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Na/K-ATPase (NKA) activity is dynamically regulated by an inhibitory interaction with a small transmembrane protein, phospholemman (PLM). Inhibition is relieved upon PLM phosphorylation. Phosphorylation may alter how PLM interacts with NKA and/or itself, but details of these interactions are unknown. To address this, we quantified FRET between PLM and its regulatory target NKA in live cells. Phosphorylation of PLM was mimicked by mutation S63E (PKC site), S68E (PKA/PKC site), or S63E/S68E. The dependence of FRET on protein expression in live cells yielded information about the structure and binding affinity of the PLM-NKA regulatory complex. PLM phosphomimetic mutations altered the quaternary structure of the regulatory complex and reduced the apparent affinity of the PLM-NKA interaction. The latter effect was likely due to increased oligomerization of PLM phosphomimetic mutants, as suggested by PLM-PLM FRET measurements. Distance constraints obtained by FRET suggest that phosphomimetic mutations slightly alter the oligomer quaternary conformation. Photon-counting histogram measurements revealed that the major PLM oligomeric species is a tetramer. We conclude that phosphorylation of PLM increases its oligomerization into tetramers, decreases its binding to NKA, and alters the structures of both the tetramer and NKA regulatory complex.  相似文献   

Pi uptake in the small intestine occurs predominantly through the NaPi-2b (SLC34a2) co-transporter. NaPi-2b is regulated by changes in dietary Pi but the mechanisms underlying this regulation are largely undetermined. Sequence analyses show NaPi-2b has a PDZ binding motif at its C terminus. Immunofluorescence imaging shows NaPi-2b and two PDZ domain containing proteins, NHERF1 and PDZK1, are expressed in the apical microvillar domain of rat small intestine enterocytes. Co-immunoprecipitation studies in rat enterocytes show that NHERF1 associates with NaPi-2b but not PDZK1. In HEK co-expression studies, GFP-NaPi-2b co-precipitates with FLAG-NHERF1. This interaction is markedly diminished when the C-terminal four amino acids are truncated from NaPi-2b. FLIM-FRET analyses using tagged proteins in CACO-2BBE cells show a distinct phasor shift between NaPi-2b and NHERF1 but not between NaPi-2b and the PDZK1 pair. This shift demonstrates that NaPi-2b and NHERF1 reside within 10 nm of each other. NHERF1−/− mice, but not PDZK1−/− mice, had a diminished adaptation of NaPi-2b expression in response to a low Pi diet. Together these studies demonstrate that NHERF1 associates with NaPi-2b in enterocytes and regulates NaPi-2b adaptation.  相似文献   

Rac1, which is associated with cytoskeletal pathways, can activate phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2) to increase intracellular Ca2+ levels. This increased Ca2+ can in turn activate the very robust PLCδ1 to synergize Ca2+ signals. We have previously found that PLCβ2 will bind to and inhibit PLCδ1 in solution by an unknown mechanism and that PLCβ2·PLCδ1 complexes can be disrupted by Gβγ subunits. However, because the major populations of PLCβ2 and PLCδ1 are cytosolic, their regulation by Gβγ subunits is not clear. Here, we have found that the pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of PLCβ2 and PLCβ3 are the regions that result in PLCδ1 binding and inhibition. In cells, PLCβ2·PLCδ1 form complexes as seen by Förster resonance energy transfer and co-immunoprecipitation, and microinjection of PHβ2 dissociates the complex. Using PHβ2 as a tool to assess the contribution of PLCβ inhibition of PLCδ1 to Ca2+ release, we found that, although PHβ2 only results in a 25% inhibition of PLCδ1 in solution, in cells the presence of PHβ2 appears to eliminates Ca2+ release suggesting a large threshold effect. We found that the small plasma membrane population of PLCβ2·PLCδ1 is disrupted by activation of heterotrimeric G proteins, and that the major cytosolic population of the complexes are disrupted by Rac1 activation. Thus, the activity of PLCδ1 is controlled by the amount of bound PLCβ2 that changes with displacement of the enzyme by heterotrimeric or small G proteins. Through PLCβ2, PLCδ1 activation is linked to surface receptors as well as signals that mediate cytoskeletal pathways.  相似文献   

The Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC1) is expressed in most vertebrate cells and is crucial in the regulation of cell volume and intracellular chloride concentration. To study the structure and function of NKCC1, we tagged the transporter with cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) fluorescent proteins at two sites within the C terminus and measured fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in stably expressing human embryonic kidney cell lines. Both singly and doubly tagged NKCC1s were appropriately produced, trafficked to the plasma membrane, and exhibited (86)Rb transport activity. When both fluorescent probes were placed within the same C terminus of an NKCC1 transporter, we recorded an 11% FRET decrease upon activation of the transporter. This result clearly demonstrates movement of the C terminus during the regulatory response to phosphorylation of the N terminus. When we introduced CFP and YFP separately in different NKCC1 constructs and cotransfected these in HEK cells, we observed FRET between dimer pairs, and the fractional FRET decrease upon transporter activation was 46%. Quantitatively, this indicates that the largest FRET-signaled movement is between dimer pairs, an observation supported by further experiments in which the doubly tagged construct was cotransfectionally diluted with untagged NKCC1. Our results demonstrate that regulation of NKCC1 is accompanied by a large movement between two positions in the C termini of a dimeric cotransporter. We suggest that the NKCC1 C terminus is involved in transport regulation and that dimerization may play a key structural role in the regulatory process. It is anticipated that when combined with structural information, our findings will provide a model for understanding the conformational changes that bring about NKCC1 regulation.  相似文献   

Renal excretion of citrate, an inhibitor of calcium stone formation, is controlled mainly by reabsorption via the apical Na+-dicarboxylate cotransporter NaDC1 (SLC13A2) in the proximal tubule. Recently, it has been shown that the protein phosphatase calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK-506 induce hypocitraturia, a risk factor for nephrolithiasis in kidney transplant patients, but apparently through urine acidification. This suggests that these agents up-regulate NaDC1 activity. Using the Xenopus lævis oocyte and HEK293 cell expression systems, we examined first the effect of both anti-calcineurins on NaDC1 activity and expression. While FK-506 had no effect, CsA reduced NaDC1-mediated citrate transport by lowering heterologous carrier expression (as well as endogenous carrier expression in HEK293 cells), indicating that calcineurin is not involved. Given that CsA also binds specifically to cyclophilins, we determined next whether such proteins could account for the observed changes by examining the effect of selected cyclophilin wild types and mutants on NaDC1 activity and cyclophilin-specific siRNA. Interestingly, our data show that the cyclophilin isoform B is likely responsible for down-regulation of carrier expression by CsA and that it does so via its chaperone activity on NaDC1 (by direct interaction) rather than its rotamase activity. We have thus identified for the first time a regulatory partner for NaDC1, and have gained novel mechanistic insight into the effect of CsA on renal citrate transport and kidney stone disease, as well as into the regulation of membrane transporters in general.  相似文献   

Members of the Anoctamin (Ano)/TMEM16A family have recently been identified as essential subunits of the Ca2+-activated chloride channel (CaCC). For example, Ano1 is highly expressed in multiple tissues including airway epithelia, where it acts as an apical conduit for transepithelial Cl secretion and helps regulate lung liquid homeostasis and mucus clearance. However, little is known about the oligomerization of this protein in the plasma membrane. Thus, utilizing mCherry- and eGFP-tagged Ano1 constructs, we conducted biochemical and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based experiments to determine the quaternary structure of Ano1. FRET and co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that tagged Ano1 subunits directly associated before they reached the plasma membrane. This association was not altered by changes in cytosolic Ca2+, suggesting that this is a fixed interaction. To determine the oligomeric structure of Ano1, we performed chemical cross-linking, non-denaturing PAGE, and electromobility shift assays, which revealed that Ano1 exists as a dimer. These data are the first to probe the quaternary structure of Ano1. Understanding the oligomeric nature of Ano1 is an essential step in the development of therapeutic drugs that could be useful in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Pore-forming toxins have evolved to induce membrane injury by formation of pores in the target cell that alter ion homeostasis and lead to cell death. Many pore-forming toxins use cholesterol, sphingolipids, or other raft components as receptors. However, the role of plasma membrane organization for toxin action is not well understood. In this study, we have investigated cellular dynamics during the attack of equinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina, by combining time lapse three-dimensional live cell imaging, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, FRET, and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Our results show that membrane binding by equinatoxin II is accompanied by extensive plasma membrane reorganization into microscopic domains that resemble coalesced lipid rafts. Pore formation by the toxin induces Ca(2+) entry into the cytosol, which is accompanied by hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, plasma membrane blebbing, actin cytoskeleton reorganization, and inhibition of endocytosis. We propose that plasma membrane reorganization into stabilized raft domains is part of the killing strategy of equinatoxin II.  相似文献   

Mitochondria undergo continuous cycles of homotypic fusion and fission, which play an important role in controlling organelle morphology, copy number, and mitochondrial DNA maintenance. Because mitochondria cannot be generated de novo, the motility and distribution of these organelles are essential for their inheritance by daughter cells during division. Mitochondrial Rho (Miro) GTPases are outer mitochondrial membrane proteins with two GTPase domains and two EF-hand motifs, which act as receptors to regulate mitochondrial motility and inheritance. Here we report that although all of these domains are biochemically active, only the GTPase domains are required for the mitochondrial inheritance function of Gem1p (the yeast Miro ortholog). Mutations in either of the Gem1p GTPase domains completely abrogated mitochondrial inheritance, although the mutant proteins retained half the GTPase activity of the wild-type protein. Although mitochondrial inheritance was not dependent upon Ca(2+) binding by the two EF-hands of Gem1p, a functional N-terminal EF-hand I motif was critical for stable expression of Gem1p in vivo. Our results suggest that basic features of Miro protein function are conserved from yeast to humans, despite differences in the cellular machinery mediating mitochondrial distribution in these organisms.  相似文献   

Homodimeric proton-translocating pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase; EC is indispensable for many organisms in maintaining organellar pH homeostasis. This unique proton pump couples the hydrolysis of PPi to proton translocation across the membrane. H+-PPase consists of 14–16 relatively hydrophobic transmembrane domains presumably for proton translocation and hydrophilic loops primarily embedding a catalytic site. Several highly conserved polar residues located at or near the entrance of the transport pathway in H+-PPase are essential for proton pumping activity. In this investigation single molecule FRET was employed to dissect the action at the pathway entrance in homodimeric Clostridium tetani H+-PPase upon ligand binding. The presence of the substrate analog, imidodiphosphate mediated two sites at the pathway entrance moving toward each other. Moreover, single molecule FRET analyses after the mutation at the first proton-carrying residue (Arg-169) demonstrated that conformational changes at the entrance are conceivably essential for the initial step of H+-PPase proton translocation. A working model is accordingly proposed to illustrate the squeeze at the entrance of the transport pathway in H+-PPase upon substrate binding.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter family, functions as an ATP hydrolysis-driven efflux pump to rid the cell of toxic organic compounds, including a variety of drugs used in anticancer chemotherapy. Here, we used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) spectroscopy to delineate the structural rearrangements the two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) are undergoing during the catalytic cycle. Pairs of cysteines were introduced into equivalent regions in the N- and C-terminal NBDs for labeling with fluorescent dyes for ensemble and single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. In the ensemble FRET, a decrease of the donor to acceptor (D/A) ratio was observed upon addition of drug and ATP. Vanadate trapping further decreased the D/A ratio, indicating close association of the two NBDs. One of the cysteine mutants was further analyzed using confocal single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. Single Pgp molecules showed fast fluctuations of the FRET efficiencies, indicating movements of the NBDs on a time scale of 10-100 ms. Populations of low, medium, and high FRET efficiencies were observed during drug-stimulated MgATP hydrolysis, suggesting the presence of at least three major conformations of the NBDs during catalysis. Under conditions of vanadate trapping, most molecules displayed high FRET efficiency states, whereas with cyclosporin, more molecules showed low FRET efficiency. Different dwell times of the FRET states were found for the distinct biochemical conditions, with the fastest movements during active turnover. The FRET spectroscopy observations are discussed in context of a model of the catalytic mechanism of Pgp.  相似文献   

Flp-InTM T-RExTM 293 cells expressing a wild type human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor construct constitutively and able to express a receptor activated solely by synthetic ligand (RASSL) form of this receptor on demand maintained response to the muscarinic agonist carbachol but developed response to clozapine N-oxide only upon induction of the RASSL. The two constructs co-localized at the plasma membrane and generated strong ratiometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signals consistent with direct physical interactions. Increasing levels of induction of the FRET donor RASSL did not alter wild type receptor FRET-acceptor levels substantially. However, ratiometric FRET was modulated in a bell-shaped fashion with maximal levels of the donor resulting in decreased FRET. Carbachol, but not the antagonist atropine, significantly reduced the FRET signal. Cell surface homogeneous time-resolved FRET, based on SNAP-tag technology and employing wild type and RASSL forms of the human M3 receptor expressed stably in Flp-InTM TRExTM 293 cells, also identified cell surface dimeric/oligomeric complexes. Now, however, signals were enhanced by appropriate selective agonists. At the wild type receptor, large increases in FRET signal to carbachol and acetylcholine were concentration-dependent with EC50 values consistent with the relative affinities of the two ligands. These studies confirm the capacity of the human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor to exist as dimeric/oligomeric complexes at the surface of cells and demonstrate that the organization of such complexes can be modified by ligand binding. However, conclusions as to the effect of ligands on such complexes may depend on the approach used.  相似文献   

The mannitol transporter from Escherichia coli, EIImtl, belongs to a class of membrane proteins coupling the transport of substrates with their chemical modification. EIImtl is functional as a homodimer, and it harbors one high affinity mannitol-binding site in the membrane-embedded C domain (IICmtl). To localize this binding site, 19 single Trp-containing mutants of EIImtl were biosynthetically labeled with 5-fluorotryptophan (5-FTrp) and mixed with azi-mannitol, a substrate analog acting as a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor. Typically, for mutants showing FRET, only one 5-FTrp was involved, whereas the 5-FTrp from the other monomer was too distant. This proves that the mannitol-binding site is asymmetrically positioned in dimeric IICmtl. Combined with the available two-dimensional projection maps of IICmtl, it is concluded that a second resting binding site is present in this transporter. Active transport of mannitol only takes place when EIImtl becomes phosphorylated at Cys384 in the cytoplasmic B domain. Stably phosphorylated EIImtl mutants were constructed, and FRET experiments showed that the position of mannitol in IICmtl remains the same. We conclude that during the transport cycle, the phosphorylated B domain has to move to the mannitol-binding site, located in the middle of the membrane, to phosphorylate mannitol.  相似文献   

We have detected directly the interactions of sarcolipin (SLN) and the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA) by measuring fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fusion proteins labeled with cyan fluorescent protein (donor) and yellow fluorescent protein (acceptor). SLN is a membrane protein that helps control contractility by regulating SERCA activity in fast-twitch and atrial muscle. Here we used FRET microscopy and spectroscopy with baculovirus expression in insect cells to provide direct evidence for: 1) oligomerization of SLN and 2) regulatory complex formation between SLN and the fast-twitch muscle Ca-ATPase (SERCA1a isoform). FRET experiments demonstrated that SLN monomers self-associate into dimers and higher order oligomers in the absence of SERCA, and that SLN monomers also bind to SERCA monomers in a 1:1 binary complex when the two proteins are coexpressed. FRET experiments further demonstrated that the binding affinity of SLN for itself is similar to that for SERCA. Mutating SLN residue isoleucine-17 to alanine (I17A) decreased the binding affinity of SLN self-association and converted higher order oligomers into monomers and dimers. The I17A mutation also decreased SLN binding affinity for SERCA but maintained 1:1 stoichiometry in the regulatory complex. Thus, isoleucine-17 plays dual roles in determining the distribution of SLN homo-oligomers and stabilizing the formation of SERCA-SLN heterodimers. FRET results for SLN self-association were supported by the effects of SLN expression in bacterial cells. We propose that SLN exists as multiple molecular species in muscle, including SERCA-free (monomer, dimer, oligomer) and SERCA-bound (heterodimer), with transmembrane zipper residues of SLN serving to stabilize oligomeric interactions.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of regulation of sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) by phospholamban (PLB), we expressed Cerulean-SERCA and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-PLB in adult rabbit ventricular myocytes using adenovirus vectors. SERCA and PLB were localized in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and were mobile over multiple sarcomeres on a timescale of tens of seconds. We also observed robust fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from Cerulean-SERCA to YFP-PLB. Electrical pacing of cardiac myocytes elicited cytoplasmic Ca(2+) elevations, but these increases in Ca(2+) produced only modest changes in SERCA-PLB FRET. The data suggest that the regulatory complex is not disrupted by elevations of cytosolic calcium during cardiac contraction (systole). This conclusion was also supported by parallel experiments in heterologous cells, which showed that FRET was reduced but not abolished by calcium. Thapsigargin also elicited a small decrease in PLB-SERCA binding affinity. We propose that PLB is not displaced from SERCA by high calcium during systole, and relief of functional inhibition does not require dissociation of the regulatory complex. The observed modest reduction in the affinity of the PLB-SERCA complex with Ca(2+) or thapsigargin suggests that the binding interface is altered by SERCA conformational changes. The results are consistent with multiple modes of PLB binding or alternative binding sites.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1)-encoded Rev protein is essential for the expression of late viral mRNAs. Rev forms a large organized multimeric protein-protein complex on the Rev response element of these viral mRNA species and transports them from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, exploiting the CRM1-mediated cellular machinery. Here we report the selection of a nanobody, derived from a llama heavy-chain only antibody, that efficiently blocks the assembly of Rev multimers. The nanobody inhibits HIV-1 replication in cells and specifically suppresses the Rev-dependent expression of partially spliced and unspliced HIV-1 RNA. In HIV-susceptible cells, this nanobody thus has potential as an effective anti-HIV agent using genetic immunization strategies. Its binding site was mapped to Rev residues Lys-20 and Tyr-23 located in the N-terminal α-helical multimerization domain. In the presence of this nanobody, we observed an accumulation of dimeric Rev species, supporting a head-to-head/tail-to-tail molecular model for Rev assembly. The results indicate that the oligomeric assembly of Rev follows an ordered stepwise process and identify a new epitope within Rev that could guide strategies for the development of novel HIV inhibitors.  相似文献   

Na/H exchanger regulatory factor-1 (NHERF1) is a cytoplasmic PDZ (postsynaptic density 95/disc large/zona occludens) protein that assembles macromolecular complexes and determines the localization, trafficking, and signaling of select G protein-coupled receptors and other membrane-delimited proteins. The parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR), which regulates mineral ion homeostasis and bone turnover, is a G protein-coupled receptor harboring a PDZ-binding motif that enables association with NHERF1 and tethering to the actin cytoskeleton. NHERF1 interactions with the PTHR modify its trafficking and signaling. Here, we characterized by live cell imaging the mechanism whereby NHERF1 coordinates the interactions of multiple proteins, as well as the fate of NHERF1 itself upon receptor activation. Upon PTHR stimulation, NHERF1 rapidly dissociates from the receptor and induces receptor aggregation in long lasting clusters that are enriched with the actin-binding protein ezrin and with clathrin. After NHERF1 dissociates from the PTHR, ezrin then directly interacts with the PTHR to stabilize the PTHR at the cell membrane. Recruitment of β-arrestins to the PTHR is delayed until NHERF1 dissociates from the receptor, which is then trafficked to clathrin for internalization. The ability of NHERF to interact dynamically with the PTHR and cognate adapter proteins regulates receptor trafficking and signaling in a spatially and temporally coordinated manner.  相似文献   

Calneuron-1 and -2 are neuronal EF-hand-type calcium sensor proteins that are prominently targeted to trans-Golgi network membranes and impose a calcium threshold at the Golgi for phosphatidylinositol 4-OH kinase IIIβ activation and the regulated local synthesis of phospholipids that are crucial for TGN-to-plasma membrane trafficking. In this study, we show that calneurons are nonclassical type II tail-anchored proteins that are post-translationally inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane via an association of a 23-amino acid-long transmembrane domain (TMD) with the TRC40/Asna1 chaperone complex. Following trafficking to the Golgi, calneurons are probably retained in the TGN because of the length of the TMD and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate lipid binding. Both calneurons rapidly self-associate in vitro and in vivo via their TMD and EF-hand containing the N terminus. Although dimerization and potentially multimerization precludes TRC40/Asna1 binding and thereby membrane insertion, we found no evidence for a cytosolic pool of calneurons and could demonstrate that self-association of calneurons is restricted to membrane-inserted protein. The dimerization properties and the fact that they, unlike every other EF-hand calmodulin-like Ca(2+) sensor, are always associated with membranes of the secretory pathway, including vesicles and plasma membrane, suggests a high degree of spatial segregation for physiological target interactions.  相似文献   

Lipolysis is a critical metabolic pathway contributing to energy homeostasis through degradation of triacylglycerides stored in lipid droplets (LDs), releasing fatty acids. Neutral lipid lipases act at the oil/water interface. In mammalian cells, LD surfaces are coated with one or more members of the perilipin protein family, which serve important functions in regulating lipolysis. We investigated mechanisms by which three perilipin proteins control lipolysis by adipocyte triglyceride lipase (ATGL), a key lipase in adipocytes and non-adipose cells. Using a cell culture model, we examined interactions of ATGL and its co-lipase CGI-58 with perilipin 1 (perilipin A), perilipin 2 (adipose differentiation-related protein), and perilipin 5 (LSDP5) using multiple techniques as follows: anisotropy Forster resonance energy transfer, co-immunoprecipitation, [(32)P]orthophosphate radiolabeling, and measurement of lipolysis. The results show that ATGL interacts with CGI-58 and perilipin 5; the latter is selectively expressed in oxidative tissues. Both proteins independently recruited ATGL to the LD surface, but with opposite effects; interaction of ATGL with CGI-58 increased lipolysis, whereas interaction of ATGL with perilipin 5 decreased lipolysis. In contrast, neither perilipin 1 nor 2 interacted directly with ATGL. Activation of protein kinase A (PKA) increased [(32)P]orthophosphate incorporation into perilipin 5 by 2-fold, whereas neither ATGL nor CGI-58 was labeled under the incubation conditions. Cells expressing both ectopic perilipin 5 and ATGL showed a 3-fold increase in lipolysis following activation of PKA. Our studies establish perilipin 5 as a novel ATGL partner and provide evidence that the protein composition of perilipins at the LD surface regulates lipolytic activity of ATGL.  相似文献   

Congenital defects in the Na/H exchanger regulatory factor-1 (NHERF1) are linked to disordered phosphate homeostasis and skeletal abnormalities in humans. In the kidney, these mutations interrupt parathyroid hormone (PTH)-responsive sequestration of the renal phosphate transporter, Npt2a, with ensuing urinary phosphate wasting. We now report that NHERF1, a modular PDZ domain scaffolding protein, coordinates the assembly of an obligate ternary complex with Npt2a and the PKA-anchoring protein ezrin to facilitate PTH-responsive cAMP signaling events. Activation of ezrin-anchored PKA initiates NHERF1 phosphorylation to disassemble the ternary complex, release Npt2a, and thereby inhibit phosphate transport. Loss-of-function mutations stabilize an inactive NHERF1 conformation that we show is refractory to PKA phosphorylation and impairs assembly of the ternary complex. Compensatory mutations introduced in mutant NHERF1 re-establish the integrity of the ternary complex to permit phosphorylation of NHERF1 and rescue PTH action. These findings offer new insights into a novel macromolecular mechanism for the physiological action of a critical ternary complex, where anchored PKA coordinates the assembly and turnover of the Npt2a-NHERF1-ezrin complex.  相似文献   

Polyspecific organic anion transporters (OATs) and organic cation transporters (OCTs) of the SLC22 transporter family play a pivotal role in absorption, distribution, and excretion of drugs. Polymorphisms in these transporters influence therapeutic effects. On the basis of functional characterizations, homology modeling, and mutagenesis, hypotheses for how OCTs bind and translocate structurally different cations were raised, assuming functionally competent monomers. However, homo-oligomerization has been described for OATs and OCTs. In the present study, evidence is provided that the large extracellular loops (EL) of rat Oct1 (rOct1) and rat Oat1 (rOat1) mediate homo- but not hetero-oligomerization. Replacement of the cysteine residues in the EL of rOct1 by serine residues (rOct1(6ΔC-l)) or breaking disulfide bonds with dithiothreitol prevented oligomerization. rOct1 chimera containing the EL of rOat1 (rOct1(rOat1-l)) showed oligomerization but reduced transporter amount in the plasma membrane. For rOct1(6ΔC-l) and rOct1(rOat1-l), similar K(m) values for 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium(+) (MPP(+)) and tetraethylammonium(+) (TEA(+)) were obtained that were higher compared with rOct1 wild type. The increased K(m) of rOct1(rOat1-l) indicates an allosteric effect of EL on the cation binding region. The similar substrate affinity of the oligomerizing and non-oligomerizing loop mutants suggests that oligomerization does not influence transport function. Independent transport function of rOct1 monomers was also demonstrated by showing that K(m) values for MPP(+) and TEA(+) were not changed after treatment with dithiothreitol and that a tandem protein with two rOct1 monomers showed about 50% activity with unchanged K(m) values for MPP(+) and TEA(+) when one monomer was blocked. The data help to understand how OCTs work and how mutations in patients may affect their functions.  相似文献   

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