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The capacity of animals to empathise is of high potential relevance to the welfare of group-housed domestic animals. Emotional empathy is a multifaceted and multilayered phenomenon which ranges from relatively simple processes such as emotional matching behaviour to more complex processes involving interaction between emotional and cognitive perspective taking systems. Our previous research has demonstrated that hens show clear behavioural and physiological responses to the mild distress of their chicks. To investigate whether this capacity exists outside the mother/offspring bond, we conducted a similar experiment in which domestic hens were exposed to the mild distress of unrelated, but familiar adult conspecifics. Each observer hen was exposed to two replicates of four conditions, in counterbalanced order; control (C); control with noise of air puff (CN); air puff to conspecific hen (APC); air puff to observer hen (APH). During each test, the observer hens' behaviour and physiology were measured throughout a 10 min pre-treatment and a 10 min treatment period. Despite showing signs of distress in response to an aversive stimulus directed at themselves (APH), and using methodology sufficiently sensitive to detect empathy-like responses previously, observer hens showed no behavioural or physiological responses to the mild distress of a familiar adult conspecific. The lack of behavioural and physiological response indicates that hens show no basis for emotional empathy in this context.  相似文献   

Feather pecking is an abnormal behaviour where laying hens peck the feathers of conspecifics, damaging the plumage or even injuring the skin. If it occurs in a flock, more and more birds show it within a short period of time. A possible mechanism is social transmission. Several studies have shown that laying hen chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, are able to modify their own behaviour when observing the behaviour of other chicks, for example, when feeding and foraging. As there is good experimental evidence that feather pecking originates from foraging behaviour, we hypothesized that feather pecking could also be socially transmitted. To test this, we reared 16 groups of 30 chicks. After week 4, the birds were regrouped into 16 groups of 20 chicks into each of which we introduced either five chicks that showed high frequencies of feather pecking or, as controls, five chicks that had not developed feather pecking. We then determined the feather-pecking rate and the frequency of foraging, dustbathing, feeding, drinking, preening, moving, standing and resting of all birds in a group. Data from the introduced birds were analysed separately and excluded from the group data. Chicks in groups with introduced feather-pecking chicks had a significantly higher feather-pecking rate than chicks in the control groups. In addition, birds in groups with introduced feather peckers showed significantly lower foraging frequencies than those in the control groups, although the housing conditions were identical and there were no differences in either the number or the quality of the stimuli relevant to foraging behaviour. The study therefore suggests that feather pecking is socially transmitted in groups of laying hen chicks. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Studies of naturally predator-naïve adult birds (finches on predator-free islands) and birds experimentally hand reared in isolation from predators indicate that birds can recognise predators innately; that is, birds show anti-predator behaviour without former experience of predators. To reduce predation risk efficiently during the vulnerable fledgling period, we would predict an innate response to be fully developed when the chicks leave the nest. However, 30-day-old naïve great tit fledglings ( Parus major ) did not respond differently to a model of a perched predator than to a similarly sized model of a non-predator. Although chicks showed distress responses such as warning calls and freezing behaviour, they did not differentiate between the stimuli. In contrast, wild-caught first-year birds (4 mo old) and adults responded differentially to the two stimuli. Lack of recognition of a perched predator might be one explanation for the high mortality rate found in newly fledged great tits. Our results imply that parental care is not only important for food provisioning, but also to reduce predation risk during the time when fledglings are most vulnerable.  相似文献   

A living hen is a very attractive imprinting stimulus compared to artificial stimuli. The present study examined to what extent this attractiveness is influenced by the behaviour of the hen. The effectiveness of a living quail hen as an imprinting stimulus was compared with that of a moving stuffed hen, a non-moving stuffed hen and an empty cage. Naive quail chicks were exposed to one of these stimuli for 2 h. Both during and after this period chicks exposed to the living hen showed the strongest attachment to the stimulus, next came chicks exposed to a moving stuffed hen, while chicks exposed to a non-moving stuffed hen showed no indication of any attachment, i.e. they behaved in the same way as chicks exposed to an empty cage. Also, among chicks exposed to the living hen a correlation was present between the strength of the attachment to the hen and the behaviour of this hen during the exposure. In particular pecking and behaviour directed at the chick seemed to stimulate the development of a filial bond. Together, these findings indicate that a living hen is attractive not just because she moved, but also because of specific qualities of this movement. The behaviour of the living hen differed in various ways from the movement of the moving stuffed hen. The influence of these differences on the filial imprinting process is discussed and compared with similar findings for sexual imprinting and song learning.  相似文献   

Confining an adult hen with two newly-hatched chicks induced a gradual emergence of maternal behaviour in the hen. The aim of the experiments presented here was to analyse the effects of testosterone or oestradiol treatments on the induction and maintenance of maternal behaviour in hens with no previous maternal experience. The ability of a hen to positively respond towards chicks was not altered by either testosterone or oestradiol injections. However, testosterone therapy prevented both the appearance and the maintenance of the most typical call, clucking. Testosterone injected hens responded to chicks with a contact-type call, but oestradiol treated ones did not. These results indicate that some aspects of maternal behaviour can be modulated by peripheral levels of hormones.  相似文献   

Disturbance during development may have lasting effects on the growth rates and stress physiology of birds. Although repeated handling by researchers is often necessary, the possible effects of such handling on the development of semi‐altricial young are unclear. We examined the effect of daily handling on growth rates and plasma corticosterone levels of Leach's Storm‐Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) chicks on Kent Island in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Canada, during the 2011 nesting season. From post‐hatch day 7 to post‐hatch days 14–36, birds in the experimental group were extracted from burrows and measured (wing, tarsus, and mass) for ~3 min every day, whereas birds in the control group were left undisturbed. After the treatment period, blood was collected from birds in both groups within 3 min of initially reaching into burrows (baseline) and after a 30‐min restraint stress test to assess the effect of early life disturbance on programming of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis. A second acute restraint stress test was conducted three weeks after the end of the treatment period to investigate possible longer term effects of early life disturbance. Growth rates of wings and tarsi were similar for handled chicks (N = 18) and non‐handled control chicks (N = 21), as were baseline and 30‐min acute restraint stress‐induced corticosterone levels. As also reported in previous studies of other altricial and semi‐altricial species, older chicks (42–64 d old) had higher plasma corticosterone levels than younger chicks (21–43 d old) after acute restraint stress tests, reflecting delayed development of the HPA axis. The age‐related increase in HPA axis sensitivity observed prior to fledging could facilitate foraging and predator avoidance behaviors while minimizing exposure to high levels of corticosterone earlier in development. Overall, we found no evidence that repeated disturbance influenced either growth rates or HPA axis programming of Leach's Storm‐Petrel chicks.  相似文献   

Because chickens are highly social animals, live conspecifics are often used to provide an incentive or goal in studies of gait, sociality or fear that require the bird to traverse a runway. However, the variable behaviour of the stimulus birds can influence the approach/avoidance responses of the test birds and thereby confound the results. Because chickens modify their behaviour readily and appropriately to a variety of video images, including social stimuli, we asked if video playback might represent easily controllable and standardized alternatives to live birds. Female ISA Brown chicks were housed in groups of eight and then exposed to a blank illuminated television for 10 min per day from 2 to 7 days of age. At 8 or 9 days of age they were placed individually in the start box of a 1.6 m long runway and we recorded their responses to a monitor displaying selected video images that was situated in the goal box at the opposite end of the runway. In Experiment 1 chicks approached a monitor playing the video image and soundtrack of feeding chicks significantly sooner than one of a goal box with the food dish and background noise. In Experiment 2, chicks were exposed to the same video of feeding conspecifics with or without the associated sounds or to a video of the goal box with or without the chick soundtrack. Both the videos of other chicks elicited faster approach than did those of the goal box and the sound and silent versions were equally attractive. Adding the soundtrack of feeding chicks to the goal-box video failed to increase its attractiveness. The present results suggest that chicks are attracted towards televised images of other chicks. They also indicate that the visual and auditory components of the video stimuli did not exert additive effects and that approach reflected attraction to the visual image. Collectively, our findings suggest that video playback of selected social stimuli, such as feeding conspecifics, could be a valuable tool in tests requiring voluntary locomotion along a predetermined path.  相似文献   

Birds encounter climate at the scale of microclimates that can vary rapidly in time and space and so understanding potential vulnerability and adaptations to those microclimates requires fine‐scale measurements that accurately track thermal exposures. However, few options exist for recording the microclimates actually experienced by birds (realized microclimates). We constructed and tested a simple, low‐cost, temperature logger for recording the realized microclimates of ground‐nesting birds. We developed attachment protocols for band‐mounting Thermochron iButtons on Ring‐billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) chicks. We tested these mounted, temperature‐logging devices on 20 chicks weighing > 200 g (device weight was 4 g), attaching devices for 48 h and observing behavior before and after attachment and removal. Devices recorded temperature immediately surrounding the leg at 2‐min intervals. Recorded temperatures were strong predictors of observed thermoregulatory behaviors (panting and sitting), outperforming predictions based on air temperatures measured by basic, static approaches. Through comparison with matched controls (chicks with just a band), we detected no adverse physiological effects of devices, no effects on social or feeding behavior, and only a short‐term decrease in inactivity immediately after device attachment (likely due to increased preening). By attaching iButtons to the legs of birds, we quantified realized thermal exposure, integrating air temperature, modes of environmental heat transfer, and bird behavior at microclimatic scales. Although not yet validated for broader use, our approach (including possible miniaturization) should be suitable to measure thermal exposure of adults, not just chicks, allowing collection of data concerning thermal exposures during flight under field conditions. At ~ $25 USD per device, our approach facilitates experimental protocols with robust sample sizes, even for relatively modest budgets.  相似文献   

The short-term behavioural effects of helicopter overflights on breeding king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus at South Georgia were examined. Seventeen helicopter overflights were made at altitudes between 230 and 1,768 m (750–5,800 ft) above ground level. Noise from the aircraft engines and helicopter blades increased sound levels in the colony from a background level of 65–69 dB(A) to a maximum mean peak level of 80 dB(A) during overflights. Penguin behaviour changed significantly during all overflights at all altitudes compared to the pre- and post-flight periods. Pre-overflight behaviour resumed within 15 min of the aircraft passing overhead and no chicks or eggs were observed to be taken by predators during overflights. Non-incubating birds showed an increased response with reduced overflight altitude, but this was not observed in incubating birds. Variability in overflight noise levels did not affect significantly the behaviour of incubating or non-incubating birds. Penguins exhibited a reduced response to overflights as the study progressed (despite later flights generally being flown at lower altitudes) suggesting some degree of habituation to aircraft. To minimise disturbance to king penguins we recommend a precautionary approach such that overflights are undertaken at the maximum altitude that is operationally practical, or preferably are avoided altogether.  相似文献   

Reducing feather pecking when raising laying hen chicks in aviary systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aviary systems for laying hens offer several advantages over battery cages. However, pecking the feathers of conspecifics remains a serious problem that negatively affects the welfare of the birds as well as the economy of a farm. From experimental studies with small groups, it has been shown that feather pecking and foraging behaviour are related and that both behaviour are influenced by early access to litter substrate. We, therefore, hypothesised, that feather pecking in aviaries can be reduced with an adequate management in the first 2 weeks of life.Each of seven pens on six commercial poultry farms, was divided into two identical compartments (matched pair design). In one of the compartments (experimental compartment) chicks were reared for the first 2 weeks of life with access to litter (wood shavings, in one case with additional straw), while the chicks in the other compartment (control) were kept on a plastic grid. Thereafter, all chicks had unrestricted access to litter and there were no differences between the two compartments neither in housing conditions nor in management procedures.Chicks in the experimental compartments spent significantly more time foraging (week 5), showed significantly less feather pecking (weeks 5 and 14) and significantly fewer birds had damaged tail feathers (weeks 5 and 14).The study demonstrates that in aviaries, under commercial conditions, early access to litter substrate has a significant effect on the development of feather pecking. In order to reduce feather pecking and to increase foraging behaviour, it is recommended that laying hen chicks raised in aviary systems do get access to litter from day 1 on.  相似文献   

It is well known that development of vision is affected by experience, but there are few studies of environmental effects on colour vision. Natural scenes contain predominantly a restricted range of reflectance spectra, so such effects might be important, perhaps biasing visual mechanisms towards common colours. We investigated how the visual environment affects colour preferences of domestic chicks ( Gallus gallus), by training week-old birds to select small food containers distinguished from an achromatic alternative either by an orange or by a greenish-blue colour. Chicks that had been raised in control conditions, with long-wavelength-dominated reflectance spectra, responded more readily to orange than to blue. This was not due to avoidance of blue, as increasing saturation enhanced the chicks' preference for the same hue. The advantage of orange was, however, reduced or abolished for chicks raised in an environment dominated by blue objects. This indicates that responses to coloured food are affected by experience of non-food objects. If colours of ordinary objects in the environment do influence responses to specialised visual signals this might help explain why biological signals directed at birds are often coloured yellow, orange or red; long-wavelength-dominated spectra being more prevalent than short-wavelength-dominated spectra.  相似文献   

Abstract We experimentally examined the effect of testosterone on the antibody response to a single immunization with sheep red blood cells in young black-headed gulls. This species performs a number of testosterone-mediated elaborate postural displays in social interactions and breeds in dense colonies in which there is a high likelihood of infectious diseases. In young chicks, only one-third were capable of responding to immunization. In the responding chicks, testosterone enhanced antibody titers. Even when antibody responsiveness was measured >1 mo after the termination of hormonal treatment, antibody responses were enhanced in birds treated with androgen but not estrogen. At 9 mo of age, all birds responded to immunization, but there was no effect of testosterone on antibody titers. In these juveniles, frequency of display behavior was negatively related to changes in body mass, which suggests that displaying is energetically costly. Despite decreased body mass, antibody titers were highest in birds that displayed more frequently. This suggests that displaying signals immunocompetence. The results are discussed in relation to the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis and to what is known of the influence of the bursa of Fabricius and social stress on antibody production.  相似文献   

For oceanic birds like king penguins, a major constraint is the separation of foraging areas from the breeding colony, largely because swimming increases foraging costs. However, the relationship between foraging strategy and breeding stage has been poorly investigated. Using time-depth recorders, we studied the diving behaviour of two groups of king penguins that were either incubating or brooding chicks at Crozet Islands (Southern Indian Ocean) at the same period of the year. Although birds with chicks had the highest predicted energy demand, they made foraging trips half as long as incubating birds (6 vs. 14 days) and modified their time and depth utilisation. Birds with chicks dived deeper during daylight (mean maximum depth of 280 m vs. 205 m for those incubating). At night, birds with chicks spent twice as much time diving as those incubating, but birds at both stages never dived beyond 30 m. Movements to greater depths by brooding birds are consistent with the vertical distribution of myctophid fish which are the main prey. As chick provisioning limits trip duration, it is suggested that it is more efficient for parents to change their diving patterns rather than to restrict their foraging range. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of rearing density on pecking behaviour and plumage during rearing and throughout the laying period in aviaries. Chicks were reared on sand at high (H; 13 m−2) or low (L; 6.5 m−2) density, in four rearing pens of 390 chicks and eight pens of 195 chicks, respectively, each pen measuring 30 m2. Proportions of chicks per pen performing various types of pecking behaviour were recorded by scan sampling during 16 observation bouts in each rearing pen at 6 weeks of age and during 24 observation bouts at 12 weeks. Individual body weights and plumage condition were recorded. Later, these pullets were housed at 17 hens m−2 in Tiered Wire Floor (TWF; 3 H and 3 L pens of 275 hens) and Laco-Volétage (2 H and 2 L pens of 275 hens) aviaries. At 35 weeks, two samples of eight hens from each aviary pen were observed for pecking behaviour in a test pen. Throughout the laying period, additional records were collected on pecking behaviour, body weight, plumage condition, egg production, and mortality. The L birds had better plumage condition at 6 weeks of age and throughout the laying period. These birds also ground pecked more frequently than H birds during rearing and the laying period. At 12 weeks, L birds feather pecked less than H birds, but no relationship was found between rearing density and feather-pecking behaviour during the laying period. Although TWF hens feather pecked more frequently than Volétage hens, there was no interaction between rearing density and type of aviary for the various pecking behaviours.  相似文献   

Hand‐reared grey‐faced petrel (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) chicks (Order Procellariformes) that were subjected to a standardised blood sampling protocol immediately before they fledged showed a reduced corticosterone response compared to parent‐raised chicks. Serum corticosterone concentrations were lower in hand‐reared than parent‐reared birds 30 and 60 min after handling was initiated (21.5±6.7 vs. 105.4±7.4 ng/ml at 30 min, and 11.3±3.6 vs. 93.8±11.4 ng/ml at 60 min, respectively). The total integrated corticosterone response and the response corrected for initial corticosterone concentrations were similarly lower in hand‐reared than parent‐reared birds (927±489 vs. 4639±1924 ng/ml.min, and 529±352 vs. 4110±1896 ng/ml.min, respectively). Habituation to handling associated with hand‐rearing, which is expressed as a subdued corticostrone response, is likely to reduce the physiological stress associated with the translocation and reintroduction of these birds. However, the longer‐term consequences of this attenuated response remain unclear. Zoo Biol 0:1–8, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of rearing conditions on feather pecking and reaction to frustration was studied in two lines of laying hens. From commercial rearing conditions (large group, no mother hen), seven birds from a high feather pecking line (HC birds) and eight birds from a low feather pecking line (LC birds) were used. From semi-natural rearing conditions (small group, mother hen present) seven birds from the high feather pecking line (HN birds) were used. Feather pecking behaviour of HC, LC, and HN groups was recorded for 30 min. After that, each bird was food deprived and trained to peck a key for a food reward in a Skinnerbox. After training, each bird was subjected to a frustration session in a Skinnerbox, where the feeder was covered with Perspex. Three HC birds showed severe feather pecking, compared with one HN bird and zero LC birds. Differences in reaction to frustration were found between birds from different lines, but not in birds from different rearing conditions. LC birds tended to put their head in the feeder more frequently than HC birds over all sessions. Although limited, this study indicates that rearing conditions influence feather pecking, but not reaction to frustration.  相似文献   

Food and sounds (white noise, a food call and the sound of other chicks) were used in an attempt to establish conditioned place preferences with domestic hen chicks. Thirty-two chicks were randomly allocated to one of the 4 groups, and exposed to a 3-compartment apparatus to establish a baseline of their movements across 4 15-min sessions. They were then confined to one compartment and provided with free access to food or exposed to one sound for 15 min and then they were confined to the alternate compartment with no food or sound for 15 min. This process was repeated 3 times. Post-conditioning test sessions showed a conditioned place preference towards the area associated with food and away from the area associated with white noise. After conditioning, chicks showed no preference for spending time in the side associated with the food call or the sounds of other chicks; however, they entered a compartment first more often when it was associated with the food call and less often when it was associated with chick-sounds. Overall, these results showed that it was possible to use the conditioned place preference procedure to assess the effects of sounds and that the procedure has potential use for assessing other environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Ambulation latencies of 2- and 7-day old chicks individually placed in a novel environment were measured (1) in presence of distress calls; (2) in presence of trills of pleasure; (3) without acoustic stimuli. Results showed that in 2-day old chicks there were no differences in ambulation latencies between chicks tested with and those tested without acoustic stimuli. In 7-day old chicks ambulation latencies were higher in chicks tested with distress calls or trills of pleasure than in chicks tested without conspecific calls. Results are discussed on the basis of the Gallup & Suarez 's (1980) hypothesis that open-field behaviour in chicks represents a compromise between opposing tendencies to reinstate social contact with imprinted companions and to reduce detection in the face of possible predation.  相似文献   

Maternal Influences on Feeding and General Activity in Domestic Chicks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to determine if and how the presence of a hen influences the behaviour of chicks and, more precisely, their food preferences. We observed two types of young, brooded and non‐brooded chicks in the presence of three different food types. Results revealed that brooded chicks performed more locomotion and more sustained feeding activities than non‐brooded chicks. Moreover, brooded chicks had different preferences from non‐brooded chicks and very clearly followed their mother's preferences. We concluded that social facilitation and local enhancement could play a significant role in determining the importance of feeding activities and preferences of brooded chicks.  相似文献   

Relative values for the dry mass in puff-forming regions of Drosophila hydei salivary gland chromosomes were established with a Leitz double beam interference microscope. All measurements were made after RNA digestion.Optical path differences per unit area of the induced puffs 2-48C and 4-81B (temperature induced) and a cytoplasm-free background were recorded. In each of the nuclei used for these measurements, the same procedure was applied to two reference regions in the vicinity of the puff, region 2, 47A-48B and region 4, 81C-82C respectively. For comparison of the dry mass values of a puff region at various time intervals after the onset of puff induction, ratios of the optical path differences of the puff region over that of the reference region were calculated.These ratios were established at 5, 10, 30, 60 and 120 min after the onset of a temperature treatment and compared with the ratio in non-treated animals. From the data it can be concluded that the dry mass in the induced puffs increases gradually up to 30 min. At this time the dry mass ratio for puff 2-48C has reached a value of 150% and that of puff 4-81B, 210%. It is concluded that this increase in dry mass is due almost entirely to a local accumulation of non-histone protein.  相似文献   

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