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Aim   To examine the way in which 'area' and 'habitat diversity' interact in shaping species richness and to find a simple and valid way to express this interaction.
Location   The Natura 2000 network of terrestrial protected areas in Greece, covering approximately 16% of the national territory.
Methods   We used the Natura 2000 framework, which provides a classification scheme for natural habitat types, to quantify habitat heterogeneity. We analysed data for the plant species composition in 16,143 quadrats in which 5044 species and subspecies of higher plants were recorded. We built a simple mathematical model that incorporates the effect of habitat diversity on the species–area relationship (SAR).
Results   Our analysis showed that habitat diversity was correlated with area. However, keeping habitat diversity constant, species richness was related to area; while keeping area constant, species richness was related to habitat diversity. Comparing the SAR of the 237 sites we found that the slope of the species–area curve was related to habitat diversity.
Main conclusions   Discussion of the causes of the SAR has often focused on the primacy of area per se versus habitat heterogeneity, even though the two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and should be considered jointly. We find that increasing habitat diversity affects the SAR in different ways, but the dominant effect is to increase the slope of the SAR. While a full model fit typically includes a variety of terms involving both area and habitat richness, we find that the effect of habitat diversity can be reduced to a linear perturbation of the slope of the species accumulation curve.  相似文献   

Global patterns of plant diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Using 94 data sets from across the globe, we explored patterns of mean community species richness, landscape species richness, mean similarity among communities and mosaic diversity. Climate affected community species richness primarily through productivity while other climatic factors were secondary. Climatic equability affected species richness only in temperate regions where richness was greatest at high levels of temperature variability and low levels of precipitation variability. Landscape species richness correlated positively with community species richness. A global gradient in mean similarity existed but was uncorrelated with community species richness. Mean similarity was least and mosaic diversity was greatest between 25 and 30° latitude. The most diverse landscapes (low mean similarity) correlated with warm temperatures, high elevations, large areas and large seasonal temperature fluctuations. The most complex landscapes (high mosaic diversity) correlated with large areas, high productivity and warm winters. We compared diversity measures among continents and found only one significant difference: Australian landscapes have greater mosaic diversity than African landscapes. Based on our analyses we propose two hypotheses: (1) for plants, biotic interactions are more important in structuring landscapes in warmer climates and (2) longer isolated landscapes have more clearly differentiated ecological subunits.  相似文献   

The power of time: spatiotemporal scaling of species diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The species–area relationship (SAR) provides the foundation for much of theoretical ecology and conservation practice. However, by ignoring time the SAR offers an incomplete model for biodiversity dynamics. We used long‐term data from permanent plots in Kansas grasslands, USA, to show that the increase in the number of species found with increasing periods of observation takes the same power‐law form as the SAR. A statistical model including time, area, and their interaction explains 98% of variation in mean species number and demonstrates that while the effect of time depends on area, and vice versa, time has strong effects on species number even at relatively broad spatial scales. Our results suggest equivalence of underlying processes in space and time and raise questions about the diversity estimates currently used by basic researchers and conservation practitioners.  相似文献   

Resource availability is an important constraint on community structure. Some authors have suggested it conceptually links two of the most basic patterns in ecology, the species–area relationship and the latitudinal gradient in species richness. I present the first experimental test of this conjecture, by manipulating both the area and resource concentration of artificial larval drosophilid fly habitats and then allowing colonization from a natural species pool. Both the abundance and species richness of these habitats depended upon the total quantity of resources available, regardless of whether those resources were contained within smaller high-quality habitats or larger poor-quality habitats. While the intercepts of species–area relationships varied with resource concentration, they all collapsed onto the same species–energy curve. These results support the view that energetic constraints are of fundamental importance in structuring ecological communities, and that such constraints may even help explain ecological patterns such as the species–area relationship that do not explicitly address resource availability.  相似文献   

Aim Classic island biogeographical theory predicts that reserves have to be large to conserve high biodiversity. Recent literature, however, suggests that habitat heterogeneity can counterbalance the effect of small reserve size. For savanna ungulates, body mass is said to drive habitat selection and facilitate species coexistence, where large species use a higher proportion of the landscape than smaller species, because a wider food quality tolerance allows them to use a higher diversity of habitat types. In this case, high habitat heterogeneity would facilitate diverse assemblages of different‐sized ungulates. Digestive physiology should further modify this relationship, because non‐ruminants have a wider diet tolerance than ruminants. We tested this hypothesis with an empirical dataset on distribution and habitat preference of different‐sized African grazers. Location Hluhluwe‐iMfolozi Park, Republic of South Africa. Methods We recorded herbivore dung and habitat type on 24 line transects varying between 4 and 11 km with a total length of 190 km to determine habitat selection and landscape distribution of six grazer species, three ruminants and three non‐ruminants. Results Larger ruminant grazers were more evenly distributed than smaller ruminants, had a more diverse use of habitats and used more low quality habitat. In contrast, non‐ruminant grazers were more evenly distributed than similar‐sized ruminants and body mass did not clearly influence diversity of habitat use and use of low quality habitat. Main conclusions We confirm that body mass influences diversity of habitat use of large herbivores but digestive strategy potentially modifies this relationship. Hence, habitat heterogeneity might facilitate herbivore diversity in savanna ecosystems and high heterogeneity might counterbalance the effects of fragmentation and declining reserve size. Concluding, processes that homogenize the landscape, such as fire (mis)management and artificial waterholes, might be as threatening to biodiversity as landscape fragmentation, especially for smaller ruminant herbivores.  相似文献   

Aim  One of the few general laws in ecology is that species richness is a positive function of area. However, it has been proposed that area would merely be a proxy for energy. Additionally, habitat heterogeneity has been found to be an important factor determining species richness. Yet the relative importance of those relationships is little known, and it is still unclear how they are brought about. We aimed to dissect which factors drive the species richness of boreal forest birds, and to identify the most probable mechanisms.
Location  Forested protected areas in Finland.
Methods  Using bird line census data collected in 104 protected areas, we ran simultaneous autoregressive models to explain the species richness of forest birds. We explored the value of forest area, tree volume, tree growth, mean degree days and habitat heterogeneity as explanatory variables and used the species richness within different species groups, based on the predictions of hypothesized mechanisms, as a response variable.
Results  Energy, rather than area or habitat heterogeneity, seems to be the main driver of species richness in boreal forest birds. More specifically, productive energy was a better predictor of total species richness than solar energy. Among the tested hypothetical mechanisms, the sampling hypothesis received strong support. After accounting for sampling, solar energy had an effect on species richness.
Main conclusions  As productive energy, such as tree volume, is associated with species richness, high-energy areas should be prioritized in forest conservation planning. Reductions in productive energy may first lead to the disappearance of the rarest species due to the random sampling process. Climate change may result in increased species richness due to increasing amount of productive and solar energy in forests. However, the range shifts of bird species may not be fast enough to keep up with the temperature increases.  相似文献   

Global diversity of island floras from a macroecological perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Islands harbour a significant portion of all plant species worldwide. Their biota are often characterized by narrow distributions and are particularly susceptible to biological invasions and climate change. To date, the global richness pattern of islands is only poorly documented and factors causing differences in species numbers remain controversial. Here, we present the first global analysis of 488 island and 970 mainland floras. We test the relationship between island characteristics (area, isolation, topography, climate and geology) and species richness using traditional and spatial models. Area is the strongest determinant of island species numbers ( R 2 = 0.66) but a weaker predictor for mainlands ( R 2 = 0.25). Multivariate analyses reveal that all investigated variables significantly contribute to insular species richness with area being the strongest followed by isolation, temperature and precipitation with about equally strong effects. Elevation and island geology show relatively weak yet significant effects. Together these variables account for 85% of the global variation in species richness.  相似文献   

Aim We examined phytogeographical patterns of West Indian orchids, and related island area and maximum elevation with orchid species richness and endemism. We expected strong species–area relationships, but that these would differ between low and montane island groups. In so far as maximum island elevation is a surrogate for habitat diversity, we anticipated a strong relationship with maximum elevation and both species richness and endemism for montane islands. Location The West Indies. Methods Our data included 49 islands and 728 species. Islands were classified as either montane (≥ 300 m elevation) or low (< 300 m). Linear and multivariate regression analyses were run to detect relationships between either area or maximum island elevation and species richness or the number of island endemic species. Results For all 49 islands, the species–area relationship was strong, producing a z‐value of 0.47 (slope of the regression line) and explaining 46% of the variation. For 18 relatively homogeneous, low islands we found a non‐significant slope of z = −0.01 that explained only 0.1% of the variation. The 31 montane islands had a highly significant species–area relationship, with z = 0.49 and accounting for 65% of the variation. Species numbers were also strongly related to maximum island elevation. For all islands < 750 km2, we found a small‐island effect, which reduced the species–area relationship to a non‐significant z = 0.16, with only 5% of the variation explained by the model. Species–area relationships for montane islands of at least 750 km2 were strong and significant, but maximum elevation was the best predictor of species richness and accounted for 79% of the variation. The frequency of single‐island endemics was high (42%) but nearly all occurred on just nine montane islands (300 species). The taxonomic distribution of endemics was also skewed, suggesting that seed dispersability, while remarkable in some taxa, is very limited in others. Montane island endemics showed strong species–area and species–elevation relationships. Main conclusions Area and elevation are good predictors of orchid species diversity and endemism in the West Indies, but these associations are driven by the extraordinarily strong relationships of large, montane islands. The species richness of low islands showed no significant relationship with either variable. A small‐island effect exists, but the montane islands had a significant relationship between species diversity and maximum elevation. Thus, patterns of Caribbean orchid diversity are dependent on an interplay between area and topographic diversity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To clarify the underlying causes of the species‐area relationship in marsh‐nesting birds, I studied eight freshwater tidal marshes of the Connecticut River that differed in area, degree of isolation, mudflat cover, water cover, tidal regime, and extent of individual plant communities. I measured these habitat variables on aerial infrared photos, and surveyed bird populations by mapping the distribution of all birds in marshes under 5 ha in area and establishing 50‐m radius plots in marshes over 5 ha. From surveys, I determined species richness, population densities, and total populations. Analysis revealed a positive relationship between species richness and area, but no correlation between area and habitat heterogeneity. Other habitat variables were poor predictors of species richness. The lack of a relationship between habitat and species richness appeared to be a consequence of most vegetation types present not being sufficiently distinct for birds to differentially associate with them. I also found no relationship between bird population density and area, suggesting that habitat quality in marshes did not improve with increasing size, and species evenness declined with increasing richness because greater richness was associated with the presence of more rare species. Larger marshes had more rare species, species with larger populations, and species with a minimum threshold area for occurrence. Thus, my results are consistent with theoretical predictions that larger populations are less prone to local extinction and, as individuals are added to a community, more rare species are present.  相似文献   

1 Species richness typically increases with the number of individuals sampled, although many ecological processes that influence species richness are also well known to depend on density of individuals. We separated the effects of density on species richness that are due to sampling, from those due to density-dependent ecological processes such as competition or predation, by manipulating the density of an entire community.
2 A seed bank from a community of desert annual plants that occur on semi-stabilized sand dunes in Israel was collected from the field and sown in an experimental garden at a range of densities from 1/16 to eight times the natural density. The species pool observed in the lowest density plots was used as the null community, which was repeatedly sampled to calculate the species richness (and other diversity indices) in higher density plots that would be expected from sampling considerations alone. The significance of deviations of observed diversity from this expected diversity was then evaluated.
3 Both observed and expected number of species increased substantially with the experimental increase in density. However, observed species richness, the Shannon–Wiener diversity index and Simpson's diversity index were often significantly lower than that expected based on sampling considerations. The magnitude of the deviation from expected increased significantly with increasing density for richness and the Shannon–Wiener index. This provides some of the first direct experimental evidence from diverse natural assemblages that increasing competition among all the individuals in a community can lead to competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Aim Elevational gradients distributed across the globe are a powerful test system for understanding biodiversity. Here I use a comprehensive set of bird elevational gradients to test the main drivers of diversity, including sampling, area, mid‐domain effect, temperature, temperature and water availability, and hypotheses of evolutionary history. Location Seventy‐eight elevational gradients of bird diversity from mountains in both hemispheres spanning 24.5° S to 48.2° N, including gradients from various climates, biogeographical regions and habitat types. Methods Data on bird elevational diversity were taken from the literature. Of the 150 datasets found or compiled, only those with a high, unbiased sampling effort were used in analyses. Datasets sampled all birds, all breeding birds or all forest birds; a few studies detailed seasonal, elevational shifts. Eighteen predictions of diversity theory were tested, including three sets of interactions. Results Birds display four distinct diversity patterns in nearly equal frequency on mountains: decreasing diversity, low‐elevation plateaus, low‐elevation plateaus with mid‐peaks, and unimodal mid‐elevational peaks. Bird elevational diversity strongly supports current climate as the main driver of diversity, particularly combined trends in temperature and water availability. Bird diversity on humid mountains is either decreasing or shows a low‐elevation plateau in diversity, while on dry mountains it is unimodal or a broad, low‐elevation plateau usually with a mid‐elevation maximum. The predictions of sampling, area and mid‐domain effect were not consistently supported globally. The only evolutionary hypothesis with preliminary support was niche conservatism. Main conclusions Both water and temperature variables are needed to comprehensively predict elevational diversity patterns for birds. This result is consistent for breeding and forest birds, for both hemispheres, and for local‐ or regional‐scale montane gradients. More analyses are needed to discern whether the mechanism underlying these relationships is ecological, based on direct physiological limitations or indirect food resource limitations, or historical, based on phylogenetic niche conservation or other evolutionary trends related to climate. The species–area and mid‐domain effects are not supported as primary drivers of elevational diversity in birds.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetic diversity can provide insight into how evolutionary processes may have shaped contemporary patterns of species richness. Here, we aim to test for the influence of phylogenetic history on global patterns of amphibian species richness, and to identify areas where macroevolutionary processes such as diversification and dispersal have left strong signatures on contemporary species richness. Location Global; equal‐area grid cells of approximately 10,000 km2. Methods We generated an amphibian global supertree (6111 species) and repeated analyses with the largest available molecular phylogeny (2792 species). We combined each tree with global species distributions to map four indices of phylogenetic diversity. To investigate congruence between global spatial patterns of amphibian species richness and phylogenetic diversity, we selected Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (PD) index and the total taxonomic distinctness (TTD) index, because we found that the variance of the other two indices we examined (average taxonomic distinctness and mean root distance) strongly depended on species richness. We then identified regions with unusually high or low phylogenetic diversity given the underlying level of species richness by using the residuals from the global relationship of species richness and phylogenetic diversity. Results Phylogenetic diversity as measured by either Faith’s PD or TTD was strongly correlated with species richness globally, while the other two indices showed very different patterns. When either Faith’s PD or TTD was tested against species richness, residuals were strongly spatially structured. Areas with unusually low phylogenetic diversity for their associated species richness were mostly on islands, indicating large radiations of few lineages that have successfully colonized these archipelagos. Areas with unusually high phylogenetic diversity were located around biogeographic contact zones in Central America and southern China, and seem to have experienced high immigration or in situ diversification rates, combined with local persistence of old lineages. Main conclusions We show spatial structure in the residuals of the relationship between species richness and phylogenetic diversity, which together with the positive relationship itself indicates strong signatures of evolutionary history on contemporary global patterns of amphibian species richness. Areas with unusually low and high phylogenetic diversity for their associated richness demonstrate the importance of biogeographic barriers to dispersal, colonization and diversification processes.  相似文献   



Understanding the evolution of the latitudinal diversity gradient (i.e. increase in species diversity towards the tropics) is a prominent issue in ecology and biogeography. Disentangling the relative contributions of environment and evolutionary history in shaping this gradient remains a major challenge because their relative importance has been found to vary across regions and taxa. Here, using the global distributions and a molecular phylogeny of Rhododendron, one of the largest genera of flowering plants, we aim to compare the relative contributions of contemporary environment, evolutionary time and diversification rates in generating extant species diversity patterns.



Time period


Major taxa studied



We compiled the global distributions of all Rhododendron species, and constructed a dated molecular phylogeny using nine chloroplast genes and seven nuclear regions. By integrating these two datasets, we estimated the temporal trends of Rhododendron diversification, and explored the global patterns of its species diversity, net diversification rates, and species ages. Next, we reconstructed the geographical ancestral area of the clade. Finally, we compared the relative contribution of contemporary environment, time‐for‐speciation, and diversification rates on the species diversity pattern of Rhododendron.


In contrast to the predictions of the time‐for‐speciation hypothesis, we found that although Rhododendron originated at a temperate latitude, its contemporary species diversity is highest in the tropics/subtropics, suggesting an into‐the‐tropics colonization for this genus. We found that the elevated diversification induced by heterogeneous environmental conditions in the tropics/subtropics shapes the global pattern of Rhododendron diversity.

Main conclusions

Our findings support tropical and subtropical mountains as not only biodiversity and endemism hotspots, but also as cradles for the diversification of Rhododendron. Our study emphasizes the need of unifying ecological and evolutionary approaches in order to gain comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the global patterns of plant diversity.  相似文献   

The species–time relationship (STR) is a macroecological pattern describing the increase in the observed species richness with the length of time censused. Understanding STRs is important for understanding the ecological processes underlying temporal turnover and species richness. However, accurate characterization of the STR has been hampered by the influence of sampling. I analysed STRs for 521 breeding bird survey communities. I used a model of sampling effects to demonstrate that the increase in richness was not due exclusively to sampling. I estimated the time scale at which ecological processes became dominant over sampling effects using a two‐phase model combining a sampling phase and either a power function or logarithmic ecological phase. These two‐phase models performed significantly better than sampling alone and better than simple power and logarithmic functions. Most community dynamics were dominated by ecological processes over scales <5 years. This technique provides an example of a rigorous, quantitative approach to separating sampling from ecological processes.  相似文献   

Productivity, habitat heterogeneity and environmental similarity are of the most widely accepted hypotheses to explain spatial patterns of species richness and species composition similarity. Environmental factors may exhibit seasonal changes affecting species distributions. We explored possible changes in spatial patterns of bird species richness and species composition similarity. Feeding habits are likely to have a major influence in bird–environment associations and, given that food availability shows seasonal changes in temperate climates, we expect those associations to differ by trophic group (insectivores or granivores). We surveyed birds and estimated environmental variables along line‐transects covering an E‐W gradient of annual precipitation in the Pampas of Argentina during the autumn and the spring. We examined responses of bird species richness to spatial changes in habitat productivity and heterogeneity using regression analyses, and explored potential differences between seasons of those responses. Furthermore, we used Mantel tests to examine the relationship between species composition similarity and both the environmental similarity between sites and the geographic distance between sites, also assessing differences between seasons in those relationships. Richness of insectivorous birds was directly related to primary productivity in both seasons, whereas richness of seed‐eaters showed a positive association with habitat heterogeneity during the spring. Species composition similarity between assemblages was correlated with both productivity similarity and geographic proximity during the autumn and the spring, except for insectivore assemblages. Diversity within main trophic groups seemed to reflect differences in their spatial patterns as a response to changes between seasons in the spatial patterns of food resources. Our findings suggest that considering different seasons and functional groups in the analyses of diversity spatial pattern could contribute to better understand the determinants of biological diversity in temperate climates.  相似文献   

Different sources of information about biodiversity may lead to unrealistic or biased estimation of its components, with different patterns according to the scale of analysis. In this study, we analyse patterns of species richness at the local (average alpha) and regional (gamma) scales, and the relationship between them (Whittaker's beta), in central Mexico, using as a source of data for the species' distributions: (1) museum specimen occurrence data for birds, and (2) distribution maps based on ecological niche models developed and refined by experts. We performed analyses at five spatial resolutions (1/32°−1/2°). Scale changes (grain and extent) affected significantly the estimates of average alpha, gamma, and beta. Use of raw occurrence data vs. distribution maps yielded contrasting results, with raw data underestimating alpha and overestimating beta, as functions of area. As regards species–area relationships, our results suggest a natural decomposition of factors into an area-invariant component (related to alpha), and an area dependent factor (related to beta). Most of our results are maintained in a null model that randomizes occurrences without changing observed range-size distributions. From this result we argue that average alpha and Whittaker's beta capture little information about the spatial covariation of species distribution patterns.  相似文献   

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