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Lack of social support and social exclusion is associated with adverse effects for mental and physical health. Additionally, women appear to be more vulnerable to social triggers of health disturbances. The hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenocortical-axis (HPA axis) might play a key role in this context as it has been shown both to relate to psychosocial conditions and health outcomes and to respond differentially depending on gender. In a previous experiment we found no effects of exclusion alone (operationalized via Cyberball) on cortisol secretion. Here we examine the effects of a social exclusion pre-experience on psychological and cortisol responses to a public speaking stressor. Subjects (33 m, 34 f) were randomly assigned to social exclusion (SE) or one of two control conditions (exclusion attributed to technical default (TD) and social inclusion (SI)). Afterwards salivary cortisol and psychological responses to a public speaking paradigm were assessed. Exclusion pre-treatment does not affect psychological responses to public speaking stress though with respect to cortisol significant. Cyberball by gender and Cyberball by gender by time interactions are found. SE-women show a blunted cortisol stress response to public speaking while cortisol responses of SE-men fall between SI-men and TD-men. Pre-experience of social exclusion leads to a blunted cortisol response to stress in women but not in men. This factor might contribute to the higher vulnerability to social triggers of health disturbances observed in women.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is associated with significant impairment in many life activities and may thus increase the risk of chronic stress in everyday life. We compared adults with a DSM-IV ADHD diagnosis (n = 28) with healthy controls (n = 28) regarding subjective stress and amounts of stressors in everyday life, diurnal salivary cortisol in the everyday environment and salivary cortisol before and after cognitive stress in a laboratory setting. The association between cortisol concentrations and impulsivity was also investigated. Consistent with assumptions, individuals with ADHD reported significantly more self-perceived stress than controls, and subjective stress correlated with the amount of stressors in everyday life. The two groups were comparable with respect to overall diurnal cortisol levels and rhythm, as well as in pre- and post-stress cortisol concentrations. Post-stress cortisol (but not baseline cortisol) concentration was positively correlated with impulsivity. The group with high post-stress cortisol also reported more symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as self-perceived stress and stressors in every-day life. The diagnosis of ADHD significantly increased the risk of belonging to the group with high post-stress cortisol levels. The results in this study warrant a focus not only on the primary diagnosis of ADHD, but also calls for a broader assessment of stressors and subjective stress in everyday life, as well as support comprising stress management and coping skills.  相似文献   

Study Objectives: Increased stress responsivity and a longer-lasting glucocorticoid increase are common findings in aging studies. Increased cortisol levels at the circadian nadir also accompany aging. We used 24h free urine cortisol to assess these age changes in healthy seniors. We hypothesized that free cortisol levels would explain individual differences in age-related sleep impairments. Design: The study compared sleep, cortisol, and sleep-cortisol correlations under baseline and “stress” conditions in men and women. Setting: Subjects were studied in the General Clinical Research Center under baseline conditions and a mildly stressful procedure (24h indwelling intravenous catheter placement). Participants: Eighty-eight healthy, nonobese subjects (60 women and 28 men) from a large study of successful aging participated in the study. Mean ages were 70.6 (±6.2) and 72.3 (±5.7) years for women and men, respectively. Measurements: The 24h urines were collected for cortisol assay (radioimmunoassay [RIA]); blood was sampled at three diurnal time points for assay (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) of interleukin-1 (IL-1) beta; sleep architecture and sleep electroencephalograms (EEGs) were analyzed (after an adaptation and screening night) on baseline and stress nights via polysomnography and EEG power spectral analysis. Results: Healthy older women and men with higher levels of free cortisol (24h urine level) under a mild stress condition had impaired sleep (lower sleep efficiency; fewer minutes of stages 2, 3, and 4 sleep; more EEG beta activity during non-rapid eye movement sleep [NREM] sleep). Similar results were obtained when stress reactivity measures were used (cortisol and sleep values adjusted for baseline values), but not when baseline values alone were used. Gender differences were apparent: Men had higher levels of free urine cortisol in both baseline and mild stress conditions. Cortisol and sleep correlated most strongly in men; cortisol stress response levels explained 36% of the variance in NREM sleep stress responses. In women, but not men, higher cortisol was also associated with earlier time of arising and less REM sleep. Higher cortisol response to stress was associated with increased circulating levels of IL-1β, explaining 24% of the variance in a subset of women. Conclusion: These results indicate that free cortisol (as indexed by 24h urine values) can index responses to mild stress in healthy senior adults, revealing functional correlations (impaired sleep, earlier times of arising, more EEG beta activity during sleep, more IL-1β) and gender differences. (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 391-404, 2000)  相似文献   

Stress and anxiety are commonly thought to be detrimental to sexual function. Several studies in both the human and animal literature, however, have found that inducing anxiety can enhance sexual function in women. The mechanisms that explain a negative relationship between physical and psychological stress and sexual functioning are well documented, but little is known about how stress or anxiety might have a facilitatory effect on sexual arousal. As an initial step in exploring the relationship between anxiety and sexual arousal, the present study examined the role of the autonomic nervous system, and the adrenal hormones cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) in response to a sexual film, an anxiety-inducing film, and a humorous film. Nineteen premenopausal women (mean age 24.4 years) who were free from sexual difficulties came into the lab on three separate days. At each session they were shown an anxiety-inducing, sexually arousing, or humorous (control) film while their physiological arousal was measured. They also provided saliva samples before and after each film. Cortisol significantly decreased, while DHEA-S increased in the sexual and humorous conditions. Neither hormone changed significantly in the anxiety-inducing condition. Autonomic nervous system activity measured by heart rate and heart rate variability did not change in response to the sexual or anxiety-inducing films, but heart rate variability increased significantly in response to the humorous film. The cortisol/DHEA-S ratio at the post-sexual film time point was significantly negatively correlated with genital arousal (measured by vaginal pulse amplitude). Anxiety-inducing films did not result in a physiological stress response, which can explain why they do not impair sexual function.  相似文献   

Research has frequently linked perceived stress with changes in subjective and objective measures of ill health; however, additional assessment should consider the physiological mechanisms mediating these effects. This study investigated whether differential patterns of cortisol secretion might partially mediate perceived stress related disparities in common health complaints in young, otherwise healthy individuals. To capture the kinds of health complaints commonly reported in this population, the Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness (PILL) was selected. To capture important parameters of the diurnal profile, cortisol was sampled at waking, 30 minutes post waking, 1200 h and 2200 h on three consecutive weekdays. Results revealed flatter diurnal cortisol slopes and elevated mean diurnal output (characterised by HPA hyperactivity in the evening) for participants in the higher stress group. Participants that reported higher perceived levels of stress also reported experiencing common health complaints with markedly greater frequency; however, these disparities were abolished when mean diurnal output of cortisol was statistically controlled. While dysregulation of basal HPA activity has been implicated in the aetiologies of chronic illness, findings reported here implicated hypersecretion of cortisol as one physiological pathway, partially mediating perceived stress related disparities in the kinds of common health complaints that typically affect young, otherwise healthy individuals.  相似文献   

This study examined behavioral and physiological responses (changes in inter-animal spacing, total glucocorticoids, testosterone, and body mass) to the formation of breeding and same-sex groups in two bat species, the socially gregarious Malayan Flying Fox (Pteropus vampyrus) and the less social Little Golden-mantled Flying Fox (Pteropus pumilus). We hypothesized that social instability, especially in the breeding groups and especially in P. vampyrus, would result in elevated glucocorticoids and that social facilitation of breeding and/or male-male competition would result in persistently higher levels of testosterone in breeding males. Seasonal rhythms in all measures were also predicted, and the glucocorticoid stress response was expected to vary by sex, season, and group type. Nearly all animals responded to group formation with elevated glucocorticoids, but, for breeding animals (especially aggressive male P. vampyrus), these responses persisted over time. In both species, breeding group formation resulted in elevated testosterone in males. Glucocorticoids, testosterone, testes volume, and body mass generally peaked in the breeding season in males (late summer and early autumn), but the seasonal glucocorticoid peak in females occurred in late winter and early spring. All animals responded to restraint stress with elevations in glucocorticoids that largely did not differ by sex, time of year, reproductive condition, group type, or, in lactating females, the presence of her pup. Changes in both behavior and physiology were more evident in P. vampyrus than in P. pumilus, and we believe that their underlying social differences influenced their responses to group formation and to the changing seasonal environment.  相似文献   

Cortisol was undetectable in rainbow trout plasma 24 h after the fish had been injected with betamethasone. This drug is known to suppress ACTH release and, consequently, cortisol production in teleosts. The blood glucose, chloride, sodium, potassium and total protein concentrations were not significantly affected by betamethasone. However, significantly increased blood packed cell volume values were found.
Betamethasone-injected fish when exposed to hypoxia or phenol had a pattern of blood component changes similar to those found in sham-injected fish also exposed to the pollutants. These changes in turn were similar to those found in exposed but uninjected and unhandled fish. Suppression of rainbow trout plasma cortisol concentrations with betamethasone apparently has no effect on the fish's short-term blood component responses to pollutants under the conditions used in these experiments, but does prevent a stressormediated increase in plasma cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

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