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Responses to extracellular stress are required for microbes to survive in changing environments. Although the stress response mechanisms have been characterized extensively, the evolution of stress response pathway remains poorly understood. Here, we studied the evolution of High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) pathway, one of the important osmotic stress response pathways, across 10 yeast species and underpinned the evolutionary forces acting on the pathway evolution.  相似文献   

The anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway is responsible for the production of anthocyanin pigments in plant tissues and shares a number of enzymes with other biochemical pathways. The six core structural genes of this pathway have been cloned and characterized in two taxonomically diverse plant species (maize and snapdragon). We have recently cloned these genes for a third species, the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea. This additional information provides an opportunity to examine patterns of evolution among genes within a single biochemical pathway. We report here that upstream genes in the anthocyanin pathway have evolved substantially more slowly than downstream genes and suggest that this difference in evolutionary rates may be explained by upstream genes being more constrained because they participate in several different biochemical pathways. In addition, regulatory genes associated with the anthocyanin pathway tend to evolve more rapidly than the structural genes they regulate, suggesting that adaptive evolution of flower color may be mediated more by regulatory than by structural genes. Finally, for individual anthocyanin genes, we found an absence of rate heterogeneity among three major angiosperm lineages. This rate constancy contrasts with an accelerated rate of evolution of three CHS-like genes in the Ipomoea lineage, indicating that these three genes have diverged without coordinated adjustment by other pathway genes.  相似文献   

Mimicry: developmental genes that contribute to speciation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite renewed interest in the role of natural selection as a catalyst for the origin of species, the developmental and genetic basis of speciation remains poorly understood. Here we describe the genetics of Müllerian mimicry in Heliconius cydno and H. melpomene (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), sister species that recently diverged to mimic other Heliconius. This mimetic shift was a key step in their speciation, leading to pre- and postmating isolation. We identify 10 autosomal loci, half of which have major effects. At least eight appear to be homologous with genes known to control pattern differences within each species. Dominance has evolved under the influence of identifiable "modifier" loci rather than being a fixed characteristic of each locus. Epistasis is found at many levels: phenotypic interaction between specific pairs of genes, developmental canalization due to polygenic modifiers so that patterns are less sharply defined in hybrids, and overall fitness through ecological selection against nonmimetic hybrid genotypes. Most of the loci are clustered into two genomic regions or "supergenes," suggesting color pattern evolution is constrained by preexisting linked elements that may have arisen via tandem duplication rather than having been assembled by natural selection. Linkage, modifiers, and epistasis affect the strength of mimicry as a barrier to gene flow between these naturally hybridizing species and may permit introgression in genomic regions unlinked to those under disruptive selection. Müllerian mimics in Heliconius use different genetic architectures to achieve the same mimetic patterns, implying few developmental constraints. Therefore, although developmental and genomic constraints undoubtedly influence the evolutionary process, their effects are probably not strong in comparison with natural selection.  相似文献   

Flower color is an important adaptive trait in many plant species because it determines reproductive success through differential attractiveness to insect pollinators. The genus Ipomoea is a pan tropically distributed plant genus characterized by showy flowers that often differ in color among closely related species. Flower color is determined primarily by products of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway. To determine whether flower color evolution among members of the genus is driven by adaptive molecular evolution of the anthocyanin pathway genes, we analyzed data from 10 genes sequenced from 19 species of Ipomoea . Six protein-coding genes from the anthocyanin pathway were drawn for evolutionary analysis in addition to three genes from the unrelated leucine biosynthesis pathway and one MADS box regulatory gene for comparison. The analyses provided: (i) no convincing evidence for positive selection on anthocyanin pathway structural genes, or on the other sampled genes, despite shifts in flower color among species included in the sample; (ii) pathway position correlated weakly with estimates of the intensity of evolutionary constraint on the anthocyanin pathway enzyme coding genes; and (iii) there was substantial gene-specific heterogeneity in the rates of synonymous site evolution. Synonymous rate heterogeneity does not appear to be accounted for by codon bias or local contextual or compositional sequence differences, leading us to implicate heterogeneous rates of mutation among genes as the most probable cause of synonymous rate heterogeneity.  相似文献   



The goal of most microarray studies is either the identification of genes that are most differentially expressed or the creation of a good classification rule. The disadvantage of the former is that it ignores the importance of gene interactions; the disadvantage of the latter is that it often does not provide a sufficient focus for further investigation because many genes may be included by chance. Our strategy is to search for classification rules that perform well with few genes and, if they are found, identify genes that occur relatively frequently under multiple random validation (random splits into training and test samples).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of gene and protein sequences have led to two major competing views of the universal phylogeny, the evolutionary tree relating the three kinds of living organisms, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. In the first scheme, called "the archaebacterial tree, " organisms of the same type are clustered together. In the second scenario, called "the eocyte tree," the archaeal phylum of Crenarchaeota is more closely related to eukaryotes than are other Archaea. A major property of the evolution of functional ribosomal and protein-encoding genes is that the rate of nucleotide and amino acid substitution varies across sequence sites. Here, using distance-based and maximum-likelihood methods, we show that universal phylogenies of ribosomal RNAs and RNA polymerases built by ignoring this variation are biased toward the archaebacterial tree because of attraction between long branches. In contrast, taking among-site rate variability into account gives support for the eocyte tree.  相似文献   

The endosperm cell walls of mature coffee seeds accumulate large amounts of mannan storage polysaccharides, which serve as nutrient reserve for embryo and contribute to beverage quality. Our study investigated the evolutionary patterns of key galactomannan (GM) biosynthesis genes using dN/dS ratio, synteny, and phylogenetic analysis and detected heterogeneity in rate of evolution among gene copies. Selection ratio index revealed evidence of positive selection in the branch editing gene Coffea canephora alpha (α) galactosidase (Cc‐alpha Gal) at Cc11_g15950 copy (ω = 1.12), whereas strong purifying selection on deleterious mutations was observed in the Coffea canephora uridine diphosphate (UDP)‐glucose 4′‐epimerase (Cc‐UG4E) and Coffea canephora mannose‐1P guanylytransferase (Cc‐MGT) genes controlling the crucial nucleotide carbon sugar building blocks flux in the pathway. Relatively low sequence diversity and strong syntenic linkages were detected in all GM pathway genes except in Cc‐alpha Gal, which suggests a correlation between selection pressure and nucleotide diversity or synteny analysis. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed independent evolution or expansion of GM pathway genes in different plant species, with no obvious inferable clustering patterns according to either gene family or congruent with evolutionary plants lineages tested due to high dynamic nature and specific biochemical cell wall modification requirements. Altogether, our study shows a significant high rate of evolutionary variation among GM pathway genes in the diploid C. canephora and demonstrates the inherent variation in evolution of gene copies and their potential role in understanding selection rates in a homogenously connected metabolic pathway.  相似文献   

The rate of protein evolution varies more than 1000-fold and, for the past 30 years, it was thought that the rate was determined by protein function. Drummond and co-workers have now shown that a single factor underlying mRNA expression, protein abundance and synonymous codon usage is the chief causal agent of protein evolutionary rate in yeast. It will be interesting to see whether this is shown to be a universal rule for all biological systems.  相似文献   

Over a broad taxonomic range that spans monocots and dicots, upstream enzymes of the anthocyanin pigment pathway have evolved less rapidly than downstream enzymes. In this article we show that this pattern is also evident within the genus Ipomoea. Specifically, the most upstream enzyme, chalcone synthase (CHS-D), evolves more slowly than the two most downstream enzymes, ancyocyanidin synthase (ANS) and UDP glucose flavonoid 3-oxy-glucosyltransferase (UFGT). This pattern appears not to be due to variation in mutation rates, because the CHS-D gene exhibits higher synonymous substitution rates than the genes for the other two enzymes. Codon-based tests for positive selection suggest that it has been negligible or absent in all three genes. In addition, the mean number of indel-creating events is four times as high in the downstream genes as in CHS-D. Unlike the downstream genes, CHS-D also exhibits evidence of codon bias. Together, the evidence suggests that the difference in nonsynonymous substitution rates between upstream and downstream genes is due to relaxed constraint on the downstream genes rather than a greater frequency of positively selected substitutions.  相似文献   

Human propensities that are the products of Darwinian evolution may combine to generate a form of social behavior that is not itself a direct result of such pressure. This possibility may provide a satisfying explanation for the origin of socially transmitted rules such as the incest taboo. Similarly, the regulatory processes of development that generated adaptations to the environment in the circumstances in which they evolved can produce surprising and sometimes maladaptive consequences for the individual in modern conditions. These combinatorial aspects of social and developmental dynamics leave a subtle but not wholly uninteresting role for evolutionary biology in explaining the origins of human morality.  相似文献   

The high selectivity and throughput of tandem mass spectrometry allow for rapid identification and localization of various posttranslational protein modifications from complex mixtures by shotgun approaches. Although sequence database search algorithms provide necessary support to process the potentially enormous quantity of MS/MS spectra generated from large scale tandem mass spectrometry experiments, false positive identifications of peptide modifications may exist even after implementation of stringent identification criteria. In this report, we describe factors that lead to misinterpretation of MS/MS spectra as well as common chemical and experimental artifacts that generate false positives using the proteomics-based identification of tyrosine nitration as an example. In addition to the proposed manual validation criteria, the importance of peptide synthesis and subsequent MS/MS characterization for validation of peptide nitration demonstrated by several examples from earlier publications is also presented.  相似文献   

Sm proteins are members of a family of small proteins that are widespread in biosphere and found associated with RNA metabolism. To date, to our knowledge, only Arabidopsis SAD1 gene has been studied functionally in plant. In this study, 42 Sm genes are identified through comprehensive analysis in Arabidopsis. And a complete overview of this gene family is presented, including the gene structures, phylogeny, chromosome locations, selection pressure and expression. The results reveal that gene duplication contributes to the expansion of the Sm gene family in Arabidopsis genome, diverse expression patterns suggest their functional differentiation and divergence analysis indicates purifying selection as a key role in evolution. Our comparative genomics analysis of Sm genes will provide the first step towards the future experimental research on determining the functions of these genes.  相似文献   

Intronless genes, as a characteristic feature of prokaryotes, are an important resource for the study of the evolution of gene architecture in eukaryotes. In the study, 14,623 (36.87%) intronless genes in maize were identified and the percentage is greater than that of other monocots and algae. The number of maize intronless genes on each chromosome has a significant linear correlation with the number of total genes on the chromosome and the length of the chromosomes. Intronless genes in maize play important roles in translation and energy metabolism. Evolutionary analysis revealed that 2601 intronless genes conserved among the three domains of life and 2323 intronless genes that had no homology with genes of other species. These two sets of intronless genes were distinct in genetic features, physical locations and function. These results provided a useful source to understand the evolutionary patterns of related genes and genomes and some intronless genes are good candidates for subsequent functional analyses specifically.  相似文献   

Although insect herbivores are known to evolve resistance to insecticides through multiple genetic mechanisms, resistance in individual species has been assumed to follow the same mechanism. While both mutations in the target site insensitivity and increased amplification are known to contribute to insecticide resistance, little is known about the degree to which geographic populations of the same species differ at the target site in a response to insecticides. We tested structural (e.g., mutation profiles) and regulatory (e.g., the gene expression of Ldace1 and Ldace2, AChE activity) differences between two populations (Vermont, USA and Belchow, Poland) of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata in their resistance to two commonly used groups of insecticides, organophosphates, and carbamates. We established that Vermont beetles were more resistant to azinphos‐methyl and carbaryl insecticides than Belchow beetles, despite a similar frequency of resistance‐associated alleles (i.e., S291G) in the Ldace2 gene. However, the Vermont population had two additional amino acid replacements (G192S and F402Y) in the Ldace1 gene, which were absent in the Belchow population. Moreover, the Vermont population showed higher expression of Ldace1 and was less sensitive to AChE inhibition by azinphos‐methyl oxon than the Belchow population. Therefore, the two populations have evolved different genetic mechanisms to adapt to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides.  相似文献   

The evolutionary rate of duplicated genes under concerted evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mano S  Innan H 《Genetics》2008,180(1):493-505
The effect of directional selection on the fixation process of a single mutation that spreads in a multigene family by gene conversion is investigated. A simple two-locus model with two alleles, A and a, is first considered in a random-mating diploid population with size N. There are four haplotypes, AA, Aa, aA, and aa, and selection works on the number of alleles A in a diplod (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). Because gene conversion is allowed between the two loci, when the mutation rate is very low, either AA or aa will fix in the population eventually. We consider a situation where a single mutant, A, arises in one locus when a is fixed in both loci. Then, we derive the fixation probability analytically, and the fixation time is investigated by simulations. It is found that gene conversion has an effect to increase the "effective" population size, so that weak selection works more efficiently in a multigene family. With these results, we discuss the effect of gene conversion on the rate of molecular evolution in a multigene family undergoing concerted evolution. We also argue about the applicability of the theoretical results to models of multigene families with more than two loci.  相似文献   

We investigated the allelic nature and map locations of Hordeum vulgare (barley) homologs to three classes of Arabidopsis low temperature (LT) regulatory genes—CBFs, ICE1, and ZAT12—to determine if there were any candidates for winterhardiness-related quantitative trait loci (QTL). We phenotyped the Dicktoo × Morex (D×M) mapping population under controlled freezing conditions and in addition to the previously reported 5H-L Fr-H1 QTL, observed three additional LT tolerance QTLs on 1H-L, 4H-S, and 4H-L. We identified and assigned either linkage map or chromosome locations to 1 ICE1 homolog, 2 ZAT12 homologs, and 17 of 20 CBF homologs. Twelve of the CBF genes were located on 5H-L and the 11 with assigned linkage map positions formed 2 tandem clusters on 5H-L. A subset of these CBF genes was confirmed to be physically linked, validating the map position clustering. The tandem CBF clusters are not candidates for the D×M LT tolerance Fr-H1 QTL, as they are ~30 cM distal to the QTL peak. No LT tolerance QTL was detected in conjunction with the CBF gene clusters in Dicktoo × Morex. However, comparative mapping using common markers and BIN positions established the CBF clusters are coincident with reported Triticeae LT tolerance and COR gene accumulation QTLs and suggest one or more of the CBF genes may be candidates for Fr-H2 in some germplasm combinations. These results suggest members of the CBF gene family may function as components of winterhardiness in the Triticeae and underscore both the importance of extending results from model systems to economically important crop species and in viewing QTL mapping results in the context of multiple germplasm combinations. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

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