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Retroviral tropism is determined in part by cellular restriction factors that block infection by targeting the incoming viral capsid. Indeed, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of many nonhuman primate cells is inhibited by one such factor, termed Lv1. In contrast, a restriction factor in humans, termed Ref1, does not inhibit HIV-1 infection unless nonnatural mutations are introduced into the HIV-1 capsid protein (CA). Here, we examined the infectivity of a panel of mutant HIV-1 strains carrying substitutions in the N-terminal CA domain in cells that exhibit restriction attributable to Lv1 or Ref1. Manipulation of HIV-1 CA could alter HIV-1 tropism, and several mutations were identified that increased or decreased HIV-1 infectivity in a target-cell-specific manner. Many residues that affected HIV-1 tropism were located in the three variable loops that lie on the outer surface of the modeled HIV-1 conical capsid. Some tropism determinants, including the CypA binding site, coincided with residues whose mutation conferred on HIV-1 CA the ability to saturate Ref1 in human cells. Notably, a mutation that reverses the infectivity defect in human cells induced by CypA binding site mutation inhibits recognition by Ref1. Overall, these findings demonstrate that exposed variable loops in CA and a partial CypA "coat" can modulate restriction and HIV-1 tropism and suggest a model in which the exposed surface of the incoming retroviral capsid is the target for inhibition by host cell-specific restriction factors.  相似文献   

Strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 differ in their abilities to infect and replicate in primary human macrophages. Chimeric clones were constructed from a provirus unable to infect macrophages (NLHX) and envelope sequences (V3 loop) of viruses derived without cultivation from brain (YU2 and w1-1c1) or spleen (w2-1b4) tissues. The substituted V3 loop sequences in each case were sufficient to confer upon NLHX the ability to infect macrophages. Furthermore, an envelope domain immediately N terminal to the V3 loop also was found to modulate the level of replication in macrophages. These results demonstrate that an envelope determinant derived directly from patients with AIDS confers HIV-1 tropism for macrophages.  相似文献   

Valiathan RR  Resh MD 《Journal of virology》2004,78(22):12386-12394
Many enveloped viruses use the ESCRT proteins of the cellular vacuolar protein sorting pathway for efficient egress from the cell. Recruitment of the ESCRT proteins by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag is required for HIV-1 particle budding and egress. ESCRT proteins normally function at endosomal membranes, where they facilitate the downregulation of mitogen-activated receptors such as EGF receptor (EGFR) through multivesicular body biogenesis. It is not known whether the Gag-mediated recruitment of ESCRT proteins functionally depletes the pool of these molecules that is available for the downregulation of EGFR. Here we show that the expression of HIV-1 Gag decreases the rate of EGFR downregulation, as assessed by decreases in the rates of (125)I-EGF and EGFR degradation. The effect of Gag was dependent on the presence of the TSG101 binding motif (PTAP) within the Gag C-terminal p6 domain. Cells expressing HIV-1 Gag retained more EGFR in late endosomes. This effect occurred when Gag was expressed alone from a heterologous promoter and when Gag expression was driven by the HIV-1 long terminal repeat within pHXB2DeltaBalD25S, a noninfectious lentiviral vector. Gag-expressing cells exhibited higher levels of activated mitogen-activated protein kinase for longer times after EGF addition than did cells that did not express HIV-1 Gag. These results indicate that HIV-1 Gag can impinge upon the functioning of the cellular vacuolar protein sorting pathway and reveal yet another facet of the intricate effects of HIV-1 infection on host cell physiology.  相似文献   

Several retroviruses have recently been shown to promote translation of their gag gene products by internal ribosome entry. In this report, we show that mRNAs containing the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gag open reading frame (ORF) exhibit internal ribosome entry site (IRES) activity that can promote translational initiation of Pr55(gag). Remarkably, this IRES activity is driven by sequences within the gag ORF itself and is not dependent on the native gag 5'-untranslated region (UTR). This cap-independent mechanism for Pr55(gag) translation may help explain the high levels of translation of this protein in the face of major RNA structural barriers to scanning ribosomes found in the gag 5' UTR. The gag IRES activity described here also drives translation of a novel 40-kDa Gag isoform through translational initiation at an internal AUG codon found near the amino terminus of the Pr55(gag) capsid domain. Our findings suggest that this low-abundance Gag isoform may be important for wild-type replication of HIV-1 in cultured cells. The activities of the HIV-1 gag IRES may be an important feature of the HIV-1 life cycle and could serve as a novel target for antiretroviral therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

For penetration of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), formation of fusion-pores might be required for accumulating critical numbers of fusion-activated gp41, followed by multiple-site binding of gp120 with receptors, with the help of fluidization of the plasma membrane and viral envelope. Correlation between HIV-1 infectivity and fluidity was observed by treatment of fluidity-modulators, indicating that infectivity was dependent on fluidity. A 5% decrease in fluidity suppressed the HIV-1 infectivity by 56%. Contrarily, a 5% increase in fluidity augmented the infectivity by 2.4-fold. An increased temperature of 40 degrees C or treatment of 0.2% xylocaine after viral adsorption at room temperature enhanced the infectivity by 2.6- and 1.5-fold, respectively. These were inhibited by anti-CXCR4 peptide, implying that multiple-site binding was accelerated at 40 degrees C or by xylocaine. Thus, fluidity of both the plasma membrane and viral envelope was required to form the fusion-pore and to complete the entry of HIV-1.  相似文献   

We investigated the infectivities and replicative capacities of a large panel of variants of the molecular human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) NL4-3 clone that differ exclusively in the V3 region of the viral envelope glycoprotein and the nef gene. Our results demonstrate that Nef enhances virion infectivity and HIV-1 replication independently of the viral coreceptor tropism.  相似文献   

F K Yoshimura  K Diem  G H Learn  Jr  S Riddell    L Corey 《Journal of virology》1996,70(12):8879-8887
Because certain regions of the gag gene, such as p24, are highly conserved among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) isolates, many therapeutic strategies have been directed at gag gene targets. Although intrapatient variation of segments of gag have been determined, little is known about the variability of the full-length gag gene for HIV isolated from a single individual. To evaluate intrapatient full-length gag variability, we derived the nucleotide sequences of at least 10 cDNA gag clones of virion RNA isolated from plasma for each of four asymptomatic HIV type 1-infected patients with relatively high CD4+ T-cell counts (300 to 450 cells per mm3). Mean values of intrapatient gag nucleotide variation obtained by pairwise comparisons ranged from 0.55 to 2.86%. For three subjects, this value was equivalent to that reported for intrapatient full-length env variation. The greatest range of intrapatient mean nucleotide variation for individual protein-coding regions was observed for p7. We did not detect any G-to-A hypermutation, as A-to-G and G-to-A transitions occurred at similar frequencies, accounting for 29 and 25%, respectively, of the changes. Mean variation values and phylogenetic analysis suggested that the extent of nucleotide variation correlated with the length of viral infection. Furthermore, no distinct subpopulations of quasispecies were detectable within an individual. The predicted amino acid sequences indicated that there were no regions within a gag protein that were comprised of clustered changes.  相似文献   

The recent identification of the CC-CKR5 beta chemokine receptor as a major cofactor for entry of macrophage-tropic isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) raises the question of whether macrophage tropism is determined by utilization of this chemokine receptor. We observe that in addition to macrophage-tropic isolates of clades A, B, and E, macrophage-tropic isolates of clade F also utilize the CC-CKR5 molecule for entry. However, using single-round replication-competent reporter viruses carrying the envelope genes of T-cell line-tropic or macrophage-tropic phenotypic recombinant and mutant HIV-1 strains in infection of stable cell lines that coexpress the CD4 and chemokine receptors, we were unable to establish a strict correlation between macrophage tropism and utilization of the CC-CKR5 chemokine receptor. This latter finding suggests that a cofactor other than CC-CKR5 serves to determine entry into primary macrophages.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag is the primary structural protein of the virus and is sufficient for particle formation. We utilized the recently developed biarsenical-labeling method to dynamically observe HIV-1 Gag within live cells by adding a tetracysteine tag (C-C-P-G-C-C) to the C terminus of Gag in both Pr55Gag expression and full-length proviral constructs. Membrane-permeable biarsenical compounds FlAsH and ReAsH covalently bond to this tetracysteine sequence and specifically fluoresce, effectively labeling Gag in the cell. Biarsenical labeling readily and specifically detected a tetracysteine-tagged HIV-1 Gag protein (Gag-TC) in HeLa, Mel JuSo, and Jurkat T cells by deconvolution fluorescence microscopy. Gag-TC was localized primarily at or near the plasma membrane in all cell types examined. Fluorescent two-color analysis of Gag-TC in HeLa cells revealed that nascent Gag was present mostly at the plasma membrane in distinct regions. Intracellular imaging of a Gag-TC myristylation mutant observed a diffuse signal throughout the cell, consistent with the role of myristylation in Gag localization to the plasma membrane. In contrast, mutation of the L-domain core sequence did not appreciably alter the localization of Gag, suggesting that the PTAP L domain functions at the site of budding rather than as a targeting signal. Taken together, our results show that Gag concentrates in specific plasma membrane areas rapidly after translation and demonstrate the utility of biarsenical labeling for visualizing the dynamic localization of Gag.  相似文献   

Early after seroconversion, macrophage-tropic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants are predominantly found, even when a mixture of macrophage-tropic and non-macrophage-tropic variants was transmitted. For virus contracted by sexual transmission, this is presently explained by selection at the port of entry, where macrophages are infected and T cells are relatively rare. Here we explore an additional mechanism to explain the selection of macrophage-tropic variants in cases where the mucosa is bypassed during transmission, such as blood transfusion, needle-stick accidents, or intravenous drug abuse. With molecularly cloned primary isolates of HIV-1 in irradiated mice that had been reconstituted with a high dose of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, we found that a macrophage-tropic HIV-1 clone escaped more efficiently from specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) pressure than its non-macrophage-tropic counterpart. We propose that CTLs favor the selective outgrowth of macrophage-tropic HIV-1 variants because infected macrophages are less susceptible to CTL activity than infected T cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism by which human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) precursor Gag (PrGag) proteins assemble to form immature virus particles, we examined the in vitro assembly of MACANC proteins, composed of the PrGag matrix, capsid, and nucleocapsid domains. In the absence of other components, MACANC proteins assembled efficiently at physiological temperature but inefficiently at lower temperatures. However, the addition of RNA reduced the temperature sensitivity of assembly reactions. Assembly of MACANC proteins also was affected by pH because the proteins preferentially formed tubes at pH 6.0, whereas spheres were obtained at pH 8.0. Because neither tubes nor spheres were amenable to analysis of protein-protein contacts, we also examined the membrane-bound assemblies of MACANC proteins. Interestingly, MACANC proteins organized on membranes in tightly packed hexameric rings. The observed hexamer spacing of 79.7 A is consistent with the notion that more PrGag proteins assemble into virions than are needed to provide capsid proteins for mature virus cores. Our data are also consistent with a model for PrGag contacts in immature virions where capsid hexamers are tightly packed, where nucleocapsid domains align beneath capsid C-terminal domains, and where matrix domains form trimers at the nexus of three neighbor hexamers.  相似文献   

A semisynthetic gene precisely encoding the 502 amino acids of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gag precursor (Pr53gag) was expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Amino acid sequence analysis of the recombinant Pr53gag showed that the amino terminus was fully blocked. Labeling of Pr53gag with [3H]myristic acid demonstrated that, as with Pr53gag isolated from virus-infected cells, the yeast-derived protein was demethionylated and N myristylated on glycine, the second amino acid residue.  相似文献   

Viral factors as well as host ones play major roles in the disease progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. We have examined cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activity and HIV-1 DNA PCR results of 312 high-risk seronegative drug users in northern Thailand and identified four seronegative cases positive for both assays. Furthermore, we have identified a synonymous mutation in nucleotide position 75 of the gag p17 gene (A426G) of HIV-1 that belongs to the CRF01_AE virus circulating in Thailand. The replication-competent HIV-1 clone containing the A426G mutation demonstrated a dramatic reduction of virion production and perturbation of viral morphogenesis without affecting viral protein synthesis in cells.  相似文献   

J Luban  S P Goff 《Journal of virology》1991,65(6):3203-3212
We have expressed the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gag polyprotein (Pr55gag) in bacteria under the control of the T7 phage gene 10 promoter. When the gene encoding the viral protease is included in cis, in the -1 reading frame, the expected proteolytic cleavage products MA and CA are produced. Disruption of the protease-coding sequence prevents proteolytic processing, and full-length polyprotein is produced. Pr55gag, separated from bacterial proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes, binds RNA containing sequences from the 5' end of the HIV-1 genome. This binding is tolerant of a wide range of pH and temperature but has distinct salt preferences. Conditions were identified which prevented nonspecific binding of RNA to bacterial proteins but still allowed binding to Pr55gag. Under these conditions, irrelevant RNA probes lacking HIV-1 sequences bound Pr55gag less efficiently. Quantitation of binding to Pr55gag by HIV-1 RNA probes with deletions mutations demonstrated that there are two regions lying within the HIV-1 gag gene which independently promote binding of RNA to Pr55gag.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag multimerization and membrane binding are required for particle formation. However, it is unclear what constitutes a minimal plasma membrane-specific targeting signal and what role the matrix (MA) globular head and other Gag domains play in membrane targeting. Here, we use membrane flotation and microscopic analysis of Gag deletion mutants to demonstrate that the HIV-1 MA globular head inhibits a plasma membrane-specific targeting signal contained within the six amino-terminal MA residues. MA-mediated inhibition is relieved by concentration-dependent Gag multimerization and imparts a high degree of cooperativity on Gag-membrane association. This cooperativity may confer temporal and spatial regulation on HIV-1 assembly.  相似文献   

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