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The extent of glycosylation of hydroxylysine in human skin collagen rapidly decreased during maturation and then gradually increased in proportion to the age. This decrease of glycosylation observed during maturation was also confirmed in whole, soluble and insoluble collagens from rat skin. These findings may contribute to the investigations on the functional role of glycosylation and also on the mechanism of maturational as well as senile processes.  相似文献   

The subcellular location at which hydroxylysine residues of collagen are glycosylated was studied in chick embryo fibroblasts. Ribosomes were isolated from 14C-lysine pulse-labeled cells in tissue culture. Alkaline hydrolysis followed by amino acid analysis and scintillation counting of the effluent showed that glucosylgalactosyl hydroxylysine and galactosyl hydroxylysine as well as hydroxylysine and lysine were the major 14C-labeled components. Acid hydrolysis destroyed the glycoconjugates and yielded only free 14C-hydroxylysine and 14C-lysine. These data indicate that glycosylation of peptide-bound hydroxylysine is initiated while the polypeptide chain is still in the stages of assembly on the ribosome.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that versican, decorin and a catabolic fragment of decorin, termed decorunt, are the most abundant proteoglycans in human skin. Further analysis of versican indicates that four major core protein species are present in human skin at all ages examined from fetal to adult. Two of these are identified as the V0 and V1 isoforms, with the latter predominating. The other two species are catabolic fragments of V0 and V1, which have the amino acid sequence DPEAAE as their carboxyl terminus. Although the core proteins of human skin versican show no major age-related differences, the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) of adult skin versican are smaller in size and show differences in their sulfation pattern relative to those in fetal skin versican. In contrast to human skin versican, human skin decorin shows minimal age-related differences in its sulfation pattern, although, like versican, the GAGs of adult skin decorin are smaller than those of fetal skin decorin. Analysis of the catabolic fragments of decorin from adult skin reveals the presence of other fragments in addition to decorunt, although the core proteins of these additional decorin catabolic fragments have not been identified. Thus, versican and decorin of human skin show age-related differences, versican primarily in the size and the sulfation pattern of its GAGs and decorin in the size of its GAGs. The catabolic fragments of versican are detected at all ages examined, but appear to be in lower abundance in adult skin compared with fetal skin. In contrast, the catabolic fragments of decorin are present in adult skin, but are virtually absent from fetal skin. Taken together, these data suggest that there are age-related differences in the catabolism of proteoglycans in human skin. These age-related differences in proteoglycan patterns and catabolism may play a role in the age-related changes in the physical properties and injury response of human skin.  相似文献   

Hydroxylation of lysine and glycosylation of hydroxylysine during collagen biosynthesis in isolated chick-embryo cartilage cells were studied by using continuous labelling and pulse-chase labelling experiments with [14C]lysine. Control experiments with [14C]proline indicated that in continuous labelling the hydroxylation of [14C]proline became linear with time after about 4 min and the secretion of collagen after about 35 min, as reported previously. In similar experiments with [14C]lysine the hydroxylation of [14C]lysine and the glycosylations of hydroxy[14C]lysine became linear at about 4 min, suggesting that these reactions were initiated while the polypeptide chains were growing on the ribosomes. Pulse-chase labelling experiments with [14C]lysine indicated that after a 5 min pulse-label the hydroxylation of [14C]lysine and the glycosylations of hydroxyl[14C]lysine continued during the chase period for about 20 min. The data suggest that these reactions are continued after the release of complete polypeptide chains into the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the reactions are probably not continued after the formation of the triple helix and the movement of the molecules into the Golgi vacuoles.  相似文献   

Skin undergoes dramatic age-related changes in its mechanical properties, including changes in tissue hydration and resiliency. Proteoglycans are macromolecular conjugates of protein and carbohydrate (glycosaminoglycan) which are involved in these tissue properties. In order to examine whether age-related changes in skin proteoglycans may contribute to the age-related changes in the mechanical properties of skin, proteoglycans from human skin of various ages were extracted and analyzed. Samples were obtained from two different fetal ages, from mature skin, and from senescent skin. As a function of age, there is a decrease in the proportion of large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (versican) and a concomitant increase in the proportion of small dermatan sulfate proteoglycans (decorin). Based on reactivity with antibodies to various chondroitin sulfate epitopes, fetal versican differs from the versican found in older skin with respect to the chondroitin sulfate chains. Also, the decorin of fetal skin is slightly larger, while the decorin of older skin shows greater polydispersity in both its size and its charge to mass ratio. There are also age-related differences in the size and polydispersity of the core proteins of decorin. The most pronounced change in skin proteoglycans is the appearance in mature skin of a proteoglycan which is smaller than decorin, but which has the same amino terminal amino acid sequence as decorin. This small proteoglycan is abundant in mature skin and may be a catabolic fragment of decorin or an alternatively spliced form of decorin. In light of the known ability of decorin to influence collagen fibrillogenesis and fibril diameter, the appearance of this small decorin-related proteoglycan may have a significant effect on skin elasticity. The observation that proteoglycans in skin show dramatic age-related differences suggests that these changes may be involved in the age-related changes in the physical properties of skin.  相似文献   

The extent of nonenzymatic glycosylation of collagen isolated from sheep carotid arteries and jugular veins was compared. It was found that the level of this modification in the arterial collagen was about 2.7 times higher than that in the venous collagen. Arteriovenous fistulae were established between the common carotid artery and external jugular vein on one side only of six sheep. Sham arteriotomy and phlebotomy were performed on the contralateral vessels. Although there was an increase in the concentration of these ketoamine-linked hexoses in all the tissue samples assayed, a difference of between two- and three-fold was maintained between the arterial and venous tissue. The relationship of this finding to the development of vascular complications and to the level of circulating reducing sugar is discussed.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of skin collagens in normal and diabetic mice.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
P Kern  M Moczar    L Robert 《The Biochemical journal》1979,182(2):337-345
Synthesis of collagens in vitro was studied on minced mouse skins incubated with [3H]-proline in organ-culture conditions. A comparative study was carried out on genetically diabetic mice (KK strain) and control mice (Swiss strain). After incubation, neutral-salt-soluble and acid-soluble collagens were extracted. The insoluble dermis was digested by pepsin and type I and type III collagens separated by differential precipitation in neutral salt solutions. Type I and Type III collagens were characterized by ion-exchange and molecular-sieve chromatography, amino acid analysis and by the characterization of CNBr peptides. In diabetic-mouse skin, the relative proportion of type III collagen was significantly higher than in control-mouse skin. The incorporation of radioactively labelled proline into hydroxyproline of type III collagen was significantly faster in diabetic-mouse skin than in control-mouse skin.No significant modifications in the total collagen content of the skin or of their rates of synthesis were observed between the two strains. Alteration in the ratio of type III to type I collagen in the diabetic-mouse skin can be interpreted as a sign of alteration of the regulation of collagen biosynthesis and may be related to the structural alterations observed in the diabetic intercellular matrix.  相似文献   

Type II collagen is the main structural component of hyaline cartilages where it forms networks of thin fibrils that differ in morphology from the much thicker fibrils of type I collagen. We studied here in vitro the formation of fibrils of pepsin-treated recombinant human type II collagen produced in insect cells. Two kinds of type II collagen preparation were used: low hydroxylysine collagen having 2.0 hydroxylysine residues/1,000 amino acids, including 1.3 glycosylated hydroxylysines; and high hydroxylysine collagen having 19 hydroxylysines/1,000 amino acids, including 8.9 glycosylated hydroxylysines. A marked difference in fibril formation was found between these two kinds of collagen preparation, in that the maximal turbidity of the former was reached within 5 min under the standard assay conditions, whereas the absorbance of the latter increased until about 600 min. The critical concentration with the latter was about 10-fold, and the absorbance/microgram collagen incorporated into the fibrils was about one-sixth. The morphology of the fibrils was also different, in that the high hydroxylysine collagen formed thin fibrils with essentially no interfibril interaction or aggregation, whereas the low hydroxylysine collagen formed thick fibrils on a background of thin ones. The data thus indicate that regulation of the extents of lysine hydroxylation and hydroxylysine glycosylation may play a major role in the regulation of collagen fibril formation and the morphology of the fibrils.  相似文献   

Human or chicken type III collagen dissolved in 0.1 M-acetic acid was much more potent than type I collagen at inducing platelet aggregation. After incubation in 0.38M-Na2HPO4 to promote fibrillogenesis, the platelet-aggregating activity of both collagen types increased, and type I was then virtually equiactive with type III. Preincubation in cell-free plasma increased the activity of chicken but not that of human collagen. The platelet-aggregating activity of type III collagen did not appear to depend on the integrity of the intrachain disulphide bonds.  相似文献   

1. Age-related change of the branched-chain fatty acid distribution in rat skin surface lipid was studied for 24 months. 2. The proportion of even carbon number iso-acid increased from infancy to month 5 and thereafter decreased with advancing age toward senescence. 3. Concentration of odd carbon number iso-acid depicted a similar shape of time course, but with a lesser magnitude and a peak value at month 1. 4. Anteiso- fatty acid reached the plateau level at month 5 and remained roughly constant through maturity to senescence.  相似文献   

To explore the possible role of heat shock protein (HSP) 47 in the age-related renal changes in Fischer 344 (F 344) rats, the expression of collagen-binding HSP47 with various proteins implicated in phenotypic modulation (α-smooth muscle actin, desmin, and vimentin) and fibrosis (type I, type III, and type IV collagens) was examined in young and old F 344 rat kidneys. Male F 344 rats often develop spontaneous nephropathy in old age. Kidneys obtained from 24-month-old F 344 rats showed glomerulosclerosis with marked tubulointerstitial damage including interstitial fibrosis, while no significant histological alteration was found in the kidneys of 6-month-old rats. Immunohistochemical analysis showed an increased accumulation of type I, type III, and type IV collagens in areas of glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis in old rat kidneys. In kidneys of young rats, collagen-binding HSP47 expression was weak in the glomeruli and occasionally seen in the interstitial cells. In contrast, strong immunostaining for HSP47 was noted in the glomeruli, tubular epithelial cells, and interstitial cells in kidneys of old rats. In addition, phenotypic alterations of mesangial cells and interstitial cells (immunopositive for α-smooth muscle actin), glomerular epithelial cells (immunopositive for desmin), and tubular epithelial cells (immunopositive for vimentin) were found in the kidneys of old F 344 rats. Double immunostaining showed that all these phenotypically altered renal cells express HSP47 and that increased expression of HSP47 was always associated with increased expression of collagens in the old rat kidneys. From the above observations, it is concluded that overexpression of HSP47 by phenotypically altered renal cells might play an important role in the excessive assembly of collagens and could thereby contribute to the glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis found in kidneys of aged F 344 rats.  相似文献   

Since skin collagenase is required for initiation of the degradation of types I and III collagens, the major collagens of the human dermis, we examined its expression during embryonic and fetal development. When using skin fibroblasts cultured from human embryos and fetuses, immunoreactive collagenase concentrations were strongly correlated with estimated gestational age (p less than 0.001), with levels at 7-8 weeks of gestation that were about one-twentieth of those in the 29-week cell cultures. In crude culture medium, the apparent catalytic efficiency (activity per unit immunoreactive protein) was variable, an observation attributable in part to variable expression of a collagenase-inhibitory protein. Following chromatographic purification, four of ten fetal collagenases were found to have greater than or equal to 4-fold decrease in specific activity, suggesting that these particular fetal collagenases may be structurally and/or catalytically altered. Since the decreased levels of immunoreactive protein suggested that decreased enzyme synthesis was the major mechanism, we examined collagenase synthesis in a cell-free translation system. Here, we quantitated collagenase expression in the culture medium of intact cells prior to harvesting mRNA. Compared with the intact adult cells, the fetal cells had 3-17 times less collagenase activity in the medium, while in cell-free translation there was a 2- to 3-fold decrease in collagenase synthesis. These data suggest that decreased in vitro expression is correlated with decreased levels of translatable collagenase mRNA but that other factors, such as the collagenase inhibitor and altered specific activity of the enzyme, may be important in modulating collagenase activity.  相似文献   

Aggrecan degradation involves proteolytic cleavage of the core protein within the interglobular domain. Because aggrecan is highly glycosylated with chondroitin sulfate (CS) and keratan sulfate (KS), we investigated whether glycosylation affects digestion by aggrecanase at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond. Treatment of bovine aggrecan monomers to remove CS and KS resulted in loss of cleavage at this site, suggesting that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play a role in cleavage at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond. In contrast, MMP-3 cleavage at the Ser(341)-Phe(342) bond was not affected by glycosidase treatment of aggrecan. Removal of KS, but not CS, prevented cleavage at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond. Thus, KS residues may be important for recognition of this cleavage site by aggrecanase. KS glycosylation has been observed at sites adjacent to the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond in steer aggrecan, but not in calf aggrecan (Barry, F. P., Rosenberg, L. C., Gaw, J. U., Gaw, J. U., Koob, T. J., and Neame, P. J. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 20516-20524). Interestingly, although we found that aggrecanase degraded both calf and steer cartilage aggrecan, the proportion of fragments generated by cleavage at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond was higher in steer than in calf, consistent with our observations using aggrecan treated to remove KS. We conclude that the GAG content of aggrecan influences the specificity of aggrecanase for cleavage at the Glu(373)-Ala(374) bond and suggest that age may be a factor in aggrecanase degradation of cartilage.  相似文献   

We have generated mice with targeted inactivation of the Plod1 gene for lysyl hydroxylase 1 (LH1). Its human mutations cause Ehlers-Danlos syndrome VIA (EDS VIA) characterized by muscular hypotonia, joint laxity, and kyphoscoliosis. The Plod1(-/-) mice are flaccid and have gait abnormalities. About 15% of them died because of aortic rupture and smooth muscle cells in non-ruptured Plod1(-/-) aortas showed degenerative changes. Collagen fibrils in the Plod1(-/-) aorta and skin had an abnormal morphology. The LH activity level in the Plod1(-/-) skin and aorta samples was 35-45% of that in the wild type. The hydroxylysine content was decreased in all the Plod1(-/-) tissues, ranging from 22% of that in the wild type in the skin to 75 and 86% in the femur and lung. The hydroxylysylpyridinoline crosslinks likewise showed decreases in all the Plod1(-/-) tissues, ranging from 28 and 33% of that in the wild type in the aorta and cornea to 47 and 59% in femur and tendon, while lysylpyridinolines were increased. The hydroxylysines found in the Plod1(-/-) collagens and their cross-links were evidently synthesized by the other two LH isoenzymes. Few data are available on abnormalities in EDS VIA tissues other than the skin. Plod1(-/-) mice offer an in vivo model for systematic analysis of the tissue-specific consequences of the lack of LH1 activity and may also provide a tool for analyzing the roles of connective tissue in muscle function and the complex interactions occurring in the proper assembly of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Beta-endorphin (BE) and cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured in fresh PBMC isolated from human subjects and rats. The BE and CCK PBMC contents increased significantly with age both in human and rat models. Moreover, polyclonal stimulation induced a significant decrease of BE but not CCK contents in mononuclear cells from human aged subjects. The time course of changes in BE and CCK concentrations observed in fresh and cultured cells from subjects of different ages did not directly correlate to the time course of age-associated impairment of lectin-induced lymphocyte proliferative response and interleukin-2 synthesis. In fact, the lymphocyte functional defects were significantly observed only in the 71–99 year age group, whereas the neuropeptide changes were already evident in the 31–50 age group. Since BE has been shown to participate in the modulation of the immune system, the age-related modifications of PBMC BE could play a role in the immunodepression observed during aging.  相似文献   

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