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Cells of Hansenula polymorpha growing exponentially on glucose generally contained a single peroxisome of small dimension, irregular in shape and located in close proximity to the cell wall. Crystalline inclusions in the peroxisomal matrix were not observed. Associations of the organelles with one or more strands of endoplasmic reticulum were evident. In stationary phase cells the size of the peroxisomes had increased considerably. They were more cubical in form and showed a partly or completely crystalline matrix.After the transfer of cells growing exponentially on glucose into media containing methanol, large peroxisomes with a partly crystalline matrix developed in the cells within 6 h. These organelles originated from the small peroxisomes in the glucose-grown cells. De novo synthesis of peroxisomes was not observed. Prolonged cultivation in the presence of methanol resulted in a gradual increase in the number of peroxisomes by means of separation of small peroxisomes from mature organelles. During growth of peroxisomes associations with the endoplasmic reticulum remained evident.The increase in volume density of peroxisomes in stationary phase cells grown on glucose and in methanol-grown cells was accompanied by the synthesis of the peroxisomal enzymes alcohol oxidase and catalase. Cytochemical staining techniques revealed that alcohol oxidase activity was only detected when the peroxisomes contained a crystalloid inclusion. Since in peroxisomes of an alcohol oxidase-negative mutant of Hansenula polymorpha crystalline inclusions were never detected, it is concluded that the development of crystalloids inside peroxisomes is due to the accumulation of alcohol oxidase in these organelles.  相似文献   

The localization of methanol oxidase activity in cells of methanol-limited chemostat cultures of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha has been studied with different cytochemical staining techniques. The methods were based on enzymatic or chemical trapping of the hydrogen peroxide produced by the enzyme during aerobic incubations of whole cells in methanol-containing media. The results showed that methanol-dependent hydrogen peroxide production in either fixed or unfixed cells exclusively occurred in peroxisomes, which characteristically develop during growth of this yeast on methanol. Apart from methanol oxidase and catalase, the typical peroxisomal enzymes d-aminoacid oxidase and l--hydroxyacid oxidase were also found to be located in the peroxisomes. Urate oxidase was not detected in these organelles. Phase-contrast microscopy of living cells revealed the occurrence of peroxisomes which were cubic of form. This unusual shape was also observed in thin sections examined by electron microscopy. The contents of the peroxisomes showed, after various fixation procedures, a completely crystalline or striated substructure. It is suggested that this substructure might represent the in vivo organization structure of the peroxisomal enzymes.  相似文献   

The localization of peroxidase activity in methanol-grown cells of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha has been studied by a method based on cytochemical staining with diaminobenzidine (DAB). The oxidation product of DAB occurred in microbodies, which characteristically develop during growth on methanol, and in the intracristate space of the mitochondria. The staining of microbodies was H2O2 dependent, appeared to be optimal at pH 10.5, diminished below pH 10 and was inhibited by 20 mM 3-amino 1,2,4 triazole (AT). In contrast to these observations, the reaction in the mitochondria was not H2O2 dependent and not notably affected by differences in pH in the range of 8.5 to 10.5. Microbodies and mitochondria were also stained when H2O2 was replaced by methanol. Appropriate control experiments indicated that in this case methanol oxidase generated the H2O2 for the peroxidative conversion of DAB by catalase. These results suggest that catalase is located in the microbodies of methanol-grown yeasts. A model for a possible physiological function of the microbodies during growth on methanol is put forward.  相似文献   

The development of peroxisomes has been studied in cells of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha during growth on methanol in batch and chemostat cultures. During bud formation, new peroxisomes were generated by the separation of small peroxisomes from mature organelles in the mother cells. The number of peroxisomes migrating to the buds was dependent upon environmental conditions. Aging of cells was accompanied by an increase in size of the peroxisomes and a subsequent increase in their numbers per cell. Their ultimate shape and substructure as well as their number per cell was dependent upon the physiological state of the culture. The change in number and volume density of peroxisomes was related to the level of alcohol oxidase in the cells. Development of peroxisomes in cells of batch cultures was accompanied by an increase in size of the crystalline inclusions in the organelles; they had become completely crystalline when the cells were in the stationary phase. Peroxisomes in cells from methanol-limited chemostat cultures were completely crystalline, irrespective of growth rate. Results of biochemical and cytochemical experiments suggested that alcohol oxidase is a major component of the crystalline inclusions in the peroxisomes of methanol-grown Hansenula polymorpha. Possible mechanisms involved in the ultrastructural changes in peroxisomes during their development have been discussed.Abbreviations DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine - OD optical density (663 nm)  相似文献   

The localization of peroxidase activity in methanol-grown cells of the yeast Hansenula polymorphia has been studied by a method based on cytochemical staining with diaminobenzidine (DAB). The oxidation product of DAB occurred in microbodies, which characteristically develop growth on or methanol, and in the intracristate space of the mitochondria. The staining of microbodies was H2O2 dependent, appeared to be optimal at pH 10.5, diminished below pH 10 and was inhibited by 20 mM 3-amino 1,2,4 triazole (AT). In contrast to these observations, the reaction in the mitochondria was not H2O2 dependent and not notably affected by differences in pH in the range of 8.5 to 10.5. Microbodies and mitochondria were also stained when H2O2 was replaced by methanol. Appropriate control experiments indicated that in this case methanol oxidase generated the H2O2 for the peroxidative conversion of DAB by catalase. These results suggest that catalase is located in the microbodies of methanol-grown yeasts. A model for a possible physiological function of the microbodies during growth on methanol is put forward.  相似文献   

Exposure of Hansenula polymorpha cells, grown in batch cultures on methanol at 37 degrees C, to a cold treatment (18 degrees C) is paralleled by a rapid degradation of peroxisomes present in these cells. Remarkably, the events accompanying organelle degradation at 18 degrees C are similar to those of selective glucose-induced peroxisome degradation in wild-type cells, described before. This observation was strengthened by the finding that cold-induced peroxisome degradation was not observed in mutants impaired in selective peroxisome degradation (Atg(-) mutants). Biochemical data indicated that the onset of peroxisome degradation was not triggered by the inactivation of peroxisome function due to the fall in temperature. We show that our findings have implications in case of fluorescence microscopy studies that are generally not conducted at physiological temperatures and thus may lead to strong morphological alterations unless proper precautions are taken.  相似文献   

The substructural organization of completely crystalline peroxisomes present in Hansenula polymorpha cells grown under methanol limitation in a chemostat was investigated by different cytochemical and ultrastructural techniques. Time-dependent cytochemical staining experiments indicated that activities of the two main constituents of these organelles, namely, alcohol oxidase and catalase, were present throughout the crystalline matrix. Catalase was completely removed from isolated peroxisomes by osmotic shock treatment. After such treatment, the ultrastructure of the crystalline matrix of the organelles remained virtually intact. Because alcohol oxidase activity was still present in this matrix, it was concluded that alcohol oxidase protein is the only structural element of the peroxisomal crystalloids. The molecular architecture of the crystalloids was investigated in ultrathin cryosections which permitted recognition of individual molecules in the crystalline matrix. Depending on the plane of sectioning, different crystalline patterns were observed. Tilting experiments indicated that these images were caused by superposition of octameric alcohol oxidase molecules arranged in a tetragonal lattice. A three-dimensional model of the crystalloid is presented. The repeating unit of this structure is composed of four alcohol oxidase molecules. The crystalloid represents an open structure, which may explain the observed free mobility of catalase molecules.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of dihydroxyacetone synthase (DHAS) in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha was studied by various biochemical and immunocytochemical methods. After cell fractionation involving differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation of protoplast homogenates prepared from methanol-grown cells, DHAS cosedimented with the peroxisomal enzymes alcohol oxidase and catalase. Electron microscopy of this fraction showed that it contained mainly intact peroxisomes, whereas SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed two major protein bands (75 and 78 kDa) which were identified as alcohol oxidase and DHAS, respectively. The localization of DHAS in peroxisomes was further established by immunocytochemistry. After immuno-gold staining carried out on ultrathin sections of methanol-grown H. polymorpha using DHAS-specific antibodies, labelling was confined to the peroxisomal matrix.Abbreviations MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - DTT dithiothreitol - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - TPP thiamin pyrophosphate - DHAS dihydroxyacetone synthase - GSH reduced glutathione  相似文献   

Inactivation of peroxisomal enzymes in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha was studied following transfer of cells into cultivation media in which their activity was no longer required for growth. After transfer of methanol-grown cells into media containing glucose - a substrate that fully represses alcohol oxidase synthesis - the rapid inactivation of alcohol oxidase and catalase was paralleled by a disappearance of alcohol oxidase and catalase protein. The rate and extent of this inactivation was dependent upon conditions of cultivation of cells prior to their transfer. This carbon catabolite inactivation of alcohol oxidase was paralleled by degradation of peroxisomes which occurred by means of an autophagic process that was initiated by the formation of a number of electron-dense membranes around the organelles to be degraded. Sequestration was confined to peroxisomes; other cell-components such as ribosomes were absent in the sequestered cell compartment. Also, cytochemically, hydrolytic enzymes could not be demonstrated in these autophagosomes. The vacuole played a major role in the subsequent peroxisomal breakdown since it provided the enzymes required for proteolysis. Two basically similar mechanisms were observed with respect to the administration of vacuolar enzymes into the sequestered cell compartment. The first mechanism involved incorporation of a small vacuolar vesicle into the sequestered cell compartment. The delimiting membrane of this vacuolar vesicle subsequently disrupted, thereby exposing the contents of the sequestered cell compartment to vacuolar hydrolases which then degraded the peroxisomal proteins. The second mechanism, observed in cells which already contained one or more autophagic vacuoles, included fusion of the delimiting membranes of an autophagosome with the membrane surrounding an autophagic vacuole which led to migration of the peroxisome inside the latter organelle. Peroxisomes of methanol-grown H. polymorpha were degraded individually. In one cell 2 or 3 peroxisomes might be subject to degradation at the same time, but they were never observed together in one autophagosome. However, fusions of autophagic vacuoles in one cell were frequently observed. After inhibition of the cell's energy-metabolism by cyanide ions or during anaerobic incubations the formation of autophagosomes was prevented and degradation was not observed.  相似文献   

Catalase has been partially purified from cell-free extracts of methanol-grown Hansenula polymorpha and its peroxidative properties were studied. It was shown that the enzyme is capable of oxidizing methanol, formaldehyde and formate in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The physiological significance of these reactions in the transduction of energy from the oxidation of methanol in yeasts is discussed.  相似文献   

Previously, Waterham et al. [EMBO J. 12 (1993) 4785] reported that cytosolic oligomeric alcohol oxidase (AO) is not incorporated into peroxisomes after reassembly of the organelles in the temperature-sensitive peroxisome-deficient mutant pex1-6(ts) of Hansenula polymorpha shifted to permissive growth conditions. Here, we show that the failure to import assembled AO protein is not exemplary for other folded proteins because both an artificial peroxisomal matrix protein, PTS1-tagged GFP (GFP.SKL), and the endogenous dimeric PTS1 protein dihydroxyacetone synthase (DHAS) were imported under identical conditions. In vitro receptor-ligand binding studies using immobilised H. polymorpha Pex5p and crude extracts of methanol-induced pex1-6(ts) cells, showed that AO octamers did not interact with the recombinant PTS1 receptor, at conditions that allowed binding of folded GFP.SKL and dimeric DHAS. This shows that import of oligomeric proteins is not a universal pathway for peroxisomal matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that damaged components of eukaryotic cells are removed by autophagic degradation (e.g., mitophagy). Here we show that peroxisomes that are damaged by the abrupt removal of the membrane protein Pex3 are massively and rapidly degraded even when the cells are placed at peroxisome-inducing conditions and hence need the organelles for growth. Pex3 degradation was induced by a temperature shift using Hansenula polymorpha pex3Δ cells producing a Pex3 fusion protein containing an N-terminal temperature sensitive degron sequence. The massive peroxisome degradation process, associated with Pex3 degradation, showed properties of both micro- and macropexophagy and was dependent on Atg1 and Ypt7. This mode of peroxisome degradation is of physiological significance as it was also observed at conditions that excessive ROS is formed from peroxisome metabolism, i.e., when methanol-grown wild-type cells are exposed to methanol excess conditions.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that damaged components of eukaryotic cells are removed by autophagic degradation (e.g., mitophagy). Here we show that peroxisomes that are damaged by the abrupt removal of the membrane protein Pex3 are massively and rapidly degraded even when the cells are placed at peroxisome-inducing conditions and hence need the organelles for growth. Pex3 degradation was induced by a temperature shift using Hansenula polymorpha pex3Δ cells producing a Pex3 fusion protein containing an N-terminal temperature sensitive degron sequence. The massive peroxisome degradation process, associated with Pex3 degradation, showed properties of both micro- and macropexophagy and was dependent on Atg1 and Ypt7. This mode of peroxisome degradation is of physiological significance as it was also observed at conditions that excessive ROS is formed from peroxisome metabolism, i.e., when methanol-grown wild-type cells are exposed to methanol excess conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A selection by glucosamine for mutants of Hansenula polymorpha insensitive to glucose repression of methanol assimilation is described. Constitutive synthesis of enzymes is established in standard batch cultures of glucosegrown cells. Upon prolonged glucose metabolism the phenotype is masked by catabolite inactivation and degradation of enzymes. Addition of the substrate methanol remarkably improves constitutive synthesis by preventing catabolite inactivation and delaying degradation. Regular peroxisomes of reduced number are formed in mutant cells under repressed conditions. No constitutive synthesis is detectable using ethanol as a carbon source. In addition, this alcohol is detrimental to growth of the mutants, indicating that H. polymorpha is constrained to repress synthesis of enzymes involved in the C1-metabolism when ethanol is present as a substrate.  相似文献   

Summary Cultivation of Hansenula polymorpha with substrate ethanol in a bench-scale tower loop reactor was simulated by means of a distributed parameter model with regard to the dissolved oxygen and substrate in the medium, oxygen and CO2 in the gas phase, and a lumped parameter model with regard to the cell mass. Space and time independence of the substrate and oxygen limiting constants of the Monod model, KS and KO, was assumed. Time variations of the yield coefficients, YX/S and YX/O, were allowed for.  相似文献   

Six centromeric linkage groups and four non-centromeric fragments are revealed in the genetic stocks of Hansenula polymorpha which were obtained by intratetrad breeding in several generations of two genetically different parental strains progeny. Fourteen nuclear markers are mapped, including auxotrophic mutations, mating regulation loci, determinants of sporulation and heat tolerance. Complex origin of the haploid genome of these stocks leads to affinity interactions and to 14 per cent increase in DNA content in haploid stocks, as compared with the parental strains.  相似文献   

Growth of Hansenula polymorpha in shake flasks and chemostat cultures in the presence of methanol as the sole source of carbon and methylamine as the sole source of nitrogen was associated with the development of peroxisomes in the cells. The organelles were involved in the concurrent oxidation of these two compounds, since they contained both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase, which are key enzymes in methanol and methylamine metabolism, respectively. In addition catalase was present. Peroxisomes with a completely crystalline substructure were observed in methanol-limited chemostat-grown cells. Amine oxidase probably formed an integral part of these crystalloids, whereas catalase was present in a freely diffusable form. Transfer of cells, grown in a methanol-limited chemostat in the presence of methylamine into glucose/ammonium sulphate media resulted in the loss of both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase activity from the cells. This process was associated with degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes. However, when cells were transferred into glucose/methylamine media, amine oxidase activity only declined during 2 h after the transfer and thereafter increased again. This subsequent rise in amine oxidase activity was associated with the development of new peroxisomes in the cells in which degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes, originally present, continued. These newly formed organelles probably originated from peroxisomes which had not been affected by degradation. When in the methanollimited chemostat methylamine was replaced by ammonium sulphate, repression of the synthesis of amine oxidase was observed. However, inactivation of this enzyme or degradation of peroxisomes was not detected. The decrease of amine oxidase activity in the culture was accounted for by dilution of enzyme as a result of growth and washout.  相似文献   

The import of matrix proteins into peroxisomes in yeast requires the action of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Pex4p and a complex consisting of the ubiquitin E3 ligases Pex2p, Pex10p and Pex12p. Together, this peroxisomal ubiquitination machinery is thought to ubiquitinate the cycling receptor protein Pex5p and members of the Pex20p family of co-receptors, a modification that is required for receptor recycling. However, recent reports have demonstrated that this machinery plays a role in additional peroxisome-associated processes. Hence, our understanding of the function of these proteins in peroxisome biology is still incomplete. Here, we identify a role for the peroxisomal ubiquitination machinery in the degradation of the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p. Our data demonstrate that Pex13p levels build up in cells lacking members of this machinery and also establish that Pex13p undergoes rapid degradation in wild-type cells. Furthermore, we show that Pex13p is ubiquitinated in wild-type cells and also establish that Pex13p ubiquitination is reduced in cells lacking a functional peroxisomal E3 ligase complex. Finally, deletion of PEX2 causes Pex13p to build up at the peroxisomal membrane. Taken together, our data provide further evidence that the role of the peroxisomal ubiquitination machinery in peroxisome biology goes much deeper than receptor recycling alone.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the properties of peroxisomal remnants in Hansenula polymorpha pex5 cells. In such cells PTS1 matrix protein import is fully impaired. In H. polymorpha pex5 cells, grown on ethanol/ammonium sulfate, conditions that repressed the PTS2 protein amine oxidase (AMO), peroxisomal structures were below the limit of detection. In methanol/ammonium sulfate-grown cells, normal peroxisomes are absent, but a few small membranous structures were observed that apparently represented peroxisomal ghosts since they contained Pex14p. These structures were the target of a Pex10p.myc fusion protein that was produced in pex5 cells under the control of the homologous alcohol oxidase promoter (strain pex5::P(AOX).PEX10.MYC). Glycerol/methanol/ammonium sulfate-grown cells of this transformant were placed in fresh glucose/methylamine media, conditions that fully repress the synthesis of the Pex10p.myc fusion protein but induce the synthesis of AMO. Two hours after the shift Pex10p.myc-containing structures were detectable that had accumulated newly synthesized AMO protein and which during further cultivation developed in normal peroxisomes. Concurrently, the remaining portion of these structures was rapidly degraded. These findings indicate that peroxisomal remnants in pex5 cells can develop into peroxisomes. Also, as for normal peroxisomes in H. polymorpha, apparently a minor portion of these structures actually take part in the development of these organelles.  相似文献   

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