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The influenza A virus genome consists of eight RNA segments that associate with the viral polymerase proteins (PB1, PB2, and PA) and nucleoprotein (NP) to form ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs). The viral NS1 protein was previously shown to associate with these complexes, although it was not clear which RNP component mediated the interaction. Using individual TAP (tandem affinity purification)-tagged PB1, PB2, PA, and NP, we demonstrated that the NS1 protein interacts specifically with NP and not the polymerase subunits. The region of NS1 that binds NP was mapped to the RNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

The influenza virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is capable of initiating replication but mainly catalyzes abortive RNA synthesis in the absence of viral and host regulatory factors. Previously, we reported that IREF-1/minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex stimulates a de novo initiated replication reaction by stabilizing an initiated replication complex through scaffolding between the viral polymerase and nascent cRNA to which MCM binds. In addition, several lines of genetic and biochemical evidence suggest that viral nucleoprotein (NP) is involved in successful replication. Here, using cell-free systems, we have shown the precise stimulatory mechanism of virus genome replication by NP. Stepwise cell-free replication reactions revealed that exogenously added NP free of RNA activates the viral polymerase during promoter escape while it is incapable of encapsidating the nascent cRNA. However, we found that a previously identified cellular protein, RAF-2p48/NPI-5/UAP56, facilitates replication reaction-coupled encapsidation as an NP molecular chaperone. These findings demonstrate that replication of the virus genome is followed by its encapsidation by NP in collaboration with its chaperone.  相似文献   

Inbred SPRET/Ei mice, derived from Mus spretus, were found to be extremely resistant to infection with a mouse adapted influenza A virus. The resistance was strongly linked to distal chromosome 16, where the interferon-inducible Mx1 gene is located. This gene encodes for the Mx1 protein which stimulates innate immunity to Orthomyxoviruses. The Mx1 gene is defective in most inbred mouse strains, but PCR revealed that SPRET/Ei carries a functional allele. The Mx1 proteins of M. spretus and A2G, the other major resistant strain derived from Mus musculus, share 95.7% identity. We were interested whether the sequence variations between the two Mx1 alleles have functional significance. To address this, we used congenic mouse strains containing the Mx1 gene from M. spretus or A2G in a C57BL/6 background. Using a highly pathogenic influenza virus strain, we found that the B6.spretus-Mx1 congenic mice were better protected against infection than the B6.A2G-Mx1 mice. This effect may be due to different Mx1 induction levels, as was shown by RT-PCR and Western blot. We conclude that SPRET/Ei is a novel Mx1-positive inbred strain useful to study the biology of Mx1.  相似文献   

We synthesized the sialylphosphatidylethanolamine (sialyl PE) derivatives Neu5Ac-PE, (Neu5Ac)2-PE, Neu5Ac-PE (amide) and Neu5Ac-PE (methyl). We examined the anti-viral effects of the derivatives on human influenza A virus infection by ELISA/virus-binding, hemagglutination inhibition, hemolysis inhibition and neutralization assays. The sialyl PE derivatives that we examined bound to A/Aichi/2/68, A/Singapore/1/57 and A/Memphis/1/71 strains of H3N2 subtype, but not to A/PR/8/34 strain of H1N1 subtype. The derivatives inhibited viral hemagglutination and hemolysis of human erythrocytes with A/Aichi/2/68 and A/Singapore/1/57 (H3N2), but not with A/PR/8/34 (H1N1). The inhibitory activity of the (Neu5Ac)2-PE derivative was the strongest of all sialyl PE derivatives (IC50, 35 M to 40 M). Sialyl PE derivatives also inhibited the infection of A/Aichi/2/68 in MDCK cells. Complete inhibition was observed at a concentration between 0.3 to 1.3 mM. IC50 of (Neu5Ac)2-PE was 15 M in A/Aichi/2/68 strain. Taken together, the synthetic sialyl PE derivatives may be effective reagents against infection of some types of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

The nucleoprotein (NP) of influenza A virus plays a crucial role in virus replication, infectivity, and host adaptation. As a major component of the viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (vRNP), NP initiates vRNP shuttling between the nucleus and cytoplasm in the host cell. However, the characteristics of the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of NP from H1N1 influenza A virus still remain unclear. In the present study, the subcellular localization and the related key residues of the H1N1 influenza virus NP were identified and evaluated. The NP of influenza virus A/WSN/33 (H1N1; WSN) displayed a more obvious nuclear accumulation than A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9; AH) and A/chicken/Shandong/lx1023/2007 (H9N2; SD). NP residue K4, located in NLS1, and residue F253, located in NES3, from WSN NP are not conserved in H7N9 and H9N2, which instead encode Q4 and I253, respectively. Crucially, these residues are involved in the regulation of NP nucleocytoplasmic shuttling through interactions with CRM1 and importin‐α. Moreover, residues at position 253 also play important roles in the replication of the virus, resulting in an increase in vRNP polymerase activity and an alteration of the cell tropism and pathogenicity in mice. The present data revealed a pivotal role of the Q4 and I253 residues of NP from H7N9 in enhancing the cytoplasmic accumulation of NP and vRNP activity compared to the K4 and F253 residues in WSN‐NP. In addition, an F253I substitution in the NP of WSN altered the survival ratio of infected mice and the growth curve in infected avian‐origin cells (DF‐1). The current data indicate that the F253I mutation results in attenuated pathogenicity of the virus in mice and altered cell tropism. The present study demonstrated the dissimilarity in subcellular NP transport processes between H1N1 virus WSN and other influenza A virus strains, as well as uncovered the mechanism responsible for this difference.  相似文献   

The influenza viruses contain a segmented, negative strand RNA genome. Each RNA segment is covered by multiple copies of the nucleoprotein (NP) and is associated with the polymerase complex into ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles. Despite its importance in the virus life cycle, the interactions between the NP and the genome are not well understood. Here, we studied the assembly process of NP-RNA oligomers and analyzed how the oligomeric/monomeric status of RNA-free NP affects RNA binding and oligomerization. Recombinant wild-type NP purified in low salt concentrations and a derived mutant engineered for oligomerization deficiency (R416A) were mainly monomeric in RNA-free solutions as shown by biochemical and electron microscopy techniques. NP monomer formed with RNA a fast 1/1 complex characterized by surface plasmon resonance. In a subsequent and slow process that depended on the RNA length, oligomerization of NP was mediated by RNA binding. In contrast, preparations of wild-type NP purified in high salt concentrations as well as mutant Y148A engineered for deficiency in nucleic acid binding were partly or totally oligomeric in RNA-free solutions. These trimer/tetramer NP oligomers bind directly as oligomers to RNA with a higher affinity than that of the monomers. Both oligomerization routes we characterized could be exploited by cellular or viral factors to modulate or control viral RNA encapsidation by NP.  相似文献   

The mitogenic activity of influenza virus is a function of the hemagglutinin (HA) molecule. Purified HA is mitogenic for murine B lymphocytes but not T lymphocytes. Furthermore, like the intact virus, HA of the H2 (but not H3) subtype is mitogenic only for B cells expressing the class II major histocompatibility complex glycoprotein I-E. Since virus bearing uncleaved HA is as mitogenic as virus bearing cleaved HA, the membrane fusion activity of the HA molecule is not involved.  相似文献   

Most viruses enter cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis. However, the entry mechanisms used by many of them remain unclear. Also largely unknown is the way in which viruses are targeted to cellular endocytic machinery. We have studied the entry mechanisms of influenza viruses by tracking the interaction of single viruses with cellular endocytic structures in real time using fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that influenza can exploit clathrin-mediated and clathrin- and caveolin-independent endocytic pathways in parallel, both pathways leading to viral fusion with similar efficiency. Remarkably, viruses taking the clathrin-mediated pathway enter cells via the de novo formation of clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) at viral-binding sites. CCP formation at these sites is much faster than elsewhere on the cell surface, suggesting a virus-induced CCP formation mechanism that may be commonly exploited by many other types of viruses.  相似文献   

Evolution of the nucleoprotein gene of influenza A virus   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleotide sequences of 24 nucleoprotein (NP) genes isolated from a wide range of hosts, geographic regions, and influenza A virus serotypes and 18 published NP gene sequences were analyzed to determine evolutionary relationships. The phylogeny of NP genes was determined by a maximum-parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that NP genes have evolved into five host-specific lineages, including (i) Equine/Prague/56 (EQPR56), (ii) recent equine strains, (iii) classic swine (H1N1 swine, e.g., A/Swine/Iowa/15/30) and human strains, (iv) gull H13 viruses, and (v) avian strains (including North American, Australian, and Old World subgroups). These NP lineages match the five RNA hybridization groups identified by W. J. Bean (Virology 133:438-442, 1984). Maximum nucleotide differences among the NPs was 18.5%, but maximum amino acid differences reached only 10.8%, reflecting the conservative nature of the NP protein. Evolutionary rates varied among lineages; the human lineage showed the highest rate (2.54 nucleotide changes per year), followed by the Old World avian lineage (2.17 changes per year) and the recent equine lineage (1.22 changes per year). The per-nucleotide rates of human and avian NP gene evolution (1.62 x 10(-3) to 1.39 x 10(-3) changes per year) are lower than that reported for human NS genes (2.0 x 10(-3) changes per year; D. A. Buonagurio, S. Nakada, J. D. Parvin, M. Krystal, P. Palese, and W. M. Fitch, Science 232:980-982, 1986). Of the five NP lineages, the human lineage showed the greatest evolution at the amino acid level; over a period of 50 years, human NPs have accumulated 39 amino acid changes. In contrast, the avian lineage showed remarkable conservatism; over the same period, avian NP proteins changed by 0 to 10 amino acids. The specificity of the H13 NP in gulls and its distinct evolutionary separation from the classic avian lineage suggests that H13 NPs may have a large degree of adaptation to gulls. The presence of avian and human NPs in some swine isolates demonstrates the susceptibility of swine to different virus strains and supports the hypothesis that swine may serve as intermediates for the introduction of avian influenza virus genes into the human virus gene pool. EQPR56 is relatively distantly related to all other NP lineages, which suggests that this NP is rooted closest to the ancestor of all contemporary NPs. On the basis of estimation of evolutionary rates from nucleotide branch distances, current NP lineages are at least 100 years old, and the EQPR56 NP is much older.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Influenza A virus nucleoprotein (NP) forms homo-oligomers and multiple copies of NP wrap around genomic RNA, along with a trimeric polymerase making up ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. Sequence comparison of more than 2500 influenza A NP showed that this protein contains 30.1 % of polymorphic residues. NP is composed of a head and a body domain and a tail loop/ linker region. The head domain is more conserved than the body domain, as revealed from the structure-based sequence alignment. NP oligomerization is mediated by the insertion of the non-polymorphic and structurally conserved tail loop of one NP molecule to a groove of another NP. The different form of NP oligomers is due to the flexibility of the polymorphic linkers that join the tail loop to the rest of the protein. The RNA binding property of NP is known to involve the protruding element and the flexible basic loop between the head and body domains, both having high degree of primary sequence conservation. To bind RNA, NP may first capture the RNA by the flexible basic loop and then the RNA is clamped by the protruding element.  相似文献   

Influenza virus infection causes considerable morbidity and mortality, but current therapies have limited efficacy. We hypothesized that investigating the metabolic signaling during infection may help to design innovative antiviral approaches. Using bronchoalveolar lavages of infected mice, we here demonstrate that influenza virus induces a major reprogramming of lung metabolism. We focused on mitochondria‐derived succinate that accumulated both in the respiratory fluids of virus‐challenged mice and of patients with influenza pneumonia. Notably, succinate displays a potent antiviral activity in vitro as it inhibits the multiplication of influenza A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 strains and strongly decreases virus‐triggered metabolic perturbations and inflammatory responses. Moreover, mice receiving succinate intranasally showed reduced viral loads in lungs and increased survival compared to control animals. The antiviral mechanism involves a succinate‐dependent posttranslational modification, that is, succinylation, of the viral nucleoprotein at the highly conserved K87 residue. Succinylation of viral nucleoprotein altered its electrostatic interactions with viral RNA and further impaired the trafficking of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes. The finding that succinate efficiently disrupts the influenza replication cycle opens up new avenues for improved treatment of influenza pneumonia.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of several fish viruses to induce protection against homologous or heterologous viruses in single or double infections, and assessed whether such protection is correlated with innate immunity or expression of the Mx gene. Monolayers of BF2 cells pre-treated with supernatants of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) macrophage cultures that had been stimulated with either polyinosinic polycytidylic acid (poly I:C) or viruses, such as infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV), infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) or a mixture of the two, showed varying degrees of protection against viral infections. The virus showing the strongest induction was IPNV, and the antiviral activity against IHNV was also high: around 6 log(10) reduction of virus yield. Consequently, the IPNV-IHNV co-infection yield was also reduced by varying amounts. In vivo, the cumulative mortality observed in the IPNV-IHNV co-infected fish was always less than that in those with a single infection. Stimulation with poly I:C for 7 days significantly reduced cumulative mortality in single-infected fish, but not in the double-infected, in which the IPNV was the only virus isolated from moribund animals. By RT-PCR, Mx was expressed in all the organ samples tested (kidney, liver and spleen) from virus-stimulated fish at 1, 2 and 3 days. By qRT-PCR the extent and timing of Mx expression was shown to differ in the poly I:C and the single or dual viral infections. The highest increase in Mx expression (21.6-fold above basal levels) occurred (after 24 h) in fish infected with the IHNV, and expression remained high until day 7. Mx expression in fish infected with IPNV peaked later, at 2 days post infection, and also remained high until day 7. The dual infection with IPNV-IHNV induced high Mx expression on day 1, which peaked on day 2 and remained high until day 7. These results indicate that activation of the immune system could explain the interference and loss of IHNV in the IPNV-IHNV co-infections.  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses containing the promoter mutations G3A/C8U in a given segment express increased levels of the corresponding viral protein during infection due to increased levels of mRNA or cRNA species. The replication of these recombinant viruses is attenuated, and they have an enhanced shedding of noninfectious particles and are incapable of antagonizing interferon (IFN) effectively. Our findings highlight the possibility of increasing influenza virus protein expression and the need for a delicate balance between influenza viral replication, protein expression, and assembly.  相似文献   

Mice carrying a wild-type Mx1 gene (Mx1+/+) differ from standard laboratory mice (Mx1-/-) in being highly resistant to infection with common laboratory strains of influenza A virus. We report that Mx1 also protects mice against the pandemic human 1918 influenza virus and a highly lethal human H5N1 strain from Vietnam. Resistance to H5N1 of Mx1+/+ but not Mx1-/- mice was enhanced if the animals were treated with a single dose of exogenous alpha interferon before infection. Thus, the interferon-induced resistance factor Mx1 represents a key component of the murine innate immune system that mediates protection against epidemic and pandemic influenza viruses.  相似文献   

Emergence of influenza A viruses.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Pandemic influenza in humans is a zoonotic disease caused by the transfer of influenza A viruses or virus gene segments from animal reservoirs. Influenza A viruses have been isolated from avian and mammalian hosts, although the primary reservoirs are the aquatic bird populations of the world. In the aquatic birds, influenza is asymptomatic, and the viruses are in evolutionary stasis. The aquatic bird viruses do not replicate well in humans, and these viruses need to reassort or adapt in an intermediate host before they emerge in human populations. Pigs can serve as a host for avian and human viruses and are logical candidates for the role of intermediate host. The transmission of avian H5N1 and H9N2 viruses directly to humans during the late 1990s showed that land-based poultry also can serve between aquatic birds and humans as intermediate hosts of influenza viruses. That these transmission events took place in Hong Kong and China adds further support to the hypothesis that Asia is an epicentre for influenza and stresses the importance of surveillance of pigs and live-bird markets in this area.  相似文献   

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