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Endocasts of the osseous labyrinth have the potential to yield information about both phylogenetic relationships and ecology. Although bony labyrinth morphology is well documented in many groups of fossil vertebrates, little is known for early Neopterygii, the major fish radiation containing living teleosts, gars and the bowfin. Here, we reconstruct endocasts of the bony labyrinth and associated structures for a sample of Mesozoic neopterygian fishes using high‐resolution computed tomography. Our sample includes taxa unambiguously assigned to either the teleost (Dorsetichthys, “Pholidophorus,” Elopoides) and holostean (“Aspidorynchus,” “Caturus,” Heterolepidotus) total‐groups, as well as examples of less certain phylogenetic position (an unnamed parasemionotid and Dapedium). Our models provide a test of anatomical interpretations for forms where bony labyrinths were reconstructed based on destructive tomography (“Caturus”) or inspection of the lateral wall of the cranial chamber (Dorsetichthys), and deliver the first detailed insights on inner ear morphology in the remaining taxa. With respect to relationships, traits apparent in the bony labyrinth and associated structures broadly support past phylogenetic hypotheses concerning taxa agreed to have reasonably secure systematic placements. Inner ear morphology supports placement of Dapedium with holosteans rather than teleosts, while preserved structure in the unnamed parasemionotid is generalized to the degree that it provides no evidence of close affinity with either of the crown neopterygian lineages. This study provides proof‐of‐concept for the systematic utility of the inner ear in neopterygians that, in combination with similar findings for earlier‐diverging actinopterygian lineages, points to the substantial potential of this anatomical system for addressing the longstanding questions in the relationships of fossil ray‐finned fishes to one another and living groups. J. Morphol. 279:426–440, 2018. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Morphology of the middle ear of golden moles (Chrysochloridae)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The middle ear structures of nine species of golden moles (family Chrysochloridae) were examined under the light microscope. Auditory structures of several of these species are described here for the first time in detail, the emphasis being on the ossicular apparatus. Confirming previous observations, some golden moles (e.g. Amblysomus species) have ossicles of a morphology typical of mammals, whereas others ( Chrysospalax , Chrysochloris , Cryptochloris and Eremitalpa species) have enormously hypertrophied mallei. Golden moles differ in the nature and extent of the interbullar connection, the shape of the tympanic membrane and that of the manubrium. The stapes has an unusual orientation, projecting dorsomedially from the incus. It has been proposed that hypertrophied ossicles in golden moles are adapted towards the detection of seismic vibrations. The functional morphology of the middle ear apparatus is reconsidered in this light, and it is proposed that adaptations towards low-frequency airborne hearing might have predisposed golden moles towards the evolution of seismic sensitivity through inertial bone conduction. The morphology of the middle ear apparatus sheds little light on the disputed ordinal position of the Chrysochloridae.  相似文献   

The middle ear structures of eight species of mole in the family Talpidae (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla) were studied under light and electron microscopy. Neurotrichus, Parascalops, and Condylura have a simple middle ear cavity with a loose ectotympanic bone, ossicles of a "microtype" morphology, and they retain a small tensor tympani muscle. These characteristics are ancestral for talpid moles. Talpa, Scalopus, Scapanus, and Parascaptor species, on the other hand, have a looser articulation between malleus and ectotympanic bone and a reduced or absent orbicular apophysis. These species lack a tensor tympani muscle, possess complete bullae, and extensions of the middle ear cavity pneumatize the surrounding basicranial bones. The two middle ear cavities communicate in Talpa, Scapanus, and Parascaptor species. Parascaptor has a hypertrophied malleus, a feature shared with Scaptochirus but not found in any other talpid genus. Differences in middle ear morphology within members of the Talpidae are correlated with lifestyle. The species with middle ears closer to the ancestral type spend more time above ground, where they will be exposed to high-frequency sound: their middle ears appear suited for transmission of high frequencies. The species with derived middle ear morphologies are more exclusively subterranean. Some of the derived features of their middle ears potentially improve low-frequency hearing, while others may reduce the transmission of bone-conducted noise. By contrast, the unusual middle ear apparatus of Parascaptor, which exhibits striking similarities to that of golden moles, probably augments seismic sensitivity by inertial bone conduction.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(6):742-749
Diprotodontia represents the largest and ecologically most distinct order of marsupials occurring in Australasian being highly divers in size, locomotion, habitat preferences, feeding, and activity pattern. The spatial orientation in the habitat and therefore the three‐dimensional space is detected by the vestibular system of the inner ear, more precisely by the three semicircular canals. In this study, we investigated the bony labyrinth of diprotodontian and selected non‐diprotodontian marsupial mammals of almost all genera with noninvasive micro‐CT scanning and 3D‐reconstructions. In principal component analyses, the subterranean taxon can be separated from gliding and saltatorial taxa, whereas arboreal species can be separated from saltatorial specimens. The highest PCA loadings of this functional distinction are clearly found in the diameter of the semicircular canals, whereas the overall shape (height, width, length) of the semicircular canals is less important. Additionally, the investigated arboreal and fossorial species of South America are nested in the morphospace of the Australasian taxa. Even if a phylogenetic signal in the anatomy of the bony labyrinth cannot be excluded entirely, the main functional morphological signal of the vestibular system is found in the diameter of the semicircular canals. With the large dataset of extant marsupial mammals analysed here, the locomotion mode of extinct taxa can be inferred in future studies independent of any evidence of postcranial material.  相似文献   

The semicircular canals (SCs) of the inner ear detect angular acceleration and are located in the bony labyrinth of the petrosal bone. Based on high-resolution computed tomography, we created a size-independent database of the bony labyrinth of 50 mammalian species especially rodents of the squirrel-related clade comprising taxa with fossorial, arboreal and gliding adaptations. Our sampling also includes gliding marsupials, actively flying bats, the arboreal tree shrew and subterranean species. The morphometric anatomy of the SCs was correlated to the locomotion mode. Even if the phylogenetic signal cannot entirely be excluded, the main significance for functional morphological studies has been found in the diameter of the SCs, whereas the radius of curvature is of minor interest. Additionally, we found clear differences in the bias angle of the canals between subterranean and gliding taxa, but also between sciurids and glirids. The sensitivity of the inner ear correlates with the locomotion mode, with a higher sensitivity of the SCs in fossorial species than in flying taxa. We conclude that the inner ear of flying and gliding mammals is less sensitive due to the large information flow into this sense organ during locomotion.  相似文献   

The first virtual reconstruction of the skeletal labyrinth of the porbeagle shark Lamna nasus and the shortfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus is presented here using high‐resolution micro‐computed tomography. The results, in comparison with previously published information, suggest relationships between skeletal labyrinth morphology and locomotion mode in chondrichthyans, but also show that further studies are required to establish such connections. Nevertheless, this study adds to the knowledge of the skeletal labyrinth morphology in two apex elasmobranch species.  相似文献   

The oldest talpid, Eotalpa, was previously known only from isolated cheek teeth from the European late Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene. Screenwashing of Late Eocene sediments of the Hampshire Basin, UK, has yielded cranial and postcranial elements: maxilla, dentary, ulna, metacarpals, distal tibia, astragalus, calcaneum, metatarsals and phalanges. In addition to M1–2 myotodonty, typical talpid features are as follows: ulna with long medially curved olecranon and deep abductor fossa and astragalar body with lateral process. However, Eotalpa retains certain soricid‐like primitive states (M1 preparacrista, P4 with prominent mesiolingual protocone lobe, strongly angled astragalar neck and calcaneum with no space for a cuboid medial process) not found in modern talpids. Eotalpa is more derived than the most primitive living talpid Uropsilus in having lost the M1–2 talon shelf, developed a convex radial facet on the ulna, an incipient proximal olecranon crest, relatively shorter metapodials and depressed manual unguals. Its astragalus with medial trochlear ridge taller than the lateral one and massive medial plantar process is typical of the Lipotyphla. Eotalpa lacks synostosis of tibia and fibula, found in other Talpidae, Soricidae and Erinaceidae, suggesting that synostosis in these groups has been independently acquired. Cladistic analysis places Eotalpa as stem member of the Talpidae and shows that much homoplasy arose during the early evolution of the family. Ground dwelling in Eotalpa is indicated by the following: astragalus with a medially dipping head, curved in a single plane; calcaneum with distal peroneal process and strongly overlapping ectal and sustentacular facets; and matching sized ectal and sustentacular facets on calcaneum and astragalus. These features would have restricted ankle mobility. Ungual and metatarsal shape and ulnar structure suggest a primitive stage in fossorial evolution and argue against a semiaquatic precursor stage in talpid fossoriality. Shrew‐moles may represent a reversal to surface foraging rather than an intermediate stage in fossoriality.  相似文献   

Ontogeny is a vital aspect of life history sometimes overlooked in palaeontological studies. However, the changing geometry of anatomical structures during growth can be informative regarding ecological and functional reconstructions. The inner ear, or labyrinth, is an ideal ontogenetic study system because it has a strong functional signal in its morphology that is linked to locomotor mode. Yet almost nothing is known about labyrinth development in dinosaurs. We quantified labyrinth scale and geometry through ontogeny in the Early Jurassic dinosaur Massospondylus carinatus, which has an exceptional fossil record and is hypothesized to have undergone a gait change, from quadrupedal juvenile to bipedal adult. To test whether this putative locomotor shift is reflected in labyrinth morphology, computed microtomography (μCT) and propagation phase‐contrast synchrotron radiation microtomography (PPC‐SRμCT) were used to obtain labyrinths from eight specimens, ranging from near‐hatchling to adult. Labyrinths grow substantially but scale with slight negative allometry compared to skull length throughout ontogeny, the first time this has been documented in dinosaurs. Geometric morphometric analysis of the labyrinth using a sliding semilandmark approach shows some morphological change through ontogeny, but little evidence supporting a locomotor shift. These results have implications for our understanding of sauropodomorph development and provide a better understanding of dinosaur locomotory evolution.  相似文献   

Morpho-anatomical traits of the rarely studied dicotyledonous desiccation-tolerant shrub Myrothamnus moschatus were examined and compared for the first time to Myrothamnus flabellifolius under the aspect of desiccation tolerance. Both species almost exclusively occur on rock outcrops and differ mainly in their geographic range and leaf morphology (fan-shaped in M. flabellifolius, lanceolate in M. moschatus) but have a very similar leaf and wood anatomy, except for the lack of hydathodes in M. moschatus. Both species adopt the parallel leaf venation of monocots, although this is more pronounced in M. moschatus. This provides a mechanical and protective advantage over the net venation pattern of most dicots and facilitates the reversible, drought-induced, accordion-like leaf contraction. The sclerenchyma, as a stabilising tissue, is mainly confined to vascular bundles in leaves of both species. Here, mechanical support seems to be less crucial for survival in long periods of drought than other morpho-anatomical traits (e.g. parallel leaf venation).  相似文献   

The ossicular apparatus of golden moles in the genus Chlorotalpa has received comparatively little attention in the literature, although the malleus is known to be intermediate in size between the "unmodified" malleus of Amblysomus and the hypertrophied mallei found in some other golden moles. In the present study, the middle ear structures of three Chlorotalpa species (C. duthieae, C. sclateri, and C. arendsi) are described. Measurements of middle ear structures were applied into three existing models of middle ear function. The predictions from the models suggest that the airborne hearing of Chlorotalpa species is limited to relatively low frequencies, but the impedance transformation by the middle ear apparatus is expected to be reasonably efficient. The sensitivity of the middle ear apparatus to inertial bone conduction is intermediate between that predicted for Amblysomus and that predicted for species with hypertrophied mallei. Hearing in fossorial mammals may be limited by factors other than the middle ear apparatus: the predictions for Chlorotalpa must therefore be treated with caution. However, a consideration of the "intermediate" middle ear morphology of Chlorotalpa species sheds some light on the origin of ossicular hypertrophy in golden moles. The limited enlargement of the malleus seen in Chlorotalpa is expected to have improved seismic sensitivity by bone conduction significantly at low frequencies, while airborne hearing might not have been adversely affected.  相似文献   

We studied the middle and inner ears of seven adult coruros (Spalacopus cyanus), subterranean and social rodents from central Chile, using free-hand dissection and routine staining techniques. Middle ear parameters that were focused on here (enlarged bullae and eardrums, ossicles of the "freely mobile type") are believed to enhance hearing sensitivity at lower frequencies. The organ of Corti was of a common mammalian type and revealed three peaks of higher inner hair cell densities. Based on a position frequency map, frequencies were assigned to the respective peaks along the basilar membrane. The first peak at around 300-400 Hz is discussed with respect to the burrow acoustics, while the peak around 10-20 kHz is probably a plesiomorphic feature. The most pronounced peak at around 2 kHz reflects the frequency at which the main energy of vocal communication occurs. The morphology of the ear of the coruro corresponds to the typical pattern seen in subterranean rodents (low frequency and low-sensitivity hearers), yet, at the same time, it also deviates from it in several functionally relevant features.  相似文献   

Manserin is a 40-amino acid neuropeptide derived from rat brain. Manserin has been shown to distribute in the neuroendocrine system, such as the pituitary and adrenal glands, but it has been little studied in other organs. In this study, the authors examined localization of manserin in the inner ear of the adult Wistar rat using immunohistochemical analyses. Manserin immunoreactivity was detected in the neuronal terminals of the organ of Corti and type II spiral ganglion cells. In addition to being identified in the auditory system, manserin was detected at the synapses of the vestibular system, such as saccule, utricle, and semicircular canal. These results suggest that inner ear manserin may be involved in the function of peripheral auditory and vestibular systems.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the Palaeozoic temnospondyl amphibians had a frog‐like tympanic hearing system. For this reason, the otic region of Doleserpeton is described and compared with modern anurans. The otic capsules are expanded laterally and ventrally relative to other temnospondyls. The opisthotic has a bulbous ventral region resembling the ventrolateral ledge in modern frogs. Two lateral processes are located on the paroccipital process. Comparison with the condition in modern anurans with a tympanic hearing system shows that this may have been the attachment site for the tympanic annulus. Parts of the osseous labyrinth are also described. The inner ear shows numerous features resembling the condition found in frogs. These include strong evidence for the presence of a lissamphibian‐type perilymphatic duct most closely resembling that of anurans. This is the first time such a perilymphatic system has been described in any Palaezoic form. The posterior part of the braincase shows a jugular foramen closely associated with the perilymphatic foramen, as in anurans. Although the distribution of these traits among other temnospondyl groups remains little known, the sum of the evidence points to affinities between anurans and temnospondyls, and adds to the evidence for a close relationship between anurans and the Permian amphibamid Doleserpeton. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 738–751.  相似文献   

Haplogynae are highly diverse with respect to the primary male genital system and sperm characteristics. Additionally, all sperm transfer forms (STF) known for spiders are present. Besides individually transferred sperm (cleistospermia), sperm are transferred as conjugates, both primary (synspermia) and secondary sperm conjugates (coenospermia, rouleaux) occur. Nevertheless, the ultrastructure of spermatozoa and STF are described for few Haplogynae and often only one representative species was studied, resulting in a superficial insight in the evolution of these traits. To elucidate the evolution of STF within Haplogynae we investigated representatives of four genera of the dysderoid family Orsolobidae. Our data show the presence of synspermia (Orsolobus, Osornolobus, Hickmanolobus, and Tasmanoonops) and also cleistospermia (Osornolobus). The occurrence of different STF within one family or even genus has not been described for any other spider taxon so far. Moreover, the synspermia of species of Tasmanoonops and Hickmanolobus were not covered by a secretion sheath suggesting a previously unknown strategy of transferring sperm that is possibly related to sperm residency time or female triggered processes after copulation. Based on serial ultrathin sectioning and subsequent 3D‐reconstruction, we obtained detailed measurements revealing remarkable size differences of STF. To evaluate the previously suggested correlation with the most distal region of the spermophor inside the embolus (intromittent part of the copulatory organ) we measured the diameter of the spermophor using micro‐computed X‐ray tomography data to obtain corresponding morphometric parameters. Based on these data only two species show similarity in STF and spermophor diameter. J. Morphol. 275:1238–1257, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Odontophoral cartilages are located in the molluscan buccal mass and support the movement of the radula during feeding. The structural diversity of odontophoral cartilages is currently known only from limited taxa, but this information is important for interpreting phylogeny and for understanding the biomechanical operation of the buccal mass. Caenogastropods exhibit a wide variety of feeding strategies, but there is little comparative information on cartilage morphology within this group. The morphology of caenogastropod odontophoral cartilages is currently known only from dissection and histology, although preliminary results suggest that they may be structurally diverse. A comparative morphological survey of 18 caenogastropods and three noncaenogastropods has been conducted, sampling most major caenogastropod superfamilies. Three‐dimensional models of the odontophoral cartilages were generated using X‐ray microscopy (micro‐CT) and reconstruction by image segmentation. Considerable morphological diversity of the odontophoral cartilages was found within Caenogastropoda, including the presence of thin cartilaginous appendages, asymmetrically overlapping cartilages, and reflexed cartilage margins. Many basal caenogastropod taxa possess previously unidentified cartilaginous support structures below the radula (subradular cartilages), which may be homologous to the dorsal cartilages of other gastropods. As subradular cartilages were absent in carnivorous caenogastropods, adaptation to trophic specialization is likely. However, incongruence with specific feeding strategies or body size suggests that the morphology of odontophoral cartilages is constrained by phylogeny, representing a new source of morphological characters to improve the phylogenetic resolution of this group. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ear region of mammals has long been considered as morphologically very conservative and accordingly, phylogenetically useful. In this study, the anatomy of the petrosal and bony labyrinth (osseous inner ear) of Numidotherium (Proboscidea) and Arsinoitherium (Embrithopoda) are investigated and compared in order to assess the evolution of ear region characters in proboscideans and embrithopods. Using a cladistic analysis across Paenungulata based on ear region characters only, we found that Arsinoitherium is surprisingly best placed as a crown proboscideans to the exclusion of Numidotherium and Phosphatherium, which results in the paraphyly of proboscidean. The clade Proboscidea is actually well supported by dental and post-cranial characters, and we propose that this result underlines the great amount of morphological convergences in the ear region of Embrithopoda and Proboscidea, possibly due to convergent evolution of capabilities toward infrasonic hearing.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the craniate inner ear is reviewed, with 33 apomorphic characters of the membranous labyrinth and associated structures identified in craniates, gnathostomes, and elasmobranchs. Elasmobranchs are capable of low-frequency semi-directional phonoreception, even in the absence of any pressure-to-displacement transducer such as ear ossicles. The endolymphatic (parietal) fossa, semicircular canals, and crista (macula) neglecta are all adapted toward phonoreception. Some (but not all) of the morphological features associated with phonoreception can be inferred from the elasmobranch skeletal labyrinth. Endocranial spaces such as the skeletal labyrinth also provide suites of morphological characters that may be incorporated into phylogenetic analyses, irrespective of how closely these spaces reflect underlying soft anatomy. The skeletal labyrinths of Squalus and Notorynchus are compared using silicone endocasts and high-resolution CT-scanning. The latter procedure offers several advantages over other techniques; it is more informative, nondestructive, preserves relationships of surrounding structures, and it can be applied both to modern and fossil material.  相似文献   

The topographical relationship of the chorda tympani nerve (chorda tympani) to the tensor tympani muscle in the middle ear of carnivores provides new phylogenetic information. The examination of histological serial sections of 16 carnivore species representing most families revealed two distinct character states concerning the course of the chorda tympani: a hypotensoric state with the nerve running below the insertion tendon of the tensor tympani muscle, and an epitensoric state with the nerve running above the tendon. The shift from the plesiomorphic hypotensoric chorda tympani to the apomorphic epitensoric condition occurred once in carnivore phylogeny: Only in the herpestid species under study does the chorda tympani cross above the tensor tympani muscle. Therefore, we introduce the epitensoric pattern as a new synapomorphy for herpestids. Within the herpestids we find the following structural distinctions: Herpestes javanicus and Galerella sanguinea have a chorda tympani running in a sulcus directly above the insertion of the tensor tympani muscle, whereas in the eusocial herpestid species Suricata suricatta and Mungos mungo the chorda tympani lies far above the insertion of the muscle. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The origin of amniotes was a key event in vertebrate evolution, enabling tetrapods to break their ties with water and invade terrestrial environments. Two pivotal clades of early tetrapods, the diadectomorphs and the seymouriamorphs, have played an unsurpassed role in debates about the ancestry of amniotes for over a century, but their skeletal morphology has provided conflicting evidence for their affinities. Using high-resolution X-ray microcomputed tomography, we reveal the three-dimensional architecture of the well preserved endosseous labyrinth of the inner ear in representative species belonging to both groups. Data from the inner ear are coded in a new cladistic matrix of stem and primitive crown amniotes. Both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses retrieve seymouriamorphs as derived non-crown amniotes and diadectomorphs as sister group to synapsids. If confirmed, this sister group relationship invites re-examination of character polarity near the roots of the crown amniote radiation. Major changes in the endosseous labyrinth and adjacent braincase regions are mapped across the transition from non-amniote to amniote tetrapods and include: a ventral shift of the cochlear recess relative to the vestibule and the semicircular canals; cochlear recess (primitively housed exclusively within the opisthotic) accommodated within both the prootic and the opisthotic; development of a distinct fossa subarcuata. The inner ear of seymouriamorphs foreshadows conditions of more derived groups, whereas that of diadectomorphs shows a mosaic of plesiomorphic and apomorphic traits, some of which are unambiguously amniote-like, including a distinct and pyramid-like cochlear recess.  相似文献   

The study of enamel thickness has received considerable attention in regard to the taxonomic, phylogenetic and dietary assessment of human and non‐human primates. Recent developments based on two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) digital techniques have facilitated accurate analyses, preserving the original object from invasive procedures. Various digital protocols have been proposed. These include several procedures based on manual handling of the virtual models and technical shortcomings, which prevent other scholars from confidently reproducing the entire digital protocol. There is a compelling need for standard, reproducible, and well‐tailored protocols for the digital analysis of 2D and 3D dental enamel thickness. In this contribution we provide essential guidelines for the digital computation of 2D and 3D enamel thickness in hominoid molars, premolars, canines and incisors. We modify previous techniques suggested for 2D analysis and we develop a new approach for 3D analysis that can also be applied to premolars and anterior teeth. For each tooth class, the cervical line should be considered as the fundamental morphological feature both to isolate the crown from the root (for 3D analysis) and to define the direction of the cross‐sections (for 2D analysis). Am J Phys Anthropol 153:305–313, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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