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Qualitative and quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminifera (completed by calcareous nannofossils in some localities) from 8 sections and boreholes located in 7 Neogene basins of the South Rifian Corridor (Morocco) enable us to identify 16 bioevents calibrated with the geomagnetic polarity time scale. These events are useful for (1) assigning the sediments to the Tortonian (bioevents 1 to 7), the Messinian (bioevents 9 to 14, the event 8 indicates the Tortonian/Messinian boundary), the Early Pliocene (bioevent 15) and the Middle Pliocene (bioevent 16), (2) establishing high resolution correlations between the sections and boreholes studied herein, (3) locating the South Rifian Corridor sections and boreholes within the framework of biostratigraphic events recognized during the latest ten years in time-equivalent Atlantic and Mediterranean sequences, and (4) estimating the variation of sedimentation rates in the studied basins. With respect to Morocco, previous detailed studies concerned only the Rabat area (Bou Regreg valley) and Guercif basin. Our results extend correlations to the other basins of the South Rifian Corridor, a key area to understand connections between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the Miocene.  相似文献   

A detailed quantitative calcareous nannofossil analysis has been performed on 138 samples from the astronomically dated Monte del Casino section with the aim to identify and precisely date the most important calcareous nannofossil events across the Tortonian/Messinian boundary in the Mediterranean, and to unravel paleoceanographic conditions at times of sapropel formation during the Late Miocene. From the biostratigraphic perspective, the genus Amaurolithus provides three successive first occurrences (FOs): A. primus, A. cf. amplificus and A. delicatus, dated at 7.446, 7.434 and 7.226 Ma, respectively. Other bioevents include the base and top of the `small reticulofenestrids' Acme, dated at 7.644 and 6.697 Ma, and the FO, FCO and LO of R. rotaria, dated at 7.405, 7.226 and 6.771 Ma. These events appear to be useful in improving biostratigraphic resolution in the Tortonian–Messinian boundary interval, at least for the Mediterranean. Quantitative analysis revealed changes in the calcareous nannofossil assemblage associated with the sapropels. The observed fluctuations suggest a single mechanism for sapropel formation in the Mediterranean during the late Neogene. Sapropels are characterized by a decrease in the total number of coccoliths, interpreted mainly as a reduction in calcareous nannofossil production due to increased siliceous plankton production during spring blooms; and an increase in reworked specimens, interpreted to reflect enhanced continental input via river run-off. An increase in abundance of the genus Rhabdosphaera can be explained by opportunistic behavior at the end of the spring bloom when nutrient levels start to become impoverished. As far as sea surface water temperature indicators are concerned, warm water D. pentaradiatus shows positive fluctuations in sapropels while cooler water D. intercalaris and C. pelagicus show negative fluctuations.  相似文献   

Detailed quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was carried out on a subsurface lower–upper Pliocene succession (Kafr El Sheikh Formation) in three offshore wells (Ras El Barr-1, Bougaz-1 and Bougaz East-1), north-east Nile Delta area, Egypt. The standard zonations are easily applied in these sediments and additional biohorizons have been adopted in this study. For early to late Pliocene interval, the following five bioevents are considered reliable: last occurrences (LOs) of Discoaster surculus, D. tamalis, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus and Amaurolithus tricorniculatus and first occurrence of D. asymmetricus. The LO of R. pseudoumbilicus was used to detect the early/late Pliocene boundary in the three studied wells. In Bougaz-1-Well, the LO of D. intercalcaris was used to approximate the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The calcareous nannofossils are moderate to good preserved. Lower–upper Pliocene sediments are dominated by small-sized reticulofenestrids (R. minuta), Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, Helicosphaera carteri and H. kamptneri. Large size (>7 μm) R. pseudoumbilicus is recorded. Discoaster species is rarely represented. No nannofossils were found in the top part of the Kafr El Sheikh and the overlying Wastani Formations.  相似文献   

During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 at Demerara Rise (western tropical Atlantic) expanded sections of organic-rich laminated shales of late Cretaceous age, including the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (CTBI) were recovered. These sediments yield rich assemblages of calcareous nannofossils, offering a unique possibility to calibrate the stable carbon isotope curve (δ13Corg). The calcareous nannofossils of Sites 1258, 1259, 1260 and 1261 have been investigated in order to gain a detailed biostratigraphic framework for the CTBI in the tropical latitudes. The bioevents observed have been correlated with the characteristic δ13Corg excursion of the CTBI. The events occurring during the excursion, and slightly below and above it, include the first occurrences of the calcareous nannofossil species Cylindralithus biarcus, Quadrum gartneri, Quadrum intermedium, Eprolithus octopetalus, Eprolithus eptapetalus, Eiffellithus eximius and the last occurrences of Corollithion kennedyi and Axopodorhabdus albianus. These bioevents have been correlated with those of other biostratigraphically and chemostratigraphically studied CTBI sections.  相似文献   

The Thomel Level of the Lambruisse section in the Vocontian Basin (southeast France), which is marked by intercalations of black shales and organic-rich marls, accumulated during the oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE2) occurring in the Cenomanian-Turonian (C-T) boundary interval. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic investigation of this interval revealed a total of five nannofossil zones, corresponding to the UC3-UC8 zones (Middle Cenomanian-Middle Turonian) as defined by Burnett. Biostratigraphically important taxa observed in the section include Cretarhabdus striatus, Axopodorhabdus albianus, Lithraphidites acutus, Corollithion kennedyi, Helenea chiastia, Quadrum gartneri, Q. intermedium, Eiffellithus eximius, Eprolithus octopetalus and E. eptapetalus. The two nannofossil events commonly used in the delineation of the C-T boundary, namely the LO of H. chiastia and the FO of Q. gartneri, occur less than 2 m apart in the studied section. These two bioevents define the limits of the UC6 nannofossil Zone and occur within the Whiteinella archaeocretacea foraminifer Zone. Previous litho- and chemostratigraphic analyses indicate that the δ13C profile of the section corresponds well with changes in lithofacies and fluctuations in the total organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate content of the section. Initial increase in the δ13C values occurs within the UC3-UC4a undifferentiated zone, coinciding with the onset of the deposition of the organic-rich sediments of the Thomel Level and a drastic decline in the CaCO3 values. The plateau of high δ13C values, on the other hand, occurs within the UC5 zone, between the LO of C. kennedyi and the LO of H. chiastia (and FO of Q. gartneri). This interval of high δ13C values also corresponds to the interval of high TOC and low CaCO3 values. The integrated nannofossil, planktonic foraminifer and δ13C data provide a precise biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic framework of the C-T boundary in the Lambruisse section that can be used in future studies in the Vocontian Basin and allow correlations with other well-studied C-T boundary sections.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper we present the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Capo Rossello section (Sicily), which suggests that a sedimentary gap exists at the contact between the “Trubi” and the overlying Monte Narbone Formation, close to the top of the proposed Zanclean stratotype. This suggestion is supported by the planktonic foraminiferal results and field observations. In contrast, the transition from the “Trubi” to the Monte Narbone Formation is well exposed, gradational and biostratigraphically continuous in the nearby section of Punta Piccola. A composite of the Capo Rossello and Punta Piccola sections serves as a good biostratigraphic reference for the Pliocene of the Mediterranean.In a second part of this paper, we have attempted to update the Mediterranean Pliocene time framework by integrating all of the available biostratigraphic, biochronologic, chronostratigraphic, paleomagnetic and radiometric data.  相似文献   

We demonstrate size fluctuations of the calcareous nannofossil genus Reticulofenestra in Upper Pliocene sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and clarify a characteristic evolutionary trend of this genus. Four bioevents, which are based on abrupt decreases in maximum size and on changes of morphologic features of Reticulofenestra specimens, are detected in the sediments. They are the disappearance of R. minutula var. A, the termination of Acme Zone II of R. minutula var. C, the disappearance of R. minutula var. B, and the termination of Acme Zone I of R. minutula var. C, in ascending order. These are nearly synchronous and traceable events.  相似文献   

High-resolution calcareous plankton (planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils) biostratigraphy is presented from the Middle to early Late Miocene interval (from 14.45 to 8.86 Ma) at Site 926 (ODP Leg 154, equatorial Atlantic Ocean). The main bioevents used in the low-latitude zonal schemes, and also auxiliary events revealing potential biostratigraphic value have been recognised. The investigated succession ranges from N.10 to N.16 Zones based on planktonic foraminifera, and from NN5 (CN4) to NN10 (CN8) Zones based on calcareous nannofossils. The evolution of the planktonic foraminiferal Globorotalia fohsi lineage appears to be environmentally controlled. The main diagnostic features of the species of this lineage are not always evident, rendering problematic the definition of the N.9/N.10, N.10/N.11 and N.11/N.12 zonal boundaries. Calcareous plankton events have been calibrated on the basis of the Astronomical Time Scale of Shackleton and Crowhurst 〚Shackleton, N.J., Crowhurst, S., 1997. Sediment fluxes based on an orbitally tuned time scale 5 Ma to 14 Ma, Site 926. In: Curry, W.B., Shackleton, N.J., Richter, C., Bralower, T.J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program) 154, pp. 69–82〛. The astrobiochronology obtained at Site 926 has been compared with that of the Mediterranean astronomically calibrated deep marine successions, allowing the evaluation of the degree of synchroneity and diachroneity of bioevents. Some bioevents, such as the last occurrence of Globigerinoides subquadratus dated at 11.55 Ma, the last occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromorphus dated at 13.51 Ma and the last common occurrence of Cyclicargolithus floridanus calibrated at 13.32 Ma, are near-synchronous events between the equatorial Atlantic and the Mediterranean area indicating their high biostratigratigraphic value in global correlation. The diachroneity of the last occurrence of Paragloborotalia siakensis, the first occurrence of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and the last occurrence of Globorotalia peripheroronda between equatorial Atlantic and the Mediterranean reflect a different spatial and temporal distribution of these marker species probably due to a sharp definition of surface plankton provinces related to the latitudinal thermal gradient.  相似文献   

An integrated magneto-biostratigraphic framework is presented for Middle Miocene sediments of DSDP Site 372 located in the Western Mediterranean. Detailed biostratigraphic analysis shows a nearly complete sequence of early Middle Miocene calcareous plankton bioevents in the Mediterranean, including the LCO (Last Common Occurrence) of the nannofossil Sphenolithus heteromorphus which has been astronomically dated in the Ras il Pellegrin (RIP) section on Malta Island [Abels, H.A., Hilgen, F.J., Krijgsman, W., Kruk, R.W., Raffi, I., Turco, E., Zachariasse, W.J., 2005. Long-period orbital control on middle Miocene global cooling: integrated stratigraphy and astronomical tuning of the Blue Clay Formation on Malta, Paleoceanography, 20, PA4012. doi: 10.1029/2004PA001129. 11 pp]. Thermal demagnetization of discrete samples revealed a characteristic low-temperature component with dual polarities despite a weak paleomagnetic signal. The resultant magnetostratigraphic record, combined with the calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, is straightforwardly correlated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (CK95) of Cande and Kent [Cande, S.C., Kent, D.V., 1995. Revised calibration of the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 6093–6095] and the Astronomical Tuned Neogene Time Scale (ATNTS04) of Lourens et al. [Lourens, L.J., Hilgen, F.J., Laskar, J., Shackleton, N.J., Wilson, D., 2004. The Neogene Period. In: Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Smith A.G. (Eds.), A Geologic Time Scale, Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 409–440]. The subchrons recorded in Site 372 succession range from C5Br up to C5AAr. To confirm the magnetostratigraphic calibration, 40Ar/39Ar dating was performed on feldspar of two volcanic ash layers. The radio-isotopic dating indicates a younger age for these two ash layers compared to the magnetostratigraphic calibrated ages according to the CK95 and ATNTS04 age models. However, if the astronomically calibrated age of 28.21 ± 0.04 Ma is used for the Fish Canyon standard (FCs), the age for the older ash layer exactly matches its ATNTS04 age. Ages for bioevents were calculated assuming constant sedimentation rates between magnetostratigraphic age-tie points. The S. heteromorphus LCO has an age of 13.54 Ma and 13.63 Ma according to CK95 and ATNTS04, respectively, which is consistent with the astronomical tuned age of 13.65 Ma determined at RIP section [Abels, H.A., Hilgen, F.J., Krijgsman, W., Kruk, R.W., Raffi, I., Turco, E., Zachariasse, W.J., 2005. Long-period orbital control on middle Miocene global cooling: integrated stratigraphy and astronomical tuning of the Blue Clay Formation on Malta, Paleoceanography, 20, PA4012. doi:10.1029/2004PA001129. 11 pp]. We therefore conclude that the magnetostratigraphic calibration of DSDP Site 372 is correct and that, for the time being, this site can be considered as a reference section for the early Middle Miocene of the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The first high-resolution integrated biostratigraphic study for Santonian/Campanian sediments of the Tabin section in the Kurdistan Region, northeast Iraq is provided. The study, based on 28 closely spaced samples, combines data from planktic foraminifers (25 species), calcareous nannofossils (32 species) and two ammonite genera in the Kometan Formation, marking the Santonian/Campanian boundary (S/C boundary) in the Kurdistan Region. In the absence of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius, the proposed boundary marker, secondary markers such as calcareous nannofossils, planktic foraminifers and ammonites, have been used to establish a multi-stratigraphic biozonation for the late Santonian–early Campanian duration. Based on the occurrences of calcareous nannofossils, three biozones are identified — Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii (late Santonian), Calculites obscurus (latest Santonian–earliest Campanian), and Broinsonia parca parca (early Campanian). Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents and three planktic foraminiferal bioevents are also identified. The Santonian/Campanian boundary is marked by: (a) the LO (Last Occurrence) of the planktic foraminifera D. asymetrica, (b) the FOs (First Occurrence) of the calcareous nannofossil species B. parca parca and B. parca constricta, (c) the extinction of several planktic foraminiferal species of Dicarinella and Marginotruncana, (d) the abundance and diversification of the planktic foraminifera genera, Globotruncana and Globotruncanita at the beginning of the Campanian, and (e) the disappearance of the ammonite genus Texanites, 0.5 m below (i.e., at 19 m) the disappearance of all Dicarinella and Marginotruncana species in the study section. Similar to several other Tethyan sections, the FO of B. parca parca is above the LOs of D. concavata and D. asymetrica; the LO of D. asymetrica is used here to mark the S/C boundary  相似文献   

Marly sediments of the early Messinian Abad Member of the Turre Formation from the northeastern sector of the Carboneras-Nijar Basin (southern Spain) have yielded a rich fossil assemblage, of which 60 taxa are documented herein. Besides nannoflora and microfauna, this assemblage includes the first autochthonous macrofauna described from the Abad Member. Based on the calcareous nannofossil assemblage, in particular the occurrence of the zonal index taxon Amaurolithus primus, the sediments are assigned to the Mediterranean calcareous nannofossil zone CNM17, corresponding to the latest Tortonian to earliest Messinian interval. This matches the age range generally reported for the Abad Member. Palaeoecological evidence from calcareous nannofossils (20 autochthonous taxa), planktic and benthic foraminifera (12 taxa), Porifera (3 taxa), Octocorallia (Keratoisis), Serpulidae (4 taxa), Bivalvia (5 taxa), Gastropoda (2 taxa), Brachiopoda (7 taxa), Cirripedia (Faxelepas) and Vertebrata (5 taxa) indicates an upper bathyal environment with an influx of neritic elements for the Abad Member near Carboneras. Additionally, several faunal components may represent allochthonous/parautochthonous elements from adjacent habitats, which were transported into the deep marine setting by turbiditic mass flows. Although similarities exist, the fossil assemblage from the marls is compositionally significantly different from the biota previously documented from a nearby exposed olistostrome, the ‘red breccia’. Similar fossil assemblages from the Mediterranean have so far mainly been reported from the Pliocene-Pleistocene of southern Italy and Greece. The Carboneras fauna thus adds to our knowledge of the development of these habitats and their biota prior to the Messinian salinity crisis. Beyond the novel palaeoenvironmental data, the range of the dyscoliid brachiopod Ceramisia meneghiniana, previously known only from the Pliocene of Italy, is extended to the Miocene of Spain. The cirripede crustacean Pycnolepas paronai De Alessandri, 1895 is transferred to the hitherto monospecific genus Faxelepas Gale, 2015, whereby the range of the latter (previously Maastrichtian to Danian) is extended to the late Miocene.  相似文献   

The present paper illustrates the stratigraphic results of a transponder-navigated coring program carried out in 1978 on the southern Calabrian Ridge (Cobblestone Area 4) and western Mediterranean Ridge (Cobblestone Area 3).Semi-quantitative investigations of over 600 foraminiferal samples and 450 nannofossil slides from forty cores, with a total recovery of 333 m, comprise the data base of the study.Most of the sediments recovered are Late Pleistocene or Holocene in age. The high-resolution nannofossil biostratigraphic scheme recently proposed for the Quaternary, coupled with sapropel stratigraphy and with tephrachronology resulted in precise correlation of the cores.Mid-Pleistocene sediments were recovered in a single core from Area 4, and in one core from Area 3, both located on basin walls. Four cores from basin walls in Area 4 yielded Pliocene sediments. No sediments older than approximately 3 m.y. (foraminiferal Zone M Pl 4, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica nannofossil Zone) are exposed on the explored walls from the southern Calabrian Ridge. Early and Late Pliocene sediments were recovered from the walls of the deepest crater-like basin explored in Area 3, but only in dredges. In this latter area also two peculiar lithologies were cored, basically unfossiliferous, but thought to be pre-Pliocene in age: a mud breccia whose clasts yield a sparse assemblage of mid-Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera, and a dolomitic mudstone, which is attributed to the Late Messinian on the basis of correlation with a similar lithology cored at DSDP Site 374, and substantiated by analogy in X-ray controlled mineralogical composition.The fairly complete record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene sapropels recovered in the southern Calabrian Ridge discards the hypothesis that the southern part of the Ionian Sea did not undergo stagnant cycles during the ice ages.Another hypothesis relating the origin of Cobblestone topography to olistostromes is also considered untenable on the basis of the new data. The large number of cores, precisely located on a previously mapped, highly irregular bottom physiography, disproves that large-scale chaotic sedimentation occurred: debris flows recorded in base-of-slope cores document local slope failures.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic correlation of the Kuma Formation from the south of the Russian Platform and the Crimea-Caucasian region has been a matter of debate for decades. A bed-by-beds study of dinocysts and nannoplankton from the the Kuma Formation made it possible to recognize a sequence of biotic events, important for defining and correlating the biozones. At the Bakhchisarai limestone quarry, six dinoflagellate zones and six nannoplankton zonal units were recognized, assignable to the Middle Eocene Lutetian and Bartonian stages. Our paleoecological analyses of the organic-walled microphytoplankton assemblages and of the palynofacies indicate that the the Kuma Formation deposited in the inner shelf zone, probably of anoxic and eutrophic settings within the Pontic-Transcaucasian magmatic belt. Assemblages of organic-walled microphytoplankton comprise potentially toxic dinoflagellate species of Alexandrium. The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum event is recorded in the upper part of the the Kuma Formation, presumably indicated by the Dracodinium rhomboideum dinoflagellate zone, which is characterized by an acme of Dracodinium laszczynskii Gedl and the lowest occurrence of nannofossils Reticulofenestra bisecta (Hay, Mohler and Wade) Roth. Two new species are described: Pentadinium rugosum Vasilyeva, n. sp. (dinocyst) and Corannulus tauricum Musatov, n. sp. (nannofossil). The bioevents and biozones established herein are significant for correlations of the Middle Eocene of the Crimean Peninsula and the south of the Russian Platform.  相似文献   

Most modern species of Sporolithon live in tropical and subtropical areas and only one species of the genus, S. ptychoides, occurs in the Mediterranean Sea. The scarce present-day populations of Sporolithon in the Mediterranean region are relics of a long history of the genus in this area since the Early Cretaceous. Analysis of data from the palaeontological literature, combined with the study of both fossil samples and Recent ones collected from Italy and Spain, shows that during the Miocene variations in the number of Sporolithon species in the Mediterranean region parallel changes in global temperature. After a maximum species richness in the Langhian (early Mid Miocene), coincident with the Miocene climatic optimum, the number of species decreased to just two before the Messinian Salinity Crisis. This marked decline follows the global cooling event that began at around 14 Ma. The closure of the connections of the Mediterranean region with the Indian Ocean during the Langhian left Mediterranean Sporolithon populations isolated from the main dispersal area of the genus. After the Messinian desiccation, a single species, S. ptychoides, re-invaded the Mediterranean Basin during the Early Pliocene and continues to inhabit this temperate sea today. The Atlantic Ocean is the most probable source of the re-invading Sporolithon plants.  相似文献   

A stratigraphical chart of marine ostracoda from Lower Miocene to Recent is established. Selected species (approximatively 220) are those morphologicaly well characterized and known from different parts of the Mediterranean area. It appears that: • lower Miocene ostracodes are still poorly known; • specific diversity is high during the Tortonian and the Lower Messinian before the complete disappearance of marine Mediterranean species during the Upper Messinian évaporitic episodes; • during the early Pliocene, about half of the Upper Miocene marine species are reintroduced with the Atlantic waters; other species migrate for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea by the same way; • at the end of the Pliocene or at the beginning of the Pleistocene several species known in Mediterranean since the Middle Miocene or before, such as Cytherella sp. gr. transversa and Ruggieria tetraptera, as well some “nordic guests” such as Hemicythere villosa and Cythere lutea, appear. This work is an opportunity to confirme a Late Miocene age for the Neogene of Skyros (Aegean Sea), to assign the “Upper Pliocene” of Terquem to the Lower Pleistocene and to refute the existence of a pliocene psychrosphere.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):557-569
New observations on the Late Miocene and Earliest Pliocene mustelids from the Middle Awash of Ethiopia are presented. The Middle Awash study area samples the last six million years of African vertebrate evolutionary history. Its Latest Miocene (Asa Koma Member of the Adu-Asa Formation, 5.54–5.77 Ma) and Earliest Pliocene (Kuseralee and Gawto Members of the Sagantole Formation, 5.2 and 4.85 Ma, respectively) deposits sample a number of large and small carnivore taxa among which mustelids are numerically abundant. Among the known Late Miocene and Early Pliocene mustelid genera, the Middle Awash Late Miocene documents the earliest Mellivora in eastern Africa and its likely first appearance in Africa, a new species of Plesiogulo, and a species of Vishnuonyx. The latter possibly represents the last appearance of this genus in Africa. Torolutra ougandensis is known from both the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene deposits of the Middle Awash. The genus Sivaonyx is represented by at least two species: S. ekecaman and S. aff. S. soriae. Most of the lutrine genera documented in the Middle Awash Late Miocene/Early Pliocene are also documented in contemporaneous sites of eastern Africa. The new observations presented here show that mustelids were more diverse in the Middle Awash Late Miocene and Early Pliocene than previously documented.  相似文献   

Semi-quantitative methods have been used to refine the precision with which Pliocene and early Pleistocene nannofossil datums may be applied for biostratigraphic purposes. Using these methods, the datums may be applied with a precision of between 0.01 m.y. (e.g.Calcidiscus macintyrei andDiscoaster brouweri) and 0.2 m.y. (e.g.Discoaster asymmetricus). The age of each datum is estimated by interpolation between magnetic reversals, so that the uncertainty in each age estimate is a function of proximity to the nearest reversal as well as of uncertainties in the reversal chronology but is probably better than 0.1 m.y. for all the datums studied here.The following ages are estimated for biostratigraphically useful datums: LADHelicosphaera sellii, 1.37 Ma (diachronous; earlier outside the equatorial zone); LADCalcidiscus macintyrei, 1.45 Ma; LADDiscoaster brouweri, 1.88 Ma; LADDiscoaster asymmetricus, 2.2 Ma; LAD DisDiscoaster pentaradiatus, 2.35 Ma; LADDiscoaster surculus, 2.41 Ma; LADDiscoaster tamalis, 2.65 Ma; LADDiscoaster variabilis, 2.90 Ma; LADSphenolithus spp., 3.45 Ma; LADReticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, 3.56 Ma; LADAmaurolithus delicatus, 3.66 Ma; FADCeratolithus rugosus, 4.62 Ma.The final 0.15 m.y. of the range ofDiscoaster brouweri is characterised by a high (about 20%) proportion of the triradiate form, which is a useful pointer for the extinction of this species even in the presence of considerable reworking.  相似文献   

The analysis of planktic foraminiferal assemblages from Site 1090 (ODP Leg 177), located in the central part of the Subantarctic Zone south of South Africa, provided a geochronology of a 330-m-thick sequence spanning the Middle Eocene to Early Pliocene. A sequence of discrete bioevents enables the calibration of the Antarctic Paleogene (AP) Zonation with lower latitude biozonal schemes for the Middle–Late Eocene interval. In spite of the poor recovery of planktic foraminiferal assemblages, a correlation with the lower latitude standard planktic foraminiferal zonations has been attempted for the whole surveyed interval. Identified bioevents have been tentatively calibrated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale following the biochronology of Berggren et al. (1995). Besides planktic foraminiferal bioevents, the disappearance of the benthic foraminifera Nuttallides truempyi has been used to approximate the Middle/Late Eocene boundary. A hiatus of at least 11.7 Myr occurs between 78 and 71 m composite depth extending from the Early Miocene to the latest Miocene–Early Pliocene. Middle Eocene assemblages exhibit a temperate affinity, while the loss of several planktic foraminiferal species by late Middle to early Late Eocene time reflects cooling. During the Late Eocene–Oligocene intense dissolution caused impoverishment of planktic foraminiferal assemblages possibly following the emplacement of cold, corrosive bottom waters. Two warming peaks are, however, observed: the late Middle Eocene is marked by the invasion of the warmer water Acarinina spinuloinflata and Hantkenina alabamensis at 40.5 Ma, while the middle Late Eocene experienced the immigration of some globigerinathekids including Globigerinatheka luterbacheri and Globigerinatheka cf. semiinvoluta at 34.3 Ma. A more continuous record is observed for the Early Miocene and the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene where planktic foraminiferal assemblages show a distinct affinity with southern mid- to high-latitude faunas.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 located in the modern Subantarctic Zone, through the Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 34–29, between 1150 and 1000 ka. A previously developed age model and new biostratigraphic constraints provide a reliable chronological framework for the studied section and allow correlation with other records. Two relevant biostratigraphic events have been identified: the First Common Occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi, distinctly correlated to MIS 31–32; the re-entry of medium Gephyrocapsa at MIS 29, unexpectedly similar to what was observed at low latitude sites.The composition of the calcareous nannofossil assemblage permits identification of three intervals (I–III). Intervals I and III, correlated to MIS 34–32 and MIS 30–29 respectively, are identified as characteristic of water masses located south of the Subtropical Front and reflecting the southern border of Subantarctic Zone, at the transition with the Polar Front Zone. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a northward shift of the frontal system in the early Pleistocene with respect to the present position and therefore a northernmost location of the Subantarctic Front. During interval II, which is correlated to MIS 31, calcareous nannofossil assemblages display the most significant change, characterized by a distinct increase of Syracosphaera spp. and Helicosphaera carteri, lasting about 20 ky. An integrated analysis of calcareous nannofossil abundances and few mineralogical proxies suggests that during interval II, Site 1090 experienced the influence of subtropical waters, possibly related to a southward migration of the Subtropical Front, coupled with an expansion of the warmer Agulhas Current at the core location. This pronounced warming event is associated to a minimum in the austral summer insolation. The present results provide a broader framework on the Mid-Pleistocene dynamic of the ocean frontal system in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, as well as additional evidence on the variability of the Indian–Atlantic ocean exchange.  相似文献   

Late Neogene stable isotope stratigraphy and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy have been examined in a high sedimentation rate core (E67-135, Shell Oil Co.) drilled at 725 m water depth in the De Soto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. The 305 m core contains sections that are Late Miocene, Early Pliocene, Late Pliocene, and Quaternary in age, and is rich in well-preserved assemblages of planktonic foraminifera.A biostratigraphy has been established based on the ranges of 34 selected species of foraminifera. The core 3orrelates with sections from the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the subtropical North and South Atlantic Oceans using, as datums, the evolutionary appearances of Globorotalia miocenica Palmer and Globorotalia margaritae evoluta Cita, the extinction of Globorotalia miocenica and the first appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides (d'Orbigny).Oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy is based on analysis of the benthonic foraminifer, Uvigerina d'Orbigny. Isotopic trends are similar to those observed in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. From Early Pliocene to Late Pleistocene time, average δ18O values increase (2.42‰ to 3.36‰) and exhibit a wider range of values (0.71‰ in Early Pliocene compared to 1.65‰ in Late Pleistocene sediments), probably reflecting Late Neogene climatic deterioration. The ratio 13C12C decreases significantly by ?0.21‰ from the Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene. A decrease in δ13C is observed in other cores and is probably related to changing oceanic circulation patterns in Late Miocene time.  相似文献   

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