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Honda M  Okuno Y  Yoo J  Ha T  Spies M 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(16):3368-3382
RAD52 protein has an important role in homology-directed DNA repair by mediating RAD51 nucleoprotein filament formation on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) protected by replication protein-A (RPA) and annealing of RPA-coated ssDNA. In human, cellular response to DNA damage includes phosphorylation of RAD52 by c-ABL kinase at tyrosine 104. To address how this phosphorylation modulates RAD52 function, we used an amber suppressor technology to substitute tyrosine 104 with chemically stable phosphotyrosine analogue (p-Carboxymethyl-L-phenylalanine, pCMF). The RAD52(Y104pCMF) retained ssDNA-binding activity characteristic of unmodified RAD52 but showed lower affinity for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding. Single-molecule analyses revealed that RAD52(Y104pCMF) specifically targets and wraps ssDNA. While RAD52(Y104pCMF) is confined to ssDNA region, unmodified RAD52 readily diffuses into dsDNA region. The Y104pCMF substitution also increased the ssDNA annealing rate and allowed overcoming the inhibitory effect of dsDNA. We propose that phosphorylation at Y104 enhances ssDNA annealing activity of RAD52 by attenuating dsDNA binding. Implications of phosphorylation-mediated activation of RAD52 annealing activity are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding preference of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 protein and its homologue, the Rad59 protein. In nuclease protection assays both proteins protected an internal sequence and the dsDNA ends equally well. Similarly, using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we found the affinity of both Rad52 and Rad59 proteins for DNA ends to be comparable with their affinity for internal sequences. The protein-DNA complexes were also directly visualized using atomic force microscopy. Both proteins formed discrete complexes, which were primarily found (90-94%) at internal dsDNA sites. We also measured the DNA end binding behavior of human Rad52 protein and found a slight preference for dsDNA ends. Thus, these proteins have no strong preference for dsDNA ends over internal sites, which is inconsistent with their function at a step of dsDNA break repair that precedes DNA processing. Therefore, we conclude that S. cerevisiae Rad52 and Rad59 proteins and their eukaryotic counterparts function by binding to single-stranded DNA formed as intermediates of recombination rather than by binding to the unprocessed DNA double-strand break.  相似文献   

Ensuring balanced distribution of chromosomes in gametes, meiotic recombination is essential for fertility in most sexually reproducing organisms. The repair of the programmed DNA double strand breaks that initiate meiotic recombination requires two DNA strand-exchange proteins, RAD51 and DMC1, to search for and invade an intact DNA molecule on the homologous chromosome. DMC1 is meiosis-specific, while RAD51 is essential for both mitotic and meiotic homologous recombination. DMC1 is the main catalytically active strand-exchange protein during meiosis, while this activity of RAD51 is downregulated. RAD51 is however an essential cofactor in meiosis, supporting the function of DMC1. This work presents a study of the mechanism(s) involved in this and our results point to DMC1 being, at least, a major actor in the meiotic suppression of the RAD51 strand-exchange activity in plants. Ectopic expression of DMC1 in somatic cells renders plants hypersensitive to DNA damage and specifically impairs RAD51-dependent homologous recombination. DNA damage-induced RAD51 focus formation in somatic cells is not however suppressed by ectopic expression of DMC1. Interestingly, DMC1 also forms damage-induced foci in these cells and we further show that the ability of DMC1 to prevent RAD51-mediated recombination is associated with local assembly of DMC1 at DNA breaks. In support of our hypothesis, expression of a dominant negative DMC1 protein in meiosis impairs RAD51-mediated DSB repair. We propose that DMC1 acts to prevent RAD51-mediated recombination in Arabidopsis and that this down-regulation requires local assembly of DMC1 nucleofilaments.  相似文献   

Double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by homologous recombination (HR) in mammalian cells, often resulting in gene conversion. RAD51 functions with RAD52 and other proteins to effect strand exchange during HR, forming heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) that is resolved by mismatch repair to yield a gene conversion tract. In mammalian cells RAD51 and RAD52 overexpression increase the frequency of spontaneous HR, and one study indicated that overexpression of mouse RAD51 enhances DSB-induced HR in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. We tested the effects of transient and stable overexpression of human RAD51 and/or human RAD52 on DSB-induced HR in CHO cells and in human cells. DSBs were targeted to chromosomal recombination substrates with I-SceI nuclease. In all cases, excess RAD51 and/or RAD52 reduced DSB-induced HR, contrasting with prior studies. These distinct results may reflect differences in recombination substrate structures or different levels of overexpression. Excess RAD51/RAD52 did not increase conversion tract lengths, nor were product spectra otherwise altered, indicating that excess HR proteins can have dominant negative effects on HR initiation, but do not affect later steps such as hDNA formation, mismatch repair or the resolution of intermediates.  相似文献   

Rad51 protein controls Rad52-mediated DNA annealing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rad52 protein plays an essential role in the repair of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs). Rad52 and its orthologs possess the unique capacity to anneal single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complexed with its cognate ssDNA-binding protein, RPA. This annealing activity is used in multiple mechanisms of DSB repair: single-stranded annealing, synthesis-dependent strand annealing, and cross-over formation. Here we report that the S. cerevisiae DNA strand exchange protein, Rad51, prevents Rad52-mediated annealing of complementary ssDNA. Efficient inhibition is ATP-dependent and involves a specific interaction between Rad51 and Rad52. Free Rad51 can limit DNA annealing by Rad52, but the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament is even more effective. We also discovered that the budding yeast Rad52 paralog, Rad59 protein, partially restores Rad52-dependent DNA annealing in the presence of Rad51, suggesting that Rad52 and Rad59 function coordinately to enhance recombinational DNA repair either by directing the processed DSBs to repair by DNA strand annealing or by promoting second end capture to form a double Holliday junction. This regulation of Rad52-mediated annealing suggests a control function for Rad51 in deciding the recombination path taken for a processed DNA break; the ssDNA can be directed to either Rad51-mediated DNA strand invasion or to Rad52-mediated DNA annealing. This channeling determines the nature of the subsequent repair process and is consistent with the observed competition between these pathways in vivo.  相似文献   

Degenerate oligonucleotides encoding conserved regions of the Rad52 protein of S. cerevisiae and its homologue, the Rad22 protein of S. pombe, were used to clone a chicken RAD52 counterpart by the polymerase chain reaction. Sequence comparison of the chicken and yeast proteins reveals a strongly conserved region between positions 40 and 178 of the chicken Rad52 sequence indicating that this part of the protein is under strong evolutionary pressure. The first 39 amino acids and the 3' end of the chicken Rad52 homologue does not share significant similarity with the yeast proteins. High abundance of the mRNA in testis makes it likely that the chicken Rad52 protein plays a role in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mitotic and meiotic cells. HR occurs through a series of steps involving DSB resection, invasion of single-stranded DNA into homologous duplex DNA to form a D loop, repair synthesis, and second-end capture. We show that DNA repair synthesis, catalyzed by human DNA polymerase eta (poleta) acting upon the priming strand of a D loop, leads to capture and annealing of the second end of a resected DSB in reactions mediated by RAD52 protein. Second-end capture products were not detected when poleta was replaced by other polymerases such as poldelta or poliota. RAD52 could not be replaced by RAD51. We also found that the RAD52-dependent reaction was stimulated by the single-strand binding protein RPA, but not by E. coli SSB. Following repair synthesis and second-end capture, de novo DNA synthesis was observed from the captured second DNA end.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome (WS) is a premature aging disorder that predisposes affected individuals to cancer development. The affected gene, WRN, encodes an RecQ homologue whose precise biological function remains elusive. Altered DNA recombination is a hallmark of WS cells suggesting that WRN plays an important role in these pathways. Here we report a novel physical and functional interaction between WRN and the homologous recombination mediator protein RAD52. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analyses show that WRN and RAD52 form a complex in vivo that co-localizes in foci associated with arrested replication forks. Biochemical studies demonstrate that RAD52 both inhibits and enhances WRN helicase activity in a DNA structure-dependent manner, whereas WRN increases the efficiency of RAD52-mediated strand annealing between non-duplex DNA and homologous sequences contained within a double-stranded plasmid. These results suggest that coordinated WRN and RAD52 activities are involved in replication fork rescue after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination (HR) in haploid cells is generally restricted to S/G2 cell cycle phases, when DNA has been replicated and a sister chromatid is available as a repair template. This cell cycle specificity depends on cyclin-dependent protein kinases (Cdk1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which initiate HR by promoting 5'-3' nucleolytic degradation of the DSB ends. Whether Cdk1 regulates other HR steps is unknown. Here we show that yku70Δ cells, which accumulate single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) at the DSB ends independently of Cdk1 activity, are able to repair a DSB by single-strand annealing (SSA) in the G1 cell cycle phase, when Cdk1 activity is low. This ability to perform SSA depends on DSB resection, because both resection and SSA are enhanced by the lack of Rad9 in yku70Δ G1 cells. Furthermore, we found that interchromosomal noncrossover recombinants are generated in yku70Δ and yku70Δ rad9Δ G1 cells, indicating that DSB resection bypasses Cdk1 requirement also for carrying out these recombination events. By contrast, yku70Δ and yku70Δ rad9Δ cells are specifically defective in interchromosomal crossover recombination when Cdk1 activity is low. Thus, Cdk1 promotes DSB repair by single-strand annealing and noncrossover recombination by acting mostly at the resection level, whereas additional events require Cdk1-dependent regulation in order to generate crossover outcomes.  相似文献   

Caffeine is a widely used inhibitor of the protein kinases that play a central role in the DNA damage response. We used chemical inhibitors and genetically deficient mouse embryonic stem cell lines to study the role of DNA damage response in stable integration of the transfected DNA and found that caffeine rapidly, efficiently and reversibly inhibited homologous integration of the transfected DNA as measured by several homologous recombination-mediated gene-targeting assays. Biochemical and structural biology experiments revealed that caffeine interfered with a pivotal step in homologous recombination, homologous joint molecule formation, through increasing interactions of the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament with non-homologous DNA. Our results suggest that recombination pathways dependent on extensive homology search are caffeine-sensitive and stress the importance of considering direct checkpoint-independent mechanisms in the interpretation of the effects of caffeine on DNA repair.  相似文献   

M T Hsu 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(25):7193-7199
Electron microscopic technique was used to examine the structures of SV40 DNA recombination intermediates induced by ultraviolet irradiation as an approach for understanding recombination mechanisms in animal cells. Putative recombination intermediate with the characteristic Holliday junction was observed in both SV40 and CV-1 monkey kidney cell DNA. These results suggest that Holliday recombination intermediate is a common intermediate in eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic recombination pathways. In UV irradiated cells, putative SV40 DNA recombination intermediates with multiple recombining partners were observed. In addition, UV irradiation induced two types of novel joint molecules of SV40 DNA. The first type contains replication intermediates as one of the joint molecules with the putative recombination junction located in the newly replicated DNA arms. The second type of novel joint molecules is represented by of the 'dumbbell' structures with two circular SV40 DNA linked by a linear DNA of varying lengths. The structures of these novel recombination intermediates suggest a strand-invasion mechanism for UV-induced DNA recombination.  相似文献   

Recombination between homologous DNA molecules is essential for the proper maintenance and duplication of the genome, and for the repair of exogenously induced DNA damage such as double-strand breaks. Homologous recombination requires the RAD52 group proteins, including Rad51, Rad52 and Rad54. Upon treatment of mammalian cells with ionizing radiation, these proteins accumulate into foci at sites of DNA damage induction. We show that these foci are dynamic structures of which Rad51 is a stably associated core component, whereas Rad52 and Rad54 rapidly and reversibly interact with the structure. Furthermore, we show that the majority of the proteins are not part of the same multi-protein complex in the absence of DNA damage. Executing DNA transactions through dynamic multi-protein complexes, rather than stable holo-complexes, allows flexibility. In the case of DNA repair, for example, it will facilitate cross-talk between different DNA repair pathways and coupling to other DNA transactions, such as replication.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of RAD52 overexpression on methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) sensitivity and spontaneous mitotic recombination rates. Cells expressing a 10-fold excess of RAD52 mRNA from the ENO1 promoter are no more resistant to MMS than are wild-type cells. Similarly, under the same conditions, the rate of mitotic recombination within a reporter plasmid does not exceed that measured in wild-type cells. This high level of expression is capable of correcting the defects of rad52 mutant cells in carrying out repair and recombination. From these observations, we conclude that wild-type amounts of Rad52 are not rate limiting for repair of MMS-induced lesions or plasmid recombination. By placing RAD52 under the control of the inducible GAL1 promoter, we find that induction results in a 12-fold increase in the fraction of recombinants within 4 h. After this time, the fraction increases less rapidly. When RAD52 expression is quickly repressed during induction, the amount of RAD52 mRNA decreases rapidly and no nascent recombinants are formed. This result suggests a short active half-life for the protein product. Induction of RAD52 in G1-arrested mutant cells also causes a rapid increase in recombinants, suggesting that replication is not necessary for plasmid recombination.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria have two genetically distinct pathways for the homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks: homologous recombination (HR) and single-strand annealing (SSA). HR is abolished by deletion of RecA and reduced in the absence of the AdnAB helicase/nuclease. By contrast, SSA is RecA-independent and requires RecBCD. Here we examine the function of RecO in mycobacterial DNA recombination and repair. Loss of RecO elicits hypersensitivity to DNA damaging agents similar to that caused by deletion of RecA. We show that RecO participates in RecA-dependent HR in a pathway parallel to the AdnAB pathway. We also find that RecO plays a role in the RecA-independent SSA pathway. The mycobacterial RecO protein displays a zinc-dependent DNA binding activity in vitro and accelerates the annealing of SSB-coated single-stranded DNA. These findings establish a role for RecO in two pathways of mycobacterial DNA double-strand break repair and suggest an in vivo function for the DNA annealing activity of RecO proteins, thereby underscoring their similarity to eukaryal Rad52.  相似文献   

Y Bai  A P Davis  L S Symington 《Genetics》1999,153(3):1117-1130
With the use of an intrachromosomal inverted repeat as a recombination reporter, we have shown that mitotic recombination is dependent on the RAD52 gene, but reduced only fivefold by mutation of RAD51. RAD59, a component of the RAD51-independent pathway, was identified previously by screening for mutations that reduced inverted-repeat recombination in a rad51 strain. Here we describe a rad52 mutation, rad52R70K, that also reduced recombination synergistically in a rad51 background. The phenotype of the rad52R70K strain, which includes weak gamma-ray sensitivity, a fourfold reduction in the rate of inverted-repeat recombination, elevated allelic recombination, sporulation proficiency, and a reduction in the efficiency of mating-type switching and single-strand annealing, was similar to that observed for deletion of the RAD59 gene. However, rad52R70K rad59 double mutants showed synergistic defects in ionizing radiation resistance, sporulation, and mating-type switching. These results suggest that Rad52 and Rad59 have partially overlapping functions and that Rad59 can substitute for this function of Rad52 in a RAD51 rad52R70K strain.  相似文献   

Rad51, Rad52, and RPA play central roles in homologous DNA recombination. Rad51 mediates DNA strand exchange, a key reaction in DNA recombination. Rad52 has two distinct activities: to recruit Rad51 onto single-strand (ss)DNA that is complexed with the ssDNA-binding protein, RPA, and to anneal complementary ssDNA complexed with RPA. Here, we report that Rad52 promotes annealing of the ssDNA strand that is displaced by DNA strand exchange by Rad51 and RPA, to a second ssDNA strand. An RPA that is recombination-deficient (RPA(rfa1-t11)) failed to support annealing, explaining its in vivo phenotype. Escherichia coli RecO and SSB proteins, which are functional homologues of Rad52 and RPA, also facilitated the same reaction, demonstrating its conserved nature. We also demonstrate that the two activities of Rad52, recruiting Rad51 and annealing DNA, are coordinated in DNA strand exchange and second ssDNA capture.  相似文献   

Davis AP  Symington LS 《Genetics》2001,159(2):515-525
The yeast RAD52 gene is essential for homology-dependent repair of DNA double-strand breaks. In vitro, Rad52 binds to single- and double-stranded DNA and promotes annealing of complementary single-stranded DNA. Genetic studies indicate that the Rad52 and Rad59 proteins act in the same recombination pathway either as a complex or through overlapping functions. Here we demonstrate physical interaction between Rad52 and Rad59 using the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation from yeast extracts. Purified Rad59 efficiently anneals complementary oligonucleotides and is able to overcome the inhibition to annealing imposed by replication protein A (RPA). Although Rad59 has strand-annealing activity by itself in vitro, this activity is insufficient to promote strand annealing in vivo in the absence of Rad52. The rfa1-D288Y allele partially suppresses the in vivo strand-annealing defect of rad52 mutants, but this is independent of RAD59. These results suggest that in vivo Rad59 is unable to compete with RPA for single-stranded DNA and therefore is unable to promote single-strand annealing. Instead, Rad59 appears to augment the activity of Rad52 in strand annealing.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Rad52 protein plays a role in both RAD51-dependent and RAD51-independent recombination pathways. We characterized a rad52 mutant, rad52-329, which lacks the C-terminal Rad51-interacting domain, and studied its role in RAD51-independent recombination. The rad52-329 mutant is completely defective in mating-type switching, but partially proficient in recombination between inverted repeats. We also analyzed the effect of the rad52-329 mutant on telomere recombination. Yeast cells lacking telomerase maintain telomere length by recombination. The rad52-329 mutant is deficient in RAD51-dependent telomere recombination, but is proficient in RAD51-independent telomere recombination. In addition, we examined the roles of other recombination genes in the telomere recombination. The RAD51-independent recombination in the rad52-329 mutant is promoted by a paralogue of Rad52, Rad59. All components of the Rad50-Mre11-Xrs2 complex are also important, but not essential, for RAD51-independent telomere recombination. Interestingly, RAD51 inhibits the RAD51-independent, RAD52-dependent telomere recombination. These findings indicate that Rad52 itself, and more precisely its N-terminal DNA-binding domain, promote an essential reaction in recombination in the absence of RAD51.  相似文献   

The process of homologous recombination is a major DNA repair pathway that operates on DNA double-strand breaks, and possibly other kinds of DNA lesions, to promote error-free repair. Central to the process of homologous recombination are the RAD52 group genes (RAD50, RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, RDH54/TID1, RAD55, RAD57, RAD59, MRE11, and XRS2), most of which were identified by their requirement for the repair of ionizing-radiation-induced DNA damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Rad52 group proteins are highly conserved among eukaryotes, and Rad51, Mre11, and Rad50 are also conserved in prokaryotes and archaea. Recent studies showing defects in homologous recombination and double-strand break repair in several human cancer-prone syndromes have emphasized the importance of this repair pathway in maintaining genome integrity. Although sensitivity to ionizing radiation is a universal feature of rad52 group mutants, the mutants show considerable heterogeneity in different assays for recombinational repair of double-strand breaks and spontaneous mitotic recombination. Herein, I provide an overview of recent biochemical and structural analyses of the Rad52 group proteins and discuss how this information can be incorporated into genetic studies of recombination.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(4):523-538.e7
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