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Partially purified smooth muscle (chicken gizzard) actomyosin contains two major substrates of cAMP-dependent protein kinase: a protein of Mr = 130,000, identified as the calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase, and a protein of Mr = 42,000. This latter protein was shown by a variety of electrophoretic procedures to be actin. Purified smooth muscle actin also was phosphorylated by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The rate of phosphorylation of smooth muscle actin was significantly enhanced by depolyjerization of actin. A maximum of 2.0 mol phosphate could be incorporated per mol G-actin. Skeletal muscle F-actin was not significantly phosphorylated by protein kinase; however, skeletal G-actin is a substrate for the protein kinase although its rate of phosphorylation was significantly slower than that of smooth muscle G-actin.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP in μM concentrations increases the labeling of a membrane component of approximately 53,000 daltons as well as the labeling of a minor peptide of 18,000 daltons when isolated, intact rat fat cells are incubated with μM concentrations of (γ-32P)ATP. Controlled tryptic digestion of intact cells followed by incubation with (γ-32P)ATP results in diminution of labeling of both of these phosphopeptides indicating susceptibility, hence, access of either the catalytic site or the substrates to trypsin action. Addition of the catalytic subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase from beef heart to cells previously treated with trypsin results in the labeling of both phosphopeptides comparable to untreated cells. These findings indicate the catalytic subunit(s) of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase(s) as well as these two phosphopeptides of the intact rat fat cell must be located on the external surface of the plasma membrane. Further, the catalytic subunit(s) of the membrane-located cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase(s) is susceptible to trypsin action whereas the membrane peptides serving as substrates are not.  相似文献   

Isolation and structure of T-kinin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase of rabbit skeletal muscle was converted to a Ca2+-independent form by limited proteolysis with alpha-chymotrypsin. The conditions prevailing during proteolysis are important and the loss of Ca2+-dependence was achieved best by hydrolysis of the Ca2+-calmodulin-kinase complex. The lack of Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependence was found using both myosin and isolated light chains as substrates. The specific activity of the Ca2+-independent form (Mr approximately 65,000) was similar to that of the native enzyme, i.e., 2 to 5 mumol phosphate transferred min-1 mg-1 kinase. The 65,000-dalton fragment was phosphorylated by the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and approximately 0.8 moles phosphate were incorporated per fragment.  相似文献   

ATPase (Ca2+ and K+ activated) activity of myosin prepared from muscles of 3–4 week rabbit embryos (EM) is slighly lower than that of adult fast muscle myosin (FM), but in contrast to the less active adult slow muscle myosin (SM) is stable on exposure to pH 9.2. Studies of the time course, by means of Na dodecyl-SO4 polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, of changes in the pattern of polypeptides released by tryptic digestion show that in this regard EM is closest to SM. The light chain complement of EM appears identical with that of FM rather than of SM or cardiac myosin (CM) by the criteria of coelectrophoresis and removal by 5,5′-dithio-2-dinitrobenzoate treatment of LC2 except that the relative amount of LC3 is less in EM than in FM. The staining pattern of light meromyosin (EMM) paracrystals prepared from EM is distinct from either the FM, SM or CM LMM staining pattern. These studies suggest that different genes are involved in the coding for embryonic and adult heavy chains.  相似文献   

A cytochrome P-450 present in ripening avocado (Persea americana) fruit mesocarp (CYTP71A1) had previously been shown to metabolize the monoterpenoids nerol and geraniol (Hallahan et al. (1992) Plant Physiol. 98, 1290-1297). Using DNA encoding CYP71A1 as a hybridization probe, we have shown by Southern analysis that a related gene is present in the catmint, Nepeta racemosa. RNA blot analysis, together with Western analysis of catmint leaf polypeptides using avocado cyt P-450 antiserum, showed that a closely related gene is expressed in catmint leaves. Cytochrome P-450 in catmint microsomes catalysed the specific hydroxylation of nerol and geraniol at C-10, whereas avocado CYP71A1, in either avocado microsomes or heterologously expressed in yeast, catalysed 2,3- or 6,7-epoxidation of these substrates. These results suggest that orthologous genes of the CYP71 family are expressed in these two plant species, but catalyse dissimilar reactions with monoterpenoid substrates.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gels cross-linked with N,N′-diallyltartardiamide (DATD) are, in contrast to gels cross-linked with N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide (Bis), readily solubilized by periodic acid (Anker, H. S., 1970, FEBS Lett.7, 293), thus permitting efficient analyses of electrophoretically separated, labeled biological material. The capacities of polyacrylamide gels, cross-linked with Bis and DATD, to serve as media for electrophoretic separation of proteins, were compared. As DATD-cross-linked gels were inferior to equimolar Bis-crosslinked gels with 5% cross-linking (CBis = 5%) by the criteria of more pronounced swelling, markedly softer gels and, less concentrated and bended protein zones on electrophoresis and subsequent staining, gels cross-linked with different percentage CDATD were examined. The water regain of DATD-cross-linked gels, the retardation coefficients, and free mobilities of different proteins in equimolar Bis- and DATD-cross-linked gels were determined. When the DATD concentration in gels was increased to CDATD = 27%, gels assumed physical characteristics comparable to those cross-linked with Bis at CBis = 5%. We report further the rapid, facile isolation of protein bands out of the gel matrix cross-linked with DATD. However, the isolation procedure results in an irreversible loss of biological activity.  相似文献   

The heterobifunctional reagent N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate was utilized for controlled coupling of mildly reduced BSA and lysozyme to Sepharose gelatin to prepare immunoabsorbents. Each reaction step was examined and quantitated. The free amino groups on gelatin after coupling gelatin to cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose as well as the number of 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionyl groups on Sepharose gelatin were quantitated. Coupling of mildly reduced BSA as well as lysozyme to PDP-Sepharose gelatin occurred through sulfhydryl-disulfide exchange and permitted the formation of an immunoabsorbent. The immunoabsorbents were capable of binding the respective antibody and the eluted antibodies were pure and free of plasma proteins.  相似文献   

Serpins are a superfamily of structurally conserved proteins. Inhibitory serpins use a suicide substrate-like mechanism. Some are able to inhibit cysteine proteases in cross-class inhibition. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the strong inhibition of initiator and effector caspases 3 and 8 by two purified bovine SERPINA3s. SERPINA 3-1 (uniprotkb:Q9TTE1) binds tighly to human CASP3 (uniprotkb:P42574) and CASP8 (uniprotkb:Q14790) with kass of 4.2 × 105 and 1.4 × 106 M−1 s−1, respectively. A wholly similar inhibition of human CASP3 and CASP8 by SERPINA3-3 (uniprotkb:Q3ZEJ6) was also observed with kass of 1.5 × 105 and 2.7 × 106 M−1 s−1, respectively and form SDS-stable complexes with both caspases. By site-directed mutagenesis of bovSERPINA3-3, we identified Asp371 as the potential P1 residue for caspases. The ability of other members of this family to inhibit trypsin and caspases was analysed and discussed.

Structured summary

MINT-7234656: CASP8 (uniprotkb:Q14790) and SERPINA3-1 (uniprotkb:Q9TTE1) bind (MI:0407) by biochemical (MI:0401)MINT-7234634: SERPINA3-3 (uniprotkb:Q3ZEJ6) and CASP3 (uniprotkb:P42574) bind (MI:0407) by biochemical (MI:0401)MINT-7234663: CASP8 (uniprotkb:Q14790) and SERPINA3-3 (uniprotkb:Q3ZEJ6) bind (MI:0407) by biochemical (MI:0401)MINT-7234625: SERPINA3-1 (uniprotkb:Q9TTE1) and CASP3 (uniprotkb:P42574) bind (MI:0407) by biochemical (MI:0401)  相似文献   

Here, two temperature sensitive promoters, P2 and P7, isolated from Bacillus subtilis, were characterized. The production of beta-galactosidase driven by these promoters was much higher at 45 degrees C than that at 37 degrees C both in Escherichia coli and B. subtilis and that the P2 promoter showed higher expression strength in B. subtilis at 45 degrees C. Thereby, an efficient temperature-inducible expression system was constructed by using P2 promoter in B. subtilis. Thus, we isolated and characterized a newly temperature inducible promoter and exploited it as a potential expression element in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

We have studied submicrosecond and microsecond rotational motions within the contractile protein myosin by observing the time-resolved anisotropy of both absorption and emission from the long-lived triplet state of eosin-5-iodoacetamide covalently bound to a specific site on the myosin head. These results, reporting anisotropy data up to 50 microseconds after excitation, extend by two orders of magnitude the time range of data on time-resolved site-specific probe motion in myosin. Optical and enzymatic analyses of the labeled myosin and its chymotryptic digests show that more than 95% of the probe is specifically attached to sulfhydryl-1 (SH1) on the myosin head. In a solution of labeled subfragment-1 (S-1) at 4 degrees C, absorption anisotropy at 0.1 microseconds after a laser pulse is about 0.27. This anisotropy decays exponentially with a rotational correlation time of 210 ns, in good agreement with the theoretical prediction for end-over-end tumbling of S-1, and with times determined previously by fluorescence and electron paramagnetic resonance. In aqueous glycerol solutions, this correlation time is proportional to viscosity/temperature in the microsecond time range. Furthermore, binding to actin greatly restricts probe motion. Thus the bound eosin is a reliable probe of myosin-head rotational motion in the submicrosecond and microsecond time ranges. Our submicrosecond data for myosin monomers (correlation time 400 ns) also agree with previous results using other techniques, but we also detect a previously unresolvable slower decay component (correlation time 2.6 microseconds), indicating that the faster motions are restricted in amplitude. This restriction is not consistent with the commonly accepted free-swivel model of S-1 attachment in myosin. In synthetic thick filaments of myosin, both fast (700 ns) and slow (5 microseconds) components of anisotropy decay are observed. In contrast to the data for monomers, the anisotropy of filaments has a substantial residual component (26% of the initial anisotropy) that does not decay to zero even at times as long as 50 microseconds, implying significant restriction in overall rotational amplitude. This result is consistent with motion restricted to a cone half-angle of about 50 degrees. The combined results are consistent with a model in which myosin has two principal sites of segmental flexibility, one giving rise to submicrosecond motions (possibly corresponding to the junction between S-1 and S-2) and the other giving rise to microsecond motions (possibly corresponding to the junction between S-2 and light meromyosin).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

TTHA1554 was found as a hypothetical protein composed of 95 amino acids in the genome of the extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8. Proteins homologous to TTHA1554 are conserved in several bacteria and archaea, although their functions are unknown. To investigate the function of TTHA1554, we identified interacting proteins by using a pull-down assay and mass spectrometry. TTHA1329, which is glutamine synthetase, and TTHA1620, a putative aminotransferase, were identified as TTHA1554 binding proteins. The interactions with TTHA1329 and TTHA1620 were validated using in vitro pull-down assays and surface plasmon resonance biosensor assays with recombinant proteins. Since sequence homology analyses suggested that TTHA1620 was a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate-dependent enzyme, such as an aminotransferase, a cystathionine β-lyase or a cystalysin, putative substrates were investigated. When cystathionine, cystine and S-methylcysteine were used as substrates, pyruvate was produced by TTHA1620. The data revealed that TTHA1620 has cystathionine β-lyase enzymatic activity. When TTHA1554 was added to the reaction mixtures, the glutamine synthetase and cystathionine β-lyase enzymatic activities both increased by approximately two-fold. These results indicated that TTHA1554 is a novel protein (we named it GCBP: glutamine synthetase and cystathionine β-lyase binding protein) that binds to glutamine synthetase and cystathionine β-lyase.  相似文献   

Proteasomes are multi-subunit proteases involved in several mechanisms and thought to contribute to the regulation of cellular homeostasis. Here, we report for the first time biochemical evidence for the existence of a ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway in this parasite. Proteasomes from both cercariae and adult worms exhibited a high preference for hydrolysis of the substrate Suc-LLVY-AMC, although in the cercariae extract the rate of hydrolysis was 50% lower when compared to adult worms extracts. The same difference in proteasome activities was observed when endogenous proteins were broken down in the presence of ATP and ubiquitin. Additionally, accumulation of high molecular weight conjugates was observed when cercariae were pre-incubated with proteasome inhibitors. Finally, we present evidence that during experimental schistosomiasis, proteasome inhibitors were able to reduce the number of lung stage schistosomula, reduce the worm burden and consequently decrease the egg output in infected mice.  相似文献   

Youg R. Thaker  Yin H. Yau 《FEBS letters》2009,583(7):1090-1095
Owing to the complex nature of V1VO ATPases, identification of neighboring subunits is essential for mechanistic understanding of this enzyme. Here, we describe the links between the V1 headpiece and the VO-domain of the yeast V1VO ATPase via subunit A and d as well as the VO subunits a and d using surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Binding constants of about 60 and 200 nM have been determined for the a-d and d-A assembly, respectively. The data are discussed in light of subunit a and d forming a peripheral stalk, connecting the catalytic A3B3 hexamer with VO.

Structured summary

MINT-7012054: d (uniprotkb:P32366) binds (MI:0407) to A (uniprotkb:P17255) by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (MI:0052)MINT-7012041: d (uniprotkb:P32366) binds (MI:0407) to A (uniprotkb:P17255) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)MINT-7012028: d (uniprotkb:P32366) binds (MI:0407) to a (uniprotkb:P32563) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)  相似文献   

We report the postnatal developmental profiles of N-acetylneuraminic acid cytidylyltransferase (EC (CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase) in different rat tissues. This enzyme, which catalyses the activation of NeuAc to CMP-Neu5Ac, was detected in brain, kidney, heart, spleen, liver, stomach, intestine, lung, thymus, prostate and urinary bladder but not in skeletal muscle. Comparative analysis of the different specific activity profiles obtained shows that the expression of CMP Neu5Ac synthetase is tissue-dependent and does not seem to be embryologically determined. Changes in the level of sialylation during development were also found to be intimately related to variations in the expression of this enzyme, at least in brain, heart, kidney, stomach, intestine and lung.  相似文献   

Large cytoplasmic domain (LCD) plasma membrane H+-ATPase from S. cerevisiae was expressed as two fusion polypeptides in E. coli: a DNA sequence coding for Leu353-Ileu674 (LCDh), comprising both nucleotide (N) and phosphorylation (P) domains, and a DNA sequence coding for Leu353-Thr543 (LCDΔh, lacking the C-terminus of P domain), were inserted in expression vectors pDEST-17, yielding the respective recombinant plasmids. Overexpressed fusion polypeptides were solubilized with 6 M urea and purified on affinity columns, and urea was removed by dialysis. Their predicted secondary structure contents were confirmed by CD spectra. In addition, both recombinant polypeptides exhibited high-affinity 2′,3′-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine-5′-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) binding (Kd = 1.9 μM and 2.9 μM for LCDh and LCDΔh, respectively), suggesting that they have native-like folding. The gel filtration profile (HPLC) of purified LCDh showed two main peaks, with molecular weights of 95 kDa and 39 kDa, compatible with dimeric and monomeric forms, respectively. However, a single elution peak was observed for purified LCDΔh, with an estimated molecular weight of 29 kDa, as expected for a monomer. Together, these data suggest that LCDh exist in monomer-dimer equilibrium, and that the C-terminus of P domain is necessary for self-association. We propose that such association is due to interaction between vicinal P domains, which may be of functional relevance for H+-ATPase in native membranes. We discuss a general dimeric model for P-ATPases with interacting P domains, based on published crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy evidence.  相似文献   



The nucleotidyl cyclase toxin ExoY is an important virulence determinant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that causes severe acute and chronic infections in immune-compromised individuals. Additionally, this unique T3SS effector shows a striking preference for cUMP, a newly identified non-canonical secondary messenger. Thereby, ExoY is also considered as a potential tool to study unexplored cUMP signaling pathways.


The crystal structure of ExoY was determined at 2.2?Å resolutions by in-situ proteolysis assisted crystallization and Rosetta-molecular replacement method. Additionally, isothermal calorimetric (ITC) and molecular dynamic (MD) simulation studies were also carried out to gain molecular insights into its substrate specificity and catalysis.

Results and conclusion

ExoY is a partially unfolded protein with higher propensity to form soluble higher-order oligomers. However, with meticulous attempts of removing of disordered regions by proteases, the recalcitrant ExoY could be successfully crystallized. The crystal structure of ExoY revealed similar overall structural fold present in other anthrax toxA family of nucleotidyl cyclases, with two-to-three distinctly conserved regions conferring specificity to eukaryotic binding partner. The in-vitro catalytic preference of ExoY is in the following order: cGMP > cUMP > cAMP > cCMP. The substrate specificity of ExoY mainly depends on its ability to bind NTP in proper geometrical orientations. ExoY also seems to prefer one-metal-ion dependent catalysis than two-metal-ion dependent catalysis.

General significance

Our results provide much needed structural insight on ExoY, an important virulence determinant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and an exciting tool to study non-canonical cNMP signaling pathways.

Accession numbers

The structure factors and coordinate files have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank with accession number 5XNW.  相似文献   

The nanos gene family was essential for germ line development in diverse organisms. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of a nanos1 homologue in A. sinensis, Asnanos1, was isolated and characterized. The cDNA sequence of Asnanos1 was 1489 base pairs (bp) in length and encoded a peptide of 228 amino acid residues. Multiple sequence alignment showed that the zinc-finger motifs of Nanos1 were highly conserved in vertebrates. By RT-PCR analysis, Asnanos1 mRNAs were ubiquitously detected in all tissues examined except for the fat, including liver, spleen, heart, ovary, kidney, muscle, intestines, pituitary, hypothalamus, telencephalon, midbrain, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata. Moreover, a specific polyclonal antibody was prepared from the in vitro expressed partial AsNanos1 protein. Western blot analysis revealed that the tissue expression pattern of AsNanos1 was not completely coincided with that of its mRNAs, which was not found in fat, muscle and intestines. Additionally, by immunofluoresence localization, it was observed that AsNanos1 protein was in the cytoplasm of primary oocytes and spermatocytes. The presented results indicated that the expression pattern of Asnanos1 was differential conservation and divergence among diverse species.  相似文献   

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