 0.865),whereas age, gender, and ethnicity were small but significant additional covariates (totalr2 = 0.903). Ourstudy supports the hypotheses that skeletal muscle is reduced in theelderly and that TBK provides a reasonable indirect assessment ofskeletal muscle mass. These findings provide a foundation forinvestigating skeletal muscle mass in a wide range of health-related conditions. 相似文献
Vigilance in social animals is often aimed at detecting predators. Many social and environmental factors influence vigilance, including sex, predation risk and group size. During the summer of 2007, we studied Przewalski's gazelle Procapra przewalskii , an endemic ungulate to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, to test whether and how these three factors affect vigilance. We distinguished groups consisting of males, mothers with lambs and females without lambs making observations on groups in the presence or absence of nearby predators. We assessed the group-size effect on vigilance and how this varied with levels of predation risk and sex. Males and mothers scanned longer and with a higher frequency than females without lambs. Individuals were more vigilant under direct predation threat. Although vigilance generally decreased with group size, the extent of the decrease was independent of predation risk and was not significant in males. The results suggest that mothers are more vigilant suggesting greater vulnerability and that males may have increased their vigilance to compete for higher social ranks. The positive correlation between vigilance and predation risk and the negative correlation between vigilance and group size are consistent with earlier findings, but we failed to find an interaction between group size and predation risk on vigilance perhaps because vigilance levels are low even in small groups, thus making similar vigilant upward adjustments in both small and large groups. 相似文献
N G Norgan 《American journal of physical anthropology》1987,74(3):385-392
For the renewed interest in fat patterning to be fruitful, more information on the biology of fat patterning, particularly normative data are required. Nine skinfold thicknesses were measured in 2312 coastal and highland Papua New Guineans of all ages undergoing acculturation. Principal component analysis of the skinfold data revealed components of fatness and fat patterning. First component scores were typical of the changes in fatness with age and the sex differences expected in these populations. Second component scores of limb-trunk fat patterning showed marked changes with age in both sexes but they stabilised in adulthood. This pattern seemed more affected by maturity although it is usually thought to be a sex-specific pattern. The third component, upper-lower body patterning, was more sexually dimorphic in adults. Marked differences were not observed between the two communities but over a 15-year period fatness levels increased slightly and subcutaneous fat tended to be deposited more centrally. 相似文献
Renal 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity: effects of age, sex and altered hormonal status 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The enzyme 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, by converting cortisol and corticosterone to their receptor-inactive 11-keto metabolites cortisone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone, appears crucial to the aldosterone-selectivity of renal mineralocorticoid receptors. Levels of enzyme activity in the rat kidney, measured by conversion of cortisol to cortisone, are unaltered by changes in adrenal or thyroid status, or by castration in either sex; in contrast, oestrogen administration increases enzyme activity in male rats. 相似文献
Kelvin F. Conrad Karen H. Willson Katherine Whitfield Ian F. Harvey Chris J. Thomas Thomas N. Sherratt 《Ecography》2002,25(4):439-445
In this study we assessed whether individuals of the damselfly species Ischnura elegans and Coenagrion puella that moved between ponds differed in their mean characteristics from individuals that did not move. Overall, the sex (female) and species ( C. puella ) that spent the most time away from the breeding site was more likely to move between ponds. Ischnura elegans males that dispersed had significantly longer forewings than males that did not, while male C. puella parasitised by water mites were more likely to disperse than unparasitised males. There was no evidence for differences in dispersal rates among the female colour forms of either I. elegans or C. puella . In general, the differences in dispersal characteristics between sexes and species could be explained by underlying variation in activity and mobility. The majority of dispersal between breeding sites by C. puella and I. elegans did not appear to be directed, but probably arose from chance movements occasionally taking individuals to a different pond from which they emerged. 相似文献
The dipeptide carnosine is found in high concentrations in human skeletal muscle and shows large inter-individual differences. Sex and age are determining factors, however, systematic studies investigating the sex effects on muscle carnosine content throughout the human lifespan are lacking. Despite the large inter-individual variation, the intra-individual variation is limited. The question may be asked whether the carnosine content is a muscle characteristic which may be largely genetically determined. A total of 263 healthy male and female subjects of 9-83 years were divided into five different age groups: prepubertal children (PC), adolescents (A), young adults (YA), middle adults (MA) and elderly (E). We included 25 monozygotic and 22 dizygotic twin pairs among the entire study population to study the heritability. The carnosine content was measured non-invasively in the gastrocnemius medialis and soleus by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS). In boys, carnosine content was significantly higher (gastrocnemius 22.9%; soleus 44.6%) in A compared to PC, while it did not differ in girls. A decrease (~16%) was observed both in males and females from YA to MA. However, elderly did not have lower carnosine levels in comparison with MA. Higher correlations were found in monozygotic (r=0.86) compared to dizygotic (r=0.51) twins, in soleus muscle, but not in gastrocnemius. In conclusion, this study found an effect of puberty on muscle carnosine content in males, but not in females. Muscle carnosine decreased mainly during early adulthood and hardly from adulthood to elderly. High intra-twin correlations were observed, but muscle-dependent differences preclude clear conclusions toward heritability. 相似文献
M.S. Stein C.D.L. Thomas S.A. Feik J.D. Wark J.G. Clement 《Journal of biomechanics》1998,31(12):1101-1110
The reasons for the increase in fracture rates with age are not fully understood. It is known that there is a decrease in bone mass with a presumed loss of strength. This decrease may possibly be compensated for by changes in cross-sectional geometry. Previous studies, which have been limited by lack of information on subjects’ heights and weights, were not able to resolve this issue. In this study, measurements of cross-sectional geometry (area and second moments of area) from 107 specimens of human femoral diaphysis from subjects aged 21–92 years were analysed. Mathematical models of the variation in bone geometry with age were developed. These models included the effects of sex, height and weight. Values of parameters from these models were then used in a biomechanical analysis of the static stresses at the mid-shaft of the femur. Results indicate that although there was a reduction in cortical area in old age, bone tissue was redistributed so that neither bending stresses in the coronal plane nor torsional stresses were higher in old age than in young adulthood. An additional finding was that at any age women had smaller bones, less cortical bone area and higher bone stresses than men. This finding may have some bearing on the higher fracture incidence seen in older women. 相似文献
Winter segregation of migrant European robins Erithacus rubecula in relation to sex, age and size 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Birds often show some form of social segregation during winter, both at large geographical scales (a consequence of differential migration) and at the regional or local level, when comparing different habitats or micro-habitats. However, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying such patterns is still poor. These issues have been rarely investigated in migratory Old-World passerines, particularly with respect to differences between the sexes. In this study, we show that female European robins Erithacus rubecula (sexed by molecular techniques) greatly outnumber males in southern Iberia, which confirms that this species is a differential migrant with a strong latitudinal segregation of the sexes. Furthermore, sex, age and body size influence the habitat distribution of robins in winter. Subordinate birds (females, juveniles and small individuals) were generally more common in habitats with a greater shrub development, and comparatively scarce in woodlands with relatively little undergrowth. Birds wintering in woodlands were in better condition (assessed by breast-muscle scoring) than birds wintering in shrubland. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that proposes that social dominance, mediated by differences in size and experience, is important in determining the habitat segregation of sex and age classes. The alternative hypothesis (habitat specialization), although not specifically supported by our findings, cannot be ruled out on the basis of the available evidence. 相似文献
The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is a major degradation system for regulatory and misfolded proteins. UPS function has been implicated to exert a central role in the pathogenesis of various human diseases. Because biochemical analyses are often hampered by the amount of available diseased tissue, we report on the establishment and validation of a luminescence-based proteasomal activity assay applicable to 5-mg quantities of skeletal muscle. We demonstrate that the specific proteasomal activity differs in individual muscle groups and decreases with aging. These findings warrant the use of appropriate controls and a careful interpretation of results in mammalian skeletal muscle pathologies. 相似文献
Daniel P. Welsh Muchu Zhou Steven M. Mussmann Lauren G. Fields Claire L. Thomas Simon P. Pearish Stephanie L. Kilburn Jerrod L. Parker Laura R. Stein Jennifer A. Bartlett Christopher R. Bertram Thomas J. Bland Kate L. Laskowski Brett C. Mommer Xuan Zhuang Rebecca C. Fuller 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2013,108(4):784-789
Lake and stream habitats pose a variety of challenges to fishes due to differences in variables such as water velocity, habitat structure, prey community, and predator community. These differences can cause divergent selection on body size and/or shape. Here, we measured sex, age, length, and eight different morphological traits of the blackstripe topminnow, Fundulus notatus, from 19 lake and stream populations across four river drainages in central Illinois. Our goal was to determine whether size and shape differed consistently between lake and stream habitats across drainages. We also considered the effects of age and sex as they may affect size and morphology. We found large differences in body size of age 1 topminnows where stream fish were generally larger than lake fish. Body shape mainly varied as a function of sex. Adult male topminnows had larger morphological traits (with the exception of body width) than females, in particular longer dorsal and anal base lengths. Subtle effects of habitat were present. Stream fish had a longer dorsal fin base than lake fish. These phenotypic patterns may be the result of genetic and/or environmental variation. As these lakes are human‐made, the observed differences, if genetic, would have had to occur relatively rapidly (within about 100 years). © 2013 The Linnean Society of London 相似文献
A general problem in evolutionary biology is that quantitative tests of theory usually require a detailed knowledge of the underlying trade-offs, which can be very hard to measure. Consequently, tests of theory are often constrained to be qualitative and not quantitative. A solution to this problem can arise when life histories are viewed in a dimensionless way. Recently, dimensionless theory has been developed to predict the size and age at which individuals should change sex. This theory predicts that the size at sex change/maximum size (L50/L(max)), and the age at sex change/age at first breeding (tau/alpha) should both be invariant. We found support for these two predictions across 52 species of fish. Fish change sex when they are 80% of their maximum body size, and 2.5 times their age at maturity. This invariant result holds despite a 60 and 25 fold difference across species in maximum size and age at sex change. These results suggest that, despite ignoring many biological complexities, relatively simple evolutionary theory is able to explain quantitatively at what point sex change occurs across fish species. Furthermore, our results suggest some very broad generalities in how male fitness varies with size and age across fish species with different mating systems. 相似文献