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RNA病毒利用外泌体促进病毒感染的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周昌娈  谭磊  丁铲 《微生物学通报》2017,44(12):2988-2996
外泌体是一种由细胞主动向胞外分泌的囊泡类小体,因其能在细胞间传递蛋白、脂类和核酸等分子,而被认为是一种新的重要的细胞间通讯方式。RNA病毒,如HIV-1、HCV等,作为一类重要的病原体,一直影响着全人类的健康。近来的研究发现,病毒能够利用外泌体的某些相关功能促进其复制与传播。然而,对外泌体与病毒感染的相关研究才刚刚起步,尚有很多方面并未被详细认知,所要研究的内容还有很多。本文主要总结了外泌体在一些RNA病毒感染中的促进作用及其可能的机制,以期让大家了解RNA病毒与外泌体之间已有的相互关系。  相似文献   

C L Liao  M M Lai 《Journal of virology》1992,66(10):6117-6124
Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a coronavirus, has been shown to undergo a high frequency of RNA recombination both in tissue culture and in animal infection. So far, RNA recombination has been demonstrated only between genomic RNAs of two coinfecting viruses. To understand the mechanism of RNA recombination and to further explore the potential of RNA recombination, we studied whether recombination could occur between a replicating MHV RNA and transfected RNA fragments. We first used RNA fragments which represented the 5' end of genomic-sense sequences of MHV RNA for transfection. By using polymerase chain reaction amplification with two specific primers, we were able to detect recombinant RNAs which incorporated the transfected fragment into the 5' end of the viral RNA in the infected cells. Surprisingly, even the anti-genomic-sense RNA fragments complementary to the 5' end of MHV genomic RNA could also recombine with the MHV genomic RNAs. This observation suggests that RNA recombination can occur during both positive- and negative-strand RNA synthesis. Furthermore, the recombinant RNAs could be detected in the virion released from the infected cells even after several passages of virus in tissue culture cells, indicating that these recombinant RNAs represented functional virion RNAs. The crossover sites of these recombinants were detected throughout the transfected RNA fragments. However, when an RNA fragment with a nine-nucleotide (CUUUAUAAA) deletion immediately downstream of a pentanucleotide (UCUAA) repeat sequence in the leader RNA was transfected into MHV-infected cells, most of the recombinants between this RNA and the MHV genome contained crossover sites near this pentanucleotide repeat sequence. In contrast, when exogenous RNAs with the intact nine-nucleotide sequence were used in similar experiments, the crossover sites of recombinants in viral genomic RNA could be detected at more-downstream sites. This study demonstrated that recombination can occur between replicating MHV RNAs and RNA fragments which do not replicate, suggesting the potential of RNA recombination for genetic engineering.  相似文献   

High negative electric potential inside mitochondria provides a driving force for mitochondria-targeted delivery of cargo molecules linked to hydrophobic penetrating cations. This principle is utilized in construction of mitochondria-targeted antioxidants (MTA) carrying quinone moieties which produce a number of health benefitting effects by protecting cells and organisms from oxidative stress. Here, a series of penetrating cations including MTA were shown to induce the release of the liposome-entrapped carboxyfluorescein anion (CF), but not of glucose or ATP. The ability to induce the leakage of CF from liposomes strongly depended on the number of carbon atoms in alkyl chain (n) of alkyltriphenylphosphonium and alkylrhodamine derivatives. In particular, the leakage of CF was maximal at n about 10-12 and substantially decreased at n = 16. Organic anions (palmitate, oleate, laurylsulfate) competed with CF for the penetrating cation-induced efflux. The reduced activity of alkylrhodamines with n = 16 or n = 18 as compared to that with n = 12 was ascribed to a lower rate of partitioning of the former into liposomal membranes, because electrical current relaxation studies on planar bilayer lipid membranes showed rather close translocation rate constants for alkylrhodamines with n = 18 and n = 12. Changes in the alkylrhodamine absorption spectra upon anion addition confirmed direct interaction between alkylrhodamines and the anion. Thus, mitochondria-targeted penetrating cations can serve as carriers of hydrophobic anions across bilayer lipid membranes.  相似文献   

We showed that the investigation of the selective association of phospholipids might contribute to the insight of the flip-flop diffusion processes. The process of selective association was studied quantitatively by testing the association probabilities for both parallel and anti-parallel orientations of the polar headgroups. The model of double chain binary mixture confirms a high capacity of phospholipids for self-association in parallel configuration of the electric dipole moments whether the cross-sectional area of the polar headgroups are in an usual range of 25–55 Å2. It is demonstrated that the aggregation of a class of phospholipids from a binary mixture is strongly dependent on the dipole-dipole interaction between the same phospholipids and is modulated by the magnitude of the electric dipole moment of the other phospholipids from that binary mixture. There are a great number of mechanisms involved in the transbilayer movement of phospholipids. We referred here only to the passive transport of lipids from one monolayer to the other. The flip-flop mechanisms raised in this paper are the breakdown of bilayer due to the increase of the packing density and the inversion of the coupled phospholipids from the opposite monolayers of the same bilayer. Thus, the pair formation promoting a drop in occupied volume decreases the packing pressure in the respective monolayer and consequently triggers a flip-flop into the other direction since the packing pressure in the other monolayer has not dropped. According to the present model for the binary mixtures of double-chain lipids, the rate of the flip-flop diffusion decreased by increasing the number of the methylene groups added to the acyl chain. This dependence may be perturbed whether the phospholipids possesses a very high cross-section area of the polar headgroups (a > 55 Å2). We think that the selective association of phospholipids is neither exclusively, nor only involved in promoting the transbilayer diffusion of phospholipids. Most probably, the selective association determines some phospholipid domains that attract certain particular proteins so that it can modulate the protein activity.  相似文献   

We describe a program, tRNAscan-SE, which identifies 99-100% of transfer RNA genes in DNA sequence while giving less than one false positive per 15 gigabases. Two previously described tRNA detection programs are used as fast, first-pass prefilters to identify candidate tRNAs, which are then analyzed by a highly selective tRNA covariance model. This work represents a practical application of RNA covariance models, which are general, probabilistic secondary structure profiles based on stochastic context-free grammars. tRNAscan-SE searches at approximately 30 000 bp/s. Additional extensions to tRNAscan-SE detect unusual tRNA homologues such as selenocysteine tRNAs, tRNA-derived repetitive elements and tRNA pseudogenes.  相似文献   

A lipid transfer protein, purified from bovine brain (23.7 kDa, 208 amino acids) and specific for glycolipids, has been used to develop a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay (anthrylvinyl-labeled lipids; energy donors and perylenoyl-labeled lipids; energy acceptors) for monitoring the transfer of lipids between membranes. Small unilamellar vesicles composed of 1 mol% anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide, 1.5 mol% perylenoyl-triglyceride, and 97.5% 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) served as donor membranes. Acceptor membranes were 100% POPC vesicles. Addition of glycolipid transfer protein to mixtures of donor and acceptor vesicles resulted in increasing emission intensity of anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide and decreasing emission intensity of the nontransferable perylenoyl-triglyceride as a function of time. The behavior was consistent with anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide being transferred from donor to acceptor vesicles. The anthrylvinyl and perylenoyl energy transfer pair offers advantages over frequently used energy transfer pairs such as NBD and rhodamine. The anthrylvinyl emission overlaps effectively the perylenoyl excitation spectrum and the fluorescence parameters of the anthrylvinyl fluorophore are nearly independent of the medium polarity. The nonpolar fluorophores are localized in the hydrophobic region of the bilayer thus producing minimal disturbance of the bilayer polar region. Our results indicate that this method is suitable for assay of lipid transfer proteins including mechanistic studies of transfer protein function.  相似文献   

Animal models have been used for decades in the Alzheimer's disease (AD) research field and have been crucial for the advancement of our understanding of the disease. Most models are based on familial AD mutations of genes involved in the amyloidogenic process, such as the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin 1 (PS1). Some models also incorporate mutations in tau (MAPT) known to cause frontotemporal dementia, a neurodegenerative disease that shares some elements of neuropathology with AD. While these models are complex, they fail to display pathology that perfectly recapitulates that of the human disease. Unfortunately, this level of pre-existing complexity creates a barrier to the further modification and improvement of these models. However, as the efficacy and safety of viral vectors improves, their use as an alternative to germline genetic modification is becoming a widely used research tool. In this review we discuss how this approach can be used to better utilize common mouse models in AD research. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Animal Models of Disease.  相似文献   

Biological lipid autoxidation has been studied in a model system composed of sonicated phospholipids as substrate and electron transfer proteins found in membranes as possible catalysts. Heme compounds, flavoproteins, and iron-sulfur proteins were examined for their ability to initiate lipid autoxidation. Among many heme compounds tested, the most active were hematin ?microperoxidase ? methemoglobin > cytochrome c. With fresh preparations of phospholipids, reaction rates (nanomoles of oxygen/minute nanomoles of heme) ranged from 5 (cytochrome c) to 350 (hematin). Only the oxidized heme compounds were active as catalysts. Reduced heme compounds, flavoproteins and riboflavin were inactive. In the presence of heme compounds, aged preparations of sonicated phospholipids were much more rapidly oxidized than fresh preparations. They also had a higher content of fatty acid hydroperoxides as judged from their characteristic diene absorption peak at 234 nm. This observation agrees with the postulated mechanism of lipid autoxidation by heme compounds, namely, homolytic scission of preformed fatty acid hydroperoxides. Iron-sulfur proteins were also active as initiators of lipid autoxidation when destabilized in the presence of an appropriate iron chelator (o-phenanthroline or 2,2′-bipyridine) or a chaotropic ion. Oxygen uptake rates (nanomoles of oxygen/minute × milligrams of protein) varied from about 200 for an iron-sulfur protein isolated from complex I to about 5500 for Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin. However, per nanomole of labile sulfide, the rates for all active iron-sulfur proteins were 4–7 nmol of oxygen/min × nmol of labile sulfide.Superoxide-generating systems did not initiate lipid autoxidation, nor did erythrocuprein inhibit the autoxidations induced by heme compounds or ferredoxin. However, lipid oxidations induced by two other iron-sulfur proteins were partially inhibited by erythrocuprein. It is concluded that in the above system Superoxide anion is neither an initiator nor an obligatory intermediate of lipid autoxidation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-stabilized lipid bilayer disks as model membranes for surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor analyses. Nanosized bilayer disks that included 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[biotinyl(polyethylene glycol)2000] (DSPE-PEG2000-biotin) were prepared and structurally characterized by cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) imaging. The biotinylated disks were immobilized via streptavidin to three different types of sensor chips (CM3, CM4, and CM5) varying in their degree of carboxymethylation and thickness of the dextran matrix. The bilayer disks were found to interact with and bind stably to the streptavidin-coated sensor surfaces. As a first step toward the use of these bilayer disks as model membranes in SPR-based studies of membrane proteins, initial investigations were carried out with cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 (COX 1 and COX 2). Bilayer disks were preincubated with the respective protein and thereafter allowed to interact with the sensor surface. The signal resulting from the interaction was, in both cases, significantly enhanced as compared with the signal obtained when disks alone were injected over the surface. The results of the study suggest that bilayer disks constitute a new and promising type of model membranes for SPR-based biosensor studies.  相似文献   

Cellular membranes have been suggested as possible loci for the development of the oxygen effect in radiobiology. Unsaturated lipids from membranes are subject to very efficient radiation-induced peroxidation, and the deleterious effects generally associated with lipid autoxidation could be initiated by ionizing radiation. Oxidative damage in lipids is characterized not only by high yields but also by a profound dose-rate effect. At dose-rates of X-irradiation below 100 rad/min, a very sharp rise occurs in oxidative damage. This damage has been quantified spectrophotometrically in terms of diene conjugation (O.D. 234 mm) and chromatographically in terms of specific 9- and 13-hydroperoxide formation in linoleic acid micelles. Radical scavenging experiments indicate that hydroxyl radical attack initiates the oxidative damage. Dimethyl sulphoxide is exceptional in that it does not protect, but sensitizes, linoleic acid to radiation induced peroxidation. The yields of hydroperoxides are substantial (G=10--40) and can be related to biological changes known to be effected by autoxidizing lipids.  相似文献   

The dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO) is used to label cardiolipin domains in mitochondria and bacteria. The present work represents the first study on the binding of NAO with archaebacterial lipid membranes. By combining absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy with fluorescence microscopy studies, we investigated the interaction of the dye with (a) authentic standards of archaebacterial cardiolipins, phospholipids and sulfoglycolipids; (b) isolated membranes; (c) living cells of a square-shaped extremely halophilic archaeon. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy data indicate that the interaction of NAO with archaebacterial cardiolipin analogues is similar to that occurring with diacidic phospholipids and sulfoglycolipids, suggesting as molecular determinants for NAO binding to archaebacterial lipids the presence of two acidic residues or a combination of acidic and carbohydrate residues. In agreement with absorption spectroscopy data, fluorescence data indicate that NAO fluorescence in archaeal membranes cannot be exclusively attributed to bisphosphatidylglycerol and, therefore, different from mitochondria and bacteria, the dye cannot be used as a cardiolipin specific probe in archaeal microorganisms.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer proteins have important roles in cellular biology, and fluorescence spectroscopy has found wide range use as a facile means for time-resolved monitoring of protein-lipid interactions. Here, we show how the fluorescence emission properties of dansyl-DHPE can be exploited to characterize lipid extraction and lipid transfer kinetics. The GM2 activator protein serves as an example of a lipid transfer protein where the ability to independently characterize lipid extraction from donor vesicles, formation of a protein:lipid complex in solution, and release of lipid from the complex to acceptor liposomes is crucial for full kinetic characterization of lipid transfer.  相似文献   

Despite the vast excess of cellular RNAs, precisely two copies of viral genomic RNA (gRNA) are selectively packaged into new human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) particles via specific interactions between the HIV-1 Gag and the gRNA psi (ψ) packaging signal. Gag consists of the matrix (MA), capsid, nucleocapsid (NC), and p6 domains. Binding of the Gag NC domain to ψ is necessary for gRNA packaging, but the mechanism by which Gag selectively interacts with ψ is unclear. Here, we investigate the binding of NC and Gag variants to an RNA derived from ψ (Psi RNA), as well as to a non-ψ region (TARPolyA). Binding was measured as a function of salt to obtain the effective charge (Zeff) and nonelectrostatic (i.e., specific) component of binding, Kd(1M). Gag binds to Psi RNA with a dramatically reduced Kd(1M) and lower Zeff relative to TARPolyA. NC, GagΔMA, and a dimerization mutant of Gag bind TARPolyA with reduced Zeff relative to WT Gag. Mutations involving the NC zinc finger motifs of Gag or changes to the G-rich NC-binding regions of Psi RNA significantly reduce the nonelectrostatic component of binding, leading to an increase in Zeff. These results show that Gag interacts with gRNA using different binding modes; both the NC and MA domains are bound to RNA in the case of TARPolyA, whereas binding to Psi RNA involves only the NC domain. Taken together, these results suggest a novel mechanism for selective gRNA encapsidation.  相似文献   

Electron transfer (ET) through RNA duplexes possessing 2'-O-pyrenylmethy uridine (Upy) and 5-bromouracil (BrU) as an electron donor and accepter set was investigated. Reductive decomposition of the BrU resulted from the ET over long distances (up to ten AU base pairs) was detected in the RNA conjugates. The RNA mediated ET from the pyrene to BrU showed dual distance dependence. This is well consistent with the previous observation for ET from Upy to nitrobenzene in RNA. In contrast, little or no reductive decomposition of the BrU was observed in the DNA conjugates when the Upy and BrU were separated by more than four AT base pairs.  相似文献   

Prasad A  Pospíšil P 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22345
Reactive oxygen species formed as a response to various abiotic and biotic stresses cause an oxidative damage of cellular component such are lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Lipid peroxidation is considered as one of the major processes responsible for the oxidative damage of the polyunsaturated fatty acid in the cell membranes. Various methods such as a loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids, amount of the primary and the secondary products are used to monitor the level of lipid peroxidation. To investigate the use of ultra-weak photon emission as a non-invasive tool for monitoring of lipid peroxidation, the involvement of lipid peroxidation in ultra-weak photon emission was studied in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Lipid peroxidation initiated by addition of exogenous linoleic acid to the cells was monitored by ultra-weak photon emission measured with the employment of highly sensitive charged couple device camera and photomultiplier tube. It was found that the addition of linoleic acid to the cells significantly increased the ultra-weak photon emission that correlates with the accumulation of lipid peroxidation product as measured using thiobarbituric acid assay. Scavenging of hydroxyl radical by mannitol, inhibition of intrinsic lipoxygenase by catechol and removal of molecular oxygen considerably suppressed ultra-weak photon emission measured after the addition of linoleic acid. The photon emission dominated at the red region of the spectrum with emission maximum at 680 nm. These observations reveal that the oxidation of linoleic acid by hydroxyl radical and intrinsic lipoxygenase results in the ultra-weak photon emission. Electronically excited species such as excited triplet carbonyls are the likely candidates for the primary excited species formed during the lipid peroxidation, whereas chlorophylls are the final emitters of photons. We propose here that the ultra-weak photon emission can be used as a non-invasive tool for the detection of lipid peroxidation in the cell membranes.  相似文献   

The severe pneumonia known as Legionnaires' disease occurs following infection by the Gram‐negative bacterium Legionella pneumophila. Normally resident in fresh‐water sources, Legionella are subject to predation by eukaryotic phagocytes such as amoeba and ciliates. To counter this, L. pneumophila has evolved a complex system of effector proteins which allow the bacteria to hijack the phagocytic vacuole, hiding and replicating within their erstwhile killers. These same mechanisms allow L. pneumophila to hijack another phagocyte, lung‐based macrophages, which thus avoids a vital part of the immune system and leads to infection. The course of infection can be divided into five main categories: pathogen uptake, formation of the replication‐permissive vacuole, intracellular replication, host cell response, and bacterial exit. L. pneumophila effector proteins target every stage of this process, interacting with secretory, endosomal, lysosomal, retrograde and autophagy pathways, as well as with mitochondria. Each of these steps can be studied in protozoa or mammalian cells, and the knowledge gained can be readily applied to human pathogenicity. Here we describe the manner whereby L. pneumophila infects host protozoa, the various techniques which are available to analyse these processes and the implications of this model for Legionella virulence and the pathogenesis of Legionnaires' disease.  相似文献   

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