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It has been suggested that in species with monocentric chromosomes axial element (AE) components may be responsible for sister chromatid cohesion during meiosis. To test this hypothesis in species with holocentric chromosomes we selected three heteropteran species with different sex-determining mechanisms. We observed in surface-spreads and sections using transmission electron microscopy that the univalent sex chromosomes form neither AEs nor synaptonemal complexes (SCs) during pachytene. We also found that a polyclonal antibody recognizing SCP3/Cor1, a protein present at AEs and SC lateral elements of rodents, labels the autosomal SCs but not AEs or SC stretches corresponding to the sex chromosomes. Cytological analysis of the segregational behaviour of the sex univalents demonstrates that although these chromosomes segregate equationally during anaphase I they never show precocious separation of sister chromatids during late prophase I or metaphase I. These results suggest that AEs are not responsible for sister cohesion in sex chromosomes. The segregational behaviour of these chromosomes during both meiotic divisions also indicates that different achiasmate modes of chromosome association exist in heteropteran species. Received: 22 September 1999; in revised form: 20 December 1999 / Accepted: 21 December 1999  相似文献   

Studies on meiotic behaviour and pollen fertility have been carried out in Zephyranthes candida, Z. grandiflora and Z. flava. Maximum meiotic abnormalities in chromosome behaviour were observed in Z. candida and Z. grandiflora. There were variations in the number of bivalent formation, multivalents and anaphasic separation. All types of abnormalities were found to be associated with low percentage of pollen fertility. In Z. flava, chromosomal aberrations were low and pollen fertility was high. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

X inactivation is a fundamental mechanism in eutherian mammals to restore a balance of X-linked gene products between XY males and XX females. However, it has never been extensively studied in a eutherian species with a sex determination system that deviates from the ubiquitous XX/XY. In this study, we explore the X inactivation process in the African pygmy mouse Mus minutoides, that harbours a polygenic sex determination with three sex chromosomes: Y, X, and a feminizing mutant X, named X*; females can thus be XX, XX*, or X*Y, and all males are XY. Using immunofluorescence, we investigated histone modification patterns between the two X chromosome types. We found that the X and X* chromosomes are randomly inactivated in XX* females, while no histone modifications were detected in X*Y females. Furthermore, in M. minutoides, X and X* chromosomes are fused to different autosomes, and we were able to show that the X inactivation never spreads into the autosomal segments. Evaluation of X inactivation by immunofluorescence is an excellent quantitative procedure, but it is only applicable when there is a structural difference between the two chromosomes that allows them to be distinguished.  相似文献   

Meiotic pairing constraints and the activity of sex chromosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The state of activity and condensation of the sex chromosomes in gametocytes is frequently different from that found in somatic cells. For example, whereas the X chromosomes of XY males are euchromatic and active in somatic cells, they are usually condensed and inactive at the onset of meiosis; in the somatic cells of female mammals, one X chromosome is heterochromatic and inactive, but both X chromosomes are euchromatic and active early in meiosis. In species in which the female is the heterogametic sex (ZZ males and ZW females), the W chromosome, which is often seen as a condensed chromatin body in somatic cells, becomes euchromatic in early oocytes. We describe an hypothesis which can explain these changes in the activity and condensation of sex chromosomes in gametocytes. It is based on the fact that normal chromosome pairing seems to be essential for the survival of sex cells; chromosomal anomalies resulting in incomplete pairing during meiosis usually result in gametogenic loss. We argue that the changes seen in the sex chromosomes reflect the need to avoid pairing failure during meiosis. Pairing normally requires structural and conformational homology of the two chromosomes, but when the regions is avoided when these regions become heterochromatinized. This hypothesis provides an explanation for the changes found in gametocytes both in species with male heterogamety and those with female heterogamety. It also suggests possible reasons for the frequent origin of large supernumerary chromosomes from sex chromosomes, and for the reported lack of dosage compensation in species with female heterogamety.  相似文献   

Chromosome association and chiasma formation were studied in pollen mother cells at metaphase I of four allotriplod BC1 plants (2n=3x=24) obtained from the backcross of the hybrid Alstroemeria aurea x A. inodora with its parent A. inodora. We distinguished the chromosomes of both parental species by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), whereas the individual chromosomes were identified on the basis of their multicolour FISH banding patterns obtained after a second hybridization with two species-specific satellite repeats as probes. All the four BC1 plants possessed two genomes of A. inodora and one of A. aurea. Variable numbers of recombinant chromosomes, resulting from meiotic recombination in the interspecific hybrid, were present in these plants. The homologous A. inodora chromosomes generally formed bivalents, leaving the homoeologous A. aurea chromosomes unassociated. High frequencies of trivalents were observed for the chromosome sets that contained recombinant chromosomes, even when the recombinant segments were small. Chromosome associations in the trivalents were restricted to homologous segments. The implications of the absence of homoeologous chromosome pairing on gamete constitution and prospects for introgression in Alstroemeria are discussed.  相似文献   

D. P. Hauber 《Genetica》1987,75(2):117-121
The meiotic behavior of three homologous iso-supernumerary chromosomes in an individual of Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. has revealed sevealed several interesting features. There is a high frequency of pairing-partner exchange within bivalents and trivalents. The mean chiasma frequency per chromosome is relatively high (1.046) for supernumerary chromosomes and is not significantly different from that of the much larger normal (A) chromosomes. The high frequency of trivalent and bivalent configurations would seem to suggest that the isosupernumerary chromosomes are premeiotically dispositioned to allow for full random pairing among all six homologous arms.  相似文献   

A study of human meiotic chromosomes led to a classification of the bivalents according to their dimension, general characteristics and chiasma frequency. Particular attention was paid to the X and Y chromosomes. The consistency of pattern shapes in individual chromosomes at diakinesis indicated the potential for karyotyping the meiotic chromosomes of man.  相似文献   

P. Eberle 《Genetica》1964,35(1):34-46
InLocusta migratoria (XO),Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Mesocricetus auratus, Cricetulus griseus andHomo sapiens typical sex vesicle structures are visible in early meiotic prophase stages up to pachynema. The structures include whole sex chromosomes or parts thereof. The heterologous parts and the solitary X chromosome ofLocusta pass diplonema, diakinesis and first metaphase nearly in mitotic shape. Entirely heterologous sex chromosomes are kept together by a unilateral and achiasmatic end connection. The sex vesicle is interpreted as a special structure of allocyclic sex chromosomes or parts of them, corresponding in early meiotic stages to the chromocenters of mitotic interphase nuclei. The formation of the sex vesicle is independent of the orthoploidy of nuclei and of the DNA ratio between autosomes and sex chromosomes. Heteropycnotic behaviour of sex chromosomes in spermatids is interpreted as a condition capable of blocking genetic activity, like in the Barr bodies of female somatic nuclei, giving equal chances of fertilization to both types of gametes.Based on a paper read at the XI International Congress of Genetics, of which an abstract has appeared in the congress proceedings, Genetics Today, Vol. 1, p. 299 (1963).  相似文献   


The African cichlid radiations have created thousands of new cichlid species with a wide diversity of trophic morphologies, behaviors, sensory systems, and pigment patterns. In addition, recent research has uncovered a surprising number of young sex chromosome systems within African cichlids. Here, we refine methods to describe the differentiation of young sex chromosomes from whole genome comparisons. We identified a novel XY sex chromosome system on linkage group 14 in Oreochromis mossambicus, confirmed a linkage group 1 XY system in Coptodon zillii, and also defined the limits of our methodology by examining a ZW system on linkage group 3 in Pelmatolapia mariae. These data further demonstrate that cichlids are an excellent model system for understanding the early stages of sex chromosome evolution.


The meiotic behaviour of chromosomes 1R, 2R and 5R was studied in C-banded preparations of autotetraploid rye. Analysis of pairing and chiasma formation was based on metaphase I configurations, using the model designed by Sybenga, with slight modifications. Frequencies of two modes of pairing (one quadrivalent or two bivalents) differed from those expected for random pairing. Although preferential pairing for some arm pairs of chromosome 2R was detected, this did not seem to be the cause of the increased bivalent pairing. This increase was attributed to either the spatial separation of the four homologous chromosomes in some premeiotic cells into two groups of two, or a correction of the synaptonemal complex, or both. The number of chiasmate associations showed variation between chromosomes and between arms within the same chromosome. It was closely related to arm length, but different after quadrivalent and bivalent pairing. This is suggested to be a consequence of partner exchange interfering with pairing and, consequently, with chiasma formation, and a different chiasma distribution after quadrivalent pairing. Variation between chromosomes in the frequencies of alternate and adjacent co-orientation in metaphase I quadrivalents without interstitial chiasmata suggests that the relative positions of the centromeres in the quadrivalent influence their co-orientation.  相似文献   

Control of introduced species using Trojan sex chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To control introduced exotic species that have predominantly genetic, but environmentally reversible, sex determination (e.g. many species of fish), Gutierrez and Teem recently modeled the use of carriers of Trojan Y chromosomes--individuals who are phenotypically sex reversed from their genotype. Repeated introduction of YY females into wild populations should produce extreme male-biased sex ratios and eventual elimination of XX females, thus leading to population extinction. Analogous dynamics are expected in systems in which sex determination is influenced by one or a few major genes on autosomes.  相似文献   

The morphology and behaviour of sex chromosomes was studied in A. suum during meiosis. It was found that the five sex chromosomes have their proper characteristic. The largest is submetacentric, of 2 microns mean length. The second largest is acrocentric, mean length of 1.4 mu. The third largest is metacentric, 1.2 mu mean length. The fourth and the fifth are metacentric, of mean length of 1 mu. In primary and secondary spermatocyte cells the sex chromosomes are close to each other, most often in the peripheral part of the cell. During anaphase I the pentad sex chromosomes lie freely between the two sister cells. It is assumed that in anaphase II the five sex chromosomes divide equally and are regularly distributed in the daughter cells. It was found that the chromosomes set of female Ascaris in metaphase I contains 24 bivalent chromosomes n = 24 and of male Ascaris 19 bivalents and 5 univalents. It is assumed that the univalent chromosomes, found in spermatocyte cells, determine sex.  相似文献   

The meiotic behaviour and structure of the sex chromosomes of Microtus oeconomus (2n=30) in Giemsa stained preparations are described. The X-Y pair appears as a sex vesicle at late zygotene. At late pachytene an unfolded sex vesicle is visible. A condensed sex vesicle appears during pre-diffuse diplotene and starts to unfold again during post-diffuse diplotene. At diakinesis and metaphase I the X and Y chromosomes can be recognized in an end-to-end association. During anaphase I, interkinesis and metaphase II the sex chromosomes are heteropycnotic and can therefore easily be recognized during the final stages of meiosis. During spermiogenesis the X and Y chromosomes can be identified in Giemsa stained preparations until the stage of spermatid elongation.  相似文献   

In most eutherian mammals, sex chromosomes synapse and recombine during male meiosis in a small region called pseudoautosomal region. However in some species sex chromosomes do not synapse, and how these chromosomes manage to ensure their proper segregation is under discussion. Here we present a study of the meiotic structure and behavior of sex chromosomes in one of these species, the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). We have analyzed the location of synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins SYCP1 and SYCP3, as well as three proteins involved in the process of meiotic recombination (RAD51, MLH1, and γ-H2AX). Our results show that although X and Y chromosomes are associated at pachytene and form a sex body, their axial elements (AEs) do not contact, and they never assemble a SC central element. Furthermore, MLH1 is not detected on the AEs of the sex chromosomes, indicating the absence of reciprocal recombination. At diplotene the organization of sex chromosomes changes strikingly, their AEs associate end to end, and SYCP3 forms an intricate network that occupies the Y chromosome and the distal region of the X chromosome long arm. Both the association of sex chromosomes and the SYCP3 structure are maintained until metaphase I. In anaphase I sex chromosomes migrate to opposite poles, but SYCP3 filaments connecting both chromosomes are observed. Hence, one can assume that SYCP3 modifications detected from diplotene onwards are correlated with the maintenance of sex chromosome association. These results demonstrate that some components of the SC may participate in the segregation of achiasmate sex chromosomes in eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Jeffrey G. Ault 《Chromosoma》1986,93(4):298-304
The structural basis of orientation stability was investigated. The stable unipolar orientation of the Melanoplus sanguinipes X-chromosome univalent is unique in that it is stable without tension created by forces towards opposite poles; tension is thought to be the principle component in stabilizing kinetochore orientations to a pole. Stable orientation of the X chromosome in Melanoplus sanguinipes was compared with unstable X orientation in Melanoplus differentialis. Ten cells (five of each species) were studied, firstly in living cultures where chromosome behavior was followed, then by serial-section electron microscopy where the structural basis for chromosome behavior was examined. Microtubules other than kinetochore microtubules were observed impinging on the X chromosomes. One end of these microtubules was buried in chromatin, while the other ran towards a pole. The X chromosomes of M. sanguinipes had more of these microtubules than did M. differentialis X chromosomes. It is suggested that M. sanguinipes X chromosomes are less condensed than M. differentialis X chromosomes and so allow more microtubules to penetrate the chromosome. The extra microtubules impinging on the M. sanguinipes X chromosome probably prevent reorientation by inhibiting the turning of the chromosome towards the opposite pole, i.e., more force is needed to turn a kinetochore towards the opposite pole than can be generated and attempts at reorientation fail. This may be analogous to the effect that tension has on the orientation stability of bivalents.  相似文献   

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