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Aquatic organisms physically interact with the water that surrounds them, and this interaction is fundamental in shaping many aspects of their biology. General characteristics of the hydrodynamic interactions between organisms and the flow around them can be captured by the dimensionless Reynolds number (Re), depicting the ratio between inertial and viscous forces operating on the organism. The characteristic flow regime of larval fish that cruise at slow speeds is a regime of low Re, where viscous forces dominate. In this study, we experimentally test the ‘safe harbour’ hypothesis, which proposes that increasing larval body size facilitates an ‘escape’ from the detrimental effects of low Re. Larval gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) were reared during early ontogeny under artificially manipulated water viscosities to expose larvae to low Re regimes. Larval survival decreased significantly with increasing water viscosity, and increased with increasing standard length. Surviving larvae exceeded the mean length of mortalities by ~1 mm, on average. Our findings provide direct experimental support for the ‘safe harbour’ hypothesis, indicating that marine larvae incur a fitness cost when operating under low Re conditions. Moreover, the results highlight the need to recognize the hydrodynamic environment when considering the a-biotic characteristics that may influence organismal performance and fitness.  相似文献   

Pot trials onLychnis alpina, L. alpina var. serpentinicola, andSilene dioica were carried out on these ‘kisplanten’ (pyrite plants) to determine their uptake and tolerance of copper, lead, nickel and zinc. The tolerance and uptake of all four heavy metals was far greater for both varieties ofL. alpina than forS. dioica thus casting doubt onS. dioica being a true ‘kisplante’. There were no detectable differences between both varieties ofL. alpina indicating that var. serpentinicola may only be a stunted form ofL. alpina possibly not warranting varietal ranking. Uptake of copper, lead and nickel was very great in the case ofL. alpina. Plant-soil correlations for nickel were very highly significant in the case of both varieties ofL. alpina so that this taxon has an obvious role in biogeochemical prospecting. To describeL. alpina as a ‘copper flower’ is an oversimplification of a complex situation. The species is probably a true pyrite plant with tolerance to all of the major components of sulphide ore deposits.  相似文献   

Caribbean diaspora intellectuals have contributed significantly to African-American political struggles over the years, despite arguments by some African-American intellectuals about what they discern as West Indian negativism, extremism, and divisiveness in American political life. This essay examines the legacy of a representative sample of diasporic Caribbean intellectuals since the time of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and culminating in the 1970s, notably, Garvey, members of the African Blood Brotherhood [ABB], C.L.R. James, and Walter Rodney, to demonstrate the phenomenal ideological vision, organizational capability, and political activism they have brought into fostering solidarity with African Americans in the struggle for fundamental change. The focus here is on their respective contributions to the debate on the relationship between class and race in America and the black diaspora generally, which has helped to shape the form, and orient the direction of African-American and Caribbean diasporic struggles for the better part of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

In order to illuminate the role of information in biology, Bergstrom and Rosvall (Biol Philos 26:159–176, 2011a; Biol Philos 26:195–200, 2011b) propose a ‘transmission sense of information’ which builds on Shannon’s theory. At the core of the transmission sense is an appeal to the reduction in uncertainty in receivers and to etiological function. I explore several ways of cashing out uncertainty reduction as well as the consequences of appealing to function.  相似文献   

Acknowledgement  Thanks are due to Drs. Paul Johnston (P.Johnston@ exeter.ac.uk) and E. William Beese (ebeese@t-online.de) for kindly providing dictionary definitions and for sharing their thoughts about the correct use of ‘data’.  相似文献   

A survey of diseases of cultivated tobacco in South Western Nigeria during two growing seasons in 1967 and 1968 showed over ten diseases of the crop caused by microorganisms. However, the frog eye spot was the most severe; the causal organism of the disease isCercospora nicotianae Ell. &Ev., and over eighty percent of mature plants were affected. Cultural and pathogenicity experiments have been conducted with an isolate of the fungus under controlled conditions. Abundant production of conidia is achieved by subjecting cultures on a tobacco decoction agar medium to darkness and high relative humidity.  相似文献   

In this paper some results of mud samples with regard to chironomid larvae populations are presented. These examination are important in view of the restoration measures to be taken in order to alleviate the eutrophication pressure. Filinia populations are very consistent in some years as 1969, 1972 and 1973. F. terminalis is dominant in the first months of the year but with the advent of warmer weather and disturbance of the mud layer it switches abruptly (within one week) to F. longiseta.Paper presented at the XXth SIL Congress, Copenhagen, 7–14 August 1977, under the heading Biological Observations in the Watersportbaan at Ghent, Belgium.  相似文献   

Typical physico-chemical studies of metal binding proteins are usually aimed at determination of the metal binding constant K for a native protein (K n), while the significance of the K value for the thermally denatured protein (K u) is usually underestimated. Meanwhile, metal binding induced shift of thermal denaturation transition of a single site metal binding protein is defined by K n to K u ratio, implying that knowledge of both K values is required for full characterization of the system. In the present work, the most universal approach to the studies of single site metal binding proteins, namely construction of a protein “phase diagram” in coordinates of free metal ion concentration – temperature, is considered in detail. The detailed algorithm of construction of the phase diagrams along with underlying mathematic procedures developed here may be of use for studies of other simple protein-target type systems, where target represents low molecular weight ligand. Analysis of the simplest protein-ligand system reveals that thermodynamic properties of apo-protein dictate the maximal possible increase of its affinity to any simple ligand upon thermal denaturation of the protein. Experimental and general problems coupled with the use of the phase diagrams are discussed.  相似文献   

Pablo Jaramillo 《Ethnos》2013,78(4):464-489
This article analyses the co-occurrence of two concerns often expressed by indigenous leaders involved with reparations for victims of paramilitaries in Colombia. These concerns revolve around discomfort with the intense use of hegemonic ‘gender’ discourses in the context of the reparations, and a feeling that leaders' involvement in the latter brings about a betrayal of the family and of themselves. By engaging with the local category of eirruku (flesh), I argue that ways of engaging women in reparations entail the commoditisation of caring relationships. This article, based on 13 months of fieldwork with an indigenous organisation and the communities integrated into it between 2007 and 2008, contributes to the understanding of the articulation of gender and ethnic/racial identification in the context of contemporary forms of governance of indigenous peoples, while delving into ‘carnality’ as a concept to understand gendered forms of reproduction, reparation and selfhood.  相似文献   

We present ataxonomic revision of the ‘manna lichens’ based on morphological, chemical, ecological and molecular data. A large number of herbarium specimens and fresh collections were examined. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using nuclear ribosomal (nrITS, nrLSU) and mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) sequences. Some notable phenotypic characters were plotted on the phylogenetic tree, and the analysis reveals that some of these characters are useful for genus and species level distinction of certain ‘manna lichens.’ Phylogeny of the Megasporaceae was revised using a combined data set of nrLSU and mtSSU and performing parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Five genera (Aspicilia, Circinaria, Lobothallia, Megaspora and Sagedia) are recognized. Further, the relationships of five presumably closely related genera of ‘manna lichens’, namely Agrestia (vagrant), Aspicilia (crustose) Circinaria (crustose), Chlorangium (vagrant) and Sphaerothallia (vagrant) with different growth forms were analysed. The analyses revealed that ‘manna lichens’ do not form a monophyletic group but occur in different clades within the genus Circinaria. The genera Agrestia, Chlorangium and Sphaerothallia are assigned as new synonyms under the genus Circinaria and no vagrant or erratic species remain in the genus Aspicilia. The analyses also show that five new erratic, vagrant and crustose species can be recognized. In this study two ‘manna lichens’, viz. Circinaria rostamii sp. nov. (Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey), and Circinaria gyrosa sp. nov. (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Spain) are described as new to science. Three potentially new species with crustose and erratic forms need additional study. Aspicilia fruticolosofoliacea is reduced to synonymy under C. alpicola, and a lectotype is designated for C. aspera. Thirteen new combinations in Circinaria are presented. The phenomenon of vagrancy is briefly discussed, and the biogeography of the ‘manna lichens’ is outlined. Illustrations, distribution maps, and an identification key to the species are provided.  相似文献   

Robin Nunn has argued that we should stop using the terms ‘placebo’ and ‘placebo effect’. I argue in support of Nunn’s position by considering the logic of why we perform placebo comparisons. Like all comparisons, placebo comparison is just a case of comparing one thing with another, but it is a mistake, I argue, to think of placebo comparison as a case where something is compared to ‘a placebo’. Rather, placebo comparison should be understood as a situation which sets-up the treatment and control groups in a particular way; not as a case involving objects or procedures called ‘placebos’ employed in order to control for ‘placebo effects’.  相似文献   

The concept of clone is analysed with the aim of exploring the limits to which a phenotype can be said to be determined geneticaly. First of all, mutations that result from the replication, topological manipulation or lesion of DNA introduce a source of heritable variation in an otherwise identical genetic background. But more important, stochastic effects in many biological processes may superimpose a phenotypic variation which is not encoded in the genome. The source of stochasticity ranges from the random selection of alleles or whole chromosomes to be expressed in small cell populations, to fluctuations in processes such as gene expression, due to limiting amounts of the players involved. The picture emerging is that the term clone is a statistical over-simplification representing a series of individuals having essentially the same genome but capable of exhibiting wide phenotypic variation. Finally, to what extent fluctuations in biological processes, usually thought of as noise, are in fact signal is also discussed.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis or licheniformis facilitated production of soyiru with the best results being given by using both together. Fermentation employing Streptococcus enterococcus was unsuccessful.H.A. Suberu is with the Department of Biological Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. J.A. Akinyanju is with the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Ilorin, P.M.B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.  相似文献   

Michael Ruses Darwinian metaethics has come under just criticism from Peter Woolcock (1993). But with modification it remains defensible. Ruse (1986) holds that people ordinarily have a false belief that there are objective moral obligations. He argues that the evolutionary story should be taken as an error theory, i.e., as a theory which explains the belief that there are obligations as arising from non-rational causes, rather than from inference or evidential reasons. Woolcock quite rightly objects that this position entails moral nihilism. However, I argue here that people generally have justified true beliefs about which acts promote their most coherent set of moral values, and hence, by definition, about which acts are right. What the evolutionary story explains is the existence of these values, but it is not an error theory for moral beliefs. Ordinary beliefs correspond to real moral properties, though these are not objective or absolute properties independent of anyones subjective states. On its best footing, therefore, a Darwinian metaethics of the type Ruse offers is not an error theory and does not entail moral nihilism.  相似文献   

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