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Quantitative trait loci for bone density in C57BL/6J and CAST/EiJ inbred mice   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Genetic analyses for loci regulating bone mineral density have been conducted in a cohort of F2 mice derived from intercross matings of (C57BL/6J × CAST/EiJ)F1 parents. Femurs were isolated from 714 4-month-old females when peak adult bone density had been achieved. Bone mineral density (BMD) data were obtained by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), and genotype data were obtained by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assays for polymorphic markers carried in genomic DNA of each mouse. Genome-wide scans for co-segregation of genetic marker data with high or low BMD revealed loci on eight different chromosomes, four of which (Chrs 1, 5, 13, and 15) achieved conservative statistical criteria for suggestive, significant, or highly significant linkage with BMD. These four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were confirmed by a linear regression model developed to describe the main effects; none of the loci exhibited significant interaction effects by ANOVA. The four QTLs have been named Bmd1 (Chr 1), Bmd2 (Chr 5), Bmd3 (Chr 13), and Bmd4 (Chr 15). Additive effects were observed for Bmd1, recessive for Bmd3, and dominant effects for Bmd2 and Bmd4. The current large size of the QTL regions (6→31 cM) renders premature any discussion of candidate genes at this time. Fine mapping of these QTLs is in progress to refine their genetic positions and to evaluate human homologies. Received: 5 May 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

The plasma lipid concentrations and obesity of C57BL/6J (B6) and 129S1/SvImJ (129) inbred mouse strains fed a high-fat diet containing 15% dairy fat, 1% cholesterol, and 0.5% cholic acid differ markedly. To identify the loci controlling these traits, we conducted a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of 294 (B6 x 129) F(2) females fed a high-fat diet for 14 weeks. Non-HDL cholesterol concentrations were affected by five significant loci: Nhdlq1 [chromosome 8, peak centimorgan (cM) 38, logarithm of odds [LOD] 4.4); Nhdlq4 (chromosome 10, cM 70, LOD 4.0); Nhdlq5 (chromosome 6, cM 0) interacting with Nhdlq4; Nhdlq6 (chromosome 7, cM 10) interacting with Nhdlq1; and Nhdlq7 (chromosome 15, cM 0) interacting with Nhdlq4. Triglyceride (TG) concentrations were affected by three significant loci: Tgq1 (chromosome 18, cM 42, LOD 3.2) and Tgq2 (chromosome 9, cM 66) interacting with Tgq3 (chromosome 4, cM 58). Obesity measured by percentage of body fat mass and body mass index was affected by two significant loci: Obq16 (chromosome 8, cM 48, LOD 10.0) interacting with Obq18 (chromosome 9, cM 65). Knowing the genes for these QTL will enhance our understanding of obesity and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

A complex genetic basis determines the individual predisposition to develop cholesterol gallstones in response to environmental factors. We employed quantitative trait locus/loci (QTL) analyses of an intercross between inbred strains CAST/Ei (susceptible) and DBA/2J (resistant) to determine the subset of gallstone susceptibility (Lith) genes these strains possess. Parental and first filial generation mice of both genders and male intercross offspring were evaluated for gallstone formation after feeding a lithogenic diet. Linkage analysis was performed using a form of multiple interval mapping. One significant QTL colocalized with Lith1 [chromosome (chr) 2, 50 cM], a locus identified previously. Significantly, new QTL were detected and named Lith10 (chr 6, 4 cM), Lith6 (chr 6, 54 cM), and Lith11 (chr 8, 58 cM). Statistical and genetic analyses suggest that Lith6 comprises two QTL in close proximity. Our molecular and genetic data support the candidacy of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (Pparg) and Slc21a1, encoding Pparg, and the basolateral bile acid transporter SLC21A1 (Slc21a1/Oatp1), respectively, as genes underlying Lith6.  相似文献   

The total body fat mass and serum concentration of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride (TG) differ between standard diet-fed female inbred mouse strains MRL/MpJ (MRL) and SJL/J (SJL) by 38-120% (P < 0.01). To investigate genetic regulation of obesity and serum lipid levels, we performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in 621 MRLx SJL F2 female mice. Fat mass was affected by two significant loci, D11Mit36 [43.7 cM, logarithm of the odds ratio (LOD) 11.2] and D16Mit51 (50.3 cM, LOD 3.9), and one suggestive locus at D7Mit44 (50 cM, LOD 2.4). TG levels were affected by two novel loci at D1Mit43 (76 cM, LOD 3.8) and D12Mit201 (26 cM, LOD 4.1), and two suggestive loci on chromosomes 5 and 17. HDL and cholesterol concentrations were influenced by significant loci on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 7, and 17 that were in the regions identified earlier for other strains of mice, except for a suggestive locus on chromosome 14 that was specific to the MRL x SJL cross. In summary, linkage analysis in MRL x SJL F2 mice disclosed novel loci affecting TG, HDL, and fat mass, a measure of obesity. Knowledge of the genes in these quantitative trait loci will enhance our understanding of obesity and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The DBA/2J strain is a model for early-onset, progressive hearing loss in humans, as confirmed in the present study. DBA/2J mice showed progression of hearing loss to low-frequency sounds from ultrasonic-frequency sounds and profound hearing loss at all frequencies before 7 months of age. It is known that the early-onset hearing loss of DBA/2J mice is caused by affects in the ahl (Cdh23ahl) and ahl8 (Fscn2ahl8) alleles of the cadherin 23 and fascin 2 genes, respectively. Although the strong contributions of the Fscn2ahl8 allele were detected in hearing loss at 8- and 16-kHz stimuli with LOD scores of 5.02 at 8 kHz and 8.84 at 16 kHz, hearing loss effects were also demonstrated for three new quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for the intervals of 50.3–54.5, 64.6–119.9, and 119.9–137.0 Mb, respectively, on chromosome 5, with significant LOD scores of 2.80–3.91 for specific high-frequency hearing loss at 16 kHz by quantitative trait loci linkage mapping using a (DBA/2J × C57BL/6J) F1 × DBA/2J backcross mice. Moreover, we showed that the contribution of Fscn2ahl8 to early-onset hearing loss with 32-kHz stimuli is extremely low and raised the possibility of effects from the Cdh23ahl allele and another dominant quantitative trait locus (loci) for hearing loss at this ultrasonic frequency. Therefore, our results suggested that frequency-specific QTLs control early-onset hearing loss in DBA/2J mice.  相似文献   

Three-point bending technology has been widely used in the measurement of bone strength. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for bone strength have been identified using mouse femurs. In this study, we investigate the use of mouse tibiae in identification of QTLs that regulate bone strength. Mouse tibiae were from a F2 population derived from C57BL/6J (B6) and C3H/HeJ (C3H). Three-point bending was measured using ISO 4049, with the support width adjustable to accommodate specimen sizes outside the scope of ISO 4049. The strain rate is selectable from 0.05 to 500 mm per min. All stress strain diagrams are recorded and retrieved in digital electronic form. Genome scan was performed in The Jackson Laboratory (TJL). QTL mapping was conducted using Map Manager QTX software. Data show that (i) both elastic modulus (stiffness) and maximum loading (strength) value appear as normal distributions, suggesting that multiple genetic factors control the bone strength; (ii) 11 QTLs, accounting for 90% of variation for strength, have been detected. More than half QTLs of three-point bending are located on the same locations of bone density earlier identified from mouse femurs; (iii) a major QTL of femoral and vertebral bone mineral density (BMD) was not detected for bone strength of tibiae; (iv) the QTL on chromosome 4 has extremely high LOD score of 31.8 and represents 60% of the variation of bone strength; and (v) four QTLs of stiffness (chromosomes 2, 11, 15 and 19) have been identified.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of apolipoprotein E (Apoe) on albuminuria in the males of two independent F2 intercrosses between C57BL/6J and A/J mice, using wild-type inbred strains in the first cross and B6-Apoe(-/-) animals in the second cross. In the first cross, we identified three quantitative trait loci (QTL): chromosome (Chr) 2 [LOD 3.5, peak at 70 cM, confidence interval (C.I.) 28-88 cM]; Chr 9 (LOD 2.0, peak 5 cM, C.I. 5-25 cM); and Chr 19 (LOD 1.9, peak 49 cM, C.I. 23-54 cM). The Chr 2 and Chr 19 QTL were concordant with previously found QTL for renal damage in rat and human. The Chr 9 QTL was concordant with a locus found in rat. The second cross, testing only Apoe(-/-) progeny, did not identify any of these loci, but detected two other loci on Chr 4 (LOD 3.2, peak 54 cM, C.I. 29-73 cM) and Chr 6 (LOD 2.6, peak 33 cM, C.I. 11-61 cM), one of which was concordant with a QTL found in rat. The dependence of QTL detection on the presence of Apoe and the concordance of these QTL with rat and human kidney disease QTL suggest that Apoe plays a role in renal damage.  相似文献   

 The recessive male sterility and histoincompatibility mutation (mshi) arose spontaneously in the standard inbred mouse strain BALB/cBy. In addition to generating sterility in homozygous males, mshi controls the loss of a minor histocompatibility antigen designated H-mshi. To determine whether the H-mshi antigen normally expressed by the BALB/cBy strain (H-mshic) is the same as or different from the antigen (H-mshix) expressed by the standard inbred C57BL/6J strain or the wild-derived CAST/Ei and SPRET/Ei strains, animals heterozygous for the mutant antigen-loss allele (H-mshi ) and H-mshi x were grafted with tail skin from BALB/cBy mice. The long-term retention of grafts by these hosts indicates that the H-mshi antigen encoded by the BALB/cBy, C57BL/6J, CAST/Ei, and SPRET/Ei strains is histogenically identical. Conservation of this minor histocompatibility antigen among these evolutionarily diverse strains suggests that H-mshi encodes a functionally important cellular product(s). Received: 1 August 1998 / Accepted: 26 October 1998  相似文献   

We performed a genome-wide quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of body weight at 10 weeks of age in a population of 321 intercross offspring from SM/J and A/J mice, progenitor strains of SMXA recombinant inbred strains. Interval mapping revealed two significant QTLs, Bwq3 (body weight QTL3) and Bwq4, on Chromosomes (Chrs) 8 and 18 respectively, and five suggestive QTLs on Chrs 2, 6, 7, 15 and 19. Bwq3 and Bwq4 explained 6% of the phenotypic variance. The SM/J alleles at both QTLs increased body weight, though the SM/J mouse was smaller than the A/J mouse. On the other hand, four of the five suggestive QTLs detected had male-specific effects on body weight and the remainder was female-specific. These suggestive QTLs explained 5-6% of the phenotypic variance and all the SM/J alleles decreased body weight.  相似文献   

The genetic mechanisms that determine muscle size have not been elucidated, even though it is a key musculoskeletal parameter that reflects muscle strength. In this study, we performed a high-density genome-wide scan using 633 (MRL/MPJ × SJL/J) F2 intercross 7-week-old mice to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in the determination of muscle size. Significant QTL were identified for muscle size and body length. Muscle size (adjusted by body length) QTL were identified on chromosomes 7, 9, 11, 14 (two QTL) and 17, which together explained 19.2% of phenotypic variance in F2 mice, while body length QTL were located on chromosome 2 (two QTL), 9, 11 and 17 which accounted for 28.3% of phenotypic variance in F2 mice. Three significant epistatic interactions between different QTL positions from muscle size and body length were identified (P <0.01) on chromosomes 2, 9, 14 and 17, which explained 16.1% of the variance in F2 mice. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

To investigate whether there are separate or shared genetic influences on the development of the thalamus and cerebral cortex, we identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for relevant structural volumes in BXD recombinant inbred (RI) strains of mice. In 34 BXD RI strains and two parental strains (C57BL/6J and DBA/2J), we measured the volumes of the entire thalamus and cortex gray matter using point counting and Cavalieri's rule. Heritability was calculated using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and QTL analysis was carried out using WebQTL (http://www.genenetwork.org). The heritability of thalamus volume was 36%, and three suggestive QTLs for thalamus volume were identified on chromosomes 10, 11 and 16. The heritability of cortical gray matter was 43%, and four suggestive QTLs for cortex gray matter volume were identified on chromosomes 2, 8, 16 and 19. The genetic correlation between thalamus and cortex gray matter volumes was 0.64. Also, a single QTL on chromosome 16 (D16Mit100) was identified for thalamus volume, cortex gray matter volume and Morris water maze search-time preference (r=0.71). These results suggest that there are separate and shared genetic influences on the development of the thalamus and cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

How allelic diversity affects neural mechanisms to produce behavioral variation is largely unknown. The elevated plus maze, consisting of open and closed arms, has been used as a model of behavioral variation in rodent exploration. Under dim illumination the nature of the sensory stimuli that influence arm choice is uncertain. Two inbred mouse strains, A/J (Tyr c /Tyr c , the albino phenotype, mutation in tyrosinase) with a strong preference for closed arm entry, and CBA/J (Pdeb rdl /Pdeb rdl , the retinal degeneration phenotype, mutation in the β-subunit of rod cGMP phosphodiesterase), with a weak preference for open arm entry, were studied under varying light. Because behavioral differences persist under red light, variation in light perception is not likely to fully account for variation in arm choice. To identify genetic factors influencing arm choice (100 × Open arm entries/Total arm entries) quantitative trait loci analyses (QTL) were performed on (A/J × CBA/J)F2 mice. Two QTLs, one of which includes PDEB, were identified on Chr 5 (LOD > 10) and account for > 30% of the behavioral variation in arm preference. Tyr (Chr 7, 44 cM) was linked to closed arm entries but not arm preference, and is unlikely to be acting through a direct effect on light perception, because A/J arm entries were not affected by red light and there was no interaction with PDEB in the (A/J × CBA/J)F2 mice. Whether the candidate QTLs on Chr 5 affect arm choice through an effect on light perception is unknown, but phenotypic differences between F2 mice with retinal degeneration and CBA/J mice and F2 mice with albinism and A/J mice suggest that factors other than light sensitivity contribute to arm preference in these two strains. Received: 11 January 2001 / Accepted: 22 March 2001  相似文献   

Compared with C57BL/6J-A y /a, KK-A y /a mice have yellow fur that is markedly darker. Furthermore, there is a considerable variation in the tone of color with a continuous range in F2 progeny produced from C57BL/6J females and KK-A y /a males. The aims of this study are to reveal the phenotypic differences between the two A y congenic strains and to elucidate the genetic factors responsible for the sooty yellow pigmentation in the KK background. On the basis of a chemical analysis, the sootiness in KK-A y /a was the result of increased eumelanin (PTCA) and decreased pheomelanin (AHP). A statistically significant QTL was identified on Chromosome (Chr) 15, responsible for the AHP content. No significant loci responsible for PTCA were identified. On the other hand, on the basis of an optical analysis for color difference and overall sootiness, significant evidence of linkage was identified on the proximal part of Chr 15, in the region similar to AHP QTL. The overall sootiness is thus controlled solely by the locus on Chr 15 in F2 progeny; however, the KK allele at this locus significantly increased the AHP content. Received: 8 September 1999 / Accepted: 18 April 2000  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of serum insulin, triglyceride, total cholesterol and phospholipid levels at 10 weeks of age was performed in 321 F2 offspring from SM/J and A/J mice. Interval mapping revealed a total of 22 suggestive QTLs affecting the four traits: two insulin QTLs on Chromosomes (Chrs) 6 and 8; six triglyceride QTLs on Chrs 4, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 19; six total-cholesterol QTLs on Chrs 1, 3, 4, 14, 17 and 19; and eight phospholipid QTLs on Chrs 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 19. Gender influenced the expression of eight of the suggestive QTLs. The total-cholesterol QTLs on Chrs 4, 14 and 17, the triglyceride QTL on Chr 9 and the phospholipid QTL on Chr 4 were specific to females. The phospholipid QTLs on Chrs 2 and 6 and the insulin QTL on Chr 8 were specific to males. In addition, common QTLs involved in the regulation of some of the traits were identified. The female-specific QTL on Chr 4 appeared to be involved in the regulation of total cholesterol and phospholipid levels. The QTL on Chr 8 affected insulin and phospholipid levels, whereas the Chr 19 QTL was common to the three lipid parameters.  相似文献   

Cranial base growth plates are important centers of longitudinal growth in the skull and are responsible for the proper anterior placement of the face and the stimulation of normal cranial vault development. We report that the presphenoidal synchondrosis (PSS), a midline growth plate of the cranial base, closes in the DBA/2J mouse strain but not in other common inbred strains. We investigated the genetics of PSS closure in DBA/2J mice by evaluating F1, F1 backcross, and/or F1 intercross offspring from matings with C57BL/6J and DBA/1J mice, whose PSS remain open. We observed that PSS closure is genetically determined, but not inherited as a simple Mendelian trait. Employing a genome-wide SNP array, we identified a region on chromosome 11 in the C57BL/6J strain that affected the frequency of PSS closure in F1 backcross and F1 intercross offspring. The equivalent region in the DBA/1J strain did not affect PSS closure in F1 intercross offspring. We conclude that PSS closure in the DBA/2J strain is complex and modified by different loci when outcrossed with C57BL/6J and DBA/1J mice.  相似文献   

C57Bl/6 mice reproducibly prefer to ingest more 10% ethanol in a two-bottle choice paradigm than do DBA/2J mice. In this paper we report the identification of two new sex-specific alcohol preference (Alcp) loci. Melo and associates (1996) identified two loci: Alcp1, a male-specific locus on Chromosome (Chr) 2, and Alcp2, a female- and cross-specific locus on Chr 11. We have additionally identified Alcp3, a male-specific locus on Chr 3, and Alcp4, a female-specific locus on Chr 1. We have also performed a statistical analysis to exclude the possibility of undiscovered major alcohol preference loci that are not sex-specific in our backcross paradigm. Our results indicate that alcohol preference in C57BL/6 mice, as measured in our backcross, is largely controlled in a sex-specific manner. Received: 15 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for regulating plasma lipid concentration associated with obesity, linkage analysis was carried out on the 190 F2 progeny of a cross between C57BL/6J female and KK-Ay (Ay allele at the agouti locus congenic) male. In F2 a/a (agouti locus genotype) mice, two QTLs were identified on chromosome 1 and a QTL on chromosome 3 for total-cholesterol. A QTL for HDL-cholesterol was identified on chromosome 1 and a QTL for NEFA on chromosome 9. In F2 Ay/a mice, two QTLs for HDL-cholesterol were found on chromosome 1. Loci for other lipids with suggestive linkage were also identified. In both F2 mice, one QTL on chromosome 1 for total- and HDL-cholesterol was mapped near D1Mit150, in the vicinity of the apolipoprotein A-II (Apoa2) locus. Seven nucleotide substitutions out of 309 nucleotide apolipoprotein A-II cDNA sequences were identified between KK and C57BL/6J. The Ay allele may be an indication of the plasma lipid levels, but its influence was less apparent than in the case of weight control. The loci for lipids were not on identical chromosomes with those previously identified for obesity, suggesting that hyperlipidemia in KK does not coincidentally occur with obesity.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci affecting prion incubation time in mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Although the gene encoding prion protein (PrP) is the major determinant of susceptibility to prion disease, other genes also affect prion incubation time in mice and may be involved in prion replication. Scrapie incubation time was analyzed as a quantitative trait using crosses between SJL/J and CAST/Ei mice; these mouse strains encode identical PrP molecules but have different incubation periods. Our analysis revealed loci on Chromosomes 9 and 11 that affect prion susceptibility.  相似文献   

Do body size components, such as weights of internal organs and long bone lengths, with different functions and different developmental histories also have different genetic architectures and pleiotropic patterns? We examine murine quantitative trait loci (QTL) for necropsy weight, four long bone lengths, and four organ weights in the LG/J × SM/J intercross. Differences between trait categories were found in number of QTL, dominance, and pleiotropic patterns. Ninety-seven QTLs for individual traits were identified: 52 for long bone lengths, 30 for organ weights, and 15 for necropsy weight. Results for long bones are typically more highly significant than for organs. Organ weights were more frequently over- or underdominant than long bone lengths or necropsy weight. The single-trait QTLs map to 35 pleiotropic loci. Long bones are much more frequently affected in groups while organs tend to be affected singly or in pairs. Organs and long bones are found at the same locus in only 11 cases, 8 of which also include necropsy weight. Our results suggest mainly separate genetic modules for organ weights and long bone lengths, with a few loci that affect overall body size. Antagonistic pleiotropy, in which a locus has opposite effects on different characteristics, is uncommon.  相似文献   

Platelet count in humans is a strongly genetically regulated trait, with approximately 85% of the interindividual variance in platelet numbers attributable to genetic factors. Inbred mouse strains also have strain-specific platelet count ranges. As part of a project to identify novel factors that regulate platelet count, we identified two inbred mouse strains, CBA/CaH and QSi5, with substantial differences in platelet count (mean values of 581 vs. 1062 × 109/L). An F2 intercross resource of 1126 animals was bred from these two parental strains for a genomewide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTL) for platelet count. QTL were identified on MMU1 (LOD 6.8, p < 0.0005) and MMU11 (LOD 11.2, p < 0.0005) by selectively genotyping animals from the extremes of the F2 platelet count distribution. Three other QTL of suggestive statistical significance were also detected on MMU7, 13, and 17. It is noteworthy that no QTL were detected in the vicinity of the genes encoding thrombopoietin (Thpo), and its receptor (c-Mpl), both known to influence platelet production. Comparison of gene expression levels between the parental mouse strains by microarrays also showed little difference in the mRNA levels of these known candidate genes. These results represent the first published use of a genetic linkage-based approach in a mouse model toward the identification of genetic factors that regulate platelet count.  相似文献   

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