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A series of questionable elements in certain specimens ofMorone cf.aequalis (Koken 1891) from Lower Miocene deposits near the village of Berkersheim, N of Frankfurt a. M. (Hessen, Germany) is described, which has not been known from any other percoid before. These elements are fully ossified and cover the cheek and the preopercular region. Even within well-preserved material, they are only present in some specimens. Therefore, they may be specialized structures that are indicative for sexual dimorphism. Nevertheless, they clearly differ from all other respective structures that have been described from teleosts: Multicellular epidermal horny tubercles (“breeding tubercles”) mainly consist of keratine and not of calciumphosphate. By contrast, contact organs consist of bone and are located mainly at the surface of the fin rays and scales, respectively. At present, “breeding tubercles” are the favorite interpretation and the original substance may have been replaced via post-mortem phosphatization.  相似文献   

Variation in the extent of sexual dimorphism among bird species is traditionally attributed to differences in social mating system. However, there are many different forms of dimorphism among birds, and not all of them show an obvious correlation with social mating system. For example, recent work has shown that many highly polygamous species are, in fact, monomorphic, whereas many putatively monogamous species are dimorphic. In this paper we break up sexual dimorphism into subcomponents and then use comparative analyses to examine the pattern of covariation between these subcomponents and various aspects of sexual, social, and parental behaviour. Our first finding is that size dimorphism and plumage-colour dimorphism do not show the same pattern of covariation. Differences in size dimorphism are associated with variation in social mating system and sex differences in parental care, whereas differences in plumage-colour dimorphism are associated with variation in the frequency of extra-bond paternity. These results suggest that size dimorphism is associated with the sort of intrasexual competition described by traditional classifications of social mating system, whereas plumage-colour dimorphism is associated with cryptic female choice. However, when we break up plumage-colour dimorphism according to whether it is due to melanins, carotenoids or structural colours, we find that each category of plumage-colour dimorphism shows a different pattern of covariation. The correlation between overall plumage-colour dimorphism and the rate of extra-bond paternity is due to structural colours, whereas melanin-based dimorphism is associated with sex differences in parental care. The former result is particularly interesting given that new work suggests structural colours are associated with active sexual displays and the reflection of ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in immunocompetence, usually in the directionof inferior male immunocompetence, has historically been explainedas the result of proximate physiological mechanisms such asthe immunosuppressive effects of the male hormone testosterone.More recently, it has been argued that this pattern is bestunderstood as a result of resource-based trade-offs betweenmale mating effort and immune defense, a trade-off that femalesdo not make. The central prediction of this hypothesis is thatas the strength of sexual selection on males increases, themagnitude of the sex differences in immunocompetence will increase.Two implicit assumptions of this argument are that 1) longevityis of more importance for female than for male fitness and 2)that the primary benefit of immunocompetence is increased longevity.However, both of these assumptions may not be as broadly applicableas has been argued. We have modeled the optimal allocation toimmunocompetence for males and females without making theseassumptions. We find that the optimal allocation to immune defensefor males decreases as the strength of sexual selection increases,as predicted. However, males may still invest more, relativeto females, into immunocompetence if the impact of parasiteson condition differs for the sexes and/or if the relationshipbetween condition and reproduction differs for the sexes. Weargue that these previously overlooked assumptions may be criticalfor predicting sex-specific patterns of immunocompetence.  相似文献   

A powerful new technique for visualizing neurons in the fly brain has uncovered fine neuroanatomical differences between the olfactory circuitries of male and female Drosophila.  相似文献   

Time–place learning based on food association was investigated in the fish Nile tilapia. During a 30-day period, food was placed at one side of the aquarium (containing three compartments) in the morning and at the opposite side in the afternoon. Learning was inferred by the number of correct side choices of all fish in each day of test (15th, 30th). During the test day, fish were not fed. The Nile tilapia did not learn to switch sides at the correct day period in order to get food, suggesting thus that this species does not have time–place learning ability.  相似文献   

Conspecific females and males often follow different development trajectories which leads to sex differences in age at maturity (sexual bimaturism, SBM). Whether SBM is typically selected for per se (direct selection hypothesis) or merely represents a side-effect of other sex-related adaptations (indirect selection hypothesis) is, however, still an open question. Substantial interspecific variation in the direction and degree of SBM, both in invertebrates and vertebrates, calls for multi-species studies to understand the relative importance of its evolutionary drivers. Here we use two complementary approaches to evaluate the evolutionary basis of SBM in insects. For this purpose, we assembled an extensive literature-derived data set of sex-specific development times and body sizes for a taxonomically and ecologically wide range of species. We use these data in a meta-analytic framework to evaluate support for the direct and indirect selection hypotheses. Our results confirm that protandry – males emerging as adults before females – is the prevailing form of SBM in insects. Nevertheless, protandry is not as ubiquitous as often presumed: females emerged before males (= protogyny) in about 36% of the 192 species for which we had data. Moreover, in a considerable proportion of species, the sex difference in the timing of adult emergence was negligible. In search for the evolutionary basis of SBM, we found stronger support for the hypothesis that explains SBM by indirect selection. First, across species, the direction and degree of SBM appeared to be positively associated with the direction and degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). This is consistent with the view that SBM is a correlative by-product of evolution towards sexually dimorphic body sizes. Second, within protandrous species, the degree of protandry typically increased with plastic increase in development time, with females prolonging their development more than males in unfavourable conditions. This pattern is in conflict with the direct selection hypothesis, which predicts the degree of protandry to be insensitive to the quality of the juvenile environment. These converging lines of evidence support the idea that, in insects, SBM is generally a by-product of SSD rather than a result of selection on the two sexes to mature at different times. It appears plausible that selective pressures on maturation time per se generally cannot compete with viability- and fecundity-mediated selection on insect body sizes. Nevertheless, exceptions certainly exist: there are undeniable cases of SBM where this trait has evolved in response to direct selection. In such cases, either the advantage of sex difference in maturation time must have been particularly large, or fitness effects of body size have been unusually weak.  相似文献   

Evolutionary radiations are one plausible explanation for the rich biodiversity on Earth. Adaptive radiations are the most studied form of evolutionary radiations, and ecological opportunity has been identified as one factor permitting them. Competition among individuals is supposedly highest in populations of conspecifics. Divergent modes of resource use might minimize trophic overlap, and thus intersexual competition, resulting in ecological character displacement between sexes. However, the role of intersexual differentiation in speciation processes is insufficiently studied. The few studies available suggest that intersexual niche differentiation exists in adaptive radiations, but their role within the radiation, and the extent of differentiation within the organism itself, remains largely unexplored. Here, we test the hypothesis that multiple morphological structures are affected by intersexual niche differentiation in “roundfin” Telmatherina, the first case where intersexual niche differentiation was demonstrated in an adaptive fish radiation. We show that sexes of two of the three morphospecies differ in several structural components of the head, all of these are likely adaptive. Sexual dimorphism is linked to the respective morphospecies‐specific ecology and affects several axes of variation. Trait variation translates into different feeding modes, processing types, and habitat usages that add to interspecific variation in all three morphospecies. Intrasexual selection, that is, male–male competition, may contribute to variation in some of the traits, but appears unlikely in internal structures, which are invisible to other individuals. We conclude that intersexual variation adds to the adaptive diversity of roundfins and might play a key role in minimizing intersexual competition in emerging radiations.  相似文献   

Food resource specialization within novel environments is considered a common axis of diversification in adaptive radiations. Feeding specializations are often coupled with striking morphological adaptations and exemplify the relation between morphology and diet (phenotype–environment correlations), as seen in, for example, Darwin finches, Hawaiian spiders, and the cichlid fish radiations in East African lakes. The cichlids' potential to rapidly exploit and occupy a variety of different habitats has previously been attributed to the variability and adaptability of their trophic structures including the pharyngeal jaw apparatus. Here we report a reciprocal transplant experiment designed to explore the adaptability of the trophic structures in highly specialized cichlid fish species. More specifically, we forced two common but ecologically distinct cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika, Tropheus moorii (rock‐dweller), and Xenotilapia boulengeri (sand‐dweller), to live on their preferred as well as on an unpreferred habitat (sand and rock, respectively). We measured their overall performance on the different habitat types and explored whether adaptive phenotypic plasticity is involved in adaptation. We found that, while habitat had no effect on the performance of X. boulengeri, T. moorii performed significantly better in its preferred habitat. Despite an experimental duration of several months, we did not find a shift in the morphology of the lower pharyngeal jaw bone that would be indicative of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in this trait.  相似文献   

Animal conflicts are influenced by social experience such that a previous winning experience increases the probability of winning the next agonistic interaction, whereas a previous losing experience has the opposite effect. Since androgens respond to social interactions, increasing in winners and decreasing in losers, we hypothesized that socially induced transient changes in androgen levels could be a causal mediator of winner/loser effects. To test this hypothesis, we staged fights between dyads of size-matched males of the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). After the first contest, winners were treated with the anti-androgen cyproterone acetate and losers were supplemented with 11-ketotestosterone. Two hours after the end of the first fight, two contests were staged simultaneously between the winner of the first fight and a naive male and between the loser of first fight and another naive male. The majority (88%) of control winners also won the second interaction, whereas the majority of control losers (87%) lost their second fight, thus confirming the presence of winner/loser effects in this species. As predicted, the success of anti-androgen-treated winners in the second fight decreased significantly to chance levels (44%), but the success of androgenized losers (19%) did not show a significant increase. In summary, the treatment with anti-androgen blocks the winner effect, whereas androgen administration fails to reverse the loser effect, suggesting an involvement of androgens on the winner but not on the loser effect.  相似文献   

Daniel P. Benesh 《Oecologia》2010,162(3):599-608
For organisms with a complex life cycle, a large larval size is generally beneficial, but it may come at the expense of prolonged development. Individuals that grow fast may avoid this tradeoff and switch habitats at both a larger size and younger age. A fast growth rate itself can be costly, however, as it requires greater resource intake. For parasites, fast larval growth is assumed to increase the likelihood of host death before transmission to the next host occurs. Using the tapeworm Schistocephalus solidus in its copepod first intermediate host, I investigated potential constraints in the parasite’s larval life history. Fast-growing parasites developed infectivity earlier, indicating there is no functional tradeoff between size and developmental time. There was significant growth variation among full-sib worm families, but fast-growing sibships were not characterized by lower host survival or more predation-risky host behavior. Parental investment also had little effect on larval growth rates. The commonly assumed constraints on larval growth and development were not observed in this system, so it remains unclear what prevents worms from exploiting their intermediate hosts more aggressively.  相似文献   

Endotoxin recognition: in fish or not in fish?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between pathogens and their multicellular hosts is initiated by activation of pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs). These receptors, that include most notably members of the toll-like receptor (TLR) family, recognize specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). TLR4 is a central part of the receptor complex that is involved in the activation of the immune system by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) through the specific recognition of its endotoxic moiety (Lipid A). This is a critical event that is essential for the immune response to Gram-negative bacteria as well as the etiology of endotoxic shock. Interestingly, compared to mammals, fish are resistant to endotoxic shock. This in vivo resistance concurs with in vitro studies demonstrating significantly lowered sensitivity of fish leukocytes to LPS activation. Further, our in vitro analyses demonstrate that in trout mononuclear phagocytes, LPS fails to induce antiviral genes, an event that occurs downstream of TLR4 and is required for the development of endotoxic shock. Finally, an in silico approach that includes mining of different piscine genomic and EST databases, reveals the presence in fish of all of the major TLR signaling elements except for the molecules specifically involved in TLR4-mediated endotoxin recognition and signaling in mammals. Collectively, our analysis questions the existence of TLR4-mediated cellular responses to LPS in fish. We further speculate that other receptors, in particular beta-2 integrins, may play a primary role in the activation of piscine leukocytes by LPS.  相似文献   

Male snakes typically have longer tails relative to body length than females, but the extent of this dimorphism varies among species. Three hypotheses have been suggested to explain tail dimorphism. The Morphological Constraint Hypothesis proposes that males have relatively longer tails to accommodate hemipenes and retractor muscles. The Female Reproductive Output Hypothesis proposes that females have relatively shorter tails as a secondary result of natural selection for increased reproductive capacity. The Male Mating Ability Hypothesis proposes that sexual selection favours relatively longer tails in males during courtship. These hypotheses make different predictions about the relationships among tail length, body size, male reproductive morphology, female reproductive output, mode of reproduction, and male mating behaviour among and within taxa. Predictions were tested using published data for 56 genera in the family Colubridae and original data for the water snake, Nerodia sipedon. Tail length dimorphism was more male-biased in tam having relatively short tails (r=–0.52, P < 0.001), hemipenes and retractor muscles occupied a greater proportion of the tail in taxa having relatively short tails (r=– 0.71, P < 0.00l and r=– 0.66, P = 0.001, respectively), and tail length dimorphism was more male-biased in taxa in which body size dimorphism was more female-biased (r=– 0.60, P < 0.001). These results support both the Morphological Constraint Hypotheses and the Female Reproductive Output Hypothesis. However, tests of other predictions, including those regarding patterns within N. sipedon , failed to support any of the three hypotheses. Comparisons among taxa suggest several species in which further tests of these hypotheses would be especially appropriate.  相似文献   

Certain species of fish have recently become important model systems in comparative genomics and in developmental biology, in certain instances because of their small genome sizes (e.g., in the pufferfish) and, in other cases, because of the opportunity they provide to combine an easily accessible and experimentally manipulable embryology with the power of genetic approaches (e.g., in the zebrafish). The resulting accumulation of genomic information indicates that, surprisingly, many gene families of fish consist of more members than in mammals. Most modern fish, including the zebrafish and medakka, are diploid organisms; however, the greater number of genes in fish was possibly caused by additional ancient genome duplications which happened in the lineage leading to modern ray-finned fishes but not along the lineage leading to tetrapods. Since these two lineages shared their last common ancestor (in the Devonian about 360 million years ago) individual duplicated members of gene families were later lost in fish. Interestingly, comparative data indicate that, in some cases, genes in mammals even serve somewhat different functions than their homologues in fish, highlighting that the degree of evolutionary relatedness of genes is not always a reliable predictor of their evolutionary conservation and their similarity of function. Since fish are phenotypically probably not more complex than mammals, it is possible that evolution took alternative paths to the “economics of genomics” through alternative solutions to gene regulation. It is suggested that the more complex genomic architecture of fish permitted them to adapt and speciate quickly in response to changing selective regimes. BioEssays 20 :511–515, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of host plant-derived volatile substances on the behaviour of adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is poorly understood. We tested the response of females and males to a range of -farnesene dosages. Natural -farnesene from apples contains the E,E and Z,E isomers in varying proportions. No difference in the response of C. pomonella to preparations containing two different proportions of the E,E and Z,E isomers was noted (77:20.7 or 1.2:84.7% E,E and Z,E isomers respectively), indicating a similar bioactivity of E,E and Z,E -farnesene on codling moth. A marked sexual dimorphism was found to increasing dosages of -farnesene. Females were attracted to low dosages (starting from 63.4 ng) and repelled by high dosages (ending at 12 688 ng). The dose response over this concentration range was linear with a negative slope. Both mated and virgin females responded similarly in kind but differently in degree, both attraction and repellency being more pronounced in mated females. Males were neither attracted nor repelled over a large dose range (63.4 to 12 688 ng) except the highest rate which was attractive. This indicates a stronger dependency of females on plant-derived volatiles.  相似文献   

During field studies in 1997–1999 in South Bohemia (Czech Republic), we found significant differences in size between the sexes in a local breeding population of red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. Males were significantly larger than females for wing length and tarsus length, but had smaller body mass than females. However, there was considerable overlap in the ranges of these parameters between the sexes. Interestingly, pairs were formed at random with respect to wing length and tarsus length, but assortative mating was significant for body mass/body condition. Among tested variables, only male wing length correlated significantly with nestling body mass at day 7. However, clutch size and the number of fledglings strongly depended on differences in tarsus length between mates, but not on body size of mates. Individual improvements in foraging skills and/or courtship feeding rates are proposed as possible explanations for these findings.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in morphology has often been related to fitness differences through its effects on performance. In lizards, variation in hind limb length can be shaped by natural selection for increased locomotor performance, sexual selection on the number or size of femoral pores involved in chemical signalling, or both. Here, we analyse the selective forces involved in sexual dimorphism and differences in hind limb length between two populations of Psammodromus algirus living at different elevation. Males were more robust and had longer hind limbs and limb segments than females, and low‐elevation lizards had longer limbs than high‐elevation lizards. However, differences in locomotor performance were small and non‐significant, making natural selection for faster runs an unlikely explanation for the observed pattern. On the other hand, males had more femoral pores than females, and lizards had more pores at lower elevation, although the difference was significant only for males (which invest more in chemical signalling). In males, the number of pores, which remains constant along a lizard's life, was not correlated with hind limb length. However, femur length was positively correlated with mean pore size, allowing low‐elevation males to have larger than expected pores, which could increase the effectiveness with which they spread their signals in a dry and warm habitat where chemicals become volatile rapidly. Also, saturation of the sexual coloration of the head was higher for low‐elevation males, suggesting that sexual selection pressures may be more intense. Overall, our results indicate that sexual selection plays a significant role in shaping intraspecific variation in hind limb length. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 318–329.  相似文献   

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